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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 42 KB, 919x1024, 1718218919002543m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77981335 No.77981335 [Reply] [Original]

Oh no!!!! I can't see what the Holos like anymore. I can't the lewd art Gura enjoys!!! nooooooooo

>> No.77981620

didn't think twitter could get any worse, but here we are

>> No.77981807

why is there so much empty space on the pop up. was there supposed to be an image up there?

>> No.77981897

Aw man, this feature was funny when politicians sometimes get caught liking porn tweets

>> No.77982093

Awww man. I can't stalk chuubas I hate anymore in twitter. What will I do now with my schizo life.

>> No.77982138

Rev on suicide watch

>> No.77982300

Elon musk is a fucking idiot, you what the fuck is this? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FAP?

>> No.77982547

seeing who likes stuff lets people find out how bad the bot problem is

>> No.77982552

>using Twitter
But why?

>> No.77982566

So what did Musk like that he felt the need to make this change?

>> No.77982603
File: 48 KB, 1080x313, Clown world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Israel. Fuck twitter!!

>> No.77982609

Nice now the girls can like art of the boys without fear
Unicorns lose again

>> No.77982682
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>> No.77982696

It's incredible isn't it. It's shit, and yet with every update, it manages to get shittier.

>> No.77982800

>Start using product
>Product starts morphing
>Gets bought out
>Morphs some more
>No alternatives
Corporate internet was a mistake

>> No.77982824

I fucking hate this.
This'll make it so, so much harder to find rare art.

>> No.77982845

Maybe not just for fapping, but checking out what people like is a pretty good way to discover stuff I wouldn't see normally. Way better than the dogshit "for you" tab

>> No.77982983

It gets worse, like are even hidden on post engagement too

>> No.77983000

Evererything from governments to media to little people... throw all chips on one private ownned thing. I would victim blame if there'd be victims but there isn't.

>> No.77983011

>Kills stalkers and gooners
Based elon

>> No.77983347

If I remember right since I’m too lazy to search for it Elon liked a video of some chick telling you and I quote “Jerk your tiny dick off”

>> No.77983465

mobile cancer, being on the bottom means you don't have to move your finger much when using one-handed

>> No.77983508

awesome, now fanartists will never know if their oshi liked their art. and if they do like it, the artist will also not get any discoverability from it
and by fanartists I mean me. I've always greatly cherished the likes I got from chuubas on my posts. now it's retweet or nothing, I guess

>> No.77983569

All Kiara fault because of AI..

>> No.77983626

You gotta learn English

>> No.77983759

Everything about this change is dogshit, but it's actually the opposite of what you said. Now, the only person who knows who liked a tweet is the person who posted it. Just check any of your own tweets, the full like list is available to you and you still get the same notifications for when a person likes *your* tweet. It's just hidden from everyone else now. Which is, again, a massively retarded change.

>> No.77983802

But anon, if they wanted to share it they can retweet it.
Is what the defence force will say anyway

>> No.77983844

I've seen people saying that they can't see the likes on their own posts either

>> No.77983989

By their own announcement, what I said is the intended operating mode. If what you're saying is happening to people, it's probably a bug (which is highly likely given how dogshit this website has become).

>> No.77984134

ah, I see I see. that's less bad (it's still bad)

>> No.77984136

I guess I can set my twitter page public now cause I'm too lazy to use separate accounts for "SFW" activities and do nothing but like porn on it

>> No.77984167

Was there an option to hide likes before or was I liking uoohh on main for years in the open..? I had my follows private so surely my likes were hidden too..

>> No.77984291

Your followers saw everything, but strangers didn't see shit

>> No.77984411

No anon, this is actually brilliant. Now people will like things they normally wouldn't thinking that it's hidden, and then 6 months from now after they've ammassed enough info on how humans really think and behave in private to feed to the AI it'll all be public again for everyone to see.

>> No.77984590

So nobody. Phew, girigiri sefu.

>> No.77984837


it's ok, but they need another tab for "repost".
also options for "repost":
not appear on the main homepage
not trigger notification
not appear on other ppl homepage

>> No.77984964

the real reason is because it's election season in america and this makes it easier to bot likes in order to manipulate public opinion
same reason why 4chan recently got rid of the ip count, by the way

>> No.77985272

you can already turn on notifications without including reposts

>> No.77985296

Elmo first said he was buying Twitter to get rid of the bots. Then backed up because "to much bots" and finally has worsened the bot problem. What a genius.

>> No.77985361

>>No alternatives
Wrong. Plenty of alternatives, but people won't use them.

>> No.77985378
File: 88 KB, 714x1366, Screenshot_20240612-162911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not appear on the main homepage
>not trigger notification
>not appear on other ppl homepage
Some of this does already exist (and is not a new feature Elmo created, this is genesis Twitter stuff, has been around for decades)
Just turn off retweets for an individual account. Doesn't solve all of the problems you're talking about, but it does reduce a lot of the noise.

>> No.77985443

This is an actually good rrat

>> No.77985519

There's supposed to be an image of an emoji but it didn't load properly.

>> No.77985801

the simple option could solve all of this "make like tab public"

>> No.77985897

It's both a combination of Musk further pandering to the far right so now they can like shit without getting trashed by the public at large.
And more importantly to cover up the massive bot issue that Musk has done jack shit to fix. There was that even more retarded idea of making the site pay 2 use, but botters would just use monopoly money to bypass that.

You don't even need an AI. All it'll take is one fed up programmer to make Likes public again and everything will be exposed.
Wouldn't be shocked if we find Musk is liking CP or something super depraved.

>> No.77985944

Allowing the user to just...customize their experience? But then what will the management and development teams pitch next season to justify their continued employment?

>> No.77985955
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>> No.77986019

Keep rewriting history troon. Everyone will believe you.

>> No.77986080

>t. pussy is in bio

>> No.77986582

Why do we have an Elon cocksucker who's obsessed with trannies now?
He's not going to fuck you bro

>> No.77986789

Now you can like loli porn and then call lolicon pedophiles on Xitter

>> No.77986829

Literally all of the manufactured outrage over Elon and Twitter is because we're allowed to be mean to trannies on there now, and because jews and leftists get their lies fact checked by community notes.
Everything else is smoke and whitenoise.

>> No.77986984

>>Elon Musk announced Friday that he will abandon his tumultuous $44 billion offer to buy Twitter after the company failed to provide enough information about the number of fake accounts.
Now go to xitter and say a trannie harrased you. Maybe Elmo Will like your twit... But nobody would know.

>> No.77987105

Not clicking your lying faggot ass literal who virus link troon.

>> No.77987506

There's nothing in there that supports your claim that bots were the main reason he wanted to buy twitter.

For what reason could you possibly be lying about this, perfectly normal and well adjusted straight white guy?

>> No.77987555

>Your oshi will like homo tweets and you will never know now


>> No.77987615

These fags pay Elon to use a free service
point and laugh everyone

>> No.77987656

Dumbass. I'm a right winger and I think Elon is a fucking moron. Just because lefties are melting down over racists not getting banned doesn't meant that Twitter hasn't objectively gotten worse when it comes to features and general usability.

>> No.77987703

>>Associated Press
>>literal who
In the rare case you're not trolling, here you have a fox link:
Is it a space safe enough for you?

>> No.77987758
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>using twitter

You get what you fucking deserve

>> No.77987881 [DELETED] 

>insane pajeet babble
why do brown people (amerisharts included) seethe at Elon so much, is it because he is the most successful African?

>> No.77987931

This nigga pays to use Twitter lmao

>> No.77987934

how the hell do you jerk off to someone's likes?

>> No.77988076

That's quite literally what happened. Hell he now changed Twitter's policies to explicitly allow porn (it technically wasn't part of the policies before) because that faggot couldn't deal with the rampant porn bot spam.

>> No.77988106

He was the sweetheart of the lefty millennials until he bought Twitter and wasn't sufficiently eager to restrict mean tweets and President Mean Tweets. So now he's Super Hitler.

>> No.77988141

>and because jews and leftists get their lies fact checked by community notes
i see rightoid grifters getting community checked way more often in my experience.

>> No.77988179

>seething that us gov spying tool got pwned
don't care, keep crying
twitter was always shit

>> No.77988197

>right winger
No one says that troon

>> No.77988199

Then you are an easily manipulated retard of a golem. Rev says desu type of guy.

here's literally nothing he's done worth getting outraged over, every minor inconvenience has been outweighed by massive improvements, and every truly bad decision gets reversed into something much more acceptable
which is as you would expect from an outsider with 0 experience who had to rescue a service that was already in an unusable state by normal people long before he got it.

>> No.77988202

he was always a massive faggot LARPing as some sort of Iron Man if you did 5 seconds of research to realize he did fuck all when he founded Paypal with actual smart people

>> No.77988238

>twitter was always shit
and now it's even shittier. community notes is the only good thing that has come out of his buyout.

>> No.77988261

>everything is better
every comment section is full of nudity and porn of ugly people

>> No.77988280

Didn't seem to stop the hipsters from sucking his dick for years on end.

>> No.77988318

Have you not seen matulis likes? My baby batter shot onto the ceiling

>> No.77988346

That's what your timeline looks like because you're a lefty. As long as liars and grifters are getting raped by community notes I don't care what flavor of politics they are.

>> No.77988345

>>I also want to make Twitter better than ever by enhancing the product with new features, making the algorithms open source to increase trust, defeating the spam bots, and authenticating all humans
Happy? I can spoonfeed you some more, but it's kinda boring.

>> No.77988360

No. That shit is broken.

>> No.77988405
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Another innovation, truly a genius, he's so smart, he can do no wrong

>> No.77988440

It's partly the same reason why people don't use platforms other than steam on PC, they're all a pile of shot that don't work properly

>> No.77988455

wow that's like every buisness ever
congrats, maybe you will bring that knowledge back to bharatistan when you get kicked out

>> No.77988497

Do you have a hole in your cerebral cortex?

>> No.77988517

I literally had to mute my notifications outright (as someone who literally only uses Twitter for following artists) because I was getting daily spam bots @ing me for crypto scams. My feed is now half people I follow and half random political hit tweets from retards screeching about shit I don't care about no matter how many times I use the "not interested" button
>just use the "following" tab bro
I used the "for you" tab because it WAS good for discovering good shit from people I didn't follow.
Who cares about who the redditors are sucking off at any given time.

>> No.77988524

People are throwing shitfit on twitter so they'll probably revert the change

>> No.77988626

The thing is i want to see reposts in my feed just not get notifications for it. Worked well in Tweetdeck but i'm not paying 15 a month for it.

>> No.77988644

retarded posting without any proof

>> No.77988669

I'm sorry you're so physically handicapped you can't test it yourself

>> No.77988684

You have nudity filters. Use them.

>> No.77988695

Name the massive improvements
Not banning people for politics is good, and community notes are also good, but since I use Twitter mostly for art none of these improvements affect me, while every other negative change does affect me.

>> No.77988714

It was real (I tested), but it got patched out very recently.

>> No.77988745
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Irys pre stream chat...

>> No.77988777

This will be reverted in two seconds. Something similar happened last year. Can't remember what it was but it was some update that idiot made that caused a mob and he canned it.

>> No.77988871

>actual musk dick sucker ITT
just how much of a faggot ass retard are you to think this is any good for ANYONE

>> No.77988920


Your derangement syndrome so bad that you can look at a statement that disproves your claim, and then present it like it's helping your argument.

Marxist narrative control really is no different from mind control when 90% of the population are so stupid and genetically degenerated that they shouldn't be alive.

>> No.77988952

You /pol/niggers need to make out now

>> No.77988953

Probably the time he tried to get rid of blocking.

>> No.77988974

To be fair, i think he's trolling. No one is that dumb.

>> No.77989132

It does effect you, unless you don't care that people that agree with your common sense opinions finally being allowed to propagate their thoughts, even if you yourself don't bother to post them, in which case kill yourself you literal leech.

>> No.77989172

The existence of MAGA means all bets are off on that.

>> No.77989237

No, they disliked him awhile before that. He attacked the media (who they all venerate the same way Christians venerate priests) when the media began reporting "Tesla DOOMED" in the mid 2010s, which made them mad, and then Tesla failed to die, which made them angrier. Then he went and did some kind of work on one of Trump's advisory councils in 2017, which further angered them.

He also had a bad relationship with several billionaires like Jeff Bezos, who owns the Washington Post. Bezos also has his own rocket company but it hasn't turned out as well as Musk's, which makes Bezos (and therefore them) mad.

The Twitter thing was just the latest in a long line of mostly imaginary "offenses."

>> No.77989292

If I want to read other people's thoughts without censorship I just come to 4chan

>> No.77989353
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Finally, I can be horny on main

>> No.77989576

It's making faggots like you seethe, so clearly it's a very good and based change. Keep crying over something so miniscule.

>> No.77989721

Who thought this was a good idea?

>> No.77989836

>makes retarded change
>people call him a retard
some people just have no integrity.

>> No.77989857

Then stay out of the way of people speaking on platforms that actually matter, or you're just being a useful idiot amplifying the narrative of your enemies.

There's nothing more insufferable than right wingers and centrists who stay silent politically, and only ever chime in to agree with whatever the leftist media machine has constructed to be the Current Popular Opinion in the zeitgeist because they are desperate for a hit of dopamine for having the perceived politically correct take.

>> No.77989940

Just like this dump

>> No.77989954

>Oh nooooo, I can't stalk my oshi's likes and I'm too retarded to discover artists on my ownnnnnn.
Do you guys see how stupid that reads? That's all of you right now.
Atleast you can stop stalking now and use that free time to take a fucking shower.

>> No.77990189

>if you're not participating in le culture wars instead of just using social media as you see fit you're destroying the west!!
Fuck off and bring back the public likes Elon

>> No.77990225

NTA but this is pretty well illustrates twitter's current problems. I don't care about whatever /pol/ crusade you got going on, the app as a service has been outright worse

>> No.77990234

You're celebrating one of the few ways left to discover something on your own terms being removed, retard

>> No.77990248

Now just imagine how much porn Gura and other Vtubers are liking right now, their whole likes gallery would be basically a porn museum at this point

>> No.77990273

Neck yourself subhuman.

>> No.77990274

Why do you want to control how people engage with social media?

>> No.77990335

Says the subhuman constantly refreshing mumei's X to see her likes. Fuck outta here zhang

>> No.77990389

>this week
are they going to roll it back after the week?
What the fuck.

>> No.77990432

Im a communist fascist racist and I take great pleasure in people's displeasure.

>> No.77990449

Tourist go home

>> No.77990500

inb4 this is just a "test" so people can taste their account without likes, then they will add a toggle to make able to make public or private your like but of course that toggle will only be available for users with the paid version.
Now the real question will be when the toggle get implemented, do the regular people will have their own like private for everyone as default? or the default and the appeal of the paid version will be the ability to hide your likes

>> No.77990526

Oh, okay. Let me correct myself:
Elmo first said one of the main reasons to buy Twitter was to get rid of the bots. Then backed up because "to much bots" and finally has worsened the bot problem. What a genius.
I hope that this detwist your panties.

>> No.77990565

Go back holy fuck where are you lefty tourists coming from. I'm dangerously close to copyright claiming that Parrot leach and getting his whole channel taken down because you fags are ruining this board and I'm sure that's the source of it.

>> No.77990585

Gura not Mumei. And I am white. Fuck you pajeet.

>> No.77990590

Just a little taste of the product before it get monetized, as much nothing will change and only the people that want to hide their likes will get premium

>> No.77990608

NTA but you should be doing that regardless dumbass

>> No.77990734
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>> No.77990749
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i liked scrolling through nerissas likes because she liked so much

>> No.77991045

Yea yea, ok buddy. And I'm a 3 legged pirate thats been to the moon.
See that? we can all lie here :D

>> No.77991159

I really hope they fucked.

>> No.77991228

>Kiara really liked that
Holy Kino.

>> No.77991351

So, how long do you reckon they'll backtrack on this. A week or two?

>> No.77991544

nah, elon will retweet something embarassing on accident and remove visible retweets too.

>> No.77991630
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>> No.77991674

Its a rap
They'll reverse it at some point and youll be super fucked

>> No.77991984
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this seems plausible enough in our current iteration of clownworld so i'm going to take this at face value

>> No.77991991


>> No.77992033

Why didn't they just make it a setting so you can decide to make your likes public or private?

>> No.77992043

this is real. i beleeb

>> No.77992431

>Ummm chuddy? Why are your likes private??? Hiding something?

>> No.77992643

Elon is a stupid nigger. I want to check out what my oshi’s been liking and now I can’t? Fuck you

>> No.77992732

>sisters be like "but gura twitter"
>gura who never use twitter

>> No.77992844

That's just an argument for why it wouldn't be a perfect solution. Not everything is politics and stalking likes.

>> No.77992966

You've been able to have private likes forever and this has never happened. It's also an incredibly pathetic thing to be afraid of

>> No.77993040

It is all Kiara's fault. Her AI shenanigans were the cause of this predicament.

>> No.77993270

Dumb retard. A bunch of Holo splits have been talking about this, global too. /baubau/ has probably discussed this more than any other thread since they have actual likeschizos

>> No.77993659

Oh make sense.

>> No.77994113

Umm.....ok? Congrats, I guess? Like I give a shit about "baubau." Please only respond to me if you something of relevance and value

>> No.77994315

Hologirls will start liking Homo posts
now lmao

>> No.77994544
File: 678 KB, 720x1199, 1694338504277307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dark days ahead for the like stalkers

>> No.77994702

>Management will force the girls to engage with the homos now
>Elmo makes likes public again
>Homo apocalypse all over again
>Hololive crumbles

>> No.77994832

They already talk in dms so this changes little

>> No.77994859

>>Management will force
There's no point in them forcing that though. You're dumb
I still find it hilarious that that's the biggest "yab" for holo is liking a male tweet, while other companies are committing contract fraud with their talents in comparison

>> No.77994934

Meanwhile dumbfuck IRyS still hasn’t privated her Steam account.

>> No.77995008

link it please

>> No.77995081

Yeah, now a certain EN can like art of Vox again completely unbothered by her bfs in chat

>> No.77995106

>There's no point in them forcing that though.
Except that it drives engagement, more views = more possible viewers = more possible money
>I still find it hilarious that that's the biggest "yab" for holo is liking a male tweet
It is pretty funny, yes
I kinda want to see Holo burn already

>> No.77995198
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Gfe died and Elon killed it. It's so over

>> No.77995250


>> No.77995319

>he doesn't know about based GOG

>> No.77995364
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He will kill you too soon in the form of a teslatruck

>> No.77995899

you're a cuck

>> No.77995922

this but unironically

>> No.77996082

The sooner holo gfe dies the better

>> No.77996621

That definitely won't happen in that scenario being described.
The only thing that could "destroy Holo" is Yagoo completely selling out to investors or someone else taking over and bending to investors.,
Investors being in control (like they are with the N company) is how things go to shit

>> No.77996704

Elon most likely. He has a fucking fetish for that letter.

>> No.77997023

Holo can only go beyond once they go full unity

>> No.77997355

Like has literally no function now. What does a personal you-only list accomplish? You can do this same function with a Notepad open. It removes the social media aspect entirely. We also already have bookmark to personally log stuff - so Like is now "bookmark #2" which is profoundly retarded.

I run a Twitter that posts art with a couple K followers and I sometimes have closely scrutinized the likes to see how many are from followers, who seems to always be on the jump getting them in first aka who my real fans are who check on me a lot etc. If what this does is make everyone retweet a lot more maybe I wouldn't mind but I don't think that is gonna happen. Far as I can tell it seems as if 90+% of Likes come from accounts that rarely or never post, and the like is basically their way of feedback @ me. Getting retweets from people with like 50 followers is a mixed feelings thing, like "well thanks for doing this even though it reaches almost nobody.." kind of feel. Likes from important/big artists are also a tool in of themselves, like there are two tiers of interaction, if they like a post alone just being officially acknowledged by a big artist is a big deal because lots of people might snoop that guy's likes and find you. Not anymore. Retweet is like another tier of commitment, people will not just go plunk down 50 RTs because it'll push their own posts and art way down the list and after a certain point the posts tend to get only a tiny trickle of attention even if they were recent but buried under other stuff (like RTs). RT is more for something really exceptional / favored and requires a lot more commitment than a like.

It's almost as if Elon has no idea how his website works. Or he thinks "mub bots" are worth destroying the functionality of the site over.

>> No.77997431

You'll be aight friend

>> No.77997485

Fuck off, Elon. Everyone hates you.

>> No.77997512

watch as they added
>"You can see anyones like if you subscribe to BLUE"

>> No.77997587

Can I still get notifs when my oshi Likes my tweets??

>> No.77997728

Yes only you can see who liked your tweets

>> No.77997801

It's so you can see your own disappointment

>> No.77998326

Also to add to myself, in the span of a few minutes I just thought of a better solution. Just add in something that is like a non-public Like while also keeping Likes as usual. Call it I dunno, "Note" or something instead of secret like even though that is what it does. So there would be bookmark -> note -> like -> retweet as the tiers of non-comment sharing/interaction. The note serves to you know, notify, the poster that you appreciated something they said/did, just not in public for all to see. Fucking hell Elon. This also makes me conclude it is more to hide a problem than "fix" anything or improve anything, because just cloaking all likes does nothing of the sort except mask problems and is not even needed if the idea was to just have a more discrete form of interaction as I just outlined.

>> No.77998399

Seethe nijinigger

>> No.77998508

when will this fucker drop dead

>> No.77998510


>> No.77998732
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So how many billion-dollar companies have you founded and managed, anon? 2? 3?

>> No.77998838

He offered to buy Twitter because he wanted to pump up the value of his 9% stake then sell it, but his offer was much higher than the company's actual value, so the board forced him to finish the deal. His claim that he wanted to get rid of the bots was just virtual signalling.

>> No.77998960

no more curated matsuri porn by matsuri herself.


>> No.77999107

Jesus christ. You terminally online freak. This change is for the better.

>> No.77999247

Just give me access to an emerald mine and I'll do better.

>> No.77999367

2 fucking bookmarks
Why the fuck would someone need 2 fucking bookmarks
The current "like" function has existed for fucking years

>> No.77999572

I'm glad Musk is crashing twitter with no survivors, people and businesses should be forced to use some less cancerous service for relaying information to the public.

>> No.77999615

Elon Musk staged a hostile take over originally to curry favorite with right wing Burger politicians who kept whining about how Twitter was shutting down his lies with the intention of getting a quid pro quo that they'd deregulate stuff he wanted. However he tried to back out once he figured he was grossly overpaying for Twitter but the original owners just went 'fuck you, wanted to stage a hostile take over, you got it' and forced the sale to go through. Now the world is being exposed to the fact that Elon Musk is a fraud who always relied on other people to do the management work that he took credit for given Twitter is the first time he took full control of something and the only reason Twitter hasn't collapsed yet is because it's too big to fail.

>> No.77999643

Elon did not found Twitter and was not responsible for its rise. He bought it after others did all the work and is unironically that "I made this" comic by rebranding it and trying to leave his mark on it somehow by fiddling with it constantly. In this case his mark is diarrhea skid marks and we all have to just sit there and let an amateur with no social media background + openly-admitted aspergers sperglord who by nature is not as able to read people, run a social media site.

>> No.77999676

like what

>> No.77999787

>twitter, but like LGBTQLMNOP voices are amplified and celebrated and chuds are suppressed
No, fuck you troll

>> No.77999816
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Those don't exist.

>> No.78000194

Keep gaslighting tranny. Keep doing it for years and years and one day you'll definitely kill that mean ol' Twitter, I swear.

>> No.78000201

Why are people upset over this? It's the first good thing he's done. Now you won't have a bunch of terminally online trannies pulling up your likes when they're about to lose an argument.

>> No.78000282

>people and businesses should be forced to use some less cancerous service for relaying information to the public.
Like... which one?

>> No.78000332

You do not understand what gaslighting is if you think "telling literal facts" count. More like you have no objective grasp on reality and are fine with things hurting your interests and fucking hard as long as it pisses off someone else. That is right wing angst these days, cutting off your nose to spite your face. I fucking hate progressives actually, but I hate right wingers about as much too.

>> No.78000463

No one is going to use a platform like that, because it will ban normal people for being "chuds" and end up with a tiny active userbase. Even twitter only got as big as it did because of of lucky timing, shit like bluesky that's ideologically just rebranded twitter can't take off exactly because an oppressive thought policing platform won't attract users if a substantial portion of the internet isn't already on it.

Even if none spring up it's still a better outcome than twitter persisting.

>> No.78000730

I was already liking and retweeting hentai especially loli, I prefer people know who they're dealing with before they bother me. The real issue is those hypocrites who claim Gura spreads pedophilia when they have multiple likes of her showing her pussy are now protected from exposure.

>> No.78000822

No, I can see that you people are easily manipulated by the trannies that are behind the manufactured Elon Hitler outrage and so I'm calling you a tranny for mobilizing on behalf of tranny interests because of your little monkey brain.

There is literally nothing about New Twitter for a normal human being to be outraged about, you've been gaslit into thinking otherwise and are in turn perpetuating that gaslighting in order to damage the one tool that the progressive hegemony fears because it allows the free flow of information to regular people.

>> No.78003146

Now chuubas can goon without any problem

>> No.78003396

We can't coom 2gether like this

>> No.78007225


>> No.78007611

They made this change because of Canadians

>> No.78008528

I don't have a twitter and thus it doesn't affect me.

>> No.78008744

t. pedo who loses xer shit over loli art

>> No.78009384

This is in line with the recent change to allow pornography on Twitter too.

>> No.78009472

>Could have roll out rhe option to hide likes for users who want to hide their likes
>Make this feature only available for paud users
>Make money
>Choose to hide all users likes
Remind me, why do some people think this fag is great

>> No.78009663



>> No.78009770

Elon is such a manchild

>> No.78012726


The gaslighting from you fucks is so unbelievably blatant I don't understand how you think it's going to work out in the long run.

>> No.78013149

I'm happy knowing that, at one point in time, someone will murder Elon.

>> No.78013912

Nothing says "mature adult" like posting online to make baseless accusations without knowing anything about the true details of the situation you're discussing.

>> No.78014023

What happened is he got caught liking porn and then he threw a temper tantrum to the software engineers after being caught

>> No.78014035

What's next? Removing tags?

>> No.78014593

There was already tons of porn in Twitter. Japanese Twitter, like fucking all posts on it, must be like 30% hentai by volume. They've been using it as their main site to post it on for well over a decade.

It's just now there are controls to more of sequester it out, censor/hide it from people who don't want to see it etc because they might be goofing on on it at work or something. They did this first actually and it seemed they were going the puritan route until now they are suddenly OK with it officially ...? It was always OK as long as it wasn't gore or illegal material, kinda like here actually. I mean I guess I am glad they are making official policy what it functionally always had been, but basically killing likes to what, protect coomers? That is not worth it at all.

>> No.78014690

twitter was unironically better when it was this. Like I complained about it at the time, but right wing faggots proved within MONTHS that they were by far the worse of the two options

>> No.78015100

IIRC he has considered it lmao
if you mean hashtags

>> No.78015642

What gets me the most about the platform is how it totally tries to deceive people that there's any real way to grow an account beyond spending lots of money. Even before Elon bought it, it turned into a dark operation to trick people into the ideal that they're being seen, while in reality everyone was being ratioed, and most of the accounts that looked successful were wither paying for ads, creating follow/like groups, or leveraging bots.

Now most apps, including TikTok & IG are doing the very same thing, and that model is infecting the (once very helpful) entire Internet into a paywalled mess of disinformation. I'm thankful for places like this sub, where people post their experiences and complaints, because for the longest time too, there seemed to be a lot of suppression and gaslighting about how social apps worked, and it was a crazy time of everyone thinking these apps were fair while they collected all of the benefits of the struggle labor while returning nothing.

Reality is important for mental health. Now I pretty much just use these apps as a way of saving pictures and ideas publicly, without really expecting anything from doing that. My own personal web site gets a lot more visibility and reach anyway, so most of my effort goes into that.

>> No.78015885
File: 143 KB, 1000x866, EYF5ux1XsAct6kL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, you're picrel

>> No.78016138


>> No.78016598

>NOOOOO if you dislike my team you MUST be on the other team and just pretending not to be!!!! I only have room in my imagination for two arbitrary "tribes" AND YOU NEED TO BE IN ONE
Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself.

>> No.78016711

Where did you get that from? I’m saying you can’t get canceled for having loli art in your likes anymore, dumbfuck

>> No.78016790

As long as you’re a straight white male they’ll consider you to be no better than the chuds. Kill yourself, fenceshitter.

>> No.78016917

there are so many ways to bypass that shit, literal skill issue

>> No.78016959

>Imagine getting angry over this in an anonymous site
Retards here have 0 self awareness

>> No.78017018

No they won't, that's just your retarded argument for why everyone who dislikes them needs to join your team, and it got stale ten years ago, and your team has gotten 10x more retarded in the meantime and proven that given an ounce of power they'd misuse it worse, and not even out of malevolence, but mostly because your team is just so fucking retarded

>> No.78017049

I can't wait for twitter to die and artists to start using platforms that are ACTUALLY MADE FOR EXHIBITING ART again. Vtubers actually using the scheduling/community features OF THE PLATFORM THEY FUCKING STREAM ON is just a bonus.

>> No.78017109

>SOCIAL media site
>Invent something to reduce engagement between users
Elon won't paywalling this, will he?

>> No.78017168
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>t. picrel

>> No.78017398

Such as?

>> No.78017576

Believe whatever you'd like, faggot. You've lost the mandate of heaven

>> No.78017732

Stop using that oppresive word, nazi. They're going to remove your internet presence and bank accounts. But keep sucking tranny cock in the meantime.

>> No.78017946

>Person makes thing objectively worse
>"erm, actually this is fucking epic because....... 40% LMAO troons fuck off"

And then these people wonder why everyone rejects them

>> No.78018178

You mean the jews that run all of the western governments and institutions and their Metropolitan golem class.

The vast majority of the world vehemently disagrees with you. Fag.

>> No.78018246

No, i mean everyone.
There's a reason why you're undesired by every single person you tried to connect with.

>> No.78018466

>protecting leftist incel
Every time. Gotta be common knowledge by now that trannies are all just the most desperate among incels.
People realize that now, right?

>> No.78018539

>they're totally going to kick you off the internet and ban you fron banks! They're totally gonna do it! I know I've been warning that they're gonna do that for like 15 years now and it keeps not happening, but they're gonna do it any day now! That's why you need to join my retard circus!

>> No.78018619

Good goyim. Keep sticking your head in the sand. We will be laughing at you when they come for you next, goy.

>> No.78018654

They've been doing that, and you know it, Mr. Totally Normal Person.

>> No.78018744

yeah sure, two more weeks right
Or maybe what will happen is you'll keep rambling about dumb bullshit that never happens and everyone else will continue living a normal life

>> No.78018771

thats why it's gone, people were making fun of elon's likes

>> No.78018779

It's funny because i never wrote that. Ugly disgusting people can always pay for sex so inceldom never even crossed my mind.
It did yours though. Maybe because you're brain-destroyed by retarded politics?
Killing yourself might help, join the 40%

>> No.78018807

After reading this thread I still yet to understand why public likes is a good thing, them being being public and on seperate window was weird in the first place

>> No.78018954

Glad to hear you have to pay for sex you nasty ass leftoid incel kek

>> No.78018973

>if you don't believe in my conspiracy this is simply evidence that you are in fact part of the conspiracy

>> No.78019057

Someone has to, might as well be (you), anon

>> No.78019157

>Dumb zoomers put of all of their eggs in one basket
I saw that comin, you gotta diversify the coom

>> No.78019168

Public likes were always creepy and always about ensuring tyranny by the majority. Making sure any "problematic" people were easy to spot and expose, by journalists and the mob.

Our Democracy at it's finest.

>> No.78019175

It always seemed weird to me to, but it seems a non-trivial part of twitter seemed to evolve to like them. They basically turned into a way to give someone some attention and feedback without having their posts actually bump yours off your timeline. Meanwhile, bookmark was what you could do if you wanted to "like" something but keep it private.

>> No.78019202

Normal? My fellow leftie, trans women are getting genocided each minute and men continue to be oppressive incels. Women would rather pick the bear over us pathetic m*ids.

>> No.78019287

It was more that if there was something even slightly socially unacceptable in someone's likes tab you could use it against them in an argument

>> No.78019297

You're not cool enough to be part of a grand conspiracy, you're just a stupid lying contrarian faggot with a personality disorder.

>> No.78019362

I don't even know what you're trying to make jokes about now, at this point. This is what happens when you spend too much time consuming retarded internet politics, you sound like a fucking freak

>> No.78019454

anon, you have to be truly delusional to think that people who do not agree with your babby's first conspiracy theory bullshit are the "contrarians." YOU'RE the contrarian you fucking idiot

>> No.78019505

This reads like a sample pick of words.

Is he a contrarian or is tranny love the mainstream "right" opinion, bro? Can't you guys choose one?

>> No.78019575

Elon bans you for posting TND too btw, he's a kike lover and not on your side either

>> No.78020429
File: 144 KB, 1280x965, 1660445344739025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one really mad about the likes situation? Elon killed an entire sector of the Vtuber community with one update. One like from a Gura can make a person famous, now people will just have to pray that they(vtubers) decide to repost something on their page.

>> No.78020470

Seems like some roomates have been liking posts after the removal

>> No.78020526

It's not worth being personally upset about, everyone with a brain already knew elon is a dumb nigger who will do dumb shit.

>> No.78020550

as a new artist it fucking sucks. i was just starting to build up an audience because vtubers would like my stuff

>> No.78020566

You're either too stupid to understand the concept of hedging your bets with a perceived stronger tribe or you're bad faith. Either way, me trying to reason with you is a total waste of time so I think you just have to be killed and fed to animals.

You whiny crybaby fags on the farthest end of the right are doing a great job throwing a temper tantrum over not receiving every single fucking Christmas present from Elon that you asked for. Keep it up, you're not going to just ruin everything for yourselves, I promise.

>> No.78020632

>me trying to reason
The only correct thing you've posted in this entire thread. I believe you tried, just couldn't do it though.

>> No.78020967
File: 288 KB, 550x702, iwonderwhykek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trust them, its totally for the well-being of everyone, yeah, totally... kek.

>> No.78020968
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>> No.78021092

How very trans
A mungus?

>> No.78021147

it doesnt work fucking retard.

>> No.78024721

The spineless Jap artists I follow made Bluesky accounts when shit hit the fan that one time but almost all of them went back to Twitter anyway

>> No.78025063

I stalk my oshi's like feed to see what she's been interested in lately, or to see untagged fanart of herself she liked, or just to check if she's alive because she only streams like twice a month

>> No.78025183

Elon is based

>> No.78026149

a bunch of girls are complaining about it

>> No.78026801

Trannies don't deserve to live.

>> No.78027360

i guess were all moving to holoapp sooner or later, imagine if non holos can use that though.

>> No.78027972

basically the only one gaining even a bit of traction is Misskey, but it's one of those stupid meta-aggregator type ideas Japan seems to constantly push (like Pawoo etc), is Japanese-only (VPNs banned too) and is powered by a hamster on a wheel. I can't see Holos using it when the entire userbase is like 500k and limited only to Japan.

twitter is simply in the "too big to fail" mode protecting it still. there have been serious attempts to get something else to replace it like Threads or Bluesky but I mean.. who has a threads. who has a bluesky. I don't even know anyone who does. thing is when you have been using one account for years and years and you have all your post history, all your stuff is there, all your contacts and old convos and likes and whatever, it's become part of you basically. asking someone to start over from that and dumpsterfire it just on a whim isn't gonna fucking work. you'd need a site that's vastly VASTLY superior to twitter in every way, a Facebook vs Myspace type deal.

>> No.78028107

I could see two things happening. People will moce to Bluesky if xitter proves to inhospitable to them.
Alternatively, Musk will have to sell off twitter. Yahoo sold off tumblr at one point. Twitter is going to be massively devalyed aftet its sale, but perhaps with Musk gone we can get the old twitter back.

>> No.78028248

I could see twitter being bought just because the buyer would presume there would be a big resurgence/revitalization to be had by just restoring it to be similar to how it was pre-Elon. call it twitter again, put back likes. people do not trust the way musk is running it, because it's obvious as shit he got saddled with it by his own big fucking mouth talking too much shit and getting called out on it and must regret it quite a bit so handles it like a spiteful parent abusing an unwanted child. everyone can see that. all it would take is someone who can be trusted more than him. in my ideal world that person would also be apolitical and want to pretty much depoliticize twitter as well but muh outrage machine is a thing a bunch of idiots are trapped in and think is a necessary part of life.

>> No.78028426

Maybe it's only the user signups that's blocked? I just remembered I had an account over there and I can access it just fine
The site shoves *every* post made there on the default channels and I see there are NSFW censors now, but I do remember that site having mostly NSFW content

>> No.78028592

Moderation sounds like a pain in the ass, but Cover has an opportunity to pivot HoloApp into a vtuber-centric social media platform

>> No.78028748

check out dimdem and OldTweetDeck, doesnt cost you anything, but rate limits might cuck you
already exists, its called "bookmark", also if you paid elmo a couple bucks you could actually hide your likes from the public, cant wait for what feature he will paywall now in its place

>> No.78029053

There is a secret way to get onto it still and that's to sign up outside the main site instant (a .io account). there's .doujingames or .art misskeys too etc. I dunno if you can still get onto those but well I did a few months back and when you sign into those, you can search up and follow people on .io, for example so you can actually see their posts because misskey also made it so nws can't be viewed unless you're logged into it.

the site is a bit hostile and crappily put together I think, they frankly don't actually want to grow outside Japan either. but for whatever fucking reason that seems to be the decided refuge JP artists on twitter have chosen (they did also try bluesky before however etc).
