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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77736007 No.77736007 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.77736096

unbannable twitch ethots that have simpified twitch mods see vtubers as competition and make this retarded nonsense happen

>> No.77736125

Twitch hates vtubers.

>> No.77736158
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Good, fuck any """"vtuber"""" that uses twitch

>> No.77736164


>> No.77736171

its not targeting vtubers you retard, vtubers have been treated as normal streamers before this
this is just about vrchat since it is a "game"

>> No.77736260

Its no secret that camgirls fuck the twitch mods. They even tried to put in the "artistic nudity" rules just to make the camgirls get banned less but rolled it back because vtubers took advantage of it

>> No.77736259
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Filian wins.

>> No.77736278

Good. Fuck Vtwitchers.

>> No.77736286

I can see it being a problem if they have different rules for people who stream with a motion captured 3D avatar depending on what program they're using to render it, which is effectively what this is

>> No.77736350
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>> No.77736353
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So they fixed the vtuber tag? Can you guys report anyone misusing it now?

>> No.77736400

Nah, that would benifit vtubers.

>> No.77736412

>Filian can just wear skimpy lewd outfits now

>> No.77736544

These are the same rules that were in place before. Same rules have always been applied to both flesh a bribers.
TLDR: op is a new gag seanig

>> No.77736654

Why is VRChat getting favourable treatment over other software you can use to control a digital avatar?

>> No.77736830

They already reversed it. Look it up.

>> No.77736939

For VRChatters not vtubers, read the OP.

>> No.77737210

But she chooses not to.

>> No.77737263

Opinion discared, have a nice day.

>> No.77737292

VRChat is a game. That makes Filian the most popular machinima maker.

>> No.77737348

Good, let those trannies force them back to youtube. The sooner tw*tch dies the better.

>> No.77737467

calm down muhammads, this does not target vtubers at all.

>> No.77737477

Wow. They have shit taste in who they watch. Also I thought Ironmouse was terminal and dying soon?

Whatever came of that? She still begging for $ these days faking her "Woe is me I'm dying" bullshit?

>> No.77737533

go back

>> No.77737588
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>says the most outrageous stuff
>dabs on fentanyl floyd
>never gets banned
>new rules give her even more freedom
and on top of it she's mogging ironmouse in ccv now

>> No.77737593

hey why are they all playing rust? every single one is playing rust that's kinda weird you didn't cherry pick this during a rust event did you? nah it's probably a coincidence nobody would be dishonest on /vt/.

>> No.77737611

You need to be a little more subtle with your bait anon.

>> No.77737692

Kek it's only going to get stricter in the future.

>> No.77737710

Read the OP you stinky nigger

>> No.77737716

filbertchads won

>> No.77737774

Might be different if the concept of "vtuber" weren't constantly abused by fleshstreamers.
They know damn well that if they loosened restrictions on vtubers, there's going to be a slut somewhere doing dildo streams with an anime png covering her face.

>> No.77737825
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it's more that vrchat is being treated like the pools&hot tubs category in that all the coomers are contained in there where they can easily be filtered and the advertisers don't have to see them. you can't do that with vtubers because there's no vtuber category and tags are custom, so to protect the innocent advertisers they need to be moderated more harshly.

>> No.77737833

vtuber restrictions are tougher because vtubers are more sexy than 3d.

>> No.77737867
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Why are women constantly trying to get as close to naked on twitch?

>> No.77737927

the irony of posting this with your favorite buzzword from /#/ when you are actually illiterate. vtubers have had to abide by twitch's attire policy for years.

>> No.77738058

Virgin donos

>> No.77738061

because they're advertising their onlyfans.
of all fucking people asmon is the guy who keeps pointing out what the problem is. twitch keeps adjusting their guidelines to make their site more advertiser friendly, but OF-thots keep running laps around them and finding loopholes because twitch is too scared to openly say what the rules are trying to prevent.

>> No.77738130
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>asmonroach clipwatcher

>> No.77738144

it is what it is

>> No.77738143

Nta but fuck you twitchfags that are ruining vtubing.

>> No.77738183


>> No.77738215

the wall of blood divination sometimes speaks true.

>> No.77738260
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>> No.77738265

it is what it is dood

>> No.77738305

It's ok when Holowhores do it though

>> No.77738393

not really because the rule states the exception only applies if you see random coomers on vrchat as it counts as a game

now if you are like filian and intentionally does flashbangs all day on her vrchat model then she can still get penalized

>> No.77738398

Dumbass nigger

>> No.77738427

it's not. if you give them a pass then you don't actually have any principles and whatever you say doesn't matter.

>> No.77738454

Why don't they just enforce that people tag things properly
This is a rhetorical question btw, I know the answer is that the people who make them the most money are the ones abusing them and they know they'd get shit on for inconsistent enforcement after letting them get away with it

>> No.77738525

>Being a whore with an uglyass fucking model
>Being a whore with a pretty/cute model

There is a clear distinction

>> No.77738644

>furniggers get a free pass again

>> No.77738739

blah blah blah

>> No.77738789

I accept your concession.

>> No.77738816

>facking bloody twitch bloody whore bastard facking bloody

>> No.77738827

>Rules for thee but not for me

>> No.77738849

why do you think virtue signaling tribal subhumans deserve to be engaged with?

>> No.77738946


>> No.77739079

Just as their prostitute ancestors used to have phone booth fliers posted up in the red light district, they too have found a method of funnelling their audience off-site to where the paywalled smut is.

>> No.77739085

>whores are ruining vtubing!
>except the ones from my favorite anime
denounce all whores. otherwise you're just an ape.

>> No.77739132

>t. faggot

>> No.77739135

he's right though, although what's funny is that its his own talent agency that's responsible for some of the most blatant of it. this person is under Mythic with him for example: https://www.twitch.tv/velvet_7
99% of her "streams" are ASMR reruns while her shits open and she advertisers her OF in chat with via bot or all her socials

>> No.77739170

>Whores made anime whores are encroaching in their territory.
Love to see it. The un-included the ChatVR stuff because the twitch mod team is full of furries who use that shit all the time.

>> No.77739196

weird it's almost like he has no principles and is just rage farming for clicks.

>> No.77739251
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fuck twitch

>> No.77739275

Just because some e-celeb faggot regurgitated an open secret doesn't make it any less true.

>> No.77739569

The numbermonkey brain cannot even comprehend why rust streamers will show up as recommended when ironmouse streamed rust for an entire week.

>> No.77739936

Remember when they made some really opaque change about artistic nudity or something and the vtubers INSTANTLY jumped on literally stripping and drawing porn on stream? The entire site is a shithole and it's exactly why no one takes any vtuber from there seriously, the only ones with any value stream on youtube, either duel or otherwise.

>> No.77739957

I don't think he had any implied moral stance on Twitch being full of softcore porn, he was just observing that it is, and the weird inconsistent flailing from their moderation team is because they don't want to ban it because it makes money but also don't want to openly admit that it's allowed because the consequences of doing so would cost them money

>> No.77740068

It looks like, as far as I can tell, their intention is that the rules still apply to your own avatar, it's just preventing you from getting bombed by some coomer in-game. But as usual their comms department sucks fucking ass and couldn't write clear communication about rules changes to save their lives, so who knows.

>> No.77740595

This is not the first time this site has been targeting vtubers while favoring female fleshstreamers who show their cleavage or regularly bend their ass over every 5min to write something on a board.

>> No.77742297

Based, /lig/ can seethe but so many of their "vtubers" are doing IRL shit now. I fully support twitch fucking up that demographic before it spreads beyond twitch. Vtubers must remain 2D.

>> No.77743379

NGL I'd rather they take a hardline anti-coomer stance instead of trying to carve out edge cases and exceptions for some things and not others

>> No.77743485

>I thought Ironmouse was terminal and dying soon
Why did you think that

>> No.77743670

Yeah, the distinction is
>pretty/cute model
>uglyass fucking model
Not Hololive

You can hem and haw that it's not about that but you never, ever have any non-Hololive examples of "the right kind of vtuber."
So just be fucking honest about it.

>> No.77744292

>have a 3d model in a bikini
>get banned for sexual attire
>port model to VRchat
>dont get banned for sexual attire

>> No.77744506

VRChat's sales and marketing department have a man on the inside at Twitch

>> No.77744546

>close to
They’ll turn it into a full-on den of whores yet, anon. Incrementally, Twitch has been withered down over the years into a pale shadow of its former self, and that won’t ever stop.

>> No.77744752 [DELETED] 
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Not just the camgirls though
Why do you think a whole army attacked a small vtuber ?

>> No.77745015

There is hypothetically a line where payment processors will start threatening to cut them off if they go too deep on showing softcore porn to children
Honestly I think they would have crossed it already but being owned by Amazon obviously moves the line back a bunch

>> No.77745269

Sorry Fillianbro, my uncle works at twitch and told me that they're going to ban vtubers doing flips tomorrow

>> No.77745328

They crossed it a long time ago, and I don’t see them stopping, so long as they always have a work-around. The blurring of thumbnails is likely just the beginning in their attempt to double-dip while playing with fire.

>> No.77745465

The most logical explanation is that her viewers gave her so much money that it prolonged her life.

>> No.77745605

Money tends to help when it comes to dealing with chronic illness, yes. Modern medicine can sometimes do that

>> No.77745706

Who was the vtuber who immediately started drawing a dick and said "every dono makes it bigger and more veiny"?

>> No.77745822

Because they want to be prostitutes without actually you know, being prostitutes. Say what you want about working girls, they actually fuck their clients at the end of the day. OF people want it both ways where they want the benefits of being a whore (admittedly there aren't actually that many when you get down to it) but none of the numerous downsides.

>> No.77745907

Women love male desire and attention.
It's hardwired.

>> No.77745925

I don't know if he's really against it outside of the fact that the mods make twitch worse for everyone as a result. If mods and advertisers didn't care then I don't think he'd have any issues with it.

>> No.77746197

That’s why I’m sure Twitch wants both halves of the pie and will continue to seek it. The mod team spilleth over with coomers, and so long as the advertisers don’t end up with a blatant case of radioactivity like with Marina’s faggot ass, they probably don’t give a fuck.

>> No.77746244

>he's still mad

>They have shit taste in who they watch.
This was during the Rust twitch event with drops so those weren't her frequent watchers, kinda funny to see numberfags still seething about that.

>Also I thought Ironmouse was terminal and dying soon?
You thought wrong.

5/10 made me reply

>> No.77746289

>Fucks over the lewdchuubas specifically
I see this as an absolute win.

>> No.77746314

Because it fills both their ego and their bank account.

>> No.77746414

Because its literally free money "without" the negative connotations of doing this on porn sites.

>> No.77746436

>Twitch is a mostly gaming related platform, and has a younger mostly male demographic.
Because they can whore themselves out to as young an audience as possible, and promote their onlyfans and other main revenue sources. They're gaming the self promotion by deliberately targetting the youngest audience of men possible, since they don't stand out enough if they stick to 18+ websites.

>> No.77746522

The rule for streamers is wearing appropriate clothing that basically everyone already follows, including vtubers.
The rules for games are more lax because they don't want to lock streamers out of playing certain games just because there's things like nudity or clothing that would be considered TOS on a human/vtuber. So games that show nudity and the like are allowed, you just can't make said nudity a focus of the stream.
VR Chat in particular fell into a weird middle ground because it's a game, but some streamers will basically conduct their entire streams within it and it was confusing about whether or not the normal TOS rules applied. Add in that there was an outdated ruling on their TOS page that hadn't been updated since before vtubers were even a thing that muddied the waters further and that's why this became a publicly-announced thing. It's just a clarification on that rule to apply to VR Chat and any potential future games that work like it. Any vr chat streamers who were warned / banned inbetween the time this was pointed out and now were unbanned and had their warnings removed.

There. That's the whole story as we watched it unfold in /vsj+/ and not filtered through catalog retards.

>> No.77746547

Why is the west so aggressive toward anime while being more lenient toward irl porn?

>> No.77746795

This is unironically exactly what happened. If she hadn't started streaming she would have died when she caught COVID, she was able to get through it because she's now able to afford frequent plasma when she couldn't before.

>> No.77747103

One makes them money, the other is easy virtue signaling.

>> No.77747209

This is the dev of Waurdo which is the program that the majority of 3D vtubers use, including Hololive.

Hey, developers of #Warudo here. Warudo is a 3D VTubing app used by many VTubers on Twitch. We appreciate your effort to better accommodate VRChat players, but your policy doesn't make sense. Let us explain.

>1) Many VTubers use VRChat as a VTubing platform, utilizing full-body VR tracking to interact with their viewers (not other VR players), while immersed in VRChat's virtual worlds.

>2) However, VRChat is not the only way to do this. VTubers who don't have access to (or don't like) VR use alternative apps such as VMC, VNyan, or Warudo. Some even develop their own 3D VTubing solution in Unity or Unreal Engine.

>3) Problem #1: Your policy is unfair. Why is using VRChat exempt from the attire policy, when streamers using similar apps are effectively streaming the same type of content?

>4) Problem #2: Your policy is unenforceable. If using the same avatar, same background, and without other VR players present, VRChat is literally indistinguishable from other VTubing apps. You are pushing all 3D VTubers to just use the "VRChat" tag regardless of what they use to stream.

>Please fix this. The VTubing community is more than happy to answer any questions you might have and collaborate on a fair policy. @Twitch

>> No.77747494

??? Anon you realize you literally just go to prison if you have nude pictures of real life children right? Meanwhile anywhere anime fandom exists you can find lolis.

>> No.77747514

>your policy ia unfair and unenforceable
This is Twitch we’re talking about, neither has ever mattered.

>> No.77747520

>This is exactly what happened.

fixed this for you, no need to insert dumb zoomer slang for no reason

>> No.77747546

funny but fake as fuck

>> No.77747783

Vidya streaming platforms are adjacent to the vidya industry, which has exhibited a strong anti-Asian bias for decades.

>> No.77747903

western rules for things like that are incredibly inconsistent. showing a female nipple will get your movie a more adult rating then showing a guy getting his face peeled off

>> No.77748014

unironic anti-asian racism

same thing with jap games

>> No.77748178

I like how nobody's actually stated the well documented phenomenon that the west treats anything animated as inherently trying to pander to kids.

>> No.77748399

It's all about the money. All those changes and inconsistent rules are simply because they refuse to split NSFW content from SFW and lose all those flesh whores and advertisers who would leave overnight. Compared to that, vtubing gives earns them nothing and is easily used as a proof they are trying to enforce rules. Their broken monetization scheme means they can't afford to lose OF simp bucks.

>> No.77748868

If it's all about the money, then why not just allow vtubers to metagame just as hard as the e-thots? Why hamstring their ability to earn them a bigger cut specifically?

>> No.77748925

why does that tweet not have a link to the current rules? they always seem to make things extremely difficult for a streamer who is trying to comply with the rules in good faith.

like, no shit, this is a tweet that retracts a rule change, without saying what the rule was, without saying what it's changing it to, and without linking to the current rules text. if you wanted to design a rule announcement to be as useless as possible, it would look exactly like this.

>> No.77749103
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>> No.77749251

Because moids reward them with money for it

>> No.77749308

Because they have to show they're trying to be advertisers friendly. Banning anime tits is the least self-damaging thing they can do.

>> No.77749339

Can someone explain to me how people still use twitch? Like damn

>> No.77749405

They have to appear to be making a token effort to police all the softcore porn on there, or payment processors will cut them off. They don't like handling payments for adult content because of the very high chargeback rates and how it looks bad to puritan burgers
Vtubers are niche so they get to be the ones Twitch pushes around so they can be seen to be doing something

>> No.77749534

The rules have always been the same for vtubers. They added new "cover it up slut" rules for VR Chat and then rolled the back. The end.

>> No.77750439

It's better for indies. The raid system and discoverability are much better than what they could get on Youtube streaming, the chat is also more advanced which is crucial for smaller streamers who rely on direct chat interaction to grow. There's also DMCA issues (that aren't related to react), Twitch allows people to have a split audio channel so they can play copyright music but their voice will be fine which is fantastic for artists who stream as the majority listen to music while they work, also yap streamers who want to talk about that sort of thing. If Youtube detects anything it can claim, the VOD gets nuked and you're fucked.

>> No.77750994

They have giant discord servers where chuubas hang out with each other and set up dates, also to boost your discoverability you only need to stream a lot rather than stream well

>> No.77751072

>they don't want to lock streamers out of playing certain games
Twitch has no problem with banning games, including games permitted on Youtube, never mind more permissive platforms. The rationale used here to excuse VRchat would apply almost 1:1 to e.g. Second Life, yet that game is banned. The only reason is that VRchat is orders of magnitude more popular, and thus could meaningfully impact Twitch's revenue more than advertiser protests, were it disallowed.

Doesn't affect me. Twitch sucks and I'm never watching anyone who chooses it as their platform. I just think the logical contortions required to pretend this isn't about money are humorous.

>> No.77751332

The difference is that Second Life allows adult things. VR Chat "officially" doesn't. Anyone doing adult stuff in VR Chat is breaking VR Chat's TOS and can get banned if they get found out.

>> No.77751675

>virtual youtubers

>> No.77751966

how does it make logical sense to apply attire restrictions to vtubers but not VR chat?

>> No.77752276

>not actually the 4th channel

>> No.77752361

It prevents people from getting struck for having Tits McGee's bimbo furry avatar lurch into frame.

>> No.77752381

>twitchfags that are ruining vtubing.

Correction: ENGLISH VTUBERS ruined Vtubing.

>> No.77752607

4 is the number of death. 4chan killed the internet.

>> No.77754529

I'd really prefer they stay on their subpar whore containment site.

>> No.77755120

>niggahigga doing well post youtube
I'm happy for him.

>> No.77757525

It has always been a lame platform

>> No.77758680

based my nigga

>> No.77759134

Most early western vtubers were just vrchat models kek

>> No.77762383

this is retarded
let me watch my pseudo porn filian streams in peace

>> No.77765109

I see how it is, HOES MAD is repeating itself again

>> No.77766689

jesus christ

>> No.77767388

If history has anything to say about how this plays out, Twitch will just openly accept being a fully porn-adjacent platform at some point. I remember when every indie anime game was being sniped down on Steam before Gaben pulled some strings and now everything but loli content is allowed.

>> No.77767476
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>> No.77767589

I unironically feel bad for /vsj+/ regulars even though I never read that thread, just because every single fucking time the catalog breathes a mention of Twitch, I can see a glimpse of what they must be putting up with constantly.

>> No.77767675

That won't happen. Amazon isn't going to allow one of their subsidiaries to turn into a porn site

>> No.77768141

Likely because in VRChat you might not have control over what others are wearing.
Vtubers have complete control over this.

>> No.77768317

Eh not really, none of the current Vshojo girls have issues with Twitch's rules because they don't intend on testing what's acceptable. The only one who comes close is Zen, and body suits are fine.

>> No.77768703

Allowing yourself to use a led avatar is still stupid.
Vrchat is more of a chatroom than is a game nowdays. Is nonesensicaall rules

>> No.77769164

Twitch is so fucking weird right now.
Make a ruke and backtrack on it days after. Increasing sub prices. Bad monetization. Still abysmal bitrate. Prime share reduced.
People are always saying the ceo is so good and only see a directionless platform.

>> No.77769355

Just do a smart carveout
The streamer's VRChat avatar must follow guidelines
Any rule breaking outfits from other players doesn't get you flagged.
The system then enforces itself because every VRC streamer is going to dress their avatars up normally to avoid getting flagged

>> No.77769612

Nigahiga still alive. Nice.

>> No.77771634

I do not envy the Twitch management/development team
From an outsider perspective, it seems like 2010s era YouTube where no side is ever happy, people are constantly trying to fuck with you for their own gain, and the project is starved for profit, x100.

>> No.77773969


>> No.77774207

my principles are that I like it when men and women are half-naked, and I refuse to apologise for it

>> No.77774447

I suspect there is a power struggle between people who want a cool and free website and jews trying to sanitize by removing any pro anime influence in favor of 3DPD on top of making it more expensive.

>> No.77774507

Wished she didn't get the support from idiotic simps.

>> No.77777183


>> No.77777206


>> No.77778281

Twitch thot vtubers should all kill themselves desu

>> No.77778668

This sentence would be incomprehensible in 2010

>> No.77781782

Did everyone forget when there was a smear campaign on Melody? Faggot hoes who stream with their real selves get pissy when anime girl streamers can do just as well or better than they can without completely whoring out their own body like they do.

>> No.77781963


>> No.77783795

Now numbermuhammads are worse than those whores ever were.

>> No.77787979

A lot of those twitch thots are also vtubers

>> No.77789127

she wore a lot during her ERP phase

>> No.77789208

Why is that site run by such pathetic degenerates?

>> No.77789433

lmao later the vshojo tell you that this page is much better than YouTube.

>> No.77789437

I thought it was because it was twice as... something, than 2chan?

>> No.77789521


>> No.77790345

That last sentence is brutal, you can't be more explicit that you have a double standard.

>> No.77790690

>back because vtubers took advantage of it
That's the most based thing that indie vtubers have done in history.

>> No.77790825

good thing there aren't any vtubers on twitch

>> No.77790878

This is not a good example, since she was a camgirl before becoming a vtuber.

>> No.77791135


>> No.77791462

and despite that, four morons fell into the bait.
vshojofags will never stop falling for the bait.

>> No.77791535


>> No.77791579

the amount of seething shitskins on this board is crazy

>> No.77791663

>t. shitskin

>> No.77791692

>but holo..

>> No.77791920

It's funny that you blame vtubers for following the rules and not Twitch for abusing their own rules for their benefit.

>> No.77792069

>double standards must be called out!
>except MY double standards though!

>> No.77792149

the stupidest example you could give

>> No.77792207

Twitch simp squealing is a good sleep aid for me.

>> No.77792387

vshojofags are the most cuck fanbase on this site.

>> No.77792641

What double standard are you talking about? Nobody says that Twitch vtubers are whores for wearing bikinis, they do much worse things.

For example:

>> No.77793036

>vshojofags defending unfair Twitch rules
why are you like that?

>> No.77793079

>I do not envy the Twitch management/development team
Yes, especially after 35% of their employees were laid off.

>> No.77793251

I don't feel any sympathy for them at all. If they work at twitch they know what they are getting in to. The company is ran by progressives and male feminists, of course it will be shit.

>> No.77794282

Why do you say this as if YouTube has gotten any better

>> No.77795028

Why is Twitch such a garbage fucking website?

>> No.77795786

because of the simps

>> No.77796031

Someone needs to explain to me how Halo_sweety doesnt get bans for ASMRs while Kittyflute does.

>> No.77796988

I don't know who they are, but I guess it's the loli model.

>> No.77797155

while that would make sense, there is no evidence that they're making the VRChat category advertiser free. Their rationale was "characters in video games" are not censored and that applies to VRChat too because it's a video game.

>> No.77798010

japanese cartoon is overtaking western cartoon and they have to do something about it
