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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77793963 No.77793963 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.77793985
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>> No.77794152
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Because of certain yellow bird

>> No.77794169

Factually, something something last day 3000 ticket sales
jesus christ that's grim

>> No.77794437

>literally less than 20 tickets bought week 3
I shit you not, I've hosted gigs selling more than that.

>> No.77794444
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Everybody buys their ticket on the last day. Some even buy it at the venue itself. On top of this, Goons literally use ticket unbuy bots. In rarer cases, they physically prevent sisters from buying said tickets in the 1st place.

>> No.77794581


>> No.77794592

>physically prevent sisters
They can't even get out of their house, what makes you think they need to "prevent" them?

>> No.77794611
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>Tell people Niji is a black company and if you wanna support the talents watch their streams but don't spend money.
>People actually believe it and refuse to spend money on anything Niji related.
Pretty funny.
I hope Rosemi, Kotoka, Vivi, and Twisty can rebound after NijiEN closes down. I like them.

>> No.77794653

Please andastand, it may seem like there's a lot of them but it's really just the same 2 or 3 schizos shitting up this board.

>> No.77794785

They're not JP

>> No.77794882

chronoir tickets isn’t doing that much better than nijiens

>> No.77794938

Rosemi and Vivi are fine. I don't know or care about Twisty but all her shill threads are annoying.

Kotoka, however, can fuck off and suffer in irrelevance for being a snake.

>> No.77794959

>ticket unbuy bots
>you can literally see there are only 3 canceled tickets across 3 events

>> No.77794983

this is starting to get really sad. I like shitposting but this is actually a dead branch now. Niji managers should have done damage control and tried to regain trust instead of shutting up and kept on doing business as usual. jp damage control doesn't work on burgers and euros and now everyone is gone

>> No.77795004
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drama monkey.

>> No.77795138

Holy sex

>> No.77795190

I guess she can get into JAV too. That's truly the best of both worlds.
It's not dead yet. I want it to be complete ashes with no hope of revival. I want the investors so fucking spooked of expansion that they never leave Japan again.

>> No.77795224
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>these are 7+ hours stream average
And you expect sisters the buy tickets?
90% of sisters cant even feed themselves, LMAO

>> No.77795257

that's a man

>> No.77795292

That reminds me. When's Anime Impulse? Did they ever sell out the boys' meet and greets?

>> No.77795475

because Dookieburd is lying

>> No.77795651

Only Vanta at first. Then they increased the limit of M&Gs to more than 1 per person, so Alban, Ike, and Fulgur also sold out. That's it.

>> No.77795683

What about streaming tickets? They reports those at Nijisanji, right? I've seen the Hololive ones and they seem pretty huge.

>> No.77795899

>They reports those at Nijisanji, right?
I don't think they do.

>> No.77795929

wait, did it happen already? Did I miss all the bait threads? Why was nobody talking about it? The sisters were so excited about mogging the stars boys or something.
...Did it just get memoryholed?

>> No.77796021

Companies tend to not show numbers when they're not good if they don't have to, but will show them when they think they can use them to boast.

>> No.77796073

still have time, what's the rush?

>> No.77796206

It was in May
There was no bait threads because people forgot about it due to all the other Niji yabs coming out at the time. Sisters used their brain cells for once and didn't talk about it since they would have gotten btfo by ALL the StarsEN being sold out without needing to increase M&G limits

>> No.77796568

LA is too far and too expensive unless you are a local or live in a nearby state, it's not gonna be worth it. People don't wanna drain their finances over an anime concert and for tribalism

>> No.77796807

sisters kept silent..
it seems the M&G is so grim they didnt bother to share anything

>> No.77797311

>dead branch
Even Chronoir is affected, this is more than just dead branch.

>> No.77797513

>The sisters were so excited about mogging the stars boys or something
There was never any mogging because homos ticket were already sold out within a week.

>> No.77797553

nah chronoir is a different case because nijijp has little to no relevance or clout outside japan
the only time someone in the west mentioned them is either through dramatubers or paid promotions like that velo guy

>> No.77797562

You used this cope for the VRap already sister.

>> No.77797655

Anon, this is their first concert outside of JP at all.
Were it to happen last year I can guarantee you at least half the ticket would be sold out within the first two weeks.
Too bad niji brand is now too tainted in the eyes of western/global fans.

>> No.77797740

Chronoir has nothing to do with NijiEN's drama. It's just that nobody gives a fuck about Chronoir in the USA. Honestly it's even worse than that; nobody even knows who the hell they are.
Anybody could have told Anycolor this, btw, it's simple. Do you see translated clips of Kuzuha going viral? No? Then he has no mindshare, there's no demand

>> No.77797755

Anon even if that concert happened during the height of Luxiems popularity having Chronoir there would have no impact whatsoever since nijijp is irrelevant outside japan

>> No.77797828

I don't have the money to travel on a whim, I'm sorry

>> No.77797862

I think you're selling them a little too short anon.
Sure they aren't as popular as their compatriot in Holo, but you could easily see people checking out their stuff because the same exact thing happened to Holo in 2021.
But now, even a normie understand that niji= black company.

>> No.77797879

because literally NOBODY in america knows who or what Chronoir even fucking is, You'd probably have a very hard time finding EN only sisters who knew what they were before they were used as a coping stick for the dead branch, Compared to holo where if it was something like a Micomet concert on top of the EN girls that would probably sell out just as fast as breaking dimensions is sure to because EN holofans actually know and give a fuck about HoloJP

>> No.77797885

Why do some people think that Japanese-only Nijisanji streamers have ever had any mindshare or presence in the EOP community? Do you see people talking about NijiJP streamers in EN spaces somewhere, am I missing something? Do we have a Kuzuha General on this board?

>> No.77797908

They were probably banking on people flying out more than they were planning on doublebooking, but I agree that no matter what scenario it was retarded to have them there. It's just a matter of if the retardation is on Nijisanji for thinking they'd have a chance here, or on the expo for accepting the TV Package Deal instead of negotiating away from them. Then again, not like they need to do any prepwork beyond making sure the tech is ready, which is the same across all 3 groups.

>> No.77797969

>Anybody could have told Anycolor this, btw, it's simple. Do you see translated clips of Kuzuha going viral? No? Then he has no mindshare, there's no demand
They did. In 2019.
Then they started hunting down and killing clippers left and right. The only kuzuha clip I can think of that I found naturally is that time he was pretending Kanae was shitting his pants while he was away from his computer, causing chihiro to lose her mind laughing.

>> No.77797984

>I think you're selling them a little too short anon.
nah you are selling them too high
even when nijien wasnt a black company in the mainstream nijijp was still very very irrelevant
people wouldnt check them out because there is nothing interesting there to hook them on

>> No.77798001

If you think this fucking mongolian basket-weaving forum represents fandom in general then I have bad news for you anon.

>> No.77798046

>nijijp is irrelevant outside japan
I followed Niji EN since day 1 since this is where my formerly Indie oshi reincarnated. There was just 1 Niji JP that I ever really knew/cared about in all this time and this was Lulu.
I didn't even know she was in Nijisanji when I found her or knew what kind of company that is.

>> No.77798058

OK so where are they discussing them then?
This board is by far the largest and most active vtuber board in a traditional forum style (by miles and miles and miles, btw); the other most active hubs are Discords. Is there an EN-language Chronoir discord with a bunch of people in it? I highly doubt it.

>> No.77798084

Anon this mongalian basket weaving forum representing the fandom in general would unironically be a better option for them since there are more people here that know or care about them than in the mainstream

>> No.77798135

I'm not agreeing with anons saying they have a huge market here, but the earliest subbers were primarily doing Heavenly Kings and Nijisanji content. Like 60% of all vtuber clips subbed prior to Hololive's boom in late 2019 was nijisanji. Hell I think the Ars stuff even happened prior though my timeline there is loose. And >>77797969 also broke it down, I think the only Kuzuha clipper still around is Blood Pack and Hinaru, the former of which had some big clips and the latter of which is a 5k sub channel I think.
That being said... yeah it was still a stupid idea.

>> No.77798138

>Is there an EN-language Chronoir discord with a bunch of people in it? I highly doubt it
unronically there was but there was only like 6 people active on it and that was its busiest hours

>> No.77798147

>The largest
>The most activity ever seen in this board was during Rushia debacle
>It was below 8k unique IPs
You;re huffing your own fat a little bit too much there anon.

>> No.77798218

>He thinks anontachi /here/ watch stream
rumao even

>> No.77798228

>saying this when the holo sub at the height of its activity only had 5k active

>> No.77798288

>He thinks the mainstream even knows that nijijp exists outside them being retards with the mixed drink

>> No.77798328

Nah I gotta say I agree with anon. This place leaks a lot more than other boards but it's still 4chan and we've always been a minority. The board you're thinking of is /cgl/.

>> No.77798333

Kek, name a vtuber board or subreddit you think is bigger. This board gets more posts per minute than whatever you're thinking of probably gets in like... an hour? a half day?

>> No.77798342

>leddit out of nowhere
Man, what's with you fags and the small dog mentality?

That happened literally a month ago anon...

>> No.77798345

>He doesnt know that there are an equal amount of people from here watching streams and people in the west knowing nijijp exists or is relevant

>> No.77798402
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It's sad to think of, but yeah. Niji EN was NEVER a competitor to HoloEN. They had the opportunity to grow if they just didn't fucking block all the collabs people wanted in 2021 and 2022, but for some reason NijiEN refused to let anything go through. So all the holofans stayed with holo and no fucking clue who Niji was. The first 3-4 grew well on their own, but luxiem bringing in the fujos eventually killed any real chance of a healthy community, combined with the fact that Niji just refused to market or support anybody. Fuck, man. If Selen was able to do everything she can do as Doki but back then? God... It hurts to think about how much hope I had for them back in the early days...

>> No.77798406

>>leddit out of nowhere
>Man, what's with you fags and the small dog mentality?
where is this discussion that surpass vt then anon?

>> No.77798420

Nijijp might not be relevant NOW, but there was time when their popularity eclipsed Holo and it's as late as mid 2022.

>> No.77798468

>but there was time when their popularity eclipsed Holo and it's as late as mid 2022
Nope, that estimate is way too late.
Hololive had started to win by mid 2020 and it only got worse from there.

>> No.77798482

Twitter, for one thing.
You know, where there is less anonymity than /here/?

>> No.77798509

maybe in japan but we are talking the audience outside japan anon
at best nijijp was more relevant than hololive in 2019 but after that they were nobodies

>> No.77798524

Not in the West.

>> No.77798567

You're trying too hard retard.
Heck, even during this board inception people were ragging on Holo because their tech was outclassed by niji.
It's not until mid-2022 that Holo became de facto leader of this industry.

>> No.77798620

nta but you might be one of the biggest retards here
nijijp was already more irrelevant in the west compared to hololive during 2020

>> No.77798643

Gotta agree with anons, if the conversation here is about Chronoir's fame in the west it definitely would not have been late 2022 the latest. Holo basically took over all JPtuber clipping in 2019 and niji basically never recovered. Even Rollcakeboy fucked off around then pretty sure.
I really fucking wish Luxiem never debuted. Even if we had lower expectations we'd at least have no reason to block collabs, something I thought was the oppositions fault for far too long.

>> No.77798679

>Heck, even during this board inception people were ragging on Holo because their tech was outclassed by niji.
Anon hololive outclassed niji tech way back in late 2020 early 2021

>> No.77798734

You're absolutely out of your mind, kek.
You may feel that way emotionally, but any sort of look at real data or actual numbers would show you're totally off base.
You probably don't even remember the kinds of miracles Hololive was pulling off in 2020 and 2021, both in the West and in Japan.

>> No.77798769

Against HoloEN at their peak performance? Sure.
But against HoloJP?
The fact that newfags like you saying this is the result of absolute stupidity on Ichikara's part.
Were they more receptive to clippers and global fans in general maybe they wouldn't be as dependant on jp market as they're now.

>> No.77798825

Get the fuck out of here newfag.
Go compare Nonstop Story to Nijifes 2021.
Have you forgotten about the absolute travesty that is Hololive Fantasia?

>> No.77798829

>he thinks luxiem is the reason for the collab bans and not because of anycolors partnership with b2 with the virtualreal project
they unironically blocked mysta from collabing with TT probably because of their opinions of the hong kong protests and them acknowledging the T word

>> No.77798861

I assume you have the so-called
>real data
then, retard?

>> No.77798886
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>> No.77798910

This still fucking baffles me
>Niji C&D clippers
>Stop gaining overseas fans who need subbed clips
>Cover allows clips
>EN fans know who the JPs and IDs are
For a company that loves money, their marketing department sure doesn't know what they're doing

>> No.77798970

What's that got to do with niji and holo tech, retard?

>> No.77798975

>he thinks
He THOUGHT. I know now that niji's rotten at it's core, but Luxiem absolutely made every single aspect worse in every single regard.
As for West Taiwan throwing a fit... I'm not going to say that definitely didn't have an impact on collab bans but the fact that collabs have ever happened in any semi-frequent capacity kinda disproves that: they're still schizoing out about kson over on bilibili to this day. Or at least last I saw in a catalog thread some weeks back.

>> No.77798986

>But against HoloJP?
anon westerns content creators were already referencing holojp post 2020 not to mention coco

>> No.77799037

Who the fuck is talking about tech, you idiot? The claim was this:
>but there was time when their popularity eclipsed Holo and it's as late as mid 2022
From this post: >>77798420
If that's you, you're a fucking moron who doesn't even remember what you were arguing about. And if that's not you, you're a fucking moron who chimed into a discussion without understanding what it was about. So which kind of fucking moron are you?

>> No.77799063

And xqc mentioned Rin in 2021.
What's your point exactly

>> No.77799076

Now post how many seats were sold for the holobrony concert

>> No.77799099

Cool so im guessing Rin got a ton of new western viewers that boosted her to 1m right?

>> No.77799131

I'm talking about >>77798734 you absolute mongoloid.

>> No.77799175

Nope, you can thank niji management's absolute lack of brain for that

>> No.77799190

>Rin got mentioned by XqC and Pewdiepie
>Hayama got mentioned by XqC
and they are still irrelevant even with that signal boost anon hell i dont think people even know or cared that happened outside from people here

>> No.77799206
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The boys? That shit sold out in under an hour.
At this pace Chronoir is at SERIOUS fucking risk to be outsold by goddamn Mint in a car park.

>> No.77799210

Both posts were me. I'm talking about popularity, because that was the original claim (NijiJP was more popular than HoloJP until mid-2022). I don't know where this "people saying Holo tech was outclassed by niji" shit is coming from, it has nothing to do with which company is more popular (it's Hololive, since mid-2020).

>> No.77799236

>Nope, you can thank niji management's absolute lack of brain for that
thats all on Rin for being a retard and spamming ff14
Nijis dont need help from management in the retardation department

>> No.77799265

NTA but they did. It was genuinely the worst thing to ever happen to her as they did nothing, gave nothing, promoted nothing, and were just annoying in the worst possible ways to the point where she actively changed her content to filter them out. The problem was?

It filtered out everyone else, too. She went from variety comfy streamer to FF14 all day every day for TWO. YEARS.

>> No.77799314

>as they did nothing, gave nothing, promoted nothing, and were just annoying in the worst possible ways
so they did the same thing as the regular nijisanji audience except they spoke english?

>> No.77799365

> I don't know where this "people saying Holo tech was outclassed by niji" shit is coming from, it has nothing to do with which company is more popular
Thats the usual nijinig tactic to shift the direction of the discussion after their bullshit gets found out or doesnt fly

>> No.77799378

Sure but there's a chance that people would look into other, more entertaining organs.
Heck, it happened briefly with Hana.
Too bad Ichikara has rocks for brain and put the absolutely stupid rule about clipping.

>> No.77799382

any link/hints where i can find it? id actually like to join a niji jp discord but i don't know where to find the secret clubs

>> No.77799443

The funny thing is, it doesn't matter who has "better tech", if "good tech" was all that mattered then vshojo and tiny indies would be super popular with their ultra-amazing rigging and tongue tracking and goofy shit like that.
Good tech is nice, it's important, but it's not the most important thing, not even close. Good tech can't turn a boring streamer or bad performer into a good one.

>> No.77799479

Go ahead retard, watch any holo 3D concerts from 2020-late 2021.
Fucking faggots /here/ literally complained about all the etch issues holo used to had.
Remember Marine 2021's anniversary stream?
Now compare that to Gundou 3D that year.

>> No.77799489

While I'd laugh at that burn, the japanese produce a shitload of fanwork for niji. Nijisousaku, their comiket ala Reitaisai, this year had 1.6k circles sign up, to say nothing of whatever their comiket numbers were. I cannot stress enough just how fucking vile her EOP audience was, and how they stuck around for far too long and ruined everything. It wasn't even that many either, it was only like 500 people if you wanna use that information, but god they were so fucking loud.

>> No.77799508

Feel sorry for the scalpers that bought on the first day.

>> No.77799523

Not really, because unlike those corpo, Holo is first and foremost an entertainment company.
Their entire prestige depends on their 3D tech.

>> No.77799580

>to say nothing of whatever their comiket numbers were
Their comiket number were/are 0.

>> No.77799592

Yeah, again, the discussion is about which company is most popular, not who has better tech. You're deflecting, kek.
Also Nijisanji's tech is kinda mid, their AR stage gimmick looks outdated nowadays but it never really looked as nice as people claimed it did.

>> No.77799613

most of the nijijp discords i know are unironically dead or changed it from nijijp to something else after the whole selen and black screen thing aside from rp servers though you can try nijiplanet

>> No.77799656

No fucking shit, that's why I said Holo is the de facto winner since mid-2022.
About the popularity, you're clearly a newfag if you don't remember how /jp/ used to be.

>> No.77799661

Is it actually 0? I swear I saw them in a catalog a couple years back, but either way that both explains why Nijisousaku gets such a massive turnout but also doesn't really diminish it. Again, they're a shitshow of a company, but I just wanna stress how EOP's are genuinely the worst thing you can put on any vtuber who doesn't want them and I hope XQC burns.

>> No.77799667

>Their entire prestige depends on their 3D tech.
Nah the prestige lies in the talent rather than the tech since it is an entertainment company
You can have the best rigging or model in the buisnes but if your vtuber doesnt know how to entertain an audience you are fucked

>> No.77799746

Anon, the thing about idol is that talent doesn't have to be perfect, but you have to sell the dream of idol journey.
Now that would be hard if Holo's tech were, say, on the level of Vshojo VRchat concert, wouldn't it?

>> No.77799750

>About the popularity, you're clearly a newfag if you don't remember how /jp/ used to be.
I claimed Hololive got the edge in popularity in mid-2020, and then increasingly pulled away until now. That's all I claimed. The numbers bear it out. I'd agree Nijisanji was more popular in 2019.

>> No.77799756

>Nijisousaku, their comiket ala Reitaisai, this year had 1.6k circles sign up
I mean they have to sign up for that otherwise they cant produce nijisanji works even outside their comiket due to how draconian nijisanji is with their fanworks

>> No.77799777

>I claimed Hololive got the edge in popularity in mid-2020
And that's why I call you a newfag, newfag.

>> No.77799854

All insults, all bluster and deflection, no substance or proof

>> No.77799863

>using /jp/ as a measure of how popular nijisanji is in the west
using your logic tohou must be pretty mainstream outside japan

>> No.77799920

Hey anon, when do you think this board was created?

>> No.77799967

NTA but I mean... 2hu's pretty big. If you're a weeb who goes beyond just watching DBZ you either grew up on Vocaloid or 2hu, at least from my era. A better comparison would be japanese idols.

>> No.77800027

I always love it when Nijifags try to rewrite history and push some retarded angle like how nijijp was apparently more popular and holojp until 2022
Its both kind of funny and depressing at the same time

>> No.77800048
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It really is more about the performer than the tech. A good performer can work with shitty tech, but great tech can massively enhance a good performer. Zaion's model was rigged like shit, but Sayu even managed to make that look lively.
It's why I expect Doki to not really be able to utilize her new skinsuit despite Cillia's rigging being fantastic and lifelike. The girl mostly shows emotion with her voice, not her face.

>> No.77800081

Oh great, here comes Sayufag.

>> No.77800180

It suppose it says something that they don't even try to claim they're more popular in the modern day. The only thing they quibble on is when exactly Hololive left Nijisanji in the dust.

>> No.77800214

Seethe, I guess. She's still one of the best examples right now of what we could be getting out of vtuber models, as well as out of the performers themselves if they cared to learn how to open their eyes.

>> No.77800309

A year or so after HoloJP became more relevant than NijiJP outside japan

>> No.77800348

its honestly kinda sad since some of them actually believe the dribble that they spout

>> No.77800420

NijiJP never care outside JP. they are basically who.
unlike HoloJP they interacted with kaigais a lot.
Chronoir got empty seats is equivalent to PekoMarine got empty seats you can imagine how bad it is.

>> No.77800719

all of twisty shill threads are annoying but not the vivi ones?
are we memoryholing all of her catalog spam saying she was GFE pls watch

>> No.77800814

they think having some subbed clips uyears ago means shit now

>> No.77800832

>jp damage control doesn't work on burgers and euros and now everyone is gone
That's the thing it would've worked if they'd started out with shutting the eff up and simply parting ways due to "creative differences" like selen wanted.
But no they had to be toxic and a black corpo about it and THEN pull the silent corpo move after they set the forest on fire.

Not responding to controversies is the way to respond to 99.99% of them. too bad they got the memo far too late.

>> No.77800833

difference is that twisty is a retarded /here/niji while vivi is not
same reason why people dont mind rosemi shill threads but hate millie/enna/reimuo shill threads

>> No.77800971
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Anon nijisanji discussion is even grim in twitter to the point that the fucking twitter bots have more discussion than actual people
and thats with the japanese niji audience

>> No.77801068

You nitpicked that tweet though

>> No.77801152

anon theres no nitpicked since everyone in that site gets hit by engagement bots even holo vspo phase idol etc

>> No.77801194
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anon... All of them either look like that or like this.

>> No.77801445

Whenever you feel that way
Just remember

>> No.77801776
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NijiEN is unironically below phase and starsEN now in CCV. they're so fucking dead that even most of the batshit insane sisters are starting to accept their fate and have shifted the coping to "hoping everyone else goes down with them"

>> No.77802028

If you think that Vivi is not /here/ you're a moron. You are right in saying she's not retarded though.

>> No.77802041
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>that stars bump in may

>> No.77802114


>> No.77802140
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Because they are poor

>> No.77802171

Proof of penis?

>> No.77802246

The Lucalot rrat is looking more likely every day. But like a true MGS plan it wasn't to merely sink a competitor. No, why risk so much for something that simple? All of it was merely for this moment, so that Mr Tanigo could finally create the Homostars success he'd always dreamed of. Do you really think it's a coincidence that Dokibird held a wrestling tournament, and not only did Bettel win, but the storyline perfectly suited his character lore down to every detail? That's right, it was all planned from the very beginning. From the moment Yagoo sent Luca to apply for NijiEN.

>> No.77802255
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oh no no no no no no no

>> No.77802275

I was going to mention that women generally earn less and that could be it, but most are deep in credit card debt from unnecessary expenses like cosmetic procedures.

So, they could buy tickets if they really wanted to.

>> No.77802346

Show tits.

>> No.77802415

Lying about what? And if all sisters believe it's a lie, then why don't they buy tickets? What you said has no relevance to OP.

>> No.77802579

I don't know what the fuck were they thinking with this concert. NO ONE from EN knows what is a fucking chronoir, the tickets are ridiculously expensive (regular ticket + AX ticket), most of the remaining EN fans can't actually go and fucking everyone hates the branch right now

My guess is that they wanted to put the concert's announcement on the Q4 report no matter what

>> No.77802770

It's called a hail Mary, one last attempt to try and pull something out of a hat before they are forced to can their last remaining foreign venture

>> No.77802827

I don't know about the organs themselves, but some of them did do a little bit pandering to the EOP.
Unfortunately, niji management were high on their own fart and thought the whole EN/Global market thing was a fad.

>> No.77802911

If they didn't care they wouldn't have made the nijisanji subreddit and mod the entire roster

>> No.77802920

>thought the whole EN/Global market thing was a fad.
To be fair, it was a fad for them. Only for them.

>> No.77802979

More like they tried, failed, wrote the whole thing of, only to have cover explode and show them how it's done. Just like with nijiID

>> No.77802983

They didn't make it at all. It was a hostile takeover from the fans. According to the ex-admin for the subreddit, he got an e-mail saying that the company paid and that they'll be taking over and booting him and all of his mods

>> No.77803070

Hastily rebranding nijiIN as EN in order to piggyback holoEN sudden and massive boom doesn't count as
That's on the level of claiming that dog ate their homework in terms of laziness.

>> No.77803130

Same difference, the point being that they clearly cared about the market outside jp to go through all that effort to have an official English language subreddit

>> No.77803176

Agree to disagree, but nijiEN did okay-ish even before Luxiem.
Could they do better? Absolutely.
But that's just Anycolor in policy in general, maximum profit for least amount of effort.

>> No.77803203

>but some of them did do a little bit pandering to the EOP.
yeah no
calling those weak ass attempts as pandering is an insult even to grifters
nijis just got high sniffing their own farts thinking that they will rule forever

>> No.77803259

bet there are more japs than en viewers for chronoir week kek
if its nornis instead i'd buy week 3 ticket despite i have to sit in a room filled with disgusting nijidogs

>> No.77803269

>Agree to disagree, but nijiEN did okay-ish even before Luxiem.
lol no
i hate those fags but without luxiems injection of numbers nijien was fast becoming the next nijiid, nijikr, nijiin etc'
they would have been unironically been canned before 2023

>> No.77803296

I said that because in likelihood management ordered them to cut EOP pandering to minimal.
Some, like Hana got her start because of EOP pandering before management did another brainfart and order the whole
>more streams in Indonesian

>> No.77803317

>Agree to disagree, but nijiEN did okay-ish even before Luxiem.
They were doing okay-ish for a small corpo. Riku would have shut it down after a couple of years if Luxiem didn't happen.

>> No.77803362

>I said that because in likelihood management ordered them to cut EOP pandering to minimal.
yeah no thats just cope
niji management especially in jp dont bother or care what their livers are doing on stream
it was 100% the livers themselves that did that and not from any order from the management

>> No.77803401

Have you seen 2021-2022 nijiID number anon?
Let alone nijiKR and the absolute retarded move that is nijiIN.
Lazusdya were comfortably sitting in mid to low 4view, which is abysmal compared to holoEN with their beastly 5view, but still way ahead of nijiID beside Hana and maybe the occasional Miyu and Bonbon.

>> No.77803556

Anon, we know for a fact that nijiID were ordered to cut English in their stream.
This is like their main thing to brag about because Holoro back then streamed like 70% in English.

>> No.77803574

>Lazusdya were comfortably sitting in mid to low 4view
which is good for a small corpo not the biggest vtuber corpo in japan at that time and hell you think they would have stayed 4view and not recline especially if they stayed on the path of chasing holoens shadow
at best they would have stagnated at worst they would be like 2020 nijiid and recline especially when there would be no incentive for anycolor to support them since they werent bringing in the money or the numbers riku wants

>> No.77803625
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Some funny numbers
>Sayu said that management considered Xsoleill a flop
>Last year Enna was worried because management wasn't happy about their recent numbers

>> No.77803724

That's disingenuous, even back then they were comfortably in the 500-3k range which is ten times better than nijiKR who celebrate when they get 300 viewers and nijiID who were mostly 2views outside of Hana. They might not have holomyth level of success but they were still doing miles better than nijiKR or nijiID ever did.

>> No.77803725

>you think they would have stayed 4view and not recline
But I admit that was a wishful thinking considering the whole Hanamori clique thing.
Also, 4view is not a good number for small corpo, it's an amazing number for them.
Phase wish they could get old Lazusdya number consistently.

>> No.77803788

>Anon, we know for a fact that nijiID were ordered to cut English in their stream.
And you are a retard because If you actually did your reps youd know it was nijiid themselves who wanted to cut the english in their stream because:
a.)nationalistic indos were complaining that they were speaking more english than indo and
b.)nijiid management and livers came from the same circle of cosplayers and weebs who also had nationalistic tendencies
its why nijiid indos hated mika when she started hanging out with the en livers more
shit like that was their own choice

>> No.77803839

>nationalistic indos were complaining that they were speaking more english than indo
This is a moot point because HoloID was hit with the same thing.

>> No.77803859

You can see how crucial Luxiem and Noctyx was for the success of NijiEN. Where they went wrong was ignoring their fanbases.

>> No.77803885

>This is a moot point because HoloID was hit with the same thing.
difference is that b.) didnt exist in holoid

>> No.77803954

you can unironically see the stagnation in the first 3 waves debuts compared to when luxiem came in
as much as nijifags hate to admit it riku would have pulled the plug with nijien without luxiems injections

>> No.77804034

>Elira nepohired a bunch of her old friends
>As a result NijiEN stagnated have to break new ground i.e courting with chink sisters

>> No.77804049

>They might not have holomyth level of success but they were still doing miles better than nijiKR or nijiID ever did.
And you actually think Riku would have given them the resources and support just for that? lmao they would have gotten jack shit and would have been given less opportunities sooner than later due to how low their numbers are

>> No.77804178

Wasn't Iwanaga the de facto head honcho at that time?

>> No.77804224

Isn't Ike one her her nepo hires?

>> No.77804238

I mean before Luxiem.

>> No.77804293

doesnt matter if its iwanaga or riku anon since they would not support anyone that brings them the numbers they want

>> No.77804314

Please understand, Sisters would rather pay viewbots than concert tickets

>> No.77804341

Jesus if they thought Xsoleil was a flop, imagine what they must be discussing internally about TTT and Denauth. If anything other than growth and improvement is considered a failure then perhaps the entire branch really is on the cusp of being shuttered.

>> No.77804350

Iwanaga maybe an NFT grifter, but nijiID got their absolute ace of management during his reign.

>> No.77804463

I mean, there's a reason why they didn't even bother to get TTT to sing their own wave song. Claude is only surviving because he is from hanamori.

>> No.77804464

and they got shit when it came to support compared to jp who were bringing the numbers anon

>> No.77804514

I remember yugo accidentally showing his discord and it showed his manager chastasing him for his god awful numbers

>> No.77804534

>compared to jp
No shit.
If you want a fair comparison, compare pre-2022 nijiID to nijiKR or even nijiEN.
NijiID may not got the number compared to nijiEN but the seer opportunity they got in no small thanks to their management was bountiful.

>> No.77804588

nah good comparison would be nijitaipei since they had the same good management as id at the start but got fucked over and neglected once their numbers didnt get any better

>> No.77804617

Niji taipei were a joint venture though?

>> No.77804622

It feels like the big failure point was the start of mixed gen spamming. I suspect NijiEN would be doing a lot better if they had just pivoted to putting out only various genres of "hot men" vtubers and ceded the female vtuber territory to Cover.

They could have a whole stable of fujobait right now stacking money, and perhaps they could have retained fans better who oshihenned a luxiem or noctyx and then had nowhere to go.

>> No.77804672

Q4 report will be amazing.

>> No.77804699

>Iluna has the most viewed debut

>> No.77804748

Yeah, anon, but that's not a good thing.
Iluna was the peak of interest going in but it was all down hill from there. Which means, that at the absolute height of Nijisanji's powers, people saw Iluna and said...
>That's not what we wanted.
It's not a good thing for the START of your career to mark the downfall of the entire branch.

>> No.77804751

Most of that was unironically paid by the livers and managements own pocket
iirc one of them (forget if it was riksa or reza) had an opportunity to go to a tv/radio show if he entered some kind of contest
got the ok signal from id management but had to pay for the expenses himself
he got into the finals but management told him that the main branch didnt agree with them and wanted him to step down
NijiID management was great but it wasnt because they had any actual support from anycolor

>> No.77804768

Yeah, and they performed so badly they permanently stopped the incline and sent further debuts into a downward spiral. See luxiem's debut numbers for that effect in action

>> No.77804800

it will not have this consert sales included

>> No.77804834

The decline started with Vox's Reimu drama and the "your momma" joke drama. The new debuts didn't cater to the crazy chinese girls preferences (except Hex, he was literally a "we have vox at home"), so they started to jump ship.

>> No.77804856

Right, so clearly the failure point was not the start of mixed gen, but rather debuting mediocre organs.

>> No.77804906

Yeah, exactly. So that's why I think they made a mistake not putting out more all-male hot guy gens for the Luxiem fans who were leaving to latch onto.
Tired of Vox because he offended your Confucian sense of filial piety? no problem, here's, uhhh, Rox Dakuma. He's ALSO hot, and also British, but he has never and will never offend the spirit of your ancestors!

>> No.77804935

Given noctyx Is full of mediocre talents, your thesis does not hold water

>> No.77804943

It wasnt an actual joint venture since niji was just using the company to operate in china but niji was running the whole operation
they left they hung and dry when they didnt produce the numbers they wanted for the investment and time they put into it and let the contract expire without renewing
nijitaipei is the reason why anycolor doesnt do anything other than prvovide access to their app with virtualreal

>> No.77804961

Even mediocre organs can be popular as long as they are targeted to the right audience. The thing is, most of the NijiEN fans at the time only cared about boys pretending to be gay and doing spicy asmr content

>> No.77805039

No one said they aren't, but by looking at the graph, clearly nijifags were excited by Iluna debut.
This tells me either:
>Sisters had high hopes for Iluna
>Sisters were getting tired of single gender wave
Or maybe a bit of both.

>> No.77805054

>Even mediocre organs can be popular as long as they are targeted to the right audience
explain hex or rissoto because he's doing shittier number than noctyx even before the selen yab

>> No.77805086

If those two things coincide, how can we say which was the problem? Or maybe both were? The men in iluna and xsoliel are hardly the hot ikemen type.
Aster is a weird little whiny femboy (women don't like this stuff even if they pretend to) and Ren is a gross looking goofy alien with a weird tentacle growing out of his head. He looks like a character from a comedy manga. Kyo is slightly less lame Aster and his voice sounds like a Nickelodeon cartoon character. These are hardly the sexy Yakuza demon archetypes that Luxiem showed printed money.
The next gen was a bit better but only Hex plays his coomer role properly.

Anyway I'm just saying, this is all bad product-market fit. I understand why it happened; Nijisanji probably thought they could cater to more than just the chinese coomer women market. I'm just saying, with the benefit of hindsight, that it would have been better for them if they went all-in.

>> No.77805120
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Because they can't afford it.

>> No.77805166

They were popular, they just weren't Vox popular.

>> No.77805177

Yeah, nah.
In this entertainment industry you have to find your niche in order to be popular, and yes, this includes holomen too.

>> No.77805552
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People like to blame Iluna for the start of nijien but fail to mention the stuff that happened between Iluna an Xsoliels debut that started to fracture the nijien audience at that time
The Vox yo mama joke had a huge impact of his reputation in b2 because
The zhang version of khyo and falseeyed were more ruthless in reporting what happened with the drama
Some of the male chinese vtubers and streamers who they interacted in b2 saw this as a weakness and their chance to steal their audience and help spread the fire of the drama in the zhang sphere
Which started to chip away at their fujo fanbase in china
WFH and SFH was officially ended in august 2022 in a lot of SEA countries which resulted in their sea audience becoming more busy and have less time to be interested in them
Mysta angering his genshin audience not once but twice due to how retarded he was with his "jokes"

>> No.77805646

Pomu associated with the hanamori group andd interacted with them a good number of times in the past

>> No.77805650

We need a definitive graph with a timeline including all the important yabs, the average CCV of male and female organs and the debut numbers

>> No.77805710

kek I forgot about this china-made miload.

>> No.77805722

i remember seeing one of the numbermonkeys making timeline of it in the past all the way until december 2022 when mysta just didnt care anymore

>> No.77805755

there was a chubby chink one which i cant seem to find anymore

>> No.77808834

I'm willing to make this timeline if someone can give me a list with the dates of every relevant yab

>> No.77809569

You're the fucking newfag for comparing NSS to Nijifes 2021. NSS was in fucking Jan 2020. Even if you want to compare, at least compare Nijifes 2021 with Beyond the stage 2020 or Bloom 2021.
Anon here >>77798679 is fucking right. Beyond the Stage in Dec 2020 with the RTX on showed that cover can compete with niji tech. Everything after that was niji lagging behind.

>> No.77811837


>> No.77812013

>>Ticket unbuy bots
Is the ndf this desperate at this point that they stopped using logic and just make shit up to have any argument at all?

>> No.77812232

I've seen clips of the vid and I can assure you it's not a man.

>> No.77812269

They don't actually watch Niji, they just like taking sides in internet arguments/trolling.

>> No.77812333

Anon was clearly joking and taking the piss out of sisters believing that /#/ has unsub bots https://archive.palanq.win/vt/thread/75856339/#75858636

>> No.77814163


>> No.77815647


>> No.77817266

Wtf is an unbuy bot? Do they hack the system and remove the paid tickets? KEK

>> No.77817478

I knew three people from Niji being a Holobro.
It was Pomu, Selen and Elira.
Why did I know Pomu? Collabs
Why did I know about Selen? Being a great gamer and got clips of her quite a lot.
Why did I know about Elira? Some times clips of her poped up.

I haven't seen a Niji clip since December. I guess all clipper channels fucked off?

>> No.77817758

I dread it as much as I want to see it. The shitposting will make this entire board unusable.

>> No.77818958

Actual question for the sisters here:
I'll star by saying that I mostly watch indies and not a fan of holo nor nijisanji hater all the corpo/idol culture irks me. But when the tickets for the hololive NY concert go for sale, they will be sold out in less than 1 hour, and we all know that.
So, why you still try and push the idea that concert tickets are sold the last day, when most adults on this board know that it doesn't work like that? You have talents that barely reach 700ccv on a good day, and that is world wide.
You already embarrassed your selves saying "it's a bigger venue that connect the world" and only put 50% of tickets on sale, and now you are being delusional about ticket sales.

>> No.77819112

>Everybody buys their ticket on the last day.
I'm sure you have examples of this phenomenon that you're willing to show us, correct?

>> No.77819413

that's how the ticket buy bots are programmed, anon

>> No.77822365

Unbuy ticket bots

>> No.77826950

They're broke broke

>> No.77827833

What's an unbuy bot exactly

>> No.77831320

Exactly what it sounds like.

>> No.77834167


>> No.77836085

This breaks the illusion. Niji en is built off the gay bois, and the gay bois are built off slurping money from the teet of chinese girls. Too many rabid chinese girls.
Why would they pay to sit in a metaphorical vat of denial?

>> No.77839174


>> No.77839359

they wouldnt be eating pagpag if they had money for tickets

>> No.77843331


>> No.77846050

Copes nijiniggers come up with when they are unwilling to face reality

>> No.77846442

Because they rather give their money to holostars so they can watch and shit on them at the same time.

>> No.77846847

some peeps don't realize pag pag is garbage they dug up and cooked. they think it's just cheap food.

>> No.77852508

she cute

>> No.77856432

because they support with twitter likes, not money

>> No.77856632

Why would they buy?
Riku isn't doing an appearance there

>> No.77856737

Has Break Dimensions sold out yet or tickets are not yet available?

>> No.77858371

damn... even holoID gets more supacha than this shitter. and it's not even their main dono platform.

>> No.77862146

Correct. A lot of the clipping channels from the Niji side were the ones adjacent to Selen and Pomu in some way. Even clippers for other talents like Gurin's Observation Archive and Petra's Emergency Food clipped for Selen. Dedicated clippers for yellow and purple fucked off for obvious reasons.

The only clippers from Niji side I can recall that still actively stay in the space are Orangehenge, Square Ch., and Oniikamii. There are some other channels I'm forgetting but the clipped content is hardly interesting enough to make users want to explore. It's regrettable because I liked Oniikami for combing through hours of streams to make a long clip explaining the context of in-jokes.

>> No.77866079


>> No.77866182
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Pendora's Box has been missing since the black stream.

>> No.77867071

Last time I saw a Kazuha clip in English organically was VCR Rust where Deron roasts him about being 12th again

>> No.77870986


>> No.77873854

They "retired" from clipping
But not because of the Black Stream

>> No.77873942

Ah well,
Good riddance

>> No.77874013

Well, there goes the respect I had for him for that. Oh well.

>> No.77874049

NTA but It's a JAV based on Kotoka. The actor is not a man. Apparently they nailed the voice so well that people thought she actually did it herself.

>> No.77874123


>> No.77874163

Not yet available.

>> No.77874256

I hope no fag slips in and takes a picture of the crowd. That would just be cruel. I wonder if it affects the performance if the venue is empty

>> No.77874317

Anon, it's all pre-recorded.

>> No.77874413

The MC parts shouldn't be.

>> No.77874472
File: 309 KB, 850x1204, __rosemi_lovelock_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_g9_jiiku__9fa71df6b73a2eed0549f8acc9845056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this screenshot again, the stream has -19 (minus nineteen) live viewers, that's minus six Centifinana and fits perfectly. Just think about it.
>Dragoons use unview bots
>Dragoons use unsub bots
>Dragoons use ticket unbuy bots
>Dragoons use unsuperchat bots
How else would you explain their massive decline in literally everything?
Surely they also force clippers to not clip Niji EN anymore.

>> No.77874476

Anon the chronoir part is literally reused footage of a japanese concert for an audience in LA.
I'm pretty sure some anons said they're going to take pictures of the crowd. They're the ones at the far back in each one.

>> No.77874500

>MC parts
rumao even

>> No.77875011

Wow this seems slapped together.

Were they just trying to keep up with the Jones?

>> No.77875073

It is. When it was announced some anons just put up some google drives with the full concerts. I skimmed around it and it was... really just mid. They're not very stand out stage performers.

>> No.77875109

I don't think you were wrong to have hope for the branch; there were some real innovations they brought in. The production level of the debut package/format raised the bar for many other Vtuber corpos (that many of the emerging small corpos also copied), and branch cohesion and unity was very strong in the early waves as well (another thing small corpos learned from). No one really expected Luxiem bottling lightning and that was what really derailed things. Success can sometimes be more poisonous than failure. For better or worse they've had a structural impact on the EN corpo sphere.

>> No.77876587

It was a joke referring to the subscriber count thing, retards.

>> No.77877964

They will once they add Mito

>> No.77878337

I'm pretty sure that most people who watch Niji EN have no idea who Mito is.

>> No.77881465

90% of people of watch vtubers dont know who mito is

>> No.77884122


>> No.77887508

time to school them

>> No.77890615

She's irrelevant
