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77915229 No.77915229 [Reply] [Original]

WarGreymon Wednesdays

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon™

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>77902202

>> No.77915299

This is better than wifey Wednesday, you cooked well.

>> No.77915372

I still think we should drop themed days in general. It's suppose to be a celebration of shondo but all it leads to is shitposting.

>> No.77915416


>> No.77915438
File: 179 KB, 413x418, 1694562346467404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shonfairy on my dick

>> No.77915441

everything leads to shitposting in this thread

>> No.77915477

i think we should continue timelooping the themed days until we find something else to timeloop

>> No.77915502

You should post something meaningful like them or don't post at all
There are shitposts either way but at least with this system we get more cute themed art of wifey. It was actually going well for the first few days until the ESLchamas started shitting themselves

>> No.77915507

Which is why anything community driven here is an awful idea.

>> No.77915546

what did you post in the discord hmm?

>> No.77915576

It's wifey wednesday faggot's fault

fuck him for changing the original plan

>> No.77915685

so this is what she has been working on the last 2 months...

>> No.77915692

which one of you faggots is playing league larping as shondo

>> No.77915716

I didn't post anything. I started to but ended up rambling for about twice as long as abcs without being as coherent.

>> No.77915729

Thats not wifey wednesday but desu i dont hate it

>> No.77915731

doing random words that start with W wednesday is a funny idea we should keep doing that

>> No.77915743

if it was me the account would have 100% ezreal

>> No.77915747

Probably the same one that larps as shondo in the discord too.

>> No.77915773


>> No.77915812

There is a difference between meaningful and redundancy that equates to attentionwhoring.
There is no reason to write that much when he said what everyone else said multiple times.

>> No.77915826

I see its back to attention whore season

>> No.77915874

Shondo would main Jhin, Graves, Darius, Garen and Rengar

>> No.77915885

it was bound to happen as her activity increases

>> No.77915940

no shit, she's about to start streaming again. it's prime time to try and stand out again and return to the behavior that stressed her out before.

>> No.77916001

I used to main Jhin when I played

>> No.77916028
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kek. ok that's pretty funny.

>> No.77916056

She got her pussy reupholstered by Lolina so now she has a much higher capacity for stress.

>> No.77916059

There is a difference between something meaningful and redundancy, which equates to attention-whoring. This difference between meaningfulness and redundancy is clear because redundancy is just attention-whoring. When someone writes too much, especially when they write the same thing that has been said by others multiple times, it is unnecessary and redundant. There is no reason to write so much when he has just repeated what everyone else has already said multiple times. Writing that much, when it's just what has already been said, is redundant and serves no purpose other than attention-whoring. Therefore, the act of writing excessively, particularly when the content is redundant and has already been expressed by others, is purely attention-whoring.

>> No.77916069

i used to main kayle but quit playing league cause most games were over before i could even get my win condition

>> No.77916070

apparently my wife was playing league all this time while pretending to take a break to work on projects, this brat...

>> No.77916088

spill the tea xister

>> No.77916091

gossiping with other men who want to fuck your wife is considered love? at least you have group support to help you become chat

>> No.77916135

not reading

>> No.77916144

>she's about to start streaming again
lol irl

>> No.77916161

you're a funny shogga

>> No.77916175

>asexual flag in pfp

>> No.77916182


>> No.77916189

Now I'm starting to think it wasn't someone using her name, that's something she would do if she played this game

>> No.77916199

who else got banned

>> No.77916200

Follow the Snowman

>> No.77916291

The actual Shondo would be a lot funnier
I'm glad that I know she's doing well since it means I can laugh at the Shondog stream again

>> No.77916321

it'd be cheating if you didn't know, but since you do know it's a group cuck

>> No.77916344

Shondo hates league and considers playing it a sin. Watch streams.

>> No.77916355

shondo fucking killed shondog merely for a joke

>> No.77916394

its funny because if a newfag said that they would get banned

>> No.77916416

The irony is this response being redundant as hell.

>> No.77916418

League players hate league more than she ever will

>> No.77916454


>> No.77916524


>> No.77916610

It was epic, she's based for not letting her personal pet trauma get in the way of being funny

>> No.77916645

>missing the joke within the joke

>> No.77916674


>> No.77916676

Boring all he does is sperg out about blue archive

>> No.77916686

Check the discord.

>> No.77916770
File: 48 KB, 500x437, DoTheShomie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77916821

God I want to make an alt and report offline chat to the mods so fucking bad. Yall are sperging out for no reason

>> No.77916861

do it on main pussy

>> No.77916883

they wouldn't hesitate to do it to you

>> No.77916923

This is a very pathetic post. Either do it or leave offline chat.

>> No.77916932

fetishising or making fun of stuff is just the way she copes with trauma. That's also why she sees herself as a loli being mistreated by dangerous men, why she laughed when she mentioned the anti-loli brigade tweeter drama, etc.

>> No.77916991

>caring about offline chat enough to report it
>being such a pussy that you can't even do it on your main and want to make an alt
congrats on being the worst anon in the thread so far.

>> No.77916995

If you have something to report do it on main. Why are you this cowardly? Or is it something you know isn’t worth the mods time?

>> No.77917008

It was fine until people got nasty with the guy. What the fuck is wrong with you niggers

>> No.77917110

Humor is OP when it comes to countering to trauma

>> No.77917148
File: 352 KB, 512x638, 1717708482392808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wifey wednesday doko

>> No.77917186

Wow they really got to you, huh
Nade nade

>> No.77917195

everyone in offline chat is so autistic

>> No.77917199

>insinuating shondo is racist and bully is not worth the mods time
lol irl

>> No.77917270

Everyday is a wifey day, stop trying to make this happen.

>> No.77917272

Nevermind im going to wait for retro to sperg out first

>> No.77917283

Shondo's been accused of much worse things.

>> No.77917308

not by her fans like this

>> No.77917313

If that’s the case and it is worth their time report it on main pussy

>> No.77917314

why'd we get so mean to the fella? you guys are jerks. what would wifey think?

>> No.77917352

she would be with someone irl ideally but she is also stupid and doesn't believe in herself
she is wrong

>> No.77917366

>uuuu people are so mean to me when I make it obvious I'm from /here/ uuuuuuuu

>> No.77917390


>> No.77917421
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be nise, no fighting remember? WeirdCat

>> No.77917509

she's british and a youknowwhat it'd be weird if she didn't make fun of the coloreds

>> No.77917548

That tourist is /here/ ?

>> No.77917605

for all of the last two months unfortunately

>> No.77917672

but enough about tuff

>> No.77917788

i luv shondo

>> No.77917864

She could have married a rich guy by now and fucked off forever but she chose us instead

>> No.77917901

nice account dacrin

>> No.77918015

that rich guy? me

>> No.77918019 [DELETED] 

me and shondo >>>/wsg/20566004

>> No.77918046

donate $400 right now

>> No.77918100

me and shondo >>>/ck/20566004

>> No.77918108

said what

>> No.77918121

>tourist was talking about the most recent game
>Viktor main
>auto-filled into Jungle
>picks Yi and calls people slurs during the game
gigabased, i wish that was my wife doing that

>> No.77918137

Change your pants first.

>> No.77918197

I'm sorry you ruined your chances with her Hydro, I wouldn't wish that fate on my worst enemy

>> No.77918225

ok i did it now what

>> No.77918273

I don't believe you.

>> No.77918293

>for playing league
your ngmi levels are off the charts

>> No.77918315

maybe she picked a guy that wasn't rich enough

>> No.77918359

i hope you can overcome your trust issues shogga, but you're right i didn't

>> No.77918395

no, she cant get a traditional rich guy because a traditional rich guy can get a woman who doesnt have a cocktail of mental illnesses and has a body that is conventionally attractive. shondo is just trying to bully people with the 'rich guy' meme. she needs to find a rich man who desires her, which means she has to find an oiler who can handle her issues.

>> No.77918399

hey if you're gonna play that shit game you may as well act like a bastard and win your games anyways

>> No.77918405

Gary will win.

>> No.77918441

stop posting about yourself

>> No.77918571

Maybe you’re Gary telling yourself to stop posting

>> No.77918576

Femoid hands typed this. You can tell because she thinks a woman without a cocktail of mental illnesses exists and because she's downplaying Shondos attractiveness. you don't understand what men want, sandwitch

>> No.77918601
File: 446 KB, 511x549, 1684203671521123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's my fute bagel

>> No.77918602

*walter white gif*

>> No.77918726

Unlikely. He can’t compete with oldfag walltexting

>> No.77918778
File: 172 KB, 960x1234, 1717895026322090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77918799

>tfw your husband cohort has finally obtained oldfag status

>> No.77918838

Oldfags fear him so much they banned him on the spot. They're scared of the genuine autism.

>> No.77918899

>white ribbons are considered oldfags now

>> No.77918906

when is the "Derek yourself until other people do it for you" meta going to end

>> No.77918936

When there are no more threads

>> No.77918944

im an honorary oldfag

>> No.77918951

whats with the random offline chat infestation
u guys bored?

>> No.77918978

We're going to be better than the last group of oldfags and show her that forever really does mean forever

>> No.77918988

>i miss her
>me too
>only just followed

>> No.77918992

>Wife scared away all the genuine oldfags by becoming everything she mocked

>> No.77919002

Gary on offline chat

>> No.77919022

you have to move on fleece

>> No.77919028

subathon husbands seem to be the most loyal group

>> No.77919088

The other ban probably is his main wow.

>> No.77919106
File: 371 KB, 624x467, Drew1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's an alt.

But whose alt is it anyway?

>> No.77919113

the rich oiler? me

>> No.77919132

stop posting about yourself

>> No.77919144

This is exactly why she needs to make ribbons a single color.
Even if she discourages the ratrace, you faggots still find ways to create one. An embarrassing lot if you actually think this way.

>> No.77919161

im still here arent i? of course im loyal

>> No.77919231

most* of us were waiting months until it happened to actually subscribe
(*or at least me and four others)

>> No.77919333

newfag hands typed this post

>> No.77919452

bee Nise

>> No.77919598
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE fallenshadow!!!!!!!!! i cant wait for her to come back to me! its felt like an eternity! i could wait another eternity! i would wait forever for you shondo! i love you!!!!

>> No.77919646

oh that really is gary

>> No.77919808

Fleece always seemed like a league player

>> No.77919813

While i'm glad that she's close to coming back. I still don't like the fact she hasn't really learned her lesson about taking on too many projects at once. I'd hate for these breaks to become a yearly tradition. Didn't she take a month off as well last year to get more work done? and no, i'm talking about the mental absence in April. She's been over that since early May.

>> No.77919818

I had my suspicions but.

>> No.77919894

speedrunning twitch ban now

>> No.77919895

*not talking about

>> No.77919909

her work break where she finished a few asmr videos was last year in may

>> No.77920073

I think he really does have some sort of mental illness. Not the funny haha type but real mental deficiency

>> No.77920075

Her backlog is immense, I think it's smart that she's using her manic energy to blow through as much of it as she can.

>> No.77920143

Gary is the Inis of Shondophrenics. He won't stop until he's banned on every platform.

>> No.77920187

What’s he done to get banned other than being autistic?

>> No.77920312

He spammed the art tag on twitter. That's about it. Really I just think husbands are afraid of a potential Chris Chan situation with him since he appears to be that type of autist.

>> No.77920343

Imagining FE going /here/, twitter, and YouTube, solely to point out the worst of the fandom to Shondo and laugh at her. Then suggest new ways for her to milk money from us that she'll unfortunately refuse.

>> No.77920365

i hope they ban (you) next
fucking hate that sperg

>> No.77920526

I agree

>> No.77920566

shondo should ban everyone including (me) and (you)

>> No.77920593

new lore video is about Shondo killing (you) then the husband trials will officially start

>> No.77920614

but im not ready.... I still need another year to prepare

>> No.77920764

You've got three weeks.
Screenshot this post.

>> No.77920829


>> No.77921031

you're right but why would anyone admit something like that?

>> No.77921103

>replying to a vtuber anti account
What the fuck is she doing

>> No.77921169

>she discourages the ratrace
even though she tells you exactly how to win her various rat races

>> No.77921252

at least change your typing style, femoid

>> No.77921301

Looking at offline chat. Did abcs really just make two shitpost alts specifically to give them gift subs? what a waste of $10 for a joke.

>> No.77921332

>>she discourages the ratrace
>even though she tells you exactly how to win her various rat races
bro are you having a stroke

>> No.77921344

shitting on your own posts is weird

>> No.77921392

There’s a funnier joke that abcs completely missed. And cheaper.

>> No.77921399

you really are an embarrassing lot

>> No.77921437

name 10

>> No.77921439

$10 to make wifey laugh is a pretty good deal

>> No.77921547

it's more embarrassing that you had to come to /shon/ of all places for an ego boost
go practice a hobby anon

>> No.77921582

I doubt she's looking at the offline chat. Has she even lurked there in the past 3 weeks? seems more focused on twitter and discord

>> No.77921735

she'll see it eventually and get a cute giggle out of it

>> No.77921777

no one cares abcs

>> No.77921853

OK, incel.

>> No.77921862

>no one cares abcs
>he says after people start talking about my joke before I even click into the thread

>> No.77921895

no one cares abcs

>> No.77921897

this sub gift jokes are getting old and this time isn't even funny

>> No.77921954

>i turn off like/retweet notifications because i only had them on in case shondo liked my replies
>the next day shondo starts liking replies
shondo get out of my head

>> No.77921969

You don't have to like it, because Shadow is going to love it

>> No.77922012

She'll like the $10 you wasted yes.

>> No.77922111

That's not as much as you think it is, especially when it's going towards our wifey's smile.

>> No.77922161


>> No.77922180

Either youre him or youre sucking him off for some reason. Both are equally pathetic to be posting about here

>> No.77922206

I'm here to observe mentally ill men enjoying and denying they enjoy sharing their groupon wife

>> No.77922237

AAAAAAAAA I want to hang out with my wife not just these discord chats

>> No.77922340

You seem very insecure. Good luck in 3 weeks.

>> No.77922342

fuck everything

>> No.77922442

love me groupon wife, simple as

>> No.77922522
File: 1.18 MB, 1098x1020, 1692823140332544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit i'm stoopid. I fell for it. Well played Shondo twitter like.

>> No.77922639

Mr.Dewdhole how are you THIS retarded

>> No.77922670

I think thats it. I think this finally finished off my love for her

>> No.77922751

You never loved her, you just wanted to fuck her.

>> No.77922760

Remember that time there was a vote whether to keep /shon/ up during her hiatus, the vote to pause the general won, but the baker continued anyway

>> No.77922888

Why would you expect anything else? There's a reason we're the part of the community she actively avoids

>> No.77922950

she would tell her to marry me (im rich) and shondo would read my cute posts about her

>> No.77923051

over 1000 messages in the 10 minutes she talked
I cant do it sorry shondo

>> No.77923158

not /here/ btw syadouClueless

>> No.77923232


>> No.77923269


>> No.77923309

Ive been saying I want her to rule with an iron fist for weeks. She read my posts

>> No.77923422

I want to rule shondo with an iron fist

>> No.77923432

She actually read my posts, I'm winning the race right now

>> No.77923448

yes no shit shogga we don't need to loop this every single time it happens

>> No.77923493

all me

>> No.77923554

I want Shondo to fist me

>> No.77923714

I honestly dont think I can do it anymore, im sorry shondo

>> No.77923778

syadouWave just look back on the good parts of forever, cya

>> No.77923888

What did she do?

>> No.77923902

it's work, she filtered the first one. keep going shondo you're doing great

>> No.77923957

hiatus just got extended to birthday stream

>> No.77923981

what now?

>> No.77923988

You're right though. Shondomination is under way and the future looks bright

>> No.77924011

>>77923902 (me)
>it's working
fuck my esl ass

>> No.77924017

i keep missing her talking in the discord and the fags are to blame

>> No.77924171

I'll use the discord but only to talk to you, shondo.

>> No.77924200

I just gotta change my mindset. Stalking and not interacting with her is going to drive me insane. I guess im a stream only viewer now.
I'll say goodbye /shon/ and if I come back it will be as a failure. I hope you guys do well

>> No.77924225

expect everyone to turn into neosky in the discord now whenever she shows up trying to force a direct convo. hopefully she calls out blatant attention leeches that do that stuff

>> No.77924252

I warned you that she was going to start using discord a lot more back in May, why didn't you listen? Stoopid.

>> No.77924352

desu if you didn't see this coming after the chest pic sexpesting then you don't really know your wife and deserve to lose

>> No.77924375
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>wants to chat more with husbands
Yep, Shoggas won. Antis shitting their pants in rage rn.

>> No.77924503

Im glad she realized something is seriously wrong with her community but I dont know what she can do to fix it

>> No.77924576

It wasn't a problem until the stats anon exposed the blatant favoritism in numbers by posting the twitter replies data. She's actually /here/.

>> No.77924579

"i just dont want people to be "competing" for me though"
Shondo you know this is unrealistic. You have noble intentions to curb this but it is not something you will eliminate unless you have a sterner stance of jealousy. This better be what you mean with "all of you going to the gulag if i see any insecurity". Because this type of reinforcement is what we've needed for a long, long time.

>> No.77924594

>felt threatened by m*im*i
>start discordfagging
It fits.

>> No.77924701

do what she said. crack down on the people that constantly expect her to cater only to them or treat her like their personal attention dispenser

>> No.77924709


>> No.77924749

>anon who claimed to email her a list of super regulars and begged her to switch from twitter to discord actually did it
you faggot you have done irrepairable damage to fleshposting

>> No.77924759

So anyone who replies to her?

>> No.77924807


>> No.77924819

she can just fleshpost on discord retard

>> No.77924877

lmao irl at these antis shitting themselves trying to figure out how they can possibly make my beautiful wife look bad in this situation.


>> No.77924929

pretty sure she knows wanting to "compete" is natural and the fact she focused on mentioning jealousy and insecurity after mentioning people having quotas means it is targeted more at the people who shit the bed over not getting personal attention. that has been the main issue when it comes to her interacting with us pretty much forever

>> No.77924937

I love how all this general is basically everything she just said is currently a problem thats been putting her down

>> No.77925043

Nobody says it outright though except for fleece

>> No.77925066
File: 1.34 MB, 947x1080, 1694034488387103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me though. I try to be nise. It's just that sometimes this thread is not so nise back.

>> No.77925197

nah they do they just come here to say it or only submit maros or stuff to the confession form crying about it

>> No.77925201

This has just motivated me more to work on myself harder and get some 3d bitch to make her jealous

>> No.77925204

Duh, these threads constantly exemplify all the reasons she gave for leaving the website
>Constant fighting
>Constant not niseposting
>Bitter ESLs and females everywhere
>Lower quality rrats every year
I think he means >>76675365 but I would like to believe she has a good spam filter on her email by now.

>> No.77925230
File: 59 KB, 391x383, syadouclueless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont like that she wants to post on discord because she somehow thinks that posting somewhere else suddenly stops the rat race :syadouPettan:, the only thing that will change now is that people will complain about missing her posts in discord :syadouBrainless:, so instead of not getting interaction from here you cant even interact with her :syadouWoozy:, clearly a massive improvement :syadouCopium:
But I'm happy that she wants to interact with us again :syadouLove:

>> No.77925260

Why "purple people eater"? Will she change our color to purple? kinda gay I'd rather be black

>> No.77925374

I think she has noticed that she barely engages with husbands outside of streams because of people like them and she wants to, but not on Twitter. But yeah, it's just going to cause Discord to go brrrrrr like on movie night.

>> No.77925396

I know we're all individuals, but as a collective, this general is so far beyond saving. I imagine it'll get worse with this "iron fist" approach, as more will get pushed out and find their way here
Before the hiatus half this thread would literally be tracking her likes and interactions, tallying who gets noticed most etc. Everything she just denounced

>> No.77925417

>I'd rather be black

>> No.77925428

it means only husbands in the discord get to be vored by her

>> No.77925461

this >>77924225

>> No.77925532

either that or nordic, everything else has to work harder for her to notice

>> No.77925555
File: 92 KB, 828x824, 92e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd rather be black

>> No.77925566

What is discord talking about? I can still see her likes

>> No.77925669
File: 68 KB, 969x969, 1687744182014697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could too until I refreshed. Now they're gone.

Naur...at least she's on discord now.

>> No.77925716

This is the worst timeline possible

>> No.77925733

>but I would like to believe she has a good spam filter on her email by now.


>> No.77925823

i guess i have to do art reps now to get dm privilege if shes not going to interact like normal
gosh darn it

>> No.77925847

nah this is the best possible way forward, I was worried she wouldn't be smart enough to see it for a bit. I won't underestimate wifey again

>> No.77925919
File: 3.92 MB, 560x350, whoawow[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fnme3mc.ogg].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice digits

>> No.77925941


>> No.77925972


>> No.77925975

How much of her fanbase would stay if she officially ended the marriage dynamic

>> No.77925976

This Twitter post convinced me that this brat needs to be wedgied so hard she screams https://twitter.com/vtubermemes/status/1800362716936146969

>> No.77926048

Don't make me remember the hotel kabedon you faggot

>> No.77926066

That's some interesting timing in all of this and her stance about the Likes given that she did go back to her tweet and only like a few more replies from us. GlueEater was one of them.
Now all of a sudden her favortism is more hidden kek

>> No.77926108
File: 297 KB, 492x614, 1717977438206999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't wedgie the nerdy brat.

>> No.77926139

She’s earned it

>> No.77926161

people with weak mental should probably leave /shon/ between now and her rereredebut stream

>> No.77926206

i know youre talking directly about me, just say my name next time

>> No.77926227

Thats everyone

>> No.77926329


>> No.77926334
File: 3.46 MB, 1600x1120, metal 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Virusbros here?

>> No.77926335
File: 296 KB, 1670x2000, 1717982697287854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to be with her in real life and thats just that. pretty simple really.

>> No.77926392
File: 8 KB, 575x493, bee nise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not though. If anything her recent messages prove that she doesn't want to get rid of it. She just wants husbands to be more nise to each other and stop being so competitive. Which is something she's been trying to preach for awhile now.

>> No.77926413

using woman hands (nina's?) was a nice touch

>> No.77926427

Kinda suprised that so little people are complaining about her discord messages, i guess the rrat that all antis are seething 2 views is actually true

>> No.77926436

At least I got stalked by her on Twitter. You gotta take your wins whenever you can.

>> No.77926459


>> No.77926467

I literally do not see how she can get people to stop competing for her attention and love when its a totally real marriage to both parties.

>> No.77926559

Post the other part to this image

>> No.77926696

Stop calling out the Middle East man, not cool

>> No.77926732

Which shoggas are going to break first from this?
I have $1000 on Ray

>> No.77926789
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>> No.77926812

Betting all my money on myself

>> No.77926865

I like this change but now I am so so so so anxious about talking in the server again
its the same performance anxiety I had during streams as a newfag but worse because she can read all my unfunny messages at her leisure without giving me some kind of feedback I can grow from uuuuuu this is so difficult but I will make rise to the challenge for you wifey

her manager at the hotel she worked at for about 2 weeks kabedon'd her in a utility closet to privately tell her to stop randomly bursting into tears in front of customers

>> No.77926914
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>> No.77926929

Shondo eating meat! so proud of her.

>> No.77926964


>> No.77927062


>> No.77927067

Ok I figured it out. If I block everyone on discord I will only see her posts. Sorry shoggas its not personal I just cant deal with your spam

>> No.77927146

oh i just noticed she talked in discord again
and i wasnt there
i hate this

>> No.77927173

if you end up staying here instead of moving to discord you should just admit that you're gayer than the fags who will be getting filtered out of the server over the next few months

>> No.77927197

You snooze you looze

>> No.77927217

It's ok, I'll allow you to block me because that's the same thing I did. I just have to bear the newfags that join the server once in a while

>> No.77927222
File: 9 KB, 376x115, 1707069468148394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so about that

>> No.77927287

just use the search function retardchama

>> No.77927288

>not sitting on your ass all day watching the discord in case a png e girl talks so you can spam to maybe get a response is losing
lol irl

>> No.77927306

the gif posting rule is the least enforced one, that's the only thing the channel is used for when there's nothing happening

>> No.77927317

She has worked at mcdonald, replesschama

>> No.77927350

it's not straying too far off topic... yet

>> No.77927354

I meant when shes actively chatting I cant keep up with everyone else spamming

>> No.77927410

instead you're sitting on your ass waiting for a dude to reply to you /here/

>> No.77927411

lol irl, will never happen

>> No.77927482

It just happened when she talked for 10 minutes. Over 1000 messages. Its already begun

>> No.77927550

Just realized I was 10x happier when she was gone, dang

>> No.77927597

Sounds like a guy who snost and lost

>> No.77927644

You know exactly what to do. It won't get better. It's a hard decision but it's for the best.

>> No.77927783

everyone already knows the worst offenders for it and she'll definitely notice it if she's going to be active more

>> No.77927886

eslchama people can work at multiple places in one life

>> No.77927899

She just liked my tweet. And I won't be dereked because no one can see her likes anymore. I take it back what I said about elon this is a great change.

>> No.77927946

No freaking way its the real Punch Cat twitter account. I follow you! Follow me back pls

>> No.77927982

she should just interact with only me and nobody else

>> No.77927999

holy shit punchcat! my wifes a big fan of yours

>> No.77928023

I regret doing the hotel reps.

>> No.77928024

>twitter likes are now DMs 3.0
keklmao irl

>> No.77928086

I'll just stick with my dm 1.0 privileges

>> No.77928132
File: 389 KB, 616x935, 1696164838330224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Common knowledge Elon is taking away the Likes
>Goes back to Like only a few select posts afterwards, only one husband
>Goes onto Dicksword to say "i dont like the way you have to directly reply to everyone or like stuff or whatever to acknowledge on twitter"
>"all of you going to the gulag if i see any insecurity"
>Wants to stop the "competition" between shoggers
Get ready for the most competition she will ever see now that she is able to hide the favortism even more.
The brainworms we have seen won't even compare to the previous arcs we have had, shoggers.

>> No.77928143
File: 12 KB, 454x90, 3489573458907345789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has never been more over than this. Rat racers, we lost. Turns out she was gay and didn't want to find an IRL husband after all. Showari da.

>> No.77928152

I believe you have been messaging a federal agent

>> No.77928156
File: 320 KB, 1024x1024, Celeborn_maor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me where is Fallenshadow for I much desire to speak with her.

>> No.77928233

>i lost the likes tab
its over for me

>> No.77928246

femboy go home

>> No.77928295

i hope i was on the list

>> No.77928313

She unironically has to open DMs now if husbands like GlueEater are getting exclusive Likes now. We're back to square-one on being fair again.

>> No.77928319

Holy fuck you cant even see the likes when you inspect someones post engagements. this is fucking disastrous

>> No.77928327

I dont know if she reads here but I wanted to thank Shondo for the girls kissing pictures

>> No.77928334


>> No.77928403

now read the rest of the context

>> No.77928469

If I dont get a like from her on one of my non reply tweets in a week i might just rope.
I feel like im going to pass out

>> No.77928482

Shondo isn't here but Shondo if you are here I would be very open to streams where we admire cute girls kissing and touching each other together like maybe a yuri VN where the lead characters look like you and Lolina haha

>> No.77928522

kek, keep these posts coming shogga

>> No.77928538

>leaving the website

>> No.77928586
File: 13 KB, 648x308, 1689150714163917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you were lying,...

>> No.77928649

idk it makes me feel better that we can trace You's design to her manager and pewdiepie. the worms from wondering if hydro influenced it would suck eggs

>> No.77928716

getting rid of the husband larp would just be a signal that its time to start really pursuing her because she was no longer interested in getting all of her social dopamine and romantic/sexual affirmation from a collective of men on the internet

>> No.77928722

I love my eveil wife doing all this as soon as twitter likes are removed

>> No.77928733

>Thinks she is ending the ratrace mentality
>Elon speeds it up by 1000% perfect with hidden Likes from shondo that no one else can see

>> No.77928783
File: 665 KB, 648x753, loli monke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wormfarmers going absolutely bananas over the discord announcement.

>> No.77928835

bananas is crazy

>> No.77928895

It was never fair. The only problem was her stating that she would try to divide the attention to everyone. She tried and it made her stop interacting as a whole because you simply can't hide the favoritism when it's there, and denying will not help either. I don't think it's her fault, that's how human beings and social interactions work.
DMs were the same thing. She likely didn't have a problem to respond some people, but others that she had a problem with were making it difficult because she felt she had to reply to everyone or no one to make it fair.

>> No.77928996

when I think I'm down bad for Shondo I see people going insane over likes and realize how worse I could be if I never got stream interaction. scary stuff

>> No.77929063

>It just happened when she talked for 10 minutes
use your brain, i was referring to the second part

>> No.77929097

Sorry I am very stoopid :>

>> No.77929132

But that is entirely what Likes have become now. It's something exclusive and personal and nobody else can even check if you got one from her.

>> No.77929147

it's alright shogga you're cute so i forgive you

>> No.77929153

This. I just want to go back to regular streams, not all this website shit and huge comeback stream with lore she spent 100 hours on.

>> No.77929211
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>> No.77929270

I wouldnt be this menhera if she was streaming regularly and I could talk to her in chat. I havent seen her in 2 months and now everything is changing. Sorry if I said some weird stuff im sure it will all work out eventually

>> No.77929277

I like her lore a lot and am excited to see her be excited about everything but yeah getting back into a comfy groove of spending time with her most days of the week is the goal

>> No.77929282

She doesn't have to worry about liking posts from husbands that she sees it on her TL anymore. That's a good thing.

>> No.77929394

She just told you to fuck yourself and stop being a little baby pussy

>> No.77929404

Some husbands even have follows from her. The dynamic has completely shifted as further away from fair than it ever has been.

>> No.77929407

I'm not sure where in the rest of the messages she confirmed that the rat race was still active and that she was infact searching for a partner. It has been debunked, the race has been cancelled.

>> No.77929434

Its fucking beginning. Im muting every single shogga on twitter that yaps into the void vaguely at her

>> No.77929484

That's nice, GlueEater.

>> No.77929504

The race wasn't canceled, it ended. I won.

>> No.77929540

Laughing Out Loud In Real Life

>> No.77929573
File: 6 KB, 360x81, crop rotation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are hidden likes pro-ratrace? nobody else can see them so nobody can derek, and any post where people say "see she just liked my post, i'm so in" can just be dismissed because you can just inspect element edit her twitter handle and avatar onto any set of likes or just re-use older likes.

>> No.77929587

I doubt it following someone makes that much of a difference on the algorithm, especially when you follow more than 1000 people. I always see posts from shoggas I don't follow on my TL. You either hit it or not.

>> No.77929594

We know, GlueEater.

>> No.77929643

I'm ABCs. Derek Thirf.

>> No.77929660

does this mean that the likes from earlier today were favoritism, because if so the outlook is grim. newfags, paypiggies and groomers only. very few likes for TRUE and HONEST husbands

>> No.77929687

This thread is about to get so much worse than it has been. I thought it was impossible, but its already happening

>> No.77929753

Elon, hide follows now so she can follow whoever she wants.

>> No.77929790

kek KEK

>> No.77929835

This is the last true /shon/ thread, whatever comes next will be different in a bad way

>> No.77929836

I can still see likes and it can only be 1 of 2 people
GlueEater or some nobody artist named nymphodelic daydream

>> No.77929894

Why would you need to mute them? Why are you following them?

>> No.77929938
File: 83 KB, 320x293, 1717927297943118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77929973

Kill yourself

>> No.77929976

or... hear me out... it's an old screenshot

>> No.77929987

cute doggie!!!!

>> No.77930000

The last true /shon/ thread was when shoggas voted to stop making them. Everything since has been anti threads.

>> No.77930002

Oh yeah :woz

>> No.77930085

nice digits but bad cope
true husbands soldiered on, posting about their wife

>> No.77930088 [DELETED] 

Just ignore the sound of babies crying over nonsense born out of their own insecurities. It's so silly

>> No.77930095

Do you think it would be funny if I liked every single shoggas tweet so it looks like shondo might have liked it?

>> No.77930115

>some 200cm nigger was in the closet alone with my wife before I've lived in the same country
I hate England

>> No.77930157

i thought about this. yes

>> No.77930179

kill yourself immigrant

>> No.77930189

It's pro-ratrace in the worst sense imaginable. You will have no idea if you will ever make something or say something worth a grain of her attention now. There isn't even a way for someone to know if they're appeasing her or not. It is completely cut and dry. This has pulled the ladder away for those who are already ahead. And we know pretty well who was there based on who she would always reply to first.

>> No.77930195

You made the right choice Shondo. Let the ratniggers seethe about it.

>> No.77930218
File: 2 KB, 276x28, betterwife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a new wife

>> No.77930234

you guys are getting worse at masking your homosexuality

>> No.77930244

when was the last time shondo showed us love

>> No.77930257

thats nise dewd

>> No.77930262

>You will have no idea if you will ever make something or say something worth a grain of her attention now.
you still get to see who liked your own post

>> No.77930345

she just hearted my tweet

>> No.77930372

you are a cuck country

>> No.77930381

unironically sums up this internet polycule larp

>> No.77930401

no she didnt

>> No.77930428

Correct. And you have no metric to go off of now if she is even giving a shit about you. You may as well give up trying to appease her after a year from here on out if you never get a Like from her.
Just imagine, a year from now and you never get a Like from her with this set up. Grim.

>> No.77930494

They followed me first I didnt want to be mean

>> No.77930508


>> No.77930511

hidden likes are a brilliant way to destroy the ratrace, because now she can just pitylike everything with complete abandon, and there is no way for people to assess without colluding(extremely gay(derogatory)) with one another to figure that out. people will see that she liked a post and be happy and never realize that she only liked it because she was in the middle of liking 18 other posts

>> No.77930558

>moving to a cuck country on purpose

>> No.77930598

every country is a cuck country

>> No.77930643

it sounds like you're just a cuck anon

>> No.77930706

I will save my wife from the cuck and abuser males there
shit on yourself

>> No.77930813

of course im a cuck, im a 'husband' of fallenshadow, the most non-working schizo loli vtweeter on the internet who enjoys the company of women very much

>> No.77930866

Just the western ones. That's what happens when you let (((them))) control your media.

>> No.77930888

you are bad at humor, don't pretend to be me

>> No.77930947

Consider: Whatever Wednesdays
make it a free-for-all

>> No.77930964

i wasn't joking, i was just stating the facts of the situation

>> No.77931079

dont bake until shontoes saturday

>> No.77931126

No, I won't let bread get that stale.

>> No.77931267

Shondo I expect the next discord outburst to include a set of requirements for being your IRL husband

>> No.77931320

you can't even check trips, not even dubs

>> No.77931406

you were stating your retardation

>> No.77931532
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NEW: >>77931495
