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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 82 KB, 432x328, GP4gG_CaUAAlFCc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77972694 No.77972694 [Reply] [Original]

Vomit Edition
Previous Thread: >>77946263

>Upcoming Stream
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>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template

>> No.77972713
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, Pledge of Loyalty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77972867

That was the slowest FWMC Morning discussion yet. Is the format losing steam?

>> No.77972942


>> No.77973430
File: 1.34 MB, 2510x3446, 1718204129217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6.12.24 episode 98. 2ch was more interested in Miko’s Captain Tsubasa game, didn’t know CT was so popular.

>Is it time for BAUBAU already?
>Hello hello bau bau~
>Hello hello baubaaaa!
>You should never put too much on Mokochan, but you can put as much on Fuwawa as you want.
>When I listen to BAUBAU, I feel like some kind of bad drug is released in my brain.
>Pero-san, in a place like that
>I checked how long it was and it was seven and a half hours.
>Mokochan is so cute
>Fluffy machine gun talk is amazing
>Unstoppable Fuwa-nee
>Moko Pop
>Moko-chan is an angel, Fuwawa...
>Thanks to Mokochan, the world has been recharged with energy
>Swamp Donkey has arrived
>I've been enjoying watching Holomen play all the Mario characters lately, but I'm always looking forward to the fluffy Donkey
>[response to above] I wonder if Kong is more popular in EN?
>The morning is over...
>Thanks to FWMC Morning, I think I can make it through the second half of this week... Tomorrow's weather forecast is 29°C...

>> No.77973574

If FWMC don't play a game from the System Shock, Thief, or Deus Ex series by the end of the year I'm through.

>> No.77973619


>> No.77973628

it should have been killed or reworked with the move to Japan.

>> No.77973663

Hearing Fuwawa get angry and argue/fight with that lady in her dream really fucking turned me on.

>> No.77973671

>Tomorrow's weather forecast is 29°C...
Don't die, FUWAMOCO...

>> No.77973697
File: 1.58 MB, 1080x954, fleshfuwawa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77973698

Seek help you coombrained freak

>> No.77973767
File: 1.04 MB, 800x523, Fuwawa_with_gorilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77973784

guess it's bad if you come from a cold country, tho the humidity is the real killer

>> No.77973886
File: 398 KB, 1536x2048, GMbepfZXMAA_9l8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rough sex Fuwawa and I would have after a big argument would be mindblowing

>> No.77973937

Am I ruffian if I just want to watch them play games? I have no interest in their personal lives, who they associate with or where they live. I don't care about karaokes, 3D Lives, Superchats or anything idol related at all. I don't care to marry them, fuck them or even know them.

>> No.77973956

>Am I ruffian if

>> No.77973995

No one asked

>> No.77974036

You're a Ruffian but you're also a faggot. Which is the case for all Ruffians anyways so you're fine.

>> No.77974065

It's funny. A few months ago I used to stress out about what others were doing on twitter to get likes. I'd force myself to post stuff hoping they'd see it. It was always the ones that I didn't feel like I was forced to write that got their attention. Now I don't really care about likes. I still get them during spress, but I don't go out of my way to bait them. I'll post my support when I feel like I want to. I guess I feel comfortable in how they view me? I don't need to bait their love, I know they love me. I'm now stronger that any like schizo or FOMO.

>> No.77974087

Nobody cares.

>> No.77974133

Better than at least 30% of the "people" they consider ruffians, so you're good

>> No.77974177

I'm a very well trained ruffian, I get hard every time I see Fuwawa. She would be proud of me.

>> No.77974197

You're just not gachikoi which is fine.

>> No.77974221

>Better than at least 30% of the "people" they consider ruffians
are those the casuals or the menhera?

>> No.77974237


>> No.77974250


>> No.77974255

ur gay

>> No.77974315


>> No.77974317

Fuwawa really likes Mocobaldi huh

>> No.77974318

Thank goodness. I mostly see schizos here so I was worried that had become the standard to be considered a ruffian.

>> No.77974347

huge untaggrd clique W RT

>> No.77974362

Nothing wrong with that. Just don't shit on them when they are too busy to play games you want them to play.

>> No.77974368

You don't have to be gachikoi to support their dreams.

>> No.77974374
File: 687 KB, 3095x4096, mocoheadpats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We need you...
I love this girl

>> No.77974384

Now they'll have to collab with the Metal Gear-obsessed ghost

>> No.77974398

Fuwawa really likes that joke huh?

>> No.77974437

i do not mind his mgs autism but i hate his collab and game begging. he should fuck off and stay with her or continue jumping around fucking any girl that plays metal gear

>> No.77974441

I am surprised they didn't reply to her on twitter. I guess they are sticking to holo and holo-adjacent chuubas.

>> No.77974445

Mococo won't let her retweet mocobaby so she has to settle for this

>> No.77974455

poor Mococo...

>> No.77974515

Nah. They can hang out with her off stream, but keep that leach there. I don’t want them to collab with some whore who took nude pics of herself for 4chan.

>> No.77974521

>and holo-adjacent chuubas.
True. They said happy birthday/congrats only to Milky Queen.

>> No.77974571

i put away the dishes with puptalk power

>> No.77974586

Just buy paper plates and plastic forks.

>> No.77974599

Fuwawa is a stupid dog

>> No.77974607
File: 840 KB, 2894x4093, 1701972057044028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We need you...
My cute needy princess...

>> No.77974638

>plastic forks
Too fucking flimsy
Goddamn useless

>> No.77974652

Yeap. And Patra. A bunch of other nijis tweet at them but they never responded.

>> No.77974654
File: 2.63 MB, 642x600, 1705028221002087.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77974696

ive had those pieces of shit break on a fuckin microwaved burrito

>> No.77974700

They should play some obscure retro games on the famicom with Unou for 20 hours in an endurance stream

>> No.77974736

FWMC Morning is fun but really cuts into my sleeping time. Good night /baubau/, have a good rest of your day.

>> No.77974758
File: 153 KB, 1080x1440, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the retarder dog

>> No.77974779


>> No.77974804

Fuwawa you dumb bitch give me one more like before they are hidden.

>> No.77974828

Go to sleep Mococo

>> No.77974934

Likespree has begun

>> No.77974950


>> No.77974982

I worked hard on those Marine drawings you know

>> No.77974989


>> No.77975003

Elon is a wuffian on his alt account and couldn't handle them not liking his posts any longer so he decided that if he can't get them then no one will see likes anymore

>> No.77975008

Swallow my cum, Moco-chan

>> No.77975036
File: 203 KB, 1333x1460, 1700130797904799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with fuzzy!!

>> No.77975044
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>> No.77975057
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>> No.77975058
File: 115 KB, 900x900, 1701930840572815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mogogo rabu

>> No.77975089
File: 299 KB, 1303x2048, mocosex25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuzzy is cute AND sexy

>> No.77975132

Sometimes after I refresh they're gone and then back again after a bit
I don't know what the fuck is happening anymore

>> No.77975216

The site is so broken that even the updates they make don't work

>> No.77975238

mococo is not sexy

>> No.77975273
File: 145 KB, 1208x879, 1663538660486851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77975274
File: 1.19 MB, 2201x2976, @Napat0712-1783255886955217255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77975293
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>> No.77975323
File: 420 KB, 1400x1615, mocosex8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77975325

This is bait but I'll respond anyways. FAGGOT.

>> No.77975341
File: 444 KB, 2592x3591, GNuplgYWIAAfYny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mococo is built for sex

>> No.77975387

oh, they hid likes for me now.

>> No.77975414

Agreed. And Fuwawa's tits are just too big. Very gross.

>> No.77975419

still there on mobile for me

>> No.77975425
File: 991 KB, 1682x1465, mocotail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to grab the fuzzy tail...

>> No.77975436
File: 489 KB, 1406x2352, 1680638990522643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77975438

sex with Fuwawa only

>> No.77975461

yeah on mobile I can see the tab. on desktop it's gone.

>> No.77975479

>I have no interest in their personal lives, who they associate with or where they live
this is good
>I don't care about karaokes, 3D Lives, Superchats or anything idol related at all
this is not since it's the core of their work

>> No.77975552
File: 173 KB, 1200x1303, @SkylinesSunset-1783002245614956667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with mamapuppy only

>> No.77975772

traveling back in time 20 years and having sex with fuwamoco!

>> No.77975795

Wait so are likes for premium users only now?

>> No.77975846

No, hiding likes was for premium users before and now it's for everyone but also forced onto you.

>> No.77975982

So what is likeschizo gonna post about now?

>> No.77975993

Will they ever get a new intro?
Something like a high effort anime OP

>> No.77976007

He’ll just evolve into RT schizo.

>> No.77976014

he'll namedrop

>> No.77976025

right after they get bowls

>> No.77976084

I hope so, I haven’t been mentioned in months. My ego is deflating rapidly.

>> No.77976181

please make a moco sex noises compilation from dkc2 tonight

>> No.77976199

They should make their own soulful intro like Korone's

>> No.77976243

likes are even gone on mobile. i hope likeschizo and all menheras rope themselves today

>> No.77976261

They should get an intro that is like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUk1ZoCGqsA

>> No.77976292

oh no likes are actually gone for me now

>> No.77976329

i don't enjoy it

>> No.77976388

finally free from the gossipers

>> No.77976392

I see them on both desktop and mobile. I am the last likeschizo

>> No.77976393
File: 128 KB, 1080x735, sexxxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youtube putting in work for me today. just exploded to this recommendation

>> No.77976433

sex version in mega
they will start gossiping about discord matters

>> No.77976446

I’ll just start going through peoples profiles instead. Looks like mugestu liked/RT’d all the “Mocobaldi” pics except for the one made by DogStrings. I wonder if he’s the one that always brings him up and shit talks him here.

>> No.77976447

Actually scratch that I meant to link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDIzUbkO8mw
but with wuffians instead of the brother

>> No.77976452

someone fwmcscoop this and tell fuwamoco they better hurry up with the asmr or that need is going to be met elsewhere as ruffians fall for imitating 3D who'res

>> No.77976462
File: 258 KB, 2048x1976, IMG_20240612_134800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fuckwn dick

>> No.77976514

don't refresh you might catch fwmc feeling bold and doing a sex like. this is your job now

>> No.77976543

It's 30ºC here right now and we're a week away from winter... please nuke south america...

>> No.77976546

Sure but then they will use names and my filters have been excellent against that.

>> No.77976569

Will they RT this?

>> No.77976620

Jesus, that got a lot of likes

>> No.77976666

true, i gotta add to my filters since the schizo keeps posting a new name

>> No.77976667

Anyone else feel bad about reply to FWMC morning tweets saying you’ll do your best. But then instantly get back in bed and just give in to a depressive episode for a few hours? I’m not doing my best.

>> No.77976695

It's a bit more than things they have retweeted in the past so maybe

>> No.77976709
File: 157 KB, 512x512, mocopat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty good and it's sex, I hope they do.
Some days, that is your best. Hope you feel better, Ruffian.

>> No.77976719

No, I bring my smile for them to protect like they tell me to

>> No.77976739

Not him but being shitposted about here is either funny or really bad. Depending who you are and what you've done.

>> No.77976745

>forcing streams into their schedule
Why are they like this?

>> No.77976757

I don't lie

>> No.77976759

i want to see them have separate collabs with holojp someday, not always together as fuwamoco

>> No.77976786

I never find it funny. I find it concerning that someone would be that obsessed with another man.

>> No.77976864

There's some 3 view that I watched and I'm angry at myself for somehow falling so easily for her like a total whore just because she says nice things to her viewers.

>> No.77976865

They're obsessed with the Ruffians (all me)

>> No.77976881

you're missing the extra option of it just being annoying, i'm a nobody so i fail to see any reason to namedrop - its not done in a bad way but not a funny way either, pretty much what >>77976786 said

>> No.77976902

They love the ruffians (all me)
And the ruffians love them

>> No.77976907

hi toumasu

>> No.77976916

Uh huh. Did she debut just recently?

>> No.77976957


>> No.77976967

Less than a year ago more than half a year.

>> No.77976988

Different ethot. The one in the picture you're replying to was tweeted by that clipper they follow.
The one toumasu tweeted is better, btw.

>> No.77977083
File: 263 KB, 1448x2048, GP0pC5LWIAE53RK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with sweaty demon puppies

>> No.77977105

fuwamoco are gonna see this and feel pressured to do ASMR soon. tempted to start posting about these too on twitter to make them jealous

>> No.77977154

mess with fuwawa's autistic sister and she'll bite your throat out

>> No.77977161

that Mococo cosplayer has a perfect ass my god

>> No.77977196

I don't see it, I looked in the whole mega

>> No.77977221
File: 1.63 MB, 2205x2019, WCKsan 1800950477015875793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77977251

3D folder, unless that isnt riz

>> No.77977306
File: 267 KB, 1046x2047, IMG_9207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since they liked coco I believe we are good but for your information

>> No.77977312
File: 267 KB, 907x722, itsmococo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rock hard agree. cannot stop staring

>> No.77977321

I wonder if Fuwawa was like that in her younger years. Her being protective of Mococo was really cute and hot. She should show that aggressive and dominant side more often.

>> No.77977341
File: 136 KB, 806x1199, 1713479821979401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making Fuwawa a mother

>> No.77977361

>The one toumasu tweeted is better, btw.
Are we talking about better asmr or better slut cosplay

>> No.77977444

ruffians are all disgusting whores

>> No.77977469

Higher chance of them streaming on NND.

>> No.77977483

Fuwawa can fight?

>> No.77977521 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 1280x960, 1709755101088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they cute

>> No.77977536

>Couldn't understand most of the stuff Kevin Lamar was talking about.
What does she mean by that?

>> No.77977546

I don't mind niconico my problem is fwmc going bilibili or b2

>> No.77977549

Fuwawa should take up kickboxing or hire me as their wall of blubber

>> No.77977570

ASMR. I was talking about ASMR, since it's a video screencap. But she has nice puffy nipples too, there's a video of her in the 3D folder inside the mega. She also drew fanart of Fuwawa, pretty cute.

>> No.77977572

Fuwawa can't understand ebonics.

>> No.77977585

They kissed after this btw.

>> No.77977600

my wives.....

>> No.77977607
File: 814 KB, 1920x1080, asa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No point bringing anything about this to baubau.
They either won't stream there, or bilibili is laying its on back with its tummy exposed.

>> No.77977642

She's going to recreate a Holloway vs Gaethje during their 3D debut

>> No.77977655

That would be fun but then I remember when Korone did a simulstream in both yt and nnd as part of a sponsor there was an after-talk stream paywalled behind nnd only so fuck that

>> No.77977677
File: 131 KB, 830x720, 1708982311143375.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I so obssessed with making them pregnant?
This is the first time in my life were I've felt like this, before watching FuwaMoco I never once thought of having children or being a father, but now every time I see, listen or think about them I feel a unstoppable urge to breed them and give them a full soccer team of puppies.
Before I watched them I masturbated 2 or 3 times per week, but now I do it at least 2 times per day while I think about them.
I think it started when they talked about their baby fever for the first time... When they talked about it something changed inside of me, and now I go full gorilla every time I think about impregnating them.
What did they do to me?

>> No.77977682

one anon was really losing his marbles about it so I wanted to help him out we have too many menhera already schizos or not

>> No.77977696

If true, I find it unlikely they'll do it. Maybe participating in big chink events sponsored/organized by bilibili since they love any kind of vtuber events, but they've been struggling to find time for their youtube channel, they're not gonna add more to it.

>> No.77977734

that sucks, luckily we have a paypig with access to nnd

>> No.77977770

Hololive has a Nico Nico Fanclub too, FWMC will most definitely be a part of those streams in the future, may even have too spicy for youtube swimsuit posing in it. It's just part of the culture.

>> No.77977782

Me personally, I have the innate desire to get a woman pregnant but I want to get them pregnant specifically because they're the women I'm in love with, so it's only natural to want to make them mothers.

>> No.77977784

shut up fable

>> No.77977796

I don't see them willing participating in something with bilibili behind it

>> No.77977849

Holy shit I can actually like porn of other holomems now instead of pushing it all to my bookmarks!

>> No.77977860

>Hey Drake, your rhymes just ain't gouda 'nuff!
Kevin Lamar is such a genius lyricist.

>> No.77977863

They really make me want to break out of my comfort zone / autistic shell and try things I've been too scared to do. But then I imagine being one of the regulars and seeing my social awkard middle aged ugly ass show up and how they'd feel disgusted and creeped out. Then it always comes back to "I'll loose more weight before I try that", "I need to get less awkward before I try that", but it never happens.

>> No.77977877

Fuck you, Elon.

>> No.77977985

t. likestalker

>> No.77978034

Do you think Fuwawa swore at that lady in her dream with how mad she got?

>> No.77978066

I don't know, they strike me as neutral. Actually neutral, not "engaged in culture wars but on my side" neutral.
While western fans started writing angry reviews because Muse Dash cut all ties with Hololive, Norio released a new song for it. Still good friends with a bunch of Holos. That's what "neutral" actually means.
If they avoid an event just because bilibili is backing it, I'm betting it's just because someone else got a shitload of backlash and they're scared, not out of principle.
Tamaki's Muse Dash song is great, by the way:

>> No.77978079

She said,
... which, of course, could never fly on stream.

>> No.77978192

oh, i just wanted to say i was watching shiori instead last night and whoever said they didnt have schizos there was crazy. fuckers were menhera posting in chat and supas crying their flower submissions were not picked.

>> No.77978214

I don't care

>> No.77978261

Every single time I peak at another fanbase I find comparable or worse stuff without even looking for it. Anyone saying retarded behavior is exclusive to ruffians is definitely shitposting. Which isn't surprising, who the fuck has time to monitor multiple fanbases? Of course they're making shit up.

>> No.77978286

>Today I went on a walk
>i dont remember when this picture was taken and its of a bug

>> No.77978293

Something along the lines of "Shut the fuck up, you ugly japanese bitch. If you even breathe in my sister's direction again, I'll kick you so hard in the cunt you'll be pondering what hit you for a week.".

>> No.77978297

Who said that? Their schizos are worse than ours and their general has been raided since day 1.

>> No.77978442

Ruffians are worse than Ruffians

>> No.77978510

Well you're right. "Being yourself" is only for women, you do have to improve yourself first if you don't want to get escorted out by security

>> No.77978513

if you don't have at least 2 ESR by now, FWMC hate you

>> No.77978518

>whoever said they didnt have schizos there was crazy
Yeah I've botived theres always a few who say Ruffians are tge worst or that theyre uniquely bad. Those anons are normally all newfags, or theyre HoloJP tourists who dont actually speak enough of the language to see how their communities actually are.

>> No.77978521

Someone give me a filter list for all the namedrops please

>> No.77978576


>> No.77978625

woke up late so watching FWMC morning now

do they take melatonin? i've been taking it and i feel it gives me much more vivid and memorable dreams

>> No.77978626

If FWMC don't remember they already gave you ESR and give you a 2nd one, they hate you

>> No.77978704
File: 71 KB, 639x585, 1718128384393045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77978703

They said they tried it but didn't really help much when discussing having trouble sleeping, so I think they don't.

>> No.77978747

Nah if they give it to you exactly once, it means youre forever on their minds like me. If they've given it to you multiple times, it means they've forgotten you.

>> No.77978752

So why was Fuwawa dreaming about a black guy anyway?

>> No.77978763

Is this from a lewd image

>> No.77978772

What if I've gotten 5 ESR?

>> No.77978781

Cause he made bank off cheese.

>> No.77978787

I'm gonna put that tongue to good use you gorgeous seductress you

>> No.77978808

Then you're the most forgettable ruffian

>> No.77978809

why is fuwawa so much more abusive of mococo recently? is she tired of all the sacrificing for her and starting to realize she cannot reach her true potential with the fuzzy anchor tied to her?

>> No.77978831

I got one ESR from Fuwawa, and one from Mococo. I'm complete now.

>> No.77978836

It means you're basically a ghost to them. The minute they finish reading your name, they forget who you are.

>> No.77978864

They're /here/ and saw the Bryan posting

>> No.77978874

Why does Mogotyan look like she wants to eat the Raffian in the Hachi thumbnail

>> No.77978892

Is just trannies from /hlgg/. There are a bunch there who hate FWMC and constantly complain they stole 2 slots from EN.

>> No.77978951

During Fuwawa's time of the month, she becomes sexually violent and insatiable. During Mococo's time of the month, she becomes really weak and rapeable.

>> No.77978965

i wish they would have gotten into holoJP but i understand why they did not. they are already doing well to distance themselves as much as possible from most of that toxic branch

>> No.77979039

Kys tranny.

>> No.77979050

This doesn't happen by the way

>> No.77979071

stfu coomer

>> No.77979089

That would have been horrible. They dont collab with males, so theyre already more like HoloEN than HoloJP

>> No.77979145

HoloEN is mostly fine, this isn't 2022.

>> No.77979241

She got excited from seeing the ruffians (all me)

>> No.77979261

What's so toxic about it? Do you even know anything about it?

>> No.77979311

Because people clip it

>> No.77979329

fuck no. that would have been regloss and if you think holoen is bad imagine fuwamoco having to deal with those ticking timebombs. they would have gotten way more music and support but at what cost?

>> No.77979403

so she is changing her entire personality based on how viral it goes? I hope it is temporary until they get 1M because i am tired of it and miss them being themselves

>> No.77979448

I regret having sent that fan letter a few months ago. I hope it got lost.

>> No.77979451

wait so is that one futurama episode just an americanized version of hachi?

>> No.77979461

Making a joke is not changing their entire personality, 5siblings.
Did you think they changed their personality to become psychos when they kept repeating VIOLENCE? Throwing the babies from the cliff during phogs and shit like that?

>> No.77979466


>> No.77979498

>changing her entire personality
No, theyre jokes you fucking autist.

>> No.77979513

Basically yeah
They would like it more than the hachi movie because it at least has fun segments during the episode

>> No.77979515

we're still processing the summer blockbuster that is Fluffy Dream

>> No.77979516

i think im gonna watch hachiko alone for my first time then watch the watchalong to enjoy their reactions

>> No.77979560

when every second is a joke then it becomes your personality. When was thr last time she was even nice to her sister without inserting in a backhanded comment?

>> No.77979601

Fuwawa: S
Mococo: M

>> No.77979616
File: 131 KB, 356x458, 1702709429603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every second is a joke

>> No.77979629

there it is, clique finally melty about likes gone

>> No.77979636

Mococo seems more like a Small than a Medium

>> No.77979680

Who will be the first to send a sc about it on their main

>> No.77979701

it's literally not gone though, just refresh the page a few times

>> No.77979714

Very common bait is "/baubau/ is the worst general by far" or FWMC has the worst fanbase. It's usually littered in the catalog too

>> No.77979734

blowjob asmr when?

>> No.77979787

how is that bait

>> No.77979978

gorilla already did on his alt

>> No.77979982

If it's in the discord then don't bring it here.

>> No.77980010


baby-making, hand-holdy sex with medium sized breasts Mococo

>> No.77980024

Curious too. They will probably bait a response in precat because supers are not being read until saturday after MC

>> No.77980091

one of these is not like the others...

>> No.77980140
File: 570 KB, 2772x1617, Sobbi11 1800962617726599365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77980177

Oh I see that in hlgg sometimes when I check the catalog. I think its gachischizo because they always samefag with replies complaining about gachis.

>> No.77980198
File: 470 KB, 2830x4096, 1707255985253554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it, I'm uninstalling halo infinite

>> No.77980205
File: 150 KB, 1018x1357, pepepen_28 1800942318981206321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77980230

Infection is fun though

>> No.77980243
File: 32 KB, 372x447, 5648988888877777555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77980258

You're doing your best by not killing yourself today. That's my cope anyways.

>> No.77980267

if Mococo spent any longer on that puzzle I was about to pick her up and rough her up on the bed

>> No.77980278

You say that but both times lobbies were hosted we didn't try out that mode

>> No.77980304
File: 28 KB, 474x523, 1661923231778077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I need that thicc gorgeous ass in my life right now

>> No.77980325

>Trust me bro
Also any talent who has shown interest is a fucking whore and I don't want them in Hololive anymore.

>> No.77980379

>Matsuri (likely)
>Kobo (confirmed)
Gotta find out who's the 3rd

>> No.77980407

Have FuwaMoco said no to a single opportunity yet? They even did the fes promo knowing homos appearing on screen. they were at least silent

>> No.77980413

La+ probably. Or Ollie.

>> No.77980459

Sora did a promo too.

>> No.77980462

Yeah sis, I'm sure the twins who fucking loved Coco and met Kson in person are going to jump for China.

>> No.77980568

They already kneeled to chinks by speaking Mandarin and performing at Taipei.

>> No.77980604

i mean kson is working with china right now. They have shown they are forgiving to a fault even of antis. You really do not see any reality where they would do it because they want to reach new ruffians there? it probably would take one chinese SC to convince them

>> No.77980620

>they were at least silent
That actually speak volumes though. They ain't afraid of putting their foot down.

>> No.77980683

You should just type your shit into DeepL or ChatGPT, it would make you look less ESL sis.

>> No.77980684


>> No.77980769

You have never watched a single second of Coco if you think this is at all relevant. Coco read a superchat from a chink saying they love her and she still has lots of fans in bilibili in the month of her graduation, said she knows, and is very thankful for her chinese fans too, to not worry (that she would blame every chink for the specific chinkiest chinks)

>> No.77980802


>> No.77980825

>Doesn't work even on my old ass phone twitter app anymore
It's over...

>> No.77980828

Fuwawa is my woman.

>> No.77980844

the likeschizos start to reveal themselves

>> No.77981140
File: 15 KB, 409x375, pero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77981159

They'll just start posting screenshots of their like notifs more often now. Gotta show everyone else your big W's. Have you noticed it's the most stable and loved Ruffians who never brag about likes.

>> No.77981231

>Have you noticed it's the most stable and loved Ruffians who never brag about likes.
no it isnt

>> No.77981252
File: 612 KB, 1179x2263, IMG_4958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There it is

>> No.77981275

lmao I just checked my discord notif. Of course purityschizo is also the like schizo.

>> No.77981279
File: 254 KB, 424x450, fww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77981400

how can he live without a spine? he should be celebrating that people cannot see how he never liked their tweets. instead he cries because every second of his life is consumed with their attention despite all the vile thoughts and hate he has for them. what a paradoxical fuckwit

>> No.77981405

is it too autistic to commission an artist to draw a bunch of PNG assets for them to use if they feel like it?

>> No.77981404
File: 166 KB, 380x408, sleepyfww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77981407

Is anyone surprised? At least they'll stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.77981409

>Liking more posts will your "for you" feed better
Yea ok Elon that's why you locked my account and flagged it yesterday for liking 2 fucking posts.
Fuck this shit I never should have wasted my time trying to be a more active fan for them.

>> No.77981474

no. but other people have done it and they did not use it. you would have better luck doing it for anyone else in advent

>> No.77981555

they'll just go back to copying tweets and read tracking. it is the same menhera ruffians

>> No.77981687

She is the likeschizo?

>> No.77981721

It makes me a bit sad. It was a nice way to further connect to them, to Ruffians, and to the others around they appreciate. I'd often hear about the goings-on in hololive that way too.

>> No.77981793

who is this from

>> No.77981801

kys purityschizo you fucking lunatic

>> No.77981876

Don't fuzz with the Fuzzy or the Fluffy will fluff you up! I love this side of you, Fuwawa, and your willingness to share your strength with me each week, Mococo May the (com)passion in your hearts guide your dreams tonight, and your day on its way Goodnight #FuwaMoco

>> No.77981905

>connect to them
sure..... stalking someone is really establishing a great connection with them

>> No.77981926

I want this faggot who copy and pastes ruffian tweets here to be shot

>> No.77981966

>I'd often hear about the goings-on in hololive that way too.
he doesnt know anything about holo happenings unless they like it? thats sad

>> No.77981995

>Nerissa's watching higurashi an hour before FWMC minecraft
I can just download 2-3 episodes

>> No.77981997

yeah i am shocked he wpuld say that publicly. that is certified stalker on the road to even worse behavior

>> No.77982021

We hope you’re energized and won’t be needing any naps after #FWMCMORNING today!! Otherwise you might end up having a crazy epic dream like Fuwawa’s extra fluffy one…

BAU BAUー!! Do your best today!!

>> No.77982073

no one ever copies my tweets

>> No.77982079

Fuck I wish Advent didn’t stream over each other. That one time Nerissa did a treadmill stream in the middle of the day was nice.

>> No.77982124

holy fuck, what schizo wrote this? Cringy autists needs reporting to cover.

>> No.77982133

I don't know, I've never had an SNES myself, puppies!

My best guess is 69 bananas, but I'm not an expert by any means. Regardless, after a stressful morning, I'm looking forward to late night monkey demon guard dog sister couple shenanigans later today!


>> No.77982173

I can already tell who this is from

>> No.77982218

even the fuzzian is not safe from BR cum brain
>demon guard dog sister couple shenanigans
>sister couple

>> No.77982254
File: 163 KB, 736x1198, IMG_4959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m going to rape you

>> No.77982263

They're my naughty little cum puppies.

>> No.77982269

is it the ESL or is he talking about sister sex? did Fuwawa break him finally?

>> No.77982323 [DELETED] 

I know the feeling, ICOMOCHI-mama lol

Well, in our cases, it usually only happens on the Extra Special Ruffian segment, but those lucky enough can hear their names being said by one of the puppies! It's very, very tough, though, only managed it once myself!


>> No.77982433

holy kek this guy is so mad at being called out
what a depressing life to live

>> No.77982471


>> No.77982490


>> No.77982506 [DELETED] 

That reminds me.. my attempts in trying to get into r/hololive has failed and I won’t make it in time, so I’ll need volunteers to help cross post! Something simple like “The Ruffians made ○○○ for FuwaMoco! Please help us distribute it!”

Thank you!

>> No.77982513

he's probably referring to the guy literally copy/pasting random tweets in /here/

>> No.77982537

Do you think casual outfits will be part of summer of advent? I wonder what they'll get

>> No.77982563

I want to have loving sex with FuwaMoco.

>> No.77982577

is this a new project

>> No.77982593
File: 1.15 MB, 1676x794, 1717746568104468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fluffy fuzzy slutty sisters.

>> No.77982604

Well I was planning to have a nap right now actually....
But I sure hope to have such fluffy dreams!
Actually my favorite dream ever was fairly recent, it was quite simple: I got a hug by Fuwawa and told that I did good.
Otherwise my dreams always seem like a Nitro+ VN...

>> No.77982606

stop posting my tweets

>> No.77982608

I came to see how the likestalkers were taking the news but this thread has invented a new cancer. Sasuga

>> No.77982615

Will they get outfits so close to their 3D debut? I think it's unlikely.

>> No.77982629


>> No.77982636

They have to get new outfits out of it. I believe in the bikinis.

>> No.77982697

This cock obsessed faggot is actually seething kek

>> No.77982748

I regret having sent that fan letter a few months ago. I hope it got lost.

>> No.77982766
File: 4 KB, 708x77, Screenshot_2024-06-12_at_15-44-16_Trending_Now___X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Likeschizos country

>> No.77982812

Someday?? Ponguin, you are already so strong!!! You are the toughest, roughest, buffest penguin in all the artic (or is it antarctic?)!! You are amazing!! You got this!! We're here for you!! BAU BAU

>> No.77982813

what, did the hungarian sent them
menhera letters?

>> No.77982889

Waking up on a Sunday to see a new schedule. We’re so back! DK2, MC, 2hu, a watch along, and FWMC mornings are back! This week is stacked to be full a laughs with you two. I can’t wait! Thanks for making all this time for us, even while your busy with practice yourselves

>> No.77982920

it's inevitable when these people make a vtuber their entire lives
the jealousy becomes overwhelming and sends them into a negative spiral

>> No.77982930

U mad bro?

>> No.77982975

Good morning all y'all! I hope y'all have been well. it's been a minute since I've tuned in, so wanted to let y'all know. y'all are wonderful Darlins'.

>> No.77982982
File: 260 KB, 1293x1409, GOhhZZQWQAAQAk5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77983044

(wordless superchat)

>> No.77983051

kek. likeschizo is on a meltdown.

>> No.77983114

#FUWAMOCO Princess Fuwawa, Princess Mococo! Great job today on your meetings, and singing and dancing lessons! You did great out there, I am super proud of you two! I knew you both can do it! I appreciate you both working so hard for me and the Ruffians! You never fail to put a smile on my face, thank you for always guarding my smile! I will always be cheering for you two!
Sorry to hear that your Ruffian batteries a still low, hopefully we can spend more time with each other more often soon!
Thank you for the FWMCMorning today! What a wonderful and special dream Princess Fuwawa! I really love your articulation of your dream, it was a very interesting dream! Very detailed with great words of wisdom! You should share more of your dreams with us, I am very interested to hear more! Thank you Princess Mococo for the pup talk today, I feel like I can conquer the week with that one! Looking forward to the DKC2 stream later today, hope the SNES is still working and hope you have your save data!
I will always be cheering for you two! I will never leave you or forget about you two because I love you both oh so very much! I love my sweet fluffy Kamioshi Princess Fuwawa and my sweet fuzzy Kamioshi Princess Mococo !
Good night you two and rest well! May you both have a fluffy and fuzzy dream tonight! Sending lots of fluffy and fuzzy headpats to help you both drift off to sleep! Good night, bau bau!

>> No.77983120

to be honest, I sent mine before I found out they black light the letters for cum stains. I wouldn't have done it if I knew they'd find out, so I'm not actually a bad guy.

>> No.77983139

What’s more pathetic: dedicating your life to a vtuber or dedicating your life to ruining vtubers fans enjoyment of them?

>> No.77983173

If you don't want to be mocked, don't be a schizo.

>> No.77983188

Why the spam?

>> No.77983192

Goodnight, FuwaMoco! Hope whatever the thing was went well! I'll try to be up for FWMC Morning, but uh... My odds of being awake on time aren't looking too great, so if I miss it or any tweets or anything, sorry! I'll catch the VOD though! Anyways, goodnight you two! #FUWAMOCO

Actually, thinking about it... I can't believe I was able to wake up today, but I'm really glad I did, to hear both that dream story, and the pup talk! Thank you!
But yeah, definitely gonna nap a bit more before work lmao, sorry! I will work hard though!

>> No.77983241

nuke incoming

>> No.77983320

brown + no life

>> No.77983328 [DELETED] 

If you want to find the Free Chat SCs, you can google "hololyzer" and in the top left corner there's a "holo | freechat" button. (1/5) #helpFWMC

Clicking that button will bring you to a page of free chat logs of various hololive members, and if you scroll down to the bottom, you can find past logs, and you'll see FUWAMOCO written there with a "Past LOG" button next to it (2/5)

Clicking that will tell you that the url wasn't found, in the url you will see "UCt9H RpQzhxzlyBxFqrdHqA"
If you put an underscore where the space is, so the link looks like this "UCt9H_RpQzhxzlyBxFqrdHqA", the page will load and you can search by dates. Image is the link (3/5)

This is an image of what the page with the free chat records would look like, and from there, you could view superchats only and by color with the bar in the second image, and then you can scroll through the pages to find them (4/5)

Pretty sure for free chat you left off around the white day SCs or something like that. Sorry if this is a bit much, did my best, just thought it might help recover what was lost. I understand if you don't read this or those scs, though! Wasn't sure if links were okay too (5/5)

>> No.77983376
File: 402 KB, 2048x2048, GPYvu-nbAAAetjH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77983405
File: 398 KB, 1429x2071, Rapus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ruffians... are guys okay?

>> No.77983420
File: 1.43 MB, 3042x1871, ultimatefuwamoco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77983443

Some fag is having a melty and it's fucking hilarious.

>> No.77983464


>> No.77983594

mental illness

>> No.77983608

Damn, they got daisenpai to shill on b2.

>> No.77983653

He's mad he got called out and can't see the likes anymore. He's not even shitposting, he's actually seething kek

>> No.77983672

It's only a matter of time

>> No.77983675

and people still tell me im dooming that fwmc are gonna agree to it too

>> No.77983721

you don't even watch FWMC

>> No.77983809

I seriously doubt people on b2 want anyone from holoEN. The ones they want are probably aqua and ayame.

>> No.77983810

i do and i do not want them crushed by china. are you really okay watching them face a year of harrassment or more with constant fear of streaming or posting because itll be botted with anti comments?

>> No.77983831

You are composting. FWMC will not do it for multiple reasons. They got enough heat for crying in a memgen and you think they’ll join this B2 shit? They don’t want the chance of fucking up and unleashing the zerg on themselves.

>> No.77983890

Fucking idiots. Cover hasn't learned a thing.

>> No.77983909

has any ruffian actually spoken out? they already do exclusive content for events so what is a promo video or two to shill merch?

>> No.77983939

NTA but it doesn't matter the Chinks will come anyways.

>> No.77984364

stop being racist. fuwamoco would cry at a ruffian being this ruff

>> No.77984702

I doubt they'd care since they had to deal with chinese way too much in the NWP

>> No.77984783

I'm not racist, I just hate the ones who follow the Chinese govt.

>> No.77984941

I am racist

>> No.77984958

controversial maybe but they should have 3 frames for every stream. one with fluffy audio and model only, one fuzzy, and combined normal

>> No.77984963
File: 327 KB, 1371x1096, 1717714034948252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77985000

go away, i'm trying to work

>> No.77985293

I wonder if they'll be getting more fan letters soon

>> No.77985455

I should go get that stationary I’ve been eyeing and write one. Anyone here send one?

>> No.77985472

yeah they should be, it is about that time. i fucked up and missed sending last month not that it would have made it by now

>> No.77985573

There's no such thing as someone who isn't

>> No.77985679

once a month. this month i sent 3 though becausd i had too much to say. one for each individually and one to fuwamoco

>> No.77986047

only one sister's letter makes it and they both end up hating you

>> No.77986068

So what's the backup tonight if the console is ded? SC readings for freechat?

>> No.77986087

fucking suzu...

>> No.77986092

sex with wuffians

>> No.77986096

switch online dkc2

>> No.77986113

There's no fear of the console being dead I don't know where people got this from.

>> No.77986150

they switch to the switch version and endurance their way back

>> No.77986251

do you regularly leave your stuff running for a month and a half

>> No.77986294
File: 1 KB, 122x49, 1712027689322949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes yeah

>> No.77986300

Because they said multiple times that they didn't want to check it and were planning on doing it only with us. Also this >>77986251 . Unless it's industrial, it's not meant to run non-stop.

>> No.77986343
File: 76 KB, 720x435, 1691975888667666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77986348
File: 19 KB, 581x428, 1702629909378083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 309: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. For anki I've learned 5 new cards. For immersion I've watched two episodes of an anime.

>> No.77986373

They have sex with me.

>> No.77986435

Putting your computer to sleep doesn't count.

>> No.77986479

>implying I put it to sleep

>> No.77986637

I want Fuwawa to put me to sleep.

>> No.77986677

i want to rape mococo to sleep

>> No.77986704

>Need to get a new battery

>> No.77986833

I just wanna say that Moco-chan's drawings for FWMC Morning are still very cute.

>> No.77986921

dark egg...

>> No.77987103

fire is banned, bau bau

>> No.77987260

Merlion Moco-chan with Orbies upgrade.

>> No.77987327


>> No.77987333

I wish I had friends who were cute hags and liked all the stuff I liked and were weird and cringe with me and would give me hugs and headpats.

>> No.77987394
File: 270 KB, 1303x2034, Sleeping Dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77987511

i just want to say i want to put my peepee in her fuzzy pooper

>> No.77987571

I prefer my tongue on her fuzzy forest her tush on my face, and my nose on her fuzzy pooper.
