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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78055188 No.78055188 [Reply] [Original]

>Filian joining the Bilibili event
Why the fuck is everyone going back to China now? Also, how long until they try to cancel her for a minor joke?

>> No.78055349

Anon, it’s simple, Chinese are people too, think about the monetary and human aspects of it. Is she gets cancelled she leaves China and they lose a brilliant vtuber, their loss.

>> No.78055509
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>> No.78055545 [DELETED] 

>Chinese are people too
My sides

>> No.78055584

I'll give it a month for her to piss off the Chinese kek

>> No.78055585 [DELETED] 

>Chinese are people too

>> No.78055724

money. most if not all vtubers are in the industry to get rich and grift. the few that are actually doing it because they enjoy it, or like talking to chat. don't even sell merch or have interest in streaming outside of youtube or twitch or even talk to other vtubers.

>> No.78055741

I just fact checked these claims and I found them them to be false.

>> No.78055777

Doki and mint haven't sold out yet those are going to be my most watch moving forward. I cannot forgive yagoo for what he did. Chinese antis just doxxed haachama today and every holobronies that have quoted me keep telling me how this isn't a huge deal now. I'm utterly disgusted by everyone who's defending these deplorable shit stains being allowed back in hololive because it aligns with their fucking schizo /v/ console wars. It seems like most of you /here/ are fans of the corp and not its talents which is a dangerous retarded mindset to have.

>> No.78055826

Feels like b2 is failing and this is one of their desperate attempts to get people to give their shit site another chance.

>> No.78055827
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>Chinese are people too

>> No.78055829
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>Chinese are people too

>> No.78055831

Risk vs. reward is a thing that most people would consider. Only the very ignorant would consider the risk worth it in this case. They're potentially trading a small, short term percentage earnings increase for the loss of their entire future career.

>> No.78055836

Explain why China is bad without using buzzwords or going full /pol/tard.

>> No.78055837

Indies fully proving that they just try their hardest to copy Hololive in whatever they do

>> No.78055863

new meta

>> No.78055879

>Explain while China is bad without using any facts I find offensive

>> No.78055900

china is using vtubers to pysop the west and convince them china is good. not just with vtubers but they are using all kinds of other media to push this. have you ever wondered why are there so many chinese tictocs or youtube shorts being spread all of a sudden?

>> No.78055930
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>> No.78055938

they eat dogs, dogs are frens not food.

>> No.78055957

they have an authoritarian society that is difficult for westerners to understand the subtleties of, and their culture has dozens or hundreds of red lines/things you cannot say

>> No.78055962

>chinese are people too

>> No.78055965

So is Filian aware she cannot say "Taiwan" anymore lol

>> No.78055981

B2 sold their nijisanji share and used that money to sign in many many other Vtubers.
That's what happened.

>> No.78056002

>difficult for westerners to understand the subtleties of
Sounds like psychopath copium to me.

>> No.78056155
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Nyanners too kek

>> No.78056174

>you have to obey every retarded thing your boss/grandpar/local governor/chairman of the party decides because ummm... I SAY SO OK
>you're not supposed to make good or informed decisions, you just have to obey the guy above you!
>western dogs can't understand the subtleties of this refined culture!
literally narco/gang banger culture but on a national scale

>> No.78056199

That chinese money is hard to pass on huh

>> No.78056264

>Chinese are people

>> No.78056351
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>Chinese are people too

>> No.78056401

>Chinese are people
That doesnt mean we should treat them as such

>> No.78056410


>> No.78056428
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You do know Doki literally speaks Catonese and has a ton of Chinese friends right?

>> No.78056450

They want to destroy the West

>> No.78056476

>Asmongold selling out
Fucker is deprived enough to shill for North Korea if they paid him enough

>> No.78056492

Isn't that a good thing? Name one good thing the west has produced in the 21st century.

>> No.78056509

Oh so she's not from mainland. Which means she isn't part of the bugmen empire.

>> No.78056533
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>> No.78056540

A better version of anything China has produced.

>> No.78056555

Doki's ethnically Hong Kong Chinese anon
Nobody's more anti-CCP than Hong Kong

>> No.78056564

Let me know when sells her soul to the CCP like you have. Until then shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.78056608

>Go to china
>Squeeze the zhang since they have no entertainment there
>Get money
>Random shit that cancels you arrives
>Get out

>> No.78056616
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Oh BOY, you are such an ignorant dumb fucks. How the hell did you not see this tweet? Hong Kong? Fucking retard.

>> No.78056626

What about Taiwan?

>> No.78056671


>> No.78056682

filian has gotten canceled so many times she is immune, however if she angers chinks... she is over

>> No.78056685

>Chinese are people too

>> No.78056700


>> No.78056706

>it doesn't fucking count
Kill yourself yesterday.

>> No.78056712

>Hong Kong
Winnie the Pooh fucked that city over 10 times for the amount of non-zhang mentality it was there. Anyone from there is almost gaijin level for the CCP.

>> No.78056741

What happening with CCP..?
Did pooh dead and ccp start move from full comie to neutral..?

>> No.78056747

Well nvm then I'll just watch mint then. And expand into irrelevant 2view territory who aren't affected by the Chinese take over. I'm not supporting anybody who's willing to bootlick for china. Idc if is hololive vshojo or niji. Anybody willing to do business with those pricks lost my support. Even if in the end didn't mattered much.

>> No.78056751

>ethnically Hong Kong Chinese
Hate to break it to you but Hong Kong isn't an ethnicity.

>> No.78056839

Their society doesn't encourage creativity ot innovation, they hate their own culture, and they viciously hate anyone who isn't Han but throw a fit when anyone acknowledges this because they want claim moral superiority to other nations.

>> No.78056890

>The Chinese only sperg about Taiwan, just stay quiet about that and you're good.
False! The Chinese, in fact, sperg about many many many many things that may seem completely trivial to you. Remember that Vox Akuma, the former darling of China, completely crashed and burned over a "yo momma" joke. Contrary to popular opinion, his other yabs such as the Reimu thing were negligible compared to the mother joke and this can be verified by his CCV graph over the years.
And did you know that the Coco incident wasn't the only time the bugs sperged at Hololive. Other incidents that caused them to harass holos
- Aqua saying she liked bubble tea (dislike bombed, forced to take a break)
- Choco mentioning Tibet (forced to take a break)
- Pekora cancelling a b2 stream (forced to apologize TWICE for it, her feed gets bombed with gore by chinese antis)

In short, it is nearly impossible to predict what random triviality they will be willing to call an all-out-war for. They are well aware they can just extort corporations via mass harassment and will for any excuse to do so.

>The Chinese can be calmed
False! They actually continued harassment even after Coco left and only stopped because the Chinese government cracked down on them because they were getting so unhinged they were even doxxing b2 and nga mods for telling them to stop breaking ToS and the government started targeting them for anti-social/anti-government actions.
In other words, they were never appeased, they were simply so psychotic that they got cracked down on by the very government they were shilling for.

>There are reasonable Chinks
False! As their race is ontologically evil, not a single one of them can escape their nature. This can be seen by HoloCN, which was eventually revealed to be snakes who supported the harassment campaign. Even the seemingly cutest of girls are just zhangs in the end!

>The Chinese are "people"
False! Because of their genetic sociopathy and ontological evil, they cannot be considered human, therefore they are not people.

>> No.78056995
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She has never said anything about being from Hong Kong or identifying as a Hongkie. But you know what's super pro-CCP? If she was indeed from or lived in Hong Kong as you claim, but has been calling it China all this while.

>> No.78057055

Don't forget they just started harassing haachama again to pick up from where they left from the coco yab. They literally just doxxed her face today.

>> No.78057087

younger generation of taiwan is starting to relax, think that the horror stories boomers told them are exaggerated. unfortunate cycle. the survivors among their children will scream into the deaf ears of their great-grandchildren.

>> No.78057128

Mainland china schizos are not chinese. Taiwan Hong Kong (were) are the only true representation of chinese.

>> No.78057129

I don't like Haachama

>> No.78057152

chinese money is too good to pass up

>> No.78057180

Koreans are the ones who eat cats and dogs, thats why the Chinese government has imposed laws to punish with fines or imprisonment anyone who eats cats or dogs because it´s a Korean tradition

>> No.78057214

I hate chinese 'people' so much it's unreal.

>> No.78057228

Thee CCP has been throwing nonstop tantrums because the the current government doesn't want anything to do with them.

>> No.78057232 [DELETED] 

Kys gynese cunt

>> No.78057290

Kys you gynese cunt.

>> No.78057302

This reads like a fucking script. Yeah, laws have been passed. Hasn't stopped them from literally stealing pets to cook up.

>> No.78057318
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My wife Paru finally got some attention

>> No.78057435

You fucking WHAT mate?
Chinks eat them too, and this fucking festival started in 2009. It's not like it's some centuries old festival.

>> No.78057538

Real answer? B2 is in financial trouble due to repeated rounds of government regulation damaging its business a few years ago. They are looking for ways to attract revenue and get more views. This is why they are reaching out to Hololive and other big name vTubers with generous deals to try to lure them in.

The problem is canceling celebs is a national sport in China, way more than even in the US. B2 probably offered some promises to protect the vTubers from harassment, but frankly, I don't think there is much they can do. It took the Chinese government cracking down to finally get the Hololive antis to stop last time. I think Cover is going to back out pretty soon since China greeted Hololive's return by doxxing Haachama and whipping up a new maniacal anti campaign.

>> No.78057546

who? and why i should care?

>> No.78057558

fact only poor providence in china eat dogs because they can breed them and is cheaper than raising chickens beef and pork to them. I remember watching a documentary about it in YouTube. The lady who they were interviewing sounded extremely annoyed when she was asked why they eat dogs.

>> No.78057606

Okay, so it's NOT just koreans who eat dogs like you(or that other anon) said?
Good to know. The way they slaughter the dogs is also inhumane as fuck, boiling them alive because they somehow think that terrorizing an animal makes it taste better.

>> No.78057614

Did they really? Fucking subhuman dog filth the lot of them. I fucking knew this would happen. I never wanted to see the Taiwan fiasco happen again, and yet here we are

>> No.78057634

It's all fun and games until the bugs get offended by the smallest shit.

>> No.78057647
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>Chinese are people too

>> No.78057668

They definitely will. Chinks get offended at anything.

>> No.78057678
File: 3.59 MB, 1080x1080, pink cat wiggle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78057689

Yes they did this other anon solidifies what I said here

>> No.78057759

Oh I was nta forgot to add it in the post sorry bout that.

>> No.78057766

Because to be "offended" gives them both practical power and an excuse to harm others while also claiming they're heroes. They'll take every opportunity they get.

>> No.78057847

Most of china is poor and they don't just breed. There have been multiple cases of fucks stealing pets.

>> No.78057945

"we hate china" ok Anon, we get it. we don't need 30+ post about your xenophobia.

>> No.78057966

ah yes, but the west is nothing like this, of course. no shibboleths here

>> No.78058011

My cute imouto-wife, she sings like shit tho, watch out for Sagi if she also gets in

>> No.78058023

They didn't, I've seen literally zero proof of this anywhere, just one guy who's been spamming every thread about it to try and force it to be true.

>> No.78058026

It's the same mindset of some tough guy hoping some fucker tries some shit so he gets to shoot them. Except instead of just being a hero, chinese fuckers claim they're defending their national pride.

>> No.78058039

oh, so theyre not joining bilibili because its chinese youtube, theyre joining bilibili because its chinese kick

>> No.78058056


>> No.78058071

South Koreans munch on Tobby and Ruffus and not in the poor places anon.

>> No.78058081

That's disappointing

>> No.78058092
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>Chinese are people too

>> No.78058097

In the west it's not a crime to shit talk the idiots above you.

>> No.78058140

Yeah, Americans don't get annoyed at stupid shit ever anon. America = China in almost all aspects.

>> No.78058143

If you don't pay money, no one cares and you don't matter

>> No.78058157

And if it were, they sure as hell wouldn't defend it as "cultural subtleties that easterners just can't understand." They'd be pissed.

>> No.78058186
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>> No.78058226

Don't pile leftist Twitter fags with the rest of America thank u very much. Leftist would be the ones launching anti campaign on vtubers due to Lolis and shotas being an integral part of the business.

>> No.78058247

I approve this pasta.

>> No.78058270

Shit welp.

>> No.78058294

Leftists love pedos though. Who do you think is next on the list to get stripes on the fag flag?

>> No.78058325


>> No.78058361

>a mistake

>> No.78058379

Obviously you.

>> No.78058381

BASED China monopolizing the entire industry overnight

>> No.78058435

A market of a billion people with millions of potential customers. Hololive, Nijisanji, and most indie vtubers aren't going to ignore the Chinese market just because they have to jump through a few more hoops.

>> No.78058464

>T. Han Xia Ping.
least obvious gynese.

>> No.78058536

>millions of potential customers
That's what they want you to believe
>a few more hoops
That also.

>> No.78058572

the only reason they make a play at china is cash, consider it a tell that anyone who willingly whores out to them lack principles and should be discarded
>Chinese are people too

>> No.78059174
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Do Chinese weebs even watch EN vtubers? I thought they just watched CN and JP ones.

>> No.78059207

Hasn't b2 been a negative profit platform for years? How the fuck do they have so much money to burn on this?

>> No.78059319

>Hasn't b2 been a negative profit platform for years?
Youtube never made money for google. Twitch never made money for amazon. What is important is all the data harvesting those platforms do.

>> No.78059324
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>> No.78059335

I can’t believe my most replied post is me simply saying: don’t be racist

Have 4chan weebs really degenerated into that?

>> No.78059356

China is likely spending the Tik Tok money on it because with Tiktok being pushed out by the US they're going to start pushing b2 on the west instead.

>> No.78059383

They do, Neuro has many chinese Fans too, they usually post animations

>> No.78059392

Shut up, nigger.

>> No.78059402

Nah they don't give a fuck about their own chuubas
Holo/Niji is as dominant there as it is in any other country. However being "popular" there doesn't mean anything. They would boil their own kamioshi alive if it's to defend the great honorable Chairman Xi (for FREE).

They hard-abandoned Nijisanji so now Cover sees the market hole and can't resist getting those sweet millions of viewers and money back. They're either so delusional they don't understand Zhangs ALWAYS act like they did during the Coco fiasco, or they just don't care.

>> No.78059404

they do not watch vtubers according to bilibili statistics

>> No.78059897

anon, anons on 4chan and eightChan literally used to incite each other into committing racial violence and mass murder. as bad as the people sperging out about China are, this is kind of child’s play

>> No.78059931

they unironically believe they are superior to everyone else, just for being Chinese

>> No.78060026

every culture believes they’re the best, anon. what, do you expect them to be literal cucks.

>> No.78060093

>Leftist love pedos.
99% of caught pedos are rightoid evangelical Christian pastors didling kids even their own offspring.

>> No.78060100

It's not racist that Chinese people (mainland) are complete fucked and only masochists would think it's a "market" worth worth bothering with.
It's a "market" where they want your dollars but will put up any every resistance to letting your products in.

>> No.78060129

Yes, anon.
They should kneel to their Western overlords.

>> No.78060252

And yet, it's not the "rightoids" clamoring for tolerance of "minor attracted persons." Hm. Really makes you think. Faggot.

>> No.78060272

> Chinese are people too
They aren't

>> No.78060274
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HK celebrates lunar new year and a lot of people in HK consider themselves culturally chinese. People trying to pretend Doki is some mainland hater is just delusional tho.

>> No.78060308

chinese people are just people anon. there are hundreds of subcultures there. look up the city of Dali and the type of people that go there, for example.

>> No.78060368


>> No.78060435

Aren't the Chinese turbo sensitive about your mom jokes? Filian makes those like 6 times a stream.

>> No.78060437
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>Chinese are people too

>> No.78060489

That's an asian thing in general I think

>> No.78060499
File: 195 KB, 333x401, Captura de pantalla 2024-06-13 150342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Momo it's there too but not Sagi for some reason

>> No.78060541

in China during the second world war pets were sacrificed because there were no resources to keep them, also during the great famine except cats, all over China in all provinces where dogs and cats are eaten this was introduced by Koreans and Korean-Chinese as they literally were the dogs of various empires and foreign powers for decades, they were always poor but this worsened in the late 1900s until almost 1990 they had to resort to eating dogs and cats, in korea these practically became main dishes and even developed hundreds of recipes
China unlike Korea has a large territory, during the ww2 they had a place to grow crops and raise animals, during the great famine most of the population fed only on rice but never on dogs and cats, partly because it was not so common to have dogs and cats were indispensable to control pests
why the fuck would a poor person in china today raise or kidnap a dog or cat to eat if literally an instant soup is worth 20 cents?

>> No.78060678

Gura is popular of course, and I know neuro sama blew up on bilibili too.

>> No.78060769

Going to be funny when she makes the entire country mad.

>> No.78060770
File: 946 KB, 1400x5552, donotlearnmandarin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I support this post. Even the chinese don't think of each other as people.

>> No.78060802

>believing retarded propaganda

>> No.78060837

SJWs are putting young boys into lingerie and having them dance at gay strip clubs. That type of demonic sin requires constant deflection so they attack Christianity.

>> No.78061115

She's traveling apparently, Yamu even told of having a dream about a friend from china coming to Argentina, so maybe

>> No.78061163

I'm glad so read the replies to this. I was sadly expecting someone trying to argue in good faith and I'm just glad is not the case. Anyway, remember that if they said things like that or play the "they are more ready now" card, is merely to give you false comfort and hope, once they destroys the holos Cover chose to sacrifice. Also, I know is very tempting to take screenshots or save pics for the inevitable and eventual "take that/I told you so!" but unfortunately... that's not gonna work. In fact, they will be happy about it.

>> No.78061272

It's going to take a lot more than that to forgive their stupid spergout over an island that they technically failed to conquer during their civil war

>> No.78061286

They speak Cantonese in parts of the mainland too. It's not only Hong Kong.

>> No.78061303

Obviously not everyone kowtows to the chairman, but most do and the government wouldn't be worth dealing with even if the majority of people were.

>> No.78061357

I know, but she's told plenty of stories about living in HK before she moved to Canada.

>> No.78061515

Welp, how much money Mythic got for this?

Also >Sayu

>> No.78061549

weird to invite a bunch of people who have no relevance in china

>> No.78061631

Why don't chinese watch CN tuber?

>> No.78061638

>Why the fuck is everyone going back to China now?

>> No.78061698

All chinks are talentless trash

>> No.78061712

China is an unreliable partner who can and will change agreements to your detriment. And if you have a problem with it, then too bad.

>> No.78062289

They were until recently a relatively backwater nation since at least the Victorian era, which gave them an inferiority complex further promoted by the authorities to push anger outwards instead of inwards. This is what makes small slights blow up when the pride of their nation is at stake (Taiwan incident).
They suffered immensely as a country recently (starvation, civil war, etc) which taught them survival over morals. This makes them willing to go further than most to get what they want.
They suffer under an oppressive regime which makes them self-regulate their behavior and virtue signal to avoid attention of the authorities. This makes them think bullying a Hololive talent or whomever to tears is a noble cause and anyone getting in the way of that a traitor to China.
It's a bad hand dealt to them, but we shouldn't let them walk all over us or enable their delusions just because history gave them brain damage.

>> No.78063236

Imma use buzzwords anyways.
They're the Jews of the east, pretending everyone owes everything because their fee fees got hurt for a decade, also their expanding their territories by using grey politics tldr: the annoying little brother thing putting their finger close to their siblings face and going "I'm not touching, I'm not touching you", they have hidden police in every country that will kidnap expats and escaping dissidents and asylum seekers and ship them back to China to punish them. Like, they think extradition treaties are for nerds who wants to do thing by the book so they'd rather do the batman thing. Also their culture is based on cheating. Their encourage to cheat on their tests so much than when the board if education banned cheating(lolwut?) a buncha parents got pissy and protested because" how else so they expect their children to pass education?" Like I dunno, studying like everyone else?

There are more but this isn't /pol/ and /int/ so imma TLDR China sucks

>> No.78063745
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WW3 really can't happen soon enough, can it?

>> No.78064431

Sakana telling her its not going to work out for her was hilarious.

>> No.78064513

This is such a good read holy shit lmao

>> No.78064526


>> No.78064626


>> No.78064726

Bilibili is Chinese Dailymotion which means an even higher density of crazies due to a niche viewerbase and its history with Coco & co.
I'd be more worried about Weibo appearances for the long term but past events dictates that even going to Bilibili is a bad idea

>> No.78064795

well said

>> No.78064794

>Make fun of Chinese pandering when NijiEn had the market
>everyone instant scrambles to try and get a piece when NijiEn crumbles
Honestly it’s kind of funny. Thankfully my oshi is Gura and she ain’t gonna stoop that low. Make sense for Filian, she was literally taking about how she makes no money compared to someone like Gura so the money will be tempting just like the Fansly money was too.

>> No.78064915


>> No.78064967

no offense but you have no idea what you're talking about, bilibili is just chinese youtube. weibo is facebook/twitter. neither websites have a "niche" viewerbase

>> No.78064995

It's a superficial culture all predicated on appearances both in literal and metaphorical sense
When the societal endgoal is to have an immaculate reputation, people will inevitably take the path of least resistance and fake it a much as acceptable instead of actually building reputation through creditable effort
It's the only place where talking to your phone in front of people is acceptable because it makes you look like someone important

>> No.78065034

>Remember that Vox Akuma, the former darling of China, completely crashed and burned over a "yo momma" joke.
I didnt forge that one as it was so random

>> No.78065160


>> No.78065268
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>> No.78065312

>filian doxxed and stabbed by international chinese police
sure, go ahead

>> No.78065536

a country of spoiled rich kids except the majority aren't rich

>> No.78065872

Does a flip. Mentions Taiwan.

>> No.78065985

chinkout activated

>> No.78066101

fillian will sacrifice herself to expose them, i kneel

>> No.78066107

so like US

>> No.78066299

Is Filian even capable of promotion work without a lick of irony laced onto it?

>> No.78066750

Filian you idiot, you're gonna mention Taiwan and get nonstop harassment from the bugs. Will be kinda based though.

>> No.78066780

They are all choking on chink semen

>> No.78066873

Their government makes the most pro-government voter and even Russia seem loose when it comes to doing business; they are trying to steal a large chuck of the ocean which are heavily relied upon for most SEA countries for trade and fishing; they stopped Malaysia from researching oil in Malaysia's own back yard; they have a history of affecting e-sports, video games and the movie industry to fit tight loops and force a whole product to be completely reworked just for them; they have funded and supported the only war currently in SEA and only stopped when it started affecting them; they supply North Korea who have a habit of sending missiles over Japan; Tibet period; attacking Philippian ships; black business debt deals in other countries; wolf warrior foreign policies, secret police stations in other countries that target their own former citizens; supplied a type of harmful drug to flood the US; paranoid to the point of thinking the US and Russia were teaming up to get them during the height of the cold war, made covid. Etc.

>> No.78067585
File: 12 KB, 250x250, 1707417003954467s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese are people too

>> No.78067643

I will tier 3 member filian if she drops a taiwan is a country joke while streaming on b2

>> No.78068174


>> No.78068463

Makes me wonder if Cover actually does have safety precautions in place now. I still don't know why they'd reopen old wounds with China unless they really wanna squeeze out some extra money or there's specific game perms they want out of this? (Unsure if they would even agree to negotiation like the muse dash devs)

>> No.78070641

>Why the fuck is everyone going back to China now?
potential for more viewers and money. same as always

>> No.78070650


>> No.78070734

Tbf to filian, she probably doesnt understand the risk since she wasnt around back then. she realized she had a decent amount of CN fans recently when her viewers linked her some clips that blew up and got really happy that they liked her. this is 100% going to end badly

>> No.78071095

>taiwan not colored as part of china
it's unironically over for her kek
unless she does a public apology like john cena

>> No.78071739

It's the other way around:
"On January 9, 2024, the South Korean parliament unanimously passed a law banning the distribution and sale of dog meat"
Chinese still eat cats and dogs.

>> No.78071920

bilibili's attempt of local vtubers such as niji virtuareal or the even blacker asoul have failed so now they are offering foreign vtubers good deals since they dont have good chinks left and the doxxing of local chink vtubers doesnt help as well

>> No.78071933

Genshin mindrot brainwashing has succeeded. All the zoomers fucking love chinks now and should a war break out they will defect to the bugmen's side without realizing how much more shitty their lives will become under their thumb.

>> No.78072021
File: 2.03 MB, 4020x4020, _1718325999027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saruei being invited despite being previously banned for making fun of Xi Jingping with a Pooh joke tells me B2 is practically whoring itself out to anyone available because their financial situation is dire.

>> No.78072157

>t. Chinese

>> No.78072159

corpo tracking could never

>> No.78072348
File: 292 KB, 750x1088, IMG_1875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78072389

Goddamn, what doujin is that mouth from?

>> No.78074598

Interesting theory. Can you back it up with proofs?

>> No.78075209

It's a big event and this is a weeb event, not vtuber event.
a lot of JP corpos are there, seiyuu, JP singer, JP band, JP artist, JP entertainer, etc.

>> No.78075511

Wasn't a lot of hullabaloo caused by nationalists? If B2 is in trouble because of government regulation, is it really in a position to fight against nationalist sentiments? Does it have enough wiggle room before its considered to be committing "anti-government" behavior?

>> No.78075731
File: 586 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 06 (1080p) [401FBE95].mkv_snapshot_11.12.414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why the fuck is everyone going back to China now?

>> No.78076111

>get blacklisted by everyone still doing business with China because they don't want to get blacklisted by China
Congrats, you played yourself.

>> No.78076737

>Saruei being invited despite being previously banned
that was memoryholed hard

>> No.78076828

youre not in control of the random shit that cancels you

>> No.78076870

>chinese ccp bad
>non Chinese ccp good

>> No.78078443

>False! As their race is ontologically evil, not a single one of them can escape their nature. This can be seen by HoloCN, which was eventually revealed to be snakes who supported the harassment campaign. Even the seemingly cutest of girls are just zhangs in the end!

>False! Because of their genetic sociopathy and ontological evil, they cannot be considered human, therefore they are not people.

I love this, I hope you continue this schizo behaviours on all the ethnic chinks vtubers. This includes Doki, Bae, and all the rest.

>> No.78078781


>> No.78078821


>> No.78079071

Just because China's economy is suffering. Doesn't mean they will drop their 100 years of culture with stabbing you in the back and blaming it on you for not being aware enough. As long as they are in, they will change things to be done their way. Even if it takes 2 decades.

>> No.78080965


>> No.78081108

really worried about filian honestly shes a dumbass zoomie but innocent and kindhearted if she makes a yo moma joke like vox or even mentions taiwan like coco its over

>> No.78081300

ironically those werent chinese but taiwanese because the text was in traditional not simplified

>> No.78081422

Hehe.. you guys shitposted so much about holo.. but all your dumb sluts are kneeling without the pressure of a public corporation

>> No.78081546

asian here… no we dont care about that

>> No.78081551

It's going to be kind of funny seeing them "protest" the days after it starts only to be brutalized, conscripted or killed... retards that have never lived in the real world

>> No.78082718

>/pol/nigger thread

>> No.78083631


>> No.78083759

wait until the chinese see this
shes gonna get coco 2.0’d

>> No.78085585

bcs it's delicious? man you missing out.

>> No.78085635

He's not wrong though.

>> No.78085754

Bro you nasty and you need to go an unironically seek jesus

>> No.78086274

oh i meet him everytime i get dog meat no worry.

>> No.78086357

>All the zoomers fucking love chinks
The worst part about genshit ks the ccp getting it's grubby paws all iver it. The only fags that disagree are landwhale "women" who managed to get offended by the already tame as hell designs.

>> No.78089116

As a Chinese, I can say safely we aren't people.
中国人 狗也不如

>> No.78089231

>T my name is Chong Long Dong.
Ahh make sense.

>> No.78089329

But bilibili is funded by the ccp and hololive are doing business with them so how does this makes any fucking sense?

>> No.78089667
File: 70 KB, 720x583, 7720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese are people

>> No.78089751

2.3 billion chinese feelings could get hurt and I would laugh

>> No.78090251

who knew driving out all your competition then imposing rules that kill your government approved chuubas could turn out so badly

>> No.78090651

Likelihood that this causes a filian dox?

>> No.78090895

Maybe they going tencent route when everything involving money and tencent don't give a fuck since they already sponsored holo.

>> No.78090932

shes already doxxed but this could cause a spread and make it public like what happened to coco

>> No.78090989

Or maybe is just another "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain" situation.

>> No.78091025

They probably make a special contract or she could just hire some fall guys using his channel like a manager.

>> No.78091113

Anon, they invite everyone including an indie who shit on they president pooh. They make a lot of concession just for this event.

>> No.78091159

Looks like mythic got a big infusion of cash from Chinks

>> No.78091276


>> No.78091829

the only question is when will the bugs feel like they've stolen enough to launch their own v-tubers again before doing something to kill their v-tubers again

>> No.78091953
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>> No.78092558

Saudis broke the Petrodollar for the yuan, it's over. Pandering to CN before they become globally dominant and cashing out once CN peaks is the right move.

>> No.78092697
File: 212 KB, 480x480, 16393434565756529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok let's get down to the details.
Any Chinese or anyone who knows to read Chinese?

Did bilibili change their policy about something that would protect foreign streamers in their platform?
Did bilibili have an internal reconstruction that pushed away those pesky insect policy, mods, etc?
Or this is just a push by bilibili to promote their site? (with good offers to these foreign streamers)

>> No.78092845

They did issue an apology earlier this month about their rabid fans. I'm sure there are also backroom deals that are also being issued but that is beyond out knowledge for now.

>> No.78092951

Can you post the apology link? Is it both on Chinese and English?

>> No.78093517

They forgot they're just a platform and thought people needed them when infact they're the ones that need people streaming and making vods or else they become irrelevant and everyone goes to another site.

>> No.78093751

>According to a study conducted in 2021, a large number of East Asian people with ancestry mainly resembling Han people arrived in Japan around 300 AD during the Kofun period. This group is responsible for 71% of the ancestry in the modern Japanese population.

>> No.78093927

Are you fucking serious? I didn't even know korea ate them. I mostly thought it was vietnam and china.
2024, what the fuck.

>> No.78094098

Rural Korea most definitely still eats them despite the ban. You have to stop thinking of developed east asian nations as being like western nations. They have the technology and amenities but they are culturally very different.

>> No.78094132

Can't find the old link as it looks like it was nuked from the site. From what their Q1 Financials they seem to be wanting to make the sight more versatile in content and wanting to make a 'welcoming' place for creators going forward - whatever that means.

>> No.78095819

>Why the fuck is everyone going back to China now?
The more EN vtubers China gets the more control over the scene they have and the less backlash they will receive for actions they take. They only need the most influential EN corpos and EN indies

>> No.78098495

They should buy off the dramatubers too

>> No.78100001

>filian and saruei, who joke about china every week
kek they are really desperate

>> No.78100349

i remember when she was in a collab with pokimane and the first thing she did was make fun about her cookie drama
she just can't help herself

>> No.78100460
File: 410 KB, 977x527, A reminder chinks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon, it’s simple, Chinese are people too,
They literally are called BUGS for a reason. Bugmen are alien to a actual human

>> No.78100543
File: 2.58 MB, 640x492, bug dead.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese are people too

>> No.78100548

>The only argument anti-China drones can give is racism
Yep, I'm thinking every vtuber going to Bilibili is a good thing.

>> No.78101667

>Control the entire vtuber scene
There plenty of corpos already there, just get the other influncers
They have the money to do it

>> No.78101931

The west is trying to destroy itself, and they are succeeding!
China is just watching and fanning the flames when necessary.

>> No.78102190

Can't wait for Bilibili getting the Evergrande treatment soon.

>> No.78102583

>bilibili is just chinese youtube
>bilibili is just chinese dailymotion
More like bilibili is chinese Niconico, since it was made for focusing on otaku content.

>> No.78103396

>cancel her for a minor joke
Are you talking about America LOL

>> No.78103472

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.78103593
File: 737 KB, 1080x1862, Pekor ends the CCP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese are people too
Weakest bait I have seen this month so far, and people still fell for it...
Bugs spamming gore on the tags of a Vtuber shouldn't be considered human.

>> No.78104294

I, for one, am glad that the scars of WWII are finally healing and that China is embracing Japanese culture.

>> No.78104607

>The only argument anti-China drones can give is racism
>except for all the ones that I'm ignoring because they make me look retarded
I don't care if it's bait, retards must be called out, and you are one dumb son of a bitch.

>> No.78106217

Sure thing, zhangchama.

>> No.78107812

Phase when?

>> No.78108312
File: 384 KB, 2033x1024, 1712200785591320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78108424

Everyone is leaving the dollar behind. Their main audience will now be carrying the Yuan and Rubles, so it's expected.

>> No.78110133

So true Mr. Zhang Petrov

>> No.78113041


>> No.78113676

Why are they so desperate?

>> No.78113809

Hololive fans are now HOLOSISTERS point at them call them Zhang and laugh at them and their hypocrisy and endless copium.. they even had the strat ready for this to call anybody calling them a blatant bootlicker a vshojofag.

>> No.78113902

Not a single person in that image is in hololive

>> No.78113991

But kobo sora Matsuri fubuki are hololive talent. What is this fucking cope thanks for proving my point HoloxiPing.

>> No.78114138
File: 66 KB, 250x250, 1684812809420161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chinese are people too

>> No.78118283

Mental illness

>> No.78122174

she based

>> No.78122944

>it's racist to dislike the Chinese government and the harassment they encourage

>> No.78123242

They've long since embarrassed Japanese culture and Japan was pivotal in the growth of their economy. They'll still lynch anyone who seems to like Japan *too* much because they considered hating the Japanese as part of their identity.

>> No.78125593

they have a plan
