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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77862597 No.77862597 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.77862691 [DELETED] 

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.77862696


>> No.77862725 [DELETED] 

Stop falling for chink false flags you retarded nigger.

>> No.77862729

just like the 20 other time you fags said this, i will only believe any of this shit when i finally see something official from either the talent or cover

>> No.77862732

Real Kobo here. That person is not me, that person is an imposter.

>> No.77862750 [DELETED] 
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>> No.77862788

What the h*ck!?

>> No.77862820

T o T

>> No.77862836


>> No.77862847

translate the ching chong to meing mong

>> No.77862888


>> No.77862945
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Oh it's real. Didn't expect them to get a new manager that fast.

>> No.77863069

Kobo send cunny pics kudasai

>> No.77863155

Hi Kobo big fan des

>> No.77863198

>hello i am kobo i'm on bilibili now yoroshiku

>> No.77863364


There, she said it was fake, bug.Now provide something from outside of bilibili that can serve as proof, or back to your hive.

>> No.77863401

Kobo chan!!! Please use your water power and turn it into a tentacle to rape me!!!!

>> No.77863532

>he thinks Kobo is awake before noon

>> No.77863613

I love you Kobo-chan please let me pump your young cunny

>> No.77863644

How loud can you fart?

>> No.77864005

more for my epic grudgepost

>> No.77864128

And ching chong nip nong to you, young lady

>> No.77864238

Gobo, did you check /ehe/ every thread exist (before deleted)? just wondering

>> No.77864372

I believe this because this anon have a real kobo name.

>> No.77864456

>esl believes something dumb

>> No.77864630

As much as I would believe Kobo would be retarded enough to try and do this
I'm just gonna assume it's more retarded billibilli shit for now

>> No.77864631 [DELETED] 

Here, ojisan! https://files.catbox.moe/axwlau.jpg
I tried, but I accidentily raped your dad instead. Ehe!
Only if you send me the full image.
I don't really fart, my anus just bubbles like soap.
Every day! I especially liked the pictures that made the mods mad.
It really, really is me!

>> No.77864724

hololive has had their bilibili channel reactivated and active for literally a whole year. you're in literal schizo levels of denial.

>> No.77864818

porn is banned in indoland
you can't be kobo

>> No.77865017

Where were matsuri and kobo bilibili concert that suppose to happen 2 weeks ago?
>inb4 cope

>> No.77865079

>Holocucks kneel to CHINAGOD AGAIN

>> No.77865090

there wasn't a concert 2 weeks ago. the event they were leaked to be in has not happened yet.

>> No.77865129

Kobo cute

>> No.77865210

Noo!!!! Kobo's tentacle....

>> No.77865225

yeah that's why bali is one of the top sex tourist destinations

>> No.77865481

Show your tits, Kobo! Onegai!!!
T o T

>> No.77865580


>> No.77865596

Oh fuck I'm cumming Kobo!!!! Take my seed you brat!

>> No.77865677

show hole

>> No.77865711


>> No.77865712

At this point Yagoo himself could go live on Bilibili saying Hololive's back in China and I wouldn't believe it. Nothing Ever Happens vtuber edition

>> No.77865719


please be in Bali

>> No.77865883


>> No.77865967


>> No.77865997
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Enough Internet for today Kobo

>> No.77866156

she sent to (me), stop looking

>> No.77866211

it's in july

>> No.77866275


>> No.77866301

Sure it is.

>> No.77866392

Why was I born as Indonesian? every single woman here is a womanlet. My female high school classmates probably would pass as elementary schooler in other countries.

>> No.77866405

Please china throw a melty in the taiwan strait again so whatever this is gets cancelled like the Matsuri stream

>> No.77866483


>> No.77866556

Fuck you i won't stop

>> No.77866631

uhh holobros?

>> No.77866782


>> No.77866924

Psychology students should study how /#/ gaslighted themselves this hard on china

>> No.77867050
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all the copes when Cover started uploading translated Hologra in bilibili at real time is just funny to see. it's just "vesper is just wrestling bears in the woods during his hiatus (before his termination)" kind of bizarre

>> No.77867233

Every time I think, "Kobo can't be that retarded," she surprises me.
Honestly I blame Cover too for even letting her do this, genuinely pray it blows up in their face again and Yagoo has to leave over the shame.

>> No.77867328

Why act like Cover is "letting her"? They are the ones asking her because they want to go back to China and most of the talents definitely don't.

>> No.77867330

Kobo can we meet up at Jakarta?

>> No.77867398

okay now THAT's cope.
If by some miracle they ever recognize bilibili's existence, it is entirely for taiwan and hong kong, as the taipei concert has shown they can at least be civil unlike the mainland plague.

>> No.77867529

I thought her target audience is ID?

>> No.77867611

Look Revenue ID all member (well, except Kaela since HoloEN Lite)

>> No.77867667

No matter what IDbros say, they don't actually like Kobo chasing after every crusty Indon e-celeb under the sun. That's why Kobo barely has any members.

>> No.77867683

show tits

>> No.77867715

You're the one coping. They have been uploading subbes hologra for months, done two official screenings of holofes, uploaded a bunch of songs on individual talent channels and now they're sending Kobo over to launch talent activities on the platform.
'Go ahead and call me a chink while you close your eyes, I'm sure that will make all of this go away.

>> No.77867944
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the absolute state of indog biggest chuuba

>> No.77868048

Last month that was Kaela actually
passed Kobo in viewership for the first time since debut

>> No.77868062

yeah, in 2 weeks while even the incompetent niggersanji announce their concert months before

>> No.77868074

Taiwan and Hong Kong can use YouTube, the only reason to go to B2 is the mainland

>> No.77868140

>cover desperate for chinabux after their stock crashed 33% YTD

>> No.77868310
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They can, but whatever.
Honestly at this point I've given up on equating bilibili entirely with mainland china.
Hell, even Doki has plenty of friends there, though she seems to have no plans to stream on the platform herself. And if there's one vtuber China hates almost as much as Kson, it's Doki.

>> No.77868550

july is in 4 weeks also take meds before you overdose on rrats

>> No.77868714

Why would they hate her?

>> No.77868726

sisters will latch onto anything

>> No.77869074
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>> No.77869101
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>Real Kobo here

>> No.77869151

>6k views on bilibili
this is like finding a schizo twatter post with 5 likes and creating a narrative around it

>> No.77869177

This was one random schizo before she got invited to the bilibili server, there's no coordinated anti activity in China against her

>> No.77869287

finally gave me a reason to unsub. ive been meaning to do it for awhile

>> No.77869346

Well, I hope so. I keep hearing most of the niji schizos are chinese, so I can't help but be worried, especially since Doki isn't a "real" chinese.
How can I hire the watamates for protection?

>> No.77869451

Anyone have a Kobo member?

>> No.77869465

Is this girl stupid?
Right after she pandered to taiwan during karaoke, she then did this..
Kobo is not so different to FWMC then, alienate current fans just to gather new fans

>> No.77869499

Ok that's one guy that nobody even knows. Where's the proof that they ALL hate her?

>> No.77869577

Real all-star lineup for the return to China lmao, they couldn't even swing Bae or Shiori?

>> No.77870047

Holy shit isreal. Its over Hololive... china won.

>> No.77870455

Real Kobo here. This person is not me, this person is an imposter.

>> No.77870493
File: 1.46 MB, 1290x2796, Doki x Mint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's literally just a few drama chinks stirring the shit up with clit rotting nijisisters and people who don't even watch chuubas. Go to the latest Doki x Mint videos and you'll see that normal people all love em.

>> No.77870521

Yeah that ain't happening. They hated her for collabing with Coco and Foobs to the point she had to sub only her chat for forever and she has kept doing shit with Kson elsewhere.

>> No.77870555

Whens the next Altare collab

>> No.77870576

By that logic Matsuri should be even more hated.

>> No.77870589

You meant Cover won and China knelt to them once again?

>> No.77870648

It's fucking over...

>> No.77870652

The timing lines up

>> No.77870692

>They hated her
Anon, the fact that Chinks are bowing down should've been enough to let you know that most of the hatred has long passed

>> No.77870747

Finally Mihoyo perms.

>> No.77870764


>> No.77870897

china won.... cocos death was in vain

>> No.77870906

That would actually ruin several holomems. Especially since people can't help but throw money at gacha streams to get them to roll more.

>> No.77870940

>Iofi gets chinese game perms
It's official at this point, we just gotta wait for them to update their website with the bilibili accounts.

>> No.77870980

When will you bugman fuck off already. kys for the good of taiwan.

>> No.77871059

musedash perms again?

>> No.77871133

Probably big ZZZ sponsorship deal. Imagine the boost when they time the big return.

>> No.77871157

>Iofi gets chinese game perms
>chinese game perm got rescinded
So they not going to china based on your retarded logic
>inb4 cope
That chinese game perm got pull back, so what your cope now.

>> No.77871173

Please not ZZZ, fking starter pack deals before game launch exist LMAOOOO

>> No.77871198

Wasn't aware of that. Why did that happen?

>> No.77871216

It was always a tiny minority and paid shilling. Chink streaming corps wanted to get rid of them.

>> No.77871274

thank you for clarifying kobo

>> No.77871310

their WuWa perms got pulled after the devs found out iofi is from hololive

>> No.77871314

I saw a screenshot of someone on NGA getting mad at the publisher for letting Roberu play it, not sure if that was directly related.

>> No.77871320
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>Iofi gets chinese game perms

>> No.77871329

because chinks why else

>> No.77871356

>why did that happen
because chinks hates hololive?

>> No.77871377

NGA has a lot of sway. They're also the ones behind the current anti-male character movement in chinese gacha games.

>> No.77871447

I would enjoy if they play the game for lores and story. The gacha is just there for le funni clipper. Ive been watching an indie jp streamer playing genshin for the lores and story. Shes cute because she gets sad at easily. Watching her playing fontaine archon quest was genuinely enjoyable and good lord she cry alot and it is very cute.

>> No.77871472

So much sway all the top earning gachas have males.

>> No.77871557

They astroturfed a dying gacha from the brink of shutdown to the top 10 just because it didn't have men.

>> No.77871744

>more chink cope

>> No.77871813

the devs who made WuWa was expecting a first army like Pekora or Foob to stream it, and all they got was Iofi and Jutard, so they threw a fit and pulled their perms away.

>> No.77871826

kek poor dev

>> No.77871860

Wait really? Thats funny lmao

>> No.77871924

Did you think they gonna say it, nobody know why officially but we know why it got pulled out.

>> No.77871978

Either >>77871813 or bug weeks WW

>> No.77872052

The game itself is okay but honestly its just very empty to me. I guess if you're playing for the combat, then yeah its a good game. Ill stick to playing genshit because im a casual lorefag.

>> No.77872242

Which is silly and impatient of them. The Stars and ID are often sent in to try new games first before the bigger names get the okay to play a game. Ruze was the first Holopro chuuba to play Palworld, for instance.

>> No.77872270

B2 kneels to hololive? I guess they don't really have principles.

>> No.77872310

wrong. it's hololive kneels to bilibili. China kneels to no one

>> No.77872315

ITT: Chinks and antis pretending that bilibili taking hololive back without concessions is somehow not a win for Cover.

>> No.77872422

Lmaoo good luck with finding the cope for kneeling to china now

>> No.77872430

How so? China wanted their own vtubers instead of promoting foreign ones, but they've largely failed.
Now they're letting a Japanese company whose talents told Chinese nationalists to fuck off back on the platform. Haachama started the Taiwan thing and she's still there, even. B2 has no leverage in this.

>> No.77872432

Yeah you know except for bullying the "offender" out of Hololive and now they're inviting the same chink antis back into the fandom.
If you think this is a win for Hololive you're in for a rough awakening.

>> No.77872685

You're good at repeating lies about events you didn't witness. Next you'll tell me that nothing happened on Tiananmen Square in 1989

>> No.77872737

Why would I defend a CCP lie? Retard.

>> No.77872907


>> No.77873098

If bilibili was kneeling hololive would keep streaming on YouTube and chinks could watch a rebroadcast on bilibili. The fact they're making bilibili exclusive content is cover kneeling.

>> No.77873146

not to mention education Cover about the usage of the word "Taiwan" and use the politically-correct "Taipei" instead.

>> No.77873203


>> No.77873399

Except Nvidia and Cover Corp.

>> No.77873447

It's not real, she mentioned Taiwan in one of her talk streams

>> No.77873990

>Literally no announcement of this happening from Cover or Kobo herself
>No links from official websites linking to chink youtube
>Proven time and time again that chinks are in control of the accounts of Holo's on there
>Implying they will just kneel and let them go on there again after the whole Taiwan / Coco drama
You are all so incredibly stupid holy fuck

>> No.77874073

How did the chinks force Kobo into doing an introduction video for them?

>> No.77874091

Yeah theres even the real kobo here telling us thats its fake >>77862732

>> No.77874118

AI exists

>> No.77874129

AI cannot generate a functional Kobo model.

>> No.77874151

Voice, they took the animation from one of her streams

>> No.77874176

The irony. I told you it wasn't a chink scam, the signs were all there. There's only a little time left before you can't cope anymore though.

>> No.77874212


>> No.77874238

Prove that the animation is from her stream. Or don't.
You only have 4 more hours to live in your cope fantasy land before she goes live

>> No.77874332

Abusive girlfriend or boyfriend should take notes from them too

>> No.77874361

>2 more weeks
How many times do you fags need to cope about this shit?

>> No.77874366

In vesper's case it was the more reasonable assumption since he had done the exact same thing before.

>> No.77874414

>muh 2 more weeks cope meme
3 hours and 52 minutes, faggot.

>> No.77874454

Fucking retarded newfags
Lurk more and dig around about Taiwan yab before you post

>> No.77874495

Retards gaslight others too much that they got gaslighted by themselves

>> No.77874795
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>> No.77875373
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strangely familiar lmao

>> No.77875446

3 hours and 16 minutes

>> No.77875793


>> No.77875802


>> No.77876325

This brat ToT

>> No.77876503
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From a Kobolonimbus:
>Hmmm just a bit of spoiler from her latest membership few hours ago: Yes, the news is true and no, there will be no announcement from Cover corp "on Twitter".

Source: https://x.com/Akiii_va/status/1800453774001246248

>> No.77876888

Tapei is the name of the capital city of Taiwan, which is where the 3D karaoke event was held.
CCP refer to the country of Taiwan as "Chinese Taipei", which is a term that Cover and hololive have never used.

>> No.77877224


>> No.77877227

"Chinese Taipei" is an english language term that's only used by international organizations and does not exist in Japanese. Moreover using the name "Taiwan" is not automatically pledging allegiance to the ROC.
This schizo theory that Cover is definitely not active in China because they used "Taiwan" is extremely schizophrenic and retarded.

>> No.77877469

any retard have a meltdown over this is not a fan anyway. the talent have a new source of income and you here just meltdown bcs you can't own the anti? same as those shit on EU bro for nothing other than to feel like they are superior. what the downside if cover expand to EU? oh then you can't claim you are better than them? fking retard. doesn't think a sec for talent or the company (company is optional).

>> No.77877512

>any retard have a meltdown over this is not a fan anyway.
Who are you to call yourself a fan when chinks demanded blood with Coco? These bugmen do not deserve any attention at all

>> No.77877611

holy fuck shes here!

>> No.77877648

not all china are bad. you would have lie to yourself if you think so. the have 1.4b chink. there should be enough fan to outnumber even the sea community. yes as result anti is a lot too. but now we know cover is alr at the point that can handle anti and they can get out any time. so what is the downside of getting a new money source?

>> No.77877829

demonize the whole nation (especially a second-largest poppulation in the world) is never a right answer.

>> No.77877874

do you recognize Taiwan as a sovereign country?

>> No.77877877

>/hlgg/ already melting down
Cover will ALWAYS bow down to China
Retards who memoryholed Coco will have a rude awakening

>> No.77877878

and where was your "good" china when our girls were slandered and harassed?

>> No.77877901

>Chinks are still trying to save their face and deny that they kowtowed

>> No.77877923

what can they do??? like go out and protest or what? name 1 thing they can do in that time

>> No.77877928

please do your reps retard

>> No.77877952

They did it to themselves?
hololvie literally lost perms to ALL chinese games lmao
don't pretend as if it's about some "big group of antis" fucker

>> No.77877956

Ah yes, the mythical chink that isn't brainwashed by the CCP and doesn't jerk off their own country to bully people, where might that chink be

>> No.77878001

>what can they do??? like go out and protest or what?
So... do you see the problem now?

>> No.77878121

i just don't care about anti i don't need to own the anti. they don't exist in my mind that much. i just see the girl and cover have another market to get more money from. more money mean better life for the girl and better investment and quality from cover. they just announce a joint collab about combat anti too.

>> No.77878168

they have perm for china game you dumb. they just play WW recently. it's just the china devs at the time is so scare and chicken out.

>> No.77878210

The difference is Cover used to be involved with bilibili and china in the past and bilibili attempted to scam them and steal their tech while the chinese fans caused trouble for all of hololive, forced the closure of the entire CN branch, and spammed JP holos' chats with bots until Coco agreed to graduate.
No one who was around back then will ever forgive the chinese fans for what they did to Coco.
Meanwhile, the European market has never done anything like that and have only been positive and supportive towards hololive.
You're an idiot if you thought this was about Cover trying to expand it's market.

>> No.77878263

no retard
WW perms is the recent thing and they already lost them ANYWAY
> it's just the china devs at the time is so scare and chicken out.
SCARED OF WHAT motherfucker

>> No.77878274

They (both Hololive and Stars) played LoL just a month after that fiasco. Holo has been playing Valorant since forever. Tencent never cared about it and seemingly maintained good relationship with Cover. It’s only smaller companies pulled their perms

>> No.77878313

>not all chinese
Tell that to them. They accused Cover and hololive of "hurting the feelings of China". They act collectively and that's why they(you) are called bugs. You're like bees or wasps that only care about the hive.

>> No.77878330
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>what can they do??? like go out and protest or what?
the absolute state of chinks

>> No.77878395

There is no such thing as chinabux anon

>> No.77878412

the 1st part is pretty much bs. all of cover channel in b2 at the time is non official and only run by fan who will send them the money monthly. doesn't sound like cover involved with b2 to me. about the scamming, never heard of it. CN branch close is bcs of the traitor. and finally, coco graduate with pride and head high, she did not get push out by anti. they get difference in the goal they want to pursue,

>> No.77878436

Europeans are even worse than chinks. Nothing good ever comes out of expanding to EU.

>> No.77878448

what kind of retarded example is this? They are not chinese games
>Riot Games, Inc. is an American video game developer, publisher, and esports tournament organizer based in Los Angeles, California.
Tancent owning them means fuck all
Why are you even arguing? What other tencent game did they play? inb4 pubg mobile lol
Would such big corpo like tencent giving holo perms signal that "smaller" corpos can do the same?
How about you stop being fucking retarded

>> No.77878479

What would happen when people started to go FREE PUERTO RICO?
Gweilos make me sick

>> No.77878481

>she did not get push out by anti
yes she fucking did...

>> No.77878518

It's not much money at all. Cover never made much money from china because china doesn't let them take the money they get out of china. That is how chinese do business with foreigners. They force them to to through a chinese middle man and then prevent them from taking their half of the profit out of china. Then the chinese half always demands the trade secrets and tech of the foreign company before they try to push out the foreign half altogether, usually through some made-up nationalistic bullshit. It happened to blizzard. It happened to kpop companies, it happened to the NBA, it's happening to Tesla, and it happened to Cover.
The chinese are snakes and cannot be trusted.

>> No.77878519

"they" in like 10 ppl or 100 ppl or maybe 1000? bro, everyone can claim it. but human have brain, use it. tribalism fag can go to other place make war in the name of holo too.

>> No.77878570

The Tesla shit was hilarious because the second Tesla left China, BYD "suddenly" started to dominate the EV scene all of a sudden

>> No.77878603

>Tencent owning 100% of Riot Games means fuck all
Genius. I haven’t laughed that hard for a while
> Would such big corpo like tencent giving holo perms signal that "smaller" corpos can do the same
Of course not? Cover never had any issue with the CCP. It was the antis that was the matter. Tencent was, and is big enough that they could just ignore all the antis. Smaller corpos obviously can’t.

>> No.77878620

how about mobile legend - moontoon? shiori play Amazing Cultivation Simulator? there is one more that i forgot about

>> No.77878682

Shiori was the one that fucked Eilene over as revenge

>> No.77878696

yeah 100 people that somehow made every major chiense company to blacklist hololive from everything

>> No.77878704

>the 1st part is pretty much bs. all of cover channel in b2 at the time is non official and only run by fan who will send them the money monthly. doesn't sound like cover involved with b2 to me.
You're entirely wrong. The channels were run by site-appointed fans and Cover had a direct partnership with bilibili who was the joint owner of the CN branch. Those fans finctioned as employees of bilibili and were promised compensation by bilibili for translations and maintaining the channels. When bilibili failed to pay them, they instead blamed Cover and demanded pay from them instead.
The entire reason the CN branch was created was because of the deal between Cover and bilibili. Bilibili did the same thing with Anycolor when they made VirtuaReal. hololiveCN was the Cover equivalent.
You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.77878775

Europeans didn't spam or harass hololive talent until one graduated.
The problem with the European market is lack of interest. The problem with the Chinese market is the Chinese.

>> No.77878777

When will retards realize that even acknowledging Taiwan's existence is on the same tier as saying US should stop supporting Israel in the west?

>> No.77878819

Kobo stop shilling takamori the divorce baby gimmick sucks ass

>> No.77878824

no she did not. coco is strong woman. those anti are devil, their action is the worst. i am not downplay it. but coco win, she go out with a bang, and still living her best life. in fact she wouldn't even want to get back to hololive now.

>> No.77878832

So how are we explaining hololive losing literally all chinese perms (including sponsors like asus) they had but getting a bunch of literally who's perms?

>> No.77878838

Expanding to China at least has money under it
Europoors are delusional faggots who think they're 1st world

>> No.77878893

A shame that the Tiananmen Square copypasta gets you instabanned, would make chink falseflaggers on here more bearable
>Europeans are even worse than chinks
1+ to your social credit score

>> No.77878958

Coco's name was banned in Genshin and every chinese gacha game and rhythm game revoked permissions from hololive and Cover.
Riot is an American company with majority stake owned by tencent. Tencent does not have direct control over Riot Games.

>> No.77878980

Nice english.
Coco graduated because she couldn't handle other holos being harassed because of her. That's literally her whole reason. Not "creative differences" or nonsense like that

>> No.77878988
File: 211 KB, 1000x1288, 1709776771987285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup thats why nijiCN is thriving, luxiem is the hottest thing right now with full blown chinks support

>> No.77879006

thanks kobo!

>> No.77879163

who give a fuck. the point is it's not real national boycott. idk if you know but china real boycott is worse than this. you won't ever enter china if their is national boycott. doesn't matter who you are. your only option to live is left china.

>> No.77879166

Tencent never gave a shit about little pinkies or internet chink yabs. They literally deleted little pinkies off the internet during the nba china fiasco. The only thing they care about is $$. They are that powerful.

>> No.77879222

No it's not.
If you acknowledge taiwan in china, you get arrested and people call you a traitor.
In the US, if you call for the US to divest from Israel, you get called a retard liberal or protestor and no one fucking cares. If what you said was true, MSNBC wouldn't exist and all of those college protesters would have been shot, just like the ones in Tiananmen Square. There are literally congressmen and Senators that talk every day about how the US needs to stop supporting Israel.
So what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.77879238

you're free to have opinion.

>> No.77879277

China always win

>> No.77879363

>If you acknowledge taiwan in china, you get arrested and people call you a traitor.
Not just that, you are fucked for life because you get the bottom of the abyss social credit
But that's literally just a fact

>> No.77879364

Anti-semites get deplatformed all the damn time and are effectively blacklisted in high paying jobs
Now you're seeing how students who support Palestine slowly get blacklisted in higher education which cripples their career prospects

>> No.77879404

Opinion immediately discarded shlomo

>> No.77879463

Genshin just had their launch by then and Mihoyo was irrelevant before Genshin. It made sense that they wanted to avoid being hit by the drama.
The rhythm game wasn’t big either so I’m not sure what your point was - they were small and thus, couldn’t ignore the antis. Tencent was massive and on another level to care about those little pinkies
> Tencent does not have direct control over Riot Games.
They did if they wanted to. That’s what “owning 100% of Riot Games” did.

>> No.77879514

post your cunny or gtfo

>> No.77879675

fact is coco have the biggest graduate stream in the history, she leaving suround by her friend, get to hear their love letter to her, have the ceo (chairman) farewell. seem like "she get chase out by anti" down play all that. you want to highlight the negative. i want to embrace to positive.

>> No.77879734

i will only accept the return if the BML performance includes a surprise redebut of yogiri

>> No.77879760

why do chinks keep trying to crawl back to hololive
just fuck off

>> No.77879788

We are always here.

>> No.77879912
File: 8 KB, 274x290, e71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kobo rrat about her debuting China is forcefully pushed the day Anycolor Q4 drops
>Who could be behind this?

>> No.77879922

>Crawl back
For the millionth time, Cover are literally spreading their cheeks for Han seed

>> No.77879982

It's delayed again?

>> No.77880081

The Q4 report comes out in less than than 24 hs afaik

>> No.77880167

>Still trying to save their faces
Keep denying the fact that you kowtowed, bug

>> No.77880191

Bark your last barks indogs

>> No.77880209

bar soup hands etc.

>> No.77880246

It's going to be an interesting day between the China news and Anycolor report.

>> No.77880275

I will NEVER forgive you

>> No.77880292

The reservatiom is gone on Holodex

>> No.77880378

kys retard faggot.

>> No.77880482

on supas Kaela passed kobo long time ago and

>> No.77882173

Louder than the average ambulance siren

>> No.77882349

Nobody buys kobo membership that's why she's going to china

>> No.77882498

Thanks for sharing the information through such a trustworthy channel

>> No.77886156

