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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77721463 No.77721463 [Reply] [Original]

She’s beautiful, and sweet, and NEEDS to be saved from that awful black company

>> No.77721520

She willingly joined that shithole in the first place. Stop trying to be the next dokibird its not going to work.

>> No.77721589

>Stop trying to be the next dokibird
it really was the sisters hating her all along

>> No.77721625


>> No.77721667

I remember the same thing being said about vivi

>> No.77721686

GOD, I wish she’d talk to me like that

>> No.77721704
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Are these just thinly veiled anti threads?
I can't see the point of bringing her up so often in the catalog. All it's going to do is piss people off.

>> No.77721899

Yes, but honestly any thread on the catalogue is an anti thread, you can't make a thread about someone and have it contribute positively.

>> No.77722009

>Are these just thinly veiled anti threads?
Pretty much. I tried to suggest to an OP of a previous thread that they should create a General, but they were against it.

>> No.77723047


I mean, It is pretty clear that they want to keep eyes on Niji on a bad light 24/7 but.

I mean, someone who is THAT spiteful comes to mind that would do that.

Just take all these posts with a grain of salt.

>> No.77723463

>Signed the contract to be part of a dying branch
>Became a runt
You reap what you sow, go hide in the corner

>> No.77723970

Do a little sister asmr twisty, it's not fair that only Sonny gets to cum with your voice. If you're gonna be a whore then you better be everyone's whore.

>> No.77724202


>> No.77725452
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>> No.77725969

I enter these threads as soon as I see them so I can shit on her.

>> No.77726306
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Hi Twisty

>> No.77726418
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NTA but I'm enjoying her streams alot, and wish there wasn't such negatively whenever Twisty gets mentioned.
then again faggots like to ruin Doki and Sayu threads too when thy just try to be honest fun, it's a shitshow all around

>> No.77726530

I get that, but right now I just can't get behind the idea of pretending like everything is okay, and there unfortunately isn't a simple way to hurt ONLY the staff and not the organs on the bottom...
All we can really do is just play defense against any smears and hope they lose so much money that everyone packs it up and goes home with as little damage as possible to the streamers.

>> No.77726679

Just sell your soul and join Nijisanji EN

>> No.77726767

buy an ad, or better yet - make a twisty general if you like her so much and hate Niji

>> No.77726789

I just watch who I enjoy man, I hate corpo wars and with there wasn't this stigma with whether a chuuba is in one or not.

Twisty would definetly not get all this hate if she was in holo or an indie, and that's just not fair.

>> No.77726838

*wish there

>> No.77726913
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>Everbody in this company is evil and abusive
>I'm being harassed
>*deep, exaggerated sigh*
>Why do I live? What is there to live for?
>*even deeper, more exaggerated sigh*
Stop simping for this cunt.

>> No.77727300

nah its twisty just shilling herself

>> No.77727357

>and that's just not fair
It is though. Niji did this to themselves

>> No.77727410
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>and NEEDS to be saved from that awful black company
She knew full well what she got herself into, don't put this on US to save her.

>> No.77727426

Nobody does, it's all Nijisisters and Grifty herself falseflagging as outsiders trying to push that "hate le company not le organs XD" horseshit

>> No.77727451

Why? It was hillarious and it was also high time for someone to mock the anties.

>> No.77727469

context for this? there is no way she is this broken 2-3w in?

>> No.77727578
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The ratio of Twisty threads vs her actual amount of viewers means she either have 2-3 very dedicated fans OR this is just her own sad attempt at marketing herself

>> No.77727630

you severely underestimate how obsessively vicious nijisisters are with outliers

>> No.77727750

She muted her yandere ASMR to go play around on Aster's stream for a few minutes, leaving them muted. He tried to joke that she looked like Gwen from League. When she came back, she made that very "too soon" little quip.

>> No.77727806

If only there was a clip to back up these made up claims, sadly management deleted her stream for daring to cry about being bullied

>> No.77727908

Not me, I saw what they did to Zaion in realtime

>> No.77727965

She paused her ASMR stream to jump over to fucking Aster? For real?
Reimu raised her well I guess wtf

>> No.77728026

except for the fact that the threads are posted while shes streaming. do you think shes arguing /here/ while playing vidya?

>> No.77728042

Yes, she left her actual audience to watch her silent happy mouthflaps. He kept comparing her to Gwen from LoL, and she playfully told him off about how she wasn't like her, then came back and joked about being bullied. It was pretty gross.
Anyone not ESL can also tell from her tone that she's not being serious. It's just raw sarcasm.

>> No.77728101

The fuck? I haven't seen much of her but I hope this is just a bit... she sound genuinely upset though.

>> No.77728141

she is, sisters are using the lack of context to convince people otherwise though

>> No.77728151
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>> No.77728211


>> No.77728257

She is streaming right now!

>> No.77728268

Shut the fuck up, Grifty

>> No.77728287

Anon, that must've been taken right as she went live. She's at like 140ish 6min in. Will probably go up to 1 Finana like usual.
She's not 2view yet.

>> No.77728465

I can now understand why she is the runt and no one watches her if she treats her fanbase like this kek

>> No.77728647

She's a runt because she tried to be GFEcunny in fucking Manjisanji of all places. Clearly realized there's no males watching Niji so she started doing the typical "leech off males" routine like so many other women there.
I don't know what the fuck her deal with Aster is though, she was already simping for that sex pest early on. Probably got groomed like Scarle.

>> No.77728770
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>> No.77728772
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she don't need to be saved anon she choose her own destiny by now everyone should know kurosanji is bad if she didn't its a skill issue

>> No.77728813

>2/3 Finanas
Pretty good for a small corpo

>> No.77728824
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Should we rename the Finana unit to Twisty?

>> No.77728902

Shut the fuck up Finana you fucking shitter

>> No.77728939

I'm not Finana retard

>> No.77728954

She's so head empty. I like her.

>> No.77728977

Not a chance. Finana is standard. It will not change.

>> No.77728999
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>Finana and Twisty are /here/ and they are constantly shitposting about each other

>> No.77729045

>Meanwhile Rosemi gets 2.5k ccv
I understand that Rosemi is one of the innocent ones and her piggies love the shit out of her asshole, but does Twisty deserve this?

>> No.77729078

>it's the same anon

>> No.77729082

*insert Shayamalan joke here*

>> No.77729115

That was because she was able to stream summer games fest with the video showing.
Her solo phasmo before that was 3view... Seems like her average is around 1k, which isn't bad at all, but still far from where they used to be.

>> No.77729118

Hello it is I Finarnar educate yourself and suck my stinky dick.

>> No.77729129

not just sisters, this time everyone hate her, for a good reason, she deserved the hates

>> No.77729139
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It was a special stream because it was a watchalong for the summer game fest, she is usually a high 3view-low 4view

>> No.77729234

Sonny is literally me

>> No.77729241

the fuck are you talking about nijifag, you are the one who start the "all out war" tribal war, lose the war, then crying like a bitch, now saying "hate corpo wars" when its not even war, ppl shit on niji for a good fuckng reason, only retard like you still watching them.
>Twisty would definetly not get all this hate if she was in holo or an indie, and that's just not fair
how about not joining in the first place? everyone and their mother already said everywhere, the next niji member knew what happened and still join niji, then fuck them.

>> No.77729258
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Yeah, she somehow managed to piss off EVERY faction.
First she's a loli, which the sisters already hate. AND she's a uuoooh cunny lolicon, making them hate her even more. She tried to appeal to GFE on debut, pissing off the people who aren't into that. Then she immediately malecollab'd, pissing off the GFE people. Then people tried to say she's "one of the good ones" and then she followed that up by clinging to fucking Aster, pulling that little ASMR mute call hop nonsense, completely disrespecting her fanbase AND following it up with that little harassment joke.
I don't think there's a side she HASN'T managed to piss off beyond the people who don't even see her as anything more serious than accessory to the boys.
It's insane. It's like she completely speedran her career and pulled a mini finana downfall in her first week.

>> No.77729333

I was just checking her vods earlier and didn't see the Goose one. Did she deleted it?

>> No.77729365

Honestly, I think the new wave could still be saved if Niji promoted the fuck out of them and they stopped collabing with the problematic talents


>> No.77729426

>Honestly, I think the new wave could still be saved if Niji promoted the fuck out of them
Sorry, the budget for this year ran out when they bought the stock picture of the gate

>> No.77729429

am i the only one who thinks Twisty mumbles too much?
either her mic is too shit or low or she just sounds like shes talking under breath

>> No.77729459

Idk what you're on about anon, I've never once advocated for hating any other chuuba, shit I watch all the ex nijis(Sayu, Mint, Doki) since they're funny and entertaining. I just enjoy Twisty and dont like seeing her get such venomous hate for no reason.

>> No.77729501

You're too kind but I double checked and still doesn't pop up. I'm going crazy.

>> No.77729628

She seems to have no fucking idea what she's doing. Apparently the first few streams were just her fucking with OBS. She has had no real training and clearly is inexperienced.
It's difficult for anyone following the ex-nijis, especially Doki or Mint, to look at anyone still in Nijisanji favorably. There's no real way to know who in there was or wasn't fucking with our girls and it's painful to even think about supporting them after February. I understand why you'd want to separate the talents from the company mentally at this point, but it's kind of not possible for us anymore. Twisty hasn't really had enough time to show that she's awful or anything, and even her little harassment joke can be handwaved away and moved on from, but the simple fact that her generation saw everything go down since february and decided to still debut is pretty hard to view charitably.

>> No.77729644

>I've never once advocated for hating any other chuuba
hmm yeah rich coming from a nijifag who is the one flooding this board with holo bait, holo vs holo and all other bullshit, its just now niji the one targeted by everyone for good reason now you play victim, i'm even bother to use the usual ss for this shit.
>twisty get hate for no reason
literally joining niji and you said no reason? actually fuckng retarded.

>> No.77729710

>Honestly, I think the new wave could still be saved if Niji promoted the fuck out of them
anon, they are NIJISANJI not HOLOLIVE, theres no such thing as promote, nijisanji is debuting talent as many as possible for quick buck, if they lucky they got kuzuha(or in this case the want gura like situation for nijiEN) if they dont, they just debut more and forget about the previous one.

>> No.77729784

>they stopped collabing with the problematic talents
So no collabs with rest NijiEN?

>> No.77729857

Joining Niji isn't an excuse to hate or harrass the liver, people need to eat and whether you like it or not Niji is still a big corpo and only a dumbass would pass on an opportunity of joining. If that person play their cards well they can farm clout and then graduate.

>> No.77729864


Rosemi, Scarle, Vivi, Kunai and probably Doppio are safe

>> No.77729893

>once again making assumptions that every anon is the same exact person who spreads hate everywhere for their little tribe like it's sportsball
Alright dude you arent even reading my posts before replying, are you?

>> No.77729916
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Petra as well.

>> No.77729962

>pulling that little ASMR mute call hop nonsense
I think a cornerstone philosophy with NijiEN livers is that the audience enjoys watching them interacting with their friends (other livers) more than interacting with the audience (chat). This is why stufff like hopkon and half the schedule being on other channels is a thing.
Aia and Scarle are a bit of an exception to that.

>> No.77729973

I don't think I've ever heard of a problem with Alban from anyone, either.
Fulgur, council comment aside, hasn't really seemed like an issue to anyone else, and apparently was friends with Scarle pre-Niji.
Aia I have no idea what's going on, but she seems okay? She seems to have a lot of dedicated antis, though.
Your list and these are about the only ones I feel have a good chance of being "safe."

>> No.77729982

Petra didn't mind choking on Riku's cock after her 3d debut.

>> No.77730112

That's fine. The problem I had is specifically with her muting the chat. If you're going to derail your stream, make sure the audience is part of it. Stream the call instead of fucking muting yourself for several minutes and making them watch your model speak silently. Otherwise it seems like you're not taking your job seriously and completely disrespecting the audience.
I know this board likes to throw the word "cuck" around a lot, but this is the closest thing I can think of with a stream ACTUALLY doing it. She just told you to sit pretty and watch her participate in someone else's stream without you actually being a part of it.

>> No.77730403

>Joining Niji isn't an excuse to hate or harrass the liver,.
no join niji deserve the harrasment
>people need to eat and whether you like it or not Niji is still a big corpo and only a dumbass would pass on an opportunity of joining
they can eat even without joining, joining corpo? there is phase,idol,v4mirai,globie,pixellink and a fuck ton others, listen nijifag, this is not 2019 where niji dominate and monopolize jp, this is not even JP, stop being a retarded triballist nijifag, you dont care about twisty if shes not in niji to begin with.
> If that person play their cards well they can farm clout and then graduate
ah like quinn who cant even come close even after matar shilling him? if they are piece of shit, ppl already know that, and these 3 new niji member are piece of shit, thats why they are still join niji and they wont get any pity point.

>> No.77730447

>>once again making assumptions that every anon is the same exact person who spreads hate everywhere for their little tribe like it's sportsball
>literally what happened in this board
nijinigger trying to memoryholed shit lol,lmao even

>> No.77730448

I don't blame the new organs for joining Niji. We don't know their situations, maybe it was this or keep working at McDonald's for a few more years.

That said, I can call them out for
>Ryoma: playing the victim ("nijisanji fans have gone through so much...")
>Twisty: Associating with Aster, making the black harassment joke and then privating the VOD when the clip got posted/here/.
>Also, she privated the Minecraft stream where she alluded to have joined a VRChat server, so that just reinforces the rrat that she is /here/

The maid seems pretty safe so far

>> No.77730653

Alban is a weird case. He supported the black frame stream, but it looked like he just copied and pasted the ESL message that Niji JP gave them and called it a day.

>> No.77730668

>i don't blame them joining niji
>but heres the reason why they are shit
nijinigger with their classic cope and denial, looking for any excuses only to get fucked by anycolor and their piece of shit liver with amazing black screen stream only to back simping for them like nothing happened lmao

>> No.77730676

Shut the fuck up Twisty, dm me your nudes.

>> No.77730678

I think what Ryoma did was good. The remaining fans have gone through a lot - which doesn't take away from what happened to Selen - and I don't think it's bad to acknowledge that the entertainment company that is supposed to make people happy, has instead created an episode where they have to deal with stress and anxiety.

>> No.77730748

>The maid seems pretty safe so far
The maid is an aloupeep.

>> No.77730883

The problem here is that he is just reinforcing the idea that Nijisanji is the victim
>The fans went through a lot...
Sure, would you mind stop being so vague and actually explaining what are you talking about? What happened? Why are the fans so upset?

I know that management would cut off his balls if he actually talked about the drama, but being this vague only helps the NDF (and himself), so it's a big red flag for me

>> No.77730996

Not saving you slut, you chose your bed now sleep in it, CHOKE ON IT

>> No.77731017

Words on /vt/ aren't harassment sis...

>> No.77731352

>I don't want to flip burgers so let me just join ISIS
Perfectly justified, oh yes.

>> No.77731421
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>they stopped collabing with the problematic talents

>> No.77731631

The USA army would be a better equivalent. They are doing plenty of fucking awful things all the time, but some good and honest people still join because they think the organization is trying to change for the better and can do some good.

>> No.77732732


>> No.77732962

she plays the smug brat perfectly. The whole dynamic of Denauth is awesome, it's a shame most anons won't give them a chance. They're practically just an anime series, Ryoma is the bumbling worthless bodyguard that Twisty constantly shits on, Klara always tries to console him and dote on Twisty, while Twisty just runs around acting smug doing princess stuff. It's really fun to watch in collabs.

>> No.77733020

She choose to join nijisanji, that's what she asked for

>> No.77733048

Joining niji is the only reason anyone needs to hate a person

>> No.77733063

She just mentioned Mumei on stream and that she watches her streams
I know now why sisters hate her

>> No.77733109

Yeah and drug dealers need to eat too, what's your point?

>> No.77733196

Well you have a new niji organ who appeared to be somewhat based with appealing to lolishit pretty hard so of course all the catalog dramamonkeys jumped on it as quick as they could to find some kind of way to tear her down
And then there's sisters who despise lolishit and since she's also apparently "getting close" with the male organs too the sisters who are in love with them hate her too and also want to tear her down
Basically what we've got here is a pincer attack of sorts

>> No.77733377

Lol no she can choke on Riku's cock

>> No.77733409

she's a niji
what more reason do you need?

>> No.77733619

We get it you hate her can you leave her alone now?

>> No.77733640

Is she still in niji?

>> No.77733665
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If she doesn't like it leaving is always an option

>> No.77733983

its celled concern trolling and its the only way to get bait to not get removed by jannies.

>> No.77734524

You didn't watch the stream catalogchama, you just saw a thread with greentext shit or a clip out of context.

>> No.77734601

>The problem here is that he is just reinforcing the idea that Nijisanji is the victim
It doesn't have to be an either or situation, it's possible for both Doki to have gone through bad shit and the audience to have had a bad experience for the last 6 months.

>> No.77735243

Again, the problem is that he is being purposely vague about it

>> No.77735912

what she needs to be saved from is her mother.

>> No.77736450

Anon, what are you talking about?

>> No.77736894

He’s not saying Nijisanji is the victim, but that the fans are also victims, that went through a lot of harassment and discrimination just because their oshi didn’t leave Niji the second the black stream dropped. I don’t even watch them anymore, but I’m really fucking sick of people replying “Niji deflection post” or “What did Niji do this time?” To every post even slightly critical of Hololive or any small corpo that isn’t Niji. It especially sucks when thry start defending HolostarsEN in those posts, as if StarsEN and NijiEN don’t have the exact same shitty fucking fanbase. I hate circlejerks of any kind, and I hate illogical people who only speak in fallacies, so the catalog has been unusable for me ever since then.

>> No.77737405

Sucks to be you, but Ryoma is still part of a company that has harassed people, played the victim when called out, pretended nothing happened, and continued to be as awful as ever. So, yes, I'll call him out if he says some shit like
>fans have gone through a lot
without properly addressing what happened

>> No.77737563

I think it's a legit shill attempt. They're trying to change the narrative into one where she's "the good one" stuck in Niji who needs saviorfags to save her (with money.) Of they catch any serious backlash, they just claim it was all falseflagging antis doing these threads. They did the same with Vivi and it sort of worked. There were quite a few unironic Vivi fans /here/ and she certainly did better than... the other girl Niji in her gen. Don't even remember her name. Rosemi also gets "the good one'd" a lot. Problem for Twisty is it doesn't work well for anyone who joined after Doki. Even the most retarded saviorfag has to understand she knew about the company and willingly put herself in it at that point.

>> No.77737739

That's what Finana would say

>> No.77737781
File: 106 KB, 2423x345, 1712250609213858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, but HE does not get to say that.
Niji fans suffer BECAUSE OF Niji. Not Doki or Sayu or Mint or whichever Ex-Niji.
As an employee/contractor of Niji, fans would never assume that his default stance is criticizing Niji.
And so, the only other alternative is
>Niji is good. People only hate Niji because of antis and dramatubers.
In other words, the "good faith argument" in picrel.

>> No.77737966

There was nothing wrong stated in the pic you posted. There have been Holofags that went to rrat threads and said “I know this is a lie, but I’m spreading it anyway just to shit on Nijinigs”. You have to be delusional to think this board doesn’t discriminate against them.

>> No.77738066

Ok Nijiniggers, your shilling worked, I gave one of her vods a view and she's boring as fuck. Not going to watch her any more.

>> No.77738146

>that the fans are also victims
lol, lmao even
remember how the fans suddenly consider pomu is an enemy of their cult just because of that one mengen become public? if only you checked /nijien/ and nijinigs on twitter (and sistercords if you lurked there) during wrestletuber weeks ago definitely how a victim acts eh

>> No.77738188

fuck off twisty

>> No.77738381

>remember how the fans suddenly consider pomu is an enemy of their cult just because of that one mengen become public?
You mean like how Holofags wished for her to die of breast cancer after her “all out war” joke?

>> No.77738692

Twisty did nothing wrong. Prove to me that she did. I bet you can't.

>> No.77738714

It's probably too late for that. She's an adult already. Her mother tried making her get tattoos like a whore. Her brother choked her out after stealing her mouse cause he's a psycho. Father nowhere to be seen. Typical dysfunctional single mother household. She's a really nasty person too if you pay any attention to how she talks or reacts to things. You can tell she would become a total spastic when something doesn't go her way.

>> No.77738786

sister how did you miss the point this hard? did you consider me a holobrony too LOL

>> No.77739701
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>she's boring as fuck
Ehh, more like nonchalant about everything. I'm still not sure how to feel about it

>> No.77740211

I hope this she stays in Nijisanji for life.

>> No.77740292

she joined nijisanji during the time when the selen yab is going on
>what if she joined before it happened
dosent matter dumb shit has been happening for years and she chooses to ignore it

>> No.77740526

Sisters, Twisty, Twisty watchers, or whoever is making these threads, I hope you understand that all this shilling is making me, and probably also others, want to watch her less.
This is somehow even less effective than buying an ad because it's more annoying.

In other words, buy an ad.

>> No.77740563

If she wanted to be left alone she could just fucking ask right?

>> No.77744370

That's not evil. You consume american products and probably work in an American company. We all have to eat.

>> No.77747585

Oh I'm sorry is the all out war getting a little too hard on you?

>> No.77747618

She joined nijisanji

>> No.77747645

yeah and so do drug dealers, what's your point?

>> No.77748346

Would Twisty have succeeded in Hololive?

>> No.77749014

We will never know because she decided to be evil

>> No.77749364

The drug peddlers are mostly Mexicans, so it's alright to hate them.

>> No.77750871

Ergo nijisanji is ontologically evil, glad we agree

>> No.77752190

Hey, cool it with the Maid Mint slander, okay?

>> No.77752245

Yes, janny deletes any actual Twisty anti threads.

>> No.77753766
File: 78 KB, 442x546, 1701701651547440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not an anti thread just because it makes certain people seethe. Otherwise every thread would be an anti thread.
Twisty is just cute and deserves positive posts about her. Same as Rosemi.

>> No.77753891
File: 302 KB, 600x627, 1691128711560011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I get that, but right now I just can't get behind the idea of pretending like everything is okay, and there unfortunately isn't a simple way to hurt ONLY the staff and not the organs on the bottom...
I just watch streams and participate in chat without donating or spending any money. Make sure the vtuber knows you support them if they choose to go indie. It weakens their power over the livers if they know Niji is in fact holding them back.

>> No.77754354

I hope Twisty stays in Nijisanji forever

>> No.77755098

You're talking to someone who's obviously brown, why do you bother?

>> No.77756250

Its amazing how fucking SHIT cover at recruiting, Maria, Scarle, Twisty, 3 girls that would be literal money bins for them, instead we get garbage like the council.

>> No.77756691

did they even apply to hololive? have they talked about it? from what little I have seen Twisty is right at home, she loves the organs so there's no saving her, no hope

>> No.77756948

Can any anon actually describe Twisty without using the generic catch alls like
>She's cute
>She's nice
>She's unhinged
>She's literally me
>She's so shy/awkward/autistic
>She's so passionate
Like... Is there a personality to her or is she just a cookie cutter amalgamation of better chuubas?

>> No.77757402
File: 39 KB, 350x531, u466cf13ee7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you manage to get past captcha with all that brain damage

>> No.77758531

>decent at games and puzzles despite not knowing what shes doing, wants to try every game thats not multiplayer fps
>doesn’t scream or get scared during horror games and just enjoys the ambience and talking about how cool everything is and the lore
>endurance streamer. she can and will complete games, even if it takes her 10+ hours
>cute voice. sounds naturally very young without putting a grating voice on. when shes tired she becomes very mellow and soft
>brat during collabs
>actually enjoys streaming, expect many guerrillas because she misses you
>likes being lewded without being a whore.
>swearing is kept to a minimum
>only joined nijisanji for her loli oshis in jp. proudly talks about her love for hololive and safe nijis (JP, maria is her oshi). knows nothing about the males and shuts down every attempt at shipping
>denounced gender politics during a hopcon and made vox and twitter sisters angry
>makes sisters in /nijien/ seethe for refusing to collab and is considered a traitor
She is the actual gfe experience without needing to try. Her personality is really cozy and she does her best to read every single chat message and thank every supa/donation.
She listens to suggestions from her chat and knows shes dumb so she does feel mind backseating. Its like guiding your retarded little sister through video games. Everything she does is “us” and “we” to her because she wants to do it with you.
Despite what these drama faggots say, she only went on aster’s stream because her chat pushed her to.

>> No.77758766

Fuck off. Nobody cares about your whore. Stop shilling her

>> No.77759078

>before debut travelled all over Japan with her male genmate
>oh and Luca was there too
there are no good nijis

>> No.77759362

quit making threads anting her. one schizo who doesn’t even watch streams spams twisty/vivi threads and now you guys are attacking her constantly. all your rrats are being pushed by drama channels and now faggots are shitting up her chat and bullying her when she just wants to stream.

>> No.77759566 [DELETED] 

>I watch her because it's entertaining
How can Enna be described as "entertaining" in any concievable way? Isn't less than HALF her audience male, because she literally cucks her male fans and shits on them all the time?

Even in that stream she was mocking people who watched her gameplay streams "how can you watch a stream for 5 hours? don't you people have a life?"
Nobody with any sort of backbone would watch her, you HAVE to be a cuck to enjoy that. Half the time she's flirting with the dudes or prattling on and on about Kyo.

Most of her fans are women who like her feminist shit, and chinese people who like when she says how chinese she is

>> No.77759630

not a bad pitch. still won't watch her because fuck nijisanji, but maybe I'll give her next life a look if she ever leaves.
...you realize that anon was replying to someone explicitly asking for someone to describe her, right?

>> No.77759811

i don’t expect anyone to watch her, she doesn’t want to be shilled and she is content with her numbers. i just want this board to leave her alone because the containment breaking is affecting her.
she’s the runt of her gen and yet is dealing with the brunt of antis

>> No.77760967

She's a garbage vtuber hired by a garbage agency who expects free popularity just by being hired by a big-name and thinks she has a right to shill herself all over the catalog. Nobody cares about your whore.

>> No.77761081

did twisty make this thread

>> No.77761293

Can a Holofag explain why Twisty makes other Holofags seethe so much? idgi she's just a harmless cute girl. Why does she get so much hate in particular?

>> No.77761749

jealousy. none of their girls stream while spiritmates are getting 18 hours of content in a day.
they say they refuse to watch her then seethe when she interacts with men. they wish she was a holo and are breaking down over the fact that niji got such a kino design and girl

>> No.77761980

Considering how she's still astroturfing and bumping it, yes.
Twisty, post your tits already.

>> No.77762795

It's just shitposting sister, have a sense of humor.

>> No.77763945

I couldn't have put it better myself. Thanks for doing god's work anon. Nice to see someone that actually watches her in one of these catalog cesspools.

>> No.77764827

Ironic you say this while posting one of the worst council members.
A woman known for...
Nothing. Every single she is was just gimmicks saddled on her and she gets dragged into things like holotori.
Its the same with Scarle, holofags get angry because their bitches don't stream, now with the concerts they have even more of an excuse, they're like starving refugees but instead of just integrating and watching they lash out, want to claim our girls as their own via "saving them".

>> No.77764900

You just described like 90% of Hololive.

>> No.77766979

she seems neat i wish you luck twistyposter

>> No.77767779
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i just really like her voice

>> No.77768688

1 hour of Gura is worth more than all of Twisty's low effort slop.
Quality > quantity.

>> No.77768769

>1 hour of Gura is worth more than all of Twisty's low effort slop.
t. mindbroken chumbud

>> No.77768829

You guys should check out Immy
She's basically superior Twisty

>> No.77768875

1 hour of Gura is worth more than all of griftys streams from now until her graduation, and I fucking hate gura.

>> No.77768999
File: 66 KB, 412x486, 1707400703909608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I watch a whore when I can watch a virgin?

>> No.77769003
File: 820 KB, 1170x842, IMG_4319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her model is hideous

>> No.77769060

superior in what way? twisty has the better model, better voice, and better personality.
if you mean superior in being a whore, than sure.

>> No.77769075

>Check debut 2.0
>disclaimer about how she can't be expected to stay in kayfabe 100% of the time

Actual garbage

>> No.77769162

Immy specifically won't interact with a male expect for you.
So i'd say that makes her factually not a whore.

>> No.77769212

ok hold up anon, inb4 I watch both alright and they are both little sisters but go on different directions, twisty is delicate looking brat and immy is tomboyish looking brat, both designs are great and amazing in their own fields

>> No.77769268

comparing apples to oranges.
immy is contractually obligated to not interact with men, twisty is contractually obligated to.
immy is cute enough, but i can't listen to her hag voice and think little sister.

>> No.77769284

When people post shit like this are they admitting they've never interacted with a woman in their life? Or is every woman in the world a whore? idgi.

>> No.77769371

The whoretubers can't male collab?

>> No.77769424

Riifu has it written in the contract that they can't collab or interact with males, and that they can't play favorites with viewers.

>> No.77769431

nope, the green whore forbade it. if all of the models and designs weren't western slop, i'd watch them more.

>> No.77769444

They aren't allowed to, no. The pornstar CEO said so in a livestream that vallure can't interact with males. She's trying to market them as unicorn-friendly whoretubers but like, we all know what whores are like in real life. I don't think it's gonna work.

>> No.77769445

yeah they can't, company's orders. 0 male collabs

>> No.77769547

But they do play favorites.
They are always in the /vag/ thread so we are mommeh's favorite reeflings

>> No.77769581

jp whorepos do it right. demure, tastefully lewd models and girls who don't talk about their periods, sex, and farting all the time

>> No.77769589

Just wait for her to open up an NTR branch with mixed-gender pornchuubas. She can’t afford to just leave money on the table missing out like that.

>> No.77769638

The pink haired one and the purple one look pretty good.

>> No.77769801

yeah, i think i can save her

>> No.77769820
File: 476 KB, 1170x2532, 1687959496052453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get the appeal of lewd models. If I wanted to masturbate there's plenty of porn and hentai out there. Does having a lewd model really make you wanna watch?
Give me a tasteful gothloli design or a cute wholesome loli over the twitch whoretuber meta of showing as little skin as possible and having huge boobs right in your face. If the chuuba behind the model makes the character work then a lewd design can be good but being sexy just for the sake of it does nothing for me.

>> No.77769845
File: 136 KB, 1364x738, IMG_0101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink one is the CEO of the company.
Also, those two specifically are unironically both diagnosed with autism.

>> No.77769890

anon, tastefully lewd, not straight up whoretuber like western models or all of vallure. just a classy outfit thats leaves a little bit to the imagination.

>> No.77769894

Why are her toes so long?

>> No.77770002

Immy had a really good stream where the premise was "little sister showing you zoomer memes"

>> No.77770036

Good for you if you like her, but unfortunately
If you want, you can keep the board updated of her identity post-graduation since only then will people actually give her a chance.

>> No.77770223

Source of that Gura?

>> No.77770379

just like everyone guessed
they immediately stopped vivi astroturfing and wen to this new girl

>> No.77770547

>please ignore her official group that is ethyria with nina replaced by petra

>> No.77771103

I'd unironically support Twisty if she ended up in VAllure but you know, the whole nijisanji thing
