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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78049661 No.78049661 [Reply] [Original]

Today Nina dives back into the slightly weird JRPG franchise called Towelket.

>who is Nina?
Welcome to /nina/! This thread is dedicated to Nina Saotome, an indie VTuber and VSinger. Her content includes gaming (retro, kusoge, RPGs...), zatsudan and singing.
She is known for her powerful and sultry singing voice, her sisterly personality and her hard work.

>Interested in how Nina sings?
Here is a small selection of her covers:

>Other links and resources
R18: https://x.com/hashtag/Ninintai?src=hashtag_click&f=live
>Unofficial VOD archives
New: https://youtube.com/@NinaVODs
Old: https://youtube.com/@annalsoflevtia2846

>Related threads
Large indies >>>/vt//lig/
Western VTubers >>>/vt//wvt/

Previous thread: >>77897043

>> No.78049798
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I love Nina so much, bros.

>> No.78049795

I like Nina but don't tell her it's my secret

>> No.78049829
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Lads, I bloody love Nina!

>> No.78049851
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Nina? Love her

>> No.78049976

For anyone who didn't see it, 3D Nina is looking good

>> No.78050050
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Damn that looks good.

>> No.78050281

Something something glasshouse again.

>> No.78050322

that's a very faithful representation, 3D usually looks pretty weird

>> No.78050340

>full gloves

>> No.78050534

did she abandon the africattos?

>> No.78050552
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some wip footage

>> No.78050570

no, and one of them's an anglerfish now

>> No.78050650
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I've got high hopes, this one seems to be on their game
They made the Lumine model for this animation, and is working on Yuy's model.

>> No.78050806

we literally raided tanya twice in the last two weeks dude

>> No.78050868


>> No.78050904

Maybe he's so old he only remembers Rose

>> No.78051000

Blue ass good.

>> No.78051088

That reminds me, I still need to find some pepsi blue

>> No.78051102

>disabled the zoomzoom
Chat hate.

>> No.78051145

She should just change scenes with the zoom disabled

>> No.78051321

You have to remember that the majority of twitch chatters are retards who never learn

>> No.78051347

Hope she does Yötön Yö at some point.
Did she ever say if she was gonna play AW2 on stream?

>> No.78051495

Nina impregnation sex

>> No.78051511

>got her guts re-arranged
It's so over.

>> No.78051573

Nina needs to buy a nice big toy to do some deep tissue stuff with

>> No.78051591

yeah, by me

>> No.78051600

She says it's legit but that place really sounds like a brothel

>> No.78051634

>Baby center
oh erotic

>> No.78051645

If Nina wants her chakras realigned she just has to call me

>> No.78051685

She needs to talk to Alice about franky

>> No.78052001

Didn't she say she was dropping this game the last time she played it

>> No.78052056

It's not the same retardshibe.

>> No.78052058

Different game

>> No.78052067

That was Athenian Rhapsody

>> No.78052186

Is anyone headed to Vexpo in August, since Nina will be in attendance?

I haven't seen any posts on the server get togethers channel on Nina's discord

>> No.78052228

Zatsu on the starting screen, my beloved.

>> No.78052257

This was actually kino, the first game.

I'm from mainland europe and can't go this year - I will aim to spare days off next year if she does M&G

>> No.78052293

this is the molester rat game, not the reddit undertale

>> No.78052294

been thinking of going but none of the events even have confirmed dates on their website

>> No.78052320

If it was closer to me and I was less shameless I would go.

>> No.78052331

I'm thinking about it, it's not too far away from me. I think the meet and greet thing is a lottery system so it depends on if I can win a spot

>> No.78052655

Daydreaming about Nina and Soya double footsies again

>> No.78053015 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.78053041
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I was thinking of trying to get a maker exchange of sorts going with attending Shibes. I guess I'll broach the subject in the Nina-cord at some point.

>> No.78053248

I'm not in the discord but I'll let you know here when I decide, I'm assuming we'll get more info about it soon

>> No.78053475

Nice to see your shibes are printing well

>> No.78053777

Ty, but I still can't seem to get it juuuuust right
there's still a bit of blooming along the side, once their painted I expect they'll look okay though.
I think I'll switch to a tighter layer height for the next set see if that eliminates striping

>> No.78053815

do these have their ties now?

>> No.78053991

I hope someone clipped that

>> No.78054294

Which bit? She made a load of nininZoom comments in the past few mins

>> No.78054440

the poke/moan/poke/moan

>> No.78054603

Assuming that Soya got into Holo, do you think they will ever interact in public again or will they keep it under covers to keep the chance of Nina ever getting in on the future?[\spoiler]

>> No.78054726

Well, according to their investment shit they arn't planning another EN wave for now, sooo

>> No.78054735

No ties yet, I'm going to work on a Shibe v2.0 sculpt one of these days. Could always paint them on I suppose

>> No.78054836

If Soya will drop Nina after all the trips and time spent together, how they drew hearts in the snow and stuff, it would've been killer for me. Life is brutal.

>> No.78054961

I don't believe the rrat that she's going holo, but if she did I believe there would be interactions between the two.

>> No.78054990

They would just not collab or interact in public

>> No.78055359

...I don't like this game anymore.

>> No.78055384

well this game went somewhere.

>> No.78055531

Hold on was she just raped by a cow

>> No.78055552

Nina came inside so it was making love.

>> No.78055625

Freya visiting Nina in 2 weeks?

>> No.78055729

is cross breeding christian?

>> No.78055787

>Stream died for me just before she showed pregnant Arnold

>> No.78055789

Was this confirmed somewhere?

>> No.78055887

He spinning his rrats. Freya asked in chat if we could watch the funny preggo Arnold movie in two weeks.

>> No.78056081
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>> No.78056102

I haven't caught up on my bible studies recently UUUU I miss Abi but I don't think Jesus ever talked about cow fucking

>> No.78056118
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>> No.78056135

I'd believe it. Freya usually becomes active in her streams and Discord when they have a collab planned.

>> No.78056167

kinda grifty behaviour

>> No.78056313

kinda schizo post

>> No.78056416

friends that only appear when they want shit from you aren't good friends anon

also amazing amount of oneliners from nina holy

>> No.78056427

Makes me miss bean offcollabs

>> No.78056471

are you autistic or just pretending to be stupid?

>> No.78056501

I learned about Nina from shondo a little while ago but haven't gotten into her much yet but I'm curious, what is Nina to you? Onee san, imouto, daughterwife etc?

>> No.78056600
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my wife

>> No.78056602

Our idol and little big sister (wife)

>> No.78056642

this >>78056602
but lore wise we are her caretakers

>> No.78056729

A bit of everything, understandable desu

>> No.78056843

Freya probably has to pick up some of the merch she has to sell for Nina at Dokomi too, another reason to visit

>> No.78057246

>Lewd clothes and lipstick

>> No.78057457

And the pantsu on head.

>> No.78057691
File: 1.19 MB, 2760x2760, 20240613_210355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the shibes have been de-sprued they get to ride the UV carousel, tomorrow they get a nice cream coloured base

>> No.78057880

wft bro don't take photos of the gestalt project mind-meld chamber

>> No.78058195

oh you resin print them? I thought these are regular prints

>> No.78059050

So far I like this game more than its predecessor.

>> No.78059115

Its an amazing stream

>> No.78059156

I like how Nina has gone a bit more unhinged than usual to go with the mood.

>> No.78059370

Yup, I tried Elegoo 8K resin for this print
I suppose they could've been done with filament printing, the design isn't all that complicated

>> No.78059500

The shadows make it look like a magic circle kek

>> No.78059562

AIsloppashibe. Do your thing.

>> No.78059575

This is the ritual needed to supply Nina with magic power.

>> No.78059621

it does kek

>> No.78059878

Shibes performing a mana transfer on Nina...

>> No.78060629

>Transferring our mana so she can be our healer and nurse us back to health after we get injured in battle
It's a win win on both sides

>> No.78061460

is it a Fate style mana transfer?

>> No.78061520

>another shibe_ch stream
Easy on the copypasta shibes.

>> No.78061693

Was that a really bad attempt at a sex joke

>> No.78061941

The animal...

>> No.78062273


>> No.78062350


>> No.78062367

what talk did I miss, what was that about he said, she said?

>> No.78062493

Some slag said she was spiked at a concert and asked to have sex with Till Lindemann
The band denied everything and in the end cops decided that she simply got too shitfaced and blacked out

>> No.78062605
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Finally, some Rammstein after so long.
This game is even stranger than the first but Nina seems to be enjoying it. Make sure you're mentally ready for the estrogen attack tomorrow.

>> No.78062749

It felt like mentioning Rammstien anywhere was pretty much taboo for aaaaaaages
glad that shit is over.

>> No.78062756

I always knew you couldn't trust cows/10. It was a wacky one and tomorrow sounds like more of the same

>> No.78062867

Not sure how I will survive the estrogen attack tomorrow/10
Shitposting aside, this was a very solid stream. I'm a bit sad she didn't raid Tanya. We need Barbie unity more than anything nowadays.

>> No.78062868

fake christian

>> No.78062912

Really? I didn't even know this controversy was a thing, I just remember /pol/ getting butthurt at their latest albums and them getting in some legal trouble over pyrotechnics and messing with dildos on scene in US way back in the day

>> No.78062916
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zatsu, kino, rammstein, what else a man needs/10

>> No.78062924

You're late Moriko. Your bed is waiting for you.

>> No.78062932

Which small chuubas should Nina groom?

>> No.78063014

She should groom (me).

>> No.78063026

Kuu raided her earlier. Say what you want about her brainworms, but she's fun, has a nice voice and also likes to karaoke and get drunk on stream.

>> No.78063087
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>> No.78063354

Everybody's getting laid out of 10

>> No.78063369

Educate me about Nina, I don't know much of anything about her, didn't she used to have a mommy model? How come she did a 180 into loli?

>> No.78063458

She's an office lady with a magical girl fetish
Her mommy model was fucked up because the artist didn't actually know how to make live2d models so it had a very short and sad life

>> No.78063477
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Nina started out as a Christmas Cake OL because that's what she actually is. Then she went more magical girl because she likes them.
After that she had a scuffed booba model that everyone is trying to forget about.
Now she's Lolina because she's a lolicon and it matches her personality best.

>> No.78063515

Yeah she used to be big booba, but the loli model has been in the cooker for almost 3 years. Becoming loli was always her goal for the most of her career.

>> No.78063655

People forget this loli model was commissioned literally just after the original. It was supposed to be the actual next model. So 3 years or so in the making. But at least we got the lore now


>> No.78063778

I love Nina so much.

>> No.78063805

The other day Nina mentioned that she was more like her OG model at the time because she had "extra padding" then, chubby over covid rrat confirmed?

>> No.78063983

I think she joked about padding

>> No.78064070

2.0 > 2.0 magic > 1.0 > 2.1 > lolina atelier > loline regular > 3.0 hag
Change my mind.

>> No.78064113

Who's the second person aside from Nina on the dakis?

>> No.78064159
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>> No.78064248

Thanks for the info ninachads. I wonder how much of the wait was due to artists being lazy. I'm checking out some VoDs now nice voice for sure.

>> No.78064410

I'm not sure milf mode would have suited her much anyway

>> No.78064844

I think the og bluelizz model is fairly on par with Lolina because of the fact it was really loveable and had a lot of soul. I love the current model but maybe in the future we get lolina but aged up. Most shibes would like I think

>> No.78064904

The wait was because the artist, bluelizz, literally was so sick she couldn't draw anymore. She eventually delivered the reference but couldn't draw the l2d.

>> No.78064966

I'd certainly like to see it

>> No.78065235

She dropped the original model because the artist ghosted her.
2.0/2.1/magical girl designs had to drop because Bluelizz has a lot of health issues and was already quitting Live2D art. However she really likes Nina and is staying on as a concept designer.
Hag design was a scam job.
Before landing on Xi Xeong Nina has had horrible luck with artists. Even now it continues, with the ASMR model she commissioned.

For me it's 2.0 > Lolina magic > Lolina goth = 1.0 > mahou > 2.1 > hag

>> No.78065300
File: 123 KB, 1139x1052, Nina_Saotome_2nd_outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its this one

>> No.78065568

Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm a little surprised to see so much love for the 2.0 magic model. While it's not bad by any means, it feels very out of place. Almost as out of place as the hag model.

>> No.78065936

It was jarring with how sexo it was and Shibes have always seethed about new models before adjusting, but in retrospect it was very unique and well made.

>> No.78066195

Yeah it was a good hype model, for the big switch during the concert. I guess she just never felt it was a good idea to use it as a general-use model though. And I guess the transformation (and the hiccups that could have) were too distracting for concerts in the end? Still hope it'll get fully fixed up sometime though, seems like a waste not to have it at least functional.

>> No.78069425

Love how commonly you can find 3D models that look indistinguishable from 2D when looked at head on.

>> No.78071626

cutest nina

>> No.78074148
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>> No.78077050

boring bitch

>> No.78079499
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Nina and Soya love
