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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77888009 No.77888009 [Reply] [Original]

A reminder that if you harass Kobo over this, you're no different than the mainlanders who harrassed Coco.
Just as you feel hurt and betrayed because Kobo (or Cover) is back to China, which is a sensitive topic to you, mainlanders also feel hurt and betrayed because Coco mentioned something sensitive to them.
It would be very ironic if you mocked the chinese for years and turns out you're doing the very same thing as them.

>> No.77888261 [DELETED] 
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>> No.77888312
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Trust the fox

>> No.77888369

I couldn't give two shits about what Kobo does, I don't watch her.

>> No.77888396

no need to harass, just brace for the incoming shit show then laugh at the holotards once the nukes drop

>> No.77888443

My harassment good
China harassment bad

>> No.77888444

What kobo do? I'm not updated with the latest vtuber gossip queen tabloid that is /vt/

>> No.77888457

you should not worry about us anon I would worry more about the chinese itself

>> No.77888500

Her zoomerbrain will retardedly spew 1 wrong word and the Chinese will then never rest until she quits. Unlike us they actually follow through on the shit they say they're going to do.

>> No.77888530

By the way shitting the twitter comments of hololive's account will be more efficient than anything else

>> No.77888533
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Watch holostars now or else

>> No.77888534

Look at the thread where she is streaming on bilibili.

>> No.77888564

the chinks were trying to destroy Hololive. we're trying to save it

>> No.77888565

Nah, Kobo is a filthy whore. Probably booking a flight to China right now to go get gangbanged by Chinese business men.

>> No.77888571

Yup, just unsub from her. If they want numbers then they should appreciate negative ones too.

>> No.77888609

this will be kobo in a few months

and possibly other girls too like fubuki

>> No.77888853

Agreed, no harassment just unsubscribe.

>> No.77888895

Kobo is Chinese herself so she probably knows the rules. The only issue is if she accidentally does something that upset absolutely schizo Chinese, like that one stream who was harassed by chinks for eating 137 bananas (they believed this was a reference to China's 1.37 billion people).

>> No.77889009

Is this what they meant for global expansion? They could have simply put out the same amount of help and resources they give to holoJP to holoEN for more growth than whatever this is.

>> No.77889037

How does China have so much power

>> No.77889052

Having anything to do with China is like sticking your dick in a blender and expecting something good to happen. I don't understand how people keep making the same stupid mistakes.

>> No.77889311

Their massive population of soulless slaves.

>> No.77889392

>Saw the b2 stream
>Unsub and unfollow her on twitter
>move on

>> No.77889413

Why do people think these harassers have so much power? Every chuuba has retards who harass them

>> No.77889454

never watched her in the first place so the whole thing has been *shrug*. will be interesting if her JP collabs suddenly decreases.

>> No.77889610

A reminder that if you support Kobo or Cover for this, you're no different than the mainlanders.

>> No.77889711

It just depends on the amount, if there are an incredible amount of harassers and they also decide to use bots to flood a chat then it becomes effective, as they at that point can't interact with their real viewers. That's what happened to Coco. If anyone says the word Taiwan then that whole situation will happen again.

>> No.77889771

It's ok when I do it

>> No.77889783

I will forgive her if she drags yogiri from the pits of the abyss to come back to hololive

Anyway was never gonna harass kobo, BUT i will harass the fuck out of mainland insects

>> No.77889868

>just forget that the chinks STILL TO THIS DAY, harass Fubuki, Haachama and anyone they happen to stream with just bend over and let us rape your asshole
No I dont think I will. Kobo should graduate over this.

>> No.77889880

Stop talking like a faggot

>> No.77889935

Those Chinese business men? All me btw

>> No.77890051

Kobo has always been cancer.

>> No.77890071

Harassing anybody related to China is morally right. fuck all ccp agents and wumaos. Follow Jin Sakai's statement. The chinese don't give a shit about honor. If they're monsters, you have to be willing yourself to do mosntrous deeds to stop those monsters.

>> No.77890101

Pandering to China just seems like a bad idea, like you have to walk on eggshells all the time. Say the wrong thing at the wrong time and you're national enemy #1. Not that I care if this brat gets harassed by a billion people but it could spill on her co-workers.

>> No.77890181

She has been a pro-ccp snake all this time after all.

>> No.77890199

"The chinese schizos won't come back"
They're already here

>> No.77890220

This. Until Friend says anything bad about it, I will trust Hololive which is trusted by her. IDK if it will or won't turn out badly for Cover, but at least it wasn't a malicious decision to let Kobo streams on B2.

>> No.77890240

The signs were there. the flip from holostarsen and iofi were able to stream a chink game just days ago

>> No.77890285

Over what? What happened?

>> No.77890310

Pandering to China antis just seems like a bad idea, like you have to walk on eggshells all the time. Say the wrong thing at the wrong time and you're international enemy #1. Not that I care if this brat gets harassed by a billion brown people but it could spill on her co-workers.

>> No.77890404

Kobo streaming on Bilibili

>> No.77890406


>> No.77890428

She'll find out, I been ignoring her zoomer ass since her debut. I just hope the rest of the girls are unaffected by the incoming shitshow

>> No.77890451

She streamed on Bilibili just now (or is still streaming?). Said she will be participating in some big Bilibili event / concert later this year.

>> No.77890488

you absolute retard chinks get upset over every single little thing

>> No.77890490

Yup. She may think she knows what she's doing because she's chinese-indonesian, but the second she puts a foot even slightly wrong the only part that the CN viewers will focus on is the indonesian part.

Can't say I'm looking forward to the eventually fuck up, blow up, drama and tearful graduation. I just hope no one else gets in the middle of it.

>> No.77890496

But if you do make it for a while you can earn millions and millions of dollars from their population of people with increasingly more expendable income. That’s the appeal.
Earn as much money as you can before getting cancelled, then leave.

>> No.77890598


>> No.77890807

short term profits at the expense of others

>> No.77890922 [DELETED] 


>> No.77891019

Fuck Kobo, Hololive did a mistake by hiring a niji.

>> No.77891040

She made her choice. She's guilty as much as Cover for allowing it

>> No.77891076

Those weren't chinese in GoT retard. Those were mongols.

>> No.77891117

I cant wait to see the CCP spam bots on the chat rooms of the rest of the girls. Fuck Kobo for bringing this shit.

>> No.77891149

In actual history, the Chinese and Koreans were the majority of those who invaded Japan and massacred and raped people in Tsushima and Iki

>> No.77891185

If you shit up hololive's official twitter account they might change their mind before it's too late

>> No.77891396

I'll miss you, Kobo. You were occasionally amusing.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

>> No.77891429

But you referenced the game not actual fucking history.

>> No.77891503

I was making a metaphor, you retard. Basically what I said is that you should be willing to be a monster if you want to fight and kill a monster.

>> No.77891518

There's a reason why China has a reputation as Cry-Bullies. They're incredibly manipulative and that's just them in person and in business. On the internet its a thousand times worse.

>> No.77891567

She's not gonna get Kobo in trouble and you know it.

Why? because she doesn't have the influence for it.

>> No.77891628

yagoo okayed this but this seems like a push from kobo herself
and she's dumb/naive

>> No.77891848

It's really fucking pathetic to be a Chinese bootlicker without being chinese

>> No.77891874

I'm genuinely curious: when did China and/or Korea invade Japan?

>> No.77891892

?? She never worked for niji you schizo

>> No.77891903

She has chink blood though.

>> No.77891977

He got it backwards it was the japan that raped and killed chinks for fun. Literal rat extermination

>> No.77891988

I don't get why people care about this. Do they actually? The Coco thing was years ago. And who cares that much about what Kobo does anyways?

>> No.77891995

You guys do realize Hololive probably also signed off on this because they want the chink money too, right? Like I know this board has been purposefully lenient on them at every turn in regards to this China shit but maybe it’s time to admit that Cover is being greedy and risking another yab and harassment campaign against all their talents because they want chink money again. Kobo is just them dipping their toes in the water.
I stg if I start seeing Chinese hate comments in my oshi’s chat I’m never forgiving this dumbass company.

>> No.77892146

I could care less what cover does, but don't shove CNs on my oshis. Don't need anymore of CN garbage.

>> No.77892237

Do anyone who post here even watch Kobo???

>> No.77892275

Months and months of this board making excuses for them like
>oh they were hacked
>they’d never go back to China
Only for them to pull this. And if this goes well you bet there’ll be more. Do you oshi the talents or the company?

>> No.77892319
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nothing happened in Nanking

>> No.77892397

The mainlanders spammed gore in their art tags for a year and spammed their chat so much that Google actually had to step in and develop new chat filters and moderation tools, which I think is a bit worse than some redditors saying "this is a bad idea"

>> No.77892401

Because what happened to Coco spilled over onto the other talents, retard. If kobo fucks up then it could potentially hurt someone’s oshi

>> No.77892440


>> No.77892574

yeah, I dont why theoe newfags dont know the repercussions of this.
I simple dumb move and its war again

>> No.77892755

I do not care aboit Kobo, but she will drag others to that shithole of creepers radar

>> No.77892864

During the Mongol Invasions. China was already under the Mongols at that point under a new dynasty: the Yuan Dynasty. Mongols themselves still took part in the invasion as cavalry

>> No.77893298

I think Cover have much better tools and policies at this point for handling these kinds of things than they did then. They learned a lot from what happened with Coco. I really don't think it will be an issue. If it allows some of the ID girls to make some extra money, it doesn't bother me much. I think people are making too much of this.

>> No.77893591

>I really don't think it will be an issue.
You underestimate the tenacity of bugmen. Even recently many large companies had to capitulate to china over Taiwan related issues.

>> No.77893616

>They learned a lot from what happened with Coco
hahahahahahaha no.
and for that matter, neither did Youtube. Still the shittiest moderation tools after 4 years

>> No.77893780

My faith is in Fubuki

>> No.77893985

Is it even possible to sue a Chinese individual residing in China?

>> No.77894567

This backstabber chose to bootlick management over an entire branch of innocent girls
I will never forgive her

>> No.77894711

She's literally Chinese
Half of HoloID is Chinese Indonesian or Singaporean

>> No.77894721

it's ok when ID does it, right?

>> No.77894734

Kill yourself chink

>> No.77895132

do not let this distract you from the fact that Kobo admitted on stream that she ate actual shit. she'll fit right in as chang's cumrag

>> No.77895926

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.77896698

>She's literally Chinese
And she'll be Indonesian when she fucks up.

>> No.77898121

Kobo is too naive.
That is the only thing i can say

>> No.77898440

> manechan: you need to expand and try new things to grow!

>> No.77898613

Its just business.
Why do you hate money

>> No.77898825

>If you attack your enemy, you'll be just like them!
Not if I'm alive and they're dead

>> No.77898905

Nah this is totally different the commies got mad because coco and Chama read stats on YouTube about Taiwan, YouTube didn’t get nearly enough blame but Taiwan has never been communist. Also fuck Kobo little retard

>> No.77899150

>china can do
>not-china cannot do
Don't care. Will act like Chinese.

>> No.77899163

She has to say that Taiwan is an independent separate non-dependent country from China live on bilibili, then she will deserve support.

>> No.77899316
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>> No.77899397

>if you
*when I
She's not going to say a fucking thing.

>> No.77903133

>Fbk gets fired over it
A new era

>> No.77903204

lmao sisters fucking won, they can easily falseflag and harass her for this now and pretend to be holofans

>> No.77903358

Sure indog SEAster.

>> No.77903542
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>> No.77903611

Good Kobo for branching off to a wider audience.

>> No.77903663

no one attacking kobo, you sub human bug eater...
many anon will ask kobo, why did she do it...
did she don't know what will happening if she crawl to bug infested website...

>> No.77903682

so brave, bring this man his reddit gold

>> No.77903705

What she did was fucking stupid. She shouldn't do it again. Fuck China.

>> No.77903778

You could at least proofread for spelling and grammar if you're going to write all of this. And no one else is allowed to harass Kobo. Just this guy!

>> No.77903791
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>you're no different than the mainlanders who harrassed Coco.

>> No.77903894

I hope EN, especially Mori and Kiara, stop collabing and acknowledging Kobo over this. Kowtowing to Zhangs is a spit in the face to those who were affected by the constant harrassment many of the JPs faced after T- day.

>> No.77903994

They will continue to collab because they don't care about politics.

>> No.77904266

anon.... soon tekken 8 collab

>> No.77904493

>Immediately burned all bridges with JP
>Unironically wants to get closer to chinks
Hope she graduates or gets a dose of what these freaks are capable of, no sympathies

>> No.77905509

Politics are irrelevant you fool. What matters is Kobo just made not only herself but all of Hololive a target once again.

>> No.77905760
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i was that guy laughed at niji sucking zhangs cocks
theres no sugarcoating this, i hate this and its going to blow up in our faces, if this is a good thing niji would be suddenly good too
feel free to make fun of me sisters, its so over, we are going down the same road to hell like nijiCN

>> No.77906384

>anyone in CN
She made the right choice

>> No.77906520

>its going to blow up in our faces
That's well deserved by the way, i hope the chinks go full scorched earth on her for mentioning Taiwan in one of her early streams, if someone makes the same mistakes multiple times you should just let them fuck themselves over and stop trying to reason it away

>> No.77906752
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Kober won. She's going to be rich.

>> No.77907426

Reminder that Fubuki literally shilled Finana.

Fucking FINANA.

>> No.77908589

Fuck no

>> No.77908678

Your reddit gold sir! You wont the internet!

>> No.77908783

So it’s absolutely guaranteed that Kobo will get harassed

>> No.77909020

Nanking was justifiable in some ways

>> No.77912333

I promise you, if all hell breaks loose fubuki wont say a word. She saw firsthand how much of a mess that whole chink anti fiasco was.

>> No.77912389

Chinks just sold their positions on Anycolor
They're going for an SNK tier takeover of Cover now

>> No.77912439

Im praying to god that this all turna bad again (which it absolutely will) we will have content on this board for weeks on end

>> No.77912446

Of course the dirty indodog is chasing more subs so she goes on BilliBilli. lol. She's that desperate

>> No.77912517

She's chasing more subs. It was probably her idea. She's tapped out on all the subs she can get from indo cucks and men in the west. She needs a new audience.

>> No.77912525

Did she actually? Holy shit she's a goddamn retard. No trust in her word

>> No.77912527

chinese economy is in the shitter right now.

>> No.77912577

And based if true

>> No.77912616
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>> No.77912847

They hide their youth unemployment rate and republished them with "new data".
China's import numbers do not match with data from exporters either, they stop using it.
Keep believing chinese numbers.

>> No.77912866

Money is money, burgers talk about hating zhangs all the time but they will still take their money. This is no different.

>> No.77913126

I'm not going to harass her, but I'm also not going to defend her when she inevitably makes some dumb mistake and all the bug men come after her.

>> No.77913255

Yeah, in that case I'll flip those bastards the bird the middle finger is a reference to China's One-child Policy btw

>> No.77913955

>this shouldn't happen because they are going to harass and cancel the Holo talents
>I'm going to harass and cancel a Holo talent instead
I don't get it.

>> No.77914316

go back to nyfco sister. fuck you and your drama obsession.

>> No.77914493


>> No.77914546

If you were to jump into the water, would you survive the blast?

>> No.77914569

noone's harassing or cancelling her, we're just unsubbing and no longer supporting her.

>> No.77914598

So cancelling her.

>> No.77914691

Why is kobo the onlyone being targeted people don't give a shit about ID. Why isn't nobody giving Matsuri shit since she's the one who could do some actual damage by persuading her coworkers to do b2.

>> No.77914744

Noone's preventing her from working or streaming.

>> No.77914753

Then unsub quit being a whiney bitch shitting on her on the comments.

>> No.77914756
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>no one

>> No.77914760

They're cancelling their own subs. She's free to pursue the Chinaman on her whim, much like La+ was free to pursue twitch men.
Plenty of people would indeed cancel her foray into China if they had the opportunity and power though.

>> No.77915107

Already did unsub and I've only commented about it here, take a flight of escalators zhang.

>> No.77915162

what drama have i missed now? clue a fellow
sister in

>> No.77915228

dont her parents control her money

>> No.77915253


>> No.77915280

Me neither, although there definitely will be some dumbfucks who will take it to that extent just by virtue of how large the fanbase is, falseflagging or not. It definitely falls into weird collective trauma, which is fine, but it's resulted in this distrorted stance of
>no Kobo, don't, you're betraying Coco, I'm out! even if they probably didn't watch her to begin with
instead of
>nah Kobo how about you try not burning yourself like Coco did

>> No.77915813

I don't like this myself but I don't see why Cover can't pull out if things don't work out or try to make their own deal where the CCP isn't up their asses.

That Gura hasn't been mass attacked for her Taiwan outreach is one good sign at least.

>> No.77916176

Foreigners can't own businesses on their own in china, they have to have joint ownership with a chinese national and a member of the CCP has to be on the board. They also have no way to deal with the bots spamming chat and twitter tags filled with gore and cp.

>> No.77916340

How come people didn't learn anything from the soviet union? Especially after Tscherobyl.
They will publish anything but the truth.
China could be close to a financal collapse and they would claim they have the best economy in the world.

>> No.77916350

>Moving the goalposts
You're still trying to cancel her.

>> No.77916427
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I see sisters are already trying to mitigate the damage that the financial report will bring.

>> No.77916546

the only innocent one was yogiri

>> No.77916587

Kobo should renounce her Indonesian citizenship and become fully mainland chinese.

>> No.77916672

Chinese numbers are always cooked anon
The reason why people know they were cooked is because that companies who regularly interact with China noticed it
Unless you're in the manufacturing sector, you only deal with China because it provides "eyes on the ground" and people deal with it because of how opaque China is with statistics

>> No.77917013

She loved her design (which is the only salvageable thing from Finana) and happened back then when NijiEN debuted.
If anything you should trust her more, Fubuki deep down is like any of the perverse fucks here talking of impregnating the 2DLives, not the talents themselves.

>> No.77917373

Is this like simulcasting where she is on YouTube and the chinese knockoff at the same time or are her other fans going to lose out on streams like FWMC and Japan?

>> No.77918995

I always thought indo ppl hates china. Didn't they killed a lot of Chinese back in the 1990s riot?

>> No.77920278

Isn't trying to cancel someone trying to get others to hate her and unsub? I didn't read the whole reply chain but just unsubing yourself and no longer supporting is not the same as trying to cancel someone

>> No.77920383

Fubuki shilled some random Finana Minecraft stream back in like 2021. Never interacted at all in any other way. Still the most inexplicable shilling of a stream ever

>> No.77920702

>Chinese economy in the shitter
>China owns 70% of USA

>> No.77920830

sister she mogging all of nijiEN and miload in bilibili

>> No.77920898

I don't know what kobo did, no one watches kobo because she is a fag enabler

>> No.77921100

>least obvious falseflagger

>> No.77921237

The peculiarities of economics mean both statements can be true at once.

>> No.77922077

Harassing people is not my style. She just joins the list of holos that are dead to me. Won't watch them. Won't watch collabs with them in it. Won't watch their clips. Won't buy merch that includes them. Unsubscribe. Unfollow. Won't talk about them. Won't think about them. Your attention and your money are what they care about and the best way to express your displeasure is to take your attention and your money away from them.
Harassment is weak, fleeting, and easily ignored. Mean words pale in comparison to the existential dread they will feel as they think everything is fine, but watch their numbers slip away. Psychological warfare. Chuubas are all numberfags at heart and that's how you hurt them the most.

>> No.77922465

fuck off sister , you never watched and never will watch streams

>> No.77922504

I'm not a racist incel so I have zero problems

>> No.77922590


>> No.77922606

>Harassment is weak, fleeting, and easily ignored. Mean words pale in comparison to the existential dread they will feel as they think everything is fine, but watch their numbers slip away. Psychological warfare. Chuubas are all numberfags at heart and that's how you hurt them the most.
Uncertain if falseflag but UNFATHOMABLY BASED MINDSET even if I'll probably consume Kobo's content about the same as I did before this shit. i.e. hardly ever

>> No.77922626

>defending the chink carpet muncher

>> No.77922817

that was most likely a a retweet thinking it was someone else, since fubuki never once ever talked or responded to the whore

>> No.77922907

The Chinese are also human

>> No.77923068


>> No.77923148

Meds, schizo.

>> No.77923219

ant feet typed these words

>> No.77923231

Nice try, bugman. But we can see through you.

>> No.77924066
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>increasingly more income

>> No.77924187

someone posted kobo's members' shit where she bitches about no money or members' or something and there is a super low number of likes. kobo legit fucked herself by fag enabling

>> No.77925135

Hitting a bit close to home I see

>> No.77927558

No. Kobo fucked herself because in the beginning she was pandering a lot to sea kids. And we all know how that ends.

>> No.77928012

wait, it should be Towa because she is Taiwanese

>> No.77928106

it was the fag enabling. every single time its the fag enabling only homobeggers deny this. look at bae, her numbers are also shit from fag enabling and the fag lovers just throw her under the bus and say she sucks when that clearly isn't the case. fag enable, pay the toll

>> No.77928170


>> No.77928236

Strange how so many alleged men can constantly act like catty, irrationally jealous bitches.

>> No.77928380

>He thought men becoming women only applied to trans people

>> No.77928440

yeah, I thought not

>> No.77928487

>mainlanders also feel hurt and betrayed because Coco mentioned something sensitive to them.
Ah, yes, mainlanders got upset that someone dared recognize what Taiwan is instead of just giving it to mainland China so they threw a fucking fit, that's the exact same as the literal year plus of harassment the talents received because of a difference in kanji meaning between Chinese and Japanese.

Fuck off

>> No.77928520

I'm not defending miload , sister

>> No.77928569

so you don't have an argument or a dick and are instead throwing out insults. Kobo's numbers went to shit because she fag enables. no one wants to watch fag shit. all holostarfags should be terminated
don't call them people

>> No.77928662

>fag enabling
Is this some new words twitter trannies are using, first its sexpest than this. I swear everytime i see this kinda of post you retards act more like sisters than the sisters themselves.

>> No.77928704

I wasn't trying to respond to your dumbassery, I was just making an independent observation that you've only provided more evidence for.

>> No.77928781

>Bae numbers are shit
>mogs everything nijien shits out
Sister ....

>> No.77928827

Reminder that West-Taiwan doesn't get a say in what Main-Taiwan does, because even their own government explicitly /only/ sees them as replaceable machine parts

>> No.77928957

>unikeks can't stop taking Ls

>> No.77929032

why would trannies say fag enabling? fag enabling is what westboro baptist church says fag enablers are doing
you got btfo'd, you were proven to not have a toilet or a dick, you were proven to phone post and you were proven to eat curry made by some guy who hasn't washed his hands in 10 years that even literal africans make fun of

>> No.77929057

kobo has a set of props she can pull up to make her stream more entertaining and people seethe over that, it's hilarious how retarded some people are for being unable to admit they're just jealous

>> No.77929111

literally all of niji are fag enablers you retard
what Ls? Kobo is poor as shit. the new EN girls won't interact with the faggots and the EN fags won't interact with the girls. we won, india lost

>> No.77929189

adding a faggot to a stream makes it unwatchable, not better or more entertaining. only trannies, indians and cucks enjoy watching male streamers

>> No.77929249

Didn't someone among the game devs get pissed off that they were streaming their game and tried to pull back the permissions? This is entirely off foggy memory, so I could be wrong.

>> No.77929307

calm down unikek, you'll turn into a sister at this rate

>> No.77929374

I didn't know

>> No.77929479

Rent free.

>> No.77929760
File: 80 KB, 824x824, 1685354014904576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome back, Hololive!

>> No.77929912 [DELETED] 

keep seething there, fag enabler. you don't have an argument you just love dick and curry made by some fag who hasn't washed his hands in 20 years

>> No.77930046

This is what happens when you don't send your children to school. They turn into a permanently online mentally damaged buzzword generating monkey who has no idea what the fuck it's talking about. Shame on your fucking parents.

>> No.77930177

By harassing the talent....That's not saving hololive, that's objectively trying to hurt it.

>> No.77930184

>Rent free
>only sisters would shitpost holo vs holo
they are not sending their best

>> No.77930386

Boycott =/= Cancel culture
On the surface, both boycotting and cancellation is mainly disagreeing with a group's direction, followed by separation and wanting the group to change their ways. The anons no longer supporting Kobo and leaving her to her own devices are boycotting her. Cancelling Kobo is when anons not only separate themselves from Kobo, but demand that she get removed from Holo for her choices. The anons talking about only unsubbing aren't moving goalposts, they're just against her decision to attempt to connect with China, but do not want to take any active measures that could potentially harm her and would rather just let things pass to see what happens. If they're bitching about it in Kobo's chat, then you can argue that falls within cancel culture.

>> No.77931536

No one is harassing her, but they sure wish for her to be harassed so they can prove their point

>> No.77931568

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, retard.

>> No.77931657

Yeah, bug sympathizers want her to be harassed so they can say "look you guys are just the same as them". The day of the escalator is coming.

>> No.77931692
File: 19 KB, 400x400, Doodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normal human
>sub-human cockroach infesting the Earth
>the same

>> No.77931720
File: 59 KB, 681x439, 133337572257uyy6o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boycott =/= Cancel culture

>> No.77931727

I liked when Kobo said Bing Chilling

>> No.77931776

yes no 56

>> No.77931965

So Fubuki has good taste? Based.

>> No.77932331

>mfw fag enabler was so upset xe reported my post for correctly naming xis favorite food near me
only monkeys are the beggar fags who like watching the homos stream

>> No.77932571

This applies to both sides, one because they want cover to finally learn the lesson, the other one because the reason you mentioned

>> No.77932654

Never forget
Never forgive
We are legions

>> No.77932981

>Say the wrong thing at the wrong time and you're national enemy #1.
How exactly is China different from the United States except in which sacred topics you are not allowed to mock? Hololive talents already have to avoid a huge list of topics so adding Taiwan isn't that much of a difference.

>> No.77932996

>see they're both the same
Already called it sis. You can be upset with this decision out of a desire to not see the other talents get harassed when this predictably goes to shit once again.

>> No.77933076
File: 249 KB, 888x888, 1694592903634936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So dramatic lmao

>> No.77933438
File: 60 KB, 1080x722, 589354685566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77933440

Ah, the typical whataboutism approach from a china defender.

>> No.77934353

Think Cover is stupid enough to allow chinese fans to run official accounts again?

>> No.77934418

Of course

>> No.77934519

>if you breath you're no different than degenerates since they breath too
Are you retarded?

>> No.77934584

Burgers arent any better yes, but the thing is burgers talk alot of shit /here/ but when it comes down to it, they wont do anything, leave some hate comment on a burner or send a retard condom supa sure, but not literal cyber attacks like what the zhangs did.

>> No.77934751
File: 197 KB, 318x343, 1691925815328087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then kobosharts wonder why noone likes them

>> No.77934819

If you're unhappy, tell them so.

>> No.77935139

We fall again, we fall again
We fall againnnnnnn
We fall again

>> No.77935467
File: 425 KB, 997x781, sadge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chloe burbank
thanks for reminding me anon

>> No.77935484

Nobody will really harass Kobo hard.
If anything it will be the mainlanders if any of the Holos """"fuck up"""" (from the stupid POV of the average mainlander chuuba watcher) again.
And we will be back to the Coco situation with a gorillion bots, deepfakery and falseflagging until COVER does a move again but this time I can see them actually bending the knee and graduating the girl instead of backing down again and just because of the whole investor pressure that they didn't have back when the Taiwan incident happened.
So, in a way, if this goes awry, Kobo will effectively "filter herself" out by just fucking up once but I won't be surprised if Matsuri fucks up before for something completely unrelated that mainlanders might think is related to them somehow.

>> No.77936998

>I don't understand how people keep making the same stupid mistakes.
Unironic gambling addict mentality. "Surely THIS time I'll win!"

>> No.77937186

Nothing will happen besides antis using this as ammo, reason why Coco was targeted was because she is a burger. Haachama did the same and nothing really happened. Kobo has chink blood and is from ID a country that has recently been on friendly terms with China. Festival is japanese.

>> No.77937299

I'm going to harass her in bed, by harass I mean 'have sex'
Her too

>> No.77937489

i don't even watch her could care less

>> No.77937588

Were you not around when Coco was being harassed?

>> No.77937690

The child were sold to further fatten the rabbits. The foolish masses further attacked the pitiful child with slander and insults. The aristocratic rabbits, safe in their havens, guffawed while they greedily amassed wealth. Fujiya and Bandai are the main sponsors of USAGIKAKEIKAKU. You should go out into the world and learn about how society really works.


>> No.77937880

also kobo can speak mandarin and that greatly softens the chinks

>> No.77938427
File: 232 KB, 452x600, 1718162414477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chat is this real

>> No.77938455

So finally there will be one Indonesian graduation?

>> No.77938558
File: 299 KB, 603x1613, 1700210553001581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are zhangs are so spiteful?

>> No.77938688

Why are you so esl and why do you wear a tiny hat?

>> No.77938742


>> No.77938989

Does Taiwan also uses Bilibili? If not, what do they watch shit on? Honestly, they should have marketed this towards Taiwan, not China.

>> No.77939156
File: 21 KB, 621x135, image-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thank you for knowing china fans still exist in your heart but streaming here might give you more stress. It's better if you take care of your core fanbase, we are ok and don't really matter.

The purest chumbud.

>> No.77939598

They watch youtube, like regular people.

>> No.77939812

Why the fuck then just not do a Chinese language oriented stream on YouTube? You can market it towards being for Taiwan, EN and ID fans won't seethe, Cocofans won't seethe, Taiwanfrens will be happy, etc.
It's not like you can sell merch or do events in China, even if you expand your corebase on Bilibili.

>> No.77940082

they've already said nigga and played the tranny game no one cared

>> No.77940139

>Why the fuck then just not do a Chinese language oriented stream on YouTube?
Because the goal here was to explicitly cater to the Chinese who cannot use youtube, Hence why people are rightfully pissed.

>> No.77940528

the company - JP
the person of interest - ID
the martyr - EN
the adversary - CN

fight fight fight!

>> No.77941865

>we dont really matter *crying emoji*
Guess there are a few real fans left, probably watching youtube using vpn.

>> No.77943768

I don't think she cares

>> No.77943906

Cover never cared about Taiwan. They figured out how small the market is after all the recent events they held in Taiwan. China is the way to go.

>> No.77944301

>Boycott is when I do it. Cancelling is when they do it.

>> No.77944494
File: 415 KB, 972x1728, Kobo_Kanaeru_by_Hizaki_Gamma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kobo's III mogged Shitkiro
>Kobo's Help!!! mogged Gura's new dogshit song
The best thing about this is that Kobo will be rich from the Chinese money and at the same time she's talented and popular enough to BTFO that 1view shitter MV Gurashits. Flopshark is afraid and SHOOKED by Kobo.

>> No.77944571

"Tsunami is a banger" - President Obama

>> No.77944869

>Niji sisters are the worst, they anti and harass the talents anytime they do something the sisters don't agree with
>Holo fans: Lemme try some of that

>> No.77945183 [DELETED] 

>chinese money

>> No.77945295

This is a little different. The harassment isn't to protect the company, it's to protect the other girls when(not if) shit hits the fan. People know they can handle themselves, they don't need protecting.
But old heads know how hard and how long they got harassed by antis because of what Haachama and Coco did by accident. We know they won't stop at one HoloMem, they will spread. And it only "ended" once Coco graduated.
Never again. Never an inch. Stop it at the root. And if that root looks like a cute little shaman girl, then it's a regrettable decision but for the sake of the girls, another graduation is imminent.

>> No.77945437

Yeah no need to harass, just stop watching her and let the numbers she likes so much speak for themselves.

>> No.77945657

Lil bro is so shook that Kobo is going to steamroll his flopshark. He's scared to death, he's scared to look.

>> No.77945706

SEA coded posts

>> No.77945836

>Lil bro
kill yourself twitter nigger

>> No.77945903

No need to harass her. Just wait for her to fuck up and have all the chinks do it instead.
However, if that happens and it ends up affecting the other girls, I will unironically anti her.

>> No.77945957

I mean... >>77945209

>> No.77946321

as long they didnt drag my oshi into that I'm fine

>> No.77946349

Cowardly hearts and straight up shook ones, shook ones
You ain't a crook, son, You just a shook one.
Kobo won

>> No.77946434 [DELETED] 

You expect some /pol/ burger to know who mobdeep is?

>> No.77946678

Given that there is functionally no difference between cancelling a membership and letting a membership lapse, did I cancel Amelia Watson when my credit card expired and I decided not to renew my membership?

>> No.77946747

as a sukonbu fuck you kobo bitchass sea monkey

>> No.77946772

I can just tell what kobo is thinking about this
>oh no one is in china... Im close to china, i stream nice, they will like me too, just like before :D

I have no qualms about kobo trying to tap into the chinese market, good market IS good market. I just fear that all this is going to blow up in her face considering how volatile their internet communities are and she get harassed for being blissfully naive

>> No.77947107

I doubt they're even burgers. All I need to know is that they are all just spineless crooks from the shook crews.
