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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77717590 No.77717590 [Reply] [Original]

Is it wrong to think this way about VTubers?

>> No.77717768

If the chuuba is putting out GFE content then she wants you to think of her as a girlfriend. You’re not doing anything wrong.
But I think for your own well-being it’s best not to put too much trust in those GFE chuubas. They almost always turn out to be fake ass whores because proper good girls don’t seduce strangers on the internet.

>> No.77717790
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>> No.77717861
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But the content is bad outside of being a cute girl. Why is it so hard for women to not get dick caught in their holes?

>> No.77717876

That’s a troon with a infected axewound projecting

>> No.77717894

I don't understand. They're pretending to be my girlfriend. Why would they lie about it? If they just want to be e-thot they should have say so at the beginning.

>> No.77717901

While the general content is entirely true, some small things are questionable or false:
- improper use of the word "incel"
- the insistence that staying single is miserable, sad, and lonely
- improper logical structure in the final sentence. It makes more sense here if it were "and" instead of "or."
- incorrect punctuation in the second paragraph

>> No.77717922

Unicorns basically always end up getting burned anyway, better to just treat chuubas as regular content creators

>> No.77717945

Nope, they're right. Except for the paying them bit. If you like the entertainment then you should pay them. But paying them *enough* will never make them your gf, which is probably what he was getting at.

>> No.77718009

>If the chuuba is putting out GFE content then she wants you to think of her as a girlfriend

>> No.77718142

I will be happy when my fake wife reads my chats and replies, or likes a reply I made to her on twitter. I won't spend anything more than the occasional goods purchase and membership. Fuck SC'ing.

>> No.77718143

It's GF experience for a reason, not GF reality.

>> No.77718228

An idol must not have a man...

>> No.77718231
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All that matters is what you advertise vs what you provide. If you advertise as unicorn friendly, you should stick to it and not deviate unless you have a backup plan handy or can actually pivot properly. Unicorns spend a lot but it's risky.
On the other hand, if you're a unicorn and you're annoyed and harassing girls that aren't advertising themselves as catering to you, you're a piece of shit.
Someone like FuwaMoco or Kanata, sure. You're probably safe with them if you're a unicorn. But if you unicorn someone like Doki, you're gonna be very upset very quickly.

>> No.77718272
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>> No.77718285

They are all whores and you are cucks for giving them condom money

>> No.77718370

>t. troon

>> No.77718374


>> No.77718415

Based doog

>> No.77718419


>> No.77718427

Are Unicorns ok with their Oshi ending up as a lonely spinster?

>> No.77718480

My oshi should be with me and only me.
No one else matters.

>> No.77718519

>points out how pathetic unicorns are
>doesn't even try to be gfe unless you count the kaigai summoning ritual
>they still donate

>> No.77718592

Not at all. The thought process comes as an extension of waifuing anime characters, getting attached and expecting them to fit your ideals is a natural outcome, and so is getting upset when they don't. That said, it is much healthier to think of them cabaret club girls; in the end it's just a job, and while a lot of them do genuinely appreciate their fans and/or are really good at selling the experience, there will always be a certain wall that neither of you can get over due to the nature of the relationship

>> No.77718617

Maybe because they aren't unicorns. Her personal life isn't exactly a well kept secret

>> No.77718632

Did she actually say that?
It's based, i'm just asking precisely because it seems too perfect.

>> No.77718653

the first paragraph has been proven false in many cases, so he is wrong about all that.
as for the second one, is just projection, he believes to be above incels but for that they have to more miserable than him and that can't happen if they enjoy their oshi.
lastly I don't take advice from lunatics

>> No.77718678

Yeah he doesn't understand generosity. It's possible to enjoy this hobby for free but showing support is always a good thing. Gifts promote growth, Supas promote popularity. I consider it the equivalent of throwing a flower onto a stage with the crowd focused on what you say.
What he is correct about are the degrees of separation. You are an audience not anything more than 2 faceless people to each other unless you interact/ contribute enough to build rapport / awareness.
In this context obviously its probably unicorn related. They are self aware that their stance makes them assholes but are true to their feelings. The problem is forbidding interaction publicly is fine. Behind the scenes though is completely retarded as that is separate from the character. That's in the realm of their own delusions with no concrete evidence to their anxiety. They will never have a healthy relationship with a significant other in their entire miserable lives due to that kind of behaviour. This sad mentality extends beyond vtubing.

>> No.77718852

>never watch stream
just like always

>> No.77718939


>> No.77719070

I see them purely as entertainers. But I tend to side with unicorns a lot of the time because I hate liars and often see vtubers say they are single when they are not. I think if a vtuber is in a relationship, they should either tell their viewers or say nothing at all.

>> No.77719134

Yeah basically. If you specifically sell that experience then you can't really be surprised at the kind of people you gain as fanbase. Otherwise, fans shouldn't have a right to sperg out.

>> No.77719190

Uh which fanbase doesn't support the things they advocate for again?

>> No.77719234

It's free. The support is voluntary.

>> No.77719247

>does GFE
>audience does BFE
*surprised Pikachu face*

>> No.77719323

She said it but it was before she joined Hololive+

>> No.77719527

That is literally how gfe works yes

>> No.77719557

No it's funny because girlfriend implies physical contact and intimacy one on one.
GFE is not pretending to be a girlfriend in all actuality, it's getting paid to sell an illusion of intimacy to hundreds or thousands of people at once. And everyone implicitly knows this.

>> No.77719574

>the non-gfe chuubas are the ones deserving of love but you’re not allowed to fall in love with them
>the gfe chuubas are the ones you’re allowed to love but they’re probably just using you
Well that’s unfortunate. Being a unicorn sounds like it sucks.

>> No.77719684

GFE, CGDCT etc. is an entertainment!
If entertainer decide to change content to something that doesn't entertain me, you can bet I will no longer watch them.

The irony is that those people are more parasocial than "incels", because the idea of dropping someone due the change of content is foreign to them.

>> No.77719688

The thing the "ree treat them like entertainers!" people fail to understand is that that's exactly what the unicorns are doing.
More often than not the meltdowns from chubas are because their fandom has rather politely stated what content they wish to receive and the chuba loses their shit over it as if they're entitled to the money and the viewers.

The irony of the "parasocial bad" movement is that their entire point is to be parasocial and worship the person to such an absurd parasocial degree that they can do whatever they please and you the viewer should shut up and take it and like it out of respect.

>> No.77719745

Ok? And? Imagine if you’re watching a movie and halfway through the movie the actor drops the character completely for 10min straight. People would rightfully say the actor fucked up. I If you’re doing an act, you have to stick to it. Your job is to immerse the audience not to remind them of reality.

>> No.77719747
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>> No.77719785

>actual boomer in /vt/
pretty sure online gfs were a common thing already 20 years ago

>> No.77719817

i mean if the vtuber is single or not or if it's lying about it doesnt fucking matter, you will always have 0 chance of getting in a relationship with her. If the vtuber says she is single and you give them more money for it you are just exceptionally retarded

>> No.77719835

That would still be one on one intimacy

>> No.77719844

absolutely true on all accounts, i have yet to see anyone offer a convincing counterargument to this

>> No.77719858

The “treat them like entertainers” people also tell the entertainers they follow to kill themself if they’re seen holding a starbucks cup lol

>> No.77719863

Catalog's fighting ghosts again I see

>> No.77719889

>If the chuuba is putting out GFE content then she wants you to think of her as a girlfriend
lol lmao even.
Cucks like you are why the grift will never end, then they will make a slip of what actually goes on behind the scene and you will go psychotic

>> No.77719911

General threads suck cock. """Catalog""" threads are the best threads.

>> No.77719924

the difference being that people know that movies aren't real

>> No.77719944

I don't like liars who exploit lonely retarded people.

>> No.77719973
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I never thought I'd see a cringe post I made in college used as a bait thread 3 years later.

>> No.77720027

You're right though.

>> No.77720038

You are still cringe nigger

>> No.77720079

So true, sister!

>> No.77720119

Do you know about suspension of disbelief?

>> No.77720138

You got to find that one in a million real mentally ill girl who becomes co-dependent on chat.

>> No.77720233

That logic fails when the GFE experience like ASMR pretends it's a 1-1.

>> No.77720235

I found mine

>> No.77720253
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so much for needing physical contact
also never join vtubers discord and even if you do never, ever msg them there, you are in for a nasty surprise when they reply to you PRIVATELY

>> No.77720269

Probably the biggest mistake you made was calling them NEETs while at the same time saying they're throwing money at the vtuber. NEETs typically aren't the ones with income to spend on virtual girlfriends.

>> No.77720279

It seems Unicorns were Nijisisters all along!!! How shocking

>> No.77720286
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Nah I don't agree with this sentiment I made anymore, if you explicitly do GFE and fuck over fans then yeah they have a right to get mad.
ironically it was having my first relationship since than that opened me up to how manipulative women shouldn't be coddled

>> No.77720288

>you are in for a nasty surprise when they reply to you PRIVATELY
Talking from experience? What happened to you?

>> No.77720327

Fucking zoomers these days can’t even read past the first half of a four sentence post. This generation is fucked.

>> No.77720329

>i mean if the vtuber is single or not or if it's lying about it doesnt fucking matter
If a girl is lying about it than she's doing it specifically to exploit emotionally vulnerable people, which is pretty fucked up and I'm not sure why it's defended.

>> No.77720339

>pretending to be retarded

>> No.77720348

yuko yurei was this and we all know how that turned out
if you're gonna play the gfe game you have to know the rules. maintain suspension of disbelief and enjoy the fantasy but don't try to dig any deeper than that. as soon as you start thinking of it as any more than a pleasant dream you've already lost
it's not great but what can you do? life's a bitch

>> No.77720362

I'm legit asking.

>> No.77720388

Yeah that’s what I never understood. Ok so they’re entertainers. If it’s purely transactional as they say, then ok I will pay and support the content that I like. Like most forms of entertainment, if the content fails to deliver, people will leave critical reviews and drop it. Supporting a content creator while they produce content you don’t like means you clearly support them as person. Even if you don’t actually know them. That’s about as parasocial as you can get.

>> No.77720484

Yuko Yurei read a manual, she never really believed in anything she did.

>> No.77720487

>yuko yurei was this and we all know how that turned out
More an issue that a different group got to her first.

>> No.77720499

suspension of disbelief ends when the movie ends, the GFE thing does not, it goes on and on until the vtuber graduates or people find that they actually have a life outside of the streamer job

>> No.77720544

Yes it's wrong and the only people who disagree would have found good company in /qa/ before it lost to literal trannies
I have no interest in giving manipulative sociopaths an out, if you want to earn money with intimacy and promises of love then either commit or find more honest work. Why should I condone women having it both ways? I don't hate people nearly enough for that.

>> No.77720618

that's the issue, you can never be certain what's truly going on. was she faking it as >>77720484 believes? or was she legitimately dependent on attention from random men online, and therefore liable to turn on you as soon as she gets groomed into it? either way you're losing

>> No.77720647

sounds like your just jealous my oshi is literally my wife

>> No.77720672
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How many more Rushia/Yuko/Pippa cases do we need, before anons finally realize that autistic femcels make the worst fucking GFEtubers?
At least with normies they know how to play an act and are in most cases yab free since they don't let themselves get groomed.

>> No.77720698

anons also warned people about yuko on day 1 of her debut.

>> No.77720713

I didn't say need, I said implied. You can have a girlfriend with just one on one intimacy, but as far as I'm concerned if you know the girl is doing other "one on ones" then she's not your girlfriend, she's just an emotional whore

>> No.77720725

>don't waste your time and effort propping up a bunch of sex pests that only want to rape you

>> No.77720727

>Pippa being GFE
I know what you are.

>> No.77720760

Yeah but I don’t want to be told halfway through the movie that it is in fact completely fictitious. No actor in their right mind would think it would be it’s ok to do that (unless it was comedic bit).

>> No.77720782

She was groomed way before she became Yuko, anon

>> No.77720783
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Not MY GFE oshi tho. She’s genuine and pure.

>> No.77720809

>How many more Rushia/Yuko/Pippa cases do we need
Corpos of any form will never fill the niche I am talking about. If it ain't a true blue mentally ill 1 view you are grooming yourself and are able to stalk you can't be safe. 2 view or over and there will be too many cooks in the kitchen.

>> No.77720813

Ok, what am I anon?

>> No.77720823

Rushia was never an autistic femcel.

>> No.77720835
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This is why menhera are the best chuubas

>> No.77720853

nta but kind of curious too. Was it don't meet your heroes moment or did you get a copy pasta response?

>> No.77720870

do you even know what a sex pest is? the guys whose main form of interaction with females is through pretend anime girls on the internet aren't the ones raping girls, it's normies.

>> No.77720877

>and therefore liable to turn on you as soon as she gets groomed into it
The groomers were a preexisting issue, long before her joining Idol. This was more of a case of her leaving one group of groomers, going to her chat, then going back to her groomers.

>> No.77720885

Flaygod's cocksleeve

>> No.77720920

How many male vtuber grooming scandals do we need before we can stop playing stupid?

>> No.77720927

>which is pretty fucked up and I'm not sure why it's defended.
Because there are a lot of 1views and 2views /here/, and also their boyfriends

>> No.77720967

post feet

>> No.77721044

ah, so you're braindead. good to know.

>> No.77721046

Those kind of chuubas either already have a boyfriend or are looking for an easy paycheck and will have no problem cutting all contact after you pay them enough.

>> No.77721088

>Those kind of chuubas either already have a boyfriend or are looking for an easy paycheck
I don't think you fully grasped what I meant by "are able to stalk".

>> No.77721220
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Point out sex scandals or otherwise really degenerate or unsavory events involving female-only vtuber circles.
Now let's talk about male vtuber groomers.
Now let's talk about Discord groomers, who are also male.
Hmm, I wonder in which scenario is it more likely that a chuuba will end up miserable and sad? Just hanging out with cute girls and doing cute things, or owning the unicorn incels and hanging out with groomer males?

>> No.77721251

So obsessed with feet

>> No.77721302

Nobody will ever be as obsessed as you are, brownfeet

>> No.77721328

>t. mindbroken cuck

>> No.77721341

Ahh I get what you're getting at, so you wanna be taken to court for harassment or worse since you being a regular fan leaves more than enough info needed for an investigation, and be publically ostracized for the world to see and not be able to find another oshi since these 1views talk and will warn eachother about you.

You didnt really think this through, did ya?

>> No.77721368

NTA but I agree, male vtubers are often(not always, but often) a major source of catastrophe. All the way back to Koopa. Unicorns are unironically protecting both the girls and the viewers. People who deny this are usually the people who find joy in drama and laughing at other peoples misery.

>> No.77721399

what is a unicorn?
>t. vtuber newfag

>> No.77721405

>You didnt really think this through, did ya?
No you got the idea anon, can you really say you're dedicated to a vtuber if you aren't willing to commit multiple felonies in order to ensure she hasn't talked to a man?

>> No.77721416

That’s the thing a lot of people fail to understand about the Yuko situation. She was actually lonely at first. She wanted to push people to be parasocial so she wouldnt be lonely anymore. She was the initiator. She was more parasocial than anyone in her audience. Then as soon as she started talking to people more, she didn’t need that connection to the audience anymore. She discarded them. The thing is, because she chose to hang out around the wrong people and decided to betray her fans, she is now more isolated than ever. Her friends at idol distanced themselves from her, the “friends” that caused the whole issue and have damaged her reputation substantially by continuing to shit on her fans. She’s now not even acknowledging them because she knows what they’ve done. She’s now going back to her old ways. Wanting to meet her audience IRL and take them to lunch. Looking for friends. Wanting that to feel connection.

>> No.77721421

Hilarious to say when you got cucked by a literal whore lmao
One day we'll glass india and that day can't come soon enough

>> No.77721431

No, but mentally ill sad loners on this board are even worse than r9k incels or regular simps. They're far too gone and bitches that take their money are doing what's right, since stupid people deserve to have their money taken (the ones with money are a minority, majority are basement dwellers leeching off of their parents, reluctantly working some low-tier baito or are living on welfare).

>> No.77721444
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Yukimin here, just pick your oshi carefully and you'll never get burned

>> No.77721480
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Owning the parasocial unicorn incels is always the better option you parasocial incel groomer unicorn

>> No.77721495

No casual male collabs heavily limited male interactions period and usually also no bf
can mean something more or less severe based on context but no casual male collabs is a major point in almost all cases

>> No.77721506

Yeah, the issue is all vtubers both male and female are some level of menhera. And male menhera are destructive as fuck(source: look at where you are) so they typically cause drama out the ass.

>> No.77721518

>What is a Finana moment?

>> No.77721567

Buddy she was in contact with those fucks from /k/ long before being Yuko. They weren't a new thing and a lot were in the know at the start.

>> No.77721570

I'm so glad this homobegging nigger burned up in flames

>> No.77721623

He's back and cheered on by Doki fans saying he did nothing wrong

>> No.77721677

This whole issue would end in a heartbeat if vtubers started selling pocket pussies depicting their irl vulvas.

>> No.77721707

Unironically this.

>> No.77721713

With enough time and effort I feel Bao could be meme'd into doing this.

>> No.77721774

Yeah and she wanted to distance herself from them at the start. She was being pigeonholed by them and it was isolating her. She grew and found more friends. Likely a bf IRL.

>> No.77721800

Only a matter of time before he crosses the line again. Such is the life of a grifter.

>> No.77721823

ah. well that makes sense given the content some of these female vtubers make. i don't think they should feel limited at all, but if they're going to act as a salve for the increasing amount of terribly lonely men, then it's a little dicey at best to try to balance that with a real life man. besides, that kind of opens them up to a whole audience of males, not all of which are totally ineligible. basically, even as a lonely man myself, i wouldn't want to be dating someone who did this in their free time because it's putting them in a tank with literally hundreds of men at a time.

so, yeah. i guess it's probably easier in the long run anyway to be single if you're doing this kind of work. of course, at the end of the day, it is more or less just work.

>> No.77721860

It's true though, do you think someone like Rushia didn't know what she was doing?

>> No.77721865

you’re in for one hell of a rude awakening, her mom even tried to tell you

>> No.77721897

A unit of measurement for ccv

>> No.77721901

Based and blessed

>> No.77721914

No amount of silicone could replicate those beef flaps and FUPA.

>> No.77721954

stop samefagging brownfeet

>> No.77722063

No one would ever give a single shit about unicorns if all they did was drop chuubas that didn't cater to their favored content. It's the insane hate directed at the girls that don't that makes it an issue.

>> No.77722188

CGDCT maybe but GFE is a little different since it's creating an emotional connection by definition.
Also, I never even talk about girls who never pander to my tastes, much less anti them. That is perfectly harmless and I have never had an issue with that.

>> No.77722270

He didn't do anything wrong though

>> No.77722272


>> No.77722287

>It's the insane hate directed at the girls
This doesn't happen though? Rushia was attacked by anti-unicorns, not unicorns. Hell she still has a lot of her original gachikoi to this day. Unicorns don't attack talents, they leave silently. You just see their earnings drop, like Kroniis did.

>> No.77722381

The nene one was sad. after having fun with vcr she noticed the usual names that pop up in her chat were gone, no notice whatsoever just gone.

>> No.77722382

You live under a rock.

>> No.77722498

The opposite, I actually pay attention to what happens. "Unicorns anti talents" has never been true and no evidence of it has ever been offered. When people say Rushia was attacked by unicorns you can write them off because that is just a bullshit narrative that was forced on twitter. The truth is that the people who are against unicorns tend to be the most virulent antis and you can see this on any vtuber who sticks to CGDCT content, they get attacked much more

>> No.77722559

that's what unicorns actually give, there is no actual "love" for their oshi, they just love being in love with something that isn't real, take it away and they will just vanish

>> No.77722570

He's absolutely right.

>> No.77722648

Pure bullshit, lol
>Verification not required.

>> No.77722662

She has a whole you’re all my husbands schtick doesn’t she? Nobody to blame but herself.

>> No.77722670

I mean if you weren't a landwhale you could get a BF and wouldn't be seething all day here about da unicorns, but we all have to cope in our own ways

>> No.77722683

>thinks platonic love is real love
tell me you're a thirdie without saying you're a thirdie

>> No.77722738

Then you'll complain about parasocialism if they stick around. Damn what is up with you people moralfagging virtue signalling every single thing. Always having something to complain about on how people enjoy things.

>> No.77722764

Everyone is Nene husband. Including women and babies.
It's not real gfe, just a bit

>> No.77722805

BF? im not a faggot retard

>> No.77722838

you sure?

>> No.77722866

You don't watch Nene. She has actively encouraged gachikoi several times. Including just prior to that accidental match-up(it wasn't VCR lmao, she didnt want to play with guys and stayed completely silent when they appeared)

>> No.77722869

You should probably stop typing and crying like a woman then, it will help when people assume you're one for being such a bitch

>> No.77722913

Lying is a sin, anon

>> No.77722953

You're right I don't speak JP. But as far as the husbands thing goes, it is a meme. If she does other gfe type stuff then fine but no one takes the husband role seriously

>> No.77722990

really hit you in the spot when i called you a fake ass bitch, thank god your oshi doesnt give a shit about you because you dont actually give a shit about her either kek

>> No.77723042

Fair enough, you're right that that specific thing is mostly a meme. She has literally made mengen posts about not hanging out with men though, among other things. But yeah.

>> No.77723050

>oshi doesnt give a shit about yo
My oshi isn't in Nijisanji though

>> No.77723092

>the cuck thinks he cares about his oshi
My oshi being my girlfriend is infinitely more realistic than you treating yours like a family member

>> No.77723148

i hope she does one day

>> No.77723169

This is mediocre bait, but I'll humor it. I'm definitely not going to bump it though.
Here's the thing, if you want to get rid of parasocialism, get rid of the people who become parasocial. It's exactly like getting rid of drugs, if there's no money in it, no one will do it. Kill the source and kill the clients.
But you're not going to do that cause you don't have the commitment or balls to do so, that's why you post on image boards. You with your coding skills could literally find a back door but you're not going to motivate yourself to do so.

>> No.77723227

Here, I'll do it for you

>> No.77723398

*brings death to all unicorns in this thread*

>> No.77723401

Maybe dokifan should encourage her to drop vtuber and going fleshtuber, that what DN/dokifan want.

>> No.77723450

There were no unicorns in this thread to begin with.

>> No.77723479

>doki flesh
n-nah I'm good...

>> No.77723509


>> No.77723551

I'm right here anon

>> No.77723608

>Actual cuck in this thread

>> No.77723655

That would be you schizo

>> No.77723740

Sorry but I don't watch vtubers

>> No.77723780


>> No.77723826

Can anyone recommend actual good NTR chuubas that does explicit cuckold content? Like mocking her ATM incel viewers while talking about how good her boyfriends cock is or something
Its my fetish but I can't seem to find any good chuubas for this type of content

>> No.77723841
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What about dramatubers? You at least watch them right?

>> No.77723897

Enna during her collab with diego. It's the exact type of content you're referring to, especially the part in which she insults her own members for liking her slop membership content.

>> No.77724028

My 2view chuuba but you'll never understand

>> No.77724071

Kagura Mea

>> No.77724396
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On one hand sisters crying about GFE unicorn incels is imax projection, blindingly pathetic, shit eating indogs and flips who cannot fathom the idea of being happy with or without a relationship
On the other hand, when koyori had to clarify that her word choices doesn't mean that she's had a past roommate.... yeesh.

>> No.77724424
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>> No.77724485

unicorns prefer virgins tvtropes

>> No.77724491

She didn't have to, she chose to. Koyori is one of the most unicorn friendly talents in Hololive, she wants gachikoi

>> No.77724557

>one of the most unicorn friendly talents
>collabs with males

>> No.77724613

Can it even be considered real GFE if she doesn't cheat on you?

>> No.77724751

It looks overly attached from where I'm standing but I suppose there's an audience for that.
I got nothing against gachikoi as long as there's respect on either side

>> No.77725369

Saddest part is that /here/ is frequented by stinky fujos and lonely unicorns - you'd think a match made in heaven. A solution to their problem so close, yet so far.

>> No.77726205

fujos are ugly

>> No.77726321

As that anon said, a match made in heaven.

>> No.77727074


>> No.77727100

She hosted a special event with Hal, nothing wrong with that. It's the same thing as Pekora's hypnotist, sisters don't understand unicorns at all so they make up this "no males period" strawman. Playing Rust with sex pests? No. Co-hosting a contest with a male presenter? Don't give a shit.

>> No.77727172

No she didnt

So she never did.

>> No.77727596

If you're being particular no "Korone" never said that but those are her genuine feelings

>> No.77727695

if vtubers were actually honest about having bfs, 90% of the GFE and unicorn friendly market would collapse overnight lol. lets be real, most of them do, no matter how much they sell themselves as vigin neet introvert just like me fr fr girls. i also dont like seeing tards get taken advantage of, but if they want it and understand the risks, thats on them. my issue is with the sociopaths who farm unicorn bux when they clearly hate their audience and want to hurt them

>> No.77727811

Holy based

>> No.77727909

>my issue is with the sociopaths who farm unicorn bux when they clearly hate their audience and want to hurt them
Still baffles me Kronii sold a daki. Never seen a more cynical grift from a Holomem before, if you hate gachikoi then why sell shit like that? Have some principles woman.

>> No.77727999

>he says this while OkaKoro is a thing

Anon, I know you want to delude yourself, but Korone is not Rushia.

>> No.77728002

It's not about GFE, it's about CGDCT. What was advertised in the start was exactly that, and thats what I came for, then they started shoving in males. Simple as that.

>> No.77728221

Read the third sentence.

>> No.77728264

I don't get your point. Are youj one of the retards who thinks yuri is "cucking" their audience? Because lesbianism doesn't exist and your concubines having sex isn't something you care about

>> No.77728635

Lesbianism exists. Also, Korone isnt cucking her audience she just doesnt care. I watch Korone because she's a gamer, not because I think of her as my wife nor concubine. Thats literally sister behaviour.

>> No.77728790

>be gamer
>shit at games
why do women?
and why do men eat it up?

>> No.77728851

You think Korone doesn't have gachikoi? You don't watch her very often then

>> No.77729585


>> No.77729646

Not the anon you were talking to, but you're avoiding the point
"Korone" said those lines before joining Hololive. If anything, that makes them even more poignant because if she had only said them after joining Hololive, people would have just accused her of pandering. She pretty clearly believes them if she was saying them prior to joining
>sister behavior
Oh, you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.77729724

It's true in the sense that they are not your GF and obviously do fuck behind their personas. If you're that delusional to think these fake whores owe you something, you deserve the humiliation you will eventually get.

>> No.77729904

>a past roommate
It wasn't that. She said she was living alone and poor prior to joining Hololive. She was trying to say that she was no longer poor, but what she said could have been misinterpreted to mean that she was also no longer living alone. That second part is what people began to spread rrats about
I don't know if it's still the case, but most Vtuber fans don't really care too much about what the girls were getting up to before joining Hololive (within reason obviously) but they do care about what they're doing while in the org.
It's why someone like Rushia still had Unicorns while in Hololive

>> No.77729960

>It's why someone like Rushia still had Unicorns while in Hololive
Genuinely no idea how that is possible when it was proven she fucks and is a vile bitch. Either her fans are mega cucked or she is good at manipulating chigyu's

>> No.77730082

She was far less volatile and unstable back when she was in Hololive and far better at keeping her shit under wraps
A month or two after her termination, her top donator had a breakdown and posted about how none of it was real before he disappeared from Twitter. I've always wondered what exactly ended up pushing him over the edge. My personal rrat was that she ended up telling him about the marriage in private and his reaction to it was the reason why she tried her best to hide the marriage information until she literally couldn't afford to keep it hidden any longer.

>> No.77730828
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I'm sure as hell that if male vtubers decreased their disgust lvl than unicorns would extinct really fast

>> No.77732192


>> No.77732293

That was 3 years ago
Unicorns today are just REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing at every little thing that doesn't go against their hyperrigid code which doesn't necessarily have to involve males in the first place (like Fuwamoco streaming in Japanese more and inviting ReGLOSS to the Holobox) to the point that they're a parody of themselves.

>> No.77732301

This is accurate for social media in general

>> No.77732331

>If the chuuba is putting out GFE content then she wants you to think of her as a girlfriend
Bro, there are hookers who do GFE stuff and it doesn't work like that at all

>> No.77732443

La+ said something similar at some point too but look how it turned out.

>> No.77732450

Also their oshi are the numbers of "unculled" concurrent views, not the girls themselves

>> No.77732512

If you call everything and everyone Unicorns and blame everything on them, then it would appear that Unicorns are causing a lot of problems, wouldn't it? What drives a person to go online and tell such obvious lies?

>> No.77732596

That's what these "people" like to call themselves though, don't shoot the messenger

>> No.77732638

Seems moreso a case of you being terminally in the catalog and tilting at windmills

>> No.77732683

no I don't want to get in a relationship with a vtuber
I don't want others to be in a relationship with her
simple as that

>> No.77732807

GFEfags =/= unicorns.
GFEfags can be indifferent about male collabs so long as gfe is done. GFE existed outside vtubing for decades. Unicorns prefer no males on screen and don't have to be gfefags at all. Gachikoi are in love with the vtuber, can overlap with above groups but most don't.

>fwmc seethe about...speaking japanese, something they did from debut
>from unicorns
FWMC generate a lot of seethe specifically because they are unicorn friendly and don't care about male vtubers. The daily obsessive bait threads increased after they were silent for homos in a holoexpo stream. Those antis are just angry sisters.

>> No.77732861

Seems like you're a newfag who doesn't even know why "unicorns" are mocked nearly everywhere outside your hugbox. The term was derogatory upon invention as a 5ch meme used to mock those in idol circles that would be upset over males (and that wasn't even a topic in Hololive until 2020 where even then only like 50 people on 5ch cling to it) but it was you newfaggots that tried to spin it as a positive to excuse your detached /vpol9k/ autism for Hololive, where thousands of you autists ran with a meme that wasn't supposed to be taken seriously. You're the tourists, not the gatekeepers. And no matter how hard you try, your impact on Hololive is less than a percent.

>> No.77732898

>Roasty thread
Vtubing is roleplaying.
If I know that you have a boyfriend you already fucked up on 10 levels.
"Inugami Korone" will forever be a maiden.
Thats all there is to it

>> No.77732911

>Those antis are just angry sisters.
That's not what regulars in /baubau/ said!

>> No.77732928

JP holofans seethe harder at the homos than we do. Weird angle.

>> No.77732968

Proof? You sure you're not projecting, anon?

>> No.77733010

Hard Mode: No Unicornkyoukai: The Westoid with only 300 followers larping as a Japanese fan

>> No.77733036

Money talks. Not even the homoshills actually watch their streams and unicorns are willing to spend. Simple math. Kroniis sales fell through the floor after her debacle and fwmc make huge amounts of money, doesn't sound like an insignificant impact to me

>> No.77733053

The 5ch fags who mock Unicorns tend to either be retarded normalfags or schizos so far up their own ass that they've made it one of their personality traits.
People like you clearly fit into the second category
>And no matter how hard you try, your impact on Hololive is less than a percent.
You spend an awful lot of your time crying about people who don't matter, don't you? You're legitimately upset, schizo

>> No.77733201

>Money talks
Yeah? Where are your receipts? Gifted memberships and SCs in ARS don't count. Forget about merch I know you're poor as fuck LUL
>n-no please, it's totally normal to whinge and obsess about male VTubers 24/7 all the time!
And that's why you're mocked. Not because you hate males, but because they don't leave your mind ever.

>> No.77733207

It wasn't the western fans who put Towa in the dumpster for months over a male voice in the background of her stream and her trying to cover it up by saying it was a manager

>> No.77733237

And what happened next?

>> No.77733247

>And no matter how hard you try, your impact on Hololive is less than a percent
Surely that means that Homos are just 1% less popular than Holos. Oh wait....

>> No.77733255

>but because they don't leave your mind ever.
Unicorns live in your head rent-free, you legitimate schizo.

>> No.77733316

Well how come I don't see any unicorns patrolling chats like they do on chans? Seems like they're just confined to echo chambers like this one.
>n-no u
I accept your concession

>> No.77733348

You know if you just spent your time actually watching the homos streams instead of seething on here that we don't want to maybe they'd be in a better place. But we all know even you don't like their shit and this is some retarded culture war you're pushing. The majority of Hololive viewers like pure CGDCT and that's where they'll put their money. Simple as. If they were a tiny minority than the Hololive NYE stream wouldn't have dropped from 150k viewers to 10k viewers when it was the Stars time to be on there

>> No.77733354
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Money certainly talks so you should stay quiet on that.

>> No.77733383
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Thats what being a woman is about
You get hit on not the other way around

>> No.77733387
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A good chuuba will ask and even explain how you can send her your dick pics.

>> No.77733394

I choose to ignore the homos, you choose to obsess over what they do more than your oshi does
And your receipts?

>> No.77733410

>Well how come I don't see any unicorns patrolling chats like they do on chans?
What do you mean? There's lots of evidence they'll just switch to watching something else. They don't kick up a fuss they just leave silently. Just because they're not vocal doesn't mean they're not there. They know the content they like and it's not the homos

>> No.77733428

Chuubas are just a step above prostitutes. If a chuuba sells GFE and does something to break that illusion, then I have a right to get mad. Just like if you pay for a hooker and she suddenly refuses to have sex with you, you have a right to demand a refund.

>> No.77733467

>you choose to obsess over what they do more than your oshi does
No? My oshi doesn't interact with them at all. Most of the time I forget they exist until a bait thread like this shows up with people like you seething over the fact that she won't collab with them

>> No.77733507

>they don't kick up a fuss they just leave silently
Sure anon, sure. I've read the catalog and /#/

>> No.77733521

well now you know the truth is that they are all sisters.

>> No.77733544

When did I insinuate that retard?

>> No.77733572
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>> No.77733584

You're talking about maybe 100 IPs that post here vs tens of thousands of viewers who simply switch channel whenever stars show up on stream. If you let /#/ live in your head thats a you problem

>> No.77733596

Are the membered Ruffians sending SCs and self-reporting on /baubau/ "sisters?"

>> No.77733624

t. Woman

>> No.77733635

Not your gay numbers anon. Your own payments to Hololive. Remember, gifted memberships and SC in ARS or any other third world currency don't count.

>> No.77733690

>I've read the catalog and /#/
Why would you admit to this as if it's something to be proud of? This might be a shock to you, but not every fan of Vtubers is posting on /vt/. Did you realise that?

>> No.77733706

ah the good old 5ch full of nijinigger and holo anti LMAO, good riddance they are literaly nobody no one cares and nijiEN is actually dead so its whatever.

>> No.77733727

>This might be a shock to you, but not every fan of Vtubers is posting on /vt/. Did you realise that?
That's funny, considering how much this place hates VTuber fans outside /vt/ with a passion

>> No.77733745

If Unicorns are keeping crazies like you out of the fanbase, then they're not being praised enough.

>> No.77733757

A valiant attempt to get someone to dox themself but I don't think anyone cares that much about proving your seethe wrong

>> No.77733768

But don't you love to worship them?

>> No.77733809

kek I knew you were a poorfag larper

>> No.77733825

Anyone with half a brain would be disgusted at a lot of VTuber fans, whether it's the ones from here or the ones outside of /here/. Dealiing with the fanbase is only worthwhile for finding that 5% or so of people who are smart enough to be actually worthwhile talking to.
People on 4chan obsess over nothing whereas people outside of 4chan are so hilariously oblivious, they're both cancer.

>> No.77733827

Only people like you and you're showing that the scorn is well deserved

>> No.77733889

And people who aren't pathologically obsessed with male VTubers like you are aren't normal? Nice double standards there bucko
Oh how dare I not spend 24 hours a day, 7 days a week obsessing over male VTubers when I can just ignore them!

>> No.77733969

>pathologically obsessed with male VTubers
I barely watch Vtubers since I stopped watching my former oshi. If I was going to get back into watching them, I'd just choose a girl who can be trusted to stay away from men and turn my brain off and enjoy streams.
I just think it's funny to see you singlehandedly pushing a thread to bump limit, again, because of your personal Unicorn vendetta

>> No.77734008

>Stop being fucking incels
Stopped reading there
Cope and seethe sister

>> No.77734017

>oshihener expects me to take him seriously

>> No.77734045

Anon, you are proving your own points wrong every post.

>> No.77734080

Right it's totally normal for normal people to throw autistic fits over male VTubers. Retard.

>> No.77734091

Why would I continue to oshi someone who was frequently making me unhappy and was consistently getting embroiled with drama? I saw her true colours and left.

>> No.77734163

>consistently getting embroiled with drama
??? no one in Hololive is like this

>> No.77734191

All I know is that homos have jack shit to do with holos and even if they do, it's the usual suspects, even less so nowadays. Kronii was expected because she's the type to try out random stuff if it seems like fun and Ame despises vtuber fandom, especially nowadays if it wasn't obvious. The rest are obvious in that they don't care either way.
Why tf are you fags still so obsessed with them and are trying to justify your gigaseethe with long ass paragraphs?

>> No.77734199


>> No.77734271

It's almost as if my oshi wasn't in Hololive. Or are we now pretending that only Hololive fans can be Unicorns?

>> No.77734278

You're about to be called a sister or a homobeggar for asking a reasonable question. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.77734344

Please note the views and likes. And even then he wasn't mocked like this would be in western twitter, normalfags just make gundam shitposts while the west would have hundreds of pronoun kiddies calling for his head

>> No.77734377

Holos get THOUSANDS of viewers you schizo. You obsessing over # and the catalog which can be full of samefagging and falseflagging isn't indicative of anything but your own mental illness. And if they express disappointment anonymously where vtubers aren't gonna see it, there's no problem. Most do leave silently with their money. And the fact remains those who do CGDCT make a lot of money.

>> No.77734397

>implying Korone is shit

Piss take. She is more of a gamer than (you)

>> No.77734436

>Korone" said those lines before joining Hololive

Proof, sister? You keep saying, but I'm not seeing it

>> No.77734440

are there any honest gfe chuubas

>> No.77734464

>Proof, sister?
First off, what does the word "sister" mean here?
Secondly, this has been posted on this board for years. I don't have receipts on me. Go lurk the archives yourself because it's definitely been posted

>> No.77734484
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How bad was it?

>> No.77734567

>she never really believed in anything she did.
That is normal, GFE is a prostitution term.

>> No.77734673

GFE is inherently dishonest because it is just selling an experience. So no, the better question is whether there are any that are able to keep up the act.

>> No.77734692

There's only one homo white knight trying to take the thread to bump limit going crazy about unicorns.

>> No.77734767

>I don't have receipts on me.

So (you) made it the fuck up. I'll give you a point for honesty, most sisters don't bother

>> No.77734929
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>But she doesn't do GFE anymore!
That's just EOPs who thought it was just her drunk streams where she got the most clingy. She's still very close to the Yukimin and does regular chatting streams where she talks about her day

>> No.77734993

NTA but how new are you, that was posted before /vt/ even existed in its original Japanese form back on /hlg/. Lurk ten thousand years.

>> No.77735046

Not every unicorn seethes about homos you demented schizo. The ones that do were probably fucked over by them back during the vesper/magni shitfest. I don't watch EN but I doubt your justifications would land well with them. Seethe for eternity over your imagined unicorn menace when most of us simply leave.

>> No.77735153

I only get hard when I watch 2D girls. GFE is the only way for me.

>> No.77735191
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The CGDCT aspect of chuubas and idols in general is one of the things people love most about them. The other being that one is able to freely develop and furthermore express their sentiments towards the idol while supporting them unconditionally, more so in the case of chuubas, where there's a safe space in which they don't have the fear of being shamed.
Like a certain someone that doesn't have to be mentioned once said, these fans work hard every single day while being shamed by female colleagues, but they continue working hard knowing that there at least is someone who, in normal circumstances, appreciates them and rewards them with entertainment while in turn getting rewarded with income.
Having a boyfriend behind their backs is an act of betrayal. An idol must respect the fans, because they're the main source of income. Straight-up saying in their face that they shouldn't love them and that them having a boyfriend or not is none of their business is nothing less than a spit in the face. Not saying all chuubas should do GFE, but the least they could do is respect their fans' and their wishes. They're the backbone of the industry.

The gachikoi is always right.

>> No.77735293

Where did I mention unicorns, I'm talking generally about all the schizoing over homos on vt daily? Where am I seething? Calm down, this rude behavior and you being asocial is why no one likes you.

>> No.77735335

>Doki fans
His chat is full of phase shills

>> No.77735518

You're right. They seethe about Fuwamoco streaming in another language and collabing with their friends that aren't males

>> No.77735565

The schizoing that's confined to /#/ and catalog bait? That seething?

>> No.77735606

You have no idea what a unicorn even is. Stop talking about things you don't even understand.

>> No.77735650

I already visit prostitutes and still am into this

>> No.77735655

People pretend to hate him but still watch him. Every time he streams he gets like 2k average viewership and a fuck ton of donations. He is banking hard. And mind you, despite calling himself a nousagi he don't even watch Pekora. Heck, he don't even watch Hololive, he just say it for the grift.

>> No.77735702

Yes? It's happening every day and has been happening for a long time now occasionally spilling into yt comments where they upvote each-other's comments to astroturf them and reddit when # raids them (that holo subreddit is pretty much a # colony now). Expain, why the seethe to this day when nothing is happening?

>> No.77735703

Unicorn is a mindset, not a person

>> No.77735757

Go ahead and try it pussy, we all know you won't because you hide behind a keyboard KWAB

>> No.77735756

Are you one of those retards who think that all of Fuwamoco's fans are Unicorns? Even the most Unicorn friendly Vtubers don't have that sort of fanbase
On top of that, most of the complaining about Fuwamoco doing Japanese streams was blatant falseflagging. You could tell a lot of it was artificial drama being caused by how well the dogs had been received on this board

>> No.77735765

Dramaniggers are unfortunately a decrntly sized audience, but they make him untouchable to a massive swathe of vtubers

>> No.77735820

>was blatant falseflagging
Many many Ruffians self-reported in /baubau/ those

>> No.77735866

Why don't you explain in words what that anon should have done?

>> No.77735876

Last I checked people only seethe on youtube clips when homo collabs come up in the clip and the subreddit quite specifically tries to remove mentions of homos, not seethe about them.
And that the seething is confined to such insignificant places detracts from your point retard

>> No.77735893

like pottery

>> No.77735926

You aren't a person either, subhuman schizo

>> No.77735941

Why are you trying to make this a Unicorn argument when it has nothing to do with Unicorn ideals? Perhaps you're just being dishonest in your arguments?

>> No.77735976

kek you're the one who was shitposting weren't you

>> No.77736048

NTA but it's pretty obvious that a lot of ruffians are unicorns(almost all the unicorns I know personally watch them, as anecdotal evidence)
But that's not an issue because they specifically advertise as unicorn friendly, and as said the Japanese shit has nothing to do with unicorns by any definition. Blaming unicorns for it in qny context is schizophrenic.

>> No.77736058

There are no GFE vtubers.

>> No.77736085

What did he mean by this

>> No.77736103

The unicorn mindset is wanting your oshi to be a certain way. Hell I'd even argue there are homobegging unicorns that only want their oshi to collab with males, they may just exist! If people wanted Fuwamoco to not stream in Japanese well that's the unicorn mindset they've applied. It's derived from the classic unicorn depiction as it has evolved into a mindset.

>> No.77736148

Insignificant? Kronii had to adress it personally alongside with cover themselves? Holos and homos all see it, why do you think some of them reference memes from even this board. Don't try to downplay it, evryone sees it, that's why you keep spamming it everywhere to support your ideas. You still haven't answered my question. When nothing is happening, why the seethe? Don't deflect, avoid, be disingenuous or misinterpret my question, just answer why the seethe and spamming to this day? Why are you still so mad over homos when they barely have anything to do with homos and even if they do, it's not the ones that explicitly pander to unicorns, gachikois or whatever you want to call yourself.

>> No.77736239

Alright, you've officially confirmed that you don't know what the word Unicorn actually means, despite the fan that someone linked a full explanation.
Just admit that you're shitposting
I do agree that they have a lot of Unicorns, but I do suspect that this particular schizo is the one who takes every single post they read in the catalog or on /#/ as gospel.
If doing streams in Japanese is the biggest drama that the dogs have had, they're extremely clean by most standards.

>> No.77736241

>unicorn means what I want it to mean

>> No.77736277

Most "drama" comes from dramavermins schizoing over 2 guys who send shit scs, they go on rants about fans and chubbas because they see an opportunity to put themselves above made up le parasocial incel chuds to satisfy their delusional ego.

>> No.77736298

It's insignificant NOW, when nothing is happening. Why are you citing events that happened when homo collabs were actually a contentious issue from over a year ago?
And I told you a few replies up in this chain that I don't seethe over homos you illiterate goblin

>> No.77736303

This isn't Marineschizo again, is it?

>> No.77736360

I dont know this just sounds like legitimising and exploiting mental illness. I could understand a dont ask dont tell rule because at the end of the day this is for the watchers enjoyement, even if you can say the same about smoking cigarettes, but there should be a certain level of not coddling your neurosis and dysfunction. Honestly its not even treating you "better". Its condescending and toying with autists who can be tricked into a false understanding of the situation.

Theres a reverse of this on the opposite side of the spectrum where some of the EN ones want to play dumb that the game is to engender affection and parasocial attachement to profit from it. Thats where the actual money comes from, so they end up sort of schitzophrenically yanking their core audience back and forth as they wrestle with their conscience and desire to be fortright and not exploitative, while their job is inherently at least somewhat exploitative. Irreconcilable discomfort. Faunas an example here.

Basically some of them are season 2 Tony Soprano, trying to warn Scatino away from then card game but not really trying that hard or stopping him outright, while others are season 6 Tony just being unadulterated monster.

>> No.77736392

>homobegging unicorns that only want their oshi to collab with males
This is advanced retardation

>> No.77736495

Or or or, get this, the chuuba may enjoy it

>> No.77736566

Is it really that shocking that people do believe that idols should stay single for the length of their career?
They have a few years in the spotlight and are then free to do whatever they want afterwards. You're operating from the position that they're all lying, which is just odd projection
Did you know that when feminists complain about the idol industry in Japan, they complain about how the girls actually do stay away from men, even in their private lives? There are evidently enough idols willing to actually adhere to the idol standard if that's the case.

>> No.77736597

Anon most of EN is filled with drama brained retards, only thing that was able to match Advents debut was Dokis debut aka NijiEN imploding in a nuclear way.
People who watch EN youtubers are terminally poisoned with drama, thats just the majority of content in EN youtubing and these people being it here, and most of these retards are phasefags.
Thats the reason why nobody can surpass HoloEN, Majority of drama vermins just watch clips and start fights on different social medias. Normal content is too boring to them and they are too fixated in "fixing" everything rather then supporting a chubba.

>> No.77736630

It's not like the Japanese are all that much better, to be fair. Korekore is alive and thriving

>> No.77736649
File: 73 KB, 636x750, bad advice korone 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77736739

Unicorn is someone who doesn't want their oshi to have a boyfriend, but yes the philosophy of both the beggars and unicorns is based on the same controlling attitude with a purely selfish motives.
Id say there are way more beggars them unicorns thus they are a bigger problem.

>> No.77737086

>Clinging to 2 year old bullshit to justify his schizophrenia
None of the beggars who shat on kroniis fanbase sticked around after they where done with their mental breakdown, you know who stayed? People who actually care about her, the same people who where called names for stating what content they want to do when kronii specifically asked them what they want.
Holos get shit on daily, the grief they receive is way more then anything homos will ever get.
Why do you think people seethe about homos? Because their existance is worthless and only a net negative to holos. You have to thank the beggars and homofags for that they did a good job at making people hate homos.

>> No.77738279

how do a holo without unicorns looks like?

>> No.77739083


>> No.77739328

Anon got it right away
