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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 144 KB, 841x553, 323758462163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77774394 No.77774394 [Reply] [Original]

I wanna preface this by saying that I'm not religious at all but they have a rule about these things saying no religion, race or politics. But I guess this is fine all of a sudden.
20 minutes of Jesus jokes on stream, just a few days after Lua their other vtuber mocked Christianity, and even before that joked about the Jesus statue in Brazil saying that he is "T-posing."

If you're gonna be "le progressive" try to be kind to everyone. I hate how safe it became to shit on Christianity while still avoiding anything Islam related like the fucking plague. Not to mention Judaism that automatically puts you in a "nazi" category.

>> No.77774570

Holy based

>> No.77774729

>I hate how safe it became to shit on Christianity
This is a good thing idiot. Why do you want them to be as dogshit as Islam so badly?

>> No.77774728

>making fun of the jew on a stick
i will now watch kawaii

>> No.77775243

Religion is for the uneducated and the poor. Fuck faithfags of all kinds, and their god.

>> No.77775269

Explain how this is mocking

>> No.77775322

Safe edgy humor is the thing these days. It's cool to make fun of anglo nations like the UK or certain ethnic groups like the French and whatnot but if you make fun of African shitholes you're an ebil nahzi.

>> No.77775581

People "respect" Islam out of fear. Christians and especially modern ones embraced the fags embraced refugees embraced everyone. And people still treat them like shit for the memes.
I agree but I wouldn't openly mock someones belief system. If it works for them, fine. As long as it makes someone a better person or helps them find peace.

>> No.77776248

TL;DW because this is a 2view you don't know or care about, what happened was she's a writer chuuba and the stream is $1 = 1 sentence. Her idiot genmate Kaya Nishikino popped in and started the jesus talk out of nowhere. Kaya then whipped up a jesus asset very quickly, art is the thing she's good at, and passed it to Yuno who laughed at it and then jokingly set the price for her to put it on at an aka supa then revised quickly to five akas which a guy donated and she obliged.
Yuno's been blushing about this, Kaya has poor judgement and impulse control as usual.

>> No.77776467 [DELETED] 

Chinkoids shit on "white" things.
What else is new? Kawaii is pretty much a niji sister company. Most of their girls are Niji EN orbiters. This is literally textbook Uki behavior.

>> No.77776665

Good, anyone who still believes in this superstitious nonsense should be mocked.
Now pay your property taxes.

>> No.77777051

uhhhh based?

>> No.77777077

Cool. Now go and make fun of Islam.

>> No.77777254
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this company going all out trying to stay relevant but they keep failing


>> No.77777324

I will now watch your chuuba. BASED.

>> No.77777398

Enna literally punched Jesus in the face on her stream and promoted her crazy chinese mysticism bullshit

>> No.77777414
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>> No.77777427

postin to accelerate the GET

>> No.77777467

>christcuck larping as soccer moms in my 4chan vtuber board
When did bizarro world start overlapping with our own?

>> No.77777491

Yeah kawaii lost the plot. Nene easing out of GFE.
Lua did it more than a year ago.
Last two gens are literally like "Whaaaaaaat? I'm not your girlfriend!" and then communicate openly with males on twitter and in their chats.
Ran literally talked to her boyfriend on her WORK twitter DAY ONE! Apparently no one in the management told her thats maybe not the best idea. She then deleted everything and removed him as a mod.
Also, most of the time she is barely hitting 40 ccv unless someone raids her.
Kawaii is done for.

>> No.77777510

Imagine someone doing a satirical Mohammed vtuber.

>> No.77777520


>> No.77777553

blend her to death

>> No.77777635

kawaii is lefty /pol/, they should debate with Kirsche

>> No.77777647
File: 20 KB, 465x279, aaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oooooooooooo get blended whore. GET BLENDED BITCH!!!

>> No.77777707

They would be cancelled in a second and get a ton of death threats.

>> No.77777919
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>> No.77777944
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Don't care, Yuno is a good hag. Keep seething vderefag.

>> No.77777969

>Notice how all these "based I will now watch your chuuba are the same that know who Sava is"
Discord defense force shitters.

>> No.77778211
File: 845 KB, 1275x713, YunoWhore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, for random men at offkai

>> No.77778386

That's practically a virgin these days. Consider yourself lucky.

>> No.77778567

do you expect her to be a virgin her whole life or something

>> No.77778644 [DELETED] 

she talked about it on stream, she gets porked mostly by good friends https://streamable.com/l9w1ky

>> No.77778650
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there was no option for none i think shes innocent

>> No.77778660
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>> No.77778841

She's safe.

>> No.77779125
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safe with her BFE homo friends

>> No.77779172

>Yuno anti thread
She finally made it...

>> No.77779258

Anything above 0 is “practically” a virgin, because only 0 is a real one

>> No.77779745
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Nah, Kirsche and her /pol/ buddies can fuck off.

>> No.77779918

>being thick skinned is a bad thing

>> No.77780339
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true, kawaii loves a different kind of e-celeb

>> No.77780835

How is Kawaii still alive at this point? They have nothing to offer their original fanbases and everytime I pop into a stream it is even more boring and low effort than a year ago. Not mentioning the monthly yabs and bad takes

>> No.77780927


>> No.77781388
File: 2.29 MB, 373x498, aletta-sky-wink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hana graduated within the first few months
>Management lied to Hana Flores about being able to get her a Japanese visa (she quit when that wasn’t the case)
>Neena was double dipping with a separate twitch account and got fired
>told her private discord to follow her separate twitch account but not to say anything to management
>Aruru quit soon after
>and then started streaming again
>Oceane was allowed to doxx/shit talk the rest of gen 3 10 times, before management bothered to interfere. Coincidentally she only got booted after she doxxed Nene
>Gen 3 walkout
>Company made a video shitting on the gen 3 talents after they left
>Shit talks graduated talents even today (Nene made a comment during her donothon about how unlike other girls she wasn’t going to just run with all the money, after their concert they also criticized gen 3, Nene’s spergout because a fan artist drew all of gen 1 including the now graduated Hana Flores. Like imagine if Bae got mad at her viewers for drawing a piece with all council members including Sana.
>Coincidentally Hana Flores and other graduated members who left on good terms’ archives got nuked without warning just after Nene’s spergout, and without the knowledge of said former talents.
>Former gen 3 members heavily alluded to on their new personas that they would have liked to do a proper goodbye and explain their reasons for graduating to their fans, but weren’t allowed to by management
>3D was entirely funded by fans through a kickstarter
>Concert was entirely funded by fans through similar means
>Management is known for doing absolutely nothing (not wanting to deal with Oceane, relying on fans to fund their projects, Nene being in charge of zoom meeting discussing the course of things, one member was stressed out because she didn’t know how to deal with taxes and such and management didn’t do anything to help with that)
>Gen 3 confirmed they were forced to do donothons by management, despite not wanting to
>Gen 3 were isolated and not allowed in the same discord as the other talents for half a year
>Gen 4 was hired from the fan discord and had zero budget, zero talent
>Gen 5 is all niji sisters who got rejected by bigger corpos
>They used to have a no 1on1 male collab rule but they got rid of it because the new girls are niji fangirls
They are now owned by some japanese multimedia corp because they were in debt after gen3 left. Since then they jacked up their prices, increased donobegging and will probably close down within a year or two because they offer nothing of value to their investors. It's budget Holo with 0.1% of the fanbase and all the problems of retarded small corpos. Their "concerts" get the same ccv as a random Mozzu stream. Stay away and pray that the talents get to keep their IP once this shitshow finally dies, some of them are decent.

>> No.77781422

holy shit you dramatrannies will grasp at anything

>> No.77781548

Just another thread of vdere shitters with abandonment issues
kawaii won so hard and live rent free in their heads.

>> No.77781761

won where lmaooooooooooooo

>> No.77781788

no thread lmao

>> No.77781977

They don't have a thread KEK
their traitors collab with their "brothers" and they watch KEK

>> No.77782027

I don't mind people making fun of religion since at least Christianity is all about your relationship with god. Nothing else matter. Now the problem is this shitty government and the corporate agenda pushers are importing Muslims by the thousands. Muslims would fucking kill you on the spot if you insult the Quran or whatever the fuck that they think of as sacred and have no remorse. Slowly but surely they'll completely displace Christianity, which is the foundation of America. And it doesn't matter if you think religion is stupid or not Muslims are militant as fuck and will put their life on the life for their religion. So at some point all you atheist motherfuckers will end up living under the boot of Sharia Law with the only silver lining being watching faggots get exterminated like vermin.

>> No.77782286

kawaii also collabs with brothers and they watch KEK

>> No.77782989

religion is cringe

>> No.77783183

Reminder that any religious topics is actually banned from kawaii. Charzu was going to do a karaoke with the songs her grandmother recommended but she didn't do it because they were all religious songs and that's banned.
Making fun of religion is completely fine though (it's because all of their chuubas are twitter sisters)

>> No.77783198
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kawaii is a mistake, V-dere (formerly known as Production kawaii's Generation 3, Enchantasia) was right

>> No.77783614

I would, just as I'd openly mock a flat earther. Being retarded doesn't protect you from mockery.

>> No.77783649
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Mozzu is a church going Christian

>> No.77784015

>I agree but I wouldn't openly mock someones belief system
God you sound like the biggest blubbering vagina ever, and you completely whitewash the negatives that literally every organized religion brings. Your posts reek of some ultra religious person trying to pretend that they're a totally cool atheist. A thread about Kiaras huge tits died for this so fuck you

>> No.77784170

mozzu won

>> No.77784259

it's just ideology brainrot, Christianity is the antithesis of their grotesque, selfish and hedonistic way of life so they mock it and run away from it like cockroaches when you turn on the light.

>> No.77784501

Shee is the only good Kawaii girl left

>> No.77784691
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They have fans that have money.

>> No.77784761

but how much could she make if she sold thigh shots?

>> No.77784927

Based. Fuck religion.

>> No.77784992

So close

>> No.77785203
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Elia (Aletta) whales could buy kawaii if they wanted

>> No.77785341
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Kaya was a mistake

>> No.77785429

how about you go fuck yourself pussy

>> No.77785493

Jesus christ

>> No.77785673

No one respects a goatfucking pedophile religion, anon.

>> No.77785720

unicorns cucked by the GFE corpo, you love to see it

>> No.77787095

>People "respect" Islam out of fear. Christians and especially modern ones embraced the fags embraced refugees embraced everyone. And people still treat them like shit for the memes.
You're not exactly making a case for Christianity.

>> No.77787630

I don’t particularly give a shit but it is kinda funny how they would never make fun of islam or jews in the same way

>> No.77787918

Unironically do asians really want more annoying white buddhists?

>> No.77788010

Sister lethe will redeem kawaii.

>> No.77788090

Just until she finds her one and only husband.

>> No.77788301

Small german indie i used to follow did a "reading satanic bible" stream on easter. I was sad to see it. Unfollowed.

>> No.77788786
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>german making fun of christianity while having millions of muslim migrants
I think people should be allowed to joke about whatever but cmon now

>> No.77788911

Mozzu won
Christ is King

>> No.77789000
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One of them is literally a witch. Clearly Satanic.

>> No.77789054

Kaya is cool
If she was in phase then all of the phasefags would be calling it heckin based

>> No.77789250

Kawaii unironically fucked up by not retaining gen 3, with them there was a clear path to growth with girls who wanted to stream full time.

>> No.77789351

How they are supposed to retain gen 3. They just want out after getting enough clout and connection from their time in kawaii

>> No.77789446
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Where's your oshi 3d live anon??

>> No.77789493

can't retain girls that want to leave because of greed. why do you think they dipped right after the donothons? they saw the big bucks and didn't want 50% of it taken, money brings the worst out of people

>> No.77790059

Meimi rape meimi rape meimi rape

>> No.77790198

speaking of the OP, she wrote this song for her senpai

>> No.77791890
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>> No.77791913

Grift connect with its far-left communist vtubers who pretend to be nazis for chudbux is not something to aspire to.

>> No.77793177

christcuck seethe

>> No.77795944

Kawaii is grasping at straws to stay relevant. They clearly ditched GFE so now they are trying to be Niji EN lite I guess with male interactions and "edgy" humor. Cringe.

>> No.77796665

I want them to shit on atheists and agnostics for the dick sucking faggots they are.

>> No.77796755

>20 minutes of Jesus jokes on stream
ok, this is too much even if you hate christians.

>> No.77796809


>> No.77796826

this corpo should just die. 3 years in the business and no one knows the they are. some people know nene but thats it. that is just sad.
prism was small but at least people knew shiki for her singing ability. nene just has asmr and thats it. nothing special.

>> No.77796976

What do you think would happen if any of these whores mocked Mohammed on stream? Make your bets bros.

>> No.77797049


>> No.77797081

Sure grandpa, now take your meds.

>> No.77797163

for once is not cuck connect, what a surpise, i will call them based if they do the same with shinto, islam and judaism.

>> No.77797169

Very cool my man
Now let's donate a dollar and ask for them to do the same with Islam and see what happens

>> No.77797182
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My wife Shee icho is getting her silver yt play button soon

>> No.77797181

This is a great post because it is wrong as soon as the 2nd line but the guy keeps updating it. lmao.

>> No.77797544 [DELETED] 

So they're chinkcoids? Ask them what they think of the CCP and skeletons.

>> No.77797570

>Kawaii vtubers making fun of religion

>> No.77797578

>2 more weeks

>> No.77797650

Man, Shee used to be the runt of Kawaii but all of a sudden she's so ahead of the game, good for her!

>> No.77797705

Reddit board is reddit

>> No.77797727

I disagree, I think all religions should be ridiculed, especially because it makes brownoids seethe.

>> No.77797751

Shee streams and she doesn't stop. She will have a guerilla any minute now.

>> No.77797765

People treat them like shit because the entire organization has at best done nothing to improve their lives and at worst raped them as a child, sent them to camps to torture them to try to change their sexual orientation, then told them they would burn in hell forever for masturbating.

>> No.77797918

>ignores the entirety of pre-Christian human history
Why are you so gay?

>> No.77797960

Christianity is not an organisation, mongrel.

>> No.77798047

Look how all of them go silent like bitches the moment you ask them about islam. These "anti-religioon" are just anti-christian larpers and goatfuckers and ccp cocksuckers.

>> No.77798297

Go back to your faggy discord Yunocuck and stop pretending that you are some accidental passer by, praising kawaii for this shit.

>> No.77798348 [DELETED] 

mudslimes belong into the roast chair just like christcucks and jews, any religion that isnt strictly philosophy and life advice, but has some magical bullshit in it should be laughed at. Islam is especially egregious in this aspect, considering their so called prophet was an illiterate, schizophrenic pedofile

>> No.77798389

Of course they are. Kawaii went full retard and hired 3 of them in Hanamizuki (gen 4) and I think 3 out of the new 6 girls are also Chinese from the US and Canada.

>> No.77798396

we already know what would happen, that's why it wont.

>> No.77798421

but enough about troons and fruities.

>> No.77798491

>magical bullshit
Oh you mean like dark matter and antimatter?

>> No.77798516

Your fedora, sir.

>> No.77798543

>Be a third world Asian
>Move to a Christian country
>It gives your family all the opportunities that they could have wished for
>Most of Asian families are now upper middle class
>Repay your "hosts" by shitting on the foundations of their society, excusing it with some pedo priests
Sure buddy, whatever logic works for you.

>> No.77798579

Very cool larper. Now ask your whore to make fun of Mohammed on stream. Bonus points if she is from SEA or an European country with significant Muslim population. Let's see how that ends.
>Captcha: HHA J

>> No.77798616

Dont forget the string theory and the big bang. Both proven to be a complete BS. Im not religious btw but some of the "science" is on par with silly folk tales.

>> No.77798628

Holy projection batman! I'm sorry you had such shitty parents anon

>> No.77798681 [DELETED] 

Death to all Jews. Death to all Muslims
Christ is King

>> No.77798728

Kohaku is an ex-holoCN member.

>> No.77798809

Goatfuckers rape European women by the thousands and is covered up. One faggot priest rapes one child and features on the news more than the superbowl.

>> No.77799097

whorse run away with 70k dollar dono money

>> No.77799275


>> No.77799401

>the events of 2000+ of years ago excuse the current day abuses
Nope, lol
>minutia of terminology, uhm, actually, it's a GROUP of organizations
>the world's weakest attempt at a no u
Nope lol
>everything that happens in a country of Christian origin is the exclusive result of Christianity. No non-Christian majority countries provide happy healthy lives to their citizens
Cool so we can switch to communism and Christianity will still provide everyone with eternal success in life right?
>Uhhh projection!
I'm a cis straight man and while my mom was abusive it had nothing at all to do with religion. My personal experience of religion has been Grandma reading a children's bible storybook to me and some very boring Sundays until around when I was 12 years old, followed by another 20 years after that watching Christians claw and grab for power in the face of a world that has begun to realize the kind of kid fucking monsters you actually are.

Stellar arguments as always. You all really prove just how well an organization dedicated to blind faith prepares you for a rational discussion with a competent adult. See you next time, try not to let the trannies get you.

>> No.77799459

Alright, this is prime bait material so I'll just post my blog about this.

One of the reasons for why Christianity is so shit on is that Christianity has the majority share of all religious followers, so everyone dogpiles cause the leader is not the king. Because of it's high-profile, Christianity has the most eyes on it and everyone will hold it to high standards.

Do people hold Ford and Chevrolet to high standards? No, they hold Toyota, Lexus, Mazda, and Honda to high standards cause of their reputation. Why would you make fun of the 2nd place guy, it gets stale. Making fun of the market-share leader, that's fun.

In addition to that, Islam is the second most followed religion which is known to be more extreme and restrictive than Christianity. Muslim worshippers, including many South-East Asian, Arab, and African Muslims see of Christianity as a loosey-goosey religion. They see of it as weakness instead of the strong and very restrictive Islam which everyone should follow.

Many Muslim worshippers browse this board, even though they shouldn't as it feeds their anger and supposed "righteous fury".
Allah warns against this:
>“Those who spend (in Allah’s Cause) in prosperity and in adversity, who repress anger, and who pardon men; verily, Allah loves Al-Muhsinoon (the good-doers).” [Quran: Surah Al-e-Imran, Ayat 133-134]

So to all the Muslim Anon's, control anger, don't let it control you.
(͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)

>> No.77799532

lots of cope in this thread
still the fact that she would never do this to islam or judaism, wonder why :)

>> No.77799698 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 400x500, cartoon_danish_mohammed_3-1380060039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People "respect" Islam out of fear.
Fear and lack of knowledge. People in the West treat Islam like a serious religion only because the only thing they know about the religion itself is that they don't fancy pork too much. If people actually looked into it, everyone would realize that their autistic pedophile bandit prophet is up there with Joseph Smith as one of the most painfully obvious religious con men in history. Islam thrives only because Arabs are fucking retarded.

>> No.77799751

Go back fedoranigger

>> No.77799936

The queen of midnight to 5 am guerillas when she has to go to work tomorrow.

>> No.77800166

Not religious, but if you’re gonna make fun of religion, make fun of all of them or none of them. It’s just poor taste to single one out.

>> No.77800307

Apparently the joke started because her retarded gen mate started bringing up jesus in her chat, but you already know why she wouldn't do this to any religion except christianity.

>> No.77800417

Christianity is not Islam
Christianity doesn't forbid usage of Jesus image and the girls didn't do anything insulting to christianity

>> No.77800466

If she dressed up her model as muhammad she would be suspended tomorrow.

>> No.77800714

If it was any kind of reasonably run corpo, she would be suspended regardless. You think this shit would fly in Hololive?

>> No.77800723

That's because Christianity isn't autistic and throw a fit of image of christ being used

>> No.77800779

Everyone makes fun of Christianity, it's normal, no one cares

>> No.77800781

I don't think she should be suspended for a joke, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy.
That's my point.

>> No.77800908

Marine does sexy christian nun parody stream lol

>> No.77800925

That’s different because it’s hot

>> No.77801004


>> No.77801015

That’s not mocking Christianity. If anything it’s flattering of it.

>> No.77801036

So yuno should shake her fat tits more while wearing the jesus asset???

>> No.77801087

It's the ultimate test of whether or not you have integrity. If you mock Christianity but refuse to touch Islam with a ten-foot pole, you're just a spineless coward who's only doing it because you can get away with it.

>> No.77801132
File: 435 KB, 456x946, 93c0a6_98a99d9e8aa5490497c55b4d566277fc~mv2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was yuno mocking Christianity then??? She didn't say anything bad and yuno is also a flattering woman. You can see that chat really look up the yuno-jesus as well

>> No.77801186

She literally said and I quote “Fuck Christianity, all Christians are cucks, and Jesus is a faggot”

>> No.77801252

Christians can take a joke. Other religions can't. Simple as.

>> No.77801297

explain >>77774394

>> No.77801345

OP said in the first sentence he isn't religious.

>> No.77801383

Anon, that's just the kawaii anti trying to anti kawaii.
This is a kawaii anti thread, if you haven't noticed. Yuno got $500 donor for putting on the Jesus asset, which truly what upset the OP, not the very benign christianity parody aspect

>> No.77801431

the most mild criticism possible which doesn't contain any personal insults = anti thread

>> No.77801475


>> No.77801500

Anon, read the thread
It's just the excuse for him to spam kawaii anti posts. He actually got upset when the religious discussion went in and derailed the thread from the main goal of anti-kawaii lol

>> No.77803017

oh no the discord white knights are trying to defend their whore

>> No.77804583
File: 200 KB, 1049x1200, GPUT5tHXkAAYw3n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget kawaii, Elia Stellaria from the rising vtuber group V-Dere is streaming

>> No.77805142
File: 10 KB, 238x94, 1698611669547083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kawaii antis watch males

>> No.77805184

I loved Elia but she broke her promise and did a male Collab so I don't trust her anymore.

>> No.77805213

religionniggers only worship an evil god they conjured up in their heads
being against them is common sense, not political

>> No.77806746

You sound like you got bullied in school. I'll pray for you.

>> No.77806822

Lua had a great 3D live, and Eonia is going to have a fantastic concert. kawaii antis are the epitome of jealous and mindbroken. How I pity them.

>> No.77806969
File: 330 KB, 579x555, 1000009829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else notice how it's always this specific board that has threads about getting highly offended at the most mundane shit, exactly like how a twitter freak would?
It's almost as if OP isn't actually offended at all, and just wants to abuse cancel culture to anti this small corpo

>> No.77806983

That's the christians' fault for being such massive cucks, their jewish slave scriptures literally tell them to have no self-respect so of course everyone is gonna treat them like a rug.

>> No.77806999

i was the bully in school
i should've bullied religionniggers hard and took away their lunch money as god wills them to share their wealth

>> No.77807077

This is a not so subtle V-DERE shill thread if you can't tell.

>> No.77807530

kek okay
That shit was always mocked on this site, 2 years before that shitty website even existed.
Fuck outta here you newfaggot fuck, go the fuck back to Twitter.

>> No.77807855


>> No.77808340

I could care less what religion someone follows, but I'm not the biggest fan of alot of christians and congregations constantly weasling their way into american politics.

>> No.77808390

I thought you were just shitposting but you're actually serious.
>muh rational debate on the vtuber board
You must be very enlightened.

>No empirical data exists that suggests that Catholic clerics sexually abuse minors at a level higher than clerics from other religious traditions or from other groups of men who have ready access and power over children (e.g., school teachers, coaches).
>The incidents of clerical abuse in recent years (i.e., since 2002) are down to a trickle. Many of the newer abuse cases since 2002 have been perpetrated by visiting international priests here on vacation or sabbatical who have not gone through the extensive training and screening that American clerics now go through.
So, I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume you also didn't really have a father figure either. My condolences anon.
Unfortunately, hating Christianity won't fix your problems. Please try not to spread lies on internet.

>> No.77808428

stop shilling your brit whore on /pcg/

>> No.77808606
File: 145 KB, 605x840, reina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kawaii vtubers aren't much better

>> No.77808805

They should make fun of islam next to be really based

>> No.77808867

Lol. You've been brainwashed worse than any religious nut.

>> No.77808923




>> No.77808954


>> No.77808999


>> No.77809934

Nah you weren't faggot. You wear glasses and have the thinnest shoulders I've ever seen. You got your shit pushed in regularly lmao. Hey. I'll pray you find jesus little wimp hahaha!

>> No.77810044

Based fuck religion and everyone who uses it to spread fear mongering. And fuck /pol/

>> No.77810518

Larper-kun... your god doesn't want you praising internet idols. Get the fuck outta my board.

>> No.77810964

maybe a girl i liked in grade school

>> No.77812063

Yeah in a typical western opportunistic whore fashion, kawaii is "GFE" and "no males" until they're not because they are trying to leech off of some bigger streamer. And at the time, Niji EN males were still very popular.

>> No.77812546

Hopefully she shares that with Airi, poor girl.

>> No.77813250

god damn chink aesthetics is so fucking ugly

>> No.77813446
File: 247 KB, 1000x1000, christ cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. picrel
Please go back trannies

>> No.77813979

>he says as he's crying and projecting
Kek. Now we're pretty sure you're talking about yourself.

>> No.77814663


>> No.77815131
File: 1.51 MB, 1996x1108, kawaiifriends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kawaii is a nijicompany, bucko

>> No.77816141

There's no need for inclusivity in shitposting, just say you hate them for mocking your religion/culture.

>> No.77816941

Of course. The tumblerina fujo whore. All her fans are effeminate spic redditor cucks.

>> No.77819566

not if you can only show 1 or 2 out of the 15 girls following Niji.

>> No.77819775

Isla and Mint are old pals btw

>> No.77822736

the new girls are nijifags

>> No.77822850

>communicate openly with males on twitter and in their chats.
They talk to ma ma ma ma males in chat??

>> No.77822896

Is 300 pounds not fat I'm confused

>> No.77822988
File: 38 KB, 355x330, 1714631650687965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopcon males

>> No.77823083 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 716x716, godjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that a poor orphan? I'LL GIVE HIM A GENETIC DISEASE
>ummm, i'll just MAKE an evil demon and then blame people who get tricked by him
Fakest and gayest shit ever conceived. Glad christianity is on the decline around the world

>> No.77823443


>> No.77823644

You have the mentality of a confused seething manchild.

>> No.77824126

Go worship your false god on a stick and cry about it, bitch

>> No.77824542

*tips fedora*

>> No.77824616

>Nene being in charge of zoom meeting discussing the course of things
Shut your mouth faggot Nene has weekly meetings with management just like everyone else stop being retarded.

>> No.77824873

So other than Nene no one else is safe to watch in Kawaii?

>> No.77825059


>> No.77825543

>culture tourist lying about reading the books for no reason
she really thought she'd get the chud audience with that

>> No.77826022

>phasefags punching down because they have nothing to do

>> No.77826119

I could respect a religion that doesn't change and split because of politics/society. Or if there was only one religion worldwide, that would make me think that there might be something to it.

>> No.77826359

I don't care. Religion is something to laugh at in all cases. If it bothers you you can go watch Marvel or Disney or something.

>> No.77826485 [DELETED] 

they had multiple bf yabs, even nene

>> No.77826618

BASED. seethe tranny.

>> No.77826672

christcucks don't like trannies, they like little boys and girls... oh wait, they are kinda similar

>> No.77826973 [DELETED] 

Nene went to get her back blown by random japanese dudes at comiket, she never stopped being a cosplayer whore

>> No.77827438

They're vtubers streaming under a fake name while looking completely different than they do irl.
My point?
It's okay for fictional characters to make fun of other fictional characters.

>> No.77827975


>> No.77828806

HAHAHAHAA! You pussy ass wimp you have to say we because you're a fucking sensitive little faggot wimp hahahaha! Fucking little wimp bitch. I'd crush your fucking faggot skinny ass face into the back of your head you stupid fucking thin wristed ghoul tranny.

>> No.77829654

>being this triggered
Toppest of keks
He really hit a nerve huh

>> No.77830534

That isn't even the point... Too many retards in here with terrible reading comprehension.

>> No.77830640

I hate this thread so fucking much. Mods, this shit is so off-topic, just nuke everything.

>> No.77830835

it's painfully obvious where you guys are coming from, go back shitskin

>> No.77831478

nigga exploded

>> No.77831833

>seething athetranny
I'll pray your dilating sessions aren't so painful James... Uh sorry Jamie lmao!

>> No.77833009

Naw it should be kept up to show how retarded OP is.

>> No.77833687

It is though. You're seething because they were insulting the wrong fictional character.

>> No.77834424

>in kawaii
they are about as uncucked as phase cucknet

>> No.77836584

>greed is when you don't want to give 50% of your earnings to lazy japs

>> No.77836866

kys and come back after a 3-day vacation!

>> No.77837149

when you throw a shitfit and break a contract you signed voluntarily to do it, yes

>> No.77837374

>throwing a shitfit is when you don't do anything and the corpo self-immolates

>> No.77837733

black corpo bootlicker lol

>> No.77837941

You're right

>> No.77838144

I'm blessed that I am shocked to see a chumkek in the wild in this year. This is a character you guys play, right?

>> No.77839493

It’s sad that you’re getting this much hate just for saying “I want people to not by hypocrites”

>> No.77839909

kawaii fans are retarded, they can't stop sucking that black corpo cock while seething at the girls who left their sinking ship

>> No.77840008

Oceane did nothing wrong, her kissing is the best, and those Gen 3 whores deserved everything he did to them.

>> No.77840363

true, oceane was set up by Nene the queen itch because she was gaining too many subs too fast as a fellow ASMR vtuber, she had to be terminated first

>> No.77840577

Too bad they are ENwhores, I would have given them a sub or two for that.

>> No.77841348

>small corpo pill
>/pol/ grifters and whores
delete the industry

>> No.77843229
File: 67 KB, 1024x767, 1673757371581865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God isn't real
There's nothing after you die
Life is meaningless, you're just a spec of dust floating on a rock in an incomprehensibly large void
Get real nerd

>> No.77843354

are you just going to post this 20 times

>> No.77843409

It's the first time I post it though.

>> No.77843446

sure thing

>> No.77843871

Blame christianity and its leader for not doing their jobs despite having centuries of opportunities.
>hey guys, why we dont sack constantinople and their relics instead lol?

>> No.77846944

based kawa ii

>> No.77848043

LOL get triggered christcuck

>> No.77848293

Only Zen/Chan/Sien Buddhism, Taoism, and Shinto are good "religions".

>> No.77848819

... The fuck are (You) talking about? I'm just mocking the kawaiikek OP and making a joke for the rub-ins.

>> No.77849013

She is currently talking about gentile food *GASP*

>> No.77850522
File: 15 KB, 176x176, 1718061254621485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2view kawaiikek
vdere won

watch a real stream

>> No.77851028

Kind of funny that Elia is getting worse numbers with Elden Ring than Aletta.

>> No.77851720

half the subs

>> No.77852188

Jesus is a historical figure.

>> No.77853132

Huh, you're right. Aletta was only around for 7 months. How is Elia still so far behind after twice that time?

>> No.77853549

The shorts spam trick was nerfed, still quite impressive to regain half of her subcount as indie and with months of travelling around the world and no streams. Some kawaii channels have been around for 2+ years and don't even have her current sub count. I'll be surprised if any of the new kawaii generations can reach 50k after one year like she did with no corpo support.

>> No.77853552

They surely burned a lot of fans that weren't willing to drop Kawaii as a whole and I bet a large chunk of viewers dropped out entirely without continuing to watch either groups.
m*le collabs probably haven't helped

>> No.77853684

I was with you until you mentioned mozzu at the end
Boy who cares about her ccv when swedish norwegian sugar daddy got her set 4 lyfe

>> No.77853836

The free masons were the foundation of america you retard. The declaration is 100% masonic tennents and the founders deliberately sought to cripple all religious and priestly power and at the time the biggest religious power was christisnity

>> No.77854050

kawaii has male collabs and homo sexpest orbiters though

>> No.77854209

The main problem with christianity, and buddhism, is that they try to force people to be peaceful, or at least modern interpretations of them do, when humans natural ebb and flow between peace and violence. Most other religions account for war and peace but Christianity’s only answers to war are turn the other cheek and revelations which is a horrible fanfiction and has nothing to do with jesus or his teachings but was included because the ecumenicals knew that people crave war

>> No.77854233

Somehow I don't think having 100k subs after 7 months and then coming back and having 50k subs after 14 months is all that much of an accomplishment. By comparison, most of most recent girls have already far exceeded their previous channel's subscriber and/or follower count.

>> No.77854316

Making fun of bible thumpers was a common practice for ages on 4chan

>> No.77854528

>exceeded their previous channel
Easy to exceed their previous channel when they had like 2k subs at most? Come on kawaiifag, your new gens are dead in the water and a ragtag group of literal whos has more eyes on them than your 3 years old company who never moved past being barely relevant.

>> No.77855103

Thing with Aletta was that she kept herself more connected to the then booming western vtubing world than the entirety of Kawaii. Same with mozzu

>> No.77855129

Numbers are nice and all, but are they enjoyable to watch? It's kind of important to be able to enjoy streams.

>> No.77855476

Go back to /r/atheism

>> No.77855702

That's for the viewers to decide, they seem to be enjoyable enough to have a strong fanbase showing at offkai, support 2 full time vtubers, good presence in /corpo/ and more general vtubing events, a new gen on the horizon. All without a being a regular vtuber corpo.

>> No.77856089

>i'm so comfortable with my religion i'm going to cry on 4chan of all places about how butthurt i am. maybe they'll comfort me

>> No.77856386

That's nice. Still not watching vdere

>> No.77856812

All 3 Abrahamic religions are terrible.

>> No.77857006

sad samefag

>> No.77857099

Kawaii and the remaining girls only exist now to prop up and support Nene.

>> No.77857136

It only made sense when most of the board population was edgy white kids.
Now that its all brown people, we support Christianity here.

>> No.77857216
File: 489 KB, 1146x720, 1685245084220274.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, shee is the new rising star and all girls raid funneling into shee at the end of the day have been boosting her noomber
Silver YT button SOON

>> No.77857565

Shee was always the sweetest hardworking girl in kawaii. I'm happy for her.

>> No.77857806

nene is a whore
