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File: 407 KB, 597x746, Taipei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77955803 No.77955803 [Reply] [Original]

Taiwan bros we won!

>> No.77956147


>> No.77956185

A SECOND IPASS COLLAB? jesus christ didn't the last one just make bank?

>> No.77956217

Based Gura. Taiwan will never fall to those chink bugmen.

>> No.77956283

>Han chads were the gura killer all long

>> No.77956304

>Chinese civil war started because of vtuber.
Im seeing kino.

>> No.77956307

Why not? It’s like getting a share on all train tickets, it’s too good to pass.

>> No.77956388

Wow. Almost as if Holo can play 2 sides as long as they don't bring politics in the discussion to trigger either of them

As always dramafag sisters blow shit up again

>> No.77956462

Cover are retards if they can play both sides
Fence sitters are always first on the chopping block once shtf

>> No.77956498

Thought that was a map

>> No.77956514

Because that worked out flawlessly the first time, right? I hope your cope isn't the same "Coco and Haachama made a mistake" bullshit.

>> No.77956530


>> No.77956541


>> No.77956567

Are you kidding or did it just fucking blow up right now and I didn't notice?, I'm scared to check the news now.

>> No.77956598

>Because that worked out flawlessly the first time, right?
In fact, that's exactly what happened.
The only one who lost in that situation was China.

>> No.77956643

he is joking

>> No.77956667

>pandering to both china and taiwan
oh boy this wont end well wont it

>> No.77956693

They would have to do hololive Taiwan at this point.

>> No.77956696

keep telling yourself that newfag

>> No.77956697

chinese coastguard opened fired on a taiwanese fishing boat with gura decals and was blasting reflect. more at 11.

>> No.77956765

>They can play both sides
Not when both sides hate each other and one of them to insane degrees

>> No.77956817

Strap in lad. We're in for a bumpy ride.

>> No.77956843

This place was created by newfag, redditor.

>> No.77956934

>China and Taiwan regularly doing business
>Even Nijisanji has a Taiwan cafe collab going on atm
You guys are retarded as fuck. Down syndrome frfr

>> No.77956979

It's Joever

>> No.77956999

>>China and Taiwan regularly doing business
Because China needs Semi conductors and Taiwan wants easy money, that doesn't mean they like or tolerate eachother retard

>> No.77957015

Right now

>> No.77957036

Can you tell me the last time Nijisanji had to deal with an internet mob targeting their liver failures because of a fucking youtube graph?

>> No.77957038

go back to r*ddit

>> No.77957040


>> No.77957047

>the other side chimps out if the other country's name is brought up anywhere
how do you even play both sides

>> No.77957105

I don't believe you, give me proof right now

>> No.77957109

No? https://x.com/iPASScorp/status/1800739828407107931

>> No.77957139

which they did that successfully.

>> No.77957181

I don't think you understand what the word "tolerate" means.

>> No.77957215

go back anon go back

>> No.77957225

He's still right

>> No.77957260

Yes, you were not there when this board was created.

>> No.77957322

No he's still wrong. Taiwanese companies are not the government and even if they were the Taiwanese government isn't 100% "fuck china independence now". The heads of the companies with lots of assets in China are often pro-CCP.

>> No.77957326

No, but twitter seems really buggy with the recent removal of public likes. I can see I-Pass's likes but when I open another tab and open another I-Pass twitter page, the likes are gone. Sometimes their likes appear and sometimes it doesn't and I bet it's happening on multiple accounts as well.

>> No.77957432

>the Taiwanese government isn't 100% "fuck china independence now".
They literally are retard. China uses scare tactics, blatant disregard for borders, military drills near their seas, constantly chimps about the one China plan and literally says that they "will use force if necessary". If that does not signal anything to Taiwanese people, then you aren't one to talk about it

>> No.77957583

Cover tried TOO hard to play both sides, literally making a PR statement for the Chinese saying "Cover supports one china policy" while omitting that statement from the twitter version of the same statement, which managed to piss off both sides since it showed the spineless two faced management style Cover had at the time and how ill equipped they were to handle any kind of controversy

>> No.77957602

free money is free

>> No.77957612

>They literally are retard.
They literally are not, retard. I know this is going to blow your fucking mind, but democracy exists in Taiwan and that includes pro-CCP parties.

>> No.77957637

>jesus christ didn't the last one just make bank?
yup it made HUGE bank, it's insane don't have the numbers but it was crazy

>> No.77957681

>that includes pro-CCP parties.
Which are laughed at and ridiculed for because they are ROC rrats, no sane person there would want China helming their country

>> No.77957743

BASED BASED BASED! i actually wanted a rerun of this

>> No.77957798

You literally just claimed that Taiwan is 100% against China and for independence. You also seem to believe that everyone actually hates the name "Republic of China" even though it's never going to change because of the parties that are in power.

>> No.77957875

Trying way too hard nijitranny

>> No.77957920

What are you trying to say here moron? Taiwan is not pro China, Taiwan isn't even "mild neutral relationship" to China, they are anti China because China literally wants to kill them for disobedience, subdue them to their draconian ideals and assimilate what is left over. There is no such thing as a Taiwan that believes the CCP isn't out for blood

>> No.77957958
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Pathetic, go back to your general.
useless vshojofag

>> No.77958006

Look guys what you all just said is Unironically true but we are not going to know what's actually the real narrative until the Taiwan strait is on fire so slow the fuck down and just wait. Either soon or never.

It's possible but not recommended.
It's like being an electrician.
Cool pay and benefits but holy fuck in retrospective, what a terrible career path.

>> No.77958014

In light of yesterday's Petrodollar collapse while those same countries are partnering up with China and BRICS, I've changed my stance on Holo not entering China again and now think it's probably a good move financially. I just hope the money they get will be enough the weather the inevitable zhang shitstorm and keep the girls happy.

>> No.77958051

I literally just told you how many CEO's are pro-china and no amount of seething is going to change that fact.

>> No.77958116
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>year old account
>less than 1k followers
I can't be the only one being a little suspicious, no?

>> No.77958187

>and no amount of seething is going to change that fact.
Says the guy trying to spin a narrative that they are on normal ground, CEO's come and go and do not represent the country, Taiwanese people and especially the government does not support any CCP shite, no amount of seething will change that

>> No.77958215

It's legit https://x.com/hololive_En/status/1788086435700207844

>> No.77958252

>CEO's come and go and do not represent the country
Justy like I said right at the very beginning, you fucking retard. Taiwanese companies do business in China without any animosity and Cover doing some cumshark collab is not them announcing that Taiwan is independent.

>> No.77958254

Ah, you're right. Then how the heck do they have so few followers after so long? Is it just a placeholder account?

>> No.77958334

>>Justy like I said right at the very beginning
>>China and Taiwan regularly doing business
Shut the hell up you didn't, atleast mention that you mean retarded companies that sell out instead of their governemtns trading retard

>> No.77958384

Again, most Taiwanaese companies do business in China and no amount of seething from you can change reality.

>> No.77958530
File: 1.33 MB, 1200x705, hololive en 3 generacion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look guys what you all just said is Unironically true
>Trying way too hard nijitranny
fuck you

>> No.77958725

beaner nijitranny holy yikes gotta be bait at this point

>> No.77958754

Ahh, so you're a twitterfag then.
Majority of Taiwanese uses facebook ecosystem.

>> No.77958953

fckin hell, imagine that actually happen. kekw

>> No.77959007


>> No.77959081

This is pathetic. Now you're declaring war against Kobo and wants to see her fail because of something that hasn't happen yet? You're the worst kind of person. Imagine if chinamen hating on Holomembers because of something that they didn't do.

Oh wait that's already happened lmao. So you're no different than them.

>> No.77959128

WE have been waiting Kobo to fail since her debut month.

>> No.77959182

CCP bros? Have are we being betrayed?

>> No.77959211

Australia is going to end up dealing with a SEA war just because China got angry at Taiwanese being embraced by Hololive. Jesus

>> No.77959464

Okay. So the plan is that HoloEN handles Taiwan and HoloJP and HoloID handle China. Seems good to me.

>> No.77959490


>> No.77960281

Taiwan is a country.

>> No.77960383

rent free

>> No.77960388

Chink antis have just woken up from their slumber.
One small mistake, and its all out war again

>> No.77960412
File: 2.15 MB, 1200x1909, 1699552831950141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77960440

it's actually third, the first one was with Marine.

>> No.77960557

wasn't there a peko one after the first gura one?

>> No.77960677

every accusation for kobo in the past and present threads is complete nonsense now. i ask yall to apologize to her. she did nothing except become the 1st one

>> No.77960860
File: 144 KB, 1080x1080, artworks-000221733070-x677oa-t1080x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77961469

Cover has shown that they can just leave. Unlike before, they now know Cover isn't financially dependent on them. So they will have to play nice.

>> No.77961517

Yes, Peko is currently running until Gura again. Gura's sales must have really stood out to return so quickly.

>> No.77962008

How much of a failure have the JP sales been for them to return to Gura so soon?

>> No.77962040

Its IPASS's best ever sales record

>> No.77962365

>sell out
Are you a taiwanese nationalist of something, they are just doing business how is that "selling out".

>> No.77962368
File: 3.23 MB, 4032x3024, GHPU2qoaAAA3ouE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to compare, they are vastly different in terms of scale.
The pekora one is just a simple collab, a single item.
Gura on the other hand is a huge collab with both Ipass and sushiro.

>> No.77962397

No there is a need to compare. JP are clearly not as popular as people claim them to be.

>> No.77962455

Do you even check other threads anon >>77958041
Pekora is 2nd in popularity rank in Taiwan

>> No.77962541

And Marine, who was supposed to be the number 1 vtuber in JP and hololive as a whole, is 17th.

>> No.77962553

All those top nips and going back to b2. Gura will be no. 1 soon.

>> No.77962614
File: 156 KB, 512x512, 1692220354495209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: how do deals like these work? Can Gura get anything from it or is that impossible because she doesn't own her IP? How much of a success are stuff like this considered?

>> No.77962681

Obviously she gets enough to make her stay.

>> No.77962687
File: 76 KB, 510x1024, 1718180466014149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miko No.1
She is gonna shill her merch and emotes on B2 too isnt she?

>> No.77964879

Good to hear.

>> No.77965314
File: 638 KB, 3840x2160, FO5puNtXEAMPuxE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then seeing Kobo continuously mogging your dogshit 1view MV Guraflop must be an excruciating experience for you KWAB

>> No.77965513

>Gura anti brownie triggered
Enjoy the new bend and suck.

>> No.77965789
File: 731 KB, 2048x1866, FS67gqkacAACRxh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gurashitter is an ESLjeet
The accumulation of your pitiful existence is not even worth a fraction of a second.

>> No.77965949

Basically a merch cut, i guess..
So whatever profit Cover gained from the $2M sales, gura will get the merch percentage.
And its just a single collab. she had a gurarium, and upcoming MLB..

>> No.77968007

