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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.74 MB, 1920x1080, __fallenshadow_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_komachi_pochi__d210150bb0113dab764e31e972b90bd0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78000642 No.78000642 [Reply] [Original]

Thighhigh Thursday

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon™

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>77970047

>> No.78000694


>> No.78000996
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Thigh highs SyadouPray

>> No.78001197


>> No.78001388
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i hope you're happy

>> No.78001494
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I am. She's almost back.

>> No.78001544

>oh i should say though a big chunk of rrk should never have been taken seriously
yeah exactly, just pick and choose what you like and dislike

>> No.78001589
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Forever and always

>> No.78001998
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I love my schizo wife

>> No.78002402

why are you guys upset that you cant stalk her
just stalk her properly now instead of looking at twitter likes

>> No.78002815

ribbons doko

>> No.78003273

I love her alot!! I can't wait to hear her beautiful voice(s) again!

>> No.78003373

what if the fortnite lady comes back aswell Scared

>> No.78004938

you guys are too quiet....

>> No.78005023
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fortnite lady jump scare

>> No.78005037

i was busy watching fargo

>> No.78005488

What episode now?

>> No.78005907

I miss her. Shondo, start an alt stream right now or I might not gonna make it

>> No.78006109

just watched ep2 but idk if i'll continue watching it
i dont know what she show is trying to be it jsut feels kinda off with all the comedy actors being in it

>> No.78006134

Guys I'm going to have sex with fallenshadow, thats okay with you right? Nobody minds?

>> No.78006310

Sure, but it's my turn now so let me finish first.

>> No.78006314

please continue

>> No.78006435

No, mom said its my turn inside shondo

>> No.78006454

spelling bee reps

>> No.78006548
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me when no wife

>> No.78006912

>open dark comedy
>look inside
>comedy actors
surprised pikachu face

>> No.78007015
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point to the dark comedy tag

>> No.78007994
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i take it you dont watch many films

>> No.78008372

yeah i dont cause its a big time commitment
i rarely feel in the mood to sit down and watch something for 2 hours by myself

>> No.78008442

the tv show is a bigger time commitment. also how do you watch streams if you dont watch something that is 2 hours long?

>> No.78008677

Guys I'm going to marry fallenshadow IRL, thats okay with you right? Nobody minds?

>> No.78008772

stop making me explain myself im esl
its different if its a stream cause the streamer is there with me and i can interact with them
and i mostly have streams as background noise unless i want to talk to the streamer or really like the game they are playing

>> No.78008879

you could always just watch 40 minutes of a movie and pause it when a scene ends and pretend its a tv show. you live your best life shoomfie

>> No.78009029

I OBJECT! She's already married to me!

>> No.78009119


>> No.78009254

On top of that some tv shows episodes are like the length of a Disney animated film

>> No.78009306

Films > TV Shows

>> No.78009570

whoever is larping as gary please make more music

>> No.78010237

this could be us shondo

>> No.78010996

whoever is larping as me, DM me if you ever want some pointers.

>> No.78011141

derek yourself

>> No.78011149

whoever is larping as me, follow the seal

>> No.78011239

whoever is larping as me, do what this guy said

>> No.78011585

Whoever is larping as me, I already know who you are. Honestly I don't care, you can keep doing it. I appreciate that you pay attention to me.

>> No.78011799

Why is it okay for Shondo to be married to 200 people but you can't even cheat a little with one single other anime PNG?

>> No.78011910

okey dokey

>> No.78011916

it's only cheating if someone breaks their word about what they would do or not do.

>> No.78013096

She's fine with us lusting over random anime girls, but not other vtubers. She doesn't feel threatened by fictional characters

>> No.78013243

bit weird when you think about it
if she doesnt want to be with anyone irl then she is functionally a fictional character just like other vtubers

>> No.78013285

stinky femcel

>> No.78013465

Explain Vivi then, who is one example out of hundreds if not thousands?

>> No.78013503

There are not a thousand vtubers bro

>> No.78013548

>>78013503 (me)
Not more than 2000 I’d assume

>> No.78013610


>> No.78013626
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she's my fute bagel

>> No.78013734
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>> No.78014514


>> No.78014736


>> No.78014843


>> No.78015133

explain what

>> No.78015368


>> No.78015778
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it's felt pretty nice after a couple months for shon to come back and tell me I was right about everything
>faking her "manic" phase
>doing things to check boxes because she's concerned about whiners
>replying/liking out of obligation
>walking on eggshells with discussion topics, wants to return to the old days

>> No.78015911

Just rip off the band-aid, Shondo. Full favoritism mode. Let the fomofags and pantshitters flood the streets and drown in their own excreta.

>> No.78015992


>> No.78016092

>replying/liking out of obligation
she hasnt even done this for a long time. if anything she did it again the other day if you consider who got likes. bunch of whiny cunts and newfags
the eggshell thing was already confirmed by her before the hiatus when she had a minor melty and (correctly) told the super regulars they turn everything into some sort of argument

>> No.78016372

>she hasnt even done this for a long time
I think that's the point though, she stopped twitter interactions for the most part because she couldn't handle the expectation
>eggshell thing was already confirmed
that's fair to say

>> No.78016394
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stop it

>> No.78016409

>i just dont want people to be "competing" for me though
When you really think about it, it makes sense why she put quotes around that word.
She doesn't want to keep appeasing the bottom feeder husbands who "compete" but never offer much of anything, yet expect so much from her in return.
In this context, she made it crystal clear what her plans are for whiners and FOMOfags.

>> No.78016503

I'm beginning to think this general is gay

>> No.78016554

not gay enough

>> No.78016574

this is weak bait

>> No.78016662

Fallenshadow edition onahole when

>> No.78016713

please don't put it in your shumo

>> No.78016715

Go on and explain what she meant then. If you disagree with this, you may be one of the shondophrenics she's hoping to filter.

>> No.78016783

He was talking about the shumo though

>> No.78016837

unironically I hope among the changes to streams is one kiss per dono

>> No.78017032

>poorcuck fingers typed this

>> No.78017107
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Why do you guys always shit on FOMObros, what'd I do besides not wanting to miss out on stuff? I don't mind not being there for it too much(i do, but i don't make a scene out of it or anything), as long as there's an archive or some sort of record of it
She herself said she gets FOMO too...
Be nise pureasu

>> No.78017248

put the band aid back on, shondo. full fairness mode. fomofriends will rest easy and everyone will drown in likes and interaction

>> No.78017284

Is she going to make up for that ASMR stream that was cancelled when she comes back?

>> No.78017331

so you're saying that she only wants the most dedicated husbands who give her lots of money to compete for her?

>> No.78017468

I would be okay with 1 kiss for a sub, 2 for T2 and 3 for T3. Up to 5 kisses for a donation/bits scaled to the donation amount.

>> No.78017484
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>How can I re-interpret something she said so that I can keep doing what I've been doing and not have to change?

>> No.78017512


>> No.78017716

Money, art, entertainment when she talks to us, memes, etc. She is finally learning to stop giving a shit about the 139.6k and finally focusing on the actual number of dedicated husbands, which is 200-400.

>> No.78017730

Well, if people aren't to interpret her words then she should spell it out for their autistic asses. Also when she built a community around selective interpretation and hidden messages and meanings this is the kind of behavior that she has cultivated.

>> No.78017773

that works as long as it's some heuristic she doesn't have to think much about and it caps at just a few kisses
$1000 dono bombs used to only be a thing with asmr but now that it's every other day I think 5 kisses is fine to just get things moving rather than 200 kiss thanking zone that pads out the zatsu

>> No.78017829

when was the last time anyone bombed her that high

>> No.78017877

i shit on the FOMOchuds because they ruin a lot of things for the rest of us. wanting things to be archived isn't that bad, your FOMObros take it a lot further
shondo also said she's tired of making concessions to that mindset

>> No.78017914

Literally every real husband is going to drop that much within her return week.

>> No.78017923

Do remember that she's an anxious schizo girl with poor social skills that struggles to call her bank. She's trying.

>> No.78018026

>shondo also said she's tired of making concessions to that mindset
>literally takes the course of action to cause as much fomo as possible by only interacting in a way that can't be tracked
yes i am aware that the messages are all there to be read, the fomo is around actually chatting to her and getting a response and her seeing you

>> No.78018050

was more true of a month or two before hiatus but I can imagine it picking up again when she's back

>> No.78018102

no, if the other person does something bad that means it's all their fault and i don't have to reflect on what i did wrong too

>> No.78018141

>interacting in a way that can't be tracked
>can't be tracked
LOL Pathetic.

>> No.78018253

the biggest single donation i remember all year was right as her hiatus hit and i don't even think that was $1000

>> No.78018320

i asked multiple times if there was a way to get discord to ping you when someone sends a message but i was told the only way was to turn my own account into a bot and it could get me banned

>> No.78018344

you’re gay

>> No.78018355

>actual number of dedicated husbands, which is 200-400.
Those 200-400 individuals? All me btw

>> No.78018365

>>literally takes the course of action to cause as much fomo as possible by only interacting in a way that can't be tracked
yes? that's what i'm saying, she's tired of you FOMO shoggers with the crab bucket mentality of "if i have to miss out then then no one should get it"
her actions creating more FOMO is consistent, she wants to cut that out of the community

>> No.78018410

just like my wife

>> No.78018413

Skill issue.

>> No.78018430

do the quick maffs on what 200 subs costs

>> No.78018481

and there's no way to do that, you have to be in the groomcord where whoever sees it pings everyone if you want that

>> No.78018509

>she wants to cut out FOMO from the community by creating as much of it as possible

>> No.78018584

Is there an actual secondary shondo server? Community made?

>> No.78018607

Does this just boil down to FOMOshoggas vs FOMOshoggers

>> No.78018647


>> No.78018651
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>> No.78018670

Just don't miss out on anything.

>> No.78018704

You never heard of exposure therapy?

>> No.78018720

who dropped 200 at once?

>> No.78018743

>i will rule with an iron fist
are you coping or something? she won't tolerate the FOMO she created, it's weeding them out. she doesn't force you to FOMO, the goal is to get the people who DO to stop or leave
she directly told you she's tired of people FOMOing, making it worse for them and bonking them if they can't handle it isn't contradictory

>> No.78018796

that means her career is done, she will end up graduating on her next crisis.

>> No.78018816

What if she sends a message and I don't notice it and I can't read it within a minute or 2? Worse, what if I'm asleep and she decides to send a message? Tweets wake me up so I can read then but now that she talks in discord I wake up every 15 minutes to check my phone and make sure I didn't miss her saying anything.

>> No.78018892

>"she will have people stop FOMOing or have them leave"
>doesn't consider the possibility that she doesn't want to spawn FOMO

>> No.78018922

well thats just how it is isnt it
get your fomo in check or leave, simple as that

>> No.78018931

Then you read it when you can, send a late response if you want, and try again next time.

>> No.78019001

>late response
I'm a lurker, I never respond

>> No.78019045

You have a poor understanding of how these marriage actually operates.

>> No.78019049


>> No.78019104

shogger i don't know how else to say it, she's tired of the people who FOMO, she doesn't want to put up with it anymore
it's basically math, if you stop worrying about FOMO that means you intend on doing the things that created FOMO that was stopping you before
she is tired of the people who FOMO, she does not care if she creates it, if they can't handle it that's not her problem and she's going to start telling them to knock it off or leave, she wants to put her foot down

>> No.78019106

Then what the fuck does it matter whether you read it now or 2 hours from now?

>> No.78019187

Only Shondophrenics could interpret her making interacting with the community even more FOMO driven as Shondo trying to get rid of FOMO.
If Shondo was their gardener she would get rid of garden weeds by planting Kudzu and Japanese Knotweed and they would give her glowing reviews.

>> No.78019291

her husband after she graduates? me
irl of course

>> No.78019301

>>doesn't consider the possibility that she doesn't want to spawn FOMO
and this was the exact thing she said she wanted to stop shogger, go back and read it. she is tired of having to worry about spawning FOMO
creating more FOMO is getting rid of it if you intend on banning the people who do it if you have to

>> No.78019357

She sould only send messages between 7pm and 10pm her time, that way we know to be in discord to read them

>> No.78019415

how about instead of picking the most FOMO inducing way to cause more FOMO to get rid of FOMO (lol) she could just keep doing what she was already doing and just bonk anyone who was being a FOMOtard? this course of action just makes things worse for everyone

>> No.78019419

she should only send messages to me personally

>> No.78019487

You got enough of those already from twitter, Magnetomaster.

>> No.78019511

Shondo: "I'm going to stem the bleeding now, okay dear?"
>Proceeds to cut off your entire leg

>> No.78019532

Last stream oli ended by telling chat (2.5k btw) to join her discord so they can hang out and maybe watch some series or play games, and if they need her they can always DM her and if anyone plays overwatch she's looking for more people to play with her offstream. That's what a community without fomo looks like, do you want us to turn into that?

>> No.78019535

I want her to talk about what she wants, I don't want her to avoid topics or feel obligated to say specific things.

>> No.78019612

Were way past trying to stem the bleeding, nothing has worked the past year. We're cauterizing the stump now.

>> No.78019654

she's not doing that. if she wanted to chat in discord more but didn't because it creates FOMO, now she can that she won't tolerate it anymore. do you understand? she isn't intentionally making it worse, she wants to do all the things that were stopping her which logically were the things that people would FOMO about
except shoggers don't choose to bleed, they choose to FOMO or can't handle it

>> No.78019680

Stop talking about it in terms of FOMO its confusing your autist brain.

She wants you to stop obsessing over every little message. If you're there when it happens, ok. If you're not, you're not. Take the moments as they come. She's not gonna stop herself and its up to you to participate when you're able.

>> No.78019682

no i think we need to go back to schizo punching bag era secret club except now she makes a new arg each week for maximum fomo (in order to get rid of fomo and get rid of people who want secret clubs)

>> No.78019714

We can do plenty with shondo without mimicking Oli (who is just mimicking literally every other streamer).
You don't need to act like she's special, shogger.

>> No.78019732

now you're starting to understand, it's called filtering

>> No.78019762


>> No.78019804

>She wants you to stop obsessing over every little message.
>Shondo Sowing
>Shondo Reaping
If she didn't want her fans to hang on her every word and be completely obsessive over her then maybe she shouldn't have encouraged that for the last few years with her actions and words. Sure, she can change her mind on it and want to change course but she should just be honest about that, if it is actually the case.

>> No.78019890
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I just hope things will be fine

>> No.78019891

>we can do plenty with shondo
Like what. She can't play games with us because someone might be left out, she can't respond to anyone because people track the stats and get mad when someone gets more interaction that anyone else, she got shit for discord watchalongs because some poeple couldn't watch it, she can't even talk in discord (see above), what exactly can we do with her?

>> No.78019915

so you're coping. this is the present, you can seethe about the past all you want that doesn't change anything unless you're going to do something about it like leave or get over it

>> No.78019927

parasocial is out, unicorns and gachikoi are old hat
olivia and shondo and their ilk are dying in favor of the male collab anime girl avatar normal streamer 'vtuber'

>> No.78019971

>she got shit for discord watchalongs because some poeple couldn't watch it
That didn't happen, the issue was with the archivers, she didn't do anything wrong herself

>> No.78020000

>she got shit for discord watchalongs because some poeple couldn't watch it
quick reminder that the only reason that anyone even brought it up to her was because archivers like Orange and Hiroto were not willing to share watchalong recordings

>> No.78020083

>the only reason people FOMOd is because there was something to FOMO about
if you think this is making any point you're not too bright shogga

>> No.78020137

>she can totally hang out in discord sub only channel, she just has to make sure there's an archiver present to record everything and make it public for everyone including non subs so view

>> No.78020168

Nigger if you actually read the post you would see that I said she can change course, she should just tell people. If she wants people to not obsess over every message she sends and thing she does then she should just say that to people directly instead of playing some sort of 6th dimensional emotional boardgame as a form of torture to make people self destruct, which is what you claim she is doing.

>> No.78020202

"not willing" is a pretty strong claim there.
The majority of people who yapped for the VODs were literal who's for the most part and it was stated openly to DM the archivers specially to obtain the VODs.
It was only an issue because people were too socially stunted to fucking ask for them.

>> No.78020220

read her discord messages, we are talking about this because that's exactly what she said shogger

>> No.78020256
File: 3.94 MB, 480x426, eepyshon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight shoggas

>> No.78020288

there are vods for everything else, why wouldnt there be vods for the watchalongs? nobody 'gave her shit' for it, they just asked her politely and they only did that because people who were there and recorded it specifically told them that they were not going to share
nobody would have said anything to shondo if it weren't for her fans dangling shit over others

>> No.78020344

But she did tell them

>> No.78020406
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>> No.78020431

Direct me to the message where she said that she wanted people to stop obsessing over what she says, which is what you said she wants.

>> No.78020449


>> No.78020496

Because there isn't one? Yeah that's what I thought you smelly nigger.

>> No.78020549

her entire last set of messages is talking about all the things her fear of backlash from FOMOchuds was stopping her or stressing her out about, go read them

>> No.78020575

jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.78020595

Goodnight shogga, eep well

>> No.78020657


>> No.78020842

It will be interesting to see if the whiny bitches get filtered

>> No.78020864

if she actually wanted people to not obsess then its looking grim for the larp

>> No.78020872

>doesn't even understand HoloID memes
some vtuber fan you are
see. he got it.
im saying your community has too high percentage of delusional people

>> No.78020911

I only whine /here/

>> No.78020925

>some vtuber fan you are
i only watch western twitch vtubers, i dont give a fuck about a bunch of japanese bitches

>> No.78020946

we know, in chat you syadouHappynod

>> No.78020949

>She can't play games with us because someone might be left out
spin a wheel, ignore the schizos
>she got shit for discord watchalongs because some poeple couldn't watch it,
announce more in advance, poll for best times, if you cant make it you cant make it
>she can't even talk in discord (see above)
she should be able to talk freely in discord, those that are present at the time can talk. she could use @here if she wanted

if she's making a good faith effort for reasonable accommodation and fairness then she's done what she can and its up to others to respond maturely.

besides that, for some people just hearing her assurances that she doesn't have it out for them might help.

>> No.78020987

As long as there's no more sekrit clubs I'm fine with her interacting with us the way she wants whenever she wants. If she starts interacting more because she stopped worrying about stuff like that, the FOMO becomes easier to deal with.

>> No.78020996

Keep moving this is a gachikoi neighborhood.

>> No.78021084
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>your community
we dont give a shit what you think, love me wife simple as

>> No.78021201

stop announcing that youre going to masturbate to shondo in the offline chat

>> No.78021344
File: 3.90 MB, 236x310, 1703149073016370.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my wife

>> No.78021460

because all the coco gachikoi wanted to marry kson irl
>calling me a tourist
ive been here the whole thread
but you are right i should stop shitting up your general
enjoy the short rest of your shut in life, where you will never get an irl glance of your oshi
you stinky obese western fuck
greetings from SEA

>> No.78021656

remember those few times she really wanted to be held despite her touch aversion?

>> No.78021718

lol irl

>> No.78021792

almost as if being touch averse makes someone touch starved

>> No.78021900

I just meant it was a really nice moment that I look back on fondly

>> No.78021943

I've said it before but the only reason it never worked out with * before was because it was long distance. If he had been some bloke from Newcastle or something then continued exposure would have changed everything.

>> No.78022002

home of sexuals

>> No.78022020

if you think about it she touches (YOU) fairly often
she literally sat on our lap (in public!) during the valentines date
she is a precious girl

>> No.78022054

If she's so stuch adverse, why's she always touching her little brother?

>> No.78022130

I hope so too

>> No.78022174

Because its her family? She is more okay with her family touching her and mostly okay with touch if she initiates it. Its strangers that she doesn't want to be touched by. Familiarity in this case breeds the opposite of contempt.

>> No.78022288

on a related note, she liked this tweet earlier, she's very precious indeed

>> No.78022375

Does anyone have the clip of her saying:
"Hitler wouldn't do that, he's my friend"

>> No.78022377

how do i still stalk likes what the hecking heck

>> No.78022432

I'm asking myself the same question, what did he mean by "earlier"

>> No.78022486

even one hour away is too long distance

>> No.78022548

I think it was like an hour ago because it was the time I noticed it was there. Tweetdeck still shows likes but it sorts by the original post's date instead of the time the user liked it.

>> No.78022615

i knew it

>> No.78022735

You don't need to plan a holiday to travel an hour. Anyone within the UK could reasonable travel to see her every day if not every weekend.

>> No.78022892

I dislike Elon's choices

>> No.78023100

To UKucks an hour of travel is like a 16 hour drive with no AC

>> No.78023103

what's supposed to be different from the last time she said she was going to start standing up for herself and banning people?

>> No.78023124
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>> No.78023174

Not everyone in the UK is like Shondo who thinks that cycling 5 miles to work is too much.

>> No.78023192

She doesn't need to necessarily ban people, just punish them individually

>> No.78023434

one hour of train would still be annoying

>> No.78023781

>the typical husband wouldnt even travel an hour to see her
lol irl

>> No.78024788
File: 86 KB, 796x1024, 1717869758558500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78025404

5 miles (8 kilometers) to go to work is objectively a lot, even by car.

>> No.78025676

>a lot
thats a yankee, and is not a lot, in fact it should be less than an hour.

>> No.78025836

5 miles is barely 25 minutes on a bike

>> No.78026170

>posting in the discord making fun of otis for having his balls chopped

>> No.78026857

i travel ~30kms to work
if you can find a workplace so close you must live in a big city
or you are very lucky

>> No.78027298

25 minutes of concentration without any breaks is quite exhausting and dangerous. Like, you could do it, but then you would have no energy to do anything for the rest of the day.

I will never understand the mind of people who decide to live basically in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.78028090

>25 minutes of concentration without any breaks is quite exhausting and dangerous.
average american when faced with cycling

>> No.78028348

Really goes to show how much shoggers love her when they wouldn't travel 30km to be with their 'wife' due to their lack of physical ability to move that distance.

>> No.78028494
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>> No.78029893


>> No.78030609
File: 1.03 MB, 960x1234, 376_copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holding hands with shondo
rubbing her hand with your thumb
brushing her bangs to the side
kissing her nose
stroking her arm
rubbing her tummy
holding her close

>> No.78031034
File: 179 KB, 413x418, 1718144541738364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shonfairy, my beloved.

>> No.78031192

How's it going without your oshi, /shon/?
What's her lewdest ASMR?

>> No.78032176

If 30km was all it took I'd walk that to see her

>> No.78032418

>I will never understand the mind of people who decide to live basically in the middle of nowhere.
not exactly a choice when you need tons of money to buy a house
also wouldn't call 50km from our capital 'the middle of nowhere'

>> No.78032474

lewdest thing she ever done during asmr is earlicking
just check her vod channel

>> No.78033292

Which VOD was it?

>> No.78035874
File: 174 KB, 1100x1000, IMG_20240306_011225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love my wife
Fate itself allowed us to meet and as thanks I will take fate in my own hands and help the world(current and future worlds) become the best that they can be and achieve total shondomination in each and every one of them worlds; all in one life.

>> No.78037346

exposure doesn't do shit to help the problems she has, yes even the social ones. learn about your wife's disorders and how the real world works. "just go do it" is pure cope and fantasy or ignorance

>> No.78038519

>spoonfeeding a tourist on shondo fap material
anti coded post

>> No.78039313

>calling shondo's asmr shondo fap material
Anti-coded post

>> No.78039541

he was asking for her lewdest content, i'm not the one calling it fap material

>> No.78039688

>panders to pedophiles
I will never watch your chuuba

>> No.78039841

If you're single and oshiless then you will eventually marry her

>> No.78039978

You’re a pedophile and nothing you say is funny or entertaining. It’s more like watching someone with a mental tick going off.

>> No.78040065
File: 181 KB, 1296x2304, IMG_20240515_080228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not her

>> No.78040145

No but you are a fan of hers which is pretty damning in itself. If you aren’t directly a pedophile then you are most definitely pedophile adjacent

>> No.78040264
File: 673 KB, 984x841, 1716936281452383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78040300

Get the fuck out of my thread, pedo

>> No.78040370

You must change as a person and adapt to the evolution of shonciety

>> No.78040393

good morning babe, shaming and abusing us this early? you must be extra horny today

>> No.78040902

Very weird thread vibe rn

>> No.78042392

take some meds for your tick, faggot

>> No.78043458
File: 3.65 MB, 498x348, 1715194337136590.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't differentiate anime women from real children

>> No.78043498

I just want to have sex with her. I'm not asking for much am I

>> No.78043778

She looked really hot in the way back machine vid the other day

>> No.78044059
File: 2.87 MB, 1280x702, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6bylng.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78044118

do reps if you think that's all her likes amounted to

>> No.78044424
File: 12 KB, 380x140, correction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78044582

don't worry shondo, i'll push your face down into the pillow and fuck you relentlessly from behind

>> No.78044689

Link me a catbox vid to jack off to her with

>> No.78044773

>nothing can ever change or get better
grim outlook and obviously false

>> No.78044864

watch streams

>> No.78045350


>> No.78045644

this could be us shondo

>> No.78045691

im not gonna argue with you, you are simply wrong

>> No.78045741

that's not what i said. i'm saying just going out and brute forcing it with exposure isn't always the solution especially for the more serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia, she needs therapy and very controlled exposure, not to throw her out into the world where her brain will just disassociate to cope or worse, exposure can actually be worse for someone, it depends on the person and their issues and shondo's issues are those kind. that's what i'm trying to say

>> No.78045913

I'll just heal her using magic, don't worry about it(in 8 years)

>> No.78045949

magic doesn't exist though?

>> No.78045973


>> No.78046070


>> No.78046186


>> No.78046778
File: 3.66 MB, 359x424, 1715975352777135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If magic isnt real, explain this.

>> No.78046847

pin down by the neck, pull tail, rape

>> No.78046944

This image made my heart skip a beat.

>> No.78047014

In the context of the conversation they were talking about her touch aversion which does get better with exposure, and in her case she already says that she is more comfortable with her family, so it isn't surprising that when she traveled to another country and was in unfamiliar places with unfamiliar people that what happened happened, and would probably have gotten better with time but the logistics of the situation weren't suitable compared to someone more local.

>> No.78047050
File: 269 KB, 220x234, cat-kitty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not magic

>> No.78047123


>> No.78047216

its magical

>> No.78047351

why do you want to get cucked so badly? incomprehensibe behavior

>> No.78047360

None of that matters because you will never get with her IRL, incel. Take your savior complex and leave, there are too many 'husbands' with your attitude. You cannot and will not save her, you only make her worse.

>> No.78047484

Why do you read someones post and then your brain automatically begins thinking about hypothetical cuckoldry instead of what is actually being posted about?

>> No.78047800

her redebut is going to be 10k ccv isnt it

>> No.78048753

who's gonna tell him?

>> No.78048756
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE fallenshadow!!!!!

>> No.78048805

no.... my wife will be a vtweeter forever???

>> No.78048878

>you only make her worse
>Take your savior complex and leave
the absolute irony here

>> No.78049042
File: 253 KB, 669x886, 1710932809827634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/shon/ in a nutshell. this place really shouldn't exist

>> No.78049134

>having a warm snuggle with shondo by the fireplace snuggle wuggled under a blanket and she feels warmth entirely from your body. she gives you a kiss and you both taste the lingering hot cocoa on her lips and she becomes eager to kiss you more as a result

>> No.78049152

I don't think the hideous mystery meat blob full of seethe and projection represents a significant chunk of /here/.
There are people with problems and with bigger problems, but this thing stands out like a sore thumb.

>> No.78049400
File: 1.83 MB, 1024x1024, love [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjze5e9.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78049496

She doesn't want to touch or kiss you, incel.

>> No.78049506

I can't tell if you're talking about dewd or not

>> No.78049539

keep up the posts shondo deserves to know how much she is loved

>> No.78049643

Funny, but no.
I'm talking about the the thing that posted above you. There is some hope it's someone baiting, but I wouldn't count on that.

>> No.78049715

ok good cause im trying to wifepost about kissing my wife in peace today

>> No.78049823

Xister posting is getting annoying desu

>> No.78049910


>> No.78050802

History reps, now

>> No.78050859

What did outcast mean by that in offline chat?

>> No.78051004

discord reps doko?
xive was showing off his bot and outcast had a very low rating of 1
thus he posted something that would trigger the bot to give him a higher sussyness rating

>> No.78051066


>> No.78051121

>discord reps doko?
My sub ran out a bit ago

>> No.78051241
File: 285 KB, 602x827, 1714595837064936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to post thigh highs

>> No.78051745

imagine running your hands along her pale skin, the little involuntary movements and quivering
looking her in the eyes while tracing her collarbones
holding her chin and kissing her

>> No.78052042

envision pulling up each individual thigh-high just for her.
your fingers brushing along her pale, silky skin as you slowly pull it in place.
her little fangers hiding her embarrassment as you do this simple task for her.
her little toes wiggling as the fabric settles in place.

>> No.78052132

its the only counter to winposting

>> No.78052317

I don't love you
But I think you're one lush slut
I'm not a git, I know you won't snog, but I can't help getting randy.

Best wishes you tidy peng.

>> No.78052359

Is this really english

>> No.78052722

I want to help her with even the most mundane daily tasks

>> No.78052748

like pissing ToT

>> No.78052753

I love you
I think you're one wonderful woman.
I'm not an asshole, I know you want to kiss and I can wait.
Best wishes, you cutie-pie.

>> No.78052819

Dibs on brushing her teeth and wiping her ass.

>> No.78052834

xive is pastebin anon and he feeds shondo memes from /here/ to drop on stream to make people more schizo

>> No.78052876

wiping reps

>> No.78052885

>brushing her teeth
no thats for me

>> No.78052964

No, Xive is her BF. There is no other reason someone would spend more than 3 years moderating someones internet chatrooms and twitch channel for free despite not even consuming their content.

>> No.78053024

You underestimate the opportunities people will take if it means they can freely stalk and be schizo.

>> No.78053031

whoever is larping as me, ask xive

>> No.78053369

Raknov remember when you asked for examples of you leaking that you're /here/? This is one of them

>> No.78053469

Raknov is faking ignorance if he doesn't realize how obvious he makes it that he's /here/.

>> No.78053542
File: 8 KB, 222x76, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah cause you cant just download vencord and look at the hidden channels
gecko-kun isn't here
take your meds

>> No.78053566

why are you dereking lizardboy so much, why do you fear him? because shondo noticed him?

>> No.78053656

Stop posting about yourself.

>> No.78053685

list all 50 /here/ shoggers and one fact you know about them

>> No.78053699

It was his reaction afterwards to also say jesse
He got pressured and sold

>> No.78054074


>> No.78054160

I think she's touching grass

>> No.78054263

Any particular reason for why you think this

>> No.78054304

My trailcam didn't pick anything unusual up.

>> No.78054323

she hasn't been on discord for 2 days and she said she was going to eventually

>> No.78054410

Good reasoning desu

>> No.78054425
File: 376 KB, 2048x1536, 1706150684529198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check it again

>> No.78054464

That patch of grass under her skirt? Me

>> No.78054500

>>78054464 (me)
Skirt, dress, coat... whatever!!

>> No.78054552

the camera me

>> No.78054583

If rexus was an 8(1-10, 1 being a good chatter and 10 being a bad chatter) due to just gaslighting then where would someone like somnium be?

>> No.78054725

10, monitored user, 1 life remaining

>> No.78054841


>> No.78054914


>> No.78054931

why cant you just be honest shondo
why cant you just share things with us
why cant you just say what you want and what you mean
why why why

>> No.78054937

I will say I have a tendency to jump to conclusions, but I will also say sometimes I'm right

>> No.78055073

How much is 23 gazillion billion dollars in shondollars

>> No.78055118

23 shondollars

>> No.78055131


>> No.78055208

little stalker she is, very cute

>> No.78055250

she said she doesn't want to stream and yet all of you spergs won't accept it

>> No.78055282

And here i was just thinking how nice the lack of rabbit posting has been...

>> No.78055602

no you dont understand she loves streaming and wants to stream she just doesnt do it for reasons

>> No.78056152

got a 4

>> No.78056580
File: 452 KB, 677x564, (you)chigo x shrukia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's no thread baked for a while after this one then goodnight shoggas, the hot weather has made me have to take a shower once every 4 days instead of the usual once a week

>> No.78056764


>> No.78057215

stop baking before it's time just so you can impose your beliefs on the rest

>> No.78058517
File: 148 KB, 1018x1080, 1712016545370399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last for I luv me wife, simple as

>> No.78058550

last for i will win :)

>> No.78058643

nah i will win actually
t. gary
also did you actually message him gojo kun he mentioned you in offline chat

>> No.78058664

shonnegans wake

>> No.78058715
File: 216 KB, 1920x1080, 1714766686281656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last for being with fallenshadow irl and living happily ever after

>> No.78058737

he added me about 10 mins ago now he's asking me stuff about the mods and his ban

>> No.78058789

I think the last thing S needs right now is to be interacting with him kek

>> No.78058855

Last for Incels, Groomers and Manchildren finally being kicked out of this community and their negative impact to be gone.

>> No.78058887

but i'm still here and i'm all 3

>> No.78058952

last for schloping on shontoes

>> No.78058960

shondo will never kick out her entire audience
