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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77883159 No.77883159 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.77883264

Cover is so fucking stupid and has learned nothing
no matter how much profit this makes its not worth dealing with subhuman, inherently sociopathic, genetically evil bug-people
unless you're nijitrash

>> No.77883298

Kobo debuting in B2 just to kill vox that is hiding in the platform right?

>> No.77883342

No, she just wants easy numbers.

>> No.77883349

What the fuck?

>> No.77883394

Coco died for nothing...

>> No.77883418

Ksonbros... Don't look...

>> No.77883419


>> No.77883435

Keep seething we conquer japan soon

>> No.77883439

it's so over

>> No.77883442

Do as I say but not as I do

>> No.77883455

Welp, I guess this is the end for Kobo now. It was a good run while it lasted.

>> No.77883456

What's the next step of Yagoo's masterplan?

>> No.77883462

>kill vox
Vox killed himself long time ago

>> No.77883492

Bow to China KEKS

>> No.77883562

Pretty sure Holostars have been streaming there for months now. Can't blame Kobo for chasing a market only she can penetrate with her being fluent in Mandarin.

You bet OP's Empty ballsack that If cover will allow it Kiara, Bae, Towa and Laplus will Collab to Koreans no questions ask.

>> No.77883578
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Kek, they came crawling back.

>> No.77883613

Get over yourselves, Hololive needs to behave like an IP. Avoiding a whole market without trying to reenter it is the stupidest thing you can do as a company. Your feelings are irrational, just like a paranoid woman.

>> No.77883631

So in the end, Cover still becomes a slave to China. Coco really graduated for nothing.

>> No.77883669

Where is the ccv? And how many are watching right now? Lastly is OP a Virgin cuck?

>> No.77883699

there's 9k watching her rn

>> No.77883713
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>nijisanji uploads shit on bilibili
>niji le BAD
>hololive uploads shit on bilibili
>here is how thats a good thing!

>> No.77883715

It wouldn't matter anyway, bilibili has funny magic numbers

>> No.77883716
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Chinks vs Flips. Who's worse?

>> No.77883742

The only irrational thing here is thinking they can safely enter the CN market despite their past history with them.

>> No.77883752
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>mfw my oshi and small corpo didn't fall for the billion chink population meme like niji and holo

>> No.77883771

They just did

>> No.77883776
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>>Where is the ccv? And how many are watching right now? Lastly is OP a Virgin cuck?
14k, idk good or bad

>> No.77883785

Exactly. Them coming back will happen whether we like it or not. It's now a matter of whether they will force other talents to stream there or a select few will dare to do so.

>> No.77883827
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>> No.77883831

Nah. Fuck Kobo.

>> No.77883851

>23 minutes
yeah, very real numbers CCP

>> No.77883858

How much did Milord had when he went Bilibili for the first time? Never watched him so idk

>> No.77883878

Re-entering a market always has risks, and? Let them try? They are doing it with an ID talent anyway so who cares all that much, if it fails, then it will be the last lesson for them in that market.

>> No.77883884

Flip, google "pagpag"

>> No.77883887

>fluent in Mandarin.
Kobo is ethnic Chinese?

>> No.77883927

Chink, google "covid"

>> No.77883987

Destruction of Hololive!
Then everyone will be forced to watch Homos!

>> No.77884007

bilibili does not report ccv. it's more like a "hype number" that can be increased through chat activity and superchatting.

>> No.77884103

If this is what Kobo wants, then okay: people forget that there’s genuine hololive fans in West Taiwan in addition to those insufferable antis.

However, I hope she realizes what a dangerous game she’s playing before it’s too late.

>> No.77884109

Showing real CCV will be extremely chaotic.
Imagine they go full Kpop mode.

>> No.77884139

They're both stupid and annoying but flips are friendly while chinks are aggressive and angry.

>> No.77884148

>kobo can no longer collab with fubuki

>> No.77884151

>Hololive needs to behave like an IP. Avoiding a whole market without trying to reenter it is the stupidest thing you can do
you are here
>Hololive needs to behave like an IP not having a california based HR department for their US expansion is the stupidest thing you can do
>Hololive needs to behave like an IP giving permissions for a game boycotted by twitter is the stupidest thing you can do
>Hololive needs to behave like an IP not including the trans audience with a special collab is the stupidest thing you can do
>Hololive needs to behave like an IP not including the black audience with spechial streams in black history month is the stupidest thing you can do

>> No.77884187

I don't see a problem with Kobo showing support to Taiwan.

>> No.77884201

>ID talent anyway so who cares
Again, how many times do you need to learn this lesson? When zhangs get upset they go after JP girls for not siding with them.

>> No.77884221

or any jp event involving her like huge tourneys, etc.

>> No.77884275

Taiwanbros definitely don't want them streaming on bilibili.

>> No.77884279

You are seriously neurotic, woman

>> No.77884281

Nah, she has no clue.

>> No.77884337

HoloID doesn't seem to get the idea of upholding the prestige of a brand

>> No.77884357

>indogs get cucked because blue cunny wants chink numbers

>> No.77884363

You talk like they didn't get COVER's OK

>> No.77884366

whatever you say chud

>> No.77884371

Just nuke ID already.

>> No.77884403

flips are friendlier than chinks and hate on their own country, while chinks take the governments cock in their mouth

>> No.77884413

>Cover is so fucking stupid and has learned nothing
>Only EN retarded faggots seething about china
As expected.

>> No.77884416

LMAO how ya feelin holokeks?

>> No.77884428

Kobo's a fucking retard, what else is new?

>> No.77884442

>Pretty sure Holostars have been streaming there for months now
Retard, the last time any of them streamed there was fucking 2020

>> No.77884476

>Kiara, Bae, Towa and Laplus will Collab to Koreans no questions ask.
Only a chink would try to compare koreans to chinese mainlanders.

>> No.77884485

Imagine saying you dont like MCDonalds and the US Government getting personally involved.
Main land China is psychotic

>> No.77884496

My bad, thought they used it too.

>> No.77884499

This might be the only saving grace, that she's retarded and does retarded things and when the shit inevitably hits the fan again everyone can just point and laugh at her instead of getting upset.

>> No.77884503

Nothing much, my EN oshi is Mooms and my JP oshi is Miko so ehhhh

>> No.77884504

this is fake

>> No.77884546

the cope about this stream happening was pretty funny. what's even more funny is that the exact same people already switched gears now and try to come up with new copes of why this is supposed to be good.

>> No.77884603

I hope chinks just tear her and ID apart, this is well deserved in how utterly retarded Cover is for letting this go through

>> No.77884605

>will Collab to Koreans no questions ask.
koreans are capable of human thought.

>> No.77884629

why did this even happened? who called the shots here? where's the picrel vod?

>> No.77884632

I don’t watch holo anymore to be personally affected but I cant say im not dissapointed in hololive right now. Those that forget history are destined to repeat it

>> No.77884635

Maybe some of us are just not neurotic, paranoid autistic women. It's ridiculous. Not even kpoopies behave like this.

>> No.77884649

The chinks will sooner or later tear her and her gen apart
I hope she's ready for that day.

>> No.77884697

so..where's the link?

>> No.77884700

>why this is supposed to be good.
le chinese money, even though winnieh pooh takes big cuts and Cover takes their cut too

>> No.77884746

this is actually a good thing
the china market is recovering and Hololive will move towards their golden age of vtubing.

>> No.77884772

Nope that’s based, imagine thinking humans are capable of making smart decisions on their own without superior input

>> No.77884781

>this is actually a good thing

>> No.77884790


>> No.77884811

While I don't like it at all, I kinda get it. Chink gachaslop collabs and pulling streams is where the money's at, especially for animu streamers, that's why upper managers bullied coco out likely, she cost them exactly that (even tho she did nothing wrong). Holo was at it's peak during Azur Lane collab. If Kobo pulls it off and gets them chinks who throw cash at gachaslop then she'll be earning bank.

>> No.77884845

Imagine thinking gov't officials are inherently superior to the rest of the population. Are you retarded?

>> No.77884849

It's not always about the money spiderman

>> No.77884858

winning? KEK even CN the only for you nijinigger free from holo threat is now not safe anymore, prepare yourself LMAO

>> No.77884876

We don't care about money if it means bringing back those assholes. We are fans of the talents, not the company

>> No.77884898

politicians are inbred nepo retards and not superior in any way

>> No.77884949

Slightly worried for Kobo's branchmates, but for Kobo? She can go fuck herself and I'll be the first to laugh when she has to take some sort of forced hiatus when shit hits the fan

>> No.77884962

>Kobo singing chinese song now

>> No.77884975

this is what I call going back again to drink from the blood of mannoroth. Good luck holofags… you will prob need it

>> No.77884987

Why else are they in positions of power? Do you think inferior people would have control? no wonder americans are failing

>> No.77885042

im curious how fubuki and haachama feels about this

>> No.77885054

once she gets to 500k subs on billibilli, she gets her real name revealed there, how is cover going to deal with that?

>> No.77885055

I don't care about kobo lol, but i would be pissed if anything happens to kaela or zeta.

>> No.77885059

LOL, so with all the posturing, Chinks still actually kneeled to Hololive in the end?

>> No.77885065

>Do you think inferior people would have control?
Looking at China this is obviously the case lol

>> No.77885067

nah, coco out because kson want those retarded "LE TALENT FREEDOMU" thats why she left.

>> No.77885096

You are so stupid lmao

>> No.77885098

dont forget choco and aqua

>> No.77885128

>this is somehow Cover's problem
This is what Kobo wants, right?

>> No.77885147

>nijisanji jealous because hololive is back in bilibili

>> No.77885158

looks like hololive is the one begging them back anon… kobo is literally singing in mandarin right now

>> No.77885174

she wouldn't get a cameo in yakuza if she's still coco

>> No.77885176

This delivery appears to be a well edited version of a past video.

>> No.77885179

Nah. She just speaks it fluently.

>> No.77885204

Hopefully if (when) shit hits the fan only Kobo is affected by it.

>> No.77885238


>> No.77885254

ywwuyi is foamed his mouth as we speak. Based.
Now bring back Civia and Yogiri

>> No.77885252

not exactly. She was literally talking about how she was barred from playing with other holos even tho they wanted it and all of her ideas to do solo stuff were pushed back as well, neither did they allow her to have mods unless other girls came in to clean chat. She wanted to have the same basic opportunities as other cover streamers, not whatever retarded catalog monkeys have been spewing.

>> No.77885258

Nothing. It’s not like Holo girls actively hate all Chinks as a whole anyway. They likely dislikes antis, and that’s about it. Even Kson was going to attend that event streamed on Bilibili few months after Coco’s graduation until Chinks threw a tantrum
As FBK said it, if Cover does anything she cannot agree with morally, she’ll leave. She is still around so it doesn’t seem like she finds this morally wrong. If Kobo wants to try her luck with Chinks, well, go ahead

>> No.77885284

dont even bother kson with this one anon… this is your problem now. I wish you luck that your oshi dosent reference taiwan, hongkong or tibet accidentally or something. That shit wasnt fun and it will not be fun again

>> No.77885294
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>no announcement about it from Cover's side
>Kobo just hinted about it on her tweet
>stealth streaming on bilibili
>she's part of an event and even making a lottery for it see picrel
>is speaking Chinese albeit broken Chinese
>genshin reference and songs all over
I'm now a proud Chinese

>> No.77885305

No need to be jealous nijikeks.
i knew your organs failed at capturing china market

>> No.77885320

She was indie for roughly a year, so no. And she was definitely bullied by either comically incompetent or just flat out malicious managers while in Cover.

>> No.77885353

were you not here during the taiwan yab? everyone got attacked… even A-chan. Be prepared brother this is no joke

>> No.77885365

Cover wouldn’t be able to come back if B2 is still blocking them and antis are still out for their blood. Given that they are back, both of those likely are no longer an issue.
Looks like it’s B2 and antis who had to change their stance to get Holo back there

>> No.77885377
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is this some summer project of a troll farm trainee?
unless their official twitter post this link, I will not believe it

>> No.77885434

Mysta talked about Taiwan several times without any issue and I doubt Holo even knows Tibet exists

>> No.77885437

you cannot honestly believe fubuki and haachama isnt seething right now after what happened to them lol

>> No.77885472

my friend she's there right now

>> No.77885502

Nah, since there's no acknowledgement at all on Cover's part they can just put it all on Kobo and make it look like she went rogue if things go south.

>> No.77885514

How would you possibly learn to speak Mandarin fluently in Indonesia except by having Mandarin-speaking parents?

>> No.77885533

Entering CN market isn't a matter of morality, it's just a basic greed/retard test for businesses. India is the same thing. Doing it once can be excused by naivete. But beyond that? They deserve everything coming. I'm legit going to laugh with popcorn if the eventual Holo shitshow with CN again is what gives NijiEN a revival.

>> No.77885539

Kobo has sung in Mandarin in YouTube too.

>> No.77885541

shes streaming right now singing in chink anon lol stop the cope

>> No.77885592

They should be focusing on other markets domestically instead.

>> No.77885600

im guessing you werent here when choco also got cancelled for saying she loves a drink from tibet

>> No.77885618

IDK about Haachama, but FBK is beyond reproach in Hololive, If she is seething, she would’ve let everyone knows and nothing Cover could do to stop it

>> No.77885626

The thing I learnt from this is that Kobo actually has mainland Chinese fans too. I thought all of her Chinese-speaking fans are from Taiwan and Hong Kong.

>> No.77885652

Obviously malicious. They couldn't have made it any more blatant with the zhang mod fiasco.

>> No.77885697

Lmao Holokeks just cant stop losing i dont know what this means I just want to be a part of something

>> No.77885708

> Entering CN market isn't a matter of morality, it's just a basic greed
Greed is morally wrong, especially if it hurts others (other Holo members, in this case)
> eventual Holo shitshow with CN again is what gives NijiEN a revival.
You wish, sister

>> No.77885709

As long as my oshi stays away let the retards who want to jump into the hornets nest do what they want

>> No.77885716

From Mandarin course at school?

>> No.77885726

Hololive subreddit still in denial

>> No.77885730

Fubuki suddenly stopped her stream, just in case

>> No.77885733

>Cover would rather go back to China than to open a Spanish branch

>> No.77885739

You are all seething, but clearly there are a lot of Holo fans there who were waiting for ANYTHING Holo. Look at them knowing all the songs.

>> No.77885752

yes i am coping
because you guys forget how shitty this guys become(not just the coco incident)

>> No.77885762

Honesty it's Fuck Kobo right at this moment. We'll see how it goes.

>> No.77885767

You are over exaggerating. That was hardly “cancelled”. That was some slap on the wrist.

>> No.77885800

Kobo and Iofi are known Genshin fans

>> No.77885809

so this is wholly on ID's management?

>> No.77885822

How is the idolES branch going ? If you can answer that question, then that's the answer you want

>> No.77885841

Anon...your Choco reps..

>> No.77885853


>> No.77885859

>unless their official twitter post this link, I will not believe it
There is so much copium in this thread and Kobo is literally streaming on bilibili. Hololive was never going to ignore a market of a billion people.

>> No.77885876

>They likely dislikes antis, and that’s about it.
Quite a few just dislike streaming on bili because it's a miserable experience.

>> No.77885905

Maybe don't fucking harass the talents you love for years if you love them? Chinks are called bugmen for a reason anon.

>> No.77885910

Might actually be wholly on Kobo and management just letting her do it just to see where it goes.

>> No.77885918

The chinese communist party and the people of china welcome sister to the PRC, may our friendship last a thousand years!

>> No.77885931

No, that would teach you baby-level Mandarin at best. To be fluent you either need to learn it growing up or through immersion.

>> No.77885941

oh you naive newfag werent here when it all happened were you… well have fun. I’ll be legit supporting you guys unironically but I wont be participating in this anymore its too heartbreaking if that shit happens all over again

>> No.77885952

No, it's coming all the way from the top. All those things you called fake were Cover actually setting up their return to China.
If you STILL cannot see it, I don't know what to tell you anymore.

>> No.77885960

They put politics above their supposed oshi. The nerve of those fucks.

>> No.77885967

>she wouldn't get a cameo in yakuza if she's still coco
and what? oh amazing now kson become what? talent freedom streamer? while holo thriving and their top talent is literally on the top? like pekora,miko,suisei even calli now with many BIG collab.
oh yeah lets blame that on the company with no "freedom" who just burn and leave the entire market for her instead of FIRE her and got china audience? remember the whole china shit is RETARDED but coco are playing with fire and burned.
i mean who is the one that mention taiwan on purpose to begin with? those chink are retarded but the american "freedom" woman kson is equally retarded, showing how she left after than for that "freedom" and become runt.
ah yeah she was bullied by the ppl that "choose" her over the whole china, but too bad for cover she left them right? and now cover,hachama and the entire holo are hated for "protecting" coco while coco herself left for vshojo and their "talent freedom" bs.

>> No.77885986

Gita you retard why did you greenlit this

>> No.77885988

what the fuck chinese is an ugly language

>> No.77886001

is your oshi part of hololive? then she will get affected its inevitable

>> No.77886013

least ESL numbermonkey

>> No.77886021

Choco just apologized and left her B2 account, and everything was over. Again, that was hardly getting cancelled - she still streamed on YT (their main platform anyway) just fine without any notable harassment.

>> No.77886039
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i don't, didn't, and wouldn't give a single fuck about ID. never was and never will

>> No.77886061


>> No.77886075

They better have Japanese staffs that manage the bilibili accounts, not local chinks.
I also want the genuine fans to be able to watch but there is just so much risk interacting in bilibili.

>> No.77886079

>winging it at the expense of their top ID chuba

>> No.77886094

Holy ESL anonchama... Don't you have some raw bat to eat?

>> No.77886101

fucking hate it so much right here because we got sleeper agents and chink cock gobblers, all because the stupidfucks who voted that fentanyl sniffing old bastard got on the president chair

>> No.77886106

Good. China can have her, Matsuri, Towa and all the other homocollabing whores. In fact being forced to stream on this shit site should be a punishment for collabing with cocks.

>> No.77886117

Like I said, you are a retard. She didn't quit Hololive to join Vshojo and there are multiple confirmed cases of management fucking up Coco in some ways, including giving her chink antis mod status and getting her actual fans banned.

>> No.77886148

Pretty sure that was Indonesian, anon...

>> No.77886164
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since it's all happening and whatnot, can someone explain WHAT THE FUCK am I even looking at? What are those 20K batteries, what are those light-blue things over chat. Are those donations or what? Why is her icon in gold and why is there so much shit all over the place?

>> No.77886163

Fubuki might be yelling at management right now, she stopped her stream only 1 hour and 20 minutes in

>> No.77886188

retarded ksonfag got BTFO

>> No.77886203

Nah, thats the point of Cover no acknowledging any of this, for plausible deniability. Things go great "hey maybe we can make chink bucks again", things go bad "It was all Kobo, we didnt know nuthin".

>> No.77886227

>collabing with cocks
I know Kiara has her problems but she's not that bad

>> No.77886236

>including giving her chink antis mod status and getting her actual fans banned.
man I was at that stream when the genuine tatsunokos got banned

>> No.77886259

Holy shit, that means the thing with Matsuri was real and was cancelled at the last minute due to intense fan backlash, now I understand why Cover didn't announce this on any of their accounts.

>> No.77886265

asian web design. it's designed to look as bad as nnd because bilibili is a website for chinese weebs

>> No.77886280

Being their "top ID chuuba" doesn't mean much. ID branch is pretty much supported by Reine's parents anyway so even in the worst case, the loss of one Kobo wouldn't kill it as long as Cover didn't force Kobo to be there

>> No.77886298

it's better not to know about these things

>> No.77886299

Seem peaceful so far.

>> No.77886313

It's Idol, no one watches the EN side either

>> No.77886314

Those sneaky bastards, just like the Chinese

>> No.77886334

>Fubz is gonna get Kobo suspended/terminated
Based Friend

>> No.77886355

So who won the BML tickets Kobo you fuck

>> No.77886354

>including giving her chink antis mod status and getting her actual fans banned.
How long are you going to keep yapping about one innocent mistake? Not even Chinks hold their grudges that long, apparently, and Kson clearly doesn't given how she has said several times that she loves Cover and Hololive

>> No.77886357

biribiri = electricity noise
site is named after misaka mikoto who has sparky powers

>> No.77886377

>She didn't quit Hololive to join Vshojo
do your fuckng reps retard, she leave for vshojo and literally with gunrun going for holo with "LE TALENT FREEDOM" and 0% cut bullshit, with the whole savior bullshit when its cover who choose her over CN and she fuckng QUIT for vshojo, "oh no now holo are going for CN market? why you guys stop care about coco? that women stop care so why would we care?

>> No.77886381
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oh believe me I know my oshi was coco. I have not watched holo ever since. I’ll be honest here kson still loves people in hololive and I’ll hate to see this happen again and break her heart I pray that this ends up being a nothing burger

>> No.77886394

Nobody else see the irony in whining about chink harassment while Cover is more afraid of everyone else harassing them

>> No.77886420

Not gonna watch ID anymore out of principle. Shame because I really like the girls, but I'm not going to support someone who spits in the face of Coco's legacy and panders to a nation of mentally ill antis.

>> No.77886433

>or through immersion.
You literally answered your own question retard

>> No.77886465

Nah kson hates Cover. Why else do you think she left the company?

>> No.77886478

she was harrassed even irl anon choco was the top of her gen and became permanently a runt even until now after that shit happened. I could understand you not knowing this because this shit happened before holo got really popular

>> No.77886510

Sir, this is not an airport. You don't have to announce it. In other words: Who the fuck asked?

>> No.77886516
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ID was always been a mistake. You can't just trust these seanigs

>> No.77886561

She literally showcases merch every now and then and collabs with roommates...?

>> No.77886564

If you actually watched her, Kson was going to attend an event on Bilibili few months after becoming Kson again. That didn't happen because Chinks cried and the organizer removed her, but didn't look like she was that against doing works on B2. Her heart is stronger than you think

>> No.77886596

Harrasing the company for making bad decisions and alienating their fans is completely different from harrassing every talent for years and making their chats unusable.

>> No.77886609

The merch is not the company, retard. Hololive is not Cover.

>> No.77886611

>her hearts
You mean her wallet

>> No.77886628

hey we hate chinks too, but some of us just can't resist sucking chinese cock, fucking traitors

>> No.77886636
File: 71 KB, 800x450, 1713887229200969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you lived long enough to experience another t-word and cumxiem disaster because they just can`t resist the chinese market meme

>> No.77886644

So that why the impromptu collab between IRyS and Kobo (when Mori went to toilet) was that weirdly awkward. IRyS could sense Kobo's inner Chink-loving self...

>> No.77886686

I mean, Chinese Indonesians aren't exactly a rarity in Indonesia. No idea if she is or not but it would track based on how pale we know she is based on those handcam streams.

>> No.77886692

oh you naive fuck dont know how china opperates dont you? you give them an inch they will take everything. Once one holo gets involved they will take it as a sign that they now own everything again including your oshi

>> No.77886698

Did you forget about her "bing chilling" clip? She's pretty fluent at Chinese surprisingly

>> No.77886710

I find it extremely unlikely that Kobo has either spent enough time living in China or consuming Chinese media to learn Mandarin to fluency. The only way that would make sense is if she initially planned on being a translator for business transactions with China and then dropped all that to be a vtuber. Much more likely her family just speaks Mandarin because they're Chinese (lots of Chinese in Indonesia).

>> No.77886715

I mentioned it because some retard implied the treatment she received had nothing to do with Coco leaving Hololive. But honestly considering the topic it's just relevant anyway.

>> No.77886735

Don't worry guys. If the Chinese tried anything funny to Kobo, us ID fans will show them about what we did to Chinese-Indonesians in 1998.

t. chinese-indonesian

>> No.77886756

But Irys is half Chink (Demon)

>> No.77886784

google "gutter oil"

>> No.77886809

>talking about holo
>bringing up niji out of nowhere
>a male at that
How gay are you?

>> No.77886819

no anon you dont get it. this is basically like reading the necronomicon. This will affect everyone at hololive from here on out you can take a screenie and try to grudge post me later. The floodgates are now open

>> No.77886821

>bully and kill Indonesia Chinese
>have no ball to do anything at China Chinese
kek pengecut sial

>> No.77886852

Please learn english, numbermonkey. And also I repeat: she left Hololive to go indie, which she was for a year.

>> No.77886891

Because harassing the management when they are retarded is a whole lot different that harassing the talents like chinks did

>> No.77886892

NTA but you guys really should be more worried about your girls now than kson. I used to think hololive and coco was intouchable too anon

>> No.77886910

STFU liar
She was attend an event on JP game event but Bilibili staff who mirror stream in CN side gone rough and attack her and destroy whole event.

Not attand event on B2Station

>> No.77886928

>/vt/ kept making fun of NijiEN's males, more specifically Luxiem, pandering to China especially during the height of their popularity
>Hololive is now doing the same
My sides.

>> No.77886930

List of Chinese (ethnic) in Hololive:
1. Kobo
2. Kaela
3. Ina

>> No.77886952

So how bad are chinese unicorns compared other unicorns. I know girls frontline 2 became a thing

>> No.77886971
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>> No.77887008

don't misunderstand bros, overseas Chinese are cool, but the mainland Chinese can go fuck themselves

>> No.77887016

Investors told yagoo it could make them more profit, screw the old talents and fans. Ahhh the beauty of being a public company constantly needing to grow no matter the method.
>This is just the start

>> No.77887066

mainland chinese is cool too, the problem is the communist (government), every politicians on earth is shit cancer that destroy all the fun in our daily life.

>> No.77887090

Extremely bad. They can believe rrats very easily and turn on them.

>> No.77887101

well that makes sure tolerable chuubas don't interact with her at least

>> No.77887107

Ina is Korean, you retard

>> No.77887145

>clueless retarded nijinigger didnt know that holo is the king of CN before niji

>> No.77887153

thats Kroni retard

>> No.77887160

you guys werent able to so anything during the first few times this happened why do you think you can do anything about this now lol

>> No.77887171

>mogs miload

>> No.77887179

Can someone explain to me what the fuck Cover is thinking with this move? Is the Chinese market THAT appealing even after they got burned and had their talents harassed?

>> No.77887185

nice. she just killed her TW fanbase in one stream

>> No.77887193

It's kind of funny because the nijinigs of the past used to shit on holo for being the chink company.

>> No.77887199

kys retard faggot. fuckin scumbag.

>> No.77887216

??? I'm specifically talking about how Holofags kept bragging that they finally cut off the toxic CN fanbase after the Coco situation while laughing at Niji pandering to them these past 2 years. Now they're crawling back to the Chinks KEK

>> No.77887232

>turn on them
those are wumaos working for the ccp, they are paid to stir shit up on the internet. Many China Hololive fans are well behaved if you actually met them irl you will know.

>> No.77887240

Shareholders have Speech 100

>> No.77887245

Didn't nikke collab with vshojo and that tencet owns 40 percent of shares in that company

>> No.77887253

But...my wholesome Mickey Yagoos club...

>> No.77887257

>Please learn english, numbermonkey. And also I repeat: she left Hololive to go indie, which she was for a year
no you, clearly you cant read and clueless too or even worse a fuckng tourist who know nothing about the whole kson shitshow

>> No.77887309

they are as bad as vox’s fujos but the ones that attacked coco had the backing of the ccp to run full blown harrasment campaigns big enough that reddit, cover, youtube and twitter couldnt do anything about it

>> No.77887322

>to kill vox
# says he is not welcome in there

>> No.77887350

Zeta, Reine, Risu, Anya, Bae
Not Ina she's Korean

>> No.77887374

money money money
what the fuck else?

>> No.77887390

>Doing a bilibili stream 1 month after going to Taiwan
This is kind of hilarious actually

>> No.77887396

haachama… im sorry this had to happen again. forgive these newfags for they do not know how bad things were

>> No.77887398

it's still depressing how she blamed herself instead for accepting it for what it was

>> No.77887409

>market THAT appealing even after they got burned and had their talents harassed?
know the difference, back then cover are CN "hostage" that is the whole holoCN stuff, they are basically trapped in CN as they must follow their law etc for company that operating in CN, but now there is a clear difference

>> No.77887412

List of Chinese (ethnic) in Hololive:
1. Kobo
2. Kaela
3. Ina
4. Dokibird

>> No.77887418

she already had the worst fanbase imaginable, nice to see her really trying to outdo herself.

>> No.77887424

Both of them are. Thats not even a secret. Ina mentioned being able to speak korean in her debut. Not mandarin.

>> No.77887440

Simps falling for Egirl's fake crying like all Egirls

>> No.77887472

Reminder that it's considered virtuous in China to cheat to get ahead.

>> No.77887477
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>> No.77887481

Yagoo… you performed a dogeza for nothing I could imagine this was all beyond your control

>> No.77887485

niji were always behind holo outside of JP because they are just suck at it, they think they can replicate their lucky start with nijiJP outside of JP, but failed so hard

>> No.77887515

>Pretty sure Holostars have been streaming there for months
So that's why she's streaming there too now. Indocucks will still defend her kek

>> No.77887527

That talents have never been part of Cover's long term plans. If anything, the plan is to get rid of them evetually.

>> No.77887532

Fubuki please come back to bilibili.
We China Sukon-bu are still waiting for you.

>> No.77887552

Kson didn't even participate in that event so not sure why you bring it up.

>> No.77887553

Ina is Korean, not Chinese.

>> No.77887571


>> No.77887581

Unbelievably stupid move from Cover. And they were doing so well.

>> No.77887588

>I'm specifically talking about how Holofags kept bragging that they finally cut off the toxic CN fanbase after the Coco situation while laughing at Niji pandering to them these past 2 years
yes? there is a clear difference between kneel down/pandering like niji to CN and what holo doing which is basically "throwing bone to a dog,if they dont want to, then whatever, if they want that bone/leftover then ez money".

>> No.77887593
File: 106 KB, 700x993, 1648581410613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based watson

>> No.77887600


>> No.77887617 [DELETED] 

I want to tell you something about Ina but that will get me banned.

>> No.77887622

fuck no man… fuck no dont remind me this fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCk

>> No.77887637


Okay so what's the difference now? Spell it out to make it as clear as possible as if we are 5 years old, because any vague posting makes it worse.

>> No.77887749

Screencap my post, BVTM.

>> No.77887795
File: 219 KB, 1920x1500, 1688064642496796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the retarded /vt/ cope
>hurr cover had nothing to do with this
So is this kobo stream a stolen archive from youtube?

>> No.77887797

I'll be honest, I don't see the money. Going back to China will create a "Sister" problem for them, in other words, it will create a hostile subset of the fanbase which will harass the talents and chase off other paying fans, and impose heavy consequences for not catering to them (in the form of harassment, public attacks, etc).

China will quickly make Cover choose between China and the rest of its fanbase. It's very unfortunate that Cover will have to relearn this lesson and risk losing more talents. I'd have hoped 2020 would have been enough of a lesson, but maybe they really believed China that Coco was uniquely bad/awful in some way.

>> No.77887825

Every interaction with mainland chinks has shown how god awful the bugmen are.

>> No.77887853

The difference now is that Yagoo gave them a one time warning , at the first sign of shit stirring they pulling out , one last chance

>> No.77887865

>Throwing bone to a dog for ez money, if they don't want it we don't care
Lol cope. they're pandering to them to increase their earnings for next quarter. They still bended the knee to China after all the grandstanding they did after the Coco drama about pulling out of the Chinese market.

>> No.77887890

>but the ones that attacked coco had the backing of the ccp
No, they weren't. CCP was actually fine with Cover. If CCP was against Cover / Hololive, Tencent would have stayed far away from them and the harassment would have been dozens times worse.
The speculation was that either B2 or some Chink corpos wanted to push Hololive out of CN market because Hololive was dominating that market, and were behind the whole thing. Now that none of their attempt were as successful as Hololive (even ASoul failed in the end), they are kneeling to Cover and begging them to come back

>> No.77887892


>> No.77887901

Where were these mythical good bugs in the years of harrassment?

>> No.77887927
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>> No.77887939

if you believe original leaks (well which were pretty much proven true) bilibili kneeled in a lot of ways and promised a bunch of things... but we'll see I guess
>Going back to China will create a "Sister" problem for them
investors only see 1 billion people market

>> No.77887943

I know the zhangs harassed Fubuki to death but would she (Fubuki) REALLY ghost Kobo over this?

>> No.77887951

>Chink corpos
Do you know who own those chink corpos?
Communist and their cronies.

>> No.77887952


Who am I suppose to believe? Either Cover is cucking to China or the other way around?

>> No.77887954

>pandering to China is good when Holo does it

>> No.77887964
File: 301 KB, 786x588, 1718113817694753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should've supported holostars

>> No.77887989

Holo chink kek

>> No.77887993

you can cope all you want anon but arguing with me here wont save your girls now from the sequel to the biggest shitshow in vtubing history. I pray for you oshi’s safety I have zero energy now to even reason with you im out bro good luck

>> No.77888001

You meant China bended their knee and Cover decided to give them another chance.
Fubuki hasn't complained about this decision and I trust her "If Cover does something I do not agree with morally, I will leave"

>> No.77888002


>> No.77888014

Her last name is literally Korean, retard

>> No.77888026

By the way, I will remind you that some of ""people"" who hard-doxed and wished Sayu dead were chinese Vox fujo fans. So returning to China will create problems for all existing fanbases at the first serious drama.

>> No.77888035

They need to satisfy their investors. that's all.
It was known that some of them were unhappy over hololives lack of presence in the huge chinese market.

>> No.77888051

what's wrong with the chinese? I like them.

>> No.77888062

original leak was about bilibili kneeling to cover yeah
still there wasn't much interest from the actual talents

>> No.77888093

t. north korean

>> No.77888102


That's not how it works. Cucking would imply that one is the bitch in the relationship. Yoi can't BOTH cuck each other.

>> No.77888142

>only she can penetrate

>> No.77888168

>You meant China bended their knee and Cover decided to give them another chance.
It doesn't fucking matter which one is kneeling. The moment you give chinks an inch, they'll take a fucking mile and Cover is fucking retarded for that.

>> No.77888175

Why would you believe retards saying China are the ones bending the knee and that Yagoo is just giving them one last chance?

>> No.77888190

>check catalogue
>flooded with kobo images
So you are going to spam this thread now, nijisisters?

>> No.77888195

Maybe if they had a different government they could be decent people but they're so brainwashed. And I don't just mean being crazy nationalists, that's very common in many countries, they're also extremely materialistic, obsessed with status and social climbing. Once this CCP falls it will still probably take at least a hundred years for Chinese culture to recover.

>> No.77888200

It's simple, anon.
Bilibili was once really against Cover & Hololive to the point of removing their talents from anime streamed there. Everyone knows abbout how the antis were so I wouldn't bother telling the tale again.
Now that Cover is letting Kobo stream on Bilibili, it means (1) Bilibili is no longer against Hololive and (2) Antis aren't an issue anymore. That showed which side changed their stances and it's not Hololive.

>> No.77888219

the original "leak" was a random schizo post. numberfags get oneguyd by any screenshot of chinese text that people post in /#/.

>> No.77888242

>Niji bad because China
>Holo good because China

>> No.77888246


>> No.77888271


Because there were no leaks about Cover submitting to China but there were leaks of the opposite?

>> No.77888272


>> No.77888300


>> No.77888301

Niji (ENGLISH BRANCH) bad because their organs bullied another organ.

>> No.77888319

Yes, that's why I think this will not actually make them any money. China is going to be super hostile towards the rest of Cover's fanbase and will eventually try to chase other high earners out of the company for some trivial offense.

It's just a shortsighted, stupid move. Non-Chinese companies can no longer do business in China. Any promises they make are worthless.

>> No.77888322

Isn't that called swinging?

>> No.77888340

So it was trash from the very start.

>> No.77888355
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I wish all you holofaggots luck you guys are gonna need it especially the new ones

>> No.77888358

There were leaks that the Chinese people, that are the cause of why Cover pulled out, collectively said sorry and begged on their knees for Cover to come back?

>> No.77888370

>Non-Chinese companies can no longer do business in China
This is actually true, you must be a chink.

>> No.77888485

there is no plausible deniability with the chinks. they are chinks. even IRyS chat got spammed by them back when she had a Among Us collab with Fubuki

>> No.77888506

And it is also known that Yagoo has given investors middle fingers several times when they tried to ask him to make the girls unhappy in exchange for more revenue. Cover isn't going to do something malicious just because of the investors

>> No.77888517


>> No.77888536
File: 50 KB, 483x767, 1707064009249705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real HoloChads love and support China.

>> No.77888578

The cope replies to all the well formulated factual posts are fucking hilarious.
The truth was so obvious and some of these clowns are STILL in denial.

>> No.77888651

>Yoi can't BOTH cuck each other.
Yes you can.

>> No.77888658

Hololive will pander to anyone for enough money and they aren't that different from Nijisanji. There are far to many tribalists on /vt/ who forget Cover made a CN branch specifically to get into the Chinese market.

>> No.77888725

>nico nico douga gets ddosed, damage was so bad they said they're rebuilding the site
>holos doing bilibili streams
I'm sure these two are related
t. schizo

>> No.77888762

Can someone explain to me why Yagoo went full retard? Even if it was braindead investors throwing a tantrum, he should know better than ever kneeling to them in this particular issue

>> No.77888765

One important point you're leaving out is that Cover NEVER wanted to leave China. They were forced out.

>> No.77888807

Thankfully no (not Taiwanese either), but I spend way too much time paying attention to what they are doing.

>> No.77888841

modern holofags don't even know what happened. they think bilibili staff themselves or the chinese government kicked hololive out. so their narrative requires either the bili ceo or chairman xi to personally invite them back and say sorry which is actually possible.

>> No.77888863


>> No.77888877

show me their "special treatment" then? or cover "apologize for our mistake back then" ? where? they dont have any obligation to china, they just open US OFFICE IN LA NOT CHINA, see the difference retard? THEY CHOOSE THAT BITCH KSON OVER CHINA which is why chinese hate holo to begin with retard, DO YOUR FUCKNG REPS! CHINA HATE HOLO BECAUSE HOLO CHOOSE TO SAVE COCO AND LEAVE CHINA, NOT KICK COCO AND STAY IN CHINA, fuckng retard.

>> No.77888909

5. IRyS

She half chinese despite not having learning any Chinese or Cantonese from Dadrys

>> No.77888934

uuh yes actually
leaks mentioned how bilibili was apologized to cover and talents

>> No.77888936

its literally bili2 "inviting" holo to stream, not cover come to china and start new branch etc.

>> No.77888937

I know you will never accept this answer, but Yagoo and Cover were never against China. They were kneeling and begging for the chinks to forgive them but they asked for more than Yagoo was willing to give up.

>> No.77888939

Of course. They were given two choices - either they removed Coco and could stay in CN, or they kept Coco and had to leave. They picked the 2nd option, but if there were any way to stay in CN without firing Coco, they likely would've stayed. Ultimately, they still picked their talents over the market

>> No.77888983


>> No.77888991

I'm talking about leak from chinese insiders that mentioned bili kneeling, and low interest from talents
dunno what you are talking about

>> No.77889044

it wasn't even from 4chan...
you fuckers do not know anything HUH...

>> No.77889057

Bili requested it. I'm not sure of the demand from the former Chinese Hololive audience.

>> No.77889070

It wasn't the CCP, but there were definitely more than just a bunch of antis who was working against Hololive. Even non-anti Chinks later pointed out that things accelerated too fast and coordinated too well during that fiasco

>> No.77889077

Did everyone literally forget about Bae?

>> No.77889098

>nijinigger forget that there is no holoCN anymore, there is nothing CN can do to holo

>> No.77889138

And that should have been the clue that the Chinese market meme isn't worth it. So tell me again, why is Yagoo going full retard doing something he knows damn well will end badly

>> No.77889176

DadRyS's accent definitely didn't sound Chinese American unless he himself was a hafu as well

>> No.77889187

Oh shit, I forgot about the most obvious one (self declared) lol

>> No.77889219

it was posted here, that's why you know about it. the origin is chinese social media, you believed it because it was written in chinese. it was fake and you are gay.
they were not chinese insiders. holy shit guys come on. public pressure forced hololive out. it was exactly like the mcdonald's protest except it worked because zhangs actually are brainwashed about that island. there is no one person to "kneel" here.
because it was a situation that had been building for months that was not obvious to people who weren't paying attention. i.e. most of them.

>> No.77889236

>Ultimately, they still picked their talents over the market
But not before punishing them as hard as they could allow themselves to in hopes of getting to stay. Firing was just a step too far.

>> No.77889274

Hopefully this yab doesn't get to the level of nijiEN biggest yab.

>> No.77889296

Reminder that if she gets big enough in Bilibili she has to doxx herself (her face, private information, etc) to both Bilibili and the Chinese government.

>> No.77889327

Clearly he doesn't think it's a problem. He seems to like the Chinese market.

>> No.77889328

kito cuma trolling guys

>> No.77889385

Welp, Hololive is dead to me now,

>> No.77889401

I'd like to revisit a thread celebrating hololive pulling out of china

>> No.77889422

Never trust corpos

>> No.77889443

Because it won't end as badly. Hololive no longer has a CN branch, neither do they rely on B2 and Chinese anymore. They have been thriving without Chinks, and both they & Chinks know it. The circumstance is notably different now.
In the worst case, they can just pull out again but with a lot less baggage now. What can Chinks do? Seething impotently and spamming in rage again?

>> No.77889518

Hey I'm in there!
Told you so.

>> No.77889527

Ogey, sis

>> No.77889547

Despite of how he sounds he's from a Chinese family. If you know IRyS' secret family name it is obvious that she's half Chinese.

>> No.77889554

Ethnic Chinese in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and overseas are ok. But Bilibili is a tool of the Chinese Communist Party to prop up the mainland dictatorship and spy on their own people.

>> No.77889574

Cover only took good care of the talents since it brings them goodwill and new fans, now that things are stagnating they need a new avenue for growth to show for their investors. Remember cover is a public company and yagoo only managed to tell them off due to the growth they had. He would eventually still need to please shareholders which is why holostarsjp got their last 3d concert for the foreseeable future.

>> No.77889584

>what are you gonna do, stab me?

>> No.77889615

I don't watch Kobo.

>> No.77889638

>Seething impotently and spamming in rage again?
do you not realise how shitty the spamming was for all members involved

>> No.77889640

B2 schedule where?

>> No.77889658

Of course, and there was nothing wrong with it. I said it back then, and I will say it again - the "punishment" was just there to (hopefully) pacify the situation and protect the girls. It wasn't done maliciously. In the end, that didn't work, but that method has worked more often than not in the idol scene before

>> No.77889675
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Nigga I made the thread for fun now she's actually streaming from there lmao>>77862597

>> No.77889684

Next one in July.

>> No.77889698

>What can Chinks do? Seething impotently and spamming in rage again?
Why are you acting like that shit wasn't awful? Art tags clogged with gore and deep fakes. Spam so much that chats became literally unusable? Talents breaking down in tears from the stress? Nothing about it was impotent.

>> No.77889712

>Chinks know it.
they see this as an absolute win and that Cover knelt because that is what it is in asian culture

>> No.77889852

Not even TW who should be most unhappy about this see this as a Chink win, anon.
If Chinks want to convince themselves that they did, who cares?

>> No.77889902

lmao both reddit and here are the exact same about this
some comments are even the same word for word

>> No.77889960

Almost as if faggots /here/ haven't been containment breaking and didn't even bother hiding it, anon

>> No.77889985
File: 218 KB, 1595x894, bili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is real after all, damn

>> No.77890028

holo reddit is #'s colony, it's pretty obvious

>> No.77890090 [DELETED] 
File: 369 KB, 786x578, 133333435421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget all of that now

>> No.77890140

>In the worst case, they can just pull out
You're conveniently forgetting the months and years of harassment that came along with them "pulling out" last time. It wasn't just about cutting the CN branch.

>> No.77890269

kys retard faggot. fuckin scumbag..

>> No.77890283

Don't you have to doxx yourself to stream in b2?

>> No.77890362

Another hololive win

>> No.77890473

Honestly, that's what will make for a great spectacle when the pro-CN and anti-CN parts of her fanbase clash with each other.

>> No.77890498


>> No.77890579

Taiwan is China, yes

>> No.77890678

Almost no one in Cover's current fanbase wants this because they know what's going to happen. Even Reddit can smarten up from time to time.

>> No.77890737

So what's the fucking point of nene having to change her costume?

>> No.77890781

Good now mentioning taiwan on b2 stream

>> No.77890842

people do that all the time. the thing that's forbidden is saying it's an independent nation.

>> No.77890855

God damn this is so fucking disappointing.

>> No.77890900

>it was posted here, that's why you know about it
didn't read anything else cause you're dumb

>> No.77890962

>people do that all the time
Good, now tell holo members to do it

>> No.77891013

oh so you just read narratives from other clueless retards. even better.
aqua did it and she's their favorite holo.

>> No.77891054

And Flare killing her panda-like mascot

>> No.77891077

>aqua did it and she's their favorite holo.
Great, aqua on b2 when again?

>> No.77891081

as I said I don't care
leak was fucking confirmed by hololive returning to bilibili in exact way it was described
the fuck else do you want?

>> No.77891112

What is that place, is that chinese youtube?

>> No.77891120

>sisters trying to push the narrative that yagoo is no longer in control
this isn't nijikuro

>> No.77891160
File: 330 KB, 970x992, coco1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when Taiwanese news channel uses a blurred shot from Coco as background?

>> No.77891218

No one at Cover ever said "Taiwan is an independent country." They just showed YoUTube statistics which had Taiwan broken out. That was enough to cause the Chinese to sperg out and harass Coco out of the company.

It's clear even the mention of Taiwan existing causes these little pinks to shit themselves and fly into an animalistic rage.

>> No.77891268

Fuck I lose the catbox of aqua saying taiwan not china

>> No.77891390

the leak made a bunch of predictions that were wrong, especially the timeline, the only thing that would actually have been set in stone in a huge corporation, and was filled with random holofag rrats. the basic plan of how holo will return is something anyone without brain damage could guess. that was the only part that was correct. i posted the same thing when holo opened their ipo and i am not an insider. how the fuck would a random chinese guy even know cover's plans years in the future? they only hired that manager guy like a month ago.
the youtube statistics listed taiwan as it's own country.
that video was a fake.

>> No.77891517

>that video was a fake.
It wasn't retard

>> No.77891554

Some zhang is spamming Fubuki's free chat

>> No.77891555
File: 917 KB, 200x200, 1682261345746077.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holo get treated like GODS in taiwan
>double dip in china
this is fake right?

>> No.77891660

it was. aqua's only mention of taiwan was asking about the origins of boba tea. some anti doctored a video where said said taiwan is taiwan and not china using sound clips from that. let me know if you want any more real info instead of dumb /#/ rrats.
