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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 407 KB, 2560x1440, gem girl mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77998812 No.77998812 [Reply] [Original]

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou

Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKNKA1dfshU
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oo3WE-mcIU
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.


>> No.77998871
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>> No.77998936

What will she name her Yoshi?
Will she go for a specific color after chat tells her about it?

>> No.77998954

Biboo with that mega bun turns my cock to diamond

>> No.77999016

She wants the black and red one.

>> No.77999053

is anyone gonna tell Biboo she needs to do a man voice for Vivian?

>> No.77999067

She will go for the white one and name him Vergil

>> No.77999174

3D Biboo SOON

>> No.77999225
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This one.

>> No.77999259

>see tree
>hur fauna
do these retards not realize that trees are flora?

>> No.77999318

The sheer scale of that mustache. Such majesty.

>> No.77999418

RGB foliage.

>> No.77999464
File: 20 KB, 587x114, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She already knows, do you not watch streams? She literally talked about it on this stream, and in pre-chat, and last stream.

>> No.77999505

Like a true gamer.

>> No.77999536

Apparently Nintendo did know about it during development, though never gave them a direct affirmation or told them to stop. They also haven't responded to any attempts to reach out about it. It's also not like it's a unknown translation or anything.

Though maybe it'd be a different case if a streamer in Hololive streamed it.

>> No.77999543


>> No.77999564

Did she spoil herself? I thought this was blind play

>> No.77999654

she played as a kid until yoshi

>> No.77999675

Squishy, adorable little Biboo.

>> No.77999718

>need for drama
oh it's a twittertroon

>> No.77999728

>Just go on twitter
She's not just cute but also funny
I love her

>> No.77999780


>> No.77999795
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>> No.77999799

*wiping noises intensify*

>> No.77999830

Mario please...

>> No.77999860

Isn't it a bit odd that Biboo is twice as tall as Mario?

>> No.77999896

she's in the foreground

>> No.77999913

Peach is as well.

>> No.77999928


>> No.77999941


>> No.77999973

Oobib the Betrayer

>> No.78000011

Have you seen him next to the normal humans in games like Odyssey? The dude is a fucking hobbit

>> No.78000035

the comedic timing on that low battery prompt

>> No.78000038

He's small Mario.

>> No.78000081

pebbles… your oshi…

>> No.78000125

I mean I'd think Biboo is a little smol too

>> No.78000143

That pebble? Me.

>> No.78000169

Is absurdly cute, yes.

>> No.78000179

Biboo really fucked that pebble

>> No.78000214

rock princess cute

>> No.78000229

Is playing a game one-handed on stream? Yeah, E for Everyone actually means Eroge

>> No.78000242
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You may have fooled her but you didn't fool me you little cunt.

>> No.78000263
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>> No.78000281

Yeah, me.

>> No.78000314

Would you want this bratty, mischievous rock to be your partner in an adventure like this?

>> No.78000359

You dive to gain speed you big dummy.

>> No.78000363

I want her to be my partner in life

>> No.78000394

Well having her within plapping range will probably effect how bratty she gets.

>> No.78000429


>> No.78000430

Was that rhetorical?

>> No.78000544

I already said it, we're going to raid the demon lord's castle this weekend.

>> No.78000618
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>> No.78000637

>People directing her to look between stumps
>It's directly above one of them

>> No.78000653

My dumb gem princess doesn't understand momentum.

>> No.78000658

some doubts

>> No.78000721
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>> No.78000764
File: 963 KB, 420x422, you're not doubting Biboo right [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4wr9n6.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78000841
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>> No.78000874

>immediately tries to smash up the house

>> No.78000876
File: 5 KB, 51x82, 754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my high contrast oshi is exceedingly small

>> No.78000916


>> No.78000968

>fat lady was masturbating
why is this allowed?

>> No.78000967

Living rocks like Whomps/Thwomps are OP as fuck in the Marioverse, there's a reason they rarely let you use them outside of stuff like Mario Party 3

>> No.78000987
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She's a force of distruction.

>> No.78001008


>> No.78001036

fatties have needs too

>> No.78001056

Fat girls need love too.

>> No.78001117
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>> No.78001179

join okayu mengen

>> No.78001214


>> No.78001220


>> No.78001234


>> No.78001249
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>> No.78001259


>> No.78001266

beldam is going to rape her brother

>> No.78001297

irresistable plumber pheromones

>> No.78001324
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>> No.78001340

also those invincible rock guys in the glitz pit

>> No.78001546

She's got good coordination, i wouldn't be able to move the joystick with one hand and drag the mouse with the other without fucking things up.

>> No.78001580

Biboo's pretty good at this game

>> No.78001708


>> No.78001736

wait what the fat fuck can talk

>> No.78001751


>> No.78001771

>troons in chat

>> No.78001777

oh gosh, here we go

>> No.78001858

I need a "I hate being punished" soundpost, pebblefriend!

>> No.78001906

So wait. The translators wanted to go full woke and make Vivian a tranny but they just removed the reference to Vivian being a trap. By doing so it gives the impression that Vivian is just a normal female.

>> No.78001919

>only one pebble posted the troon flag
well it aint perfect but at least it's mostly poors

>> No.78001937

troons are stupid

>> No.78001962

Fags are insufferable lol

>> No.78002025

troons don't watch streams

>> No.78002023

I noticed the other day that their "tentacle" just gets stretched when they're launched into the air

>> No.78002112
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>> No.78002129

wait Vivian should be the one saying that

>> No.78002134

So we've gone back to the 4kidz days, but for almost opposite reasons? That's actually hilarious.

>> No.78002143

>they removed the reference

>> No.78002203

I'd also add to this, the faggot at Nintendo who's been trying to shove femboys and trannies into their games since the 80s.
Lookin at you, Miyamoto.

>> No.78002212

no they didn't retard it's later in the game

>> No.78002248

Culture warriors don't play games lol

>> No.78002265


>> No.78002277

>the fat one is mori

>> No.78002368

dw they see all they need to see on twitter

>> No.78002394


>> No.78002473

surprisingly low amount of transrights posters. I guess that explains why they're all so fucking vocal, they're the absolute minority everywhere they go lol.

>> No.78002482

The original's translation removed Vivian being a trap. The remake adds the "I was their sister not their brother" line when she actually joins.

>> No.78002517

In the original exchange prior to the battle Beldam berrates Vivian for using the term "Shadow Sisters" and points out that Vivian isn't their sister.

Now she just says "no it doesn't sound good." It completely misses the point established by Vivian using the term "sisters" in the first place and Beldam telling Vivian she isn't their sister.

It's shoehorned in. My point still stands. They took out all the framework so now Vivian just seems even more like a natural female than before.

>> No.78002568

they always scream the loudest

>> No.78002569

it's just gonna keep happening because localizers are double retards and biboo isn't going to correct it

>> No.78002725
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they can squeal all they want, all i want is biboo to just never acknowledge it

>> No.78002741

Biboo saw it

>> No.78002785

the game outright says he's trans now

>> No.78002806
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>> No.78002821

she looks like ludwig von koopa i can't fap to this

>> No.78002849

>size envy from biboo

>> No.78002870

I stepped away for a minute, what's she hidi-OH LAWDY

>> No.78002903

God I love Biboo

>> No.78002922


>> No.78002930

as in, more than one fucking line referencing the misgendering? that sounds like total trash lmao.

>> No.78002938
File: 471 KB, 1080x1080, 6518e003-da84-4863-a278-d629914dfb36-1708289102938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ludwig Van Koopa but with tits
Brother eeew

>> No.78002977

>oh my god, that's lewd!
kek biboo

>> No.78003005


>> No.78003011
File: 347 KB, 500x500, 1718022252500555.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goombella did it better

>> No.78003032

Biboo is never going to use Flurry

>> No.78003041
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>> No.78003062

>sexual assault is okay when a woman does it

>> No.78003082

i cant unsee it now lmao

>> No.78003093

wear she grabbing?

>> No.78003097

First time living?

>> No.78003113

Kek she got her hand all the way up in his business.

>> No.78003145

>X is okay if a woman does it
I mean, yeah

>> No.78003185

Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry.

>> No.78003187
File: 46 KB, 600x369, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the general consensus, yes.

>> No.78003205

southpark nice.avi

>> No.78003280

better than iggy or lemmy I guess

>> No.78003382

It shouldn't be but- It's okay when Biboo sexually assaults me

>> No.78003423

it isnt but femdom is a fetish that does exist

>> No.78003433

mommy is the sexiest though

>> No.78003465

I'm not into fatfucks so yes biboo.

>> No.78003543

>mostly picking bibert or the goomba instead of the hag
you fuckers are ok sometimes

>> No.78003624


>> No.78003657

How are we still not in the Tree kek

>> No.78003678
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>> No.78003682

It's over.

>> No.78003780

I wanna correct the shit out of goombella she's even brattier than Biboo sometimes.

>> No.78003792


>> No.78003864
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>> No.78003955

Goombella is living sexo

>> No.78004023

God I wish I could've seen Biboo play RE4

>> No.78004080

>ugly head with feet
>living sexo
I try not to judge, but some of you make it really hard.

>> No.78004081

Just tuned in. Wtf is moving Biboo's model? There's no way she's playing and moving it at the same time.

>> No.78004137

you dare doubt our sparkling gem's talent?

>> No.78004144

It's a turn-based RPG anon. It's not hard to move an analog stick and a mouse at the same time.

>> No.78004155

It's not that hard, lil bro.

>> No.78004162

You gotta learn to see the sexo inside the model, broulder. Also, ponytail.

>> No.78004179

>he doubts

>> No.78004216

this was supposed to be on cracked biboo's powerlist but we ran out of space

>> No.78004241

The ultimate shortstack.

>> No.78004293

I got a mushroom for Biboo

>> No.78004336

My absolute broulder. I hope Biboo gets that as an alt hairstyle

>> No.78004356

hello mister president

>> No.78004371

Missed 4 blocks in a row impressive

>> No.78004375

It's ogre...

>> No.78004394

it's over

>> No.78004400


>> No.78004406
File: 42 KB, 480x360, 1714100066586984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and I are friends now.

>> No.78004441

>Biboo hates mushrooms
>I hate mushrooms

>> No.78004442
File: 174 KB, 998x965, ff57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugly head with feet
Goombas are canonically humanoid with a super mushroom so it's okay.

>> No.78004489

Biboo, I know you are here. I also get the mushroom texture thing, but they're great to have in a creamy pasta sauce with some Dijon mustard

>> No.78004502

Is she using a normal controller or the Switch things?

>> No.78004542


>> No.78004604

she's using the joycons now

>> No.78004634

I DOUBT she can hold a pro controller with one hand

>> No.78004647

>Goombas are canonically humanoid with a super mushroom
That's news to me. Where did you get that from?

>> No.78004649
File: 99 KB, 1500x805, switch splatoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The switch thingies. This one in particular.

>> No.78004798

she got the splat one?

>> No.78004828

super cute

>> No.78004839

I see. Are the batteries in those replaceable? I remember the battery running low in the last Paper Mario stream, the battery may be near death and not able to hold a charge anymore.

>> No.78004905

>2 and a half hours later
>Still doing the 'moving her model around' bit
I gotta praise her stamina.

>> No.78004919

bib bib bibbib

>> No.78004939
File: 49 KB, 842x563, splatjoycon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The battery alert was for her pro controller.

>> No.78004974

Deep lore from one of those spinoff sports games.

>> No.78004978

no doubt

>> No.78004998

Surfer bro biboo my beloved.

>> No.78005047

Do you think she's physically jumping around her room, anon? She's just moving her model around with her mouse.

>> No.78005055

Biboo should work on her aim

>> No.78005080

You can tell she's having fun doing it. Adorable dork.

>> No.78005125

Mental stamina, you fucking autist. Or call it "commitment to the bit" if you want.

>> No.78005208

>unironically using steroids
that's kinda yab

>> No.78005262

They're villains so it's okay.

>> No.78005320

time to clip "he's huge"

>> No.78005346

What he said.
For sure, but even I'd have gotten annoyed by it by now. I admire her stamina.

>> No.78005364

>she likes the tall dorky one

>> No.78005382

And I'm loving every second of it.

>> No.78005408

No woman likes short people. Except Mori.

>> No.78005429

How can any of us compete with a chad like Luigi?...

>> No.78005475

sad but true
Biboo is smaller that pretty much everyone though so it's ok

>> No.78005501

She doesn't either, it's just shortbeat cope twisting her words into a meme.

>> No.78005527


>> No.78005568


>> No.78005584


>> No.78005586

I wonder how she feels about tall guys considering how tiny she is.

>> No.78005624

Unfortunately, pebble, I need to inform you that the shorter a woman is, the higher her standards. All those "6 feet ONLY" cunts are no taller than 5'2".

>> No.78005661

>Biboo is smaller that pretty much everyone though
Ha, y-yeah, imagine being as short as Biboo...

>> No.78005671

imagine 3dboo moving herself around to mess about "inside" a game world...
imagine the panting when she tires herself out running around too much...

>> No.78005679


>> No.78005688

then don't be a manlet lmao

>> No.78005703

gooning to biboo...
It means masterbaiting a lot basically. Like spending hours masterbaiting is gooning.

>> No.78005717

I hate zoomer speak

>> No.78005733

These goons be gooning like right and proper gooners.

>> No.78005756

Oh God

>> No.78005764

>actual gooning enthusiasts in chat

>> No.78005776


>> No.78005784
File: 1.14 MB, 3200x3200, d4f5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By stealing his girlfriend.

>> No.78005795

Not him, but good thing I'm 6'4". If I can't carry her seated in one arm she's not small enough.

>> No.78005807

Pebbles, i am disappoint.

>> No.78005816

>Biboo wants to look up guys gooning

>> No.78005837

>she's actually a little flustered

>> No.78005856

This game uses "Goon" in the underling sense a lot
She's gonna get awkwardly embarrassed every time now...

>> No.78005870

That's a clear sign you're getting old. I hate it too.

>> No.78005875

I love that doofy tomboy

>> No.78005936


>> No.78005984

I'm gooning to biboo rn

>> No.78006018

She's taking it back!

>> No.78006019

Daisy is the cuter one and not trying to cuck Luigi with an ugly dinosaur so I see no downsides to this plan.

>> No.78006026

not anymore, it's just masturbating now because ESLs will beat every cool internet word into the ground till it loses all nuance.
Not that this one should ever have replaced edging anyway.

>> No.78006030

Same here

>> No.78006031


>> No.78006037
File: 106 KB, 716x310, 3a9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78006042

Super based. Don't let them win, Biboo.

>> No.78006057

3 hours away from biboo saying "goon sesh" on stream.

>> No.78006075

Biboo is so tiny... Mario's nose will split her in two..

>> No.78006092

I literally laughed out loud kek

>> No.78006119

I'm going to toss you around

>> No.78006148

Gooner bros....

>> No.78006170

>into short women(5' or less)
Feels good. size_difference is one the best tags.

>> No.78006194

I just fucking wish for once, these stupid fucking braindead internet shits would realize that these words already have definitions, you stupid fucks!
You can't just take a word or phrase that already exists and fuck it up.
>Oh man, my dogs are killin' me.
>Wait, you shoved your balls up your asshole?

>> No.78006211


>> No.78006253

I love seeing ojisans crying about zoomerspeak.

>> No.78006334

X-NUTTING to koseki bijou

(That's GOONING to you zoomers)

>> No.78006337

Sneeze permissions revoked.

>> No.78006363
File: 76 KB, 497x469, donut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baker clocking out, someone pick up the slack please~

>> No.78006388

top3 tag for girls(female[can have children])

>> No.78006392

>mini poo
Biboo what the beep?

>> No.78006443

I want to lock biboo up in my gooncave

>> No.78006515
File: 65 KB, 493x366, itll happen to you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy while you can you little shit.

>> No.78006544

that's just how it goes for every gen online, grandpa
phrases like trolling or more topically edging had meanings before net slang got attached to them too

>> No.78006568
File: 228 KB, 502x534, 1713742660959758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this your gooncave?

>> No.78006656

4chan in a nutshell
>hehe this is funny
>I will spam it over and over and over until it loses meaning

>> No.78006683

>Oh man my dogs are killin' me
>"Your pet canines are causing your life to end?"
>No it means my feet hurt

>> No.78006744

such is the way of the internet in general, not just 4chin

>> No.78006768

You don't have to puke on my dick, brah.

>> No.78006769

Thank you for pointing this out, it also made me laugh

>> No.78006880

It's funny how she gives those nerds a deep surfer bro voice while thy make bibibibib sounds

>> No.78006904

I also make bibbibibiibibibibibi sounds

>> No.78006989
File: 125 KB, 1004x1041, mococoaeee5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while we're on the topic I'd like to remind you weebs that most of you are using "hentai" and "doujin" wrong

>> No.78007008

thank you mogojian

>> No.78007030

while all these bitches simpin for Mario?

>> No.78007058

what about waifu

>> No.78007102

Biboo knows a lot about valley girls and surfer bros

>> No.78007115

I didn't name sadpanda or it's content, I just use and browse it.

>> No.78007124

Soon we won't have any words left that don't mean fucking. Look how hard it is to get through even one stream without problems.

>> No.78007150

I hate seeing those words being misused more than zoomerisms

>> No.78007156


>> No.78007195

I fucking love that stupid dance meme

>> No.78007212


>> No.78007239

Oh yeah? then why is there a "doujin" tag on my "hentai" website?

>> No.78007247

I can't wait until Hololive starts producing official hentai doujins for fans to buy.

>> No.78007400

honestly I really hate how everything nowadays is about sex and fucking
I miss when my videogames, animes and novels didnt have 90% of its fanbase screaming why arent the girls naked and begging for cock or where is the sex

not to mention than saying you like something is always read with "GOD I WANT TO FUCK THIS" because everything has to be sexual at all times

>> No.78007466
File: 114 KB, 331x170, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78007468

Even going back 20 years there was people who did't know that a doujin is not porn unless it has an H attached to it.

>> No.78007469

>Ojisan talks Biboo to death

>> No.78007554

Never gonna happen. The closest there will ever be are the lewds Marine no doubt draws that she can't show on stream.

>> No.78007585

My wife is looking very horizontal today

>> No.78007679

I'm gonna fuck your post.

>> No.78007883

Clear the M is for Miboo.

>> No.78007885

kek what are you, like 80? coming from a puritan community? It has been like this for half a century.
What are you even doing here? On this very board where 50% of the posts are about wanting to fuck anime girls?

>> No.78007946

Marty-o 54 is one of the greatest games of all time.

>> No.78008117

It's the "show off the Gamecube's 100 characters on screen capacity" chapter

>> No.78008156

the punni orb

>> No.78008174

took a 30 minute times 6 nap, what did I miss.

>> No.78008262

Biboo being cute.

>> No.78008291

Biboo being a doofus RPing like she's in the game. You've been missing out.

>> No.78008333

I mean they do it right at the start, hooktails castle, in that arena...
When I think about it they show this off almost every chapter.

>> No.78008357

They do it at least once in almost every chapter.

>> No.78008367

paper biboo

>> No.78008382


>> No.78008419

My fucking heart, that sneeze.

>> No.78008540


>> No.78008587

I'm judging just a tiny bit...

>> No.78008611

Yeah but most of the time it's one scene or a missable gag like the crowd around Rock Hawk in Chapter 3. Chapter 2's the only time you really interact with them like Pikmin

>> No.78008618

>biboo isn't bad at platforming

>> No.78008709

Of course not. It was Mario who was messing up all those jumps.

>> No.78008734

'ick on 'eck

>> No.78008779

Same fellow ojisan

>> No.78008798

fucking fat ass plumber

>> No.78008940

same, everywhere is the same, even movies always about romance and sex, they care more about the relationships and sex scenes in mass effect than the ships and the planets

>> No.78009023

>ayo wood?????????

>> No.78009092

forget the platforming, she's so bad at block timing even basic stuff in the mario rpgs that you regularly see chat asking if she even knows about the mechanic
something about the (ex-)big two plumberman ang hedgehog makes her play worse than the literal children they were meant for

>> No.78009234

Yeah, she's great ain't she?

>> No.78009325

I want Biboo to blow me like that...

>> No.78009330

you say as she perfectly guards a bunch of attacks. I think she just looks at chat and loses concentration.

>> No.78009358

huh? Are you implying the Plumberman isn't still one of the biggest franchises of the planet?

>> No.78009385

this happens a lot

>> No.78009403

A lot of that is just teasing for the sake of teasing at any opportunity. Though there really are so many euphemisms that you see that shit constantly and it's obnoxious.
She spontaneously forgets and then later remembers mechanics in every game. Part of not focusing on the game I guess.

>> No.78009559

She's a GENIUS

>> No.78009581

He's doing fine, but the idea of those two mascots and their rivalry being the Big Two has been dead for a while. Probably ever since Dreamcast, honestly.

>> No.78009725

It gets so obnoxious to the point that she complained "what's AYO about that" more times than I can remember.

>> No.78009757

9/11... reminds me of that tragedy.

>> No.78009764

She is crushing this baby game for babies.

>> No.78009778

That new Flurrie dialogue literally gives away how to beat the puzzle..

>> No.78009816

Tailormade for her.

>> No.78009871

Sonic v Mario pretty much died after the 64 launched and the Saturn flopped. The Dreamcast was the last nail in the coffin.

>> No.78009887

what did something happen to the convenience store?

>> No.78010090

Shiori and Nerissa bought all the snacks and cut of the store clerk while winking at me.

>> No.78010121 [SPOILER] 
File: 107 KB, 661x500, 78sm1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't talk about that.

>> No.78010226

Biboo's praise kink makes me want to praise her even more. It's a never ending spiral

>> No.78010231

>the goofiness is becoming a chore
This was your idea not ours you dork.

>> No.78010437

She gamin

>> No.78010543

Biboo no! think of the EXP!

>> No.78010787


>> No.78010808


>> No.78010844


>> No.78010874

>I've been hiding from those chronic masturbaters.
What a weird bit of characterization.

>> No.78011151

Huh? is this new or did I never find it as kid?

>> No.78011158

What is this? A Biboo for ANTS?

>> No.78011197

I fucking LOVE Southern Biboo. It's so cute

>> No.78011356

>100 Jabbies
what the fuck I thought we only needed 5 I mean 6 I mean 8 boosters

>> No.78011366

Biboo get in there and throw your weight around

>> No.78011438

i want more biboo bits like this. fauna's 2013 minecraft let's play was peak but i believe my rock can surpass it

>> No.78011507

She should play West of Loathing so we can get more.

>> No.78011518

>biboo bits

>> No.78011556


>> No.78011597

It's 2024 chud, you should have at least 112 by now.

>> No.78011607

come on now anon, just take the fauci ouchies and everything will be alright

>> No.78011656

I really hope she doesn't stop

>> No.78011693

He's talking about the April Fools MC stream she did.

>> No.78011709


>> No.78011713

Biboo insulting my mushroom ToT

>> No.78011749

Oh my God Biboo this accent is destroying my dick, you have to stop I'm begging you

>> No.78011817

dried and shriveled...

>> No.78011875

what would be biboo's 4 attacks if she were a real partner in this game?

>> No.78011956

Neat, I didn't see that one.

>> No.78011979

wow this chapter is long as fuck and theres so much backtracking

>> No.78012101

chapter 3 is similar.

>> No.78012118


>> No.78012175

If Biboo stared at me I would be vaporized to dust

>> No.78012231


>> No.78012297
File: 57 KB, 850x1202, sample_af6883c164b592321b1c14ccbbd6dbbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78012308

biboo doko

>> No.78012465

It's true, it's impossible for me to walk with one hand, I'd rather just use my feet.

>> No.78012518


>> No.78012558

>You may die but the make sure someone on the otherside dies so that we may live
I think I summed that up pretty well.

>> No.78012559

thanks Biboo...

>> No.78012563

Maintaining this gimmick controlling two things at once for 4 hours on top of doing all the voices and still super high energy. I don't know how Biboo does it sometimes.

>> No.78012596

>if you're going to die make more sure more people than you die
10/10 strategist. Would follow general biboo into hell and back.

>> No.78012604

Hey, I just had a thought - is this stream vod going to like, get saved externally, just in case Fagtendo throws a shit fit and takes it down? It's way too good to lose forever.

>> No.78012643

>doing the Aragorn speech
I love this dork

>> No.78012662


>> No.78012690

Pebbles..we jobbed so fucking hard...

>> No.78012759

koseki bijou is an emotional wreck of a person

>> No.78012825

>rape the women and children
Biboo what the fuck?

>> No.78012827

Those are bugs, pebbles would never fold like that.

>> No.78012902

man there is so many good action movies Biboo should do a watchalong of

>> No.78012930

That was a warm up

>> No.78012995

anon was right, this chapter kinda sucks

>> No.78013147

These mother fuckers CANNOT stop getting imprisoned.

>> No.78013330


>> No.78013354

>even more backtracking
holy shit

>> No.78013420

I was waiting for it to get farther down the line

>> No.78013429

New Bread

>> No.78013594

>Toadette is Pero's ex

>> No.78014988

