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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 405 KB, 1530x2048, GPTuZE-b0AA1P5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77796914 No.77796914 [Reply] [Original]

Little sister candy eating asmr edition


Last Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmhUKW0Rm2g
Upcoming Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwHq3c9feuI

>YouTube Channel:



Live: #AmanoAir
Fanart: #Artwistic
Fan Name: #Spiritmates
Meme: #7W1S7Y

>> No.77796977


>> No.77797107

I really wish Twisty wasn't a niji. I hate the corp and can't stand when she starts talking about the other members, but she's so fucking cute. Also the candy eating was sexo.

>> No.77797193

shes 99% solo streams anyways so just imagine shes an indie with a company behind her that provides support, merchandise, and allows her to keep streaming 16 hours everyday without having to worry about struggling

>> No.77797479

kill yourself twisty

>> No.77797503

Yeah that's how I am trying to do it, but I know I won't be comfortable membering or getting merch knowing she probably gets almost none of the money.

>> No.77797518

Anon she did 500 usd between members and supas in 2 weeks....

>> No.77797584

she talked about getting paid by anycolor so she likely has base salary and didn't need to pay for her model + rigging like indies.

>> No.77797593

>shes 99% solo streams
Aster called.

>> No.77797746

Anycolor doesn't have a base salary? They've got the 1300 for debut fees but that's about it. That's why people are wishing she wasn't really in niji. Pretty much the only upside is not paying for the model but losing out on at least 50% of all money you're going to make going forward + being limited with molasses speed management means that it'd be genuinely better for her to learn rigging herself.

>> No.77797747

Anon, anycolor doesnt have a base salary they get money for the debut (cover, intro, lore video, etc)

>> No.77797817

>she talked about getting paid by anycolor
Yeah, the money for her debut. Keep up.

>> No.77797909

she mentioned it while talking about spending money in japan so it was not the debut or equipment funds

>> No.77798006

>that provides support
>without having to worry about struggling

>> No.77798015

There's nothing saying you couldn't use the money outside of your debut, and we already know for a fact that Anycolor does not give a salary even without including the leaks just by the fact that some people can go months or even a year without streaming once. Unless they gave her an advance on her supas/merch goods or they have a celebratory gift lol which they give people who just got monetized then there's really no other money it could be but debut funds.

>> No.77798125

/yeah/ died for this

>> No.77799430

>i can watch you sleep forever
>you don't understand do you
>how deeply my love for you runs...

>> No.77799894

Out of the loop banished from /NijiEN/ or realized it sucks?

>> No.77799997

containment thread. now antis can stop shitting up the board and "fans" can keep their shilling isolated

>> No.77800025

what the fuck is this supposed to be?

>> No.77800196

She did backmasking at the end of the asmr stream.

>> No.77800226

no, i get that, i mean everything else. that's that weirdo shit man

>> No.77800269


Yvan eht nioj?

>> No.77800341

Glad you finally made a general. I'm still not a fan of her cuz niji but wishing the best for both of you anyways. Good luck, anon.

>> No.77800901

Cope hahahahaha even after all this time people are still jealous of NijiEN getting top notch talents while your favorite corpos get the scraps. You will always be obsessed with us and we will always live in your mind rent free because you will never be satisfied with your boring ass streamers that never stream while we get great streamers like Twisty that stream 24 hours a day.

>> No.77801026

posting in based thread

>> No.77801131

quit falseflagging

>> No.77801479

Anon, I don't even like twisty and made some of the anti twisty threads the other day, but if they're playing nice in their general, I think it's kind of poor taste to annoy them there. I don't think there's a problem if they're contained and not shitting up the whole catalog with spam.

>> No.77802207

Can she maintain her own general?

>> No.77802476
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>> No.77802713

Just buy an ad
Or actually don't fuck off twisty

>> No.77803721
File: 271 KB, 2048x1536, 1717868903061583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is very cute, I will watch her.

>> No.77804477

Zako! Zako!
Damn brat needs correction

>> No.77805773

Good ASMR. The backward speaking freaked me the fuck out lmao
Hope she does ear cleaning.

>> No.77805968

She went on a 5 minute babble about getting plucked and my dick has never been so hard

>> No.77806000

Clip it.

>> No.77806240

Someone edit this audio in and replace that part, please.

>> No.77807031

I think she has brainwashed me...
Someone help...

>> No.77807132
File: 129 KB, 1277x884, 1694497238498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ey we finally got a general made up? Nice

>> No.77807704

[Twisty News]
Creepers love her

>> No.77807824

Cow crusher destroyed twice in a row by our friendly neighborhood creepers

>> No.77808885

>needing to find something to kill to relieve the stress from the creeper attacks
>its better if you kill something thats cute because you feel worse about it
based nutjob

>> No.77809124

I think we need to normalize NijiEN splits again. When there used to be a lot of them people would leave them alone because there were too many of them. Now they've gotten cocky and go on the attack whenever one pops up. So the more of them there are, the better.

>> No.77809642

Someone Archived her Karaoke and the Creepy ASMR?

>> No.77809661

i fell asleep...
these streams are too comfy

>> No.77810865


>> No.77811348


>> No.77812878

That's me.

>> No.77814140

Only Rosemi and Twisty deserve their threads tho.

>> No.77814380

I'm the only one making both

>> No.77814418
File: 176 KB, 1080x1080, 1697796399949817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait that happened D:

>> No.77814426

Ouch. That sucks man. Thank you for your efforts tho. Always love to see one on the catalog.

>> No.77815748

Linda puta

>> No.77816089

Why would you make a general for a 2view, even Phase is better than Nijisanji these days

>> No.77816537


2:22:00 you sicko

>> No.77817029

Oh my god she's plucking so much what a dirty little slut squealing and moaning... It's been a long time since I fapped to normal stream. She's even more powerful than I imagined.
Fuck I shot too hard and came on my keyboard, cleaning up will be a pain.

>> No.77817171

>wait, do you wanna get plucked or do you wanna pluck me?
>i'm scared, i've never been plucked before
>y-you wouldn't pluck me right? r-right, big brother?
hnnnngh ToT

>> No.77817665

>I'm gonna be honest, I don't know 90% of fannames in Niji

>> No.77818293

Scum of the earth bitch mocking those who speak out against black companies. After what Nijisanji did to Selen, Nina, Zaion, etc. Among those who remain, it is no longer who is guilty, but who among them might be worthy of being saved.

>> No.77821471

She's a 3view.

>> No.77822640


>> No.77822880

Is this bitch mentally okay?
Also my dick is hard now for some reason

>> No.77822928

Some of those are very clearly not plucks

>> No.77823066

I have no idea but I'm all for whatever she's doing.

>> No.77824507

>Also my dick is hard now for some reason
That's a common side effect of listening to Twisty.

>> No.77824557

She's definitely not, that's why your dick is hard.

>> No.77825554

I'll keep watching this tiny menhera until final yab happens.

>> No.77825870

>She's definitely not, that's why your dick is hard.
I think i've learned something new about myself...
>I have no idea but I'm all for whatever she's doing.
same. i shall watch her career with great interest, she's gonna self implode soon anyways

>> No.77826677

People have been talking about menhera appeal so much over the years and I never truly understood them. Now I might...

>> No.77827851
File: 297 KB, 1920x1080, twisty_schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Image board
>Bakes with an outdated tweet as the schedule
Also holy shit i thought the bait thread in the catalogue was a joke. This is even worse than Selen's debut schedule with Apex spamming

>> No.77827908

Welcome to the show, enjoy the ride mate

>> No.77828018

Twisty bakers are as inexperienced as their oshi is with streaming.

>> No.77828052

On bakers defense the schedule dropped like 5 hours later

>> No.77828452

Where the fuck did they find these chubbas?

>> No.77828548

Yugo was from TikTok iirc, they don't mind looking outside of YouTube/Twitch.

>> No.77832079

no vtuber is ever mentally okay

>> No.77833731

So will this thread be baked only for streams or?

>> No.77834018

Planning on keeping it up for now since there's interest

>> No.77834797

What do you mean? She's streaming pretty much every day.

>> No.77836773

Well the 6 of us who like her but don't want to post in /nijien/ can't really keep a general alive outside of stream hours can we?

>> No.77837038

Ah, that's probably true. Hopefully things will get better as more content comes out. I'm already impressed with how many anons gave her a chance considering the circumstances of nijien.

>> No.77839068

I will chip in and try to post as much as I can

>> No.77841337

What would sex with Twisty be like?

>> No.77841390

Since when did you need a viewer requirement to make a thread and hit post?
Also like half the generals on /vt/ are about 2views.

>> No.77841421

minecraft streamer

>> No.77841883

It's great, isn't it? I honestly love vtubers playing Minecraft. There's something about this game that elevates the streamers. I would have preferred if Holo ENs were doing it but they barely play anymore so nobody can blame me for getting twisted around the finger of this succubus ojou-sama.

>> No.77842065

I hear she's into ryona and kept bringing up incest in last night's minecraft, so it would be like raping your little sister after hitting her stomach till she threw up.

>> No.77842514

Playing innocent but she knows exactly what she is doing

>> No.77845391


>> No.77845451
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prechat grooming

>> No.77845647
File: 106 KB, 374x831, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you weren't kidding wtf

>> No.77846377

Minecraft week...

>> No.77846498

>already got booted out of /nijien/

>> No.77846877

More like nobody wants to associate with that pit. Better make a club for gentlemen who can appreciate the ojou.

>> No.77847366
File: 11 KB, 368x187, goon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77847461
File: 7 KB, 358x59, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's so freakin' cute

>> No.77847553

A reminder to Twisty
Prechat is saved 15 minutes before stream starts. If she doesn't want management to find out what she's doing, just stop chatting before then

>> No.77847647

she'll change topic 10 more times before that time comes

>> No.77847684

>Little sister candy eating ASMR
I will now watch that retard

>> No.77847716

you mean the place twisty is from? lmao

>> No.77847905

I visited there once when Twisty debuted, never again... that general feels artificial, I dont wanna be rude but it feels fake compared to other generals

>> No.77847915
File: 15 KB, 370x136, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her opinion of nijien.

>> No.77848016

its entirely /soc/ posting

>> No.77848418

You werent kidding

>> No.77848803

Oh no she's posting reddit links,

>> No.77849079

who is being groomed in this case?

>> No.77849191

us lol

>> No.77849415

I definitely felt groomed by her.

>> No.77849572

She wants to eat my meat.

>> No.77849623

>/haha/ and /wose/ have existed as splits long before the niji drama

>> No.77849709
File: 13 KB, 419x110, twisty_meat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got some meat that Twisty can have any time.

>> No.77849789
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She types faster than rest of chat combined.

>> No.77849957

she has redditor spacing...

>> No.77850049

Unfortunate but it can be corrected.

>> No.77850088

she can be corrected ToT

>> No.77850353
File: 83 KB, 376x626, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to taste her pee...

>> No.77850515

bro blur my name

>> No.77850614


>> No.77850892

Oh sorry about that totemo.

>> No.77851820

>ill help her educated herself


>> No.77851900

>opens stream
>unironically thinks reddit is factual
>spends hours on twitter and reddit and takes her opinions from there
Nevermind i am not watching your chuuba

>> No.77852039

Stay mad sister. She's correct about pitbulls being evil.

>> No.77852245

that's just like saying that all niggers are evil

>> No.77852260

Does she call her viewers "big brothers" or nah? What's her opinion of the Uooooh posting in her chat?

>> No.77852472

Hey, you're correct this time. First time in your life probably.

>> No.77852545

She recognizes ToT immediately.

>> No.77852641

Nijizhanji should've debuted a cunny pandering chuuba since the Lazusidya days (Petra and Rosemi don't count, cunny models but normie personality). Twisty is good but I'm afraid it's too late, sisters won't watch her and all the unicorns/groomers left after Luxiem debuted

>> No.77853011

She did it a couple times in asmr, and she opened the current stream by uohing herself.

>> No.77853018

>any questioning or criticism no matter how small is now considered sisterposting

>> No.77853143

>defending pitbulls
Only sisters would sympathize with those savage creatures. They both exist solely to hurt others.

>> No.77853155

>no karaoke archive
it's twistover

>> No.77853199

i shilled her on pcg, hopefully her numbers go up a little more

>> No.77853344

She hates zoomer lingo, I love her now.

>> No.77853374

the only person who sounds like a sister in this thread is you

>> No.77853399

Imagine if twisty brings back a portion of the male audiece NijiEN had before Ethyria and Riku in a desperate attempt to save the stagnated branch has no other option than to start pandering to the viewer demographic sisters hate soo much kek.

>> No.77853609

the new gen has a chance to grow, as long as everyone else in the branch doesn't yab anytime soon.
also for better or worse, nobody will even remember the February drama by December

>> No.77853731

People still remember Zaion drama anon. Tourists already forgot about February 2024 sure but the fans won't.

>> No.77853733

Ah yes, that'll definitely improve /vt/'s opinion of her, shilling her in other generals.

>> No.77853995

bro, she joined niji.. /vt/'s opinion of her is already on the floor

>> No.77854114

Yeah and what I'm saying is bothering other generals isn't going to help with that.

>> No.77854342

i think she's doing fine
she's doing >1 finanas and there is some actual discussion here and in the other thread (>>77818216)

>> No.77854412

Yes but new vtuber fans are coming in every day. right now the drama is still relatively fresh that it's the first thing that comes up when you search Niji, but as long as no yabs happen happen [spoilers]or a crazy redemption arc where Doki vindicates the company somehow[/spoilers] new people won't immediately get filtered

>> No.77854422

her numbers say otherwise heh

>> No.77855494

People need to realize not everybody is in the know about the vtuber industry, not even some other vtubers. Just the other day some VAllure girl said she auditioned for Prism but didn't know what hololive was a couple years back.

>> No.77855600

Does this slut stream with males? If she doesn't then I'll member.

>> No.77855704

they are getting better

>> No.77855727

Weekly collabs with her male genmate are mandated right now based on her saying she had to include the collab on her schedule and complaining it was in the way of minecraft. She made the schedule on stream.

>> No.77855741

anon your spoiler... ctrl+s next time, you got this mate

>> No.77855754
File: 1.41 MB, 1036x1194, 1700333115935699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of the males in Niji play Minecraft so I doubt she'll ever collab with them

>> No.77855803

Why would anyone ever unicorn a Niji???

>> No.77855900

watch streams, she said she doesnt like BL and being shipped with Boys, she also doesnt like collabs all too much

>> No.77856061

So what does her membership content look like? Or too soon to say?

>> No.77856163

i shill her and Chio Chompi in pcg too

>> No.77856381

Too soon to say, she only opened them a couple days ago.

>> No.77856631

She reminds me of my favorite vn character... also bonus for liking guro

>> No.77856851

Fellow fluffy enjoyer?

>> No.77856984

She left a ASMR stream to show up in Aster's stream
She also calls one of the niji boys onii chan

>> No.77857038

If you mean that furry /b/ shit, no. I just like specific anime girls ryona.

>> No.77857175
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1080, SzkKebNCZyA 01-44-03 【Minecraft】Our PERFECT & PEACEFUL Start!!┊Survival Let's Play #1【Twisty Amanozako _ NIJISANJI EN】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77857317

Nah, simply meant a fluffy vtuber who likes maggot baits. It's rare to see that title brought up.

>> No.77857449

Ah, I see. Link to this vtuber?

>> No.77857563
File: 19 KB, 400x129, pee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77857639

Fuwawa Abyssgard. She very rarely talks about this stuff and is subtle when she does it so don't expect to hear detailed opinions, sadly. Maybe in a year or two but it would be limited to members streams anyway. No chance for anything special this year imo.
She made multiple references to Isaku too btw.

>> No.77858753

We have such a buff and muscular Twisty.

>> No.77859028

I like her design, kind of like a cross between susei and kobo

>> No.77859299

>Thinks flat is justice.
>Also loves tiny asses.
>Thinks big butts are gross.
God she's perfect, finally someone who isn't attracted to obesity.

>> No.77859816

pancake asses suck

>> No.77859894

Huh that's a good way to put it. Has Kobo's brattiness but more refined. I would add NY Biboo outfit to the mix because it has similar style.

>> No.77860564

Did I hear it right? 250 pounds leg press?

>> No.77863023

She's still searching for Pony-kun.

>> No.77863214

She found Pony-kun! (and his worthless brother)

>> No.77863371
File: 3.66 MB, 1920x1080, Twisty PC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ojou PC specs.

>> No.77863553

What the hell, she has actually good sense of direction.

>> No.77863592

She has too after how many times Pony-kun got lost in the prologue

>> No.77864388

When you think about it she has spend like 24+ hours around the same place

>> No.77864569
File: 17 KB, 384x140, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will kiss the booboo away.

>> No.77865721

[Twisty Minecraft News]
She found the spawner and a saddle for Pony-kun

>> No.77865764

Hope she takes peaceful off at some point, she's really cute when she's having neurotic panic attacks over mobs getting in the way.

>> No.77866029

she will be fine, she is not a weak cunt like the others, if anything it will be better for the clique to keep their distance, if she manages to stay away from vrchat and homotards she will do it very well in that company.

>> No.77866164

Her mental state has deteriorated to the point that mobs in Minecraft give her anxiety attacks. She's too stupid to realize that her unhealthy lifestyle is destroying her brain. Or maybe she knows and doesn't even care.

>> No.77867026

Twisty teaching chat how baby cows are made from mama cow and papa cow.

>> No.77867121

She's so smart.

>> No.77867635

Ah thanks, I was vaguely aware of that fact, probably from following her pl. It's a really well written vn, she has good tastes

>> No.77867684

There are no innocents in nijisanji

>> No.77867845

It's funny that you bring that convo here.

>> No.77867910

This thread exists to store twisty catalog discussions until a new thread is made

>> No.77868056

is this a real general? if you people actually watched her she wouldnt be a borderline 2view

>> No.77868096

Except twisty.

>> No.77868195

im a saviorfag i cant help it

>> No.77868285

she is at 1 and a half finanas right now and yes Im watching and live posting a bit

>> No.77868301

>nearly 500 viewers
>borderline 2vu

>> No.77868405

Twisty was ~300 for a couple of days but her last three streams were closer to 500. She can make it.

>> No.77868798

as long as she keeps doing her own thing she will incline... at snail's pace

>> No.77869057

Minecraft buff

>> No.77869078

Not if she's at nijisanji

>> No.77869099

[Ojou news]
She lives in a pink shed.

>> No.77869209

Especially if she's at nijisanji.

>> No.77870313

As organic as the IPs ITT.

>> No.77870599

I'm organic.

>> No.77870693

I plucked so hard

>> No.77871750
File: 5 KB, 400x45, Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 01-13-26 【Minecraft】Our PERFECT & PEACEFUL Start!!┊Survival Let's Play #1【Twisty Amanozako NIJISANJI EN】 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77871843

what mean

>> No.77871893

i'm obese, but i'm healthy

>> No.77871902

She's coming to suck my corndog

>> No.77871946


>> No.77872014

I will shove my corndog down her throat

>> No.77872544

She doesn't know Touhou, what is she 12?

>> No.77872738

As an ASMRfag I must say her last ASMR stream was quite kino. English chuubas can't usually into GFE. Too bad she's a male-collabbing niji.

>> No.77872753

Uoooohhh! To be fair only milenials know their 2hus

>> No.77872794

What is her fanbase called? What does her mascot and fan mascot look like? Asking for a friend

>> No.77872923

Watch the stream and look at it, it's right next to her and she says the fan name a lot.

>> No.77872925

nijis are forced to collab with their male genmates. Not her fault.

>> No.77872928

We are the rat thing with the horns

>> No.77873327

spiritmates, but changed to gooners at the start of this stream

>> No.77873774

Yep totally not her fault, completely forced behavior.

>> No.77874439

>Spiritmates (you) are ghostly creatures with large ears, antlers, and gigantic fluffy tails. Their species is a combination of a pallas cat and a moose! They have heart shaped paw pads and walk on four legs.

They are around 20 inches long with a 10 inch long tail. They weigh about 10 pounds and are very round, but it's mostly just fur.

They are EXTREMELY cute and EXTREMELY fluffy. You want, no, NEED to hug and pet them.

>> No.77874811

Why gooners? Shit, I wanna check the VOD but she's still streaming...

>> No.77874871

Alright, I love Twisty.

>> No.77874881

It was in prechat. You arent getting it

>> No.77875213

It's okay I'll just invent my own headcanon.

>> No.77875954

Twisty is dangerous
Its the case where we dont groom her, she grooms us

>> No.77876155

Twisty's twisties... that's what she calls em.

>> No.77876988

Already got 1 stream privated, her days are numbered

I hope she does more collab with boys so all of you unicorns will fuck off back to their holovirgins
Seeing unicorns get horny at a loli and give them views after months of sending hate makes me so angry

>> No.77877109

>Seeing unicorns get horny at a loli and give them views after months of sending hate makes me so angry
Not every anon is the same person. You do know that, right?

>> No.77877260

>She left a ASMR stream to show up in Aster's stream

>> No.77877419

Why is this thread allowed to exist?

>> No.77877570

Twist Twisty's Twisties

>> No.77877940

zako kissed me

>> No.77878655

What stream was it?

>> No.77878764

A reminder to the invading holofags that Twisty said that she's proud to be in Nijisanji and that she loves her coworkers

>> No.77879346

ASMR stream. Not because of her being too "lewd" but because she said something to the lines of "I'm being harrassed in this company and everyone hates me" as part of her roleplay and a clip of that was taken out of context.

>> No.77879926

Got an archive of it?

>> No.77880311 [DELETED] 

I fell asleep but the last thing I heard was
>Her tooth was chipped
>so she kept chipping on it further until 90% of it is chipped off
>chat tells her to go to the dentist
>she refuses and expects chat to kiss her tooth instead
>she wants (You) to kiss her exposed decaying dental pulp
Also some insight on her diet... energy drinks x 10. Nini jewbros

>> No.77880367

I fell asleep but the last thing I heard was
>Her tooth was chipped
>so she kept chipping on it further until 90% of it is chipped off
>chat tells her to go to the dentist
>she refuses and expects chat to kiss her tooth instead
>she wants (You) to kiss her exposed decaying dental pulp
Also some insight on her diet... energy drinks x 10.

>> No.77881568

...you know what? Would.

>> No.77882174

She's streaming again? wtf. I missed like 80 minutes

>> No.77883512

You can literally check Aster's league tier list. She muted her asmr stream to cry to Aster of not getting the league character she wanted. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMWrLiNlols

>> No.77883653
File: 13 KB, 363x149, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love Twisty...

>> No.77884273

Has she seriously been streaming for 11 hrs? Wtf.

>> No.77886212

been thinkin about twisty

>> No.77887942

Uuuuu I miss Twisty...

>> No.77888900

Listen to this daily bros.... >>77807031

>> No.77890531
File: 251 KB, 354x360, twistydrama[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6drphm.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen to this daily

>> No.77892555


>> No.77892838

I shouldn't post but I guess I will just to say I'd really like another place to talk about Twisty cause I like her a lot, but even if you had good intentions OP theres no point when most of this thread is just catalog monkeys seething at nijisanji or going shit like oh she's one of the "good" ones, if she doesnt collab with [x], i feel bad for her because le niji bad etc. There's no point in posting if the thread isn't an actual general and mostly a continuation of bait threads.

>> No.77892962

The point of this thread is to not get exposed to the cringe /soc/posting of /nijien/

>> No.77893023

I want to talk about Twisty and I don't want to set my foot in /nijien/.
Most of this thread was talking about Twisty, you're being retarded and looking for things you dislike while ignoring discussion of the vtuber.

>> No.77893106

>Babby's first day of thread raiders shitposting.

It happens to others too. Just keep being persistent and it will die down eventually.

>> No.77893378
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I dont care about the /soc/ posting because it helps keep shitposters away. but fine I'll try posting and see if we can make this work. I'm not hopeful though. Twisty cute. Can't believe youtube and her internet fucked her out of 12 hours in 1 stream

>> No.77894705
File: 90 KB, 1024x1024, GPraID1agAAnDla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys think we'll get a guerilla before the minecraft stream tonight? Considering how late she's getting to bed I'm not sure it'll happen. She just streamed for like 12.5 hours though so I can't really complain if she doesn't.

>> No.77895730

Probably not, but if she does I think it will just be starting minecraft early.

>> No.77896922

Have you actually watched 100% of it? I'll spend rest of the day catching up on what I missed while sleeping.

>> No.77897185

of the minecraft streams? I watched the last 11.5 hours yeah. I woke up an hour into it. I might go back to my liveposts/skim through it later to refresh my mind

>> No.77897390

Oh wow. I don't have this much stamina.

>> No.77897430

You would if you were chugging energy drinks to the point of having chest pain

>> No.77897723

Its alright if my sleep schedule hadnt been already fucked by her already I probably wouldve been dieing by 6 or 7 hours in. Ive watched enough endurance streams to kinda get used to it and Twisty is pretty chill to listen to so she doesnt tire you out right away so the energy kinda stays more consistent throughout

>> No.77898114

I hope she doesn't feel pressured by the current atmosphere to overwork herself. Kind of worried about her.

>> No.77899091

I dont think so. She only streams so much anyway because she enjoys it and she gets lonely. As long as she keeps enjoying it she'll probably keep streaming a lot even if she eventually stops doing 10+ hour/4+ stream days

>> No.77900791

But all the energy drinks....

>> No.77900926

Wonder if she would do something unhinged if she were to see lewd art of her

>> No.77901971

I mean she has an r18 tag though I havent checked it in a bit, wasnt really anything there last time I did. She also basically said in an earlier stream that she wanted more lewds lmao so I think she'd be happy

>> No.77905136

any games youd really like her to stream?

>> No.77905759


>> No.77906249

actually yeah that sounds fun. but she likes to win games I'm not sure how she'd deal with a game where the goal is to just do whatever.I mean she does well with minecraft but she's used to that so idk

>> No.77906392

That's a story to Skyrim, it's long so it's perfect

>> No.77907773

I want Twisty to pluck me bros...

>> No.77909683

I had a fantasy od Twisty endurance riding me and at the end of it she whispered in my ear that shed see me later for minecraft. then in her asmr she did a countdown then said shed see us fo rminecraft. shit fucked me up

>> No.77912662

Pluck pluck

>> No.77913040

Kenshi, Atelier Sophie, and Long Live the Queen

>> No.77913908

Kenshi? Twisty would go crazy not knowing what to do, too much freedom

>> No.77915776

Good option.

>> No.77917437

A rage game of some kind, I need more little sister angy noises

>> No.77917541

Long live the queen would be fun

>> No.77920581


>> No.77921453


>> No.77921650

Thank you Twisty very cool

>> No.77922070
File: 243 KB, 480x480, 1712733994284513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please share more, even non lewd ones I can't get enough of her voice

>> No.77922612

What the... I'm hard now.

>> No.77922849

Stupid erotic brat... I have to slap her, make her moan, squirm and cry

>> No.77923034

wait a minute, is this the gift she was talking about recently? or just something from her PL?

>> No.77923890

You can just tell that she would be a freak in bed
Also source

>> No.77925828

Our princess is playing minecraft for the 2nd time ever

>> No.77926562

that isn't even her but ty for the fap

>> No.77926837

Proof? It sounds exactly like her.

>> No.77926943

I'm listening to both at the same time and it sounds nothing like her. It's just a random white girl.

>> No.77927087

I want source regardless

>> No.77927174

Ask the guy who posted it, I have no idea what the source is. I've been following her rm and she didn't post any nsfw content.

>> No.77927304
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>> No.77927571

Not really, comparing it to her voice in her streams, it sounds like some girl pitching up her voice and Twisty's voice is deeper

>> No.77928744

>Open stream
>she sounds depressed

>> No.77930665

she seems sleepy, hope she doesn't make herself stay up 10 monsters deep again.

>> No.77933964

I jwu whats she been up to so far?

>> No.77934221

She spent a long time taking llamas and cats home, now she's getting supplies.

>> No.77934913

arigato anon. odd choice that they still have the warden make noise even in peaceful

>> No.77936863

Soo you want her to fail and be stuck with the lowest numbers in her gen and probably the entire branch just so you can own le unicorn chuds? Kill yourself sister, you are the number 1 reason the Niji girls became nothing more than accessories for the males.

>> No.77938370
File: 66 KB, 412x486, 1717734837550076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is too much minecraft for my brain

>> No.77938715

Just listen to your ojou's voice and chill with the scenic sounds of the cow crusher in the background

>> No.77939892

Ojou has gone back to normal mode.
>See Twisty
>Day made
>average twisty enjoyer

>> No.77940798

There's only like 2 people bumping the thread... You guys might have to go the petranya route.

>> No.77942960

I think Twisty is looking for a fortress
eh if the thread doesnt work out it doesnt work out. may as well try a little more though

>> No.77943696

That'll be a shame then. Pity bump.

>> No.77943976

Not gonna lie she's kind of cracked right now in this fortress

>> No.77944559

She has a good voice but volume is too low and she mumbles too much.

t. tourist

>> No.77944773

yeah she's mostly a chill streamer I have noticed her stream volume is low comparatively to a lot of stuff. she mostly just mumbles when she's reading something out of chat or talking to herself.

>> No.77945154

she doesnt seem all right in the head with how tilted she gets at minecraft

>> No.77945784

Ojou has made it out of the nether, a very successful trip
I mean she definitely has her own issues but everyone does

>> No.77946933

Did she change her obs settings? Her streams used to be in 720p max but there's 1080p

>> No.77947313

She said something about it once yeah can't remember what she said though. Pretty sure she's always been able to do 1080 but did 720 for some reason? Not sure why

>> No.77947632

I assume she was having trouble streaming at 1080p while playing fancier games like Soma and Mortuary Assistant.

>> No.77948649
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>> No.77948705
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>> No.77948759
File: 528 KB, 697x539, 1712566345309570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77949075

Cute gens anon
>look at how small it is! That's it!
lol twisty is not impressed by this fortress
You guys want me to bake a new thread? I usually bake for my other gen when we hit page 8

>> No.77949562

Lets wait until page 10 at least and pray the thread survives the night/day

>> No.77949673

That's fair. Have it ready to go. Will bake when we hit 10 then

>> No.77949976

I want to make a mess out of princesses princess parts
Nah, make it when she streams

>> No.77950599

>make it when she streams
Yeah maybe that's the better idea? I'm not sure I'll be up basically the whole night so if it needs bumping I'll be around but maybe waiting for her next stream is for the best? I just dont know since if she doesnt guerilla itll be late at night again for most people when she streams

>> No.77950918

ding dong you are wrong. every single dog on earth is automatically better and worth more than any child and also your oshi.

>> No.77951170
File: 12 KB, 391x112, Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 00-49-29 Twisty Amanozako 🌪️🪡 NIJISANJI EN on X want to eat pizza dog _ X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77951215

Ok before the thread ends how about I just bake at like 12pm EST instead of now and instread of waiting until she next streams so we skip the night? Opinions before the thread dies? If anyone wants the thread now I can make it now but if no one says anything assume that's whatll happen if no one else makes it before then

>> No.77951279

i agree

>> No.77951439

Agreed, wait till tomorrow

>> No.77951695

Agreed, thanks baker!

>> No.77952067

that's a good idea, thanks for baking!

>> No.77952242

last for zako rape correction

>> No.77952800

I pray for another countdown
