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77954225 No.77954225 [Reply] [Original]

>Sora's bilibili channel uploaded a new video
What now? Are they confirmed back?

>> No.77954345

Q4 deflection thread

>> No.77954381


>> No.77954475

Holozhangs attempt to deflect now. But they'll be speaking Chinese in a month

>> No.77954496

>What now? Are they confirmed back?
I mean, Anycolor is FUBAR so something had to take its place.
Also, Q4 deflection thread.

>> No.77954511
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>bili gachaslop
>paid emotes
They're just milking the zhangs

>> No.77954550

Q4 deflection thread
*drinks chink semen*

>> No.77954586

its fucking over

>> No.77954609

sora cute

>> No.77954623

It is literally, unironically OKAY when Sora does it.

>> No.77954697


>> No.77954709

It is fine.

>> No.77954721

Since OP forgot da link

>> No.77954727

JP still hard carries. Not that i care

>> No.77954766

>shitposting the fucking daisenpai
>the only member who's utterly yabless and continues to work her ass off after 7+ years

>> No.77954847
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If Sora's okay at going back on bilibili then I respect and support her for it

>> No.77954909

can wait for them to feature gen1 with fubuki and haachama lol

>> No.77954925

Yeah, it's over.
Have fun kneeling to chinks if you want but I'm out.

>> No.77954969


>> No.77954986

>le ebin "it's ok when she does it"
Good, then it should also be ok if chinks tear her apart too

>> No.77955013

Yes taking all the chink money. YES

>> No.77955033

can we commision art of that? how come we never get sora getting gangbanged art

>> No.77955127

Of course. If it turns out well, good for them. If it turns out badly, they reap what they sow. That’s how it is.
Now that Chinks are kneeling, I see no reason not to give them another chance and let the girls make some more money

>> No.77955131

I wonder what haachama feels about this

>> No.77955169

She probably feels happy that Holo won

>> No.77955185

fuck you sister

>> No.77955198

I hope her and Fubuki aren't stupid enough to follow suit somehow or that Cover forces them on the chinks turf. Will just be a nuclear disaster waiting to happen

>> No.77955201

You do know they dont really care about them right, Coco is a burger thats why she was targeted, noticed how everything stopped the moment Coco left?

>> No.77955215

thats some strong ass copium ur inhaling there buddy

>> No.77955229

Chinks kneeling? No, some billibilli employees. The fansubbers the antis on twitter, NGA, didn't kneel. Stop coping. They're going to slither back into the community with no repercussions. Waiting for someone to do something wrong again.

>> No.77955246

>everything stopped when coco left
no it didnt lmao especially not for fubuki

>> No.77955270

I wonder how long it will take this time.

>> No.77955310


>> No.77955320

>They're going to slither back into the community with no repercussions. Waiting for someone to do something wrong again.
This time they're completely justified in doing so because Cover is that stupid, you know what they say "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice..." etc.

>> No.77955329

wumao army is mobilizing as we speak

>> No.77955424

Looks like chinks won in the end, they made Hololive run back to their arms.
Fuck Hololive, seriously.

>> No.77955435

Now 3 (2 holoJP, 1 holoID)

>> No.77955440

i made the right choice to stop watching holo when they went public

>> No.77955465

NGA kindreds believe that NijiEN doesn’t need to worry that Holo will kick them out with their returns. Their reasonings are Kobo is too much of a zoomer to keep her mouth shut on sensitive matters (to Chinks) and will yab sooner or later
So even chink antis think that they won’t need to lay low and wait for long

>> No.77955472

>noticed how everything stopped the moment Coco left?
it took ages for everything to stop even after she left you fucking zhangs
you guys even shits on other holos who almost never interacted with her like marine and now you dare playing "we only did slightly bad things before teehee" card?

>> No.77955499

Friends case was pretty retarded, they thought she would stand by them because she had a large following there, so they felt "betrayed" when she didnt.

>> No.77955501

The optimist one think about saving CN girls
The depressive one think about spambots they're going to face

>> No.77955509

It's gonna be awkward when we can fluently tell you to kowtow to us in your main language chinksister...

>> No.77955524

>So even chink antis think that they won’t need to lay low and wait for long
They already called her a monkey, so it will be sooner than we think

>> No.77955526

>B2 who used to block and filter Hololive out from all their contents is now asking and welcoming Holo back
>Antis can’t stop that
>That leaked agreement on TW forum
Sure looks like a Holo W to me

>> No.77955532

Coco died for this. Holy shit. Why?

>> No.77955533

i'm done with this semen slurping company

>> No.77955550

aren't there a handful of threads about this already?

>> No.77955555

>>Antis can’t stop that
Oh yes they can.

>> No.77955573

Has kson said anything about this shit?

>> No.77955576

Gotta love the cope
I hope you like the taste of chink dicks

>> No.77955585

Wait till they delete her channel and unperson her.

>> No.77955591

b2 trying soft divorce from niggersanji

>> No.77955628

She obviously won't.

>> No.77955638

>antis can't stop that
HAHAHAHA these people have no lives no love no job nothing they are beyond Cover and billibilli. Good luck trying to get the CCP to stop crazy chinks handing out flyers covered with disinformation to entice nationalistic ethnic hatred from the public.

>> No.77955754

>seething vshojofags

>> No.77955768

you werent here when this all happened were you lol

>> No.77955830

>if you say something i dont agree with you are a zhang
I am just making an observation, like i said it blown up because Coco was a burger and it died down after she left. It just USA vs China /pol/shit being played out in hololive.

>> No.77955835

>leaked agreement
no proof

>> No.77955836

you were never a fan

>> No.77955858

What? How is vshojo related in this?

>> No.77955890

Something Something Coco (even though she was only one of their victims)

>> No.77955898

what's she got to lose?

>> No.77955903

Only about Kobo, this one about Sora is new.

>> No.77955919
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>> No.77955944
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She never really hated em.
She hated that a misunderstanding snowballed that bad, she was one of the most popular holos in EN and CN right when the shitstorm happened, which is why she wasn't targeted as hard as Coco.

Probably half a year or less, this time both sides are in high alert trying to catch the other one "slipping" to make the "first strike".
Either we uncover their bullshit evil anime villain tier plans like we did Nijisanji (somewhat, it was mostly rrats that turned out true or half true) or a holo fucks up first way early and they attack immediately before we understand what's up. If anything they know they run real risk this time because last time they doxxed BiliBili and NGA mods and the CCP fell upon the anti ringleaders for anti-social and anti-governent behaviour. That's why the harassment died down. This time they know that if they go chimp mode, they might actually get in IRL trouble with their gubermint cracking down on what's effectively international bad optics in a time in which they need to look unified the most.
We should look out for github bot repositories, that's where they ran to last time and that's where Microsoft nuked them from due to ToS violations because of anons reporting the bot repositories.

As I said, no one has faith in this ending well, one side took arms and the other is preparing the shields again.

She's done about her Hololive phase, been like that for months. Only gets merch every once in a while because friends and legit nostalgia. Not like she has to care, what are the botters gonna do?, see a holo fuck up and go bot KSon?

The CCP actually fucking put an example last time and that's why they stopped with their anti autismo. It was getting out of control and making international news and hurting the privacy of Chinese netizens, at some point it ain't vtuber antis anymore but nationalists seeking fights which is why after Coco getting totallled they still went at it for a while before the CN gov cracked down on the guys organizing the calls to arms for being legitimately retarded.

There's nothing left to do now but to wait and see and thus respond accordingly.
Also, and because I am lacking a schizo part in this post
I blame the investors looking at once Anycolor's numbers and telling YAGOO to either go into China again or don't expect more money and thus jeopardize the current state of Hololive.
Also anon, shut the fuck up and wait, don't chimp out.
Wait it out.
The CNs are going to fuck up first.
And then we come into scene to damage control.
Do not set the world on fire.
Extinguish the incoming fire instead.

Believe me when I say, that's going to be a debuff soon.

>> No.77955962

>shilling gen 0
Did Migo ever stream there? Even back than i only know Aqua and Friend being pretty big over there.

>> No.77955964 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.77955972

Q4 was a deflection to Cover's stocks being on a freefall.

>> No.77955974

> (even though she was only one of their victims)
Do you think I'm Chinese, redditor? lmao

>> No.77956013

>pomuchink pretends to know anything about "KSon"
you can't even type her name correctly, retard

>> No.77956050

I don't even watch Mint, I just save reaction images from any chuuba that has good reactions.

>> No.77956065

I was here before all that happened. I admit I worded that poorly, though, I meant “antis couldn’t stop that”. Can’t tell what might happen in the future, after all
Kson tried to participate in an event streamed on B2 just few months after Coco’s graduation and Chink antis completely stopped that before the event started. They couldn’t do it this time
If anything, though, Holo is in much better position with way more leverage compared to themselves back then. They’ve proven that they could grow and survive without Chinks, and not even Chinks could deny that. It’s Hololive who is giving Chinks a second chance, not the other way around

>> No.77956088

>gubermint will arrest you for anti-ing a chuuba
Wait really, i thought that was just a meme.

>> No.77956102

>deflects because his routine was exposed
I accept your concussion

>> No.77956112

>Kson tried to participate in an event streamed on B2
stop trying to push this obvious lie, bug retard

>> No.77956163

>It’s Hololive who is giving Chinks a second chance, not the other way around
Exactly, so who is kneeling in this case? Certainly not the Chinese, because they didn't do anything to get that second chance

>> No.77956164

>GAF about stocks when they are still way above their initial price
>Told investors to fuck off several times

>> No.77956171

>when Hololive left china and nijisanji going in
>vtubing turn to complete shit, filled with yume and fujo
>nation get sanctioned to shit and other negative press

>when nijisanji rots away and hololive start coming back
>yume and fujo no longer has as much say, all gacha and content are full on male audience pandering
>international image start to become positive

How is hololive always so lucky everytime?

>> No.77956176

The Chinese market is so huge that Cover could be entirely Chinese and still make double of what current Hololive is making
You'd be stupid to think if some small Japanese entertainment company has any leverage at all
Even Elon kowtowed to China and he got paid in BYD coincidentally becoming number 1 after he invested in China

>> No.77956207

There are plenty of nijis and indie jp vtubers who had anti china moment in their streams before and they never turned into a yab. Simply put holos don't have their past numbers and glory compare to before to turn into a yab again. All of the actual wheelbarrow guys have already move on too.

>> No.77956215

Watch as Fubuki graduates in the forseeable future

>> No.77956221

These people are retards lol
They'll say chinks are kneeling as they install puppets in their countries.

>> No.77956227

huge with brittle feeleng

>> No.77956245

>He didn’t know about the leaked agreement from TW forum
What lie, retard? Was that event not going to be streamed on B2? Didn’t the Chinks, especially some of their big streamers throw tantrum and the organizers had to remove Kson? Or are you going to claim that Kson didn’t know that the event would be streamed and watchalong on B2 as well?

>> No.77956253

You have been spreading this shit everywhere, what do you have against friend and why do you want her to graduated so badly?

>> No.77956263


>> No.77956276

They got arrested for doxxing BiliBili mods that were telling them to stop posting anti stuff because it was against the ToS of BiliBili, the mods reported their doxx attempts to authorities and they either remotely shutdown their computers or actually knocked on their doors because it is technically disturbing the peace/targeted harassment
It wasn't because of the chuubas but because of the symptoms pf attacking the chuubas reaching out to another sector of the CN internet and causing real trouble for third parties just doing their moderation job.

>> No.77956277

>his routine was exposed
You are a redditor, sorry for telling you this.
The only thing you did was prove that I was right and you are a vshojofag

>> No.77956310

freefall to 33% above opening value

>> No.77956333

cope sister

>> No.77956334

Everyone sees the nuclear level yab in the horizon anon
They're going to clean house and terminate every single Sinophobe talent

>> No.77956335

That’s either a sister or a zhang in denial. That’s why they have been trying to “save face” and claimed that they didn’t kneel to Cover.
Your pick.

>> No.77956341

Weren't the chink mods / CN branch antis too? Or am i misremembering

>> No.77956353

You talk in circles. Very Chinese.

>> No.77956378

kill all mainland chinese

>> No.77956379

all that is what you said is a cope.

>> No.77956401
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>all blue, B
>2 in the New year countdown vid
Tsk tsk, we were warned the entire time. Expect gura lamy and suisei to be next. Pekora sensed a disturbance in the rrat force so she bailed out.
Mel was fired for leaking this, the baseball stuff is a one off thing and nothing compared to this, possibly billions of dollars if everything goes perfect, so she had to go.

>> No.77956418


>> No.77956420

lmao the meltdown is real
waaah waaah chyna bad boycott hollolive free coco

>> No.77956433

did you not see what happened to her 3-4 years ago?

>> No.77956471

You could probably count the whole gen0 because of Sora's video

>> No.77956484

Yes and what does it have to do with this now?

>> No.77956517

why are you trying to deflect to vslutjos anon this is about hololive and why they are kneeling down to suck china’s tiny dick

>> No.77956525

Sinophobes are dramafags in denial

>> No.77956554

it's SORT of true, but not really. She was on a gaming showcase thing that had both Japanese and Chinese shows and she was on the Japanese show or something and i think they just didn't show her portion on bilibili, or they just didn't advertise her portion on bilibili. I know Taffy(Spade Echo) was also in that showcase on the China side, which is how i found out there were showcases for both.

>> No.77956600

everything you dumb newfag

>> No.77956673

She was supposed to be in the Japan show and was advertised as such. But she suddenly got removed from the Jap show since a chink employee sperged out, Then they tried gaslight everyone by saying it she wasn't invited in the first place.

>> No.77956683

>Cover sucked chink dicks, begged them and payed them to let them back on b2
>Their yt bots don't work with b2
>Get those pathetic views
Holy kek, holotrash is pathetic

>> No.77956714


>> No.77956758

Incorrect, Friend is Japanese, they want revenge for nanking, they are gonna rape her and make her their comfort women.

>> No.77956768

Why would she? None of this is her problem

>> No.77956770

I hope Kobo show up in a Taiwan concert soon

>> No.77956789

>haachama’s birthday
>aqua just returned
lol oh man poor girls

>> No.77956800

great argument, moron. You are so stupid that you don't realize that she was informed of this maneuver before and she agrees with it.

>> No.77956881
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>They can play both sides

>> No.77956904

genuinely why should she care? she's been in Vshojo longer than she was in hololive. the only reason she'd have to talk about this would be if she wants to look like a cunt and sabotage her former coworkers and friends by inciting any kind of reaction.

>> No.77956915

Some of them were antis but those also lost their positions when the crackdown happened because they were leaking IPs and stuff that is super illegal to just give to randos on their internet.

>> No.77956919

How many times do you need to get beaten over the heard with the fact that Taiwan is not taboo in China?

>> No.77956935

They are not going to receive harassment and Hololive already knows how to defend itself from this type of attack.

>> No.77956938
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>fubuki would be ok with this after years of harrasment and even an irl death threat
holy shit you newfags are retarded

>> No.77956940

LMAO, wtf COVER think

>> No.77956962


>> No.77956969

if you think they didn't talk to any of the members in the company before doing something like this, then you're just stupid. they would've had to talk to them to even find people willing to post there to begin with.

>> No.77956968

How about you try to post something about Taiwan on Chinese social media then, cocksucker

>> No.77956975

contrary to popular belief, taiwan vs west taiwan isn't exactly palestine

they will get harrasment from the en populace

>> No.77956994

ask Coco

>> No.77956996

thats what they said during the choco tibet incident and the mea aqua incident and the coco taiwan incident

>> No.77956997

In fact, I never had this argument.
But it's hard to believe when they're threatening to
invade this country all the time.

>> No.77957033

>still not a word from official twitter
Fucking cowards know no one wants this shit, but do it anyway because "muh money" as if cover wasn't earning enough already. Fuck these niggers and fuck yagoo for allowing this to happen.

>> No.77957041

I'm not making a chink account, fuckhole.

Coco is completely irrelevant. Dozens of holos have said "Taiwan" before and after everything that happened. It was never about Taiwan. Gura is not le based and redpilled anti-china warrior.

>> No.77957044

It fucking Joever!

>> No.77957046

>They're going to clean house and terminate every single Sinophobe talent
That's the most delusional take I have ever seen and I went into sisterland once to spy on em and saw some real schizo shit, but nothing this deluded.
If they clean house, they also kill the company because the Chinese also like the Holos you are pointing at despite everything. They don't hate Haachama despite it all and FBK is just ignored collectively.

>> No.77957072

welcome to the corpo world anon they fucking own your ip and your do what they say
If you think theres any way in hell fubuki would be ok with this then you are missing multiple x and y chromosomes

>> No.77957086

>never about Taiwan
about what?

>> No.77957093

The girls were probably given a choice to stream in bilibili or not. Knowing Yagoo he's not the type of guy to force them to anything. Obviously the girls said yes. You probably know the rest...

>> No.77957107

>the DAISENPAI of Hololive herself
yeah... Its unironically over now. We had a good run guys.

>> No.77957110

not yagoo but cover and the investors will

>> No.77957131

>they will get harrasment from the en populace
Ok, I didn't think about that possibility.

>> No.77957142

They will all be forced to do bilibili streams just like the way they used to be. Back then it was one stream every six months. I'm expecting them to be a LOT more frequent now.

>> No.77957152

I'm monitoring the situation and so far there doesn't seem to be any harassment from neither side for now.
If anything everyone's just really wary, they don't know what the fuck is up with these stealth announcements, whether cover is for real returning or if this is just some contractual stuff that B2 paid for. It's unclear.
Everyone's afraid.
No one from neither side wants more fights.
Last time everyone came out losing something important.
Nobody wants that again.

>> No.77957164

The zhangs actually love Miko

>> No.77957168

I could imagine someone might have some feelings about getting forced out of a job because of harassment and then having that employer go suck their harrasser's cock.

>> No.77957170

If Fubuki graduates that's the time you question the future of Hololive and Cover Corp. Until then don't get mad

>> No.77957220

She's most likely already way past that. She's enjoying vshojo very much and she probably wouldn't be in vshojo if not for what happened before.

>> No.77957221

The Chinese were against you and the West.newfag.

>> No.77957237

how many times does it have to be beaten into your head that the only reason the coco incident even got as big of a reaction as it did was because of just terrible timing and awful PR on the management's end. haato had just gotten into trouble over similar behavior and it resolved with the nothing punishment of "i will take a break from bilibili for a week or so" and when people had started to no longer care, the exact same thing happened to Coco, which due to the timing of it, gave people the impression that she had deliberately done it in an attempt to poke the bear and rebel against management for "punishing" haato. This also then put a target on Haato when people had just started to move on, because it made them think that Haato must've been insincere in her "apology." Then it got EVEN WORSE because management put out two completely different statements on twitter vs bilibili in an attempt to play both sides without offending anyone, which only made them look worse since people could very easily prove they are doing this. Had Haato's and Coco's incidents not happened so close to each other, this whole thing would've probably not even happened.

>> No.77957245

One of them gotta mention Taiwan by a slip of the tongue at some point. Then the escalation begins...

>> No.77957259
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NTA, she was a retarded bitch but her model does make for some really funny reaction images.

>> No.77957262
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>> No.77957270

do you really think Fubuki would still hold a grudge 4 or 5 years later? do you think she'd really be so spiteful?

>> No.77957276

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.77957280

>managed to avoid zhangs for 4 years
>all it takes is one indo wanting to play genshin on stream to make it all crumble
fucking kek

>> No.77957282

The company prob put out bounties for streaming on bili and atending events there.
Also prob push kobo to atended cause her audiences is newist to all the dramas.

>> No.77957292

Pussybitch cant even prove his own point

>> No.77957306

>"punishing" haato
They literally did punish her, and Coco, faggot. Have fun rewriting history so you can slurp chink cum.

>> No.77957319

big long copey

>> No.77957321


>> No.77957328

So wait till Fubuki joins B2 too? Okay got it
Holy rrat anon

>> No.77957340

facebook residence didn't even know about Chinese branch

>> No.77957342

>Civil war that was never officially ended
>Taiwan is still officially know as the Republic of China till this day
>Not Taboo

>> No.77957359

gura is going to have a collaboration with Taiwan, moron

>> No.77957363

it doesn't matter since Coco is long gone and a thing of the past to her. She's not like Rushia, or some random Niji where Coco is the peak of her life and she needs to constantly hold onto it and remind you of it. She's moved on, she's been a vshojo member for almost twice the amount of time she was a holo, she's had opportunities hololive would've never gotten for her, she has no reason to really cling onto or care about whatever that one company that employed her 4 years ago does.

>> No.77957371

hey, Chinese and rewriting history is like bread and butter

>> No.77957376

Mentioning Taiwan was never an issue.

How have I not proven my point? Do I really need to dig up multiple instance of holos saying "Taiwan"?

>> No.77957391

>"Antis can't stop that"
>Throw back to retarded Coco moderator giving Antis moderator powers, causing a ban wave
>Throw back to dirty third worlder Chinese drones spamming every Holo's chat and causing them to disable the Livestream chat for accounts not subscribed over 2/3/4+ weeks
Surely they can't stop it. Surely they won't act like the savage animals they are.

>> No.77957415

the original punishment was "suspended form bilibili for x amount of time" that was it, she wasn't some taboo topic on there, it was a slap on the wrist that most people didn't even realize happened. the only reason it got worse was because of the terrible timing of that being immediately followed by Coco doing the exact same thing.

>> No.77957417
File: 3.65 MB, 1060x1804, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but he's probably waiting for the time to force this

>> No.77957422

you are a vshojofag, no one is rewriting history

>> No.77957451

As far as I can remember, it was mostly Seethe from CN schizos about COVER focusing further into the EN market while they kept Hololive afloat early on with money and whatnot and they weren't really receiving any gratitude back besides scuffed streams with a few JPs like Aqua and FBK, meanwhile EN was all the rage.
They were mad at Coco for being the pioneer of this change of focus, and some nationalist veins came into the equation when they perceived that maybe she was American (I can't remember if she made it clear back then) and Japanese.
They did their best to overblow the Taiwan mention in order to force COVER to terminate Coco and give further focus to the Chinese market.
What they didn't fucking expect was that it would really backfire and they would instead kill HoloCN and leave China all-together. That's why they went turbo on Coco afterwards because that was the only real target they might have a chance to do some damage to.
All-in-all it all comes down to something that happens often with the Chinese public.
They misinterpret something and think it is all about China or on purpose not about China so they sperg and they get something but it is not what they want or not in the way they would have wanted it.
In this case, they wanted Coco out.
Ok, granted.
But way later and before reaching that point, Hololive in China was canned.
They don't really think things through.

>> No.77957458

Mysta mentioned Taiwan several times on streams and Chink fujos couldn’t resist sucking his dick. Merely mentioning TW isn’t enough for a big yab. You think Cover and Holo girls are that retarded to carry this out while keeping big collab with TW at the same time if that was the case?

>> No.77957474

Than the chink police got involved and they stopped. Would never happen in 'murica

>> No.77957476

While you all discussing thing, ever heard about Phaseconnect and their really funny vtuber Pippa.

>> No.77957497

Not surprising, she has a lot of chinks fawning over her

>> No.77957512

Definition of cope. No one is happy about leaving the top of the industry for the island of misfit toys

>> No.77957513

Do you realize that Holo is not going to make the same mistakes again? stupid vshojofag

>> No.77957516

>fat dyke
no thanks

>> No.77957519

Like they talked to Fuwamoco when they tried to make them plug Stars on an official EN Livestream, resulting in them being harassed for not wanting to associate with Stars and ignoring them?
Cover doesn't say a fuckin thing to them. Pekora has it worst, they make her do all the garbage sponsored Gacha shit on her channel.

>> No.77957552

If they act that way again, it’ll be up to Cover and the girls to deal with it. They’ve made their bed and only time can tell how it will go.
One thing, though, that Cover is in much better position this time and a lot less reliant on Chinks. Even Chinks can’t go “COVER - C = OVER” anymore

>> No.77957559

kek, what a nostalgia

>> No.77957590

literally read the comment above to get my answer to your question.

>> No.77957596

You actually believe those ultra nationalist wasnt going after Coco because she is a burger and seen as the "enemy". At a time when ccvid was in full effect and USA vs China was all over the news on both sides?

>> No.77957643

Gonna have to save it (again) just in case.
>It doesn't work
You never know, maybe it will work once bybourr chance.

>> No.77957649

nta You're right but it has nothing to do with what he said.

>> No.77957652

Cover cannot force the girls to do something they don’t want. They can’t tell the girls “Hey, go over to B2 and stream”. They can’t demand Pekora to take all those well paying sponsored streams. If a girl does something, you can bet it’s because she accepted it on her own will.
It’s not Niji, sister

>> No.77957675

Was she punished or was she not punished? Cover was punishing people for upsetting chinks. Nobody will ever care about your chink ball-licking narrative.

>> No.77957694

Yeah, because I'm not a schizo. It has nothing to do with American nonsense. It really was just the most unfortunate time for Coco to decide to do a "let's check my analytics" moment

>> No.77957699
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Honestly beyond me why the want to go for mainland China and not target this towards Taiwan. It's not like the can sell merch or do events in China, or so I thought. Something must have changed.

>> No.77957708

It doesn't work because these guys are working with the government, redditor.
this was never as effective as the meme would have you believe

>> No.77957709

Otherwise they would have forced Gura to stream despite illness or duties or whatever she has to deal with behind-the-scenes.

>> No.77957711

It depends on how they play it. Last time they had a Chink branch and Chink employees and Chink mods and so on and so forth, this is really what gave the Chinks such an advantage in their campaign. If they refrain from getting into bed with them this time and make sure their own people are in charge of the infrastructure (as much as is feasible at least) it could go fine. The key thing is Chink blowback only hurt them in so much as removing the Chink market, the Japanese and international market didn't care (and even grew). So long as they're ready to drop them if shit hits the fan again, it could work out fine, but I guess time will tell.

>> No.77957720

>(I can't remember if she made it clear back then)
NTA, It was made clear, remember seeing clips of it everywhere before the TWyab

>> No.77957745

NTA, but that was punishment in name only. It’s the same as idols “2 weeks of reflection” punishment - it’s technically a punishment, but its purpose is to pacify the situation and protect the girls.

>> No.77957750

You never know man, it might work just once. Better have it and use it than not trying to.
Maybe it will catch their attention for a single value second, enough to make a difference in a pivotal moment of time.

>> No.77957753

It was bad luck, but it was the excuse they were waiting for.

>> No.77957758

Haato got punished on the bilibili end but her youtube and twitter side were business as usual as clearly Cover thought this was a nothingburger at the time. Then, Coco just so happened to do the exact same thing as Haato, which showed the people on bilibili that Cover didn't actually take this seriously and the "punishment' Haato got on bilibili was bullshit.

>> No.77957769

there's some gacha NFT shit happened

>> No.77957841

gura is going to have a collaboration with Taiwan.
In addition, they also use bilibili channel in Taiwan

>> No.77957850

If the conversation starts to calm down after your post, it likely had the intended impact

>> No.77957854

CN market and TW market aren’t mutually exclusive, anon. Lots of TW entertainers work in CN as well. They can target both market and if B2 begged them to come back with favourable enough conditions, why not?

>> No.77957869

Which explains a lot. Must have come from Bilibili's side. Makes me wonder how they delivered the news to Foob and Haachama. I know they're not taking part in this, but no way they did it without consulting them, given the potential of being targeted again from the chinks.

>> No.77957888

Well, Festival and Kobo are going to make be appearing on a event, Cover is probably testing the waters at this point. Funny how you used Ina's picrel, she could probably sell her art(merch) over there kek.

>> No.77957893

Don't worry, soon you won't have to use this dead meme to kill Chinese.

>> No.77957916

>Lots of TW entertainers work in CN as well. T
Which is why I suggested they should have marketed it as targeting Taiwan. By doing that you don't anger ENfrends and Cocofans. But I guess you'd anger the chinks, so best way to tackle this is not commenting which country you're doing this for. The reality is that you're expecting profit from both Taiwan and China anyway.

>> No.77957954

interestingly, some residents in China are deliberately using Taiwanese IP addresses to access youtube

>> No.77957966

>getting forced out of a job because of harassment
Zhang rrat. She withstood the whole campaign and only left after it had lost all meaningful momentum because she couldn't deny her American genes and wanted to start whorestreaming, which Holo wouldn't allow. She was never going to be there forever.

>> No.77957970

Sora shilled the gacha herself. You are overestimating how much the girls might dislike Chinks. Even Coco, right during that fiasco when she was spammed to hell and back, still said she didn’t hold it against all CN.
It has been 2+ years. They moved on from it. I doubt either FBK or Haachama cares about it now beyond some slight wariness.

>> No.77957975

Do their youths nowadays even care about those events, its like saying 9/11 challenger etc in a bit to trigger burgers.

>> No.77957999

This is revisionist as hell chink bs
>Covid really started in January 2020 guys

>> No.77958019

vshojofag, this is pathetic. stop crying about this, this is just business.

>> No.77958070

Foob I might believe, but no way Haachama isn't holding a grudge. You might have forgotten how scarred she ended up, by that whole mess.


>> No.77958075

this is just what actually happened. it's why she didn't get actually suspended until Coco was. it was their attempt at appeasement by going "fine we'll actually punish her this time instead of just pretending to to shut you up"

>> No.77958086

>Covid really started in January 2020 guys
Yes, that date is when it stopped being a Chinese epidemic and became a global pandemic.

>> No.77958108

Not really, it's mostly that apparently the pasta can sometimes trigger a remote shutdown from their PCs via the CCP due to the mention of controversial topics en masse.

It's an interesting love-hate but mostly hate relationship.
There's a ton of Chinese in Taiwan and many Taiwanese in China, and everyone knows that one day if things go awry no one's going home.

>> No.77958127

it's come from America though

>> No.77958129

Yes, but no one forces them to return to China.

>> No.77958133

ChineseMaple in the flesh

>> No.77958160

what's the big deal?

>> No.77958163

what?What are you talking about?

>> No.77958172

>Chinese lab and staff
>American funds and info on virology
It's always been both. It was a dual fuck-up of colossal proportions.

Love seeing Shark thriving.

>> No.77958201

Objectively nothing, but people thought that Cover stopped doing business in China because of politics.

>> No.77958204

like my father and his father before him, i will always hate chinks

>> No.77958212
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But Foob and Haachama aren't involved in this. Nonethless, starting this project without telling them could create internal problems (es. bringing up bad memories, especially if the harassers come back, to the point the girls might want to go on a break / leave). Which is why I was wondering: I wonder how Cover broke the news to them. Because no way they did this without consulting them.

In the end, both Foob (especially Foob) and Haachama are sensible people. They can be talked with, and I don't think they couldn't see the pros of trying to get back on the Chinese market, even as a small test. Still, it must have been a pretty awkward meeting.

>> No.77958237

>>Chinese lab and staff
>>American funds and info on virology
>It's always been both. It was a dual fuck-up of colossal proportions.
>Love seeing Shark thriving.
I feel the same.

>> No.77958240

They are also adults, so they likely will just suck it up, not participate and do their usual JP routine.

>> No.77958251

To jp corpos not limited to vtubers, there's not much difference between china and taiwan, to them it's just chinese customers. To holos it's probably the same it's just chinese fans.

>> No.77958262
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1596134565461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haato is a grown woman. It's been 4 years, you have any idea how long that is and how much could change in that time? Especially from the age she was back then.

>> No.77958289

Rumor was they asked the talents if they want to stream on billibilli and two people said yes (Kobo, Matsuri).

>> No.77958293
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This is just my headcanon, but I trust friend, so I imagine she wanted guarantees that the experiment would come to an end (or at least, the company would go all in with the chinks) in case something went wrong. Haachama probably was just "I don't want to have anything to do with them, but you're free to do whatever you want *pout*"

>> No.77958303

>starting this project without telling them
There is no indication that this happened and they did not complain.

>> No.77958316

It got broke to them in a big meeting with lots of people or (more likely) just in a public discord message and framed as a good thing. Japanese management style, you don't leave room for people to complain.

>> No.77958331

America's mistake was trusting China and not seeing it's grip on the WHO

>> No.77958343

coco incident was years ago, its hardly sensible from a business perspective to avoid the chinese market indefinitely due to old baggage

>> No.77958350

Sora too but she's always there supporting the girls on anything they do which is expected of the literal representative of what Hololive's spirit is.

>> No.77958357

>forcing holomem to start streaming there
where did this even come from?
what's the precedence to think this can ever be the case?

>> No.77958369


>> No.77958375

I can believe that, but I really want to hope it wasn't the case.

Yeah I know. As I said, I believe that Haachama is also a person that can be talked with.

>> No.77958377
File: 127 KB, 1332x576, IMG_2606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could bring back
its already back

>> No.77958402

That's just a countfriend apparently. Some austist that has been counting on that chat for a while. Or so friends say.

>> No.77958420

Public company, monkey. If they hold their entire existence hostage, what choice do holos have but to grit their teeth and sell out? I'm sure the money will help them rationalize it.

>> No.77958438

>what choice do holos have but to grit their teeth and sell out?
They can always leave. And I trust friend when she said that she's leave in a split second if Cover ever turned into a black company.

>> No.77958444

confirmed, American funded shit titled "gain of function" research on Wuhan hitting the fan

>> No.77958478

So just for the record, we are ok with China now?

>> No.77958498

No, but it can't be helped. Besides, it's gonna be fun to see where this leads.

>> No.77958503
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>> No.77958519

I guarantee you, it's going to be anything but fun.

>> No.77958525
File: 538 KB, 1000x1305, 1692080383531527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its literally just sisters peddling rrats, pretty obvious if you look at who are the ones that are actually streaming on B2, Kobo and Festival both does whatever they want. Sora because she is dai senpai and has always stepped up when she needs to.

>> No.77958542

You mean the crestfallen friend that says she doesn't really connect with anyone in hololive? Time changes anon, I'm sure fubuki is worried about much more important things than this. She's just a cog in the machine, now. She would never be able to make gamers 2.

>> No.77958546

Points of view

>> No.77958573

>stepping up
Wouldn't stepping up be saying "fuck no?"

>> No.77958587

Don't care, she's never betrayed us, not even once. I'll start worrying when either that happens or she leaves the company.

>> No.77958589
File: 43 KB, 439x369, IMG_2622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deja vu

>> No.77958591

Yeah fun for thechinese and china sympathizers, not for the rest of the fanbase.

>> No.77958595


>> No.77958613

It's also why in the end no one was really jailed for it or why they both stopped using COVID as an escalation narrative, because they knew that if outsiders investigated further, they would find out that the root was most likely from a partnership with shared goals.
Or course, someone fucked up and got bit by a test bat with the right pathogen at the wrong moment and it all went downhill real fast after that. The bat soup was just a hoax to deflect attention.

Yes, it is some guy who really likes Fubuki, not a bot or anti. Just some really dedicated autist. Love to see it. The good schizos.

We are not in bad terms, that's the best way to put it, we are not pro-China either tho. And most likely never will (anymore), this isn't 2009 and 2016 and later 2020 irreparably damaged the perception of th country to outsiders which is understandable considering what went down and what keeps going down. Doesn't help that they are very unpolite in the EN side while you criticize em even a bit or as a joke. Meanwhile we just laught it off because it's true, the world is fucked but that's a good punchline lol.

>> No.77958667

what is this? what are they saying

>> No.77958674

>We are not in bad terms
You don't speak for me.

>> No.77958695

The problem is that China hates us and they betrayed us.

>> No.77958702

Good thing they own their likenesses so they can leave if they need to without destroying their livelihoods

>> No.77958704


>> No.77958712

shut the fuck up you dont speak for us faggot

>> No.77958743

>Sora's bilibili channel uploaded a new video
It's not on Sora's channel.
It's hololive's own channel.

>> No.77958757

>China hates us
And we hate them too.

>> No.77958762

shut the fuck up that anon speaks for all of us, faggot

>> No.77958779

and you don't speak for us either, vshojofag.

>> No.77958790

sister please, your narrative of cover bending the knee to china will never fly.

>> No.77958813

Yes, but they started it and didn't finish it.

>> No.77958814

I will never respect China or Chinese "people".

>> No.77958822
File: 442 KB, 2893x4092, F9-98iEasAAw5Pv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now kith?

>> No.77958829

yeah, that's how bilibili uploads work. Honestly, ti's a feature that it has that I actually like. When uploading a video you can list it as a collaboration with other channels and the video becomes a single shared upload with all channels listed as collaborators. It also makes it harder to delete, which is how older hololive videos on bilibili survived when the old schizo mods went on a mass deletion spree.

>> No.77958832

go back to NGA samefaggot

>> No.77958866


>> No.77958868

who is making all of these bad decisions at cover? it seems like a string of really bad choices.

>> No.77958882

That includes a bunch of Holos, you know?

>> No.77958892


>> No.77958905

I see you go to every thread and accuse anyone of hating on china or saying something in support of coco of being a "vshojofag". I see you, bugman.
Although it's funny you accuse someone of being a vshojofag and not a cocofag. Why, I wonder.

>> No.77958921

I am not a racist or against the Chinese ethnicity. None of them act like chinks.

>> No.77958932
File: 107 KB, 980x501, fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is that?

>> No.77958937

you should be they all deserve the rope

>> No.77958941

Chinese can be normal but the normal ones hate wumao more than I do.

>> No.77958959

/#/ is completely packed with bugs and it always has been

>> No.77958963

no, suck my dick

>> No.77958967

you lie, none that I know of

>> No.77958969

As long as they are one of the few good ones, then its fine.

>> No.77958978

its where you came from mongoloid

>> No.77959005
File: 343 KB, 720x400, foolish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People really underestimate Fubuki's influence, other Holomem see her as management and she's quite literally the trustworthy face of the company, the only reason the Rushia blowback (initially, before everything else came out) wasn't 5x worse is because people saw Fubuki's reaction to it and realised there was more to the story. Zhangs assume that just because the fans still hate China then Fubuki must hate China too, when her position was always that she dislikes troublemakers but is happy to have actual fans even if they are filthy Chinks. They masturbate to the thought of her seething over this, but in all likelihood she doesn't actually care so long as Cover doesn't fuck it up. If she ever were to go it would be for very good reason, and that same very good reason wouldn't be something every other girl would lay back and put up with either. Numberfags think that not being the #1 CCV of all time means you're basically homeless, but Fubuki could go indy tomorrow and still live comfortably for the rest of her life. The day Hololive loses her is the day Hololive loses.

>> No.77959008
File: 560 KB, 480x360, 1687631922246611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now with NijiEN on their knees, Yagoo makes his masterful strike at the heart of kurosanji, the complete ruination of the JP branches main source of income, the chinkoids.
Sasuga Yagoo!

>> No.77959011

you have none you lost it to your master Xi

>> No.77959019

am i going to have to join bilibili to watch all of my oshi's streams? do they have superchats?

>> No.77959024

that which you do not know could fill libraries. also I'm not falling for doxx bait

>> No.77959041

But for what? A pyrrhic victory?

>> No.77959056

>Although it's funny you accuse someone of being a vshojofag and not a cocofag. Why, I wonder.
She worked longer with that company, moron
Also it doesn't work that you accuse everyone of being Chinese, it's obvious that you and this>>77958959 moron are vshojofags.

>> No.77959060

Anon, Sora was there
I doubt both them disagree with her

>> No.77959063

Yeah, fair point.
They can't just graduate or terminate Holos that don't approve of the plan.
If they can FBK, they destroy the company's reputation locally and in the West too.

>> No.77959073
File: 57 KB, 701x437, IMG_2611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah you pay with social credit

>> No.77959092

Do you seriously think I'm Chinese?

>> No.77959114

anon everyone /here/ even /#/ themselves know how much of a shithole /#/‘s is but I guess you wouldnt know that if you are a tourist from china

>> No.77959126

You are spiritually Chinese, twinktomo

>> No.77959131

Good point.

>> No.77959133

No I think you brush your teeth with Chinese sperm.

>> No.77959138

I don't even know what place that is, you stupid faggot.

>> No.77959148

Okay, but you have to admit, the bat soup was funny

>> No.77959187


>> No.77959195

Yes Mr, Chen. Only "vshojofags" hate the chinks and/or like coco. Everyone else loves them.

>> No.77959196

Yes, you are pathetic and stupid.
you are a vshojofag

>> No.77959212

sure you dont Zhang

>> No.77959213

Where's your Dimitri-sama now

>> No.77959216

Good point.

>> No.77959219

This board and hobby is full of people who cannot let go of grudges that were resolved years ago even if everyone else involved already moved on
I'm just happy that I can express this now without being called a China shill (I'm not, I just don't give a fuck). Anyway if Sora supports it then I'm sure it's fine.

>> No.77959229

Nobody said that, moron.
what did you say?

>> No.77959242

You are Chinese

>> No.77959266


>> No.77959269

>Nobody said that, moron.
You most certainly did.

>> No.77959285

shut the fuck up and collect your 50 cents little pink

>> No.77959288

The thing is that this was years ago
How much power does she have now, in a post-IPO world where Cover is becoming more ambitious?

>> No.77959291

I'm still going to spit in the food that chinese tourist fuckheads order

>> No.77959292

>vshojofag are going to accuse everyone who doesn't hate hololive of being Chinese

>> No.77959301

NTA, /#/ is a of course a shithole but they're the biggest anti-china den on this board to a ridiculously racist degree so saying it's full of Chinese people is pretty ridiculous

>> No.77959312

>(I'm not, I just don't give a fuck)
You definitely are.

>> No.77959318
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My main problem with this is I'm annoyed at how Cover won't announce anything despite their talents being active on bilibili now. I know they're trying not to blow it up for the westerners but hiding the activities just seems more malicious and suspicious if anything.

>> No.77959325

my boy

>> No.77959324

>do they have superchats?
I think so, the were spamming blue cheap ones because Kobo is blue i guess, if it works like youtube should have sent someone thats red kek.

>> No.77959337

No, I realized that you are a vshojofag.
just like this moron>>77959242

>> No.77959355

>Chinese gonna accuse everyone who hates chinks a Vslutjofag

>> No.77959357

Are you going to anti Sora now? Just drop the mask already.

>> No.77959361

Driving around any major Chinese city will reveal a plethora of ghost neighborhoods. Entire city blocks waiting for decay or demolition. These are not like abandoned buildings in developed nations, they were not structures once buzzing with activity and full of life. China’s ghost places were constructed to boost GDP, but they were never used. People did not move in, people did not live in them, productivity was never a part of their existence. These places were built and then left to rot, and they currently occupy huge areas around every major Chinese city. Entire districts worth of infrastructure, skyscrapers, museums, and monuments. Hollow shells waiting for the end.

These ghost places are more than just some strange phenomenon, I believe they represent the real soul of China. The search for modern China is over, but what that search has uncovered is shockingly vapid: a self-defeating lust for the appearance of money and power. I say “appearance” of those things because modern China has neither of them in real substance. We have now reached “peak-China”, but this long-awaited China has almost nothing to offer the world. Unlike the romanticized Sinic past, with its fascinating complexity of religion, art, and practice, modern China is deeply disappointing. It has emerged as a hollow facade of greed and humiliation trying to impose its impotent emptiness onto an increasingly disgusted world. It is a country gutted by a failed Marxist civilization that is now lashing out in nationalist desperation against the dying of the light. A corroded concrete dragon increasingly ossified as its life force drains away.

China is already in decline. Its population officially began declining in 2022, and the country is set to lose half its population by 2080. What we see now is peak-China. What we see now is what modern China really is, and there’s almost certainly nothing new arising in China. This is it. The fastest ageing population of any large country. China’s working age demographic, those between the ages of 18 and 60, has already been in decline for a decade as young people fail to be born and the elderly proliferate. The average age of a Chinese person has already surpassed the average age of an American. The difference is that America has always been a developed country while China has never developed. China has not only become old before becoming rich, it has become old before becoming cultured or innovative. The search for modern China is over, and the search has ended with this: a hollow declining leftover of the twentieth century’s failed Marxist civilization.

Karl Marx said that “history repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce”. The twentieth century’s Cold War is now repeating itself, but not as tragedy, not as the fatal showdown between two virile ideologies competing for vindication in front of a conflicted world. No, our century’s new cold war is the farcical repeat in which China takes on the role of a dilapidated Soviet Union trying to overturn the liberal democratic West. Unlike the old Soviet Union, which pioneered Marxist civilization and became the first space power, China is still an underdeveloped backwater with a huge half-impoverished population that somehow staggered into the new era with an outdated oligarchy of Leninist leftovers.

Subconsciously, Chinese people know these facts about their country. Millions of them continue trying to escape to other places. My own encounters with people across China reveal a paradox brought on by propaganda conditioning. Although it’s impossible for Chinese to express this in explicit terms, most of them are subtly aware of what their country really is. They are aware, if only on a subconscious level, that their country is nothing special, and that their own lives have become worse because of what China has become. But they cannot express this. There are few ways of organizing around this realization, there are few ways of affirming this within a narrative community. Therefore, their thoughts are often uninformed and mixed with the extreme nationalist pride they were fed nonstop during their anxiety ridden school years. They’re torn between reality and the semi-fictional country they see portrayed in propaganda images. These images mix incongruently with the lived experiences of Chinese people’s actual lives: the incivility of neighbors, endless work hours, lack of basic rights, lack of basic hygiene, abusive bosses, low wages, cramped living conditions, corruption, childhoods filled with nothing but studying for zero-sum exams, dangerous food toxicity, polluted air, dust everywhere, always feeling helpless without a voice in what happens, relentless ageism, relentless sexism, and the general involution of a low productivity society.

>> No.77959372

Right there with them, did everyone collective forget that the Dimitri Jap is a chink?

>> No.77959388

you are chinese and mindbroken

>> No.77959396

No, they announced this.

>> No.77959419

And I realized you are chinese.
Besides, only a hivemind chink brain would conflate a supporter for a single personality as supporter of the company they work for. The typical collective before the individual philosophy.

>> No.77959430

Chinese-ethnic anon
Same w Kobo
Come on now

>> No.77959435
File: 320 KB, 463x596, 1597182413110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who could've possibly guessed the board about women and women's relationships with other women would be obsessed with drama and digging up years old arguments and grudges

>> No.77959469

she has even more power

>> No.77959477

I am against the action, not necessarily the individual. Atleast not yet as I don't know who is truly behind this initiative.

>> No.77959495

are you angry that I found out that are you a vshojofag?
No matter how many times you say that, I'm not Chinese.

>> No.77959542

I don't care. Everyone here hates you.

>> No.77959556

It's not about influence in Cover's office. Right now, if she suddenly returns to her rm account and posts something as a clue, Cover is over."

>> No.77959577

chinese building quality is so poor that they prefee to live in caves and self made huts

>> No.77959578
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On a non or may be related post, some JP users are complaining that their posts about the bilibili are apparently being deleted on holoplus

>> No.77959592
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If you say anything bad about China, you are a vshojofag. All of us holobros and nijichads love China.

>> No.77959621

That individual works for more years at vshojo which is hololive,ratcuck.
Do you want me to prove to you that I'm not Chinese?
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Japan was the good guy in World War II

>> No.77959635

Actually yes because she's part of the Hololive PR face and not really irrelevant like how Mel was (it hurts me that she never took off) so they can't just ignore Fubuki because if she says she's done and leaves, she could incidentally take the company's reputation down with her, this is why COVER is so lax with talents like Shion or Gura because unlike the once alive Nijisanji, they can't just spam waves and expect returns if one or two stick. So they gotta do their damn best keep the talents in for as long as possible because one talent down is a huge PR blow to COVER.

If Mel's termination didn't actually cause a shitshow that's because Nijisanji fucking up stole all the available thunder of drama during that time and she was always kinda on the back compared to other Holos including Choco who was usually compared to her.

>> No.77959638

they probably want to separate the fanbases, everything bilibili stays there and vice versa

>> No.77959649

It's ironic how a lot of westerners keep saying saying japs stop being butthurt over 2 nukes because it has been decades, but it has been a few years and they can't move on over this shit
Top level of hypocrisy as always

>> No.77959662

spam using copy paste sentence from random sources

>> No.77959670

ergo, you're probably not even supposed to care about all the bilibili thing, they think

>> No.77959687

>I don't care
If you didn't care you wouldn't have responded, vshojofag
redditor,go back.

>> No.77959708 [DELETED] 
File: 268 KB, 694x788, 1711396826142309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rember when
Subhuman chinese spammed fubuki's twitter feed with porn and guro
I rember

>> No.77959712

An individual is still an individual, wherever they go. But I guess that is a foreign concept for your chink brain.
Also that wall of text proves nothing if you are typing from overseas.

>> No.77959731

How is that ironic? Nukes like nanjing, which didn't happen, happened when <0.1% of the population was alive. That was what, 4 years ago,

>> No.77959734

>vshojofag falseflag

>> No.77959738

I lurked around a bit and it seems like management was the one who asked Kobo first
But take this info with a grain of salt because those seafags said it's from her mengen

>> No.77959753

Holomems still talk about her like that to this day, it only comes up publicly when some yab happens and they've been pretty yab free the past few years. It's not about how much power she holds (because she doesn't go around making demands or anything like that), it's about how much value she has. Look at it this way, if Cover did something big enough to make her quit after the pedestal they and the fanbase have put her on, do you imagine that won't have any blowback with fans? Furthermore, given the character Fubuki has proven she has, it would have to be something big which would mean it wouldn't just be her leaving. Hell, do you think Mio wouldn't follow behind? And if that happens, how do you think Okayu reacts? Korone? Where does that snowball end? Unless if Fubuki has a mental breakdown and does some provably completely insane shit, they need her.

>> No.77959778
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classic vshojofag

>> No.77959796

Wtf i love Vshojo now? Fuck the chinks

>> No.77959797

Classic bugperson.

>> No.77959815


>> No.77959855

lmao you already lost this argument

>> No.77959870

No U.

>> No.77959912
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>> No.77959945

for me, this is a totally calculated move by cover
>use low impact chuuba for stream(?) to test the water
>utilize daisenpai for promoting gacha shit to say "if you shitting on her, you are facing whole fanbase"
>meanwhile fubuki and miko will become the sacrificial pawn for antis

>> No.77959954
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anyone on either side that's still fighting over this stuff, whether you're a chink anti or a guy seething over china, is just pathetic. it's been 4 years. in the time that's passed, a kid who would've been in middle school could be entering their first year of college/graduating high school. a girl who would've been pregnant at the time would be planning to send their kid to school soon. half the holos were still young and now many of them have reached hag status. back when this happened, HoloID2 was still 3 months away form being announced. back when this happened, the newest holo debut was Gura.

>> No.77959961

See you later, Cheng. *smooch*

>> No.77959990

>>meanwhile fubuki and miko will become the sacrificial pawn for antis
that's going to happen in your dreams, sister

>> No.77960007

Leave and do what anon? Ask other girls to leave their comfy house and join her outside to face the storm in solidarity? Leave the comfy house to face the storm outside alone as an indie? Leave and cause people to have doubts towards Cover while her friends and workmates still work under Cover?
You fucker think being an indie is easy? Earnings aside, it can be lonely and troublesome
I'm not saying Fubuki will leave, but hypothetically speaking, if Fubuki leave and reincarnate as indie will YOU still follow her and watch her without the Hololive brand?
You don't have to answer me, just contemplate your answer to my question

>> No.77960027


>> No.77960047
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>> No.77960104

Hololive can throw their talents to a fire pit and the bootlickers will do a mental gymnastics to justify that action

>> No.77960235

I would agree with this if it's pre IPO

>> No.77960338

>You fucker think being an indie is easy?
It's easy when you have a pre-existing fanbase and aren't a menhera. Even Mel who was widely regarded as the runt of the pack is doing enough numbers to live comfortably.

>> No.77960392

>South American
That actually explains your love for china.

>> No.77960397

What I said remains true. Whether Cover are retarded enough to let it happen is another matter.

>> No.77960584
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you don't read the news?

>> No.77960619

that's not what's happening, vshojofag.

>> No.77960698

Eh, there are lots of shady stories from Chinese entertainment world
It's better to not get involved with this time bomb again

>> No.77960782

If you think those fags in b2 won't try to pull that shit again, then you do you

>> No.77960831

I just really want Holos to stream CN games again 2bh.

>> No.77960852

Black myth wukong is now on the table.

>> No.77960928
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you better not be asking for genshit

>> No.77961004

Coco died to have talent freedom.

>> No.77961067

The trailer looks great
It's a souls like game with wukong skin right?
If Pekora plays that I can say Fucking Monkeys kek

>> No.77961190

Maybe Honkai Impact Part 2 doesn't exist or Codename Bakery. Heard good things about the latter and Haachama streamed Honkai way back in 2019. I just want them to see them finish what they started 5 years ago

>> No.77961311

Have fun with your new fanbase holofags

>> No.77961556

Not quite, its gonna be a reimagining of journey to the west, but yes there will be monkeys lots of monkeys.

>> No.77961675

