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77895683 No.77895683 [Reply] [Original]

Are you ready for the NEW Hololive China!

>> No.77895744


>> No.77895754

>using Kaela for shitposting

>> No.77895763

add Zeta, Reine, Risu, Anya, Bae

>> No.77895820

Bili dumping Anycolor stock deflection thread

>> No.77895932 [DELETED] 

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.77895960
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Why dramafags and phasekeks so concerned about Kobo streaming on B2?

>> No.77896009


>> No.77896181

Yeah, can't wait for my +99999 social points too

>> No.77896226

Telling someone to learn Chinese is like telling them to intentionally get a speech impediment and lose 20% of their IQ

>> No.77896231

>Depressed Nousagi
Why I'm not surprised..

>> No.77896283

I wonder where all these 'kobo' fans came from.... oh nyo, who could have seen this coming?

>> No.77896355

Do you realize that this means only 1/3 of HoloID is pribumi?

>> No.77896456

nijifags, dramafags, phasefags
who would have thought

>> No.77896517

Good, fuck em

>> No.77896580
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>shiori seethe out of nowhere
how does she do it?

>> No.77896824

*clap clap*
next bait

>> No.77896976

>if we cherry pick messages from 3 years ago and two one word messages they sent in Phase chats we can call them Phaseniggers
smartest numbermonkey

>> No.77897202

wait what?

>> No.77898580

What is this website?

>> No.77899098

Is this another addition to the /2mw/ grudgeposter???

>> No.77899142
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>> No.77899202

wtf did kaela do?

>> No.77899296
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Yknow whats funny, you would think China being named China would speak Traditional Chinese right, since the language is named after the country of its origin. Guess who speaks Traditional Chinese? Taiwan does. Well what do Chinese people speak? Simplified Chinese.

Let that sink in a moment, they needed to simplify their own language.

>> No.77899370
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>> No.77899434

Nothing. Neither did Shiori. But you know, zhangs gonna zhang. Retarded bugmen are going to shit the board for weeks now, thanks to Kobo being a fucking retard.

>> No.77899665

>shiori, kaela
shitty bait. do better.

>> No.77899697


>> No.77899736


>> No.77899737

That counts as Kaela streaming for you?
How sad

>> No.77899816


>> No.77899836
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>> No.77901233

No way, Shiori is Chinese? Anon share some of your knowledge

>> No.77901519

I assume they're chinese

>> No.77901549

>shiori out of nowhere

>> No.77901554


>> No.77901606

jezas, its always them

>> No.77901722

Link to website pls.

>> No.77901762

>everyone shitting on me is a flip
>now it's sisters
>now it's all homobeggars
>now it's numberniggers
>now everyone is phasenigger
>now it's... indos?
>now it's chinks
Who will the boogeyman be next month? this is what happebs when you only use twitter/yt and only then discover 4ch, can't even deal with trolls when on receiving end

>> No.77901817

All the dramatroons begging for the site kek

>> No.77901819

She's Asian but nobody knows if she's chink. People were saying she was flip at first because her favorite desert is a Philippine dish.

>> No.77901880

You're literally all of the above

>> No.77902103
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Jesus fuck every 2 fucking weeks this fucking retard shows up with his "billibilli leaks" and.every fucking time it turns out to be bullshit. Yet jannies don't ban him. Remember the fucking suisei billibilli stream? Remember the new Chinese branch ?Remember all the things that didn't end up happening?
Maybe people need to start claiming that Mori is joining the Chinese holo branch so jannies actually start caring.

>> No.77902185

>leaving a message on a nousagi video, ever

>> No.77902280

anon, Kobo actually did stream on the zhang site..

>> No.77902316

Nope, none of them fit. I will continue making fun of you, since you don't know how to deal with shitposters besides crying to mod and trying to label everyone who hurt your feelings as some boogeyman. You make it fun and easy.

>> No.77902533

yeah keep writing those paragraphs, you got this!

>> No.77902607

that's not proof of anything.

>> No.77903325

of course it is. those three messages that guy made 3 years ago is all the proof I need

>> No.77903634

you are missing Bae

>> No.77903723

all of that shit was made up. doesn't mean cover has no plans on bili as we saw today. learn to separate facts from schizo posts.

>> No.77905165

Why Kaela?

>> No.77905233

Are you retarded?

>> No.77905408

Pandering to chinks is never a good idea.

>> No.77905411

Retard, Kobo streamed on Bilibili literally today. The leaks were real

>> No.77905546

just sounds like China realized the same thing every one else should've, that kanji is a shit alphabet and needed to change.

>> No.77905705

Kaela can't speak Chinese

>> No.77906157

this clip is disagreeing with you https://youtu.be/QhMPCus1cKo

>> No.77906186

Its more that when taiwan had its anti-monarchist civil war it was basically the french revolution and the russian revolution happening at the same time, and then after that the educated urbanites and the rural farmers did a second civil war. All of the smart educated people in china left to form taiwan and then the rural farmers stayed in their fields and started melting their farmtools for raw pig iron and genociding field sparrows.

>> No.77908011
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i aint stepping into this crap but how is Shiori chinese at all?

>> No.77908256


>> No.77908374

She is part Chinese decent
>I ESL that so hard

>> No.77908470


>> No.77908485

>how is Shiori chinese at all
She's some flavor of east asian but no one knows which specific one. Ignore the seanigs trying to convince people she's a flip, she's not.

>> No.77908648

Any time I see Shiori involved in any way on a bait post, it’s my belief that it’s a BVTMfag behind it. Why does Phase foster this audience?

>> No.77908702

>Why does Phase foster this audience?
You just answered your own question. I swear I never see phase fans happy.

>> No.77908707


>> No.77908721

PagPag in their brains.

>> No.77908851

nice video idiot

>> No.77909141
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then read.
>Aside Indonesian and English, Kaela revealed she took Chinese lessons (in traditional script) around 10 years ago and still conserves few basics, including the bopomofo table.[50]
> corvus.. (2023, August 4). Kaela surprised chat when she suddenly replies in Mandarin [hololiveID] [Video]. YouTube.

>> No.77909239

Reminder that Coco died for this.

>> No.77909269

Coco would've graduated because her being an actual idol would've never worked.

>> No.77910168

Kaela spoke Mandarin with a Taiwanese accent you idiot.

>> No.77911101


>> No.77911615

Cocogate 2.0 might be enough to kill Hololive the same way Selengate killed Nijisanji

>> No.77911677


>> No.77911836

Council was enough to patch the blowback from that shitstorm
JP talents were prepared to leave if they decided to keep CN branch and kick Coco

>> No.77911905

She graduated, she moved on, literally nobody except for this board gives a fuck about Coco. Call me a zhang or whatever but I am more concerned about B2 because of how awful the chinese netizens are to hololive rather than Coco.

>> No.77911906

Dont forget losing a war against birds and with FAR more casuualties than the Emu war

>> No.77912095

I heard from a source on discord that Cover is on the verge of announcing Hololive Chinese (not Hololive China). The gen will include members from the Chinese speaking world, including mainland China, Taiwan, and southeast Asia.

>> No.77912392

>Let that sink in a moment, they needed to simplify their own language
Meanwhile in America...

>Fucking ebonics

>> No.77912443

we are comparing a country that is essentially a melting pot, to one that is insane.

>> No.77912497

Shifting the goalposts eh?

>> No.77912528

Chinese "people" are the niggers of Taiwan

>> No.77912723

>Anycolor had the negligible Selen fiasco
>Cover starting to get cozy with China again
Vtubing is gonna die this year isn't it?
Wonder what VShojo will do next to put the final nail in the coffin

>> No.77912844

>tickets not selling deflection

>> No.77913007

There are only chinks and a tiny austronesian jungle nigger minority living on that island. Stop psyopping yourself into glorifying literal 85 IQ brown people just because they happened to be absorbed by the hive.

>> No.77913335

>Shiori instead of Bae
Do your reps anon.

>> No.77913360

the chinese had the funniest memes, better than anything 4chan can muster these days, certainly.

>> No.77913409

>speak Traditional Chinese
No one speaks traditional chinese anymore, just like no one speaks ye olde english either.

>> No.77913458

How does this count as anything only kobo is doing B2

>> No.77913497

>speaks traditional chinese
retarded nigger, no one speaks traditional chinese, you read traditional chinese characters, simplified chinese is the equivalent to the english alphabet dropping Þ, þ to simplify its writing system

>> No.77913563

Well, obviously all this hate Kobo is getting is from burgers who HATES zhangs for taking their jobs.

>> No.77913586

We're in the fuck around part of this arc.

>> No.77913711

Bae speaks cantonese she can get herself that HK market.

>> No.77913897
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>> No.77913949

Anon the leak about Kobo streaming on bilibili turned out to be completely true. She will also show up for the BML (Bilibili Macro Link) concert so the only question is whether that will include any other Hololive members like Matsuri.

>> No.77913972

>Well, obviously all this hate Kobo is getting is from burgers who HATES zhangs for taking their jobs.
Nobody likes China

>> No.77914080

Remember when the guy who leaked it was forces to lie by cover and say everything he said was based on his own observations even "apologized" for it?

>> No.77914107

is indonesian an actual language people speak?

>> No.77914472


>> No.77914502

shiori is undeniable proof that EN is popular because of brand recognition and nothing else

>> No.77914576


>> No.77914762

tradtional/simplified chinese is a written language, you cannot speak it
the main spoken dialect is mandarin, which is the same in both china and taiwan, just with different regional accents

>> No.77914859

>literally nobody except for this board gives a fuck about Coco
People care about who she was and what she did for hololive. They respect her.
The hololive subreddit is full of people who are disappointed by this decision and bring up Coco and what happened to her.

>> No.77914873

They're called hanzi, not kanji, and it's not an alphabet. Also Taiwan has a higher literacy rate than China.

>> No.77914875

does 5ch have any opinions about this?

>> No.77914910

lol, lmao even, coco is gone, kson is vhoejo shit nobody cares

>> No.77914981

Nice to see Cover realize the west is a mistake and cozying up to China is the correct course of action.

>> No.77915013

I know that. Unfortunately, thats a long time ago now. Kobo is from an era without Coco. She doesnt give a fuck about that. I hate that its gonna be Kobo shutting her ears and going "lalalalalalala", but thats whats gonna happen now. And you know what? If Kobo gets stabbed in the back and gets fucked by the Chinese Internet, we told her so.

>> No.77915180

What part of JP talents almost leaving en mass you didn't get anon?
You're probably too new to know the shitstorm that happened

>> No.77915321

B2 just sold their Anycolor shares
Cover is now spreading their asscheeks to get fucked by BHC

>> No.77915331

>People care about who she was and what she did for hololive. They respect her.
Nope, she was a tool or excuse to be racist towards chinks openly.

>> No.77915363

I'm sure there are still chinese fans of hololive, and they've been until this day. Hopefully the antis can be contained, they have more tools now to keep them at bay than they did 3 years ago,
I understand the decision, from a financial standpoint, but morally I can't accept it.

>> No.77915420

They did enough to earn it.

>> No.77915421

The west was the consolepeasants and China is PC Master race. As long as they wait all your holos will come to them.

>> No.77915439

Its the morals that make me question it. If Kobo wants to do what Kobo wants, go ahead. You want to play Genshin, then go ahead and play Genshin. Just know that I dont give a fuck and I never gave a fuck about her in the first place. At least i'm being honest in saying that I never cared for Kobo at all.

>> No.77915478

Are they ready for China?

>> No.77915534

>You're probably too new to know the shitstorm that happened
no u, after all the shit she leave for a fuckng vhoejo and now wondering why nobody cares about kson?

>> No.77915564

even nippons are starting to notice it now, their boards are rather calm but still dreading where it will go

>> No.77915676

Okay anon I dont fucking care for kson either but Coco was the most important member for holoEN. I will die on that hill.
We have to be cautious. We know damn well its the shareholders who want CN, but fans dont want it at all, unless you are a chinese member.

There are a lot of things to hate about china, and there are good things with china. You have to hope the good severely outweighs the bad in this case to even justify B2 streams at all.

>> No.77915690

Easy, give the girls a choice. Stream on BiliBili or graduate.

>> No.77915764
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>> No.77915904

Where have I heard that before?

>> No.77915998

share holders have no poewr over cover only fagoo

>> No.77916160

kys retard faggot. fuckin scumbag.

>> No.77916301

Public companies literally have to bow to shareholders demands
If shareholders say accelerate, then the company accelerates

>> No.77916936

You sound like a faggot trying too hard to fit in.
newfag needs some approval? kind of sad if you're looking for it here.

>> No.77917977
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>> No.77918079

So do private companies. Shareholders are just the owners of a company.

>> No.77918450

Literally nobody thinks "american" english is better than British english, though.

>> No.77918529
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>> No.77918593

limited puplic company gives zero fucks as it only covers 20 and less than 50% of that is ovned others than cover workers

>> No.77919016

Oh GOD, not Shiorin, anyone but her. Say it ain't so and it's just some schizo rrat.

>> No.77921309

It's just eleenchama again trying to shit on her.
