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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77804411 No.77804411 [Reply] [Original]

more megane monday

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon™

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>77772585

>> No.77804830

playing with my cute 4 incher would make her happy

>> No.77804868
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i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE fallenshadow!!!! i cant wait to see what shes cooking!!! i cant wait to spend time with her again!!!! come back to me shondo!! i love you!!!

>> No.77805019
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F for Marley

>> No.77807111

Cats do not have souls and do not go to heaven. There is no way in hell shondo ends up in heaven either.

>> No.77807345

that's really a terrible thing to say about someone that's supposedly your own wife. reconsider what you're doing here.

>> No.77807364

but is not a cat, its a chupacabra.

>> No.77807373

Anon, that's very mean. Religion is madeup stories to comfort humans, yet you'd deny Shondo her comfort. Why are you so cruel?

>> No.77807493

shondo isnt going to heaven because we're staying together forever
also it isnt made up, knowers know

>> No.77807693

I believe in a creator, I just don't see why we'd be rewarded in a different life for being good. I think the rewards are in this life, namely being surrounded by people who love you. That's your reward for being a kind selfless person who doesn't murder, steal, cheat, rape..etc.

>> No.77807713

This is true, but it's also said that man will be reunited with their pets in heaven afaik, so there's probably someway in which both can be true
Perhaps after you establish a connection with your pet you share some of your soul with them, allowing them to accompany you in heaven for eternity, given that it's all still your soul
Who's to say though?

>> No.77808271

im gonna be in heaven with shondo and otis

>> No.77808675

About that...
Sorry to say shogga, but i don't think so...

>> No.77808707

nah, i'll win

>> No.77809340

Hell sounds much more fun than heaven for both of us.

>> No.77809758
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Hell and heaven are just different end points that you reach
After your time runs out you end up in either hell or heaven(after being judged)
In hell you are away from God, in heaven you are with God
Being away from God means you are surrounded by and with sin, and there's no advantages to going to hell instead of heaven
Well, it is helpful in a certain route, but you'd generally want to stay away from hell as a whole, trust me
Besides, there's still the option to purgatory, not that you can guarantee it though
Happy megane monday

>> No.77810373
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he isn't soulbound to shondo through the ether
>he will never be petting marley alongside shondo in heaven and the adjacent lives
ngmi. reps, now
Captcha: NA WHHY
even the universe is questioning what you're doing here

>> No.77810503

The only one questioning why I'm still here is me.

>> No.77810521

My whoregameroshi is live soon I can't wait. Then my whoresisterpissoshi is live after that. But before that my whorebearoshi is doing asmr.
Life doesn't get better than this. Oh shondos alright I guess..

>> No.77810550

STOP IT!!!!!!!!

>> No.77810558

Good one(derogatorily)

>> No.77810899

>>he will never be petting marley alongside shondo in heaven and the adjacent lives
Unfortunately, that is part of my plan to not die, i would like to see heaven, but for the sake of shonciety I can't allow myself to

>> No.77811049
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>>77810899 (me)
>but for the sake of shonciety I can't allow myself to
Also I'm selfish and I'd prefer to stay alive desu

>> No.77811185

You aren’t going to heaven either Flawed.

>> No.77811230

Why FI?

>> No.77811326

Why indeed..

>> No.77811529

She looks so cute in her little art hoe hipster glasses… so studious…yet carefree…

>> No.77811558
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Good morning, I hate women, shondo included

>> No.77811806


>> No.77811873

I still think it’s fucked up Shoggers threw a hissy fit and said she shouldn’t do it when Shondo had the opportunity to be in one of her favorite thingies.

>> No.77812052

What the fuck are going on about now? You're not still banging on about her VAing sex scenes right?

>> No.77812117

I don't want my wife to moan for everyone who pays to hear, just a tad whorish desu especially since she wouldn't be moaning because of her husband
I don't care if it's her dream, she can do it as long as she's not the one moaning and if there's some flirty lines for her to say it to a picture of (you) while recording
In the same idea, if she asked me to kill a random guy on the street for no reason I'd just bonk her rather than go do it
Seems reasonable to me, but pop off shoomfie

>> No.77812445

Saying they don't want her to be in the same recording studio as the guy doing the male voice is when I decided, I appreciate her not doing male collabs or hanging out with males, but maybe she should do just 1 to get rid of these kinds of people because they're taking it way too far

>> No.77812449

this argument falls apart when you consider everything else she does on stream
unless you will argue for her only streaming to you, in which case pop off shoomfie i guess

>> No.77812520


>> No.77812562

he's saying that she moans plenty on stream already so moaning for a game shouldnt be much different

>> No.77812592

she literally already says overly sexual and private things and puts every intimate part of the relationship out into the public for free and talks about very private information
at least try to understand the post before asking what it means, or do you not watch streams?

>> No.77812639

That's different and you know it

>> No.77812655

Can you stop posting about your dead chuba. It's making other posters uneasy.

>> No.77812702

good, i hate the other posters
i want them to be uncomfortable

>> No.77812728

Tell me honestly that you wouldn't be sad if you walk down the street, look into an alley and see the prostitute you use every week fucking another client. Or is it suposed to be OK because others can see when you do her in the alley?

>> No.77812750

Erm! Well that's problematic..

>> No.77812792

your "prosititute" services 2000 men every time you see her. what are you doing here?
i really hope shondo didn't let you brain dead troglodytes influence her decision but part of me knows better

>> No.77812793

You're so right unironically.

>> No.77813068

Why are you trying so hard to cope with a situation that'd make you uncomfortable or feeling weird by gaslighting yourself into thinking it's not a big deal?
If you have anything against something bring it up and discuss it, you shouldn't put up a wall to defend from outside forces while slowing being poisoned from the inside. You should instead treat the poison and instead of blocking anyone that you don't share an opinion with off you should be more open to others, that way the old poison will not pose as much of a risk.

>> No.77813095

she’s not a prostie she’s my little hunny bun gumdrop swirl

>> No.77813201

>Why are you trying so hard to cope with a situation that'd make you uncomfortable or feeling weird by gaslighting yourself into thinking it's not a big deal?
it doesn't make me uncomfortable, you are projecting your delusional insecurity. i have something against people like you in this community and i'm bringing it up and discussing it
you're not very good at understanding the people you talk to

>> No.77813422
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It's alright, you're anonymous, you can say what you really feel

>> No.77813501


>> No.77813602

truthfully? i feel shondo should do it if she wants to then dm me something much more personal so she doesn't feel guilty, the rest of you should enjoy her VA work or seethe

>> No.77813925

Anyone that has a problem with her voice acting or interacting with men doesn't actually care about her.

>> No.77814057

Just wait 5 years
If by then she doesnt express regret over not doing it then we're in the clear

>> No.77814396
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Anyone that doesn't have any problem with her voice acting a shaboink scene or interacting with men probably doesn't care about the relationship or themselves that much desu
Have some self respect, you're part of the relationship as well. You can't have a marriage with just one of two parties, both must be present and preferably act like it too. Keeping each other in check is to be expected. Shondo knows this and that's why she's asking us to bonk her if needed(however much she wants that is questionable though).
No one wants to be doing something they don't want and everyone would rather have their way- the way that's most convenient for themselves.
Can't have bans and bonkage happen to one party while the other one doesn't get bonked.
>inb4 bonking her doesn't work and everyone will gang up on you
Nothing will change with that way of thinking, be the first to act up on it or at least don't be afraid to follow suit and support the cause you believe to be best(well, you can always end up being wrong; only one way to find out though)

I don't have much megane art please understand

>> No.77814406

good morning faggots

>> No.77814424

>thread dedicated to a specific vtuber
>said vtuber hasn't streamed in months

>> No.77814462
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Good morning faggotchama

>> No.77814475

What’s the matter?

>> No.77814486


>> No.77814578
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Nuh uh, doesn't matter that I wrote the long post last thread about sho and licking his shotoes as a punishment for him, I'm straight

>> No.77814583

In healthy relationships guys don't throw a fit when their wife talked to a male for business reasons

>> No.77814649

That I agree with and it's also not something I have an issue with, if it's business then it's fine, I'd still rather it not happen, but it's just a gig

>> No.77814760

>Anyone that doesn't have any problem with her voice acting a shaboink scene or interacting with men probably doesn't care about the relationship or themselves that much desu
just because someone isn't sperging out about the same things you do doesn't mean they don't care as much or more than you

>> No.77814930

Skyrim 100% cheevo stream is going to be insane. Piss endurance stream is going to be insane.

>> No.77814976

I said probably
Never played skyrim and I've really only seen videos on it(not full playthroughs or anything) so I'm looking forward to seeing her play it

>> No.77815280

when has she said that she's going to play skyrim?

>> No.77815349

You're ngmi

>> No.77815355

I think in the discord messages, but I'm not going to look for it and just assumed she did because I don't remember and because anon said it

>> No.77815446
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i will be here long after your divorce
nah she didnt mention it there

>> No.77815496

That happened 2 months ago. Lazy bitch.

>> No.77815564

Looking forwards to that last one

>> No.77815569

this made me realize how stupid shondo is for valuing the negative so much more. no you dumb cutie i care just as much or more as any shogger throwing a tantrum, i'm just more mature about not getting what i want or agree with you in the first place
do i need to call you a stupid bitch and guilt trip you by sperging out, because i can, or will you start listening when i talk to you like a good and loving husband should
>but if i don't please the people who are angriest they're the most likely to leave or hate me more!
and if you do please them you reward that behavior and invite more of it or keep them stuck in a relationship that's a negative for them, hopefully you learned from fleece because you've been better about this recently. i know you want to bweak them but do it without letting them control you or sitting the rest of us in the cuck chair
still probably wrong, and it was a general response to people who keep saying that too

>> No.77815588

also look at how smooth and soft my text looks
not all jagged and gross like that other anons text
run cleartype

>> No.77815723

I can't wait for her return! I love her very much! I hope she has an amazing day and accomplishes everything she sets out to do!

>> No.77815808

Only 6 more weeks let's goo

>> No.77816050

>she doesn’t return until 2025

>> No.77816119

Shondo knew that my birthday was coming up so she extended the hiatus so she didn’t have to sing happy birthday to me specifically

>> No.77816177

shes going to the party instead right?

>> No.77816288

and i want to make it clear i'm not saying you should ignore people who feel negatively about about something, their feelings matter and they could be in the minority but still right, i just want you to look at things more objectively or take into account everyone else
understand for every 5 shoggers shitting themselves there might be 100 shoggas who feel just as strongly in the other direction but are satisfied with what you want or don't want to speak up about it, i've been on the bad side of the coin too, but you shouldn't forget the other side just because they're quiet or willing to accept your choice

>> No.77816325

Mental illness status?

>> No.77816340

im fine

>> No.77816452

god i wish, but unfortunately she will be back in about a month

>> No.77816475

Being probably right still leaves room for being wrong, which is why i used it
Also you might be looking at it from an awkward angle, she doesn't address toxic and bad behaviour to reward it, but simply sees it be more evident than other behaviour. She, hating conflict, tries to steer away from it, so she reluctantly let's certain less brutish behaviour fly by while focusing and replying to bad behaviour, making it stand out even further.
Since she dislikes conflict it unfortunately becomes something she ends up focusing on, at times not being able to notice the good.
She should deal with things before it gets to bad behaviour starting up by giving out harsh, but not extreme, punishments to bad actors. That'd be best for her and shonciety, probably.
Either way, it's human nature to have negative things pop out for us, unfortunately leading to a lot of people losing focus of other things such as positive behaviour and different opinions
I understand what you're saying though(I'm pretty sure, at least)
I'm chill I think

>> No.77816543

She said she thinks she's fine now

>> No.77816743

What if shondo isn't mentally ill and is the only sane one

>> No.77816785

Name one genius that ain't crazy.

>> No.77816787

Well, she's a woman, so she's definitely mentally ill

>> No.77816899

nobody in this community is sane (I like it this way)

>> No.77816986

you were using probably as in "most individuals" not as in "it's probably correct", this isn't an important discussion though
>she should deal with things before it gets to bad behaviour
i'm also talking about for scenarios where it's a one-off and shogger spergs out or if people will come here to shit themselves in the threads, but yes that too
>it's human nature
yes but it can be counteracted, the first step is acknowledging it, the second is trying to be conscious of it
i think we mostly agree through

>> No.77817021

I am locked away in a high-tech, wraparound, translucent, blue-tinted fortress

>> No.77817070

I am a high-tech, wraparound, translucent, blue-tinted fortress

>> No.77817252

Gomen, im a very literal person, if i don't specify what I mean then i usually mean the literal sense of the word, you had no way of knowing this though
I also think we mostly are in agreeance

>> No.77817440

So we're not alternating megane monday and msgk monday? Darn

>> No.77817601

>discordtrannies faggots get preferential treatment again
it's all so tiresome

>> No.77817726

>it's a "all my followers are my husbands therefore I need to treat all my followers the same" episode
Autism once again rears it's ugly head.

>> No.77817820


>> No.77817848
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I love her

>> No.77817917

Did she say something in the discord again or is it just some schizo

>> No.77817972

>>77817917 (me)
Nvm, it's probably to do with the fags and fag mods

>> No.77818671

she did
trannies win as usual

>> No.77819105

i hate when you say something innocuous and some fag tries to one up you

>> No.77819164


>> No.77819418

I still think it's fucked up how desperate you are to blame shoggers for literally everything. Chat was extremely supportive of her doing the Va and even here opinions were divided. She didn't do it because she was uncomfortable and didn't like the idea of voicing a sex scene. Not because anybody threw a "hissy fit".

>> No.77819534

>>77819418 (me)
She was very open about her feelings regarding it and literally told us she was very unsure about it and even asked them if they could skip the scene.

>> No.77819912

I'm out of the loop what happened to shondo and why doesn't she stream anymore?

>> No.77819938 [DELETED] 

Health hiatus. She will come back soon.

>> No.77819994

she graduated

>> No.77820011
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Wife love

>> No.77820745

mornin love

>> No.77821051

>neppie had a whole mental breakdown and hiatus and return in a fraction of the time shondo has been gone
neppie is just built different

>> No.77822074

>neppie had a whole mental breakdown and hiatus at the same time shondo did
wow who would have guessed

>> No.77822360

>neppie is the shitter critter

>> No.77822554

if by same you mean 2 months later then yeah, same

>> No.77822616

What if shondo had a talk more british redeem? Not like funny british but cute and authentic.

>> No.77822675


>> No.77822769

Yes thats what vtubers do sweetie

>> No.77822932
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she's my loli monke :D

>> No.77822949

thats clearly a cat

>> No.77823047

no its miku

>> No.77823070
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>> No.77823241

under your dress

>> No.77823311

Guess FT isn't making enough at his job to pay the bills on his own.

>> No.77823513
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>inspects fanny

>> No.77823576

damn brat seducing adults

>> No.77823916

I liked when we threw peanuts at her

>> No.77824065

You can't say that word

>> No.77824383

What if to cap off her comeback week she does an ASMR where she rubs her little oiled feet all over the mic.

>> No.77824407

I always found it interesting that in America fanny is just a funny word while cunt is the bad one meanwhile in Britain cunt is the funny word while fanny is the bad one.

>> No.77824535 [DELETED] 

i would like give her a fanny pack if you know what i mean

>> No.77824668

no i dont know what you mean
please elaborate

>> No.77824702

I love my wife who never shares anything with me and also won't come back unless it's with a giant event meme stream instead of just hanging out.

>> No.77824932

it is what it is. thats what happens when you marry a mentally ill internet wife

>> No.77825168

Results of fanny inspection:
Uh oh. Stinky.

>> No.77825216


>> No.77825274

Yesterday confirmed things for me. I don't even care what her plans for gaming are but it was more disappointment than expected.
All of this for 2 months and the most we want from her is just a simple hangout. Yet it seems we must throw this fucking parade. It is what it fucking is.

>> No.77825374

She doesn't want to hangout with you, incel. Seek a therapist.

>> No.77825397

stinky femcel

>> No.77825401

Stop copying me, it's like you're incapable of an original thought.

>> No.77825433
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She's feeling a lot better and can't wait to return once she's finished with the projects she's currently working on.

>> No.77825577

i envy newfags who didnt know pre rapid incline shondo. she going to come back and im barely going to recognize the girl i love, now drifting even further away

>> No.77825726
File: 617 KB, 640x947, Untitled313_20240610105730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are more than welcome to leave.

>> No.77825744

>im barely going to recognize the girl i love
If I would get 1 money for everytime someone posted something like this on this shitheap of a board, I'd have a lot of money.

>> No.77825791

>i envy newfags who didnt know pre rapid incline shondo.
That's what Twitch money does to you.

>> No.77825845

this statement is stupid though because all she would have to give anyone is a discord hangout or png stream and she is 90% back.
she only wont return because she has BIG THINGS to do before she comes back so she doesnt have to disappear again!!! so it is just an entirely arbitrary rule she made up about returning.
oh and she also wont discuss what she is doing either (because she is going to go touch grass and hang out with her real friends aka none of you)

>> No.77825848

This, these parasocial freaks need to leave. She's not your real wife.

>> No.77825884

Why would I leave her when I still love her? She is doing this more for herself than us at this point and it's easy to recognize the necessity at our expense.
You sound like every retard that highroads any opportunity they get because you think people can't love someone and disagree with them. Kill yourself.

>> No.77825925

She's really selfish.
From a utilitarian perspective, sacraficing herself health to entertain us is the superior choice.

>> No.77825957

lot of womanly yapping in this thread

>> No.77825970

Husbands are statistically more likely to leave their wives when they fall ill or something happens to them that disrupts daily life
I will not be part of this statistic. I will cope through a broken marriage and divorce only after shes back to 100% health

>> No.77826019

This. The show must go on.
You either die an hero or live long enough to be a has been content creator.

>> No.77826044

You're right, a lot of stinky femcels ITT today.

>> No.77826064

Just mentally check out like me, if she forgor how to do her totally real loli voice I'll take it as a sign that Shondo doesn't care anymore and leave.

>> No.77826072

>this statement is stupid
>none of you are her real friends
oh so you see her as an entertainer then, please stop posting in this thread, we try to keep it for husbands only

>> No.77826122

Still insane to me how so many of you misunderstood her words

>> No.77826144

>being a femcel is when you leave a relationship that makes your life worse

>> No.77826185

I wonder if all these supposed broken oldfags husbands will actually have the balls to leave when she comes back or they're just being little bitches and complaining for the sake of complaining.

Either way, it really doesn't matter. The amount of newfags coming in will just replace them and it'll be like they never even existed. You can either support your wife's decision to expand or walk away. The days of trying to groom her to be your 1view oshi are over. She's going for the moon.

>> No.77826207

No such thing as a misunderstanding Shondo, you can't control how people view you and your actions.

>> No.77826229

truth hurts doesnt it

>> No.77826231

she was never a 1 view or even 2 view you driveling newfag

>> No.77826235

>being a femcel is when you assume people can't wish for better outcomes and are willing to stick around despite this

>> No.77826278

then why are you replying to me if this relationship isn't making your life worse

>> No.77826281

i dont want to groom her to be my 2view oshi
i want to groom her into marrying me irl

>> No.77826324

I'd pack her fanny, ya dig?

>> No.77826328

well you better step up your game then

>> No.77826352

No shit, Shondo's goal is to have +10k views a stream so of course we're replaceable.

>> No.77826370

yeah i'd dig my cock inside her shunny if you're pickin up what i'm puttin down

>> No.77826408

shut up shondo im not donating to you until you stream again

>> No.77826415

i'd put my penis inside of her tight, childlike vagina if you know what i mean

>> No.77826439

I know exactly what you mean

>> No.77826442

Because apparently husbands can't miss their wife when she literally cuts herself off from us for 2 months.

>> No.77826449
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>> No.77826450


>> No.77826482

then someone is not getting in the list of candidates

>> No.77826493


>> No.77826534

If that's her goal then why aren't you supportive? you love your wife don't you? instead you want her to do what you want instead and go smaller. The irony is that you think she's being selfish when you're being just as selfish. Sounds to me like you need to cut her out of your life because the love is gone. Just rip the band-aid off and find some smaller oshi.

>> No.77826552

Yup, she totally isn't reading the thread btw
Also thank you shondo, I will try to be less sad.

>> No.77826563

so youre saying the list of candidates is an offline chat faggot, a namedoxxer, a guy who is soon gonna be banned and a couple of others
barely anyone has donated since the hiatus started

>> No.77826585

thanks for reading this and thinking of me shondo

>> No.77826631

This relationship has always been a transactional loneliness cope, except Shondo moved away from cope by becoming a normie with dozens of friends and now she's making too much money for an individual shogga's 5k bits to matter. All that's left is sloppy GFE and in my case some lingering affection.

>> No.77826634

how did everyone instantly respond to that
how do i make my discord tell me she posts
tell me the fuck now bastards

>> No.77826644

I actually care about her wellbeing, I'll keep waiting until she is ready to return. I value that over everything else.

>> No.77826654

>only using discord to communicate now
oh no no no no

>> No.77826671

They camp the discord 24/7 because they dont have anything going on in their lives

>> No.77826679

i just got lucky i had it on my second monitor at the time. you can't afaik

>> No.77826701

i dont keep track of these things the money is what matters

>> No.77826702

>gold digs in the thread
>goes to post in the discord
forest elder took over, the big thing before returning is the funeral. she will be piloted alternately by a critter and shadowmama. the AI slop voiceposts were from an early beta version when they were learning how to train the voice model

>> No.77826782

Pureasu let me know what she says in the discord, preferably with ss

>> No.77826796

Not having anything to do with whatever you just said but im looking forward to when AI technology progresses to a point where I can generate my personal shondo AI. I'd be like Ryan Gosling in 2049

>> No.77826802

ok shondo i will keep that in mind

>> No.77826853

she just announced that the husband trials of 2025 will exclude all non european stock and anyone who isnt atleast 6 feet tall and under 210lbs is excluded

>> No.77826880

>thoughts of men.....
>having guy withdrawals...
>have nice day................
Sorry no screenshot

>> No.77826933

>has guy withdrawals
>goes into olis chat and instantly tells her she loves her
ok shondo, i believe you

>> No.77826999

"guy withdrawals" is code for horny, not for men tho

>> No.77827024

I love my wife and she loves me

>> No.77827027

damn now i cant post in oli chat

>> No.77827040

it gets me every time watching people come out the second her name shows up that don't speak at all. completely shameless attention whoring
>i'm there for my wife not other people
fair, but it still looks pathetic and shameless that you're camping it 24/7 just to force responses to her hoping for a reply

>> No.77827044

Okey sankyu nonethelessu

>> No.77827080

Shondo is ftm now. Her two months off has allowed her to find her true self

>> No.77827084

she has 'guy withdrawls'
aka she is running out of money and needs paypiggies back. lesbian bitch doesn't fucking care about your feelings just your wallet

>> No.77827091

Keep seething discord tranny.

>> No.77827140

Honestly. It's so fucking annoying when she does this.

>> No.77827173

shondo don't listen to these gumpy meanies. I was feeling like shit today and really needed that, thank you.

>> No.77827213

pay attention to the stream oli

>> No.77827242

shondo, you wont best the dyke allegations like this just fyi

not sure how it could be anymore true than these trips

>> No.77827249

why would i talk to any of you outside of /here/?

>> No.77827266 [DELETED] 

Same. They are extremely pathetic bitter losers who should only be laughed at.

>> No.77827428

wtf im gay now

>> No.77827465

I think they are mainly just dishonest liars who are only here to spread negativity. They dont actually give a shit about her.

>> No.77827484

I just want you to know you're the only poster I truly hate here or the discord. Your pathetic non replies are the dumbest thing anyone has ever done here.

>> No.77827510

i cant put my finger on why but watching 40-50 full grown adult men fall over themselves to announce that they are in fact very manly every single time she speaks, seems extremely pathetic

>> No.77827555

i prefer calling her a fucking faggot but it's fine

>> No.77827573

or maybe we cared at one point until shondo backstabbed us and became everything she claimed to stand against

>> No.77827617

shogga i saw you join in too, dont play coy like that

>> No.77827626
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>> No.77827638

That didn't happen. The only way I can believe you honestly feel that way is if you are very inept.

>> No.77827668


>> No.77827689

This shit honestly made me not care about the rat race anymore. I cannot be seen joining in on this insecurity fest

>> No.77827714

shondo became a bug powder saleswoman that killed one of her fans for profit

>> No.77827722

but enough about shondo

>> No.77827740
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 1692649231560394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that manly man reminding shondo that he is a big manly man and he exists? me

>> No.77827764

Thats enough about LL though

>> No.77827766 [DELETED] 


>> No.77827784

after the hound now doomguy made her wet
my slut wife needs rape correction

>> No.77827820

Feel the same way although even stronger. They're the ones that filter me from interacting at all anymore, it just feels so embarrassing to be grouped with them.

>> No.77827862

you lost

>> No.77827870

actions speak louder than words insecurechama

>> No.77827882

insecure ahh post

>> No.77827886

If you're not acting big, strong and tough around your wife then what are you doing?

>> No.77827902
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>> No.77827928

Doing her nails and wearing a man bra.

>> No.77827943

if you wont interact with her because you dont want to be grouped with other shoggers then you might be an insecure little bitch who never interacted in the first place

>> No.77827945

You shouldn't be drinking any energy powders if you're overweight. Your heart is already working overtime as it is. No offense to Digi's mom but it's kind of a foolish way to go out.

>> No.77827948

I don't really care. Plenty of other whores on the internet to make my heart and penis happy.

>> No.77827990


>> No.77828007

which is why you're in a Shondo thread 3 months into a hiatus

>> No.77828017

those hands are mine
why would digi take offense to you talking shit about digi

>> No.77828020

it's just a hivemind response it's not that deep. or maybe it is for some people and they think they're actually pushing an image of themselves

>> No.77828046

small ahh baby hands

>> No.77828068

Stay mad.

>> No.77828076

a womans hands

>> No.77828123

Idk about you, but I'd win against doom guy desu

>> No.77828156
File: 130 KB, 247x298, Untitled256_20240205231926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the mooost wonderful time of the weeek~
(For at least a few more hours)
And then what tummy tuesday right?

>> No.77828221

How about writefag wednesday? Thoughts?

>> No.77828239
File: 221 KB, 1601x2048, 1688243701261301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is great. I love her like always.

>> No.77828306

Uuuuuu she's so pretty

>> No.77828324 [DELETED] 

found some nice self insert cuck porn: https://files.catbox.moe/2kyr8w.mp4
shondo sleepover at nina's
the flat redhead is shondo
she spoke to (you) on the phone
the topless blonde is nina

>> No.77828389

Wednesday is wifey wednesday already

>> No.77828457
File: 25 KB, 500x500, ninashondoIRL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks nothing like them

>> No.77828491

>other chuubas literally take notes on your hobbies in order to relate to you
>shondo can't even be arsed to stream
no one should like this schizo hoe

>> No.77828577

She has asked us for suggestions plenty of times.

>> No.77828651

she took a note on me but it was just about how i gave her money
based gold digging whore

>> No.77828670

and then spent 2-3 hours rejecting our suggestions one by one like a cunt, that was such a waste of time

>> No.77828765

she is horny (for me) today

>> No.77828787

This is selfish of me probably, but i miss her reading my chat messages, even if it was to make fun of it

>> No.77828794

she rejected my suggestion and gave a non response to another but then she independently decided that she wanted to do what i suggested so were on the same wavelength

>> No.77828796

So you are saying she is honest with us?

>> No.77828815

Girls only pretend they’re dumb

>> No.77828863

no, that was one of her woman moments

>> No.77828874


>> No.77828899

A honest women moment then

>> No.77828929

Nta but please stop baiting shoggas that can't help but reply to your shitposts

>> No.77828942

Nah, some women are really dumb in actuality. Shondo typically isn't one of them but she does have moments where she can be dumb and it's cute.

>> No.77828955

I made banana bread all alone by myself and it turned nothing like hers. It still tastes fine but im not even sharing it with her
Whats even the point
If I see another cute couple doing cute things together it might just push me over the edge

>> No.77828985

no, the only reason she did it was so she can delude herself that she did everything when she did nothing like a fatty asking for diets and spending 2-3 hours explaining to you why no diet works

>> No.77829038

I do like that she's using her own server more. Gives it more significance than just being a hangout for people who barely even watch her streams.

>> No.77829127

It's okay shogga! She'd react positively! I'm sure of it!
The fact that you did that matters more than the outcome

>> No.77829235

SyadouPogger all by yourself? Well done shogga

>> No.77829242

If you take the time to thoroughly read the Bible, you'll see that God is the most evil, narcissistic and megalomaniac being in the entire universe. There is a reason why God worshipers are the people most susceptible to fall for authoritarian propaganda. Surrendering your soul to God in exchange for the promise of a comfortable afterlife is arguably one of the most morally corrupt decisions you could make. By distancing yourself from him, at least there is a chance you can preserve your autonomy and freedom.

I get an impression shondo understands this as well, but she's not upfront about it because she doesn't want to alienate her audience. That would explain her lore videos, and the reason why she often pretends she barely understands anything about Christianity despite her actions showing otherwise.

>> No.77829252

How do you fuck up baking? Some of you shoggers are too low IQ to follow a recipe.

>> No.77829259

the hiatus has been really helpful for me in realizing how fucked in the head I've been for the last 12 months.

>> No.77829276

Thats fine because she doesn't care what you do and doesn't want to share anything with you

>> No.77829307

t. retard

>> No.77829316

If it turned out she wasn't interested in men, I would just do my best to become a woman. Simple as that.

>> No.77829363

>If it turned out she wasn't interested in men
I have unfortunate news for you shogga...

>> No.77829386

Lily tried that. They're still just friends.

>> No.77829415

>the 2nd part
Stop projecting all your beliefs on Shondo, she's your wife but she's not baded. She hasn't voted but I bet she'd vote for some hippie leftoid party, she's also functionally an atheist and a sodomite.

>> No.77829440

She definitely would care so post it on Twitter or Discord next time.

>> No.77829515

She needs her pinhole shunny gaped and rammed until bloody by thick husband cock

>> No.77829521

if shondo voted she would vote for whoever shadowmama and forest elder vote for so probably just labour like every other northern england female who would vote for a rat if they put a red ribbon on it

>> No.77829522

Jesse? How did you come to this conclusion?

>> No.77829616

>by thick husband cock
Yeah, mine

>> No.77829628

rats are cute

>> No.77829663

the alternatives are no better

>> No.77829699

Shondo wouldn't vote. Politics are not her strong suit. Unless a cat is running.

>> No.77829724

thats why not voting is the best option

>> No.77829737

Sho needs his pinhole shanus gaped and rammed until bloody by thick husband cock

>> No.77829751

She'd vote for the first meme candidate with a chance of winning.

>> No.77829817

>by thick husband cock
Yeah, mine

>> No.77829865

kek that's a good one

>> No.77829876

Would you vote for someone if shondo told you to?

>> No.77829883

shondo, and her family in general, have very good reasons to vote for labour. They are pretty much the political party which made their way of living possible.

>> No.77829911

no cause women shouldnt be allowed to vote

>> No.77829932

im tired of the rat race shondo, just post the requirement list and let us sort it out amongst ourselves

>> No.77829940

Do your Bible reps.

>> No.77830019

Luckily she's British so she could care less about the american shitshow that's going to occur in November.

>> No.77830126


>> No.77830140

You're black, esl or under 20.
Learn the language.

>> No.77830253


>> No.77830354

You go do them. You've clearly misunderstood the word of God.
Speaking of, why would the Bible, the word of God, say He's evil? Jesse? Logic doko?

>> No.77830390
File: 16 KB, 112x112, syadouSus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amongst us

>> No.77830411


>> No.77830563

shondo will vote for whoever i tell her to since im the man of the house

>> No.77830609

nta because the Christians are okay with worshipping an evil god? the main reason given for why you should worship God is that he's powerful and vengeful

>> No.77830632

Squeezing shondo's throat with big manly hands until she cums

>> No.77830715

good and evil are social constructs

>> No.77830792

Squeezing shondo's throat with big manly hands until she dies

>> No.77830799


>> No.77830823

squeezing shondos girly hands until she blushes

>> No.77830987

shondo if youre going to be at vexpo then like a meme on ggs thats related to meeting your heroes within the next 3 days

>> No.77831041

God isn't good or evil. He simply is. Everything he does is for a reason and you can perceive it in different ways. Ergo, good and evil are social constructs. How you view him is how you view morality as a whole. You chose to think of him as an asshole because you believe his actions are unjust instead of infallible.

>> No.77831073

there is no god

>> No.77831155


>> No.77831177

shondo i hope you're having an amazing and wonderful day!

>> No.77831216

The Bible doesn't explicitly say that God is evil, that's something you infer from what the book tells you about God's thoughts and actions, just like you can read Mein Kampf and conclude that Hitler is an evil, idiotic asshole.

>> No.77831236

>its all black and white either youre a god fearing christian or a turbofag atheist worshipping rick and morty
kill yourself

>> No.77831278 [DELETED] 

denounce the jewish faith right now

>> No.77831295

I want to hurt her but it's not out of love anymore

>> No.77831358

You're not really proving your case by flipping out like a butthurt R&M loving atheist.

>> No.77831367

olivia is peak gfe, please learn from her shondo

>> No.77831370

please leave /pol/

>> No.77831630

Hello how are my shoggers doing today

>> No.77831750

Eh, I tried getting into Oli. She can be a bit too much. Nice girl and i'm glad Shondo is friends with her but I can watch Shondo for hours, Oli I get tired after about 1-2 hours.

>> No.77831794 [DELETED] 

Islamism, Christianity and Judaism have much more in common than adherents of those religions are willing to admit. All of them have the same God, the main difference is in some small details about they believe people should worship him.

>> No.77831824

How old are you oji?

>> No.77831862

Is watching and enjoying shondo haram, brothers?

>> No.77831868

late 20s. Older than Shondo but not super old either.

>> No.77831983

>all of them have the same God.

>> No.77832018

That's basically late 40's in today's economic climate. Don't watch Tanya or your heart will give out.

>> No.77832065
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>> No.77832092

>my DMs are open I always want to hear from you
>i want to learn how to love you guys
learn nigga learn @shondo

>> No.77832110

I like all of the Barbies and think they're great :) Shondo has nice friends!

>> No.77832141 [DELETED] 

They are all Abrahamic religions. "Allah" is the same god as the one in Christianity or Judaism. Jesus is a prophet in Islam too.

>> No.77832163

Alright good to know. I meant emotionally tiring not physical btw.

>> No.77832284

You have a tenuous grasp, at best, of their beliefs. Actually retarded.

>> No.77832581

Do not simplify my religion. I will peacefully decapitate you

>> No.77832804

who said this?

>> No.77832831

ngl worshipping a man is pretty gay

>> No.77832841


>> No.77832851

that's what i said

>> No.77832934


>> No.77833063

Most of the barbies are like this. It really is just her that walls herself off from her fans but part of me doesn't blame her, no one else has this kind of fan base. Is everyone insane because of the barriers or are their barriers because everyones insane(apart from me).
Inis talks to her fans all the time, does weekly watchalongs, plays video games with everyone and accepts dms if you ask first.(Also gives picture updates on the things you buy her)
Oli does voice messages, plays with everyone nightly, sometimes attends watchalongs, openly accepts dms and also chats daily.
Tanya is pretty much always in her discord chatting(she also has the best server layout). I don't know about her dms, she does watchalongs every 10 days or so.
I don't need to tell you what shondo does. I know your post was mostly shitpost but I wanted to make this post anyway for anyone.

>> No.77833120
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Same. They've been helping me during this hiatus. I went from not caring about them at all to now finding them all enjoyable in their own unique way. I'm glad Shondo is friends with them.

>> No.77833135

you can probably count the autists that abuse and shit up her dms on one hand and she most likely actually blocks them. whereas shondo it's a decent chunk of the people who actively interact with her and she can't bring herself to block people. hope that explains it for you

>> No.77833207
File: 105 KB, 704x1024, 1714668732821276m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does that have to do with what I said? The word of God may have been written BY man, but it's not OF man, it's OF God and it's as it was intended by Him.
I'm not saying God is the most moral guy around, but He is just, He gives people chances and once they cast away the holy spirit it's over for them. In the old testament, it was extremely evident that sin was rampant, it's not unbelievable for a lot of people to have committed the unforgivable sin, thus severing their connection to God.
Personally i don't agree with Him, but He's the creator and father, so pop off i guess
[I was nta, but i thought it'd have been weird looking to say "nta, lol?", gomen]
God is good and right, He's the opposite of sin and He gave humanity a way to once again stand by his side through His incarnation
He's forgiving and compassionate and loving to His creation, having shown extreme and at times absurd amounts of favoritism.
They have a lot of similarities, but that is due to all of them revolving around one creator God that is powerful and almighty, Judaism tells you to fear God and respect His authority over your life and that you specifically, as a jew, are his chosen people, Christianity tells you that God loves you and wants you back to him and to stray away from sin and Satan, Islam tells you(afaik) that there's more to what Christianity has to say and tells you to love respect and be thankful for God and His gifts while also celebrating the prophet Muhammad
It's kind of how like laws around the world are similar due to common morals and beliefs, while also having vastly different opinions on certain laws and aspects due to tradition and culture and other factors
Nta, you're right in that they're abrahamic, but there's more to it.
>Jesus is a prophet in Islam too.
Which is why Islam is a blasphemous religion, sorry tuffnarr, but Jesus wasn't just a prophet, He was 100% God and 100% man in one being and he lived a perfect sinless life and after reviving himself rose back into heaven
Islam is a horrible ideal that is ridden with sin and death, much more centrally than Christianity.
Again, sorry tuffnarr, no offense intended though, just that your religion if blasphemous and wrong

>> No.77833272
File: 366 KB, 1572x592, 1714846675060394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck shigga go outside or something. ain't reading that

>> No.77833305

ok sometimes i say tldr and then read it but god damn tldr

>> No.77833337

>Blocks them
She actively encourages people to abuse her in dms "if it helps them"

>> No.77833373

is oli into abusive partners or does she want a strong sweetheart?

>> No.77833415

can't read; brain hort

and no, I refuse to take an aspirin

>> No.77833425

and you think that's an example shondo should follow? okay, i know exactly what kind of person you are and why you want dms open again so bad

>> No.77833460
File: 68 KB, 1920x796, [crushing sound].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn get to DM Shondo bigfoot videos

>> No.77833557
File: 71 KB, 624x1024, 1715364793396909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But i spent like an hour writing it
>Bible might be written by man, but it's not of man, it's of God
>God is just and good and right, but not necessarily the most "moral"
>God loves his creations and has showed insane degrees of favoritism to them
>Religions are complicated and different despite having similarities that are born from the fact that their revolving point being one single almighty powerful God
Is that short enough? Might be a bit too short even

>> No.77833566

Seemingly both. She said in a Collab stream that if her partner abused her then he probably had a good reason at the time but she'd like to talk about it afterwards to understand why.

>> No.77833620

Goalposts anonchama

>> No.77833658

good post shondo

>> No.77833700
File: 1.96 MB, 640x360, ojisan rise up [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyzhwr8.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>late 20s
its so over for you.

>> No.77833766

Hi anons quick question how ecchi is too ecchi for the non lewd art tag?

>> No.77833833

Nip noops showing for most people is too far. If you're really good you can get away with it

>> No.77833846

No nipples or vagina. Tasteful ecchi is fine

>> No.77833857
File: 732 KB, 1392x1035, 1692569995759098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know

>> No.77833873

It's because their fanbases are smaller and less intense.
If their communities were bigger and more passionate most of what they do right now would stop because having to keep up with more and more people who all want to interact with you will make you burn out and the moment you aren't able to keep up any more some people will get bitter which will make you withdraw even further and then they get even more bitter and more insane. If I was in her situation I wouldn't be sure what to do either.

>> No.77833927

Thank you!

>> No.77833948
File: 3.65 MB, 498x348, 1716793066846599.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats because barbie viewers dont want to be with them irl or atleast dont entertain it particularly seriously whereas shondophrenics are all busily engaged in a rat race trying to gain her affection, endlessly peacocking to try and put themselves above others in a fruitless effort to make her like them and want to be with them
fruitless because im going to win, obviously

>> No.77833992

People forget that Shondo used to be way more personal with her fans too. The problem was that she got too big and it stopped being manageable for her combined with her fandom being way too obsessive. The Barbies are nowhere near the popularity of Shondo and lack the same intense fandom as her.

>> No.77834038

Oli is pretty close view wise but obviously not chat speed

>> No.77834062

but i do want her to like me

>> No.77834063

Maybe I should take meds.
Do meds help when you are trying to be productive and your anxiety sabotages your efforts?

>> No.77834069

You're forgetting the variable that is shondo herself and the sort of community she has as opposed to the other barbies

>> No.77834133

I hope shondo realizes the significance of husbands that got that personal attention from her are still sticking around when there is literally bountiful options to go for that attention.
Sometimes I feel she doesn't realize this and it feels awfully hard to convey.

>> No.77834197

I've been getting much better sleep ever since she went on hiatus. Those last few streams were pretty rough and I outright missed the final two because they ended too early for me to watch them towards the end.

Now if she came back at her regular time it wouldn't be a problem because my sleeping schedules been fixed since early May.

>> No.77834347

Last for taking shondo's glasses and holding them above her head to see her flap her hands and try to reach them
