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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77742777 No.77742777 [Reply] [Original]

Read the links Edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307 (embed)

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed)
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt (embed)
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

In only the darkest abyss, does a candle's light burn the brightest.

Previous thread: >>77708068

>> No.77742892
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>> No.77742974

>In only the darkest abyss, does a candle's light burn the brightest.
Cringe ass

>> No.77743018

didn't even notice that when I copied the last thread OP desu

>> No.77743688

>"Half as long, twice as bright"

>> No.77743761

UWOSLAB was in Daiyalogues???
What the fuck?

>> No.77743891

>tfw Alpin already collabed with uwo
Is this the GMI speedrun?

>> No.77744006

I got my first subscriber today, I'm happy.

>> No.77744067
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First for Ramnor the wanderer, me, who is streaming VtM https://www.twitch.tv/ramnorthewanderer

>> No.77744278
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Vocaroo requests?

>> No.77744393

Just the day I was gone uuu, I wanted to talk to Uwo!

>> No.77745142

Why do you guys keep acting like it’s some weird and difficult thing to collab with bigger chuubas?
Just approach them with a good idea that fits their vibe.

>> No.77745288

I technically did too! Today I might not end it bros

>> No.77745409

Be honest, is there any hope if you’re a male indie?

>> No.77745483

It’s probably for the best his appearance was random and unscheduled.
I can imagine every single aspie showing up to the call if they knew UWO would be there.

>> No.77745773

the views jumped by 10 for the rest of the stream

>> No.77745787

How do people get in Daiyalogues?

>> No.77746099

afaik it was open to everyone at first but now it’s invite only (from Daiya)

>> No.77747597

Slow day means new debuts soon?

>> No.77747673

busy watching xbox game show

>> No.77748265

Viewers are different.
I meant in the call itself, it would’ve been 50 aspies fighting for his attention.

>> No.77750035


>> No.77752252

Bumping again

>> No.77752689

>opsec op
Fuck mama ubume for forcing vita to graduate. She's only been a plague since joining

>> No.77752741

he already came back you damn dramanigger

>> No.77752867

Neither graduated

>> No.77753767

But one of them should

>> No.77753810

neither of them should

>> No.77754046

How do you deal with your Oshi replacing you with a new viewers? Just leave?

>> No.77754160

yeah, leaving is better than wasting time by demanding/trying to get back their attention, or being an anti.

>> No.77754312

leave and don't look back, find a new oshi

>> No.77754641

Buy them more stuff and donate more, it's the only way to make them love you again.

>> No.77754728

imagine having such low charisma

>> No.77756102

I find a new oshi -> she gives me attention -> I give her nice things -> she stops giving me as much attention because she gets a lot of new fans she also need to pay attention to -> I leave -> I find a new oshi
It's the circle of life for lowview vtuber fans. I only hope to make a good impression and give them needed support at the start of their vtubing career as a positive experience. They all got boyfriends anyways so it doesn't really matter in the end it's just a hobby.

>> No.77757902

the schizo khs or something, it's so very slow now?

>> No.77758025

There's another thread, double bake. This is the slow one

>> No.77758056

there's two threads

>> No.77758213

this is the shit thread

>> No.77759538

The shit thread is the one the bacteria retard made to shill his stupid stream no one cares about

>> No.77759819

don't be mean

>> No.77760714

Cry about it

>> No.77760839

If I make a v-tuber model that is a cute animal, am I going to be stuck with the furry crowd watching me?
Does the furry crowd even watch v-tubers I don't know.
I just don't want to make a cute little animal and then get surrounded by a rainbow of terrible wolf fursonas.

>> No.77761204

there's hundreds of 0view furfags if you check twitch under the vtuber tag, check out digby and cody they're also cute animals if you want some ideas

>> No.77761492

if it is a furry, yes. if it is an all fours, beady eyed little freak, no. if somewhere inbetween, post it to get a verdict. furry vtubers are big in their own spaces.

>> No.77762471

Go for it

>> No.77764870

Who is live?

>> No.77765753


>> No.77765904

proud of you! got some cute emotes?

>> No.77765969

people come and say hello in my streams but i feel kind of bad that i dont do it in theirs. do you guys actually notice or care

>> No.77765980


>> No.77766074

How the fuck did Daiya get UWO on his show?

>> No.77766089

he is one of his mods

>> No.77766159

UWO mods for Daiya???

>> No.77766206

Stop you are going to make uwos ego bigger and hes going to jerk off to these posts

>> No.77766217

The other way around fuckface

>> No.77766228


>> No.77766308

It keeps staking up, I feel like nothing is going to work.

>> No.77766372

Despite everything and the pain you cause me. I still miss you.

>> No.77766390

Seth from MSM is the one who started the confess posts to get dirt on aspies

>> No.77766405

Nigga, he had a full house at OffKai.
Silly posts on a meaningless aspie thread mean shit when he is well known all over the Vtuber sphere.

>> No.77766462

Confess-anon is cute

>> No.77766498

which confess anon? The current one or the other 2?

>> No.77766538

I’ve been mentally at rock bottom this week

>> No.77766541

I think the bigger risk is the fact that your design might look more like a mascot character than an actual full-on VChuuba. Also, if you're a girl, you're basically debuffing yourself.
I'd say you should try adding a human character to go with the animal, like what Shanaha did.
Or get a cool hat, also like Shanaha.

Hell, everyone should consider adding a cool hat. That way you can give a [my_cool_hat.PNG] to your beloved VTuba comrades so they can put it on their person in VTube Studio.
You should go full TF2 with hat drops in your stream, too, but I can't help with the SAMMI integration here.

>> No.77766547

ive been thinking about it and shvah voice inflection just makes them sound like a child molester or something.

>> No.77766580

No you

>> No.77766594


>> No.77766619

How did Daiya go from viewer to mod?

>> No.77766683

he has told the story before, ask him

>> No.77766757

i don't actually want to be friends with any of you, you all seem to think i'm a good guy but you're all stepping stones to me, i'm an actual sociopath

>> No.77766799

I’m scared

>> No.77766852

hes so sweet he makes me want to scream. im terrified that im not worthy of such attention, but i hope it continues to grow

>> No.77766921

shiver me timbers

>> No.77766924

I pee on the sink

>> No.77766956

oh shit its the real deal, a true psycho, a real sicko, the mean ol mama jama
go fuck yourself

>> No.77766980

I hate talking to all of you. I hate networking. I just want to stream games I think are fun by myself and not be a part of a stupid circlejerk.

>> No.77766991
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>> No.77767062


>> No.77767117

then don't. stop posting in the asp circlejerk thread and go fuck yourself, loser

>> No.77767148

Sin being a sociopath would be a huge plot twist.

>> No.77767233

It would unironically make me like him even more

>> No.77767271

It would make him hotter.
I’d be so horny for sociopath Sin.

>> No.77767401

I already love his new model and his voice. Sin please...

>> No.77767480
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Vocaroo requests before i go to sleep?

>> No.77767551

I got a gun the other day from Sako
It's cute, it's small, fits right in my pocket
Yeah, right in my pocket
My girl, you know, she lashes out at me sometimes
And I just fucking kick her
And then, ooh baby, she's okay
People are always chasing me down
Tryna push my face to the ground
Where all they do is suck out my motherfucking brains
My brains

>> No.77767594

tell me to work harder and stop being lazy

>> No.77767688


>> No.77767748

i can't believe vita graduated and deleted his account, sisters

>> No.77767773

nigga does it every few months

>> No.77767810

no he didn't his channel is still there

>> No.77768035

I cant make too much noise so enjoy this scuffed version

Also this took me a few tries


Thats gonna take me a while

>> No.77768125

Hey I did this the other day on YouTube

>> No.77768159

1. Good voice
2. Talented
3. Charismatic
4. Mentally stable

>> No.77768226
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Sick thanks
Post it

>> No.77768466

thanks i am motivated

>> No.77768527

Albert please do a vocaroo describing what you would do to my twink hole.

>> No.77768555


>> No.77768687

Can someone tell me why every schizo uses "this aspie burned vita" in their hate campaigns?
Why is vita always getting brought into it

>> No.77768724
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>> No.77768729

Well Vita WAS involved in the Ubume drama.

>> No.77768730

Because they see him as an easy target

>> No.77768822

Im not saying shit untill you dm me

>> No.77768833

Albert please… your voice is so hot…
Help me cum…

>> No.77768884

Starts at 42:26

>> No.77768895

Why do I have to DM you?
Would just make things awkward.
Why do you wanna know who I am?

>> No.77768971
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>> No.77769007

wow it's true

>> No.77769370

Best i can do is a headpat

>> No.77769561

it's almost as if uwo actually doesn't give a shit about only associating with bigger names and actually likes to support the homies.

why is this surprising to you?

>> No.77769676

do you even view, bro?

>> No.77770126



>> No.77770133

If you people don't stop menheraposting on Twitter I'm going to shake my head disapprovingly

>> No.77770181

but thats what twitter is for

>> No.77770230

That's what /here/ is for. Twitter should be for feel good content

>> No.77770294

yes, I recently soft graduated my indie soft BFE chuuba sitting around 40 ccv (trending upward). girls can be very kind and generous. I only mention BFE because my circumstances might be different than others here. BFE is a debuff if you aren't up for it naturally (I am).

>> No.77770313

>support the homies
which is a very small group
he dislikes the majority of /asp/ies to varying degrees and crabs a few of them relentlessly in his spare time

>> No.77770341

What does 'soft BFE' even mean?

>> No.77770352

I hit affiliate. I have an IRL job interview set up. I have my first All About Bacteria stream on Friday. I'm thriving. I'm am happy, and I hope you are too.

>> No.77770361

>feel good content
What the fuck do you even mean

>> No.77770446

Positive and entertaining things, not depressing bitching about how terrible your life is and how everyone hates you

>> No.77770452

Affiliate is the easiest thing to do.
People get it on a week.

>> No.77770483

Qrd on charlie drex?

>> No.77770517

You literally can't get it in a week, anon

>> No.77770546

And? It's a step forward, it's progress. Anything counts.

>> No.77770548

Ok, you fucking ESL, I will say it even clearer: examples of what do you wabt to see? protip: dont post your own shit to make yourself look good, you are not special

>> No.77770562

Still, it feels nice! I can have fun channel point redeems, and emotes! It doesn't matter how fast I did or didn't get it, but the fact I hit this milestone a lot sooner than I thought when I started out. And I'm proud of that.

>> No.77770565

Uwo sports a specific type of arrogance that would entail him actually directly talking down to someone rather than doing it from anonymity.

People would appreciate his "blunt honesty" when he's rude to others.

So this rrat don't really check out, sorry anon.

>> No.77770638
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we need more girls in glasses

>> No.77770645

You can. Stream on 7 different days, for 8 hours, get 50 followers and have a 3 ccv average

>> No.77770686

he isn't going to stake his good guy image on openly crabbing people here because he's not retarded

>> No.77770692

Yeah, as a viewer once a vtuber hits a certain size the dynamic changes and suddenly you're surrounded by retards beating their chest to get her attention and the kayfabe layer gets thicker. I noticed it with shondo and other girls from around the gen 1-2 era that are 3views now. Even if you're a vtuber people outgrow you strictly because of the pressure of being a public facing person and the social + content obligations. If they pivot to GFE then you'll probably get dropped as a male acquaintance. Shit happens, don't take it personally and don't get too attached to anyone or expect anything from them unless you're actually dating, actually close, or they actually promise you something.

As a vtuber is also sucks when your vieweroshi or favorite viewers show up less and less and disappear. It actually hurts a lot. I've been on both sides of the curtain. It's helped me learn to stay grateful for the good times that are happening right now, though.

>> No.77770700

Yes you can.
I did it.

>> No.77770711


>> No.77770750

Wasn't there a minimum of a month of activity?

>> No.77770846

Rura you bitch, I will find you and fuck you

>> No.77770873

For partner

>> No.77770966

It depends on how menhera or BPD the person in question is. Normal people appreciate it and understand you're busy. BPD/menhera will flip flop between being your biggest fan and biggest anti. It's worth doing and it's kind, but you don't have to feel bad for not doing it.

>> No.77770976


>> No.77771049

You don't need to do anything you don't want to do, anon.

>> No.77771083

>>As a vtuber is also sucks when your vieweroshi or favorite viewers show up less and less and disappear. It actually hurts a lot.
I had this happen and it effected me more than I thought. It made me feel guilty for abandoning my viewer account but that's life

>> No.77771086

can you please calm down

>> No.77771170
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Finishing off Edgy the Hedgy so we can do some other stuff next time...

>> No.77771235

>. It made me feel guilty for abandoning my viewer account but that's life
can't you just return and tell them, "hey btw x was me"?

>> No.77771239

my oshi always tells me that she supports me and I should do streams... and at the same time she says she wanted to kill me

>> No.77771311

>minus 6k to the octos
This shit will get fast, /asp/ies with free time be ready to bump

>> No.77771391

I didn't want to lose opsec and it's been too long now

>> No.77771458

I would consider hitting on Violet but hes prob too busy with Ubume

>> No.77771670

I don't do explicit sexual asmr or act overly possessive of my viewers.

>> No.77771749

You need a doctor, baby?
You scared?
You need a doctor, baby?
You scared?
You need a doctor, baby?
You scared?
You need a doctor, baby?
You scared?
You scared?
You scared?
You need a doctor, baby?
You scared?
You need a doctor, baby?
You scared?
You need a doctor, baby?
You need a doctor, baby?
You scared?

>> No.77771800

Asking Alexandria was great when I was in middleschool

>> No.77771811

grumpy bitch, alcoholic, arrogant, good with audio mixing,

>> No.77771820

no, he's busy in my dms owo-ing at me
t.not ubume

>> No.77771843

Is it feasible to be two vtubers at once while keeping them seperate? I use a voice changer btw.

>> No.77771857

Okay that tells me everything soft BFE isn't but doesn't tell me what it is.

>> No.77771907

If you were to fuck the girl that holds Sukadrii, would you make him watch, or would you put him in a cupboard, the other room?

>> No.77771973

What a slut.

>> No.77772001

good guy image that doesn't exist you mean?

sure man, whatever helps you feel adequate in your existence.

>> No.77772066

Ask Chaos Foundry

>> No.77772090

It still is good. Shut the fuck.

>> No.77772156

he has a good guy image that's part of why he's widely considered an authority here along with the numbers and gets collabs easily even with female chuubas more than twice his size
very few people will publicly call uwo an asshole

>> No.77772176

chill lil bro I didn't say it wasn't I just haven't listened to them since then

>> No.77772218

I'd get a knife block for him so he gets a little action too

>> No.77772265

He's not going to fuck you

>> No.77772381

uwo is an asshole, most people are.

You have to be an asshole to be successful, it comes with the territory.

>> No.77772402

why violet though

>> No.77772541

I wish people would flirt with me directly instead of just vagueposting about me in the threads.

>> No.77772563

big gay, bitchier than women

>> No.77772616
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>the platforms i put the least amount of effort into are skyrocketing
>stagnating where i’m actually trying
is this the secret to content creation?

>> No.77772651

The secret is luck, yes.

>> No.77772811

I think he's unironically a cutie patootie sorry

>> No.77772825

marry her

>> No.77772885


>> No.77772930

Stepping stone from 2 to 5 CCV? get 'em tiger

>> No.77772988

>BPD/menhera will flip flop between being your biggest fan and biggest anti. It's worth doing and it's kind, but you don't have to feel bad for not doing it.
I actively fuck with and crab the people I like here because I know it hurts them mentally and they come crying to me for comfort. I know it's bad to do but fuck I love being needed.

>> No.77773103

Fwofie is 100lbs confirmed

>> No.77773111

I notice if you come by once or even a few times and then never again. I remember.

>> No.77773210

Hes cute

>> No.77773218

Not telling. You'll just have to tell your asp crush how you feel and hope I'm them.

>> No.77773222

I do the same thing but they only think I like them. i don't and i like seeing the effect it has on them and know i'm killing my competition

>> No.77773224

he seems cute and easy to tease, go for it anon, it'll probably make him pop a boner mid conversation

>> No.77773363
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>went on a rant about blowfly girl on stream
>best performing one in months, viewers came in and stayed for the tangent
I’ve tried to be family friendly, but I haven’t been getting anywhere with that approach. Time for a switch?

>> No.77773416

The day someone here hornyposts about me is the day I graduate from happiness

>> No.77773461
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Is this one of yours? Is this not her first vtuber account? I've seen her shitposts pop up on my twitter feed every fucking day. Try harding so much.
Decided to look up the numbers and she got bump of 20+ viewers after the first stream. And has just constant growth seemingly out of nowhere.

>> No.77773462

I think he means two seperate VTuber channels.
Unless you're a NEET, I don't see how this will work for you, unless you're just gonna hit "go live" one or twice a day and not care about anything else you need to do for growth (clips/vods/shorts/discord/community/twitter/whatever else). You simply won't have enough time to juggle them.
It might also affect your mental state negatively, though I can't speak from experience. Kuku might be a good example (if you take a look at his switch from one channel to the other, effectively retiring his previous identity).

>> No.77773517

Seiso is a meme and codeword for boring
Every popular vtuber male or female is a gremlin with a potty mouth

>> No.77773586

She grifted here a bit

>> No.77773589

Okay, here are some bullet points I made regarding my soft BFE chuuba. Think of them as character notes like if you were an actor. I can't tell you how everyone can, does, or should do soft BFE or what it means precisely, but this is how I acted as someone who classified himself as such and was finding some success.

- I project a more sensual image than my everyday self.
- I'm rarely self-deprecating.
- I rarely share my mental health struggles.
- I never miss a stream or break a promise to my fans.
- I tell my viewers I love them and care about them and I mean it.
- I try to think about their needs and what brings them comfort over what brings me pleasure.
- I don't associate closely with women and don't collab with them.
- I tell my viewers what I want from them.
- I try to deliver them a good experience through my streams.
- I tease them.
- I flirt with them.
- I tell them they're cute often.
- I behave like a leader.
- I do voice line requests and give them kisses when they say good night.
- For stream content, I mix in things I'm very competent at (piano) with "girl games" and zatsu.
- I keep my DMs closed, but I occasionally DM fans to check on them.

>> No.77773615

>with a potty mouth
Filian isn't

>> No.77773663

>Is this one of yours
Yes and no
> Is this not her first vtuber account?

>> No.77773786

all I know is her voice is nails on a chalkboard to me so I ain't watching her.

I'm sure she's fun to watch but I have to protect my sanity, I avoided watching mond for the same reason.
Wish my ears didn't hate em so but it ain't like I can argue with the visceral feeling to rip my headphones off when a bad noise is introduced to my ears.

>> No.77773808

Filian literally upskirts herself every 20 minutes, she is not seiso

>> No.77773921


>> No.77773947

I literally just act like myself on stream, I project my best self on stream and don't care how it shows. I try to be friendly and nice to everyone because that's how I am. If someone comes to my stream and doesn't like me that's too bad, but I won't try to change for others.
I'm 4 sentences into writing this post and realizing I sound like an incel nice guy, I will now proceed to jump off a cliff.

>> No.77773956

Filian doesn't curse a lot but she is edgy and likes potty humor

>> No.77774066

yea she's an aspie
after pochi, yuko, and some of phase girls started being dodgy (and eventually graduate) /jidf/ whales and /pcg/ fans started looking around twitch and found Elfin and eventually some of the other girls. they went hard on elfin for being "haha im such a schizo anti govt, you're a glowie" /x/ and wannabe /pol/ /here/tuber which made her blow up like crazy.
essentially, she debuted at THE perfect time to the perfect audience

>> No.77774105

/asp/ies who play FFXIV? I'm about to pull the trigger and get into it and wanted some friends to show me the ropes

>> No.77774176

I'll show you ropes

>> No.77774178

I know Brickman plays it. I think Charley used to play it.

>> No.77774272

I think Digby does

>> No.77774299

Albert plays it

>> No.77774376

>owo says himself he isnt a vtuber
>all his youtube titles are him calling himself a vtuber
Why cant he just admit the fact the he could not make it as a vtuber and stop larping in this community just to talk to bigger vtubers?

>> No.77774383

I NEED wiplash naizuri.

>> No.77774422

I NEED Albert paizuri

>> No.77774425

i feel like you'd have to be severely autistic to care about any of that gay shit

>> No.77774465

i fucking hate this archetype so much it makes me want to smash the heads of those that do it repeatedly into a wall

>> No.77774524

funny because you talk exactly like her

>> No.77774544

No problem. If you're a male looking to do something similar, good luck. I do get along well with women to begin with, it's close to my natural personality. I think I would have done much better, faster, if I fleshposted (I stay in good shape), but I didn't consider that an option for several reasons. I also didn't pander as hard as I could have and didn't tolerate people being annoying as much as I could have. But it made it easier for me to be consistent and enjoy my fans.

>> No.77774578
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>call them cute
>give them kisses
So since you changed chuubas you don't do it anymore..?

>> No.77774674

no i dont

>> No.77774724

One of my viewers put my oshi mark in their twitter name. :)

>> No.77774723
File: 36 KB, 120x140, gobigmode.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually renewed my sub and preordered dawntrail before all the shit hit the fan with my IRL life.

I'm always happy to have more FFXIV friends cause I hate grinding this goddamn game alone with the occassional pop in of a friend that's excited to see me play his favorite game.

>> No.77774810

Haven't played it in months

>> No.77774832

lol love ya elfin

>> No.77774847

i get jealous when my viewers are in other chuubas chat and i cant help it

>> No.77774853

I hate going on breaks it gives me anxiety when it's supposed to calm me down

>> No.77774858


>> No.77775023

Wtf this is great

>> No.77775033

I might. I'm considering what I want to do next. It was just time to retire that project.

>> No.77775039

gobb plays. shvah skab mawg to my memory.

>> No.77775131

Alright fair, sounds like a successful experiment regardless.

>> No.77775173

Daiya seconds after closing another daiyalogues lineup

>> No.77775193

Kind of cruel of you to get girls to latch onto you just to leave them behind

>> No.77775199

An /asp/ie is doing this right now. One streams during the day, the other at night.

>> No.77775335

I wonder how draining it is for them, I've been kind of wanting to do the same

>> No.77775389 [SPOILER] 
File: 149 KB, 512x439, nmyi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never meet your idols

>> No.77775430
File: 539 KB, 628x762, 1526565420630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All vtubing is a form of dating.
If your spouse or significant other is a vtuber, be forewarned.

>> No.77775483

There's a couple of them isn't there?

>> No.77775501

I let them know a month ahead of time that I would be graduating and I never promised them forever. I never manipulated my viewers and I can't be guilted about my conduct. Our time together changed both of us for the better, but nothing in this world lasts forever. If you have to delude yourself into thinking otherwise to live, that's your business.

>> No.77775513

My girlfriend gave me permission to be R18 with girls as long as I don't say the same things to them as I say to her.

>> No.77775554

My brother in Christ, absolute majority of established vtuber are either married or in relationship. Even the most unhinged coomer-bait ones.

>> No.77775577

I only know of one. Unless you count Cats and Bonni but I can't remember the last time Cats streamed, she closed her discord recently too.

>> No.77775613

I want to get a "noted" emote like the one Haru has. Is $30 the minimum one would have to pay to get one of those, or is there a cheaper one somewhere?

>> No.77775627
File: 270 KB, 512x512, 1717462110879985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to think my scatterbrainness might be autism or ADHD...

>> No.77775754

I'm certain that's what it is in my case.

But knowing that wouldn't actually do anything beyond offer an explanation for the problem but not a solution.

>> No.77775852

Yeah, i'm not really one for meds

>> No.77775873
File: 725 KB, 1098x613, gurunhouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gurun is live on TWITCH playing Fallout New Vegas!


>> No.77776012

Whether you're interested in creating that sort of experience or partaking, thank you.

I learned a lot and I'm happy to pass that knowledge on to others.

>> No.77776185

>acts in a way in which to get people to emotionally latch onto him without any intention to fulfil those emotional needs
>I never manipulated my viewers

I'm not criticizing what you did but you absolutely did manipulate them

>> No.77776184


>> No.77776250

So this is where Comet has been...

>> No.77776514

This is more true than you realize lol

>> No.77776623

It's pretty anxious to do it but after the first week of detox you start feeling less anxious about it.

>> No.77776628

Uwo is the schizo that crabs everyone here, block and ban him.

>> No.77776712

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSfCdBBqNXY This is the only really useful video I have watched that felt worth listening to, if any of you really has ADHD this will be probably one of the best time investments possibles that you could make if you haven't even heard of this guy yet, hope it help bros.

>> No.77776727

He doesn't crab everyone I think but he definitely is the one that will sit here and argue about them for hours

>> No.77776737

It's a very laden and cynical word. Inherently accusatory. I'm not interested in arguing over semantics.

>> No.77776836

games like that put me to sleep

>> No.77776838

name em, sis!

>> No.77776852

I'm mana and I play a tall & tanned mommy roe

>> No.77776862

Or he is in love with the adoration and feels like a god talking to 1views

>> No.77776890

omochii & sh'vah

>> No.77776909

yeah the heavy bouts of anxiety I've got surrounding every logistical part of vtubing doesn't help. I hope I can reevaluate some stuff in the down time and get over that too.

>> No.77777031

You can attribute whatever characteristics you want to the word, I don't care, you manipulated them

>> No.77777043
File: 305 KB, 706x330, gxw2mO2IHJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is definitely out of /asp/ range though. I don't think he will look back

>> No.77777132

im already most of these except "girl games", it's over for me...

>> No.77777408

How many and which ones in particular do you think are the heaviest to do this "soft BFE"? I have at least three "major" ones failed, but I fear that I am somehow fulfilling the role on other points that I might have not truly considered as important...

>> No.77777749

happened already?

>> No.77777891

How do you be fat at 6 feet

>> No.77777970 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 600x349, 8600cbc9449b806307d5f448ccaf3ae1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill niggers

>> No.77778207


>> No.77778387

purpur dding doin lego till she block

>> No.77778817

I keep trying to reach guys, the amount of inconsistency in their schedules is killing me, yet again a new bunch of potential people to network with ended up beiing 8 females and just 1 fucking guy, I am about to lose my fucking mind.

>> No.77778827

prove it

>> No.77779099

Although I do say nigger, I did not post this.

>> No.77779195

Most isn't enough, especially if you read a list like that and your first thoughts seem to be regarding why you should be doing better but aren't. Your mindset is an immediate red flag to meditate on.

Please don't think of it as a checklist. These are just some off-the-cuff bullet points about how I acted. I didn't classify any of them as major or minor and these are mostly regarding on-stream and social media conduct. Marketing, design, confidence, networking, voice training, scuff management, general communication skills, and all other shit that every other chuuba has to do is a separate issue. As far as key things to the category of what I consider "soft BFE," it would be the flirting, voice line requests, kisses, not associating with women, and sensuality. Everything else is more about being appealing as a man and a partner in general.

>> No.77779432

Gonna be honest, you sound like an insufferable fag

>> No.77779468

this is a woman's hobby

>> No.77779708

If anything, it made me realize how far I am from that. I never really aimed for it, and I do like my lady viewers, but I always aimed for general entertainment for both men and women.
I'm too much of a prude for that anyway. I'm a seiso streamer with an unseiso audience. I have a great time though! The back-and-forth is fun.

Would you consider 'pretending to be being bullied by the chat' (at specific moments for comedic purposes, not as an all-the-time thing) as self-deprecating?

>> No.77779855

>Fwofie has tattoos

>> No.77779857


>> No.77779907

>Fwofie is over 30

>> No.77780235

except 90% of the audience is fucking males, and 70% of the vtubers are also males. But they fucking suck at being consistent, interesting enough to have potential, or anything minimally good.
Fucking aspies have one of the best lineups of guys unironically, but even here it's a problem to consistently do collabs because the pool of viewers is very low overall based on the amount of real viewers that everyone has.
I will keep trying, if at the end of the year I end up with less than 20 new networked guys to make myself more dilute and spread over the chuuba-sphere, I will go fucking all out and collab with every fucking female I see even if that earns me the shitty "sexpest" title. Afterall, the word is so fucking prostituted that they barely know what it really means, and I'm already considered that by the biggest unicorns at this point probably.

>> No.77780315


>> No.77780446

>even if that earns me the shitty "sexpest" title
You really shouldn't care about that in the first place, especially if it isn't true. What's in the thread stays in the thread.

>> No.77780610

Unironically may work if you stop caring about what anonymous might say on an internet forum and actually market yourself instead of a "reputation" in /asp/ of all places

>> No.77780639

I'm sure you think so. I'm also sure that I don't care and that we'd get along great if we met outside of this situation and context. I like people like you.

I wouldn't consider that overly self-deprecating, no! A little back and forth is great and I agree that if it's fun for both parties, it's good. The thing is though, for my audience, it would be bad for them to get too comfortable bullying me or to let it get to the point where it ever actually upset me.

Without seeing specific interactions over time, however, and the general tone of your persona, channel, etc, I can't say too much of use. It's a matter of taste, and I know I'm blessed to have a decent palate.

>> No.77780657


>> No.77780681

>ubume started off as a "blacked ntr" streamer
>ubume had an open VC that caused an incident on her birthday
>ubume kept her webcam on in a VC
is she a... drama grifter?

>> No.77780699

I'd recommend going through the active aspies who self post or are on the tierlist and checking to see if they have schedules on social media. That's usually a good sign.

>> No.77780789
File: 3.54 MB, 1200x1800, mariopartytwitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mario party with friends, im gonna win

>> No.77780801

depends, are you a drama obsessed faggot?

>> No.77780897

cute game with cute chuuba

>> No.77780933

oh no I activated the ubume defense force

>> No.77780970

Yeah a break sounds like something you need so go on and take it.

>> No.77780998
File: 52 KB, 514x364, image-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it coward

>> No.77781010

I don't care about the thread optics, but I would not consider a guy who has 30 collabs, and less than 10 of them being with males, a non-contender for the sexpest title based on my own standards, therefore I know that any new guy will probably get their red flags triggered, thus marking me as a vtuber not worth networking with because most of my choices for collabs were females (because nobody would be capable of divinating what I explained here)

I will keep collabing with the bros, but I have already done more than 10, and I don't want to just do collabs neither, my point was about how, after doing them inside here, I find myself limited because the wilder world of twitter and discords doesn't have males active almost anywhere. Or if they are active, they are not even worth collabing with.

>> No.77781009

It sounds to me like you’re trying to leech viewers and are mad that male aspies here aren’t big enough to leech from?

>> No.77781062

there is nothing drama about ntr, you low-t retards just got your feelings hurt too easily

>> No.77781097

Is that the only defense you people have when you get pushback for being an asshole

>> No.77781160

>actually me liking japanese cuck porn makes me the real alpha.

>> No.77781378

nta but you grasping for a statement that wasn't made at all to demean genuine criticsm of your behavior sure doesn't do you any favors.

>> No.77781389

No, not being fragile enough to be hurt by cuckholdery for someone you're not even dating makes me less of a obsessed schizo

>> No.77781435

Who are you? I’ll collab with you.

>> No.77781561

Why is it that when a dude gets crabbed, no one says anything, but when a chick gets crabbed, the thread shits itself?

>> No.77781854

people actually like ubume

>> No.77781912


>> No.77782037


>> No.77782069

This isn't going to incite the discussion you want it to.

I don't think it's specifically because it is a woman because there's plenty of examples of women who get crabbed here that have polarizing views from posters, the same applies for a majority of the males.

You have to willfully ignore all of that information to genuinely believe that what you're asking is the truth.

>> No.77782382


Happy gureilla stream to celebrate hitting affiliate!

>> No.77782751

Why did she end stream so quickly?

>> No.77782794

They got her.

>> No.77782936

He hides his power level well

>> No.77782995


>> No.77783108


>> No.77783347

>Wonder how the streamers I watch can spend so long doing just chatting every time they stream
>Realize they're saying hello to hundreds of people and thanking subs
Its just an upward hill

>> No.77783463

and now you know why I do not spend much time talking to people at the start of the stream

not because I am better than that, but because there aren't enough people to thank and greet to warrant it ;_;7

>> No.77783648

fr I've literally just started gaming unless I have some bit planned, like how am I supposed to live an interesting live, keep a conversation going with a few lurkers, and stream more than 3 times a week?

>> No.77783718

you're hung up on that, and not the fact that your hands are smaller?

>> No.77783765

There's people here who stream literally every day or nearly every day. And as far as keeping an interesting topic, if you can't keep a stream of consciousness, try writing down topics that happened to you that day or week on a notepad in advance before the stream.

>> No.77783972

Kongou had a video about talking and not having dead silence even if you have 0 viewers but old man fucking deleted all his lectures.

>> No.77784029

If you need chat to provide you things to talk about, why are they coming to you? You have to be offering them something more than your presence.

>> No.77784145

everybody was kung fu fighting

>> No.77784301
File: 803 KB, 610x660, LoC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dead space finished done and dusted, lots of fun and thanks for folks who came out to visit!

>> No.77784459

I understand not having dead air and I can do it while I'm gaming but if I'm literally sitting in my virtual space and talking to myself my stream of consciousness is only going to go so far

I've met people who learned the "never stop talking" strategy and they all eventually delve into topics that no one wants to hear like politics or other social nonsense

>> No.77784481

I'll take "Songs that are going to be in my karaoke stream" for $200 Alex.

>> No.77784506

you have to learn how to talk with no viewers, it's the bare minimum. do zatsudan practice or something it's what I'm doing to try and get better. not really sure how to externalise my internal monologue without alcohol though

>> No.77784577

yeah me lmao
That's why I've just started being quiet until something more interesting presents itself.

I know people hate it when I start delving into political topics or any bullshit I read on twitter.

>> No.77784585

talking about karaoke, remember to suggest stuff for https://x.com/Mawg_VT/status/1798483874865148148 !!!!!!

>> No.77784594

This is actual cope and you are a rambling drunk

>> No.77784886 [SPOILER] 
File: 132 KB, 500x500, 1707007250362167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to know I'll be in good hands when I start

>> No.77784953

oh fuck it's the dullahan let's GOOOOOOOOO

>> No.77784987
File: 335 KB, 600x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did any of you read what I wrote? Cross-pollination is one of the most basic concepts to grow, as well as networking to create a bigger network of people who knows about you and who can properly collab with you again later on; and no, I just said that I'm angry because I haven't found males out there, I'm not searching for collabs here.

>> No.77785194

Fuck collabs, 90% of the time they are bad and cringe. Even if I like both vtubers individually - I probably wont be able to watch the collab because it's unbearable

>> No.77785349

so true sis, zased.

>> No.77785371

skill issue

>> No.77785432
File: 2.21 MB, 1920x1080, image[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expect Viera Gunbreaker someday

>> No.77785433

This is a unicorn seething btw

>> No.77785663 [SPOILER] 
File: 716 KB, 586x685, GNDBElhXIAEjQ-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've bounced around from race to race over the years of playing on and off but rn I'm just a big ol cat fella

>> No.77785731

the groomers have found gurun ... it's over </3

>> No.77785801

I will fucking kill you

>> No.77785833
File: 121 KB, 214x269, 1697722522511269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll say it since everyone knows it but won't say it out loud: collabs are NOT GOOD for streaming unless you're presenting something cool and unique to viewers. You have to ask yourself what could you do in a collab that you can't do on discord voice call. If you wanted to hang out with your friends (that happen to be other streamers) then why not just do that in discord? Your main priority during a collab will be your collab partners and if you don't pay attention to chat, there's no reason for chat to even be there.
This is obviously different when you're a larger streamer (i.e. maybe 40+ ccv) since at that point the people who are watching won't be just other streamers but your own established audience. But people who are smaller or are just starting out need to realize that collabs will hurt your growth, ESPECIALLY if you do it nonstop every other stream. There was a female vtuber I watched who had an amazing setup, voice, model, everything; she collabed with her friends almost every stream and didn't even hit 10 ccv.
It's cool if you want to hang out with other vtubers, and it's fine if you want to stream it. Just be aware that having less chat interaction and not having it just be "friends playing with friends and passively reacting to the game" style streams will make new and even regular viewers tune out.

>> No.77786075

move whenever the fuck you want

>> No.77786274

Genuine question can you name good collabs, aspie or otherwise?

>> No.77786512

nta but: all of my collabs :3c

>> No.77786558

mine too!!!

>> No.77786689

me too and also fuck this crab i stream what i want with my friends

>> No.77786837


>> No.77787004

post your ccvs during collabs and solo streams

>> No.77787136

nta but a few collabs with bigger chuubas that I've seen go well usually happen with groups of folks who are already established and used to one another. It takes time to learn someones speech patterns and tendencies to ramble and be able to know when they're finished speaking or being able to bounce off of them and let a conversation flow forward rather than having several voices all competing to get their thought across, jumping from one tangent to another, off color jokes that don't land because you have no idea what the other peoples humor style is
a bit of a yap, but hopefully that makes sense.

a vague example could be a group of friends who are all familiar with each other AND who their chats are familiar with and comfortable with so its more like "oh its the boys, the boys are back in town" rather than a guy just dragging in a handful of randos who haven't been vetted properly

>> No.77787775

I pity your mentalaa health if you are that much of a numberfag on yourself

>> No.77787860


>> No.77788453

uuuu u need a kiss *smooch* gn!

>> No.77789224

This is a based post

>> No.77789814

So pure imagination was used? With some backup audio?
