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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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753601 No.753601 [Reply] [Original]

Any reason why vtubers Indonesia that every company has an indo branch?

>> No.753697

AKB48 did it first so they all copy

>> No.753722

Indonesia is the Japan of Southeast Asia

>> No.753765

This. Indonesians are the biggest SEA weebs.

>> No.754115

why not? its cheap and the nips like indonesian.

>> No.754135

One did it so they all must do it.

>> No.754169

It's the compensation for the warcrimes they did there back then

>> No.754324

What warcrimes?

>> No.754356


>> No.754368

Indonesia population 270,203,917

>> No.754374

English/Japanese speaking branch for ID tier cost

>> No.754436
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As amazing as this revelation will be for you - and to be fair, many others like you - the map is only focused on Europa and the Americas because we've got the nukes. If you spin the globe, you'll find vastly populated other countries, just sitting there. Indonesia has a shit tonne of people, they all speak English better than England, many attend Uni in Japan, and so the easiest way to chash in on the EN money tree is to hire an ID dorm or two.

>> No.754493

Never happened.

>> No.754602

did you or I have a stroke here?

>> No.754620

Inferior non american spotted

>> No.754695
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>Indonesia is the Japan of Southeast Asia
No. Nice try. You'll never be Japanese you Indog

>> No.754726

We are closer to become Japan than you, flipfaggot

>> No.754984

Are you a self-hating bri'ish, mate? But yes, it's more sensible to invest in Indonesia rather than other SEA countries.

>> No.755014 [DELETED] 

DESU both are just the same shit with different flavours.

>> No.755402

yeah why?
Like every single Jap's company invest in or build their R&D and factory in Indonesia.

>> No.755474


>> No.756001

Simple. They are basically China but with soul.

>> No.756012

They don't. Japanese hate every non-japanese.

>> No.756228

shut up fat

>> No.756252


>> No.760163

obvious lies

>> No.762006

Any reason why EN gets their own minecraft server while ID gets to play with JP?

>> No.762027


>> No.762051

No Chang.

>> No.762237

Apparantly ID have their own server but ID ended up moving into the JP server. I hope EN gen 2 gives the EN server a shot in the arm that gets the others back into it.

>> No.763302

>they all speak English better than England
>uses tonne instead of ton
Why are all SEA like this?

>> No.763429

Only the former britbong colonies use tonne.

>> No.765382 [DELETED] 

Because there are a lot of indos and flips plus those countries have "progressed" enough to allow for leisure time for a significant enough number of their people.
They'll still never be human but they are just intelligent enough to be milked for their money.

>> No.765431

this is the only right answer in this entire thread

>> No.765473

Why do different Asian populations hate each other?

>> No.765549

Initially, because Moona was the only one that liked playing MC and it would still be too empty even if they forced Risu/Iofi to play. Now? Because PekoMoona was a hit.

>> No.765581
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Loads, but here's a big chunk of why

>> No.765584

I don't know but I still don't blame them

>> No.765694

>cultural differences
>unsettled hatreds
>battle for power and influence
Really not that different from why Europe loved to destroy itself back in the age of monarchies. The only reason we still see it to this day is because they were never really given a chance to get it out of their systems.

>> No.765781

English branch at Indonesian rates

>> No.765843

They have to go back.

>> No.765878


>> No.765917

And chinks wonder why they're so hated

>> No.765969

>Getting mogged this hard by China

Do Indos really?

>> No.766837

Indos are barely affected by 9-dash but yeah the entire region is getting shat on by chinks, the only ones still vocal about their opposition are the viets and flips.

>> No.766970

>china claiming water that goes far beyond their coast up to other countries' coasts
Holy shit what a fucking shitty country. Just nuke them already.

>> No.767381

still able to find a way to shitting on id

>> No.769778

Not indog but our boomers were raped by japan imperialist and we grew up with japanese media and love em.

>> No.771135 [DELETED] 

big market, close geographically

>> No.775818

Indonesia is relatively free in terms of economic market, has a big population, and is politically stable to a certain level.
So it's easy to open a business there, have plenty of possible consumers, and don't have to suffer political interference.

>> No.776219

They one have pretty locally successful indie during the days of 4 heavenly kings, then which give birth to a decent amount of indies there.

>> No.776340

>Ignores Vietnam
Not another mainlander

>> No.776388

>What is Malaysia
>What is Singapore

It's not just Indonesia that's stable

>> No.776638

As i said, it's not the only factor.

>> No.777068

Hololive malaysia will be banned by religious zealots within 3 months. Indonesia is quite chill despite being a muslim-majority country. Singapore is too small.
t. Malaysian

>> No.777361
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3rd biggest target audience that likes anime

>> No.777985

You mean next there wjll be hololive hindu/urdu?
I'd love to see that, do the needful Cover

>> No.778032

Hololive pakistan would be kino

>> No.778061

Cute hijab waifus incoming.

>> No.778217 [DELETED] 

Because shitskins are dumb and aren't considered as humans therefore can't think for themselves and will consooom everything.

>> No.778476

The 1 billion person gap between India and the US is kinda scary.

>> No.778623

You got white skin and you ain't any different

>> No.778692

Would just be Islamic propaganda

>> No.778756

So HoloCN was maoist propaganda after all

>> No.778792

Anon... Hindu isn't a language but religion.

>> No.778797

All bugmen exist only to fellate the chairman on demand.

>> No.778855

The idlings all speak broken sunrise-language. Half the eners can't manage that.

>> No.778919
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Hindi speaking pajeets are the population powerhouse of India.
If you contrast northern region to south India it's interesting how development and social progress always comes with a decrease in fertility rates.

>> No.778920

Same as why there are games released fully English dubbed in SEA.

>> No.778961

how many of them appreciate anime?

>> No.778979

Japan raped their Nanking.

>> No.779000
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holoBR is not that far, I mean, a man can dream.

>> No.779005

You mean European actually loves each other?

>> No.779047

What's they gonna play? FIFA?

>> No.779126

There's a huge urban population who is into weebshit.
Brace your brain for the cringe. Here's a south Indian movie director talking about anime.
>I’ve been watching a lot of Japanese anime right from my childhood. There is one particular scene where blood splatters on Parvathy’s face. I loved making it, because for a long time I wanted to capture something like that. The eyes open, all aggressive, and suddenly there’s blood on the face. Such shots show a lot of depth in the character. That moment is very close to me. I enjoyed shooting all the action scenes too. I wanted to compose it like an anime, in proper Japanese style, and I think I kind of executed it.

>> No.779141
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Singapore is more of Japan than fucking Indonesia. If anything, Indonesia is the fucking Eastern Europe of Southeast Asia.

>> No.779143
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A cute holo like kuro from Fate kaled that does a lots of singing streams.

>> No.779177

Indonesia is Japan's Mexico t. mutt and you can't convince me otherwise

>> No.779198
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>> No.779289

Damn, bollywood inspired by animu

>> No.779355

That's not bollywood but Tamil industry. All the top shelf music composers, cinematographers, idiosyncratic directors comes from Tamil Nadu or kerala instead of bollywood.

>> No.779515

>large market
>geopolitically important enough for Japan to curry favors
>Muslims that you can talk with
>looks Asian enough and won't trigger uncanny valley for the Asians
Why not?

>> No.779541

No Marine's ass must not be out done.

>> No.779545

>Japan's Mexico
That's Filipina. Cheap workers and the women are just pretty enough to fuck.

>> No.779640

Maybe it could be rebranded as holoBUNDA?

>> No.779655

Sometimes I forget that these are Muslims. Isn't most of otaku media haram?

>> No.779767

Singapore is more like South Korea of the SEA, while malaysia is the Indonesia of SEA

>> No.779775

dude, even most of the arabian oil kings are otaku and we're not even a muslim country.

>> No.779810

Singapore doesn't have Christian cults nor a female cultist president though.

>> No.779827

It's fundamentally haram, but those people already modernize their religion, just like christian

>> No.779830

Only to the Christian

>> No.779834

what the fuck are you talking about.
you made me laugh weirdly

>> No.779861

Please do your reading comprehension reps

>> No.779865

They have a benevolent dictator tho

>> No.781448

are any (good/big) spanish speaking holos yet?

>> No.781838

Luckily not.

>> No.782080

>they all speak English better than England
Everyone speaks English better than England, anon.

>> No.782098

what does this even mean

>> No.782334

sunday morning cartoon shows
japanese cartoon being cheaper than western cartoon single handedly turn an entire generation weeb

>> No.783003

The fact that under islam, drawings are essentially haram because they offend Allah and yet there are artists in lots of muslim countries. People modernize and ignore a lot of rules and teachings.

>> No.783577

Then why they do still follow conservative values of treating women like slaves and forcing then to wear hijab? It seems hypocritical the way they ignore everything that is not convenient to them but follow stuff that gives them power over others.

>> No.783669

Because some of islamic teaching are based

>> No.784052

except they don't? modern pluralist muslims these days don't even wear their proper hijab, they just straight up don't care about it. some old school muslims however, still remain strict to their religion values, although its mostly the elderly.

>> No.784772

Women and girls arent forced to wear the Hijab but they still do it to follow tradition or family pressure. Lots of younger girls dont wear them at all.

>> No.785003

Asian muslims are different from sand muslims anon. Laws and shit are a lot more relaxed which is why most muslim extremists in the region you find disavow their fellow asians and link themselves to their more "conservative" counterparts in the ME.

>> No.785477

Singapore don't even have culture

>> No.785704
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4 cultures actually.

>> No.785983

broken clock; etc;

>> No.788588

God I want Reine to pulverize my cock and balls under her heel.

>> No.788752

Oh, so they're the Canadians of SEA?

>> No.789437

I think I get it now. Indonesia is the Singapore of the SEA of the southeastern part of the phillipines of eastern Europe of the Antarctica of the baja California of the bengalese tiger stripe pattern over north Korea to the arc-cosine of the integral of e^x-sin(pi^x) subtracted from the holy roman Finnish khaganate. Makes perfect sense now why indos get a hololive branch.

>> No.789469

Take your meds, anon

>> No.789843

I would, but apparently living freely in the USA also translates to any medicine beyond cold and flu meds costing more than the average person can afford.

>> No.789974

So to sum up, Indonesia is Indonesia

>> No.790014
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I thought it was because ID is the BR of the JP streams.


And I thought having a separate branch was just containment.

>> No.790058
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I am ready

>> No.790607
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>> No.790804

Why nips like this

>> No.790955

basically this >>753697

>> No.790985

>still follow conservative values of treating women like slaves and forcing then to wear hijab
only middle eastern countries are like this.

>> No.791256

Muslim immigrants in the west are clinging on to the same culture

>> No.792538

They mistaken Indo as in India

>> No.792580

You bit excessive, as long things running under the fame radar, it should be all good.
Chill? They can go quite extreme, that one issue on Moona little jab on Religion Jokes and she had to do a public apology.

Malaysian and Indonesian people who enjoy foreign entertainment pretty much secular-minded, as long things don't cross their tolerance line.

>> No.792721

muh old scrolls
Smells like chinkpost. Seethe more.
Big population, rapidly improving in public and private infrastructure, best music showbiz in the region (behind thailand), good pool of local talent. It's the next "China", and lots of IT firms are investing in Indonesia.
Singapore is dead, that small island is basically slowly getting displaced by expats and locals are getting mad (after praising themselves getting a lot of immigrants).
Malaysia is declining because of deep-state involvement with China and USA, causing political turmoil. It was on the right track then everyone decided to burn it all down.

>> No.792756
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i remember they had their own ishimori produced kamen rider series
they even invited gackt and tetsuo kurata for cameo appearances

>> No.792819

>Hololive Niger

>> No.792878

>They can go quite extreme, that one issue on Moona little jab on Religion Jokes and she had to do a public apology.
Most anon scoff this.
But it's actually a dangerous shit.
Like someone can just bring that tweet to the police and moona will have to face trial even if she have issue an apology.
I'm not exaggerating.
Indonesian law on internet law is that loose.
Yeah, you can got jailed for 1 year if you insult someone in social media.
Some governor even loose his job, political standings and spent 1 year in jail because someone post an edited version of his speech on islam religion.
Moona is lucky because none of these extremist muslims push her tweet to the polic

>> No.792955

You think Moona is even popular enough for the faggots on here to start an anti-Muslim crusade and accuse everyone of being named Mohammed and fucking goats for the slightest deviation from the approved narrative? From what I seen, many losers are very eager to hate entire regions over e-girl drama.

>> No.792976

they are melayu people till chinks control the land

>> No.792996

What are you trying imply?
I'm just saying that jokes at islam on social media is dangerous in indonesia.
Because the law is that loose.

>> No.793095

I'm glad those faggots aren't muslim extremists but dramafags and purist weebs who hate vtuber.

>> No.793158


>> No.793230

So she did not made a religion joke she made a jab at religion jokes? you mean jokes that make fun of the religion? what did she say?

>> No.793888
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>> No.793917

>Some governor even loose his job, political standings and spent 1 year in jail because someone post an edited version of his speech on islam religion.
that one was blatant blasphemy. stop making up stories in a mongolian basket weaving forum to fit in your narrative.

>> No.794427

The fck you talking about that govenor case is blasphemy, what I can say indonesia may bit lazy in certain issue but they r still not secular mindset either like the west

>> No.795461

If i remember correctly it was about poll on twitter with question "Which religion are vtuber?"
Stating your own religion is fine as long you are not overly conservative. But letting people choose vtuber religion is over the line, since people in Indonesia take religion stance seriously, especially if you are public figure.

>> No.796080

>some governor
Ahok could have prevent this shit if he can shut his fucking mouth. He could just said "Sorry, i'm not a muslim, i dont have a say about that"
There i fix his mistake, he only has himself to blame.
And you're naive if you think it was purely about religion, some politician hate him, they use this momentum to fan the flame and take him down

>> No.796105

Give me holoSEA! I want my SEA civil war!

>> No.796119

heh, imagine they accepted someone living in favella as idol, gunshot in the middle of the stream

>> No.796160

>Gunfight outside my house while reading poems in portuguese ASMR
I want this

>> No.796471

Yeah right, ahmad.
>And you're naive if you think it was purely about religion, some politician hate him, they use this momentum to fan the flame and take him down
It's start with religion.
My point was that indonesian law regarding internet activities is really loose and full of loophole.
That's why we have people trying to change the internet law now.

>> No.797056

>That one spot eveyone claims

What the fuck is there, the exhentai server?

>> No.797062

I am Indonesian and I refuse to watch anyone who is Muslim.

>> No.797172

goddamnit its a fucking timeloop.
stop this shit please. we've been arguing this shit for years.

>> No.797177

Dolphin porn real

>> No.798379

A small group of islands which has been speculed to have oil and other valuable shit just below the surface. Though the chinks mostly want it because of the fact that it's one of the most important sealanes in Asia. Having control over the islands around it means they're less likely to get blockaded if ever the Sino-US cold war goes hot.

>> No.801422

give me dark-skinned waifus, pls

>> No.801601

d you or I have a stroke here?
Thank you! op mangles two sentences in to a nonsensical mess and everyone replies like there's nothing wrong.

>> No.801726

damn greedy motherfuckers

>> No.801755

>lulaby ASMR becomes a murdered/raped ASMR mid-stream
That's sick anon, get some help

>> No.803618

even if the law doesnt exist, they would have forced him to resign, did you see the amount of people protesting back then? the pressure was huge.
My last point still stand, no way a huge protest like that doesnt have a coordinator/organizer. Somebody had to pay for the logistic and organize that protest, and they are expert at that
