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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78029453 No.78029453 [Reply] [Original]

How will cover returning to china impact holopro?

>> No.78029557

>corns are actually chinese little princes seething over not having muh harem of concubines with skin like jade
this explains a lot

>> No.78029652

More anti-homos are always welcome.

>> No.78029689

I have no fucking clue what this article is trying to say. Is that even English?

>> No.78029764

From what I've seen you basically gain a fanbase full of male and female Karens. Have fun.

>> No.78030099
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>> No.78030430

It's saying that Chinese males don't want to play gacha if they are male characters because they feel insecure when these males interact with their waifus

>> No.78030850
File: 96 KB, 580x1276, 05fe76f3b2119313154b528e23380cd790238dc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funnily i saw a discussion about this just today. These movements and yabs are actually fake and created by troublemakers and outsiders looking to destroy the gatcha community. These are not gatchafans who play the game at all. One of the troublemakers actually got caught by the police and upon further questioning and investigating, he doesn't even play gatcha games. Picrel discussion kinda relate it to the holo taiwan yab incident because outsiders successfully manage to fanned the flames enough that cover/mihoyo overreacted and didn't response appropriately.

>> No.78031052

You got that pic in human language?

>> No.78031202

No. It's Japanese article machine translate into English. It's a mess.

>> No.78031335

I like playing as male character because i like to beat up woman.

>> No.78031495

>snobble is there
aieee i've been discovered

>> No.78032574

Yeah real gacha fans love male characters much like how real vtuber fans love male vtubers.

>> No.78032928

Nah real gacha fans knows what game they are into. If they want only female character, they go play only female cast gacha. Same for if they want male only cast. Or mix cast. Its not really a problem if they know what they are into

>> No.78033022

Looks like you failed to read up on what's happening with these games in China.

>> No.78033025

It's more like not allow any male NPC exist
And the female only allowed talk to MC
And no, even female talk to other female is not allowed because that implies yuri

>> No.78033051

So...what do they want?

>> No.78033175

I assume they want more Azur Lane and less Genshin.

>> No.78033306
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>> No.78033360

I respect changs for one thing and one thing only: they haven't fallen for the white women scam and prefer their idealized chink women archetype, whatever that's called.

>> No.78033465

There's been a trend recently in gacha games to start shipping the male and female characters despite it being marketed as a "waifu" game. You should read about the Girls Frontline 2 fiasco for an example of this. It's especially bad in gacha games because whales spend tens of thousands on these games only to have their "waifu" turn out to not be "for them."

When stuff like that happens, it provokes a backlash, especially when there is money involved. It's very similar to how Hololive fans got aggressive about trying to prevent male collabs after seeing what happened with Nijisanji.

>> No.78033546

So more unicorns? It's already happened multiple times in Hololive.

>> No.78033605
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The only real effect, if jangs don't go coo-coo in the head again, is that you'll see a lot more gacha streams.

>> No.78033642

Unicorns love business yuri, these qilins are going to seethe about it.

>> No.78033657

>bugs are unicorn central
>cover sent homoslurper kobo and sora instead of some gachiqueen holos
??? Cover sama??

>> No.78033742

Lmao this is no unicorn. This is schizophrenia

>> No.78033845

well probably permissions for a bunch of games
maybe Gura will play some more musedash or whats its called.
some gachas for the whaling holos like Suisei and FBK. maybe more collaboration events with Gachas.
not sure what other games China has produced/published. besides the really mid Langrisser remake. fucking sucks that a game from my childhood is only kept alive by chinks

>> No.78033923

>GF2 fiasco
Qrd on this? I know it's something to do with a post timeskip event where one of the maingirls becomes penpals with an NPC and had some subtle nods of romance between 2 via datamines before they scrapped the idea and turned the npc into a girl. I also heard some wild shit about some of the girls from gf1 actually hating the MC or some shit but not really sure if that was a shitpost?

>> No.78033997

Will they even risk using the homos to get CN fujos?

>> No.78034033

How's azur lane doing nowadays? They were planning a rerun of the OG Hololive event before the Taiwan yab. I'm pretty sure they're absolutely salivating at the chance of renewing ties with holo and doing the rerun with additional units.

>> No.78034130

I wouldn't be surprised if they did. Homos have basically been rejected by every market that they've been shoved into up to this point. The chinks however were pretty receptive towards Luxiem so they might be thinking that they can try to capture that segment of the audience.

>> No.78034201

They are battling snowbreak for the title of king coomer game

>> No.78034302

Not too familiar with gacha shit but we're does BA stand in terms of revenue? Im sure the top 3 is currently GI, Starrail, and wuwa (because new), and then below them would probably be FGO and maybe the horsegirl gacha?

>> No.78034323

Nothing because homos will continue to be ignored and unpopular in every region because everyone only cares about the girls.

>> No.78034513

Top dogs are the mhy shit usually, with Nikke and Arknights showing up when a limited banner is going on.
Gakumas, Umas, FGO are up there, but Gakumas is still fairly new. Right below that there is BA, with AL not making that much money really.
The revenue data is still an approximation of course so it's to be taken with a pile of salt.

>> No.78034550
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>> No.78034605
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>It's Japanese article machine translate into English. It's a mess.

>> No.78034995

The thing that makes my blood boil is when someone say "I'll never pay $60 for a game" and they you see them drop $200 on gacha.

>> No.78035916

Very badly.

>> No.78036205

Some Extra info for those who don't know shit about what happens in these games?

>> No.78036807

I don't really wanna sound like a doomer but I really do worry about BA sometimes. Nexon doesn't exactly have the best reputation among gacha companies and the fact that they're nowhere near as profitable as their social media presence would have you believe is not good. Don't get me wrong though, I love BA, it's one of the 2 gachas (3 if you could master duel) that I actually play. I just don't want to experience another EOS. I've thankfully only experienced that shit once with the digimon gacha I played before but even going through it once was already a miserable experience. Maybe that's the reason why I'm fine spending money with FGo and not the other two since the Fate IP is too big too fail at this point.

>> No.78036810

This is mostly accurate. It was related to me secondhand by a buddy from Taiwan who is big into gacha gaming. It wasn't really subtle either, the female lead for that particular scenario was clearly romantically involved with the male character, Raymond. She is also rather cold and uncaring of what happens to your character. Apparently he's significantly injured and just limps off wounded at the end of the chapter while she watches, not giving much of a shit.

And while they changed Raymond into a girl, they then repeated nearly the exact same scenario. There is apparently a mini-event that is out about helping dolls fulfill their wishes. One of the doll has a wish for the MC to help an old man to repair the observatory. After the observatory is repaired, the doll went with the old man to watch the stars. MC did not join. The story makes it clear, repeatedly, that the weather was cloudy and that no stars could be seen.

Many of the girls were popular waifus from the original game that you could apparently marry too, which makes this doubly bad. My assumption is GF2 will hit EOS soon if it hasn't already.

>> No.78036962

wtf i love the chinks now

>> No.78037004

Wtf? How did they think this was gonna be received by the playerbase? Who the fuck wrote this shit? I know FGo has that one shipperfag writer who keeps trying to ship shuten and kintoki while also trying to make as many not for (You) characters and scenarios. Is this the same deal with GF2?

>> No.78037169

Always amazed FGO still makes this much money well doing fuck all anything ever. I guess they do make some of the nicest designs still even if they make some bad ones.

>> No.78037295

Apparently the director said he or she was trying to make some kind of philosophical point about waifus and gacha games by suggesting the players are the true villains or something. I think that's a load of BS, and that the director is probably some crank feminist activist type.

And yes, this is basically the same deal as Sakurai in FGO who loves to ship popular waifus with her male characters.

>> No.78037298

Azur Lane just has no guys in it at all. Genshin as someone who plays it they random a lot of times decide to throw in random shipping bait will a girl people think it popular with some guy for some reason. I'm really invested in them like some people are, but shipper for Genshin are super mentally ill and very fucking annoying. In fact in the latest patch they kinda threw a bone by implying that some guy people liked is gay. I mean it's not a lot and mostly a line, but enough for the shippers to go nuts and shit on anyone who disagrees with them.

>> No.78037390

>Sakurai in FGO who loves to ship popular waifus with her male characters.
Good thing Sakurai is only allowed to use ones people say she can use in FGO. I'm pretty sure Hiroyama would strangle her if they used one of his girls.

>> No.78037701 [DELETED] 

don't forget to report this useless thread as off-topic!

>> No.78038014

>Azur Lane just has no guys in it at all.
Of course not. they're all ships, and everyone knows ships are always adressed as "she".
Except for Bismarck who's captain adressed as "he". But I guess that information didn't reach the game devs.

>> No.78038024

the basic idea of the thread is on topic. it just got derailed into gacha talk.
like what games could the holo girls stream now? any of them interesting in any way? what collabs will probably happen?

>> No.78038049

More money for Hololive = Hololive win.

>> No.78038089

BA should fine IMO, now waiting BD anime sales for profit.

>> No.78039105

not related to /vt/ but based nonetheless.

>> No.78040763

Genshin’s Chinese antishippers are unironically the craziest cause some of those incels started abusing and killing black cats because Scaramouche stole their loli waifu.
At least do what the western anti shippers do and pretend Nahida is his adoptive mom or something lol

>> No.78040807

based unicornCHADS

>> No.78040939

The fact you sued incel here shows a lot about the person who made this post If you really think shipper aren't the most mentally ill people on the planet then you have to be be one. The see a single line of someone talking and go into a full blown world of their own that isn't real and try to kill people who say they're wrong.

>> No.78041058

you're responding to a woman, don't do that

>> No.78043196

I was willing to suffer gacha if it meant a new/half playable Front Mission
At least the devs seem to love old japanese IP, even if they power creep everything and can't write a story

>> No.78043495

It's like men saw all the stupid shit women can get up to and said "Step aside and let me show you how it's done!"
I'd hope this level of faggotry doesn't spread to other countries, but Korea is basically there already and, well, /vt/.
Earth is fucked, and not in a good way.

>> No.78043541
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i heard that this chart is unreliable from this webm
or maybe i've been bamboozled by gacha warriors
regardless, I don't trust the chinese

>> No.78043614

It's unreliable simply because it's an iOS only chart.

>> No.78044184

yeah the gacha of it has some real writting and power creep problems. you seen the new rarity they introduced recently? LLR bullshit
and yet the gameplay is still better than the FE gacha

still would love for my oshi to play it. especially with her being a Gintama fan and it having Gintoki and co as guest characters

>> No.78044239

The Chinese are unicorn chads, they are our friends.

>> No.78044397

It was women killing those cats retard

>> No.78044808

He’s an ESL, it’s probably the only opportunity he has to interact with women.
Stfu and learn English though. I’d rather have femcel posters than fucking ESLs on this board.

>> No.78044893

Why tf would women kill cats over Scaramouche? They fucking love that guy.

>> No.78045084

Stop pretending to not be a woman you stinky bitch. I can smell you from here

>> No.78045201

Some kind of mental illness about him and Nahida now being shipped or something. Genshin fans for some reason sees him as a cat since Scaramouche cat or whatever the fuck, so woman went out killing cats.

>> No.78045479

more empathetic sex amirite

>> No.78046499

Exactly, so why would the women kill the Scaramouche cats? They like him. It’s the men that hate Scaramouche. Wouldn’t the women be out there idk killing grass cause it’s Nahida or something?

>> No.78046646

Because he betrayed them by liking Nahida, that was the logic. I don't get it, please don't ask me why they did it. He legit went to the most hated character by woman on the last chink poll by woman for him betraying them.

>> No.78046678

The actual debunk is that there’s no proof that anyone really killed a cat, just someone who claimed they did because they hated Scaramouche. Also nowhere does it say it was women killing cats, I think that anon just pulled it out his ass.

>> No.78046715

Wtf I love chinese now

>> No.78046823
File: 37 KB, 449x768, IMG_5296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the hell is your source? Scaramouche as of five months ago is not only one of the most popular male Genshin characters but the most popular male character in gaming, period.

>> No.78047068

Wtf China is based?

>> No.78047163

I wish I remember what is was called, but I don't; care enough. Tills that website where the chinks vote on their most hated characters. Also I don't know why you go on woman killed a bunch of cats over him, it's pretty easy to find.

>> No.78047422

In other words no source and you made it up lol

>> No.78047426
File: 240 KB, 1198x900, B72B58DA-BD03-4A0C-A0F4-9F20F9E7F3BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This you, nijisis?

>> No.78047468

that's you if you were a woman

>> No.78047508

People were brainwashed by Western propaganda lmao
Maybe Sony should've went to China instead of America if they wanted the Playstation to stay alive.

>> No.78047568
File: 369 KB, 1003x710, 1000010004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think even the most hardened unicorns on /vt/ can agree that gacha schizos from china are fucking insane.

We are talking the same group that had someone physically attack a Mihoyo employee in public over not getting their waifu roll, or seething over thagthat chinese rifle PNG in girls frontline saying a man's name in like 3 different sentences at max

>> No.78047613

The cat thing was a huge thing back when it happened, what are you talking about?
Jesus, woman are crazy.

>> No.78047664
File: 17 KB, 480x466, 1645335869626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chink femoids with language degrees get jobs writing scenarios for gacha
>make it all about the girls fucking somebody else to "prove a point" and stick it to the incels
>our game is supposed to turn a profit?
It's so fucking funny that the exact same thing is happening with completely 2D fictional women, but homobeggars will argue that it's all about talent freedom and socializing with your colleagues or some shit.

>> No.78048193

>Scaramouche as of five months ago is not only one of the most popular male Genshin characters but the most popular male character in gaming, period.
I genuinely hope you wanted to say "in gacha" because there is no way you believe this, no one knows who the fuck your fujobait gay boy is outside of you gacha faggots.

>> No.78048485

Can you not read context clues or do you need everything defined for you?
Yeah but where did it say it was women doing it? Everyone was saying it was dudes who hated Scara killing the cats. Are you not following the thread of conversation or something?

>> No.78048551

>Are you not following the thread of conversation or something?
People making shit up, it was literally woman going out doing it.

>> No.78048613

>Literally femcel in here having a melty making shit up and calling everyone else a incel
Really proving their point here.

>> No.78048681
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What really drove chinese gacha fans to foam at the mouth over this was the fact that the waifus in girls frontline are all based off of real life firearms from around the world, and the girl who cucks the MC with raymond was based off china's miltiary issued service rifle.

In chink minds it basically implied that their country likes to get cucked, and put them on a warpath of death threats and hatemail towards the devs.

>> No.78048695

That's surprisingly based. Still fuck changs though.

>> No.78048726

I don't give a rat fuck about what you were talking about I only saw the most insane statement I have ever seen in my life and responded to it.

>> No.78048767

Just show screenshots of female accounts or articles stating women were killing cats + screenshots of Scaramouche polling as the most hated male character along women. I’m actually the only one thinking logically here since I’m basing my reasoning off of actual evidence and what can be found online but all you’ve given me is “i saw it but idk where”.

>> No.78048806

Why should anyone have to back up claims to you when you are literally making random outlandish claims with no proof.

>> No.78048871

Don't ever reply to me again crazy chink femcel

>> No.78048919

Exactly. Without proof, why should anyone believe the anon claiming that women were the ones killing cats because they remind them of Scaramouche? I’m glad you agree that guy was completely making shit up.

>> No.78049080

This thread is fucking embarrassing and all you schizos getting wound up by a single rogue femcel are pathetic.
Report this stupid off topic thread already and stop responding, all of you.

>> No.78049994
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So true, nijisis!

>> No.78050527

It's a good way to gatekeep fujos and not end up like the Genshin fanbase

>> No.78051139

wasn't it from chinese gacha forums that organized the chat bot spamming?

>> No.78054044

>skin like jade
Where the green women at?

>> No.78054434

based, i dont play those games but the people that do have every right to demand the game appeal to them

>> No.78054911

>every right to demand the game appeal to them
It's the same mentality social justice retards have when they demand more black people and disabled trans people to be in video games.

>> No.78054987

It's literally the opposite because we are talking about appealing to the main audience

>> No.78057418

>Didn't reach the devs
They do know that. Gets referenced in game and there's U-556 that calls Bismarck "My Lord".

>> No.78058205

>HSR has males
>Genshin has males
>Naruto mobile has males
>Arknights has males
>Solo leveling has males
>Love and deepspace has males
>Wuthering waves has males.
Top 7 most successful gachas last month all have males before the first unicorn game, and after that it is back to games that have males.

>> No.78058342

Hololive... grows stronger >:3

>> No.78061050

Why would you even want males in a game about eye candy?

>> No.78061416

Man, why is this bot tier posting in unrelated threads?

>> No.78063323

it won't

>> No.78064536

NijiEN + Chinese fujos use to go hand-in-hand back when Luxiem started

>> No.78066912

a little

>> No.78066996

more money, perms, sponsorship

>> No.78067270

More money, more subs, more sponsors
Less freedom

>> No.78067925

>unikeks were chinks all along
That would explain their constant chimp-outs over nothing and ESL posts.

>> No.78071358


>> No.78071437

A desperate attempt to justify the huge amount of money cover poured into this

>> No.78071955

Unicorn fans, want to stay unicorn.
Nothing to do with Holopro since it's a different audience.

>> No.78073243

Don't care as long as my oshi, avoids it.

>> No.78073554
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>a tiny minority of retards being retarded

Meanwhile all biggest gachas have men

>> No.78073713

Very few people do this. Whales are a tiny %. Most people just buy the 5$ monthly packs.

>> No.78073877
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It's not 100% accurate because those corps don't release all data. But it's mostly accurate. The exception is Mihoyo half of their revenue is on PC and consoles. So in reality they are making way more.

>> No.78074444

>If you give proof, you're a faggot
>If you have no proof, you're a faggot
>If you're asking for proof, you're a faggot
This thread ladies and gentleman.

>> No.78074571
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>stealth Star Rail thread
umm based /vt/ bros

>> No.78074624

What's chinks opinion on female MC? Can they self insert into a woman? Or it is not allowed because it's yuri?

>> No.78074663

Holy sex...

>> No.78074861

This whole movement is hilariously small. Chinks love yuri. Star Rail, Genshin or Arknights are full of it. They also love yuri anime. Hibike and Jellyfish are some of the top series on Bili right now.

>> No.78074939

I understand not wanting the male/female branches to interact, but what's wrong with men existing? vtuber fans are 99% men, why is everyone so against the idea of another man existing?

>> No.78074982

Yeah this shit is mental illness by a tiny minority.

>> No.78075134

Unicornbros... no...

>> No.78075398
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another one for you bwo

>> No.78075456

Funny isnt it?

>> No.78075780
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They aren't. Just that husbandobait made solely to appeal to women are repulsive to men, even though the reverse isn't really true.

>> No.78075847
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>HSR has males
Daniel Dragon is mine and mine alone

>> No.78075984
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LOL they are bigger yurifags than nips.

>> No.78076002

>Daniel Dragon
Thats a woman. No i will not change my opinion. Everything is a woman in the back

>> No.78076056

NIKKE is not even unicorn friendly. It has male NPCs, NTR and yuri.

>> No.78076165
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>> No.78076248

>Stealth gacha yuri thread.

>> No.78076427

If Cover gets Mihoyo perms this board will turn into a singularity for a week.

>> No.78076647

they generally avoid ANY straight bait because most of their invested fans of either gender are either yaoidykes or yurifags. clorinde and navia’s backstories were made as yuribait as possible because people freaked at the minor tease with wriothesley and clorinde in 4.1. the cyno tighnari stuff is the same kinda thing

fate is in a weird position because a lot of the waifus in it have preestablished relationships with the males in other nasu works, many of whom are already arguably player inserts. can’t have your cake and eat it too. also you’re retarded, sakurai (token woman) wrote both heian-kyo where shuten and kintoki get shipbait and shimosa where she suggestively rearranges your organs. she’s literally just a massive slut

>> No.78076767

Better yet. If the chuuba starts thirsting on male character on stream.

>> No.78076955

It's also because GFL is a tiny franchise so schizos have more say there. They tried starting shitstorms like this in Genshin multiple times and it never worked.

>> No.78077011

Shiori is already lusting over HSR males.

>> No.78077282
File: 21 KB, 232x227, 1710664653452513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw Pekora could literally double whatever she got with fgo if she streams Hoyogame

>> No.78077291

This board doesnt actually play gacha. Even if they did, they probably played the game 2 years ago for like 2 hours and quit right after. All their knowledge on gacha games come from twitter/reddit drama. Its common nowadays with people spewing bullshit as if they know everything.

>> No.78079830


>> No.78082690


>> No.78084366

>Yeah this shit is mental illness by a tiny minority.
Hey, just like the fandom in vtubing

>> No.78084589

>All biggest gachas have males characters or male NPCs relevant to the story/gameplay
>It's the China man and China women causing trouble for everybody

>> No.78086002

There are a ton of fujos out there

>> No.78086377

>star rail almost laping Genshin?
the fuck? I thought GI was still the most popular one
