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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 432 KB, 1296x754, 1717622481123357.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77980610 No.77980610 [Reply] [Original]

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as rival nations fighting bitter battles or beginning wholesome friendships for the glory of their oshis.

regularly scheduled thread edition

Previously: >>77733200

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:




>> No.77980661
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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day after the thread has been archived. You may also ask for your own archive posts to be updated or organized according to your standards.
- - -
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP.

>> No.77981958


>> No.77982281
File: 313 KB, 1018x720, joshu band cheer yataaa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vtwbg! waooooo!
mayo lore guy love!

>> No.77982664
File: 265 KB, 900x570, 1715120510108952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to fry some mayo

>> No.77983243

should probably stick to 1 thread a week after this one

>> No.77983351


>> No.77983527

seems ideas were scattered and coming in less then when the thread was once a week and everyone could dump their ideas into the thread
personal opinion

>> No.77985715
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>> No.77985793

You guys failed to keep the Saturday thread afloat last week and post quality turned to literal dogshit. Neither of the last two threads hit bump limit.

>> No.77986159

A thread a week may condense the amount of ideas from existing anons, but its infrequent existence on the log will do much worse for attracting new anons than a constant thread would.
You're not helping the post quality yourself, so let's talk lore instead of bitching, hm?

>> No.77986931
File: 237 KB, 900x570, wispicaljoshu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair the last thread made bump limit!
well the one before last did!
source: i saw it!
this is a good point! if the bread isn't up you wont get new blood!
new bloods important!
i think people should try to keep the bread alive and make joshus!
that always cheers me up!

>> No.77987165
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/ss/ was discussing its future as a thread if NOA is a thing, and conceptualized the thread as /SS.NOA/, or NOA's ark, a giant ship yacht housing refugees from kurocorps.

>> No.77987270

nintendo of america?
t. clueless

>> No.77987301

whats ss?

>> No.77987534
File: 344 KB, 484x594, 1711018825986360.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, NOA is a chink corpo Sayu and three other EN vtubers are allegedly joining (not officially confirmed, but there have been leaks (possibly intentional leaks for viral marketing purposes)). NOA is a subsidiary of Metishon, who are managing Kobo's bilibili account and doing a bunch of stuff with Mihoyo.
Stands for Sayu Sincronisity, or sexy shota, that's her general on /vt/.

>> No.77987620 [DELETED] 

>kobo's billibilli
its so over

>> No.77988173 [DELETED] 
File: 271 KB, 1152x2048, 1708875430554575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the CCP is back with a vengeance... Well, for /ss/ sincroknights reached the acceptance stage long ago, Sayu's gachaslop addiction is stronger than any other force, so involvement with chink corpos like Mihoyo has been commonplace for a while.

>> No.77988234

Yea, personally doubt that because one of them, Bri, confirmed she's staying indie. More than likely it was just chinks with 0 engrish skills misinterpreting shit

That being said, a giant ship containing all of /ss/ that just floats around, perhaps seen as nothing more than a myth in many a port tavern, sounds kino. You got anything past the general idea for it so far?

>> No.77988315
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I love mayo lore!

>> No.77988414

yeah but mayo doesn't even have a spot on the map yet

>> No.77988525

we are koyotes!
cute joshu peek my beloved

>> No.77988832
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The staff member responsible for the leak is actually asian-american, and they already have discord channels for the chuubas in their server... And said staff member also bought a bunch of Sayu merch at Offkai and posted it. It's possible it's a massive fuckup, but personally I think Bri might just want to play it safe with her NDA, Sayu doesn't seem allowed to say she's joining NOA either. Or maybe Bri isn't joining but Sayu is.
Sayu is a cyborg, so I'm imagining it as a pretty high-tech structure, probably more a floating city than boat as such. And the thread also mentioned that it's submersible, to go into hiding when the oceans are rough. Maybe it's a bit reminiscent of Xylem from armored core but it can dive fully and doesn't fly? The mecha connection would make sense, since Sayu is a gundam.

>> No.77988963


>> No.77989142

As a somewhat recent newcomer to the thread, I don't think having the thread up (or not) would really make a difference. I simply don't think many people are that interested in worldbuilding, especially if it's mostly alone. If there wasn't another teamate to bounce off of, I would've stopped coming here.

>> No.77989329

Might wanna check again

>> No.77989407

>>77989329 me
Oh nwm, that's pink up there not mayo, whoops I guess I'm retarded

>> No.77989445
File: 610 KB, 250x250, cartwheel joshu clockwise.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well the real point of breads is the ability to find said other teammates!
this might be hard to believe but ive found other joshus in all sorts of places!

>> No.77989658

Mhm, can't speak for sayu but Bri absolutely isn't joining a corpo. She just came out of an abusive one so I *really* doubt she has any faith in corpos left

Floating cities my beloved, absolute kino. It being high tech also sounds nice, a giant mech maybe? Could be fun to write around, specially if it's sentient
And that's why it's encouraged that whoever writes here at least let's their thread know so that others can pitch in with their own ideas either there or join you over here.

>> No.77989698

In the end, the problem with the constant threads was that they were 90% bumps and died 50 posts in. Once we switched to the weekly model, regulars were able to brainstorm, take breaks to avoid burnout, and ultimately post more lore in the thread. If we were active enough to keep constant threads up without compromising quality then doing so would attract more anons than a weekly thread, but in our current state new people are more likely to stick around if scrolling through the thread actually shows them what the thread is about instead of a wasteland. Switching to weekly threads has already brought in a bunch of new anons and lore discussions, like teammates, joshus, wisps, and zomrades, so I don't think the reduced visibility is an issue. It's nice that the weekly threads can hit bump now, but it doesn't look like we're active enough yet to fill a perma general with meaningful discussion.
This too. The trifleet saga in the Vitubia days really helped make things more interactive and interesting. Seeing the culture shock from someone visiting a foreign nation they know nothing about is always fun and can be a great way to teach people about your country. The "fish out of water" character is a trope for a reason!

>> No.77990012
File: 1.89 MB, 2000x1123, koyo think__hakui_koyori_hololive_drawn_by_akira_irodori__5c484d3918be44fb0f358f77caaed0bc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good points!
overall i think if someone wants to bake and they bump the bread thats not a bad thing!
but lack of content is a problem too!
overall im happy that the place is less dead!
sometime back i tried bumping the place but all i saw was posts about how the bread was dead or dying and it was depressing!
glad things are healthier now!

>> No.77990108

The point I'm making is that it's not about making people aware of the thread, it's about retaining people once they are aware.
Agreed. If I looked through the thread and just saw a bunch of bumps, I maybe would've assumed the place was dead and not even bothered. Honestly, I'm still on the borderline of thinking that.

>> No.77990115

Since there's not enough interest or traffic to warrant one quality thread per week we should stick to one thread on Wednesdays. And when traffic starts picking up where the thread dies in two days then maybe we can have Saturday threads again. But that's only if less than half of the posts are bumps.

>> No.77990330

Your points are noted, however I do not agree with your approach. I will bake every time I see there is not a thread and engage with anyone that wishes to write lore in it for as long as it lives, simple as.

>> No.77990521

About your ship... Is it only an aquatic ship? We do have some airships in the world. Though the airships are Victorian style blimp ships I think.

>> No.77991756

I'll probably have some lore about watson industries later after the gym

>> No.77992320
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>She just came out of an abusive one
I don't know much about Bri and it sounds like you do, so I'll trust you on that. Funnily enough the same is also true of Sayu (niji) and most of the NOA staff (AuroraliveVR), and arguably another of the supposed talents, depending on whether you consider Prism's management terrible or merely negligent. That's part of why the "NOA's ark" thing came up kek.
A giant sentient mecha city, huh. Well, Sayu probably likes Macross too, so that could be a nice idea.
Since it's also submersible, I feel like I want it to be an aquatic kind of thing, keep it conceptually constrained. Though it would probably have an aerodrome where airships can land.

>> No.77992500
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>> No.77993779

Tbh, chink or not, if they can give them a home and take care of them, I support it. Sayu went through enough as is, poor girl needs a break.

Speaking of mecha, what about you guys, how would you look like? I will admit my knowledge of your oshi and everything around her is from just a year+ of catalog threads so I don't think I ever heard or saw if you guys have a design or not.

>> No.77993847

You can have a dock for aquatic airships. I think most intercontinental airships would be amphibious because they'd have to land in the sea if winds are too strong. Not that the sea in a storm is much better.

>> No.77994542
File: 233 KB, 1200x780, 1714610599202362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think this time last year we even had a fanbase design, though we do have one now. I think sincroknights would probably be an unchibified version of this? Bio-androids of some kind with the ears and a propensity for wearing armor. I would probably include some design elements from Sayu, like swapping the electric plug for the tendrils she has.
>Not that the sea in a storm is much better.
True! that's why we wanted it to be able to dive under the waves when the catalog is storming about.

>> No.77994726

Oh cute, you're donkeys? We do have a drawfag that pops up every once in a while, maybe he could be of some use to unchibify you guys.

>> No.77994788
File: 30 KB, 128x128, KoyoriPrayBlush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoping he makes a sayushu!

>> No.77995217
File: 117 KB, 1017x1017, 1696667237729506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to think this is all a psyop for getting joshus...

>> No.77995833

I think I have the design for my third (and technically fourth) nun. She was almost eaten alive by a komodo dragon before she was found. To save her her twin brother agrees to share his body with her's. Upon second life the two were stitched together with two heads, two arms, one torso, and three legs. The brother has adjusted to the nunnery quite well since he's into cross dressing. I'll figure out their back stories later. This is what I have so far.

How did they integrate their organs together? Magic. That's the only explaination I have.

>> No.77997352

reminds me of the chimeras from fallout desu
Well, probably a bit more pleasant.

>> No.77997387

but who is in main control of the third leg
how do the brains interact

>> No.77997652

Each head controlls their side of the body. They have to learn how to breathe, sit up, and move together. The left and middle leg is controlled by the sister though the middle leg is lame. So they can't run. The right leg is controlled by the brother. The brother's leg is shorter than the sister's legs. So his leg is mostly used for balancing and helping the lame middle leg not fall over.

>> No.77999243

Kneading dough bump.

>> No.77999472
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>> No.78000161
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Mecha is awesome!

>> No.78000340

The flying bakery is closed for the week for maintenance and audit. So no menu this week.

>> No.78001086


>> No.78002048

does everyone get mecha

>> No.78002179
File: 244 KB, 480x480, F5LqJ6UWYAA5y-q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want mecha Meeta now

>> No.78002577


>> No.78002794

Baker-chan has a robot prosthetic hand if that counts.

>> No.78004202
File: 264 KB, 480x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will always be this in my head

>> No.78004943

I could have watson industries provide prosthetics actually...

>> No.78005078

Now there's an idea!

>> No.78006231

I should work on the list of things they work on soon
though I do wanna avoid it being a monopoly in some way

>> No.78006278

joshus want mecha!

>> No.78007133

Prosthetics are nothing new. They're possible but expensive most of the time. Prosthesis ranges from peg legs to hook claws with grip to fully metal hands. If we're talking about automail from Full Metal Alchemist then that's pretty complex. Baker-chan's hand is a robot with its own programming. It doesn't have a connection to her nervous system.

>> No.78008852

>has its own programming
so how does she control it?

>> No.78009400

She's still got muscles in her wrist and forearm. Plus there's a control panel on the outside to adjust settings and modes.

>> No.78010551

mayo robo

>> No.78011463
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>> No.78012090

I thought I'd have a bit more worldbuilding lore ready tonight but lately I've been demotivated. I'd like to do some more worldbuilding on the Zomrade nunnery. But I also don't really know how nunneries work. I'm thinking they're like monestaries for women. I think I need to do more research.

>> No.78012763

though you could also do research on cults as well I feel like considering the nature of the nun zombrades

>> No.78014435
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>> No.78016858


>> No.78017256

I suppose they could be a cult. But the head nun is very selective on which girls she revives. Maybe since Ollie's into wanting to be a wife with children once upon a time they could be a fertility cult. They're not just typical rotting undead. They have all their cells and bodily functions revived, including reproductive organs. Yes even the nun sliced in half should be fertile.

I'm only going to worldbuild the nunnery since /zomg/ doesn't really exist. And if /zomg/ did exist I'll leave nation building to another zomrade.

>> No.78018531

I let /zomg/ die long ago. I tried keeping it around after 4th fes but it was too much trouble. A few threads popped up recently but not enough to keep it around

>> No.78018737

That's sad. /nasa/ ended when Sana left but Sana threads pop up from time to time. Do zomrades here have a home thread at least?

>> No.78019651

not sure, im sure most either go to warkop or global if ollie is streaming. I have somehow made her part of /fig/ and /hfz/ culture in recent months

>> No.78020208

So what do you think about the nuns running a fertility cult? If not for themselves but for other alive and undead folks?

>> No.78020605

sounds fine to me, do what makes you happy. I've already included the nuns into /fig/s lore the other day

>> No.78021588

Well I suppose what I can do is have the nunnery exist to try to preserve the zomrade's bloodline. Also if a second life zomrade does concieve a child then the child is born alive as a human. Miscarriages might be an interesting topic.

>> No.78022283

well how would that work then? Like just normal humans with no zombie physiology?

>> No.78023602

Pretty much. Zombies genetically are just resurrected humans. So their physiology is near identical. So naturally a zombie's offspring would be a human. Assuming it's a zomrade bloodline.

>> No.78024621

Nothing about the nunnery is set in stone yet. I still need research. I got a bit distracted by zomrad physiology. I do need to sleep. I hope the thread can stay bumped.

Also I'm curious about the /fig/ nun lore? Did you use the Elden Ring boss- I mean faceless nun? We could simply call her Mother if we can't figure out a name. Or the nuns when revived forget their names and just go by sister.

>> No.78024860

so far the lore is
>nuns heard Ollie was sighted in /fig/ after a tournament
>are told its probably not the person they seek
>they come and go as they please to research the area for clues on how to find their 'idol'
Might be in the archive

>> No.78025558

I know the head nun is a Mother. I think I should give the sisters new names. But one thing at a time.

>> No.78026892
File: 195 KB, 900x570, happyzomshu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about the zomshu!

>> No.78028163

joshus are everywhere

>> No.78028803
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>> No.78029768

survive the night

>> No.78029907

Speaking of zoombie, Royal Tea used to be Kureiji Ken Racing. Reine's title win in 2023 along with her family conglomerate however, made the rebrand inevitable.

Myth used to have Watson Industries as title sponsors, in the FHWC era and the move to 04 cars from 80s machines, they were relegated to just being on Ame's car.

>> No.78030166

I wonder if we can have a liquor company called Spirits or Spirits Café. Also Atlantis Resort sounds like a fun underwater place to be.

>> No.78031494

Take a bump

>> No.78032514

I did put in the real wine companies on the cars of those who had such collabs, like Lamy, Marine and Lui. Kronii car also has Strong Zero

>> No.78032941

Kirins' Animal Sanctuary, Space Bakeries, Polka's Three Ring Circus, Asacoco, Subaru's MMA Gym, the Moon, can't think of others right now. So tired but can't sleep.

>> No.78033169

No Coco car unfortunately. Also, I use companies that either are associated to the talent in question or brands the talent made themselves (Hologram Circus, HoloTalk, Legend of Polka, etc)

>> No.78033289

I see... That makes sense.

>> No.78033694

That means Mister Donut gonna have branding on FuwaMoco cars.

Also, I dont count hololive branding in the brand count. Minimum brand count for every car should be 5 (personal preference).
Some teams have a common sponsor:
Raku Spa and Fantasy
Ultra Jump and HoloX

>> No.78034902
File: 274 KB, 548x459, mayojosh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here to collect the mayo tax. Thank you.

>> No.78035816

*mayos on you*

>> No.78036631

The only thing you'd be collecting is lead. With your skull. Fucking joshus.

>> No.78036907

This just in: Jars of mayonnaise have been disappering all over the world.

>> No.78037878

All joshus must die

>> No.78038351

>tfw you can get sponsored by literally the moon

>> No.78039588
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>> No.78039615

Mayo shouldn't disappear!

>> No.78040200 [DELETED] 

To collect the mayo tax you first have to have somewhere to bring it back to.
pick a spot on the damn map already you nigger

>> No.78040475

ill tell you all about the vnug tales after work (and get started on new places for the fuckers to explore)

>> No.78040917
File: 399 KB, 900x570, WARjoshu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anatagonize the joshus
>suddenly all the joshus in their country become hostile and start taking everyone prisoner
>the Joshus activate their sleeper agents in the governement and bring the country to a standstill
>finally find the one who threatened them
>everything goes back to normal
>could have easily taken over but decides not to
Don't test the joshus.

>> No.78041906


>> No.78042431

There are no joshus in /vrex/ so here, stick this barrel in your mouth and pull the trigger <3

>> No.78043321

Don't make me get my spray bottle

>> No.78044256


>> No.78044423


>> No.78044492


>> No.78044621
File: 19 KB, 117x108, sadjosh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well we had a good run but i think its time to find new adventures, sorry for any inconvenience and best of lucks in the future.
joshu just liked seeing the bread be alive and bumping it and doesn't like triggering or annoying anyone and doesn't want to be here anymore.

>> No.78045005

See ya tommorow

>> No.78045309

Get back here, you're not allowed to leave until you pick your place on the map

>> No.78045879

pretty sure they were joking

>> No.78046366

It's another one of those "take every word at face value" autists. Haganon...

>> No.78047083

bring back hoshu

>> No.78047711
File: 24 KB, 324x327, F3RFMUOWoAYMv4p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Meeta Joshu......

>> No.78048277

it's koyover

>> No.78050117


>> No.78051616

I just woke up to this shit. Seriously what the fuck?

>> No.78052249

Seriously this. You act and say things like that then seethe at discord and reddit for...things.

>> No.78052342

Okay, I had to read the thread. If you're still around I have a few things to point out. You don't just walk into another country and declare taxes. Especially when in world it's an expensive food. Also we haven't really discussed much Joshu lore that can be archived yet. We mentioned mayonnaise production and cosplay conventions but not much else.

If you want to come back we can figure out other things in Josju society for worldbuilding. This is a worldbuilding thread. So let's try to build Joshu country one step at a time.

>> No.78052701

he wasn't being serious either

>> No.78053065

There's a worldbuilding opportunity here. If Joshus want mayonnaise then they should exchange a good or service.

>> No.78053540

The star altar... kino of the elders... I'll never forget

>> No.78054280

>So let's try to build Joshu country one step at a time.
I don't know why, but this is so inspiring. I'd vote for you as Grand Joshu President

>> No.78055626

grand joshu with a pointy hat

>> No.78055665

You are actually retarded if you think the kid was being serious when he said that. Though I agree that we need to groom him into writing lore, he's got potential I can feel it.
The friendship lake...

>> No.78057722
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>> No.78059331

friendship lake?

>> No.78060032

Long story.

>> No.78061306

I noticed that there's only 1 area that can be considered the south pole on the map
How does that work for the planet?

>> No.78062607

>only 1 south pole
anon, Im pretty sure all planets only have 1 south pole?

>> No.78062696

I worded it wrong
what I meant to say is, does it not need a north pole?

>> No.78062939

Both poles are there, but as far as I know, there's nothing geologically dictating that all planets have to have landmass at the poles. Could just be a lot of floating ice that forms and melts as the seasons come and go.

>> No.78064227

and that someohow doesn't mess with the climate drastically?

>> No.78064534

It happens on earth a lot, specially in the north pole since it has much less solid mass under the ice than the south pole, you can google some time lapses to see the crazy amount of ice that forms and then melts in just a single year.
I guess you could do some research into how much a landless pole would affect things like ocean currents though and extrapolate from there if you wanted to really dig into it

>> No.78065387
File: 212 KB, 500x500, angrery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I couldn't post this directly onto the thread because of the spam detector

>> No.78065574

if youre not memeing about his joshu lore, Id suggest replying to the lore anchor

>> No.78065634


>> No.78065901

Since both poles have no continental landmass under them, my barely educated extrapolation would be that both have relatively strong oceanic currents flowing in and out of them, like the gulf stream, instead of only having them in the North hemisphere. You can expect oceanic currents to distort climates relatively more in the southern hemisphere as opposed to reliance on the solar flux, compared to the IRL southern hemisphere.
Then again, the planet as a whole is a smidge warmer than the earth, so this difference is probably small compared to that delta. I think the biome map on the website is accurate enough taking all that into account.
The red pill I swallowed while learning more about planetary climatology is that even for a given solar influx and landmass/ocean distribution, there's still enough influence from other properties like geothermal heating, slow thermohaline cycles, atmospheric makeup, to basically turn an ice age planet into a "tropical great britain" planet. There isn't like, a single correct climate for a given "map".
So in other words, it's actually rigorous enough to assume the planet's various factors are balanced such that we have the climate we have want.

>> No.78066394

Wao! Specbiojoshulogy, I love it! That's a nice adaptability ability, reminds me a bit of the risuners of yore, with meatsuners etc, but more powerful and flexible. Are joshu on Viti in the same size factor as the version we usually see? Or a bit bigger? Bipedal or quadrupeds?

>> No.78066482
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>> No.78066785

Ugh, insomnia was bad last night. And I still had no strength all day afterward. I guess I'll write lore tomorrow. So how's projects going? I hear there's Joshu lore now.

>> No.78068421

Now I have to ask how space Joshus work? Do the sneak aboard spaceships to go to the moon, space station, or other planets?

>> No.78069717

The Joshus seen outside of /mayo/ are slightly bigger to help them more easily do day to day tasks in society as a whole, but they aren't that much bigger than their "normal" counterparts found in /mayo/ proper. I would say that where a "normal" /mayo/ joshu is about a foot long and about a foot and half tall on their hind legs, an average Viti Joshu outside of /mayo/ is about 1 1/2 feet to 2 1/2 feet long and 2 to 3ft tall on their hind legs. (This is the range of the average sexually mature joshu that is seen outside of /mayo/. However, due to the Joshu's ability to physically adapt to their cultural environment and the individuals around them, this is mainly what can be expected from a Joshu that has grown up around a community of beings of average humanoid heights) They mainly walk around on all fours, but will stand confidently on their hindlegs if what they are doing requires them to do so. They also like to use all sorts of contraptions if they need extra height. Their small stature allows them to easily use backpacks that includes a propeller to help them with gaining extra height. This is especially important for the /news/ joshus, who would otherwise be pushed out of an interview scrum without it.

I may or may not have ideas for a follow up post regarding why normal was in quotations when talking about the Joshus that live in /mayo/

>> No.78071542

Page 10 bump.

>> No.78072214

>the /news/ joshudrone helicoptering over the crowd of journalists

>> No.78072712

the joshus are spreading
you could be a joshu and not know

>> No.78073409

I want to look up more mayonnaise recipes. My head is full of fog. I'm wondering about how Joshus get into space. Joshus could sneak into Sanallite bases. Not sure how they get on the moons unless they get adopted.

>> No.78075711


>> No.78076065

Anywhere there are people there are joshus. Joshus also want to go to space!

>> No.78076289

Lemon and Lime are valueable fruits in Loreli. Lemon and lime juice go with just about any shellfish, sea fish, and any bird meat. Mojo lime marinade goes excellent with seared dodo meat. In fact when making dodo egg mayonnaise lime juice is preferred over lemon. Dodo egg mayonnaise is the perfect dip for coconut oil fried panko shrimp, panko prawn, or seared sea hawk breasts. A spoonful of dodo mayonnaise is sometimes added to the coconut chicken curry to give a creamy zest flavor.

>> No.78076381

>Dodo egg mayonnaise is the perfect dip for coconut oil fried panko shrimp, panko prawn, or seared sea hawk breasts. A spoonful of dodo mayonnaise is sometimes added to the coconut chicken curry to give a creamy zest flavor.
well damn that sounds fucking delicious actually

>> No.78076645

Good info, thanks anon.
Time to be worried about /mayo/ joshus I guess.
Lando, my beloved.

>> No.78076889

That's not all. Zesty dodo mayonnaise is a great dipping sauce for crab legs, crab claws, and lobster tails. If you're crazy you can use the mayo to top a paella dish. The mayonnaise can be mixed with cheese, onions, and coated in crumbled ship's biscuits and fried in coconut oil to make the ultimate fish sandwich exclusive to the Flying Space Bakery.

>> No.78076936

is there a vtwbg cook book

>> No.78076998

maybe there should be, we've had enough /vtwck/ing over the year kek.

>> No.78077048

it would be an interesting project to keep the thread going

>> No.78077081

Man, I had some disappointing overcooked crab legs to other day, it hurt my soul, really craving some good ones now.

>> No.78077931

I envy you. I live in a landlocked town. And frozen seafood is stupid expensive here. I mostly live off of pork though I get beef and chicken when I can. I was cutting up some chicken breasts the other day and I thought man I want to make panko fried chicken. I already had plans for Hamburger Helper fried rice though. We're on a budget.

Now if I can get into baking sour dough bread I'll really start the Sanallite bakery. I'm willing to shave my ginger metal hair and chest bald to run a bakery. We have a Mexican bakery but they're mostly flat bteads.

>> No.78078312

I'd probably die without access to seafood, gambare anon.
Yeah, could be fun. Most of the /vtwbg/ recipes I've been thinking about couldn't really be replicated irl, though maybe some could be with enough liquid nitrogen.

>> No.78078520

I thought about making a cookbook for another project. The thing is to make it successful you have to make and test the recipes yourself. Then have others make and taste it to see if your instructions are clear. Also for fantasy based ingredients you'll need to find real world substitutes. Dodo eggs do not exist for example. So we'll have to substitute with legally obtainable duck or chicken eggs.

>> No.78078955

I mean I assumed some of the recipes here were based on already real things

>> No.78080279


>> No.78080477

I suppose. The average person isn't going to get freshly hunted sea hawks. That said I think there's some recipes we can try to replicate in reality first. Like saplings making Fauna's favorite tea from scratch. Or in the /mint/ a while ago there's talks on how to properly color mint lemonade to turqoise. And yes the lemonade is made with mint flavor.

>> No.78081999

I mean you'd put mint in some alcoholic drinks that contain a citrus so it doesn't sound too weird

>> No.78083133

Update on the flying bakery. Sanallites have seized the airship and Baker-chan has been jailed in the hold until the audit is completed. They're looking for online records of a "certain squirrel satay shitposter" that almost caused a timeloop. It will take two weeks to go through the ship's computer. Ryely has also been abducted for screening.

Sanallite holds aren't too bad. You have two square meals a day, a bunk, a sink, a toilet with a bidet, a monitor that plays whatever movie you request, and a yoga mat for exercise. When you're done you have to clean the jail cell from top to bottom before you leave. The guards are friendly at least. Oh and when they give you food a machine pulls the tray through the slot and holds it until you're done. Its all finger food. No utensils allowed. You can lick the tray clean if you want the nuggie sauce. When you're done eating you wash up in the sink. Also the jumpsuits require key fobs to unzip to put on and take off. You have a button flap to do your toilet business with. The jumpsuit also has dough-tech that expands when you try to get violent or run away. It'll inflate and hold you in place until the bailif or warden comes to roll you into solitary where you sit there until further notice.

>> No.78083445

Sounds comfy, brb doing a sanallite crime

>> No.78083627

Don't do it. Most of the time you get beaten by the club or shocked by the electric fork before going to jail.

>> No.78083697
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I have an electrocution fetish.

>> No.78084079

Umm... Technically it's electric shock fetish because electrocution means you die by elecricity.

>> No.78084145
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did I stutter?

>> No.78084716


>> No.78084993
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dying violently is part of the Ohmie experience

>> No.78086535


>> No.78086557

I just realized the pun in her name.

>> No.78087302

Her name goes hard for no reason, if you read it in kanji there's like three layers of meaning.

>> No.78087535

if we do make the cook book do we want a generic pdf or wanna make it interactive?

>> No.78087931

PDFs are for if you intend to print it out on paper. Which might be useful in the kitchen. I think making a mobile site on phone might be more convenient.

>> No.78088761

Before I go to bed I do have a thought about the cookbook. I'm only going to share exact recipes I know I can cook myself at least. I don't want to share any specific recipe I don't know how to cook. That said if you can figure out a Malaysian coconut chicken curry recipe with lime mayo on your own then go for it.

>> No.78089447

The become pandemic has given way to the joshu pandemic

>> No.78090669

soon there will be nothing

>> No.78092292
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>> No.78092772
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There's nothing to say we don't have a South/north pole ice sheet, just not a landmass. Here's our own irl north pole. It's all ice.

>> No.78092931

>why normal was in quotations when talking about the Joshus that live in /mayo/
Khajit kino incoming?

>> No.78094450


>> No.78094519

I fucking love ice sheets bros

>> No.78095384
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>> No.78096122

Head on a silver platter.

>> No.78096930

Do you? Do you really? And why is that?

>> No.78097027

Because they can hide submarines who can pop out of the ice and that's really cool, and also they're the biggest flattest things to walk on which makes it so they have really strong winds, and you can use those winds to move around with wind-pulled sleighs which is also really cool, and if you dive under them where it's not too thick some sunlight can seep through the ice, diffused and distorted by the ice and that also looks really cool.

>> No.78097097


>> No.78097535
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Morijigoku Architecture
Coastal Style

Not so long ago, the country's coasts were inhabited only by smaller settlements of a few hundred fishermen, making a honest living on the Continental Channel's waters, far from the madness and turmoil of the Deadbeat factions found farther inland. However, the precipitious increase in seaborne trade has catapulted many of those shanty towns to the status of cosmopolitan metropoles. These fast developments have been well-ordered and supervised by local governors in some cases; in others, they've been haphazard as companies moved in to sink their hooks into their share of the rich and hungry inner Morijigoku markets. Whichever the case may be, most of those constructions are modern and foreign-influenced, though still built using local materials.

Thus, a walk through one of these seaside cities will take you past buildings making heavy use of the local tropical woods, such as teak, sal and red lauan, especially in the frames, while clay bricks baked from raw materials gathered in the innemurable riverbeds slashing the shore make up their walls. Morijigoku clay is noted for being found in black varieties in the northern parts of the country, where sediments with basaltic origins are more common, while clay dug up farther south, especially near the Kigamori River, will be a beautiful white color, owing to the large proportion of feldspar found within it.

In terms of architectural technique, influences from Holoimperial architects can be gleaned in the heavy use of regular, small bricks laid and mortared in staggered patterns for increased strength, contrasting the stone masonry approaches preferred in the rest of the country, where larger stones are quarried and cut to size before being brought to the construction site. These seaside areas are also renowned for their high heat and humidity, which led to most buildings either adopting very open designs with natural ventilation, or for wealthier patrons, fully insulating buildings where supernatural air conditioning can be exploited to bring temperatures to more comfortable temperatures. Most buildings tend to be at most three storeys tall to keep ventilation systems simple and reliable, though larger edifices making use of the afore-mentioned climate control technologies also exist.

>> No.78097564

Archived >>78097535 under https://rentry.org/morig-urban-planning#coastal-style

>> No.78098558

Good morning

>> No.78099467

Good evening

>> No.78100521

Take a bump

>> No.78101618

So do I just pick whatever vacant territory available for my thread or do I need to justify it somehow

>> No.78101855

Pick whatever as long as you're reasonable on size.

>> No.78102847


>> No.78103615

so not all of the area is cold then

>> No.78104568


>> No.78105566


>> No.78105705

Impregnating female zomrades.

>> No.78106734

that one anon needs to explain the process of that

>> No.78106980

They are genetically humans. The living ones need no explaination. The resurrected ones have all of their cells in their body revived. So their immune systems and metabolisms kick off to help heal the rest of their body. This means over time the female reproductive system is healed. So revived female zonrades can birth normal healthy human babies assuming their reproductive organs are intact. Even though resurrection stops aging it doesn't increase the amount of egg cells a woman holds. So the mother of the nunnery who's well over a hundred has lost her last egg a long time ago.

>> No.78107125
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Reminder that Kokone has really nice tits

>> No.78107625

thats strange to think about. Reminds me of the opening scene of berserk where guts is born after his mother is killed by a group of mercenaries

>> No.78108372

The second life gives even virgin zomrades a second chance at finding marriage. Or they'll just lust for Ollie.

>> No.78109720

yeah but I dont see it on the map?

>> No.78110029

Well because the map is for landmasses, silly

>> No.78110825

but theres ice on the bottom

>> No.78111747
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Is there?

>> No.78112733

I had biomes on and confused the bottom land mass for a south pole

>> No.78113231

Remember that love makes dodo meat taste better.

>> No.78114238

That's right, that region that has an unusual climate is mostly the mountaintops, and then it fades off as you move away from there, until it's basically back to normal on the coasts, though you do get some cold winds from the mountains sometimes.

>> No.78116040
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>> No.78116050

I keep thinking of Louisianna gator people in the bayou who enjoys cooking cajin food. Maybe it's because I keep thinking that'd be a fun cartoon or something.

>> No.78116560 [DELETED] 
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aieeeeeeeeeeeeeee even more whores: https://www.twitch.tv/shylily

>> No.78116687

we love whores

>> No.78117456

Cute retard

>> No.78118523

happens to the best of us

>> No.78118630
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favorite genre of image

>> No.78119240
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updated the awat notes in the archive about watson industries but a quick overview

- Multiple factories located in the Temperate Deciduous forest
- Have a stake in the /news/ outlet. Paper is run by one of the Ame's from a different universe
- Provides jobs, healthcare, housing, transportation for all of their workers
- Have at least 1 location in each nation depending on the size and need.
- These locations outside of /awat/ usually only work on technologic advances and engineering
- Developing robotics and hardware is the companies number 1 priority
- Things they develop include but not limited to:
- Prosthetics
- Vehicles
- Weaponry
- Ai/Robotics
- Toilet paper
- Communications
- Each factory has 1 statue of Amelia Watson either in the middle of the building or outside in the garden area
- Breakfast, Lunch and dinner is provided to all the employees with 1 hour of break which is separate from the meal
- Facilities run 24 hours a day but only some are active during the night hours, meanwhile during the day at least 85% of the factory is working

>> No.78119358

An hour break separate from lunch? that's amazing! Worker rights are healthy in awat

>> No.78119660

>Facilities run 24 hours a day but only some are active during the night hours
So that's just 8 hours where they burn electricity for no reason? Based polluter mindset

>> No.78121286

if the world doesn't kill itself, watson industries will somehow

>> No.78122483
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>> No.78123544

Question is, how do we fund them to expedite that process? Seems like the best endgame crisis to end us all

>> No.78125072

Baker-chan is doing okay in jail. She's mostly bored. It's just jail in the women's hold. Ryely the breadog is being poked and prodded for information. CheetoOS isn't having a good day due to constant scanning. Now the question is why did Baker-chan's ship get chosen for audits? It doesn't even belong to Sanallites. Someone's going to have to step in at some point. Right?

>> No.78126141
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I mustve missed some serious turn of events...

>> No.78127010

The bakery is under audit because breadog (me) shitposted the squirrel satay from last world. It was failed false flag. So the crew is jailed until the audit is done in two weeks.

In the meantime zomrades built a church of Ollie by a faceless zombie Elden Ring boss... I mean nun.

>> No.78127178

where's the church located

>> No.78127853

We don't really know yet. It might be either in /warkop/ or Hololive Global since /zomg/ doesn't have a thread anymore. It's just a small nunnery that has a fertility cult. The fertility cult we're still working on. My idea for it is to help zomrades find love and make lots of babies to help preserve their bloodline. Zomrades are genetically human as stated >>78106980 . So whether they are still living or are resurrected from death the faceless mother wants zomrades to have more babies.

So far we have four sisters. Though two of them are conjoined. And one of the conjoined nuns is a cross dressing boy who gave half his body to save his sister.

>> No.78129530

Buy the toilet paper

>> No.78132867
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>> No.78133007

If Sapling is still here I wonder if we can talk about rain catching in giant trees. I've been thinking about whether or not saplings catch clean drinking water from the rain. I was thinking about creating a gutter out of leaves and clay that redirects water from the insides of trees to the ground to prevent flooding in the tree houses. Also I thought about having canopy gardens on tree branches for plants that need lots of sun. Just some ideas.

>> No.78134509

>check what kind of biome /fig/ is in
>one big old wetland
I wonder how this is gonna work

>> No.78137050


>> No.78137300

The nature of the map is that something like the small /fig/ island is gonna be painted with a single color, but realistically an island of that size would have a bit of variation, at the very least two biomes I would say; the lower-lying wetlands (at this latitude, those might take the form of mangroves into swamp into waterlogged forests) and slightly drier terrain on the higher ground, which would probably be tropical rainforest.

>> No.78139704
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>look it up
something about this doesn't feel right

>> No.78139825

spooky evil water trees, you can't trust them

>> No.78139828

It's just trees that were based and returned to the sea

>> No.78141430

they remind me of king crabs

>> No.78143313

I'm hungry for crab.

>> No.78146639

species idea: A type of king crab that evolved to blend in with mangroves

>> No.78150051
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>> No.78152817
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I cannot tell what biome this island is in /awat/ since hovering over it flashes 2 biomes. I would assume its a temperate rainforest. Could have some of the exotic life chilling in there

>> No.78153421

Yeah probably some manner of temperate rainforest, though lake/bay islands tend to have interesting micro-climates since those tend to be really humid.

>> No.78153774

So how big do you want Ollie's church to be? I'm thinking the church with Mother and her sisters would be a small church but has lots of land. It can be a place of rehabilitation for those who just resurrected. They stay at the boarding house infirmary as their bodies revive and heal. Then they do simple farming and house chores for rehabilitation. For those who are permanently crippled with lost limbs they do rehabilitation exercises to learn to move and do normal things. No zomrade can stay at the church forever. Eventually they must leave and find love.

What do you think? And the church can be deceptively small. On the surface it looks like a clean chapel with a few school rooms, a bath, and board for the nuns. But underground it's a maze of catacombs and dungeons. Perhaps there's even monsters.

>> No.78154231

I would assume it starts out as one of those small 2 rows of benches kind of churchs but just gradually gets bigger as time goes on, or more start to pop up around the world

>> No.78155292

I'm thinking it could be like that but built on the ruins of an old grander church. Which would explain the catacombs underneath the chapel. But then eventually the chapel gets renovated into a proper church house over time as Mother expands her services. Then eventually they build a separate boarding house and a small farm. Then they build a stable for horses that are used for rehab. It's a hundred year project. So a lot xan happen.

>> No.78156388

making it on the ruins of an older church is on theme with zombies at least. How do the residents feel about the zombies chilling in their area though?

>> No.78156537

I had a stroke of genius; instead of making other buildings to go along with the main one, I can fill out some screen space with clouds. I think I got them looking pretty cool, now to write what goes with it.

>> No.78157038

what do you mean with clouds?

>> No.78157419 [SPOILER] 
File: 923 KB, 565x1033, 1698058733338338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working on the composition for picrel, and clouds seem to work better than the infinite grey plane as a background. I think I probably want something for the foreground though, maybe some kind of plaza, or a path... Also some rocks and/or fences to sell the edge there being a cliff face.

>> No.78157698

Go for it. I'm just making things up as I go.

The worst thing about these zombies are the stench. But eventually the stench goes away after about a month or six when their metabolism kicks in. With proper rehab most subjects would live mostly normal lives.

That said there are a lot of zombies that lose their mind and souls. They are just undead bodies that eat anything that moves. Even rehab subjects that might look fine sometimes succumb to losing their souls weeks after reviving. Resurrection is having your soul return to your body. Otherwise the revived body is completely undead...

...Which is where the catacombs come in. The catacombs are home to a morgue. Not just any morgue. A morgue where undead bodies without souls are disposed of. The morgue isn't the only place in the catacombs. Rumor has it that once upon a time the church did some... "Experiments with the undead."

>> No.78160100

>zombies smell
well ollie does say she doesn't shower everyday

>> No.78160809

What kind of experiments do you think the old church was running?

>> No.78163224


>> No.78165303

I just spent the past 10 minutes watching a mc rib video essay. Is KFP the only fast food joint in the world?

>> No.78165437

There's also Tako Bell! And maybe Fuburger as well. /ag/ surely has a few chains too.

>> No.78165761
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I see. Perhaps the Joshus could have their own fast food place that doubles as a secret lab since koyori is a scientist...

>> No.78167375
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>> No.78168674
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>> No.78169221

survive to bump

>> No.78171238


>> No.78172070
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>> No.78172761

Going to sleep, if we live until tomorrow I'll have some lore for breakfast.

>> No.78174494

And is placing quite well in Corpo Car Worlds! (7th iirc)

>> No.78174852

I think you got the wrong thread, /hfz/ is two blocks down

>> No.78176848


>> No.78177097

Fuck You.

>> No.78177975


>> No.78179094

If cold, Netherlands
If hot, Florida/Louisiana

>> No.78179241

Maybe building a farm on a graveyard isn't a good idea. I think the farm and boarding house would be miles away from the church for this reason. Especially if the morgue is still operational underground. Plus in the catacombs who knows if there's still undead bodies sealed within it.

>> No.78180301

Yeah, the crops gonna eventually wreak havoc on the catacombs. Also, rotting matter and growing matter dont mix.

>> No.78180854

It's not just that. The magic used to ressurect zombies can also revive and mutate dead plants. Imagine a living briar patch with the thirst for human flesh. So it rips humans limb from limb then buries them alive under its roots. You can even have zombies with living thorn vines sticking out of them that they use to snare their victims.

>> No.78181601

Or shoot thistles. Or bite people. Yeah, necromancy is serious biz.

>> No.78182791
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>> No.78183163

Not to mention with necromancy you can create monsters by combining body parts of anything together.

>> No.78183724

Should there be rare stories of zombies that find their souls after they're declared undead?

>> No.78183835

you mean their souls aren't back in the their body when they are revived?

>> No.78184001

Sometimes it happens. Sometimes a resurrected body will go to where it died instinctively to try to find its lost soul. If it can't find its soul then the body will eat other humans to fill the lost void. Sometimes the soul just gives up and moves on. This is why you can't just resurrect everyone. Resurrecting a souless body just makes it undead. And souless bodies continue to rot until they collapse.

Again feel free to change this. I'm making things up as I go.

>> No.78184751

I would assume it goes like
dead body -> soul goes back to it and returns to acting like a human but just rotted body
where if it was just reanimating the body, the muscles work and move because the brain is active, going off of its most basic instincts.
much to think about

>> No.78185748


>> No.78186208

>Also, rotting matter and growing matter dont mix.
Don't tell this guy about compost

>> No.78186560

or fungi

>> No.78187566


>> No.78187759

>Millions of species

>> No.78188725

They say the exception confirms the rule, so the rule must be really confirmed.

>> No.78189741

I want to visit the /mint/ Haunted Resort.

>> No.78190968

is there a location yet

>> No.78191188
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Alpine Style

As one travels deeper into the country, external influences are gradually lessened, and more traditional Deadbeat architectural styles re-establish themselves. Wood as a structural framing material grows less common and finds itself in use in roofing, decorations and trimmings instead, letting cut stone occupy this niche instead. Mahogany doors and window sills are particularly popular in the lower slopes of the Onyx Range; larger buildings begin to adopt more tapered shapes, as more material is required near the base of the buildings to support the weight of the stone above. Walls and roofs take on more angular shapes, which can be cut in the quarries less wastefully than rounder ones.

Many elements of these structures reflect the warsome past of the country; the massive stones making them up are impervious to fire, resistant to light artillery and easily barricaded. Windows are usually narrow and tall, with sidewalls angled so as to minimize exposing the defenders while maximizing their field of view. Diamond-shaped windows are particularly widespread, since they combine this benefit with an auspicious symbol of the goddess, and a section of the window through which a larger ranged weapon can be aimed at assailants.

Once one reaches into the heart of Morijigoku, the mountaintops, new advantages and features arise. First, in the most bitter of colds encountered in these magically refrigerated regions, the insulating properties of thick stone walls come to light. Though Deadbeats are comfortable in cooler temperatures than most, the cryogenic atmosphere of certain regions of the Eastern Onyx Range are still potentially deadly; a well designed Deadbeat monosikil (1) will be able to keep its rooms forty to fifty degrees C warmer than the outside with minimal heating input. Entering this region also introduces new materials into the architects' palettes: marble where Reaper's Eye crystals are observed. Using these stronger stones, much larger edifices can be built. Thanks to this natural attunement, these are also well-suited to being inscribed with magical circuits, which can be used to power a wide range of devices within the batiment, transmit energy to magical users within and without it, and circulate heat throughout the building. Since these magical circuits function better at lower temperatures, they can usually be seen tracing paths on facades. For the most active of these magically empowered towers, an excess amount of waste magical radiation is generated; these magical circuits also serve to funnel these emissions towards the roof, where they are harmlessly emitted towards the heavens.

Found in downtown Oppea on the northern slopes of the Ilimyth valley, Kuroma Tower is a fine example of traditional deadbeat civil mordimsag (2), and representative of the style. Nestled on a cliff-face, the obelisk houses hundreds of residents, a market, and the barracks and trimmings of a local Lukur (3) chapter, including their temple, school and armory. Moreover, like all buildings in the alpine regions, Kuroma Tower extends at least half as far below ground as it does above, connecting to the local catacomb network and the tunnels of the neighbouring estates.

1. Name given to Deadbeat buildings generally following this design: rectangular base built upwards with a taper out of large stones.
2. Lit. magical engineering.
3. The arcana-wielding priesthood of Morijigoku.

>> No.78191318
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Archived >>78191188 under https://rentry.org/morig-urban-planning#alpine-style

>> No.78192558
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>> No.78193496

everytime you describe morijigoku it just gets colder sounding

>> No.78193908

Nice, that's the intention. This is a frozen hell after all. I'm still amazed /vtwbg/ predicted Mori's ice typing by over a year.

>> No.78195247

is any part of it normalized temps at all?

>> No.78195800

Yeah, most of it really, the really cold parts are where the map has the "glacier" biome, outside of that area the temperatures go back to somewhat normal temperatures, and on the coasts it's basically normal.

>> No.78196425
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>> No.78197372

I should call her

>> No.78199628


>> No.78199746


>> No.78200904

I will make femshus

>> No.78201238

You need a femshu for that first

>> No.78204168

easy, just watch this

>> No.78204862

I'm thinking about looking for some mayonnaise dip recipes for wings or chicken nuggets.

>> No.78205066

I personally like mayochup, I think generally its easy to mix mayo with other existing dips unless you're trying to be exotic

>> No.78206111

You also have to think about what is available. I like spicy honey mustard. By mustard I mean mixing mustard powder or mustard seeds into the mayo instead of the sauce. I want to try mixing honey, some cumin powder, mustard powder, and mustard seeds to make a dip.

>> No.78206210

the world building cook book grows

>> No.78207480
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>> No.78207692

We're at bump limit sadly.

>> No.78207737

yeah I always forget if its 10 or 11

>> No.78208005

I'm going to miss the Ollies.

>> No.78208973

thats if one of the ops doesn't make illegal threads

>> No.78209293

No thread is illegal. And yes, it will be baked, I'm just waiting till we're a bit closer to bumping off
