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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77809330 No.77809330 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Suisei so hated in Japan?
I notice that she's more popular among people outside of Japan than in Japan itself. Why is that?

>> No.77809381

Music caters to a wider audience since it transcends language barrier.
Same reason Mori is popular in Japan.

>> No.77809477

Blue rushia

>> No.77809518

Her popularity triggered jealous Twitter and 2chan users

Her " confident female dominance" vibe made incels mad

She shat on unicorns multiple times

Her being a rising idol caught gossipfags and dramafags attention and waiting for her fuckup to milk the shit out of it (proof is her bf "scandal")

That's the cost of being a confident popular idol who doesn't kneel down to anyone. You make million fans, but you will also make million enemies

>> No.77809691

She's a confident normal woman.

>> No.77809820

She's genuinely a bitch.
If people understand what this cunt is saying on stream she would be as hated as Mori and Kronii here.

>> No.77809909

>bf "scandal"
>after holofags mass-reporting every mention of it and the holomods mass-deleting every mention of it until she brought it up on stream and forced them to leave a thread up, holobronies have decided that the yab was in fact a nothingburger and probably a nijisanji conspiracy
wait, that summarizes every holoyab

>> No.77809912

She's not hated especially much given her popularity.

>> No.77809933

Her ranking tanked after the boyfriend drama. Also I remember there were a bunch of other smaller instances of her doing things that annoyed people and it just accumulated. The image you posted is suki-kira so you can just read the comments there to see all the issues people have with her. I think the better question you should be asking is why is she liked more outside of Japan? And the obvious answer is that people outside of Japan are clipwatchers who don't know Japanese so they're out of the loop on a lot of things.

>> No.77809953

It was a nothingburger because it was a ploy by antis to make it look like her own fans where hating on her, when it was in fact antis doing that.

>> No.77809956

Because she's the "lecturer".

>> No.77810022

>Doesn't give a shit about her fanbase to the point where she doesn't even read akasupa
>Surprised when people doesn't like her

>> No.77810042

Yeah her fans were actually totally cool with her saying that she doesn't have private contact with fans even though she was in private contact with a "fan".

>> No.77810053
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>it's another thread where dramafags post anti talking points as "this is what Japan thinks" to fool EOPs

>> No.77810085

She's so low because she had a yab with a Johnny's

>> No.77810102

>He thinks it's just le evil dramafags
You don't even understand Japanese and never participate in their community

>> No.77810155

she genuinely mainstream, it makes people angry

>> No.77810169

>umm...you know nothing actually, here's zero proof
Thanks, really substatial.

>> No.77810184

Why don't you answer the question then? Because you can't.

>> No.77810250


>> No.77810255

probably because of this

>> No.77810273


>> No.77810297

And that's a fact because Suisei made sure her fanbase does not have unicorns in the first place. She not only collabed with the homos, but also she actively avoid any fanservice and turn off superchats. She even made a fucking song about that shit

Any faggots who claimed she got attacked by unicorns are dramafag tourists who thought they can re-enact Rushia yab on Hololive

>> No.77810306

Most users on that site are JP Nijisisters, of course one of the most prominent and successful JP Holos will be hated there.

>> No.77810357
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Keep repeating that narrative when Marine, arguably one of the most if not the most successful holo, is number 6 there.

>> No.77810370

Nobody said anything about unicorns.

>> No.77810395

Much like with rushia and mafu, people on this board don't really grasp how big of a minefield the johhny's guys are and just think you could swap him out for any other male and get the same response.
Even the resolution to the situation where they're "just friends" is an undesirable one.

>> No.77810396
File: 239 KB, 1985x1238, 7f1ef7d4f8da8dd3045f5195ac202ee4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want my shooting star, my diamond in the rough, Hoshimachi Suisei, to isekai me at 40,000 miles per hour.

>> No.77810425

delusional deadbeats trying to associate suisei with mori always baffle me

>> No.77810454

Hoshiyomis love Mori though, especially in Japan.

>> No.77810478

They both have non-cutesy voices so they're basically the same person. That's deadbeat logic.

>> No.77810508

It has nothing to do with unicorns retard.

>> No.77810509

>not cutesy
so they have bad ears too, no wonder they love mori's music

>> No.77810516

Shame Suisei isn't as feminized as Mori. Maybe if her boobs were bigger.

>> No.77810519

People here have no idea about how big her yab actually was.
There's a reason she made a dedicated stream to address it instead of ignoring it as usual.

>> No.77810526

>She even made a fucking song about that shit
She never made a song about that, catalog reader shit-eater.
Don't talk if you don't know, if you are going to defend her like that, shut up.

>> No.77810525

The mods did so much damage control for the boyfriend yab it honestly made me annoyed how nice it must be to delete anything negative regarding your oshi. The vast majority of threads were being deleted and the few that survived would have the hoshiyomi moderator deleting any negative comment regarding Suisei

>> No.77810534

if you mean ratio of likes to dislikes sure she's more popular outside of japan but if you're talking volume I'm 100% sure she's more popular inside of japan.

>> No.77810570

See for yourself how many Niji livers are on the most liked list. Also, Kuro and U-san are more hated than Michael Cat.

>> No.77810579

I respect her but I wouldn't oshi her, I like that her rags to riches success story makes people seethe though

>> No.77810632

Her superiority tends to trigger controversy

>> No.77810674

Suisei's story is the same as Towa's, their streaming numbers and popularity were pumped by Reddit around the time EN1 debuted and people were discovering Hololive.

They were both always not very liked in Japan and their viewership was some of the lowest in Hololive. Pretty sure it was due to the homocollabing and neither ever playing into the cute idol role. Towa has always been kind of a tomboy + the chain smoker voice and Suisei has always been kind of arrogant, hates being lewd, never does voicepacks, when everyone gets skimpy outfits Suisei is always the one that is different and is more covered up. Not even Sora is this much of a prude. But then enter Reddit and they somehow managed to make them both popular even in Japan too.

>> No.77810675

Sounds like mad cope that your oshi is hated there.
Holos are liked there too if they don't have any controversy like AZKi and Sora.

>> No.77810727

You are really overestimating how much reddit affects hololive.
>Pretty sure it was due to the homocollabing and neither ever playing into the cute idol role
You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

>> No.77810744

anon, her song just scored rank 20 in the most top ranking JP. She is doing great there. She will sacrifice all her vtuber audience if it means goig mainstream

>> No.77810749

if reddit had any relevance we'd be having mixed gens by now

>> No.77810872
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>"W-we are just friends okay. Incel!!"

>> No.77810886

Just like mafu messaging rushia on discord was also a nothing burger right?

>> No.77810887

this post is full of SEAnig

>> No.77810944

no wonder, dramaniggers are mostly SEA or pagpag. idk why yagoo even bother to invest on that shithole region full of shitter.

>> No.77810958

It's pretty funny how mad sisters are, Suisei is one of the untouchable ones and that really pisses them off

>> No.77810985

nips understand what she's saying

>> No.77810992

>none of the retards pointing out suki kira is garbage at determining someone's popularity
she has >25k ccv and VOD views at 150-500k with special streams going above 1M
she always has the strongest merch runs of any girl
Suisei is insanely popular in Japan and only a couple of holomems can compare to her.

>> No.77811012

Marine is basically a niji which is why they like her.

>> No.77811022

She doesn’t deserve it and that reflects in her music

>> No.77811030


>> No.77811056

It genuinely had nothing to do with Suisei's popularity and more to do with the yab
Suisei ranked like 15th or something before the yab

>> No.77811122

No one is talking about popularity though?

>> No.77811127
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>top 3 liked vtubers are all nijis

>> No.77811183

Suki kira is full of nijisisters btw

>> No.77811217

How come they are all non-JP? If the site was overrun with japanese nijifans the top 3 would be japanese, but for some mysterious reason they're not.

>> No.77811239

OP asked why she's hated so people are talking about popularity in the sense of the ratio of likes to dislikes.

>> No.77811248

i-it's learning?!?

>> No.77811255

What the fuck does that have to do with Suisei? You might legitimately be retarded.

>> No.77811262

what happened to niji/phase this time ? or this OP got ignored in /#/ so they posted this ?
>look at the time
yeah definitely pagpag, jakarta seanig or chink tianman square shitter

>> No.77811315

Any other strawmen you wanna name? How about India too? Let's throw in an Amerimutt in there too for good luck.

>> No.77811322
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Say are you samefagging? She said it was to save money and buy merch instead

>> No.77811332

does the tianmen square pasta still send chinks to the gulag

>> No.77811368

I think people who use that site don't anti non-Japanese vtubers very much because they don't know them well enough.

>> No.77811394

Exactly like this site and Japanese vtubers then!

>> No.77811413
File: 102 KB, 509x1024, 1718009115574487m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing about /vt/ is that you'll never know it's just one person posting on their own thread to make an issue bigger than it is or spread misinformation.

>> No.77811454

Wow it's almost like the site is not actually owned by le nijisisters

>> No.77811509
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In fact one could pretend to be a fan of a vtuber while saying negative things about them.
> I'm a fan of suisei and understands japanese but-

>> No.77811593

Suischizo thread? Suischizo thread.

>> No.77811679

JP opsec must be very bad if they can't even trace back the smoke and coping with unreliable rrat

>> No.77811766 [DELETED] 

Suicuck cope? Suicuck cope.

>> No.77811771

>NOOOOOO le evil Suischizo is behind every post that I don't like
Get a fucking grip.
His posting style is very obvious, it's pathetic when retards like you become so paranoid that they see one poster as some mastermind for every single negative posts about her. Just shut up about it and accept there's people that dislike your oshi.

>> No.77811778
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It's to bad we will never know who is doing all this and why they're doing it.

>> No.77812121

She's still doing pretty well in CCV and music numbers though, you know, the metrics that actually matter.

>> No.77812757

>I notice that she's more popular among people outside of Japan than in Japan itself. Why is that?

Suki kira doesn't represent entire Japan, it merely shows what relatively small hateful group that is full of nijiniggers think. It's like going to ONE of generals on /vt/, not even checking whole board, and extrapolating their opinion on entire EN audience.

>> No.77812783

The level of competition in Japan is pretty big. How can she be more popular when they have Ado there? she is a Vsinger in everything but the name.
Also suisei is part of the vtuber whoreclan with Rene and the bunch. They have too much confidence for the average idol fan.

>> No.77812938

who's on the number 1,2, and 3??

>> No.77812966

Azki, Sora, Luna

>> No.77813033

AZKi?! why??

>> No.77813059

One of the most inoffensive holos

>> No.77813218

Suischizo thread lole

>> No.77813244 [DELETED] 

Suicuck cope lole

>> No.77813340

>Suiseischizo thread
>sukikira thread
>a "let me pretend to speak for the entire Japanese populace" thread
Get a life, freak.

>> No.77813349

choke on my suicock loser

>> No.77813426
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>comparing "I'm coming home ru tan" to a having someone added as a friend

>> No.77813488 [DELETED] 

Yeah that guy is totally freaking out because they were just friends and nothing more :)

>> No.77813672

and the earth is flat yeah

>> No.77813782 [SPOILER] 
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lmao even
your comet has sex with a pink haired retard cope about it

>> No.77813811

Migo is so lucky...

>> No.77814061

it's just bitch vibes. people are fine with her otherwise.

>> No.77814062
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I don't dislike her and I believe the praise on her music but I will never understand the insane cult reverence she has. Particularly when few cared about her in the past and by overseas people who don't know a lick of Japanese.

That Suisei gets a statue in the main office before Fubuki, Sora or say Kobo who changed the ID market. It doesn't make a lick of sense to me.

>> No.77814112

It really should've been Marine, who is way more popular and makes better music than Suisei.

>> No.77814115

one of the greatest bag fumbles

>> No.77814502

Agreed. Marine has cemented herself as Number One in Japan and Number Two in the world. She also has insane music chops. So I would consider her first before Suisei.

Who should get the third statue would always be debated. But if you wanted a statue in the main office, one for each branch then Kobo for ID makes the most sense. That Kobo was the one filming the three statues makes it more awkward now.

>> No.77815120

She's JP Mori with all the good and bad

>> No.77815275

Only holonegroes like you care about what akasupa said and be bothered to enjoy her whole streaming

>> No.77816640
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So does "liked" just mean that nobody watches them?

>> No.77816735

Most hated person in the vtubing category is Yagoo, that's all you need to know about the people who uses that website rumao

>> No.77816817

Typical SEAnigger thread

>> No.77817013

Wow what supportive fans lmao

>> No.77817717

What is this website?

>> No.77817838

Are you retarded?
Laplus is the most hated by far

>> No.77818020

A website that lets people upvote and downvote celebrities. Naturally this attracts schizos who go on there and repeatedly downvote ones they don't like because it makes them feel like they are affecting something
If you see a screenshot from there you can safely assume the person who posted it is a weird loser

>> No.77818064 [DELETED] 

I love reading third world countries seething about an anime girl in the morning.
All these years and you faggots still cannot accept Suisei's superiority. She will forever mog your "oshi."(Alexa, play Overkill by Mori while I play a tiny violin)
But seriously tho, keep going you clowns. I love seeing delusional people argue with no resolution. Prime seethe, prime reading material and all you keyboard retards are providing the keks.

>> No.77818250

I see.

>> No.77818309

It's biased. Within Japan, She gets advertised in normie spaces, so she has become a target for people who hate anime and vtubers in general. Outside of Japan, only her fans know about her.

>> No.77818450

Suisei has the respect that they wish Mori had. It's basically an attempt at clout leeching.

>> No.77818594
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>> No.77818723

Do you have the gif where she moves the box and takes a sip of the ringo.

>> No.77819332

The reasoning is quite simple:

AZKi was obligated before she became a streamer.
This means she started streaming FOR other people after her original obligations, thus the viewers are the privileged ones.

>> No.77820572

Keep drinking the pink faggot cum from your oshi's legs bro

>> No.77821057

>summarizes every holoyab
Just like rushia!

>> No.77821125

Because EOPs doesn't understand what she says. It's the same reason why Mori is popular in Japan.
They had no idea how much of a prude bitch she is.

>> No.77821172

Why do the retards on this board think girls who collab with men can't have gachikoi?

>> No.77821188

she cant sing

>> No.77821200

It's public. Anyone can vote. If the antis are a minority, then why are there less people in favor of Suisei?

>> No.77821210

Quit projecting your fantasies you fucking chinknigger.

>> No.77821298 [SPOILER] 
File: 470 KB, 600x1176, 1709950803680515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your oshi isn't pure lmao cucks

>> No.77821337

It ranks them by like/dislike ratio, not amount of votes.
And it's easy to see how Korone, Kanata, Sora, Luna and Azki have a lower percentage of antis/haters.

>> No.77821390

You are allowed to vote multiple times and only antis are mentally ill enough to keep going back there believing it matters

>> No.77821467

I never realized Suisei was so hated on /vt/

>> No.77821472

Only no life retards frequent that site. So it's perfect for you and your transsexual discord sisters to raid it and vote negatively.
Stop playing coy, you mouth breathing extra chromosome having troglodyte. We know what you retards are doing.

>> No.77821476

ESL anon, popular in that context means "well liked", and not "having a higher amount of fans".
Forget japanese, you don't even know english.

>> No.77821594

ESL projecting after failing to understand a post

>> No.77821612

She is superior in every way to these peasants favorites. It's only natural Suisei would bring out the faggots with SHIT TASTE.

>> No.77821781

>You are allowed to vote multiple times
You are not.
>you can cheat the system and vote multiple times
So does every voting system on earth.

Suki kira is the biggest site there is in japan for determining how popular someone is. Although most of the people go there to complain (since it's anonymous), that is true for every other holo/niji/celebrity, so it's still a good site to measure how popular someone is.

>> No.77821791

She is entirely uninteresting and unentertaining as a personality, and her music is typical vacuous pop slop. Normies love the latter though, and that success/fame feeds into the former, even if it's undeserved.

>> No.77821862

I will reply only after you write a single sentence without any grammatical error.

>> No.77821869

So niji EN are the most popular vtubers then?

>> No.77821912
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>> No.77821917

You're not supposed to point out how the numbers on their ebin updoot website do not actually reflect observable real world popularity

>> No.77821990

I mean she is ok and is a hard worker but I don't think she is superior in every way. But Suisei seems like she just wants to be a traditional singer over anything else. That's all she cares about. Probably not meant for Vtubing but certainly for the music industry.

>> No.77821997

I want to see the mental gymnastic you did there. Where is this anonymous, 24/7 up poll, that is highly used that indicated that Niji EN is popular.
If you find me this data, I will agree with you.

>> No.77822027

Anyone that uses an anonymous website to gauge someone's popularity should be beheaded in the middle of tiananmen square.

>> No.77822163

Are you retarded? Of course it has to be anonymous, otherwise it would be easily manipulated by people trying to track down people voting against what they want.
Elections in almost every country is done anonymously because of that.

>> No.77822220
File: 327 KB, 425x515, 1638406577569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suischizo is so funny
constantly saying Suisei doesn't want to be in Hololive
For what purpose?

>> No.77822361

Anyone that uses an anonymous website to gauge someone's popularity should be beheaded in the middle of tiananmen square.

>> No.77822379

What mental gymnastics, retard? You said the site is a good measure for popularity and niji EN are at the top of the vtuber category.

>> No.77822531

You ever notice how as soon as this "everyone hates X" routine collides with a non-anonymous platform it turns out most of the users are either schizophrenic anti accounts or burner accounts created less than 24 hours before posting? You'd think if there were that many antis at least some would resemble real people, but no. Weird

>> No.77822711

NTA but lol, you can't be serious comparing this to an election yet you call someone else retarded and elections isn't exactly anonymous or else you can vote multiple times because you won't need an ID

>> No.77822728

Oh, you are just retarded and can't word things out properly. Nari is not EN.
Also, as OP said, that site is used mostly by japanese, so a bunch of NijiEN members are not as hated there as they are here.
People have already explained how Suisei there is basically Mori here.

>> No.77822775

you mean all the posts you made?

>> No.77822789

>using sukikira as your reference
stop making shit up and kill yourself nigger OP

>> No.77822815

>isn't exactly anonymous
It is. You only need an ID to get the voting ballot, but there is nothing on there that can track to see which ballot is yours.

>> No.77822844

What’s wrong with that?

>> No.77822846


>> No.77822864

>why are fans of holos not spending time in a holo-anti den?
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.77822898 [DELETED] 

>suisei having sex everynight
>(you): hahaha cope le suischizo

>> No.77822934

Yes, anon. You found me! In truth, no one hates Suisei but me, every single post you see badmouthing Suisei is me.
I did it, I admit it, I know all languages and I have private servers dedicated to finding threads about Suisei and badmouthing her.
All those 385 thousand votes saying they hate Suisei are all me.

>> No.77822935



>> No.77822962

You mean "grammatical errors" right? Surely you understand it should be "a grammatical error" or "any grammatical errors" right? Very embarrassing to fuck up when calling someone else an ESL, but it's to be expected from someone who says "popularity doesn't mean popularity" anyways. Retard.

>> No.77822974

>no one hates Suisei but me, every single post you see badmouthing Suisei is me.
lmao you finally admit it?

>> No.77822986

so tldr is that the most liked talents are the ones who whore themselves out to their audience as much as possible but cannot be within a 100m radius of a XY chromosome person? ok got it

>> No.77823003

Slaying that CUMET PUSSY

>> No.77823004

Can someone actually tell me why "suisei is so hated?" Like a legitimate reason?
She is just an autistic girl who loves singing, her plushies, and Miko. How does she offend you anti's this much?

>> No.77823024

>holo-anti den
[citation needed]
Also, that is truh for every holo, so why is she #34 among all Holos, only in front of Lui, Matsuri and Laplus?

>> No.77823050

Like I said it isn't exactly anonymous or else they won't know if you already voted or not, that's not the same at all as something like sukikira where you can vote multiple times and to compare both of them as if they are even remotely similar is simply retarded

>> No.77823065

She has diva syndrome and no one but mindless drones like that gimmick.

>> No.77823073

That chigger site has Botan, Fubuki, Towa, Miko and Ayame in their bottom 10, their opinion doesn't fucking matter.

>> No.77823077

She having sex right now

>> No.77823141

I mean, the anti discords actually do verifiably exist and they were openly recruiting English speaking holo antis to join them, so yeah
It's really funny how they've been seething at her for years and still can't find an angle that anyone cares about

>> No.77823143

Anon, real life elections are also susceptible to having people voting multiple times.

>> No.77823145

All I see is armchair bullshit with no definitive proof.

>> No.77823155

She cucked me

>> No.77823172

jealousy mostly. they will seethe and cry and deflect but at the end of the day that is all it is. it is a woman moment thing.

>> No.77823180

>Can someone actually tell me why "suisei is so hated?" Like a legitimate reason?
it's a lie anon. suischizo has been trying her absolute fucking hardest to shit on her ever since she got her TFT appearance and then astroturfs her own threads to hell and back. there's no more than 3 people who "hate" her in this site.

>> No.77823222

Fubuki isn't bottom 10.
Also, if you knew japanese, you would know precisely why Botan, Towa, Miko and Ayame are in the spots they are.
The miko one is so obvious that only an EOP wouldn't know about it. And even then, a shitton of EOPs do know the reason.

>> No.77823225 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.77823233

Taking idol penis behind my back

>> No.77823234
File: 23 KB, 622x314, sui jp anti discord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and I have private servers dedicated to finding threads about Suisei and badmouthing her.
This is literally, unironically true.

>> No.77823276

It's all me, anon! I made every single post myself, there is no "they", it's all me, a singular person! You said it yourself, and I agreed! Muahahahah!

>> No.77823278

I figured as much so. Suisei is literally inoffensive.
Leave it to the sisters with self esteem problems. Classic.

>> No.77823310

I know precisely why they're bottom 10, you fucking retard. Their reasons are utterly retarded and all the more reason that using that site as your reference for popular opinion on holos makes you a mentally ill nigger.

>> No.77823343 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.77823364


>> No.77823442
File: 151 KB, 858x487, 1718039450702773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think anyone besides mentally ill sisters give a shit about PekoMiko rrats? But we're supposed to believe that same site is representative of normie's opinions of people?

>> No.77823562
File: 991 KB, 3840x2158, aidoru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antis are the most mentally ill retards out there
they make unicorns look sane

>> No.77823560

This thread has a bunch of retarded posts, but this one is the most retarded one. How is Suisei the cornerstone of Hololive?

>> No.77823633
File: 140 KB, 600x475, 1718018345656031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's unironically impossible to get a proper angle on besides "s-she's arrogant!!" which is not even true and she's insanely successful and all her peers love her so """people""" have to resort to making shit up and paint literally everything she does as the worst thing ever to even begin to make a lick of sense.

>> No.77823638

Now you're pretending or what? No one said you can't cheat real life elections at all but one has regulations to prevent cheating while the other you don't even need an account to vote yet in your brain you think that they are similar enough to be a comparison? Who are you trying to fool here?

>> No.77823650 [DELETED] 

>failed idol
>her cunt has price
>fucked famous singers
>fucked famous producers
she whored her way up

>> No.77823665

Nta but HOLY COPE, seething against democracy makes you look uneducated

>> No.77823670

Anon, there are people who vote for presidents because of how pretty they are.
It's a retarded reason and should their vote be cancelled? Yes, but it is what it is. This is how democracy works.

>> No.77823693
File: 200 KB, 1224x1969, 1718039679432979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck are you asking me that? I didn't write that, those nijiniggers did.

>> No.77823695

proof next lifetime?

>> No.77823713

Shhhh….. the suicucks are getting uppity

>> No.77823763
File: 84 KB, 415x370, 1647791637175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothingburger has no effect

>> No.77823835

>my poal.me polls are definitely representative of what everyone thinks of [insert chuuba here] bro trust me it's democracy!!

>> No.77823870

Yes, have nothing against the dude, but after the Selen drama I'm not watching any organ.

>> No.77823897

Tooth cute

>> No.77823919

The point is that suki-kira is a mental illness den and anyone making threads using it as a reference should be banned.

>> No.77823937
File: 556 KB, 1080x1080, 1710726922616300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally sisters den sukikira thread
/vt/ has reclined

>> No.77824003

>sukikira thread
Unironically kill yourself. Nothing you say matters.

>> No.77824035

>/vt/ has reclined
first Suischizo thread?

>> No.77824089

Anon, if it required an account, no one would use that site. Because that means people could track who you voted for.
It's the same reason why 4chan and futaba existed.

>> No.77824144

are you autistic?

>> No.77824174

I don't know, are you? The literal selling point of 4chan is not requiring an account.

>> No.77824277

You destroyed that retard kek.

>> No.77824282

>Why is Suisei so hated in Japan?
She isn't? Her concerts, merch and music sell like fucking hotcakes and everyone says nothing but good thing about how she is in person. What the fuck are you talking about?
>s-she's a bitch!!
I've LITERALLY never seen proof of this. Even her supposed "confidence" is hyper overblown.

>> No.77824336
File: 38 KB, 128x128, 1665863441226674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suischizo thread

>> No.77824393
File: 97 KB, 500x500, 1690317686881454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77824396

Every person who has harmed nature and the harmonious sync of people’s frequency will pay the final price, i hope suisei doesn’t bleed because she will

>> No.77824476

lmfao. ogey chinkbot

>> No.77824665

Yeah, but I was expecting you to be the one who did the screencap and know why they said that.

>> No.77824680

Hoshiyomi are melting down now that they've stopped out of their hug box and realize a lot of people don't like Suisei
They're screaming and crying about a nonexistent Suischizo
Grow up

>> No.77824740
File: 780 KB, 325x203, 1718018345656031.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this one of your threads where after the point where everyone and their mom called you a retard you just start samefagging until bump limit? You need a proper hobby anon.

>> No.77824750
File: 3.05 MB, 194x155, 1639804417373.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77824757

Lmao you wish. I don't care at all. It's funny seeing you retards seethe because it will never change the fact suisei is peak and your favorite could NEVER.

>> No.77824773

you've been doing this shit for so long literally everyone knows it's your nigger ass by now. I dunno who you think you're fooling at this point, your greatest achievement has been reaching marineschizo levels of recognition and that's it. have fun samefagging yourself to 310 posts.

>> No.77824787

Your reply has nothing to do with my point which is to point out that things like sukikira isn't even remotely similar to real life elections because of the regulations that real life elections have which means you are retarded for thinking that they are even comparable because you think they have the same level of anonymity and somehow think it means they are equally legitimate

>> No.77824835

Where is the source of this list?

>> No.77824879

That was my first post in the thread actually. I've never samefagged any posts or talked shit about Suisei before so whoever you saw before, that wasn't me. It's just proof that a lot of people have the same views that I do.

>> No.77824971
File: 8 KB, 785x79, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you literally always say the same thing. >>77650147

>> No.77825040

That's obviously not me. That guy seems to be a hoshiyomi who wants Suisei to succeed outside of Hololive like she doesn't wants to. I'm not a hoshiyomi. Learn the difference.

>> No.77825048

LMAO. Got her dumbass.

>> No.77825061

Holy cope, just accept the fact that suisei is an insufferable bitch

>> No.77825171

>just accept the fact that suisei is an insufferable bitch
This shit right here ladies and gents(and lurking trannies)is the definition of success breeding jealousy. Sorry your organs are left to 1-3 finanas.

>> No.77825236
File: 348 KB, 886x1607, 1718041447536408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a bitch, not like our beloved nijis right?

>> No.77825292

Here you go

>> No.77825297


>> No.77825330

she seems to be pretty sufferable if holos like fubuki, aqua and marine love hanging out with her in person. what proof do you have otherwise, sist-- i mean very real holofan?

>> No.77825365

And this is the ranking if you include stars and EN and ID

>> No.77825538

the absolute fucking state

>> No.77825548

Even most of her antis don't believe that.

>> No.77825556
File: 882 KB, 1080x3517, 1718042107420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Axel is that low for the crime of crying about Selen's termination on stream which should tell you who uses this site

>> No.77825573


How do I read the comments on every vtuber?

>> No.77825583

This is why you should read the entire reply chain before posting.
The original post comparing to real life elections was because of anonymity. I said that the site can't require an account because it would ruin the anonymity of the votes. Just like real life elections can't have anything that would risk the anonymity of the voters.

>> No.77825690

I fucking love bitches

>> No.77825713

You need to give them an update or downvote first

>> No.77825722

If you fucking "nijifans" supported your livers as much as you all shitpost about Suisei, maybe they will be doing a lot better.(have you bought your ticket for the concert yet, sis?)
Instead you're attacking someone super successful because your livers do not have the dedication or discipline to even do a fraction of the work Suisei has done to get where she has.

>> No.77825734

I like Suisei, but you are pure cringe straight from reddit

>> No.77825783
File: 286 KB, 611x468, 1636232900777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Suisei has her own dedicated Marineschizo then she's unironically making it. Good job Suityan. They got nothing on you.

>> No.77825831

Yes, but when you go to vote you have to give identification.
Just because the vote is secret from the public does not mean that it is completely anonymous.

>> No.77825880 [DELETED] 

No you don't. Kill yourself cuckbeat.

>> No.77826030

Account is more similar to ID which is required in real life elections, even that is not the same as it's easier to create an account than ID, I read the reply chain fine, the comparison between sukikira and real life elections is simply retarded, it seems that you're an oxymoron that you can't even understand that even if we strictly talking about anonymity then they are still not similar because the level of anonymity is completely different.

>> No.77826068

You have no idea how misinformed JP are about the Selen situation.
Since all the information they have are basically the ones given to them by Nijisanji themselves, they still think that Selen was a bad actor that tried to bring the entire company down with her.
Since I'm not a fanboy, I tried to argue with them, and I do think some of them gave it a second thought after I provided concrete proof of how mismanaged NijiEN was, but yeah, a lot of them think that Selen was a Niji anti that tried to destroy it from the inside.
Last time I saw, they even talked about how Selen blackmailed others and managed to force others to leave with her.

>> No.77826116

You didn't notice shit, you tool.

>> No.77826138

Those sites are flawed as fuck.

It is basically: the less you stand out, the less people will hate you.

The fact that Azuk and Sora are on the top says it all.

>> No.77826213

Why is Laplus in last?

>> No.77826282

despite op's best efforts to pretend otherwise, she's the actual jp mori.

>> No.77826285
File: 142 KB, 1774x732, rank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf are you guys smoking? Suisei is 4th place here...

>> No.77826305

>Lui (or anyone really) more hated than Rushia and Artia
Very credible and trustworthy site

>> No.77826322

The point is that the vote is 100% anonymous. There is not a single way to identify the voter of a ballot without breaking any of the measures put in place to secure anonymity.

No, you are the retarded one. The argument was "should an anonymous voting website be trusted". Someone else said that voting should not be anonymous.
And I said it should, and I used real life elections as an example of why it should be anonymous.
And then some retard comes up saying that it isn't anonymous because you need an ID to get the voting ballot. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.77826454

>What’s wrong with that?
Nothing really, just acknowledging that she is different from everyone else. I think she is just sticking around for the exposure and access to the music industry. But then again, I could be wrong and her relations with yagoo remain strong yet purely business.

>> No.77826475

There's ranking by most liked and ranking by most hated. Well, it's the same order, just flipped.

>> No.77826565

I mean she could always go the KAF route and become a fleshie, but she doesn't want to do that. It never made sense to me seeing people saying Suisei wants to be a normal musician when she has one of the strongest kayfabe in the entire industry and goes to greath lengths to sell the image of her being a completely virtual entity.

>> No.77826598

Turning off superchats and not reading superchats are too completely different things. Lots of streamers don't read superchats even if they have them turned on. Including Holos. Suisei just happens to be one of them. Streamers who read superchats generally fall into two categories, either extreme mental illness that turns off everyone but fellow damaged souls or a personality that is seen as very appreciate and collaborative with their fans. Not interacting with fans (like Suisei) either creates feelings of resentment or its intended celebrity effect of making people believe you really are better than them.

>> No.77826627

I'm pretty sure she wants to go the Ado route. But I'm also pretty sure she would never admit to being an Ado wannabe.

>> No.77826708

But Ado does perform in person, she's just hiding her face. Suisei doesn't because that's not the virtual experience. The literal one time she showed a pixel of skin for a microsecond she immediately edited the VOD to remove it.

>> No.77826805

>But Ado does perform in person, she's just hiding her face
Suisei also performs live, she just hides her face. And Suisei is there in the studio in person, other holos have confirmed that.

>> No.77826848

It's hard to be popular when you are not streaming

>> No.77826863

Anon you know what I mean, don't be obtuse. By your own logic you're implying that everyone who covers their face is a vtuber.

>> No.77826893

>So hated in Japan
Source PedoSanji underwear

>> No.77826951

Calliope at least works a lot, this woman is lazy.

>> No.77826993

You're not completely wrong but you believe a common misconception here. Suisei's advocacy has always been geared towards vtubers being recognized as real entertainers and artists instead of just being a niche hobby. She has never showed that she thought she was too good for vtubing.

>> No.77827008

yeah if you're one of those retards who believe streaming is all a holo can do. mori is an exceptional case though, i'll give you that.

>> No.77827222

>you're implying that everyone who covers their face is a vtuber
No, but all vtubers are hiding their faces.
In the set of all female japanese singers who hides their faces, Ado and Suisei are in there.
And that is what you said verbatim: "she just hides her face".
You say about being obtuse, but I have no idea what is the line you want to draw that makes them significantly different. Is it just because of how they hide their faces? Is that it?

>> No.77827268

Holy retard, the anonymity here is about the voter not the vote, not even YouTube tell which account voted which, so why did you said that requiring an account would ruin the anonymity?

>> No.77827406

Anon was saying she was "probably not meant for vtubing" and I said she is because she puts a clear effort into selling the virtual experience specifically. Going the Ado route makes no sense because she doesn't do the virtual thing, and bringing it up in response to me saying Suisei wouldn't become a traditional (i.e. non virtual I guess) musician makes no sense.

>> No.77827746

>Youtube does not know who you voted for
I don't think you know what anonymity means. Youtube voting polls are not anonymous. Youtube knows what every single person voted on what. It's entirely possible to track down each vote to each user.
I would say that the only thing to keep any semblance of anonymity is that youtube "totally promises that they would never use this data and it would totally never leak", but I don't think they even say that.

>> No.77828148

Yes, and I was talking about your argument about routes. This is why I said Ado route.
Suisei obviously values her singing career much more than the streaming one. And although I don't think that she is not fit for streaming, I do think that if her singing career starts requiring more time from her, she would gladly stream less.
Eventually becoming just like Ado, that is entirely dedicated to her singing career, but that doesn't stop her from doing a live stream when she feels like it.

>> No.77828403

Okay I see what you mean then, I still think you brought it up weirdly when I was talking about how she presents herself as an artist and how she definitely fits the Vtubing world because of how much effort she puts into selling the virtual experience, but in all fairness the original post I was replying to probably wasn't talking necessarily about just that, so my bad for the confusion. And yeah, I don't think she'll ever drop her streaming frequency down to Ado's level but I agree she's in a very similar path.

>> No.77828606

>Youtube does not know who you voted for
You must be pretending or you simply can't even read, where the hell did I said YouTube don't know? I only said they don't tell public. And you're not answering my question, why needing an account would ruin the anonymity? It's basically the same as you need ID to vote. Just stop pretending. You're not fooling anyone but yourself trying to make anonymous voting website looks as believable and legitimate as real life voting. retard-chama

>> No.77829509

Japan having shit taste has been known since forever

>> No.77830323

Because any sane person would hate an egocentric bitch with the empathy of a stone. But foreigners only rely on clips so they don't perceive this too much. Next question.

>> No.77830474

There are four kinds of people in this world: cretins, fools, morons, and lunatics. Cretins don’t even talk; they sort of slobber and stumble. Fools are in great demand, especially on social occasions. They embarrass everyone but provide material for conversation. Fools don’t claim that cats bark, but they talk about cats when everyone else is talking about dogs. They offend all the rules of conversation, and when they really offend, they’re magnificent. Morons never do the wrong thing. They get their reasoning wrong. Like the fellow who says that all dogs are pets and all dogs bark, and cats are pets, too, therefore cats bark. Morons will occasionally say something that’s right, but they say it for the wrong reason. A lunatic is easily recognized. He is a moron who doesn’t know the ropes. The moron proves his thesis; he has logic, however twisted it may be. The lunatic on the other hand, doesn’t concern himself at all with logic; he works by short circuits. For him, everything proves everything else. The lunatic is all idée fixe, and whatever he comes across confirms his lunacy. You can tell him by the liberties he takes with common sense, by his flashes of inspiration, and by the fact that sooner or later he brings up sukikira.

>> No.77830572

Why would anyone even care if Suisei had a boyfriend?
She's not catering to unicorns anyway.
Do you stop listening to pop music if the singer isn't single?

>> No.77830678

holoJP antis love saying that if people knew japanese they'd hate [insert holo] and then never support their claim with even a timestamp. unless it's about Laplus.

>> No.77830803
File: 127 KB, 1920x1080, 1709439916758252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei literally has a wife

>> No.77831608


>> No.77831663

Stop vagueposting you fucking faggot tell me the reason why they're there

>> No.77831736

Laplus is everything that retards here thought Mori would be

>> No.77831955

really wish these self-proclaimed experts on "what the japanese think" would stop vagueposting and actually say what the japanese allegedly think
i dont have a horse in this race i just want information regardless of it's value or truthfulness

>> No.77832461


>> No.77832637

>Nari is not EN
True. But do you really want us to believe water boy Ike and dropdead dopehead are number 2 and 3 out of all your chopped livers?

>> No.77833450
File: 135 KB, 1500x1000, suisei-shout-in-crisis-venue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would win : A flat chested comet, or all of nijiEN + chronoir ?

>> No.77834510

People are diversifying to streamers who actually stream and are good or have more soul in their voice

>> No.77835270

As someone who oshied her for 4 years i just couldn’t take it anymore, all she cares about is herself and her fans are just a second thought

>> No.77836803

I tried watching her the other day and she has massive bitch energy

>> No.77837057

She's extremely inoffensive, I never got any weird vibes from her. I legitimately don't know what you could possibly say against her, she's very fun and outgoing whenever I see her playing with the JPs I usually watch. Don't care for her music though.
The fact you're using Suki-kira to support your point makes me think you're just making shit up.

>> No.77837329

>She's extremely inoffensive
Peak EOP

>> No.77837541
File: 273 KB, 432x454, 1718051367388761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then, educate me. There's not a single clip, timestamp, tweet or screenshot in this entire thread that supports your claim that she isn't and it's been up for almost 12 hours.

>> No.77837647
File: 747 KB, 1021x620, chantyan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will make OP seethe

>> No.77838193

Can you elaborate on this?

>> No.77838246


>> No.77838319

She's normie-friendly and comes across as kind of just a generic mascot character of sorts and she's one of the main chuubas a random person might recognize and go "oh that's a vee toober, I've heard of those!"
Also she achieved great success as an idol and (generally) prioritizes professionalism over a direct relationship with fans
This angers the SKKR schizo

>> No.77838434

Last time I checked Laplus was somewhere in the top 5

>> No.77838536

>Not interacting with fans (like Suisei) either creates feelings of resentment or its intended celebrity effect of making people believe you really are better than them.
Half of Suisei's streams are zatsudans and she tweets in her alt like everyday

>> No.77838635

>>77838319 (me)
Also I should mention that sukikira is a kusosite and rankings change all the fucking time and, it's kind of like how /vt/ will pick on a random vtuber for a while for a mundane comment they make then forget about it the next week when someone else says something based or makes an ebin yab or whatever

>> No.77839346
File: 73 KB, 899x426, suisei twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did suisei mean with this?

One guy at the front, another at the back?

>> No.77839468

It's just Startend

>> No.77839593

>transcending the language barrier
She speaks fluent sushi, there is no language barrier to transcend

>> No.77839695

>One guy at the front, another at the back?
Yeah, me

>> No.77840063

Miko and Fubuki

>> No.77840455

You are so full of shit.
Both Marine and Pekora are more normalfag friendly and more well-known in general and they are nowhere near the bottom like Suisei is. Suisei being hated has nothing to do with her popularity, "it's just le haterzz", or whatever narrative you're pushing.
If you are not a retarded EOP and actually read the comments there you should know the real reason people hate her.

>> No.77840885

Suisei gets a lot of preferential treatment that I don’t understand.

>> No.77840892
File: 123 KB, 1080x926, GPu3ya9aEAAz-LX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth? She is a sexpest.

>> No.77841295

You'd understand if you watched the Holofes every year

>> No.77841764

Suisei is that one bitchy friend that you're forced to be friend with because she's popular

>> No.77841926

That pink haired retard? Me.

>> No.77842205
File: 22 KB, 364x484, co.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77843065

I used to think Suisei was a bitch but then I saw more of her and realised she's just autistic.

>> No.77843222

trannies hate cute autistic girls

>> No.77843325

Trannies hate all women, just as the fox hates the grapes.

>> No.77843861
File: 470 KB, 1154x865, tokosui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sister, Toko wouldn't be proud of you

>> No.77843943

Sister, men don't do that.

>> No.77844004


>> No.77844364

It's OK anon someone already translated the reason in this thread

>> No.77844823

Funny how holo's Suki-Kirai is just a shitposting site, where fans of other holos fling shit at other holo's section.

>> No.77844878

Hoshiyomis are the blight of hololive fanbase

>> No.77845169

I don't watch her but I buy her merch, I'd definitely drink her piss

>> No.77845379

As if the Tetris streams didn't make that obvious.

>> No.77845483

>Sister deflection post
That shit website just shows who currently gets targeted by antis

>> No.77845491

>I don't watch her
That's basically all hoshiyomis

>> No.77845598 [SPOILER] 
File: 185 KB, 900x1200, 1705245081530733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a whore

>> No.77845670

I liked Sui-chan, but associating with a johnnys fag is a bit too much for me so I unsubbed

>> No.77845811

>In japan
Just like Nijisanji is so mainstream in Japan.

>> No.77846811

Well then, so much for that.

>> No.77846833

Since there are so many hoshiyomi here you should give me an idea for the next thread.

>> No.77847406

Anyone with brain is hoshiyomi.

>> No.77847642

>trust me bro she's hated just look at this chinksite as proof otherwise you're an EOP
You will die alone, unloved, and forgotten.

>> No.77847842

>T.eop who didn't visit the site.

>> No.77848559

T. Sister who pump up the vote

>> No.77848758


>> No.77848788

Just put >>77823234 in the OP so everyone knows what the deal is and nobody else has to reply while you samefag it to bump limit
