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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78001795 No.78001795 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.78001864
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Yeah nijien didn't do as well as expected

>> No.78001939

She had to service the entire nijisanji home office with her mouth in order to get them to pull that shit with the merged graph

>> No.78002003
File: 10 KB, 453x428, 1711708824951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter how loyal or devoted a Niji is, the corp will grind them to dust eventually. I feel really bad for the people who joined up. Even the ones that aren't the best kind of people.

>> No.78002031

holozhang deflection thread

>> No.78002270

Holozhang delfection thread

>> No.78003279

>Afraid of losing her power over nijien if the branch gets folded

>> No.78003283

what are the units for these graphs?

>> No.78003440

womp womp

>> No.78003771

You accidentally posted it twice, Sister

>> No.78003782

I dont understand why Elira would want to move to Japan in the first place, the country isnt exactly known for doing good for one's mental health. At least she'll be less suicidal there than in South Korea.

>> No.78003980

Anycolor demanded it in order to more efficiently recieve shaft polishing for the c suite

>> No.78004003

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 Hololive

>> No.78004107

Oh no, a tweet.

Anyway, did you guys know Hololive is bowing down to China?

>> No.78004187

Any bets on who's jumping ship this time?

>> No.78004294

Vivi and Kunai seemed to have given up with most pretences at this point but I don't know whether either of them can actually leave yet per the contract.

>> No.78004389

Respect the hustle

>> No.78004404

Enna might be going, and to Vshojo of all places...

>> No.78004432

I honestly wonder if Millie is next.

>> No.78004650

Wtf where did this rrat come from?

>> No.78004705

seeing rosemi, vivi and kunai still there and getting completely crushed day after day just makes me sad at this point.

>> No.78004732

God I fucking hope not. However, it would also be really kino to see her ditch Millle. The betrayal Millle would feel would eclipse any WAIT WHAT HAPPENED D:.

>> No.78005018

Free chinese market since NijiEN(CN) is dying

>> No.78005238

It makes me hard

>> No.78005309

Actual nijinigger deflection attempt

>> No.78005491

oh no... did you?

>> No.78005537
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>> No.78005603

nothing happened? she already said on stream has way too much work to do and is mentally drained by it

>> No.78006204

Imagine the kwabenning. Full scorched earth on twitter.

>> No.78006252

And you believe it?

>> No.78006335

She also said on stream that Doki tried to dox her.

>> No.78006480

yeah seems pretty believable, she has been saying she has lots of work for a while now and her genmate finana has taken the week off with no schedule because she has so much work too

>> No.78007203

Life Points.

>> No.78009009

Yeah just like how doki tried to dox her amirite

>> No.78009162

hehe it looks like a crying face

>> No.78010389

>with her mouth
Mate I'd reckon it was more than that

>> No.78010530

Ignoring Enna being a shitty person, Niji has a history of losing their singer chuubas
Even Chima at one point wanted to leave but stayed after just taking a long break for school

>> No.78011159

I hope it gets worse actually

>> No.78011614

Very unlikely, Matara has talked about how she only talks to her "rosy friend" nowadays.
Besides, Enna has too much dirt from that black stream potentially outing her.

>> No.78012801

Don't forget Kuro and Michi are also there, even if they don't seem to have as much pull as Matara does. I don't remember Mysta being particularly good friends with Enna, but Mika did hang out with Enna a lot.
Either way, it'll be a positive. Enna rots in NijiEN, or Millie gets backstabbed. No, I don't think Enna is smart enough to pull off making a sub Hanamori clique in VShojo even if she does get in.

>> No.78016832

Kuro is friends with notRen. Michi loves Enna for some strange reason. All it means is that those two will have friends to collab with after graduation.

>> No.78018211

There was a black screen and everything! Very believable!

>> No.78018351

Most likely got the news that NijiEN might be folded in to main branch - and that projects are going to be axed. And true to corporate culture, she is being blamed for not doing more to prevent it. Never forget that corporate always eat their own, to prevent higher ups from looking bad.

>> No.78018613

I would imagine that Anycolor demanded it. She can't say anything about the company if she's in japan without going to prison.

>> No.78019085

Holozhang deflection thread

>> No.78020424

Pulling a Kain...

>> No.78020749

you should try making another racist thread about it. people should start caring any day now

>> No.78020803

Even their new recruits just started posting in their RM accounts instead due to how dismal everything is at NijiEN right now

>> No.78021037

>for some strange reason
I like how everyone on this board is constantly befuddled by the idea that they don't personally know the vtubers they talk about.

>> No.78021665

Nijiseething post

>> No.78022855

Even Denauth? I thought only Vivi and Kunai have been doing that.
And Hex I guess but he can stay in Nijsanji forever

>> No.78023219

>Elira, after finding out doki's booth is next to her at AX

>> No.78023282

Hex has actually been guiding people to his PL. If anybody's made up their mind it's him.

>> No.78023447

I'm trying to think of what disaster this reminded me of. Like initial reports are optimistic but you go back 4 months later and it's still a disaster zone. Like literal fires still springing up and burning in places from residual embers cause it was a massive blaze.

Maybe a wild fire in Alberta, Canada?

>> No.78023511

It might be interesting to see how much the male buff actually affects BFE ex-Nijis. Kuro immediately told his sister fans to fuck off after reincarnating and Quinn isn't BFE so he got nothing in the first place. When Hex leaves and does the same "spicy" content, would be interesting to see how his numbers change assuming he doesn't get fucked for violating ToS again kek

>> No.78023934

holy grim lmao

>> No.78024013

you mean china begging to holo? yeah and they will beat niji there again sister, prepare yourself

>> No.78024081

Yea, I'd be hitting the bottle too if I have to pretend the obvious house fire ain't burning around me 24/7.

>> No.78024100

He will be a low tier 3 view on twitch and will probably keep lewd content separate. However unlike quinn, he is not a charisma Blackhole so if he finds people to shill him he can climb up to 4 view status.

>> No.78024127

vshojo are not the smartest but they are not that dumb to get the bully clique specially after matara and mint publicly choose doki side, unless vshojo that retarded idk ask vshojofag

>> No.78024354

no wonder you nijinigger got scammed every single time LMAO

>> No.78024403

rich coming from nijisisters who are well known as the most retarded vtuber fanbase

>> No.78027629
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>> No.78029383

>哦,不,发生了什么 D:

speak english

>> No.78029605

>imma be real
>bad bad
Why does she talk like that?
Is this a canadian thing?
She sounds so retarded.

>> No.78030085

Sucking that much cock can't be good for your brains

>> No.78030464
File: 272 KB, 532x453, there's something on that I don't like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this a canadian thing?
I... don't think so? At least, I hope not. I'm A FUCKING LEAF and I don't know anyone who talks like that.
It's probably more a "terminally online twitter user" thing.

>> No.78030467

A crack pipe

>> No.78030623

"It's BAD bad" is a pretty common descriptor. I'm actually really proud of her for using it, as assimilating with actual humans has been quite the difficult thing for her these past few months.

>> No.78030638

Nothing happens until Gura's Muse Dash vods are back.

>> No.78030724

it's black people speak
she talks like this because nijisanji's audience and vtubers are all leftists

>> No.78030802

millions yen

>> No.78030812

>taken the week off with no schedule because she has so much work to do
Did the retard forget her job is to stream? What mysterious "work" is she doing that's more important than doing a single stream in a week, her only source of income? Or is this her way of saying she had to get another job since 1 Finana can't pay your bills?

>> No.78030884

if it was back when selen was organizing events behind the scenes all the time, I could understand, sort of.
But right now? It seems like they're mostly just spinning wheels.

>> No.78030890

Counterpoint, Michi is retarded.
Verification not required.

>> No.78031066

hopefully the branch getting absorbed into JP id what happened. given EN was literally swept under the rug entirely to hide it in the financial report, it seems headquarters admits they are a liability for the entire fucking company at this point.

way to go, fucking EN dipshits. they got what they wanted by being condescending patronizing shits who took glee in fucking with your fans acting like it's the righteous thing to do.

>> No.78031172

Right? Like what are the possibilities here? An entire week recording voice packs that they're going to start spamming out? Daily meetings discussing the en/jp merger? Just 24/7 doomscrolling twitter while you post bait /here/ on your other monitor? Finana is this (You) >>78002031

>> No.78031298

Vivi actually wants to get out and go to Duel Log's vtuber agency

>> No.78031440
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wasn't me

>> No.78031486

it ended up being true so not sure why you're still posting this

>> No.78031555

Oh hell nah
They're happy at Vshoujo right now, dont bring her toxic ass into their life again anon
Go join phase or something far away from them

>> No.78031787

>nijiEN negative YoY

>> No.78032342

Is suppose. I was just saying it's pretty clear cut with the asmr boi. There's no doubt in that regard

>> No.78032437

>Even Chima at one point wanted to leave but stayed after just taking a long break for school
I still feel so bad for Chima getting 0 support. She is so fucking good at singing, I sometimes like to imagine what it could've been if she was in other places.

>> No.78032445

Source? Looks interesting

>> No.78032558


>> No.78032609

>the movie?
Starship troopers, afaik
>the edit?

>> No.78032657

girls have this thing called a period where their unfertilized eggs flow outside of their body.

>> No.78034407

>Two quarters of negative revenue growth
>Effects of the original stock buyback completely wiped out
>Empty concert halls
>Most EN channels are now losing subs on a slow but steady basis after an initial huge drop
>Niji forced to do another giant stock buyback

>> No.78035600

Relax, maybe she just wants to visit some nice forests in Japan.

>> No.78035996


>> No.78037116


>> No.78037327
File: 10 KB, 301x168, anyway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no! Anyway...

>> No.78037577
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yeah nijien didn't do as well as expected

>> No.78039021

B2 selling stocks in niji deflection comment

>> No.78039610

nigga we blacks ain't saying shit like that you FOOL! A nigga acting like that on the street he getting got the first day!

>> No.78039799

The funny thing is black Canadians don't talk remotely like this (source: am a black Canadian) so you can tell they pick it up from African-Americans on Black Twitter.

>> No.78040095

>Q4 buckbreaks AnyColor

>> No.78042607
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Unironically should have chosen better friends. Being so loyal to Millie and Enna fucked her whole internet career.

>> No.78043092

Nah, even if she did, it was just not possible.
Elira's mistake was diving balls deep into the "leader of the branch" mentality. It's not that she's loyal to Millie and Enna, she put herself at the steering wheel from the beginning and now everyone expects her to perform duties that are impossible for her.

>> No.78043428
File: 257 KB, 708x860, Screenshot_20240613_163155_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira just found out.

>> No.78043701

>nothing big happening though
I just want the drama to not be so repetitive

>> No.78043812

Pls be real, pls be real

>> No.78043866

No empathy for this evil cunt

>> No.78044503

I know Finana is recording a group MV so that's probably her reasoning, no idea about Elira though

>> No.78044928

>Guuuys management is making me do all those promos, collabs, merch and concerts... poor me, right?

>> No.78045189

>Oh no, I need to do actual work. I didnt sign up for this!

>> No.78045318

Some women have periods, and some women have constantlies.

>> No.78045990

Because the world has a surplus of dipshit weebs that cannot understand that moving to a country because it made a cartoon they liked is an incredibly stupid decision. Every person I've ever known who either was foreign to Japan and lived there for a time or was native Japanese and experienced living elsewhere has said it's simply not a place you'd want to live in long-term.

>> No.78046060

>NijiEN might be folded in to main branch
Bruh, that's like saying that the sun "might" rise in the east tomorrow morning.

>> No.78046165

There is no way in hell that any of the other major corpos are going to touch Elira, Enna or Millie with a ten-foot pole. That is a ridiculous reputation risk with potentially zero pay-out. None of them have good enough numbers to seem tempting to any of the major corpos.

The only Niji talents that have any real hope of being accepted into another corpo without issue are the exact ones people tend to leave alone and view as being detached from all the drama, such as Scarle or perhaps Vivi. Scarle even has the tempting bonus where she has top-tier paypigs that will throw thousands of dollars at her on the regular.

>> No.78046274

She never moved. She was there for a while for work related reasons, but she was already back home when she restarted streaming in April.
The whole "she moved to Japan and they're taking her visa hostage" was a retarded story made up by fameliras to exonerate her for the black stream, and it just stuck.

>> No.78046943

Scarle and Aia are the two big ones, because despite their low numbers, they pull massive Superchats. Also Aia seems to have the "la creativedad" and event organizer spark, so if anyone picks her up and helps develop her talent there is a very big payoff.

>> No.78046959

She announced it back in March, and it's scheduled to be released on June 30.

I don't know how much of her own money she spent to make it happen; but it would be a very Nijisanji move to terminate one of the livers who are set to appear in it right before its release, and that termination forces Finana to either outright cancel the MV and eat the cost, or delay it another month or two to Stalin out the terminated liver (and eat the cost of the editing).

....anyway I hope the livers can start streaming on Fansly soon

>> No.78049405

> the country isnt exactly known for doing good for one's mental health
I mean...
>Insanely low CoL outside of touristy cities
>Actually good and healthy food
>Actually good standards with air/water safety
>Insanely low crime rate
The "poor mental health uwu" is literally social media bullshit that always gets spread around when America starts fucking up royally. Even the oh so touted suicide rates have been down to its lowest point ever.

>> No.78049662
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>Even the oh so touted suicide rates have been down to its lowest point ever.

>> No.78050008

They wouldn't be hiding the EN data on their report if it really was "Negligible"

>> No.78050067

>am a black Canadian
Jesus.. you poor bastard. You really got dealt a bad hand there eh. And you watch Vtubers, just.. Did your dad at least stick around?

>> No.78050097

Sorry nigga

>> No.78050313

Please God let this happen, it would be so fucking funny. They already have a liar, a cheater, several whores, a tranny, and they're all menhera all they need now is the pedo that takes pictures of naked kids to show her friends.

>> No.78050365

Her ex-bf is possibly joining, he had to get his numbers up first which is why Michi has been helping him.

>> No.78051161 [DELETED] 

It's actually tiktok. American zoomers talk like American ghetto niggers because they think it's funny and Elira watches a lot of zoomers doing stupid shit.

>> No.78051474

If getting shilled by the other Vshoujo members and multiple indies couldn't get his numbers up then she won't either

>> No.78051510


>> No.78052140

well there must be a point where no more cum cum fits in her fuck holes

>> No.78053393

The ceo himself bowed and apologized jn no uncertain terms for describing Selen as negligible, before proceeding to say all the nice flowery things a company could have said months ago when parting ways with Selen.

>> No.78056587

>pedo that takes pictures of naked kids to show her friends.
Wait, what? Is this real?

>> No.78057258

You tell me with those reactions from her genmates

>> No.78057459

Where do she get the confidence to do shit like this.

>> No.78057561

Because evil people are the epitome of the belief that they are untouchable.

>> No.78060937

Got the news that the EN branch is now a non-entity to the company brass

>> No.78061076

Did she talk with the management about this?
