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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 234 KB, 1080x1920, 374_@ksksks974027-1740432066414879204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77702318 No.77702318 [Reply] [Original]

For the 374th time, what is Ope?!
Also ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.

>First original song: Say My Name

>New merch: hololive June Bride Voice Pack 2024

▼ Next stream
Sun 06/09 7PM CT, Stardew Valley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGjl72v82ns
▼ Last streams
06/08, NPC stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjqi5PXGVP8
06/06, Content Warning Advent collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XVzmELf4cY
06/05, zatsudan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dOpicM7gKQ
▼ Previous appearance
06/07, #holoENquiz with IRyS, Ina, Calliope & Shiori on the HoloEN channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53rOqRgYx0g

>Siliconera Interview: Nerissa Ravencroft Talks About Her Music and Love for Hololive

BlueBird cover of DECO*27 - Salamander
Jewelbird cover of VIVINOS - OTOMEROID
Archive of the struck down Moka - Lilium cover
Unarchived karaoke (May 9th 2024 #1)
Unarchived karaoke (May 18th 2024 #2)
Songs & Karaokes rentry

>Useful Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nerissaravencroft
Art tags: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds: #depravencrafts on Twitter); RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Merch: https://rentry.org/nerissa_ravencroft_merch01

Previous thread: >>77669387
A word of advice: as per >>1, be smart and don't reply or engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, hide and report.

>> No.77702329
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>Basic introduction to the new Jailbirds
Debut Stream
Crunchyroll Interviews

>Tools / Creations by the /ope/ users
/ope/'s library
Collection of Nerissa's Sounds
List of recommended streams
Information regarding membership
Appearances on other channels & mentions

>General Tools
Current OP Template

>> No.77702327

2024 to date
Solo streams: 60
Collabs: 62
Twitch collabs: 4
Solo karaoke: 4
Members: 9

>> No.77702368
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>> No.77702451

I love my wife Nerissa Ravencroft more than anyone in the whole world

>> No.77702523

i want to watch her pee in a parking lot

>> No.77702532


>> No.77702545


>> No.77702553

Dog collar, Y/N?

>> No.77702782
File: 329 KB, 1414x940, Nerissa Plapencroft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with Nerissa Ravencroft ope Thank ya darling ope ope Pissing all by yourself handsome ope I think a storm's coming ope ope

>> No.77702857

It's over, the jailbirds are down with the brainrot

>> No.77702943

Anything is better than NPC but why not save the Stardew Valley talk for the Stardew Valley stream.

>> No.77703089

There's the graduation date…

>> No.77703092


>> No.77703111

I'm gosling so hard rn

>> No.77703196

>she thinks about me at 3am sometimes
>just sometimes
im heartbroken

>> No.77703208

Twins? My children

>> No.77703229


>> No.77703304

At 3 am, I sometimes wonder what Linkara is doing at that moment. Is he running around the earth? Is he fighting crime with his blunderbuss? Who knows...

>> No.77703365

If you put your ear to the ground you can hear Nerissa’s ovaries screaming at her to get pregnant

>> No.77703419

I'm already on my way to Japan

>> No.77703436


>> No.77703468

Do you think Rissa is aware that becoming pregnant herself with that metal rod in her back that she likely wont get out of labor without becoming atleast partially paralyzed?

>> No.77703535

No apparently because she wants to have a twin

>> No.77703554

I can fucking hear that and I'm still in North America.
Watch streams she's said she'd need to C Section it.

>> No.77703560

the fuck is this weirdo talking about

>> No.77703573

fuck why did you have to say that no joke it's actually sad :(

>> No.77703615

retard the rod is on her upper vertebrae

>> No.77703639

If that were actually a concern, they'd just do a c-section, no?

>> No.77703651

There is nothing inherently wrong with women. Their gender was created by God as equal in dignity and complementary to men, and it is beautiful. Sadly, that gender presently appears to be malfunctioning on a massive scale, with catastrophic consequences for all humanity

>> No.77703679

Yeah, she's talked about it before. She's dysgenic and should adopt or go for surrogate with her Holobucks

>> No.77703714

the zatsu saved this stream
im getting too horny to complain

>> No.77703745

Nerissa's maternal instincts

>> No.77703776

It is possible but the risk is still there. I had a friend who also had a metalrod fused to her spine and she got paralyzed from the waist down despite having a c-section

>> No.77703887

How old is Nerissa IRL? I honestly feel bad for some reason...

>> No.77703917

>>77703776 (me)
The pain in her spine was also unbareable whilest carrying pregnancy

>> No.77703955

>Fatherly instinct
My 6 years working at an amusement park has prepared me for this

>> No.77703979

how am i supposed to practice being a father

>> No.77704003

Do you have siblings with kids?

>> No.77704040

>sorry it's my "end stream" alarm

>> No.77704052

The emotions she describes when talking about taking care of a child is the same emotion men feel when taking care of their wives/gfs, but men's emotions are called creepy and oppressive towards women, while women's emotions are always affirmed.

>> No.77704084

sadly no...

>> No.77704107

>astarion alarm

>> No.77704114

A cousin of younger age?

>> No.77704242

no...i'm the youngest of my immediate and extended family
i guess being a mentor at work is close enough

>> No.77704264

The jailbirds that said in a recent thread that she rarely does GFE were selling her short. She brings up the thought of marrying and breeding her more than I expected. Good thing I stayed.

>> No.77704302

It also seems men need more exposure to their baby to form a similar attachment that mother's do within the first hour after birth.

>> No.77704326

A close friend who has children?

>> No.77704339

I've had pillar men theme as my alarm for 6 years since I almost missed an exam at 1st year of med school

>> No.77704403

That's because you cannot classify Rissa as GFE. If anything she is the Wife-experience.

>> No.77704473

nope, they're childless just like me

>> No.77704484

You got lucky, she hasn't brought this up for like a month.

>> No.77704491

I have had Mr.Koro yelling "Wake-up" since 2020

>> No.77704507

She nags a lot and I think about killing her? Kinda yeah.

>> No.77704527

More like caregiver experience for mentally disabled client

>> No.77704725

a lot of ojisans in chat just like me...

>> No.77704745

Wtf Jailbros are younger than most Holomem fanbases?

>> No.77704796

Yeah I get it using her regular phrases for the NPC is tripping me up now that she's back to normal

>> No.77704799

I think when we asked here a lot of us were around 25s

>> No.77704806

I'm almost 30 and I've never kissed a girl

>> No.77704839

Same but 32

>> No.77704857

stop making my thoughts into posts

>> No.77704878
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A Fellow Sensitive Young Man

>> No.77704955

Same but 34, I've accepted that I'll be forever alone.

>> No.77704956

yea, less than 2 years until I get my wizard powers...

>> No.77705039

Ojisans, lets make a trade. I'm 23, there is a lot of young meat walking around my campus. In return hags

>> No.77705094

Arch Magus reporting

>> No.77705150

I had sex and kissed but it was by getting dateraped so be careful what you wish for

>> No.77705159

I'm a 28 year old HKV
I'll find a nice fembird this year

>> No.77705166
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I have 8 years left to find someone. I'm gonna make it, right jailbirds.....?

Exquisite tastes

>> No.77705173

Hag gods run this company

>> No.77705175

I'm only interested in Nerissa Ravencroft

>> No.77705231
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>> No.77705284


>> No.77705285

Hagmaxxing bros, it's our time to shine

>> No.77705290

Only conspiracy I buy into is the one about there most likely being significantly less women compared to men. Like a 1 to 4 ratio. Demographic data is made up to ensure men stay productive.

>> No.77705300

I'm 33, and I've kissed tons of girls but the two times I had the chance to lose my virginity I couldn't get it up, she wasn't fat or anything but I just couldn't, it's like peeing when someone is watching, impossible

>> No.77705321

Fembird PLEASE let me show you that a man can be good

>> No.77705424

Hope things have been better since then Jailbird...

>> No.77705436
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same but i'm 33.

>> No.77705435
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25 but I'm a virgin by choice so far

>> No.77705441


>> No.77705460

Rissa...mocojohn is being botted...

>> No.77705523
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>> No.77705539

It's clear, RIssa hates MOGOJYAN

>> No.77705577

I can believe this. Throughout history, many young men would die in war, making the living young men more in-demand and it was easier for them to find women. Since we haven't had any major wars in a while, there is an excess of young men and not enough young women to go around.

>> No.77705624

Did the raid fuck up for anyone else today
I rate the threads now today was so-so dunno what the Kronii shit was about

>> No.77705643

>Raids into Fuwawa to avoid interacting with the male twin Mogo John

>> No.77705663

Nah it took a while but the raid worked

>> No.77705692

She recovered from with the zatsu section again/10. She can't keep getting away with this

>> No.77705693

Even if numbers were even, far fewer women are ever available in the dating pool because multiple, highly common factors will remove them from it for extended periods of time.

>> No.77705705


>> No.77705718

Honestly, the zatsu at the end wasn't nearly enough to save this stream for me. Easy for me to get frustrated with her but whatever.

>> No.77705785

saved by zatsu/too horny to make a fuss about it

>> No.77705789

It's funny that FWMC are playing on their own like if they were unsupervised on the server they would destroy houses on accident or set Fauna's tree on fire

>> No.77705809

Just some guy sperged about Kronii, Hating on her without any prior reason because a sis tried to Holo v Holo.

>> No.77705813

bad/10 - the zatsu at the end was okay, but not enough to save it. The nps part was an abomination

>> No.77705834

I read somewhere they're playing in a private server or smth

>> No.77705862

That's correct

>> No.77705876
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Shit but I was promised a NunRissa stream. Therefore (zatzu) Amen/10

>> No.77705922

Zatsu was okay but honestly the stream sucked.

>> No.77706001

Some Kronies just came in and tried to push their oshi by shitting on Nerissa.

>> No.77706069
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>> No.77706088

I am so ready for a confession stream

>> No.77706282
File: 1.02 MB, 2624x2585, @Myru263-1799604681402118337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight /ope/, I really loved the stream tonight

>> No.77706365

This threadshitter here >>77706001

>> No.77706426

How have you not learned to just shut the fuck up already.

>> No.77706528

31 soon, where the fuck are my wizard powers

>> No.77706663

I was a different anon but missed the hubbub and regretted not joining the shitflinging against the first guy

>> No.77706715

How about you just fucking kill yourself and take them with you faggot.

>> No.77706743

Yes keep talking about it and shitting up the thread so you can defend someone who isn't even the subject of this thread.

>> No.77706891

Fuck off SEAnigger

>> No.77707118

Yeah yeah I'll drop it

>> No.77707211

I wonder if Rissa is keeping up with her steppies in Japan

>> No.77707352

>>"In this retrospective study, we thus hypothesized that women undergoing spinal surgery for AIS have subsequently uncomplicated pregnancies and childbirths, and have access to epidural analgesia as women without AIS do."
Why spread misinformation?

>> No.77707356

Tf is a hubbub?

>> No.77707385

Tomorrow is a Sunday and she's starting at 9am for her. How long do you think she'll go for?

>> No.77707441

It's an older slang word for commotion

>> No.77707695

I loved when she called me a degenerate...

>> No.77707913

she's probably walking a lot more since she can't just go to the garage and get her car
never mind all the exercise she's doing for 3D stuff

>> No.77708030

the dance practice alone probably has more exercise in a day that she home got in a week

>> No.77708266

A month.

>> No.77708603

When Rissa goes to calculate her calorie intake requirements (you know she does this) do you think she sets the activity level at "sedentary lifestyle" or "light office work"?

>> No.77708671

She doesn't do that. Too much work and not smart enough

>> No.77708734

She literally said she counts calories

>> No.77708766

She does and she even uses a smart watch to keep up with steppies

>> No.77710085

Twitter hearties don't make me feel as good as YouTube ones...

>> No.77710233

At least you get Twitter hearties...

>> No.77710327

You're right, I'm grateful

>> No.77710335

Huh? Bot was fast today it seems?

>> No.77710417
File: 104 KB, 512x512, Chumbird(Horns&Wing)_20240609052003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, dunno if he is still /here/ but chumbird is ready

>> No.77710481

I miss our resident chumbud

>> No.77710511

not that anon but wow that looks good jailbro
chumbro would have loved it

>> No.77711685

I missa da Rissa

>> No.77712188

No Advent collab on FWMC's schedule

>> No.77713264

Hopefully we'll hear from Rissa tomorrow about what to expect for the week. Wonder how her 3D work is going

>> No.77713619


>> No.77715355


>> No.77715392


>> No.77716949

why did Nerissa heart one single youtube comment

>> No.77717344

Because it's self-affirming and she wants to feel better about herself

>> No.77717365

Same, also 34. I accepted that when I was 28, but then fell in love with my oshi last year and it's giving me hope I know to be false.

>> No.77717882

At this rate I will never reach triple heartie digits
I should have been a comment whore more when she was giving them out every time…

>> No.77717949

I just habitually leave comments on the vods of basically every girl I watch, so I got a lot without exactly trying to

>> No.77719473

I kissa da Rissa

>> No.77720277

Risser where art thou

>> No.77720469

I personally find it more erotic that you can barely see Nerissa's armpits in her default outfit instead of them being fully exposed

>> No.77721340
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>> No.77721757

>why are you like this
>absolutely deranged
whats with people and being uncomfortable with a young womans desire to have children?
There's something seriously sick with being that weirded out by something so natural and desireable.

>> No.77722209

>tfw Rissa will never call me Little Man in bed

>> No.77722329

>links notorious clipper than uses out of context stuff, coomerbait, clipbaits and occationally seems to clip stuff to a degree that is almost malicious
You know that most of the people that watch this clipper, dont actually watch streams right?

>> No.77722434

>I want pregnant
Holy ESL thumbnail

>> No.77722464

I was referring to the people in chat, that nerissa read out loud, not the comments on the clip.

>> No.77723682

This is me, I just like making people feel better, so I leave wordy comments.

I don't think most people are uncomfortable with kids, its that actually caring for them outside of the "aw, so cute" times is what most know because a lot of us have cared for family growing up outside of siblings.

Cute stream, and the best things about kids is knowing they go back to their parents. Had relatives leave kids with me, my brother and I working in tandem taking care of them, so I know what it's like and between that and stock work in retail, its exhausting. I've been told I was pretty good in the fathering department, so hit me up Rissa! But dear God, the sheer amount of cleaning due to passing their bed, I do not miss that time, cute girls that they were. I'll probably turn into Hughes having my own kids though, so all I said may come to bullshit.

>> No.77723703

She's probably eating right now

>> No.77723882

>707k subs
This number rot needs to fuck off, not only is it negatively impacting her streams but fags are just using it for free attention. I gave the 69s a pass but honestly this is a bad trend. Holos only celebrate 1000 subs back in 2018.

>> No.77724386

To be fair, we don't know a lot of what happens behind the scenes. Having a huge subscriber base is like a badge of honor sometimes, and people are rarely honest about number metric. Perception means everything in the entertainment industry regardless of what people say and others can be swayed not just with the algo, but how things appear to be. I'm not saying she is hugely a number nazi, but its impossible not to be affected by how things end up. We've seen Holos who have such success other vtubers cannot even compare still seemingly fall into depression regardless of that or love and the dosh they get. Including Rissa's own oshi in Holo. So I don't really get pissy about it, because I don't know the pressure she is feeling. Things are so chaotic, numbers and accolades are used maliciously at times (as is the usual in showbiz), that I just am thankful she is the same dorky person nearly a year later.

>> No.77724649

NTA but celebrating anything but a multiple of 100k at this point is simply pathetic

>> No.77725003

Just being a Holo is success way beyond what anyone else will ever experience. And if she really wanted to push for numbers, she should do more karaokes, fewer streams with Twitch and Nijis, and get better at games (unlikely) or zatsu (more likely but she refuses to do so).

>> No.77725150

Plus I assure you Holo managment is not looking at you and going "Wow you have 707k subs? Let me give you more opportunities!" At least anymore than they would someone with 700k. It's not even 750k. No this is just Nerissa's own obsession with "Number go up" which has lead to many sub par vertical streams including this latest one.

>> No.77725347

Was May worse than March?
>March was collab spam, often with garbage "vtubers" barely deserving of the name
>May was a combination of awful games, vertical streams, and extremely bad zatsu, especially given she had a wealth of great things she could tell us about but just refused to including dates with Ririka, IRyS, Fuwamoco, etc.

>> No.77725475

March was worse hands down
She'd have to put deliberate effort into being bad to have a worse month than March

>> No.77725885

But she was still hearting members’ comments back then. Feels weird that she went from many hearts to what seems like her favorite comment only getting a heart now.

>> No.77726022

Are you kidding? March was easily the worst month. There were hardly ANY worthwhile streams; collab spam some of which were on Twitch ffs. And she actively insulted and antagonized her fanbase by doing things like map grinding in Palworld (I'm still holding a grudge for btw). In contrast, May had several watchable streams and even her half-assed kusoge/zatsus often provided value as white noise/bg noise

>> No.77726027

Still May and now June, have probably been her worst months not named March. And it's more her lack of effort I'm worried about.

>> No.77726071

Anon, palworld was February

>> No.77726162

Palworld was a fucking top 10 stream compared to the shit we've gotten recently also it wasn't in March.

>> No.77726617

Oh yeah, March was Twilight watchalongs and first JP arc, also the birth and death of FF7, my bad. May's still better if you go by the numbers. If I recall, in March <40% of streams were recommended compared to 68% of streams being recommended in May, according to the monthly poll. My own score was more critical, something like 50% of May's streams being recommended and a sizeable quality downgrade over April *shrugs

>> No.77726699

>the birth and death of FF7
FF7 Rebirth when?

>> No.77726719

She WAS playing Rebirth.

>> No.77727185

Sadly she killed it after the first FF7 stream. She had tech issues setting it up and whined about "backseaters". She watched all the cutscenes so there's almost zero chance she'll go back to it

>> No.77727440

>>77726699 (me)
I was just making a joke on anon's phrasing…

>> No.77728274
File: 184 KB, 512x512, 435fdgdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understood ya anon, it was a good one. Konpai!

>> No.77729130

Nap time on Rissa's lap

>> No.77729461

Dream I had:
Nerissa got her legs amputated after a dancing mishap. Cover replaced her legs with strong bionic ones that give her a big bubble butt. Her butt is so big that it's jiggling like crazy up on stage at the concert. The concert hall starts shaking and dust and debris start coming loose from the ceiling. Someone in the crowd yells "it's an assquake!" pandemonium as the crowd scrambles for the exit. Rissa is seen crying on stage while her booty vibrates along with the assquake. Going back to sleep now

>> No.77730772

Rissa sweet

>> No.77731025

Rissa sweat

>> No.77731534
File: 343 KB, 900x900, @ikalsaurus-1799708423061492062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning /ope/

>> No.77731774

Okay who made her cry?

>> No.77732005
File: 116 KB, 850x1223, __nerissa_ravencroft_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_yobi_ybpac18__sample-ca3035bdfb019eaec5885e37b41d1976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77732332

I got the joke. But just like she was uncomfortable with karaokes being anything less than perfect, things change so the "Rebirth" of it will come, she gave us a hint about the PC version being a comeback. I mean, sure Switch and PS5 controls (a d-pad, triggers, sticks, and four way buttons are the same, but she may have trouble grasping the TouchPad usage but that too may come with time), I've seen some Nintendo players just not being able to handle Playstation so that is not really a Rissa thing, there are some who go to PC and get all finicky about consoles (which Nintendo is able to dodge somehow, figure that out). Either way, our princess here just has her own hangups, but as she gets to know other people in Holo and sees stuff her biases likely will change.

The good things that I see around the horizon, her other Advent members getting into Monster Hunter, which she likes and we know of a new one coming, so you MonHun people who enjoyed that taste of it before, perhaps we'll all trek together again. She is chomping at the bit for RuneScape perms, so there is that, plenty of single player RPGs are going multiplat so there is that for her, its a gaming Renaissance right now. I'd say this couldn't have been a better time for Suikoden to not only get its spiritual successor that just came out, but a remake down the pike.

'Sides, I still remember the days far off when people said she would never actually want to play with Jailbirds once she got a taste of Holopussy, we have had shitheads even back then saying things like that, and then she had fun playing MonHun with us and is dying for Jailbirds playing Runescape with her and....League, well, its League, but it could be fun.

That said, concerning tabletop games, girl has the books, multiple people asking to play DnD with her when she asks, and an old vet with her cool dad. She still hasn't set one up with ANYONE, so its just a quirky thing on her and not hating Jailbirds, so the people saying she just dislikes the fans or implies that seem to be wrong. It is hilarious all these girls got BG3 brainrot and interest in DnD from it, but don't take the plunge for whatever reason. That "there are books?" from one of her acquaintances was hilarious.

>> No.77732819
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>> No.77733258
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>> No.77733441

Yahallo watabird, up early today?

>> No.77733676

I'm glad she killed off FF7. I haven't played the game before and I can't believe the "You killed my parents... so I'll kill YOU!" is the "deep" storyline nerds have been creaming themselves over for the past 30 years. Embarrassing.

>> No.77733862

Tifa's hot, that's all I care about and why I'm only playing the remake

>> No.77734156

I mean, the guy was a hero to a good portion of the world's people, then went on a violent murder spree partly because he couldn't handle the fact he was a science experiment made by a malevolent company, and massacred a town in the boonies where said guy wanting revenge had everything but his childhood friend who he maimed before getting his beat by the guy. Seems perfectly within his rights to be a little more than perturbed. The company then injecting the guy's alien mommy cells into him and dousing him in that world's equivalent of death aids and crack that turn you into a vegetable before you die probably didn't help. The remake kinda gives you better perspective on the lore and politics of the world. I do wonder if Rissa every got the Ultimania, I have it on my bookshelf.

>> No.77735432

love nerissa

>> No.77736163
File: 2.41 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn bitch you sleep like this?

>> No.77736633

My autistic (real) wife..

>> No.77736838

Its even worse when she says she has dreams of being decapitated if she doesn't have the blanket placed right. Our poor girl going through it just for sleep.

>> No.77737024

Would Nerissa lick butt?

>> No.77737193

I think this coming week's schedule is going to be pretty sparse.

>> No.77737262
File: 1.51 MB, 1210x684, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things Rissa would never

>> No.77737452

Hail, watabird

>> No.77738406

I kinda get it, as a kid I had nightmares about vampires and ever since I've had to sleep with a blanket over my neck

>> No.77738430

I still sleep with the spot light on...

>> No.77739605
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>> No.77740129

Hey me too. But i'm 23 now and i dont have those no more. I... dont have any dreams any more at all...

>> No.77740276

I'm almost 23 and still haunted by nightmares so count your blessings, Jailbird

>> No.77740993
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>> No.77741137
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ugh... blood?

>> No.77742484
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>> No.77742536

I'm 44 and the same thing. I guess I'm the oldest of the bunch here.

>> No.77742685

>Not making out with your step-sister or cousin

>> No.77743235
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>> No.77743883

Satanic ritual?

>> No.77744709
File: 179 KB, 1082x1800, __nerissa_ravencroft_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_sunset_skyline__a05942278447039a659b851470ab2b9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77745082


>> No.77745344
File: 2.89 MB, 476x600, Nerissa Excuse me, my breasts are perky and wonderful.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fuph11k.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77745630
File: 2.31 MB, 1856x1280, 1717823380197451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77746165

I'm no virgin, just tired of people my age, hence i proposed hags

>> No.77746229

I swear, if Rissa's summer outfit doesnt have a crop-top.

>> No.77746395

She needs more skin exposed in general. She's the most covered up in Advent, she needs a more risque outfit that fits her personality.

>> No.77746492

Where do I report Nerissa for sexual harassment?

>> No.77746636

Nerissa makes it hard to love her sometimes but I'm determined to make it work.

>> No.77746846

How would your development have played out if Nerissa molested you as a young adult?

>> No.77746896

Stop working so hard to make it work with someone who barely works hard for you.

>> No.77747085

I don't think that's the right way to proceed here. When things are good, they're great, and she's improving slowly but surely. She's trying lots of things and while she has a lot of hurdles to overcome, that's part of the journey. She misses me when she can't stream and she asks me to save her when she's upset and she loves me, so why shouldn't I love her?

>> No.77748313
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>> No.77748576

There can't be too much pressure if Fauna can completely ignore shorts streams and choose to gatekeep her fanbase instead. Some other girls that have at worst like 1-2 streams too. And even then no one would mind a couple of those happening for zatsu and karaoke, but there is a certain point where it just becomes ridiculous.

>> No.77748873

i would be subconsciously horny for tall white girls who like anime and theatre
oh wait...

>> No.77748951

No one is forcing her to do shorts streams. She just likes to do the opposite of what the popular Holos do and expects it to work because somehow she knows better than they do.

>> No.77749447

The same as it has now since a similar thing already happened to me

>> No.77749890

I'm so sorry anon

>> No.77750391

No need, my only regret is that it wasn't Rissa

>> No.77750479
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>> No.77750880

Why is biboo about to terminate mococo in more ways than one?

>> No.77751123

mogojohn™ knows too much

>> No.77751562

Nah, JPs do it a bunch, the problem is misunderstanding the how and why of it, and thinking it's as universal as slapping #shorts on something
Like for example, doesn't really work for game streams (unless she were to play Dokkan Battle or some shit) and you really need to take available screen space into account when planning to do things
She's just silly and a wee bit dumb, so she doesn't think about things too deeply, and when she does she has a tendency to overthink

>> No.77751762

She did it for the subs. Not because she's silly or anything else. Your complete inability to recognize this is why nothing you ever say can be taken seriously.

>> No.77752157

I hesitate to use this word but jesus christ bending over backwards to say she's spamming shorts more than anyone in the company because she's just silly is unironic braindead simp behavior. She wants numbers, it's really as simple as that and admitting it doesn't mean you hate her.

This is probably the same guy btw, who will write an essay defending anything she does when the answer is likely as simple as, she's not that good at streaming or she's chasing numbers.

>> No.77752301
File: 1.61 MB, 570x780, Nerissa Dear Jackass, you stink like doggy doo doo, dude. I hope you fall down the stairs and die![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzzemup.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She just likes to do the opposite of what the popular Holos do and expects it to work because somehow she knows better than they do
That's what was said, retards, and that's what was answered
Where the fuck was anything about her not doing it for the subs said?
Learn to read before you accuse others of not having the capability

>> No.77752469

You said she's doing shorts streams for games that don't work as her being silly when the reality is she doesn't care if it looks terrible or not, she wants the subs.

>> No.77752735

I love my extremely villainized autistic wife

>> No.77752739
File: 322 KB, 372x600, Nerissa Whats wrong with you[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ft00wqj.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saying she's silly and doesn't get that it doesn't work for #short format and just slaps it on whatever without thinking is completely true, and doesn't even invalidate what you said
You're just being a fucking cunt about it because you're an autistic retard that just wants to shit on her, whether it's because you're a seething sister or some pushy fuckwit that wants things his way or he's taking his ball and going home

>> No.77752794 [DELETED] 

You're just an idiot and she absolutely gets that it doesn't work. She just doesn't care, go to bed you EUtard.

>> No.77752843

You're saying the truth but he'll start calling you a sister/threadshitter/catalognigger now so please drop it

>> No.77752864 [DELETED] 

A wild KFP spotted, with fans willing to excuse garbage like this it's no wonder she as unpopular as Kiara.

>> No.77752935
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The mask came off of them quicker than usual, so yeah definitely no reason to continue
Have a meido Risser

>> No.77753004

She's just spamming shorts because she's a little silly and doesn't know any better.

>> No.77753073

What was Nerissa's father name again? I forgot if he's Malphas or smth else

>> No.77753918

Malphas the Second

>> No.77754901


>> No.77756633


>> No.77757665
File: 236 KB, 1080x1440, @OgumaShiro-1799765088561488224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77757988

God, I wish I could hear her ask if I'm pissing all by myself every time I go to the bathroom..

>> No.77759995
File: 230 KB, 1180x1764, @kumaane-1799906184717041964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77760430

How many times you think Rissa will slick herself to Wawa's new outfit?

>> No.77760621

I know that I'm myself shlicking to it

>> No.77761013

I don't mean to be an asshole, I like Nerissa and watch her fairly frequently, but what's up with the numberfagging?

>> No.77761623

If Rissa ever gets an outfit as sex as Wawa's new one, I'll probably coom myself into oblivion

>> No.77761893


>> No.77762082
File: 613 KB, 2894x3684, 1691670625443250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiya Darlings~ don't forget to place your order for milkies when able, I wouldn't want any Jailbird to miss out on my offer~


>> No.77762933
File: 3.43 MB, 442x600, Nerissa Oh, Mommy. That sounds awful lewd.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6tyhtq.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you offering mommy Rissa?

>> No.77763004

I need that Rissa crop-top exposed belly with cleavage. Preferably with sweatpants and ponytail hairstyle. I'll draw it out on paper once i have time

>> No.77764172
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>> No.77765423
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>> No.77765992
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>> No.77767176
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>> No.77767614

Very sexo

>> No.77768009
File: 94 KB, 1024x784, Watabird2_20240607_183757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77768228

yo watabird

>> No.77768335
File: 331 KB, 600x600, Rissa cheer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yahallo watabird, how are your exams going?

>> No.77768641
File: 99 KB, 512x512, Chumbird(HornsNoWing)_20240609050027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished mine on last monday. Now i have to finish grading my students before this thursday. Have this Chumbird

>> No.77769705

Stardew in 10, this will be a good stream to watch in bed

>> No.77769773

The you for the reminder Chumbird. I need to fire up Multiview for tonight.

>> No.77769903
File: 1.85 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot 2024-06-09 195227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>77769773 (me)
There we go, all set!

>> No.77770082


>> No.77770497

This JP arc has been a goldmine for sleepy voice enjoyers.

>> No.77770563

My unfunny wife...

>> No.77770664

I'm late and missed my "Hiya darlings"

>> No.77770721


>> No.77770727

Okay I'm pretty sure Fuwamoco are making a Voodoo doll of her now

>> No.77770729

It's over, you now aren't allowed to jerk off to Rissa for the next 24 hours

>> No.77770811


>> No.77770838

Nah, they're going the FMA route. Human transmutation and all that.

>> No.77770909


>> No.77770978

That was a long ass yawn

>> No.77770982

It's the plot of Prometheus now

>> No.77771087
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>> No.77771173

So Fuwawa loses her tits, and Mococoeh loses her body yeah?

>> No.77771303

Has she ever referred to her that way before?

>> No.77771489

She's retarded, she's so retarded
How does she not know what we want by now

>> No.77771502

She's in a good mood today.

>> No.77771503

Those seem like equivalent losses to Ed's and Al's, yes.

>> No.77771640

forgive her, she's becoming Japaneese

>> No.77772026

Everyone will be busy watching the Gurame collab while I get to chat a lot with my wissa wife

>> No.77772113
File: 83 KB, 500x500, 20230806_110538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an advent fag, I'll fight you for wife

>> No.77772318
File: 95 KB, 538x538, GAEeL8UXUAAogmL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Nerissa fag, I'll fight you for the only girl who matters

>> No.77773172
File: 121 KB, 341x324, 1708572045137602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is gonna be a long stream I literally won't make it. Stardew streams used to start at 8pm for me, now it's 3 am

>> No.77773260

She wants to do erotic aerobics (have sex) with Kiara

>> No.77773274

Wawa's blue leggings make her look like the opera singer from the Fifth Element

>> No.77773318

>now it's 3 am
you should used to this by now
there is no life but anime wife

>> No.77773323

Drink some coffee, jailbro

>> No.77773387

Masturbating together with Rissa to Kiara dancing

>> No.77773607

Anon, how the hell did you manage before? This started 8 pm my time, but this ojisan jailbird needs sleep to get to work tomorrow.

>> No.77773891
File: 1.03 MB, 1552x1552, 1706666418530284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 hours of sleep + coffee + quick naps at the hospital when there's no patients

>> No.77774538

I mean, you do you and all but that sounds dreadful. I wish I could grab a nap during my office job tho.

>> No.77775011
File: 86 KB, 1000x1000, 1701388772228561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is absolutely dreadful, but everyone around me is sleep deprived without Wissa in their lives anyway. There's not really the option to sleep when you work a 12 hours shift, with 2-3 hours of back and forth to the hospital. If you aim for 7 hours of sleep you'll then wake up to the next shift immediately and have no life (Let's not talk about the 24-36 hour shifts we get sometimes kek)

>> No.77775978

What the fuck kek

>> No.77775982

That fucker is still alive

>> No.77776108

I'm so fucking happy the semester js over but sadly i still have to report into office tomorrow

>> No.77776107

I want Rissa to recreate Lords of the Locker Room with Fauna

>> No.77776338
File: 135 KB, 1119x1263, 1717970774944927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that Rissa barely talks about Wawa anymore
It's like the oshi thing is all a lie

>> No.77776429

Always be hopeful but remember, you don't need someone to complete you, it's about complimenting you because hopefully you're a good guy.

>> No.77776578

I deign to give you a (You) but only because that pic is hot as fuck

>> No.77776705

She met hotter girls in Hololive

>> No.77776738

Jeez man you're a trooper. Respect, truly. And thanks for your work in the medical field

>> No.77776786

Did you miss her talking bout wawa at the start of the stream?

>> No.77777059

Yeah, me

>> No.77777134

Shut up Shiori

>> No.77777177


>> No.77777193

Pls show tits

>> No.77777197

Never meet your heroes

>> No.77777353

She craves the DP

>> No.77777381

I love my RIssa

>> No.77777489

haha you capitalized the i

>> No.77777538

She has plenty Demon Power already

>> No.77777542

Yeah, it's a proper noun

>> No.77777641

kek I love it when she shits on greyfags

>> No.77777658

Ok time for TP then

>> No.77777754

It makes me happy too for some reason

>> No.77777857

Honestly fucking embarrassing to still be getting one guy'd at this point

>> No.77777956

Silly jailbird. Idols dont have private parts. Therefore they wont need a toilet ot toilet paper

>> No.77778314

>wont need a toilet ot toilet paper
Then why does she has a preference for the way how it should be placed

>> No.77778411

To clean up all the jizz I shoot at her

>> No.77778537

she doesn't let you go inside? oof

>> No.77778580

She wipes yours off and disposes of it?
She always makes sure to eat all of mine.

>> No.77778626
File: 200 KB, 501x442, 1702848432683189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long stream

>> No.77778690

it's a stardew stream, of course

>> No.77778700

Wouldnt it be weird if you said that you dont have a toilet. It's part of the secret jailbro, therefore she claims to have certain toilet standards to fit in with the normal people

>> No.77779012

>doesn't want ramen
>wants heart attack pizza
The hell, woman?!

>> No.77779080

she doesn't like noodles

>> No.77779239

Well too bad because I'll give her a long, thin and soft one

>> No.77779313


>> No.77779515

Life lesson 1: never cry in front of women

>> No.77779550


>> No.77779952

>no food left
Is she becoming a FAT FUCK like us?

>> No.77780027


>> No.77780669


>> No.77780823

Did you hydrate properly today baker-sama?

>> No.77781054



I'll hydrate some now.

>> No.77781098

Gracias Baker-sama

>> No.77781148

Danker baker-sama

>> No.77781209

Anal sex with wife
