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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 38 KB, 850x607, __ceres_fauna_ceres_fauna_and_sapling_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_reon_98109reon__sample-442448ce9c66f80f52ceafd13e272137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77837024 No.77837024 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think all Holomen deep down cringe and despise their own fanbase and see their fans as weirdos weeb simps, or do you think at least SOME Holomen genuinely loves and cares about their fans and truly enjoy the community they've created?

I'm 100% sure there are the two cases in HoloEN, but I'm not 100% sure who is telling the truth and who is an excellent actress

>> No.77837134

No, they just despise you in particular.

>> No.77837240

Not sure why you posted Fauna when she's openly more cringe than her chat and constantly talks about how she doesn't want to do things to attract tourists because she likes the size and character of her current community.

>> No.77837348

>Do you think all Holomen deep down cringe and despise their own fanbase and see their fans as weirdos weeb simps?
>Not sure why
You know why, cuckling.

>> No.77837383

It's the same guy who keeps posting OPs obsessing over the "we can't be friends" line and who for a few weeks switched to making complaint threads about Sayu before returning back to his oshi.
We call him brownfeet, here.

>> No.77837630

The ones that do coomerbait like fauna and kiara love their fanbases, the prudes secretly hate them

>> No.77837652

There's no acting with Fauna. She outright told her fans they weren't friends, can't be friends and shouldn't be friends. They didn't even ask kek.

>> No.77837687


>> No.77837703

Fauna for sure doesn't feel that way and you should've used someone else like cuckronii

>> No.77837748

I literally don't even know who you're talking about lol

I actually used Fauna's image precisely because I think she's one of the few in HoloEN who fits what I said about genuinely loving her fans

>> No.77837770

Fauna literally said YWNBAF (you will never be a friend)

>> No.77837795

Barring a few exceptions I'm quite sure they aren't complete fools and know that they have fans of all kinds, not only "normal" and "weirdo" settings.

>> No.77837819

Yeah, im her boyfriend

>> No.77837848

Fuwamoco are the best actresses I've ever seen on Hololive, they truly make me believe that they love the Ruffians... And I allow myself to live in that lie

>> No.77837905

>Be honest
ok - most probably vacillate between the two. it's not one or the other. i'm sure even if you love your kind and supportive fanbase and all the lovely creative things they do, you realize most of them are basement dwelling pedo neckbeards cranking it to you 50x a day.

>> No.77837906

>they love the Ruffians
They only love Japanese Ruffians.

>> No.77838155
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I definitely think some do think their fans are cringe. Vtubing is its own subculture and you don't know your audience until after you debut.
The problem with really loving and caring about their fans is that you can't see the person behind the username and text. It would be like me going 'Hey anon I appreciate you and hope you're doing good' and expect you to remember that for our next interaction...except there's just no name and a few lines of text.
So as a whole, yes the audience is loved, but no Vtuber could tell you who that audience is beyond the username and some people do be cringe, as they say.
On the flip side the viewers problem think the entertainer they're watching is cringe too.

>> No.77838287

I get the impression that Shiori hates the Novelites.

>> No.77838482

She even suddenly stopped giving us kisses.

>> No.77838502

(You)r oshi hates her fans
mine loves hers
simple as

>> No.77838627

Some of them are really good at picking out cringe comments in their fast as fuck chat and responding to them instead of something funny or supportive

>> No.77839303

it's like actual idols where they enjoy the job and play along with the stuff chat does, but they immediately get disillusioned with the job when they finally do a meet and greet thing and realize who is watching them and saying these things to them.

>> No.77839430

Define love in this context. Do they want to have sex with you? No. Would they marry you? No. Would they drop something important to them to help you out or spend time with you? No. Are they your friend? etc. etc. no.

Are they grateful that they get to play video games and sing songs for a living? Mostly yes, barring a few instances of those who started too young and don't know how good they have it. This may sound like shallow reasoning, but being able to do what you love and not having to move boxes in the box factory is the only reason anyone with a fanbase 'loves' their fans, be they rando e-celebs or world-famous musicians. And that's fine and normal and how things should be.

>> No.77839970

Mostly this. I would say I think plenty of vtubers like their fanbase as a collective, and for more than just career reasons. Fauna seems to genuinely enjoy bantering and playing off her fans. Doesn't mean she loves them or views them as friends on an individual level.

>> No.77840192

If she rejects me sex than she doesn’t love me

>> No.77840311

im sure they genuinely love the money their fans give them

>> No.77840532

>she doesn't want to do things to attract tourists because she likes the size and character of her current community.
she's a holo.

>> No.77840603
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>Do they want to have sex with you?
Yes. Get a better oshi.
>Would they marry you?
Yes, get a better oshi.

>> No.77840675

except for Kaela

>> No.77840724

>Do you think all Holomen deep down cringe and despise their own fanbase and see their fans as weirdos weeb simps
Yes, why do you think they barely stream? Think about how real women have reacted to you. Your oshi thinks the same thing.

>> No.77840767

The entire concept of "loving" or "hating" their fanbases is flawed. Most vtubers can correctly identify that their fanbases are made up of multiple individuals, they probably hate those that send them creepy messages, or spam unfunny "jokes" in chat, or go on autistic spergouts in their comments, or are excessively needy or do trauma dumping. At the same time, they enjoy and like their fans who make art, leave them supportive or useful comments, make fun memes or OC, say funny stuff in chat. As a whole I think most of them have a generally positive outlook because their fanbase allows them to do a job they enjoy successfully.
Except Gura, I'm pretty sure she absolutely despises every single chumbud.

>> No.77840821

Don't know don't care. Sell me my fantasy and shut the fuck up if I give you money for it.

>> No.77840844

>Anon is a tourist to the hobby who has never gotten groomed by a vtuber before

>> No.77840846

>'Hey anon I appreciate you and hope you're doing good' and expect you to remember that for our next interaction...
I remember, even if I don't know its you...

>> No.77840854


>> No.77840901


>> No.77840979
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I'm sure they like their fans enough, but don't expect more that that

>> No.77841050

>thread full of nijisisters and twitchfags who can't conceive of the idea of an affectionate chuuba.

>> No.77841067

Funny, I get the exact opposite feeling, as in she has to constantly force her to keep her distance lest she becomes fully parasocial for her chat.

>> No.77841108

Liking someone and wanting to date them are different things, something this board refuses to understand.

>> No.77841111

Not doxxing myself but I'm a content creator and I have access to some discord vent channels shared with other creators.
They only dislike fans that harass them. Most Vtubers like most of their fans. Most of the time a Vtuber's biggest gripe is with corpos (not necessarily their direct manager, but the kinds of decisions detached execs make), not fans lol
If they seem unenthusiastic on stream, it's less likely because they hate you and more likely they're just burned out/tired.
I will say most streamers are a bit spoiled when it comes to work ethic. It's not hard work but people in this industry tend to be a bit menhera and can't handle difficulties in their life very well. A lot are on medications and have genuine diagnosed illnesses. So they burn out really easily.
Some of them take negative comments really hard and get one-guyed constantly. It's fine if they keep it to the vent channel but I cringe whenever they go public with it. It's never a good look, but they really can't help it sometimes.

>> No.77841217

I know it's you, Shiki.

>> No.77841229

Ina hates takodachi so much

>> No.77841268

The key word is handsome.
If you were attractive and had money you'd stand out like a shining diamond among a sea of trash. Most women would indeed give a chance to a rich, attractive man who adores her to the point of fanboyism.
The problem is, of course, that no idol fans are handsome.

>> No.77841274

You can hate and love people at the same time anon. Its like going to any anime convention

>> No.77841297
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I don't watch Fauna but if you do be grateful for that last part. From my observations chuubas (and streamers of any kind really) who see their fanbase as friends are pretty much always menhera and that shit always ends bad for everyone. It's basically the parasocial relationship in-reverse, just as unhealthy only for a talent it perpetually feeds into itself because the talent can't just walk away like a fan can. Being friendly with chat and bantering with fans is all well and good, but when they start relying on the fanbase for emotional support and peaking behind the mask in members streams (because my members are 'true fans', right? They love me truly, so maybe it's okay if I share that back) that shit's a ticking timebomb.

To pontificate a bit more I think balancing that line is actually what people mean when they reference the effervescent quality known as kayfabe. If you look at the likes of Korone and Botan they have a strong relationship with their fanbases without actually crossing or blurring that line between entertainer and fan. Hololive in general is really good at this, I think because a lot of OG management are idol fans so they understand these things. Rushia excepted, of course.

>> No.77841366

You don't get it anon, if a woman will not fuck me then she obviously despises me to the core of my essence

>> No.77841380

This but unironically.

>> No.77841525

Also as an addendum, not sure if you'll like hearing this, though it true most Vtubers don't hate their fans, a worrying amount don't genuinely like them either. A lot see fans as numbers. When they talk about their stream ideas and how to improve and such they never frame it as "doing things for my fans" or "doing things my fans would like", but "doing things to attract more fans/view/subs". More fans = more ccv, more views, more money etc. To them you're just a success metric. Their opinion of you is neither negative or positive, in fact they rarely think of you as real people at all. Sorry.

>> No.77841573
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blue broccoli...

>> No.77841773

I mean like, I dont think thats on them. Like, is it possibly to "truly like" thousands and thousands of people?

>> No.77841825

sure, why not? it's possible to truly dislike thousands and thousands of people.

>> No.77841853

How do you manage to use "like" thrice in a sentence?

>> No.77841893

>anon is bad at grammar and/or counting

>> No.77841942

I wonder if there's a list of HoloEN members who probably hate or dislike their fanbases.

>> No.77842002
File: 331 KB, 564x444, 1702907728422107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well when the fanbase treats them like a virtual girlfriend, you shouldn't be surprised when people view this through the lens of "does she find them dateable?"

>> No.77842022

>A lot see fans as numbers.
It's psychologically impossible to see the "fans" as a collective as anything else. Humans are unable to have a genuine emotional with people without building some kind of rapport.
That's not disliking thousands and thousands of people, that's hating a characteristic/label applied on a group that those people have. It's the difference between hating every gypsy who stole stuff from you vs hating gypsies because they're all thieves.

>> No.77842028

But he only used "like" once in the first sentence and twice in the second sentence.

>> No.77842032

I think she genuinely cares about the Novelites but is being told to by management or is telling herself not to go parasocial with her chat.

>> No.77842115
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>> No.77842215

No, I don't think so. Far from it, I think they don't really pay them much heed but are otherwise generally positive about their fans. I don't think any of them truly love and care for people they've never met before, but instead really appreciate them and depend on them in the moment. The difference with love is that you're thinking about them even when you don't see them. In almost all cases they won't recall or think much about anyone in their chat when they're not streaming.
You can agonize all day about whether it's real or fake, which really misses the point. The kind of relationship you developed with hololive members is exactly because they have a face, a body, and a voice. For them, you have none of that. How much do you love streamers that never use a model, cam, or mic?

>> No.77842231


>> No.77842300


>Fauna, Kiara, Biboo, Fuwamoco, Gura
They genuinely love their fans and enjoy their fanbase

>Kronii, Amelia and Shiori
They hate their fans and I'm sure that in many moments they regret joining Hololive

The rest neither hate nor love their fanbases, they just see Hololive as work and their fans as consumers of their work

>> No.77842333

you know, there are better places for you to download a personality from than the /vt/ catalog.

>> No.77842334

>How much do you love streamers that never use a model, cam, or mic?
Streamers not per se, but I have plenty of online friends I've never seen or voice chatted with whom I still deeply care about.

>> No.77842341
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you're not fooling anyone with this,samefag.

>> No.77842361

I think they have a general hatred for men, as all women do, but regarding their specific feelings regarding their fans, I expect they take a realistic view:
some of these people are decent, maybe even cool, but the majority are absolute faggot trash-tier pieces of shit.
If she believes anything else, it's because she's cripplingly naïve.

>> No.77842382

It would be worse if they framed it as doing it for fans. I remember in the past people that bought themselves expensive toys "for all of you my fans" and unboxed them, and all that. Weird vibes aside, they obviously bought it for themselves.

>> No.77842407

This post is made to catch (you)s.

>> No.77842414
File: 28 KB, 735x236, alwayremberhappyday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job anon, alway rember

>> No.77842420


>> No.77842466

you need to go "nijiseethe" first, newfriend.

>> No.77842497

>For them, you have none of that.
You've never been to a meet & greet of your oshi?

>> No.77842575
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Have foreigners gone too far?

>> No.77842684

Which is all direct one on one contact. Often through games or staring at their pfp. It's pretty common that people in communities without a pfp tend to get ignored more, too.
A streamer is obviously not going to be able to process all of that in the same way. Especially not at high viewer numbers. Maybe they'll remember one or two regular chat members.
The point was for you to consider how it must be for them, not to say you can't possibly form relationships with other engagement.

>> No.77842729

You are way too online.
Most real life women don't genuinely hate men and those who do were attacked or hurt by men in their past and have a reason for it. Even then they're more scared than angry.
It's like thinking all men irl hate women as much as 4chan does.

>> No.77842749

man holofags are really disconnected from what normal vtubing is actually like huh

>> No.77842945

course they haven't. people who post like this barely do anything for their oshi at all. but the majority of this thread hasn't even seen a stream, much less a clip in the past week

>> No.77842951

What kind of big streamer doesn't. There's always some people that assume the streamer pays attention to their messages and remembers them. Of course the streamer will despise these.

>> No.77842982

i don't care about the indie girls who fuck their top donators and mods

>> No.77843037

and thinking that is why you'll always be nothing but a tourist.

>> No.77843056

Grape-kun... I...

>> No.77843076

You think there's nothing weird about how close Shiori is with her male manager?

>> No.77843111

And yet Kiara has a stronger relationship with a store clerk at her local bakery than with any of her viewers.

>> No.77843241

that clerk? yeah me

>> No.77843284

The real question is why you guys are trying to fiercely argue that they not only know who you are, but that they actually love you. You know that's not true, and if the business model required that people believe that it would crash. It won't crash because not everybody is that delusional and is still a fan.

>> No.77843298

>I fantasize about cocks daily
Yes but why are you telling this to us?

>> No.77843297

But irl men do hate women as much as 4chan does, they just hide it better. The men who exist on this board exist irl too.
Sometimes I think men and women who choose not to date have a good point. They have an unfortunately high chance of ending up with someone who secretly hates them. It's my worst nightmare, personally.

>> No.77843355

That clerk was an older woman, but that's cute. Hello ma'am.

>> No.77843432

hololive is true vtubing, twitch simp

>> No.77843483

ok tourist whatever you say

>> No.77843577

My oshi loves her fanbase , comfy , niche and smaller than the rest group

>> No.77843603

stop crying, sister.

>> No.77843639

why are holofags so easy to bait

>> No.77843685

cope and seethe

>> No.77843709

The Holomembers that hate their fans are the ones that never do any Zatsudan streams.

>> No.77843751
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>> No.77843761

I haven't seen him in a while, does he work like beetlejuce or something?

>> No.77843772

reddit meme

>> No.77843835

Well, in that case you are disliking the group. But, to bring it back to a positive spin, even if a truly well meaning person...like, some "king" or whatever who loves his people and wants to help, bring joy too, etc too them all, I dont think its possible for that human mind at its core to really LIKE them all, as real individual people

>> No.77844133

Fuwamoco have been obsessed with becoming idols for most of their lives at this point, they definitely love their fans.

>> No.77844234


>> No.77844238

Shiori is smart enough to know that she's the kind of shut-in menhera that could all too easily become way, way too parasocial with her fans, so she purposefully keeps herself at a respectable distance.

>> No.77844250

but i don't watch holos

>> No.77844416
File: 82 KB, 850x1202, __ceres_fauna_ceres_fauna_and_sapling_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_redi_rasec_asdjh__sample-3b366aa861fd63eb6e62844271800474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna is one of the few that I feel really loves her fans, along with the fact that she's one of the few HoloEN that I see as REALLY being mature about this issue.

From the beginning she was very honest with the saplings and made it very clear that they will never be real friends, because they are the “Viewers”. Tis no way for her to get to know each of them and really develop real friendships.

the same time, she clearly doesn't treat them as just numbers and living wallets.
If you go to any of her VODs righ now and look at the comments, you'll see that there are hundreds of comments with hearts. She always takes a the time to read the comments after the streams because it makes her see the Saplings more as individuals.
She totally doesn't need to do that, in fact I think she's the only one who does it at HoloEN, but she still does.

At the same time that she creates lines and makes it clear that they don't have a real relationship, she still appreciates her fanbase and the people who support her so much that she tries to get a little attention for each of them individually.

So yes, for me Fauna is one of those who really LOVES her fans and is mature enough to understand what kind of love that is.
Not the “Huh they give me money haha” kind of love, but the love and care for those who appreciate your content and enjoy spending time with you. And even though it's not the same kind of love you have for a relative or a close friend, it's still a valid love and Fauna seems to genuinely value it.

>> No.77844936

Polka and Watame seem genuine. On the other hand, vtubers that hate, use their fanbase or just don't want anything at all with them, I think La+ and Suisex are good examples. (Kronii and Ina... perhaps?????).

>> No.77845104
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>> No.77845175

Both. I don't think you do this job without getting off on the attention, but I'm sure they think plenty of viewers are weirdos and creepy at the same time.

>> No.77845229

Mostly yes, except for Kiara who genuinely enjoys everyone and everything

>> No.77845263

Women do not love men unless they are chads

>> No.77845357

Based. I also would not love a woman who is old and ugly unless she was my literal mother.

>> No.77845373 [DELETED] 

She's my fav streamer for this reason. Wish her nothing but the best and hope that whoever the lucky guy or gal she ends up with treasures her

>> No.77845378
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>> No.77845506

Yellow tier is best tier. Anyone in a green tier is just a grifter who's manipulating you. Anons who put them there are just being fooled.

>> No.77845620

I feel bad for Biboo's inevitable disillusionment with the pebbles. No large group of people can resist fucking everything up forever. It's a statistical impossibility.

>> No.77845703

>Fauna not in the "Loves and respects her fans" tier

You've never seen anything about Fauna, i see

>> No.77845828

>Ame hates her fans so much she feels guilty accepting money from them and keeps putting it back into projects for them
Damn, sucks to be a teamate

>> No.77845838

>Confusing good manners with love

>> No.77846414

Fauna is like a barber. She chats with her customers and makes them feel good.

And then she clocks out on the weekend.

I think the strongest measure of love for fans is Con attendance. Having meet and greets with fans. Checking twitter, to see fanart also is an indicator.

Fauna also isn't a weeb. She's an ASMRtist that got a job as a streamer. I think she is good-hearted, but that doesn't mean she loves us.

>> No.77846502

Fully agree with this.

>> No.77847700

stop larping brownfeet, brown people can't afford barbers

>> No.77848099

No. They actually like several of the regulars that they recognize. Like a waitress... they also talk the maddest shit in the world.about the giga autists behind the scenes. Like a waitress.

>> No.77848528

>She's an ASMRtist
Not anymore.

>> No.77848664

She just did a new ASMR stream a month plus ago. Did something change since then?

>> No.77848829

There haven't been any since.

>> No.77848868

>theres internet in Gujarat now
Ok pajeet, you can go back to making slop with your brown disgusting feet

>> No.77848964

I like Fauna and I agree with this. She is a professional entertainer which is exactly what I think streamers should aspire to be. Not weirdos who like to be selectively parasocial.

>> No.77849863

they get hundreds of thousands of dollars to act cute and stream, and they get all sorts of opprotunities and support. Also alot of them are fucked up losers like their fans and probably are more sympathetic than you think

>> No.77851216

Only Kronii truly loves her fans. Everyone else is pretending. This post has been fact checked by real Kronie patriots.

>> No.77851916

>Fauna also isn't a weeb.

>> No.77854020

Why would 9-10/10 guys watch vtubers or idols? I see myself as 7 and could probably be 8 with bit of work but my social skills are trash so that alone is a big turnoff.

>> No.77854739

The kinds of guys women are looking for literally don't exist. They're imaginary.
Back in the day, Ashton Kutcher was like, one of "America's most attractive men." Is it because he was gorgeous? Nah, that dude was always average as fuck. But every woman acted like he was panty-droppingly amazing. It's all in their minds.
No "handsome guys" will ever be interested in vtubers/idols because the vtubers/idols in question have already accepted that it's an impossibility.

>> No.77857616

In fact, this was the whole point of her "we can't be friends" spiel that people love to shitpost so much about. The same way you as a viewer can grow attached to the streamer and feel genuine comfort watching, they can also feel comforted and grateful that there are many people who like what they do enough to go along for the ride and bounce off of. But that doesn't mean you are friends at an individual level. They love their fanbase in the aggregate, as a concept, but that aggregate is still made up of all the little individual fans that give it its character.
