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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77718701 No.77718701[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This tweet got me thinking. What /vt/ buzzwords are so overused that they've become completely meaningless?

>> No.77718949

What the hell is she talking about?

>> No.77719341


>> No.77719389

She probably got vaxxed and her brain was already too retarded to handle the 5g chip so it broke.

>> No.77719621
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Covid brain fog + Pipkin = Profound Mental Retardation

>> No.77719679


>> No.77719695

Her chud fanbase finally broke her. Waiting for that Grix faggot or whatever his name is to turn on her.

>> No.77719729

Who would have thought pandering to /pol/fags would backfire

>> No.77719932


>> No.77719967

300 pound whale got the flu and thinks it’s covid because her arteries are clogged up

>> No.77719970
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>> No.77719997

I see the troon goons are trying to farm this as a shit show when nobody cares about covid anymore. How about you go deal with how you gotta stick a rod in your uretha cause you decided it was a good idea to mutilate yourself cause a little voice told you feel like wearing a dress today.

>> No.77720016

>looks at mogging
>friends streaming together
on particularly retarded instances it's even on a 1 pov collab

>> No.77720049

Why are you spamming pippa twitter threads?

>> No.77720078

Japan broke her…
It actually isn't the first time this happened to someone.

>> No.77720142
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>his oshi is vaxxed
ngl is gonna be funny watching all those twitch vtubers drop dead live on stream.

>> No.77720239

you appear to be lost, let me help you

>> No.77720258

She's right and "based and redpilled" retards have become insufferable soup for brains losers who can't think critically about a single thing in their life. They've become what they fought.

Society used to beat the shit out of and murder people who spread disease, but now telling sick people to "wear a mask and stay the fuck away from me" is now oppressive transsexual stalinism and being a typhoid mary is okay as long as you make epic wojaks about it.

There are rules and obligations in every society, which is why the superior asian countries wear masks whenever people are sick. There won't be an america in 50 years, but there will be a china and japan.

>> No.77720275


>> No.77720360

>ngl is gonna be funny watching all those twitch vtubers drop dead live on stream.
Yup... anyday now...

>> No.77720397

>catches covid
>her fanbase is all /pol/tards who can't stop memeing about it, saying it doesn't exist and whining about vax or masks
>she has a meltdown seeing their replies because her father almost died from covid and she's suffering from it too

>> No.77720432

Masks don’t work retard

>> No.77720468

congrats on not understanding how masks work, you can go back now

>> No.77720497

Why are you taking her opinion seriously she herself has said she doesn't vote.
Besides that I distinctly remember your le superior Asian country of le China made sure that covid would spread to the rest of the world and sent many of thier ccp bitch ass agents to go buy up ppe mask and materials to male sure countries like Australia would also have covid

>> No.77720504 [DELETED] 
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Silence tranny-jew-leftoid. Two more weeks until hell on earth. Trust the Q. The fauci ouchi will turn your oshi into a zombie.

A storm is coming and you're all laughing at us, the geniuses of society.

>> No.77720520

Reaping what she sowed. No sympathy.

>> No.77720532

sister is basically just the /vt/ equivalent of faggot now

>> No.77720558

Okay mr. steinburger

>> No.77720571

>>>/pol/ out

>> No.77720614

Seemed to work out great for China. They got their population control, destroyed the concept of public health in the west, and all they have to do is sit around and wait for something like bird flu to annihilate the west without firing a single missile.

Use N95 or higher, retard, and fit test. Of course americans are too stupid to actually do this and wear the mask below their nose, or take it off to eat in public because they're so fat.

>> No.77720615

And yet these maskless "retards" aren't the ones currently coofing up green Phase Goo.

Maybe marinating in west-coast Con Funk and having a lezmaxxing sleepover had more to do with her sudden illness than some random twitter people not triple masking in 2024.

>> No.77720634

Both her and her dad are unhealthy whales maybe they shouldn’t be lard asses and they wouldn’t die from a flu

>> No.77720649
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>Anti Vaxxers
>Flat Earthers
>Moonlanding conspiracies

>> No.77720651

She's overreacting but I mean I can see where she is coming from, people treating science as something you can just have an opinion on like it's a movie or TV show and thinking they are cool because they didn't get the fauci ouchie and are really sure everyone besides them is going to drop dead soon are operating on young elementary schooler tier thinking.

Do they not realize science is often also a business, particularly medicine? If there was money to be made proving a certain company's product is faulty, every non-mRNA-based vaccine maker would have fucking lunged at the chance to string up Pfizer on the gallows for botching it so they can sell you their superior non heart attack inducing version. If there was an opportunity to do that and make billions, it WOULD have happened. If the Chinese or Russians could prove we made a faulty vaccine and it's killing a bunch of our people ,they would have clung to that and paraded it for years for a propaganda win. Did any of this happen? No. Your telling yourself something does not make facts. There is no "alternative" view of what a disease is, or method of doing science. Fucking retards.

>> No.77720688

Hang yourself zhang you will never conquer taiwan

>> No.77720694

Someone who saves this image is either someone who believes in q-anon or a lefty (possible tranny) who is still upset at pippa for streaming hogwarts legacy. Who is bringing politics again?

>> No.77720715

I'm so glad kirsche and pippa continue to bring brain dead morons like this into a hobby that was used as an escape from real world bullshit
Fucking kill yourselves

>> No.77720764

No i will not the eat the bugs mr. shekelstein fuck off

>> No.77720843

>Phase Connect is one of the good ones

>> No.77720847

Unless you were using a P100 silicone gasketed mask with eye protection, uvc sterilized everything you brought home, and immediately disposed of contaminated clothing and showered thoroughly every time you went outside, you may as well have been walking around naked.

>> No.77720874
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>>"Gotta support the cause"

Politics was always going to come in but as far as I know phase connect doesn't hate white people like uki violet. Or talk about LGBT issues in a political matter

>> No.77720951

Thank god I'm not as retarded as you are. Please keep committing slow suicide by catching COVID every 6 months.

>> No.77721320

Thread should have ended right here.

>> No.77721403

All based
>t. ranny

>> No.77721537

wearing an nij level iii plate gives you a higher chance of surviving being shot at with 5.56 than not wearing one. infections and severity depend on viral load, the number of particles that make it into you, similar to bacteria. it's why ordinary handwashing is better than not doing so after using the bathroom, even if it doesn't get absolutely everything. single rays of radiation or single viral particles won't kill you, this isn't some fictional zombie apocalypse pathogen
anyway the whole point of large-scale masking was to reduce the basic reproduction number, something which even minor changes in percentage probability would have major effects on, just like how flares might not save you from a sophisticated heater but you still want to dispense them if you get the launch warning

>> No.77721631

Why was she the one getting mad about people not wearing masks making her get the wuflu when she's vaxxed? Did she not get her annual subscription booster?

>> No.77721679


>> No.77721728

Oh man, sounds serious. Might have been a good idea to close the border, restrict interstate travel, and ban mass gatherings/protests back in 2019/2020. I'm sure everyone supporting masking would have resoundingly endorsed these harsh but necessary measures to forestall mass contagion.

>> No.77721733

The vax is killing her and she thinks it’s the coof

>> No.77721768


>> No.77721770

>everyone dying from long covid is actually vaxx side effects
kek, why do people who never got the vax keep dropping like flies then?

>> No.77721875


>> No.77721955

I hear the Boeing whistleblowers died from two self-inflicted Covids to the back of the skull.

>> No.77721985

I'm not a gay, sorry. Your entire ideology is still rampant narcissism which is why your bigger fear isn't population collapse, hunger, or war: it's someone telling you to take responsibility for once in your life.

You've created an entire mythology just to justify your own feelings about being too lazy to wear a mask when you're sick, because you're too pussy to admit you might have been responsible for making your friends and family sick through your retardation.

>> No.77722067

Nice projection troon, i know multiple people who died after getting the vax

>> No.77722091

That's very small minded of you.
Modern Pride is inclusive enough that you have a statistically guaranteed 200% chance of being hella gay.

>> No.77722121

If a disease with an 80% mortality rate comes and a vaccine was developed, tested and proven to be safe in 6 months. Would anti-vaxxers take it?

>> No.77722156

She could have just....not said anything. Or just say that she had Covid and not respond to people calling her a Fauci Cultist or whatever. What drives her to sperg? Is it part of her character? She does this all the time and none of her (supposed) chud fans ever drop her over it.

>> No.77722235

anti-vaxxers aren't even the same crowd as the coof vax deniers, anti-vaxxers are (were?) largely left-wing hippie loon types, you know, the crystal healing fucks. remember the backlash from them (and from mainstream lefties for whatever reason) when trump announced the jab?

>> No.77722294
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>look mom, I posted it again!

>> No.77722423

Crazy how before the demon Vax everyone was immortal, living for thousands of years but then the Vax comes along and now people die. Really makes you think

>> No.77722448
File: 139 KB, 963x737, covid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COVID handed the democrats the 2020 and 2022 elections because it disproportionately killed antivaxxers. An 80% mortality rate disease with a vaccine would practically hand the liberals the election until the end of time.

COVID slaughtered the republicans, lol. Right-wingers, especially younger ones, are incredibly antivax

>> No.77722487

So safe human trials weren't even required and the developers are shielded from liability even after their products are pulled from the market over adverse reactions!

>> No.77722508

go back

>> No.77722546

Disingenuous tranny go back and recut that axewound

>> No.77722548


>> No.77722606

>go back
... in time to stop insane gain-of-function bioweapon research? I wish.

>> No.77722676

bro you sound so fucking insane lol. At least I've seen some happy trannies. Don't think I've ever seen a happy far-righter

>> No.77722763

Your mental illness won’t allow you sadly

>> No.77722831

She's not really beating the modern day Nyanners allegations is she

>> No.77722864

thankfully I'm not a tranny, with how much you think and seethe about them you might be one though. Do you cry yourself to sleep knowing you'll never get to be a woman, while mentally preparing to gymmaxx the tranny thoughts out the next day?

>> No.77722880

The only happy trannies I've seen ARE far-righters.
(ie: the magical happiness technique of having something else to obsess about)

>> No.77722935

behold the tolerant left

>> No.77722944

not denying that rebubs are anti-coof vax, just debating the terminology/history pre-2020, it seemed to me like a lot of the rebubs jumping on the jab train weren't previously anti-vax and were/are using spurious "science" like stuff about spike proteins to justify their beliefs, as opposed to the mercola autism freaks from before

>> No.77723088

>libtard pippa took multiple shots intentionally and wears masks like a fucking moron even if it has been debunked now that non of that shit works
>gets surprised she still gets hit with covid
the stupid never learn thats why they are stupid

>> No.77723119

ironic post
go back

>> No.77723171
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>Or talk about LGBT issues in a political matter

>> No.77723242

Maybe pippa thinks twitter trannies getting mad about playing a game and twitter basedoids who screech about opening tranny gas chambers are both stupid.
It's almost as if she's a libertarian who tries to grasp and think about the complexities of politics instead of just blindly going along with what her political side say.
You niggas are pathetic for anting pippa. I hope you die

>> No.77723308

Isn’t pippa like 4 tons? Bitch lives in a trailer im pretty sure it’s more than the coof we are dealing with here

>> No.77723325
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>> No.77723371

>Seemed to work out great for China
Did it? They kept their lockdowns in place longer than the rest of the world and suffered the economic consequences of that, notably in terms of screwing over the young to save the old like some boomertocracy. It's not a coincidence they now have record high youth unemployment and record low birth rates.

>> No.77723883

The fuck is this

>> No.77723961

parasocial, gfe, unicorn, idol, hag

>> No.77723973

Okay, another thread that has devolved into a political smorgasbord of "shouting" and "conflict".
I'll give my one Argentinian pesos worth of thought here, which isn't much.

I feel like "based" has become too overused. Whatever happened to using an encyclopedia to use different words in your sentences? Again I know "based" is slang for "valid opinion" or "opinion I agree with", but why couldn't we think of something else?

Also, if we're going to go into a discussion on transgender people, I feel like you have to understand the fact that a sizable portion of 4chan now consists of genuinely conservative SouthEast Asians, Africans, Arabs, and Latinos. These cultures are NOT welcoming to any member of the LGBTQ community, so it's a bitter pill to swallow unlike the estrogen some of you consume.

HEYOOO *Finger guns*.

And on the matter of vaccines and COVID-19, I genuinely can't tell whether it's a mixture of Chinese and Russian false flagging, pure retardation, or a genuine plot by the IMF and WEF to cripple those who live in poverty.
Anyways that was my blog post, have a good shitoost guys.

>> No.77724095

Thanks argiebro

>> No.77724388

And that is the whole point.
Pippa is coping about this fuckup being fault of her and other Phase girls who met up to make out, so she's purposefully turning it into a political drama to make people not notice it.

>> No.77724510
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Man, I'm not even Argentinian, I'm SEAmerican.

>> No.77724520

/pol/thread, a harsh reminder that for all the schizo insanity that comes with worshipping e-celebs with an anime veneer it pales in comparison to the conspiratorial brainrot that goes on a few boards down

>> No.77724560

Im so sorry seanegro

>> No.77724585
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Bro, I genuinely have no idea what you are talking about in regards to Pippa, I am simply addressing the question posed in the OP post and in reply to some Anons in this thread.

>> No.77724596

>I know "based" is slang for "valid opinion" or "opinion I agree with"
yeah pretty much. it's just the rightie/commie version of "valid", as said by zoomer whores

>> No.77724617
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>> No.77724708

>a genuine plot by the IMF and WEF to cripple those who live in poverty.
WHO literally let it out of China because they were more concerned with not being le ebin racist, even though they successfully contained SARS 1 like 15 years before, so you might be onto something

>> No.77725085

The pajeets?

>> No.77725127
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Why does every thread about her have to devolve into politics

Better yet why care about any vtuber that's not holo? It's like wanting to buy a kino game at gamestop and digging into the 5$ bargin bin instead.

>> No.77725139

the relevant wikipedia article is titled "
2002–2004 SARS outbreak"

>> No.77725178

Her overreaction is understandable since she stills coming out her hikki phase and anti social to the point were she might have become a germaphobe. Which is ironic since she is legit nasty and her room isn't on par with hygiene but that just might come out of laziness

>> No.77725204

Better chance of having sex with them in probability

>> No.77725208

not ironic, you are more resilient to your own filth than the filth of other people

>> No.77725228

Because a non-insignificant group of us are broke, unemployed, and not mentally disciplined. We need the physical threat of death to change and better ourselves.

>> No.77725265


>> No.77725355

Funny pink woman pretends to do le relable things on stream, and anons cry when they realize she isn't actually like that.

>> No.77725415

This thread made me confirm to add Tranny and any of its deviations like Troon to this list.

>> No.77725543

Plappa's back on the political grift?

>> No.77725587

I don't think anybody will be suddenly dropping dead. They might get cancer or something years into the future, though.
