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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77551728 No.77551728 [Reply] [Original]

Fujo Solar Dragon
Ero Sakana Feesh
Metal Gear Fairy
Freaky Ghost Maid
Forever Home

>Elira Pendora
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EliraPendora | https://twitter.com/3W1W4 (alt)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@elirapendora
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOIeSUTOTkF9Hs7q3SGcO-Ow
3D Debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bdln23Ph6A8

>Finana Ryugu
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinanaRyugu | https://twitter.com/RyuguFinana (alt)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@finanaryugu
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOu-J8uIXuLZh16gG-cT1naw
3D Debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Bvpss_Xx9M

>Mint Fantome
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MintFantome
Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/mintfantome.bsky.social
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@mintfantome
M&M Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@MMSummerSpecial

>Pomu Rainpuff (Graduated)
>Twitter (private): https://twitter.com/PomuRainpuff
>Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@pomurainpuff
>Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL79zk-NEQFk79tLTtgS9LFOIRzAixwFBF
>3D Debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpuEQozRzJ4
>Voicepacks, Wallpapers, etc: https://mega.nz/folder/GplglSzK#AbvhirWWfpYrihQb5aDK3w


▶LazuLight Music!

▶LazuLight in 3D!

◀ Previous Thread: >>77354937

>> No.77552436

Cute op

>> No.77552501
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oh no...mint got stuck in a wall.....

>> No.77553170
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>> No.77554434

I would have used that one but I thought we'd used it recently

>> No.77554668
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I wanna fuck the fish

>> No.77557406
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>> No.77559410
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>> No.77559913


>> No.77560902

I saw this!!! It's so incredible

>> No.77561079

feels like a conversation between obasans at the supermarket, very cute

>> No.77562490
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>> No.77563682

I fell asleep and missed the strem. Guess I will listen to the VOD.

>> No.77564079
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>> No.77564717

feesh if you're reading this you really should think about privating dbd for the time being

>> No.77566404
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>> No.77566438

I'm sure it's fineeeee

>> No.77566699

is this still about hex? or did someone say something

>> No.77568640

Probably hex

>> No.77568725

thread on the catalog dedicated to mass reporting the streams he was in. ordinarily i wouldn't care but i don't trust youtube not to be retarded. fwiw aia privated her pov but i wasn't watching her so idk if she did that for some other reason.

>> No.77568981

Christ alive this grind is killing me

>> No.77569316

What even was that phrase Elira kek

>> No.77569824

Shout-out to fma

>> No.77570844

No stream tomorrow....

>> No.77571202

Not a lot of streams this week.

>> No.77571462

I have an idea as to why but I don't wanna sound like a monkey

>> No.77571528

mint ain't streaming either, mr. australopithecus

>> No.77571537

So I was right this was a planned attack

>> No.77572278
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Ichiso-sensei is alive!
I miss Pomu...

>> No.77572314

No that's not it. I'm thinking there's probably gonna be another graduation soon.

Millie stopped streaming and has only been appearing on other people's channels
Elira started off the week saying her brain was a mess
And Reimu has been retweeting stuff a lot more frequently on her pl.

I dunno maybe I'm overthinking it but I kinda get the feeling that someone else is graduating soon.

>> No.77572340

I hated her first outfit but I gotta say her tactical outfit was seriously one of the best vtubing outfits I've ever seen. I hope one day mint gets something wild like that.

>> No.77572425
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Yoooooo just saw this

>> No.77572658

That's really cool

>> No.77572942
File: 13 KB, 589x88, WiwaAtJunes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77573246

She's lost it....

>> No.77573318

Mint confirmed to be #1 hater

>> No.77573869

Goodnight anons it's 4am....

>> No.77573941

Good night!

>> No.77574377

remember when she was all coy on redebut and then two months in she's like this

>> No.77574825

She was uncertain about being a vtuber, not about being horny

>> No.77575208

I remember people complaining she was being too clean and safe.

>> No.77575343

They’re just busy with work, Finana said she’ll take some days off next week. There’s more than AX going on supposedly.
Every time someone does something in their PL y’all accuse of graduation, and Millie’s break has been explained by her.

>> No.77575467

true but that's not what i'm talking about
she had a period when she tried to pretend she was clean and proper (trying to stifle herself from even the very light kind of swearing she displayed as nerd) and ended up declining to make a nsfw tag after some deliberation
hell i remember this very thread musing at the time that maybe she wanted to go back to her old persona as mint since it would've been too jarring not to and wondering if she'd be like this forevermore

>> No.77575961

>Mint will be back from Japan on the 14th
Wonder if we'll enter the Xenoblade arc then.

>> No.77576566

i don't think she wants to have the mgs (re)playthroughs at the same time as a long-ass game like xenoblade
iirc she even said that would be for later

>> No.77576724

Anon I told you not to challenge them, now Finana's gonna get screwed over because you can't ignore catalog.

>> No.77576795

She said it's work travel, so it's most likely them doing the AX concert content

>> No.77577628

Worse. She's gonna be playing through every single metal gear game again and then ace combat before touching Xenoblade.

>> No.77578621

Hopefully it'd inspire her to have a Tactical Ghost Maid outfit!

>> No.77579867

Dude chill, it was one thread and which couldn't even make it to bump limit.

>> No.77580210

Her explanation was that she "ran out of cat food" and would be "back when she had enough cat food for everyone"

>> No.77580426
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>> No.77580717

Honestly true, it annoyed the piss out of me. All because like 3 autists who didn't watch her when she graduated were being vocal about how they wanted her to be the exact same she was before she graduated.

>> No.77581316
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>> No.77581980


>> No.77582284
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>> No.77582706
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I'm happy mint is horny

>> No.77583210
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Elira said she'll probably do her Eva watchalong next week

>> No.77584264

Youtube recommended me Finana's ASMR

>> No.77584605
File: 69 KB, 600x1065, GPcJfzjbIAAUg1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shooty ghost maid!

>> No.77585724

Nice I wish she would do more but unfortunately seeing how hex is banned and is more sfw with his ASMR than either Finana or vox, I'm not surprised she doesn't

>> No.77586300

Wish she had done more while she still could. I still sometimes listen to the first members one, especially the part in the middle where she licked the mic, made other mouth noises, blew into the mic, did some kisses, etc.

>> No.77586306

Almost two years after Elira began cookie clicker. I'm almost finished with it

>> No.77586347

I get the feeling that she's never confident in what she wants to do.

>> No.77586493

>>77579867 (me)
Never mind I take it back. They really are trying and bragging about it

>> No.77586521

>hex is banned and is more sfw with his ASMR than either Finana or vox
not to be nosey or anything but did you actually listen to his asmr or are you basing this off of hearsay? because i wouldn't trust the latter these days

>> No.77587522
File: 612 KB, 885x1110, GPam85na4AEVAiy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maia got some fanart

>> No.77588861


>> No.77589375

This seems a little more severe than just leaving mean comments desu

>> No.77589716

Little bit of column a and column b
I've listened to some of it and he's mainly just talking in a whisper. There's no rape stories, there's no masturbating, just him talking in a hushed voice while occasionally calling his chat kittens and stuff

>> No.77590998


>> No.77591286

Cute cute cute

>> No.77592487
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>> No.77592896

you kept playing all this time/

>> No.77594256

I'm happy for her, she doesn't get a lot of fanart.

>> No.77595639


>> No.77595856
File: 950 KB, 665x632, GNe3-SeaMAE9DdC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's dedication, hats off to the girl.

>> No.77596367

Yes. Although I've been playing on mobile so it's a bit different. I've never found a clicker game that's quite as entertaining. There's no pay to win, there's no complicated mechanics or anything like that. Each time that you reset your progress, you get a little bit better at making cookies. I've got like 3 upgrades left to get and I'll have everything

>> No.77596431

dead ship lmfao

>> No.77596450

a lot of Indies don't unfortunately.
It's one of the things I really don't like about v tubing. Like even if you were prior corpo, there's a chance that your corpo life will still get more fan art than your indie life will.

Not that Maia was ever corpro but just airing my grievances

>> No.77596672


>> No.77596756
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>> No.77596940
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It's a bit rude to say, but it's true - the art scene is a bit parasitic.
The reason they make fanart of famous vtubers is because it gets them clicks. People will look at the tags for Elira, Rosemi, Fauna or Gura, they will see their art, they will like, retweet and follow. On the other hand if they make an OC no one will acknowledge it. Then you get to the merch side of things and there's a reason why they're selling merch of established IPs, instead of OC content.
This is how Touhou got as big as it did, people simply found out they can get a following by catering to the fandom. Later on vtubers and gacha took it a step further by not only expanding a following, but also opening the door for business opportunities (commissions by vtubers or as a gacha artists)
The fact that vtubers don't get a cut out of fanmerch is a bit scummy.

>> No.77597108

she got a really big influx of fanart a few months ago, and she said her sales from Offkai is the most money she's ever seen in her life, so I'm happy she's in a good spot.
I shipped her with both dragon sisters during niji but I'll be honest the handful of rabid elipomu shippers turning on Mint has soured me on it a bit. I don't know what you expect from Mint when on one side you have one of the most active indie VTubers in the world who networks like crazy and is more than happy to collab with her, and on the other side you have someone she legally can't mention because of NDA. It's crazy to me that someone would get so vindictive over a ship.
Art doing well is fantastic promo for the vtuber, it's a symbiotic relationship and I'd be kinda turned off if a vtuber demanded cuts of fanmerch sales. A lot of the time the artist is already a fan of the vtuber anyway and just donates back to them

>> No.77599336

Finana is streaming

>> No.77602177

Finana is falling for the Yuribait.
Finana is complaining about medieval homophobia.

>> No.77604532

The only way a ship can die is if it gets official, then the ship dies and becomes an official couple.
That means every vtuber ship will most likely never die, because they are real people. Thats why taking vtuber ships seriously is retarded and weird

>> No.77604594

OK Elira, keep coping

>> No.77604680

Nigga I am talking seriously, vtuber shippers should stop, they are almost as annoying as unicorns

>> No.77604750

If shipping Mint and Doki makes nijisisters seethe, then I'm all for it. Otherwise, I agree with you.

>> No.77604783

Shippers are worse than unicorns, specially the lesbians.

>> No.77604787
File: 1.34 MB, 360x640, 1691066397646125.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77604867

The ones that are annoyed are most likely yurifags, not nijifags or even vtuberfags

>> No.77604933

Please continue doing that, that means all the annoying shit shippers are busy with those two and they’ll leave Niji alone.

>> No.77604991

If we talk seriously, mata x mint is most likely than mint x doki.
Both are shit compared to good ships like wisps x mint though

>> No.77605089

What about mint x wisps?

>> No.77605107

True honestly. One of the wisps in /mint/ pointed out that Doki is the only person she actively shot down a ship with and I think about that a lot

>> No.77605113

With the way oceanlaw fans were behaving because Finana was in a straight ship now, I’d say so. Though her ship with Claude is also annoying.
This girl always had better chemistry with Pomu, Aia and Elira but somehow we never got a ship or art from that, and no, PufferFeesh never felt like a ship and everyone agrees on that.

>> No.77605310

Also good
I don't really like ships but it was funny making fun of that ship while they were in niji

>> No.77605375

I look away for a second.

>> No.77605451

I look at the sun

>> No.77605456

Werent those retards more mad because she interacted with Filian in Twitter?

>> No.77605460

Welp, wish her the best. It's not fun.

>> No.77605498


>> No.77605631

I blame going in person to offkai

>> No.77605678

At least she's saying it's mild symptoms, hopefully it stays that way.

>> No.77605738

Really showing off that production value. This feels 2006, I suppose.

>> No.77605967

I don't blame Sega for adding shadow to one only their best games but it also feels really cash grabby

>> No.77605984

It should. The coof that goes around now is just a cold compared to how it was 4 years ago. And she talked as Pomu about getting the shots 3 times, including booster so she should be fine. But still, getting sick on a vacation in a foreign place is a bitch no matter what.

>> No.77606047

Madoka is right up Finana's isle, I'm surprised.

>> No.77606112

>>77606047 (Me)
Magical girls are great, ya know... wonder if she saw YuYuYu.

>> No.77606238

maybe it's a vod watching kind of break

>> No.77607075

Bird feathers baked into bread... imagine the proteins!

>> No.77607582


>> No.77607684

That's one way to think it, detective Finana. I don't have enough info to actually respond.

>> No.77607815

Mint is popular now to the point where these spaces getting archived is a given right?

>> No.77607849

She usually leaves archiving on

>> No.77608319

The perceived rude comment into handhold mix-up. Full moon...

>> No.77608356

big mint energy

>> No.77609078

Please post More about it I need my mint fix

>> No.77609403

Kek, Minto...

>> No.77609530

>It's my fault
It is, but it was a bit stupid they didn't have a properly distinct booking.

>> No.77610167
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I love her so much.

>> No.77610333

Rozenmaiden kidnapped Appel. Damned shotacons!

>> No.77610560
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minto toes...

>> No.77610713

>Trusting birds

>> No.77611014
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The voices are getting louder, Elise.

>> No.77611361


>> No.77611840


>> No.77611909

Dont worry anon, it's archived

>> No.77612183

Kid doesn't deserve this. But that was fantastically done, Finana.

>> No.77612208

So will they spend all her time in Japan inside of their hotel room?

>> No.77612476

From what I understand, if they don't feel better in a few days, they're going to cut the trip short and go back at the end of the month for a few days.

>> No.77612577

I hate to say it but that's kind of an asshole move. Because that means that then you risk infecting literally everybody else on the plane with COVID

>> No.77612821

I don't think they're going to get on a plane, they're just cutting their plans short. They did say they'd return at the end of the month for a few days in that event tho

>> No.77613200

It's a boss fight. Makes me wonder just how long the game will be though. Seems like an alternate routes deal though.

>> No.77613258

Hair cookie. Proteins.

>> No.77613490

That's some dedication. I don't really know why I stopped I think I played it for a few months and then just lost my playthrough somehow through not thinking about taking care of it and stopped.

>> No.77614325

Double Goody Two Shoes next week. And Wednesday and Saturday off. Spending time with family's a good thing, granted... yeah... you should talk to them some more, kid. Camping is fun, but the month's packed, but it'd have been nice to do before going to Japan next month. Funny that Claude and Finana had a convo about camping, iirc. Someone recced Death End Re;Quest, a Compile Heart/Galapagos game!!!

>> No.77614405

OH I misunderstood, I thought they were leaving until the end of the month and coming back the next month too

>> No.77614599

Wiwa's waiting room is up
Also if we're going to be watching 2 movies at a time we'll zoom right through the series.

>> No.77614781

"Schedule" you could just play a few cool JRPGs that are preeeeetty short, Feesh.

>> No.77614890

Outside of chrono trigger, which still is a 25-30 hours commitment, I really can't think of short JRPGs outside of FF1 and DQ1.

>> No.77615252

>someone else is graduating soon
just call it another Friday

>> No.77615289

I was gonna stream but I can't I'll be gone. I'll upload the movies though if anyone wants to host a cytube

>> No.77615426

mint's toes in my mouth

>> No.77615485

>>77614781 (Me)
Death End Re;quest would be nice since no-one's touched Compile Heart games as far as I'm concerned. More bad MonHun opinions. Kind of a shame that the MonHun arc died, sort of. Don't be afraid of organising collabs though. Valorant is boring as sin.
Haha... Relink and Crymachina comes to mind as being pretty short. 20 hours at best. Aren't particularly grindy, but it does rule out something like Persona or FFX.

>> No.77615616

Secret of Mana and Eartbound.

>> No.77615797

I can't imagine they're hard to get perms for honestly. Pomu talked about playing neptunia at one point but she was afraid of getting cancelled due to the fanservice
Now she's being too autistic as mint to play anything that isn't metal gear coded

>> No.77615813
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>>77615485 (Me)
The JPs really have it going good... is it even stingy fans at this point? Feels like it's culture.

>> No.77615856

Oh if we're counting action ones then yeah, all Mana games (outside of Legend) are like 20 hours tops. Quintet's SNES action JRPGs too.

>> No.77615890

Pokemon, inazuma eleven

>> No.77615964

Do you mean jp as JP livers or JP games

>> No.77616371

JP Livers, they plan stuff plenty, but some collab groups come together nicely, almost spontaneously, with multiplayer-adjacent new releases. But I guess that's a benefit of 100+ streamers. The consistent MHWorld collabs are surprising. And Rion-ojou's considering Persona (though it kinda is the popular thing along with old-school FF). But it comes off as new ground or going out of her comfort zone for her (to me). But I guess I wanna see both my oshi on the same level, and am spiralling again.

>> No.77616477
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Looking forward to it

>> No.77617490
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...even still, a fish kiss... huh... this is The Love-Hate Relationship, huh...?

>> No.77617511

In all honesty I think that EN has a lot of problems. The males of the branch are lazy as fuck outside of a few of them.
Then unfortunately I think motivation across the board is just too low to really reach out to people.

Timezones also play a role but the unfortunate truth is that just about everyone who actually was good at planning out stuff left the branch.
Yugo had the singing streams and telephone games, Pomu had Minecraft and covers, selen had a ton of fps collabs being the only person who I've seen organize stuff like killing floor, even Nina tried to organize a few collabs.
The closest to spontaneity we have is zomboid of FFXIV

>> No.77618517
File: 397 KB, 1498x2048, FyvjmDcaAAE3aH9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hope that we get another VA 11 Hall a playthrough from her eventually

>> No.77618574

I do hope Zomboid doesn't sputter out, and that Dawntrail will be worth something. And much as I'm mildly annoyed, Finana's drunk horror collabs and Helldivers are pretty consistent groups next to Elira's own and whoever I may be forgetting. Would still want more girls time since RosePeto was good. Doppio's had a decent track record too, at the very least, but it will be a bit until there's something worth confidently taking advantage of for a big evenr. Lots of good things have happened with Livers just taking things into their own hands. I'll just pray that the backhalf brings a bit of that.

>> No.77620641


>> No.77620988

Positively! Though Goody Two Shoes is gonna kill her throat for a while.

>> No.77622630

Mint doesn't have Covid after all

>> No.77622901

That test she blew on? Me

>> No.77623030

Another Twitter Space live

>> No.77623905

Mint is so autistic....

>> No.77627537

The perfect wife

>> No.77628338


>> No.77628501

the pepeloni...

>> No.77630271

Mata stop yuribaiting

>> No.77631317


>> No.77631334

She's gotta it's the only thing she knows

>> No.77631407
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>> No.77631717

Oh it just ended >>77631317 anon, I feel sorry for you

>> No.77632260

it is most definitely not a good night minto
this will probably be the only chat interaction we'll get for a week or two and i missed it
twice in the same night, even

>> No.77632735

One of the two will be streaming tomorrow, and the other the day after

>> No.77637114


Elira here

>> No.77637251

Oh no....

>> No.77640686
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>> No.77641715

I am tired but I will prevail

>> No.77641806

Where’s this overwatch collab happening I don’t see anything?

>> No.77642152

Claudes channel I think

>> No.77642751
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>> No.77644657
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>> No.77646903


>> No.77647002

Low-key tho I have a hard time getting excited for vtuber concerts.

>> No.77647962
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>> No.77649061
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Me thinking about mint

>> No.77650094

I wonder if one day my heart will ever stop beating so loudly in my left ear

>> No.77651163

Ah, she'll be haunting New York at the end of August?

>> No.77651506

Mint is world wide

>> No.77654210

Maybe time to go to a doctor.

>> No.77654963

>Offkai > Japan > La > ? > La > NY
She's actually going to go broke...

>> No.77655083

Don't forget she might have to go to Japan again at the end of June.

>> No.77655399

I think she wants to live her weeb dream while the going is good. Who knows if this time next year she'll have the same opportunities.

>> No.77656651

Didn't Lazu said they'll be in JP around the end of June?

>> No.77658453
File: 338 KB, 1400x1800, FwX8NwPaUAAdlUd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Profile pic and banner change for Finana. Really wish we got a PetoFeesh IDOL duet in 3D.


>> No.77659686

Looks cool, I like it.

>> No.77661032

They're here.

>> No.77661078

>she's literally lying in bed stretching and praying and begging for more metal gear

>> No.77661742

Eepy Mint love, she's so cute when she speaks softly.
That said I'm not liking this procession of impromptu Twitter Spaces with zero notifications and sometimes even at Matara's so I can't get any notifications at all. It's getting worse than YouTube notifications.

>> No.77661784
File: 452 KB, 574x718, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone wasn't around for Nerd spaces.

>> No.77661809

I was, and Twitter notifications WORKED BACK THEN (for me)!

>> No.77662623

I miss the nerd spaces, nerd (actual nerd) should do more nerd spaces.

>> No.77663491


>> No.77664256
File: 323 KB, 1448x2048, GO-JLoEbQAEpkWN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77664854

Mint is my wife btw

>> No.77664928

Take your meds Elira

>> No.77665441
File: 56 KB, 320x320, 1705621773763983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just took a big swig of sour milk

>> No.77665848
File: 104 KB, 1002x563, hello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77666584


>> No.77667862
File: 3.82 MB, 212x238, elijam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77668494

I don't think so hopefully but it was gross. I swallowed a big gulp of it and then was like
>Hmm thats sour

>> No.77669002

I love this gif so much, such a nice flow.

>> No.77670493

sometimes it bothers me it doesn't loop perfectly but its fine how it is

>> No.77670586 [SPOILER] 
File: 221 KB, 768x796, 1562799248741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope one day mint plays through the nep series

>> No.77670948

>nepnep d-pads
>wiwa crosses

>> No.77672028

EVA tonight

>> No.77672140

Yeah, going to get out of bed and go get some drinks and snacks soon I think.

>> No.77672873

Wait who is playing eva

>> No.77672893

Wait nevermind I was thinking about eve online not evangelion

>> No.77672957
File: 43 KB, 800x800, 1709994070003529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elira switching FF for Eve Online
I see no future in which this ends well, but I want to see her try.

>> No.77674566

Wiwa woke up at a relatively normal time today.

>> No.77674881


>> No.77675119
File: 720 KB, 1513x2048, GPawnDoacAAXcLh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77675683


>> No.77676319

How does a new player even get into a game like this? I guess its probably relatively niche, mostly sustained by some small core fanbase to begin with and if you do want to get into it you just have to look at millions of guides or something.

>> No.77676725

You don't have to get into everything, this is for seasoned players looking to optimize their build.
And yes, Even is a niche game for a niche fanbase. It's why it never got big, but it's also why it never died - if you are a specific type of player looking for a specific experience, there is nothing like Eve on the market.

>> No.77677145

It's like a lot of MMOs. Even my favorite MMO, ESO, has a ton of mechanics that are buried underneath years of experience.

>> No.77677720

Is Finana really planning on watching all the 220 episodes of MLP on members?

>> No.77678805

Knowing her I wouldn't put it past her lmao. She really fuckin loves the ponies. Literally she gushes over every episode like she's a little kid. It's kinda cute really

>> No.77679468
File: 442 KB, 2048x1947, lazulight family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is literally a child

>> No.77680067

Honestly it really feels that way as she's talking about the episodes like they're the most emotionally impactful things she's ever watched. It's really cute. It's stuff like that that always draws me back. I know it's not for everyone but for me it makes me happy

>> No.77680310

Speaking of long ass series, would Mint appreciate Legend of the Galactic Heroes, or would that be too slow for her? Elira will just write Yaoi fanfics live until she gets bored and drops it.

>> No.77680359

Cute Minto.

>> No.77680485

I can't say I'm familiar with the series give me a qrd

>> No.77680751

110 episodes of sci-fi Military and Political Fiction set between sci-fi 70s America and sci-fi Prussians where 5/6 of the cast are pretty boys.

>> No.77680845

She had the idea it was 4 seasons not 9
So she could just drop it like she did with Star wars

>> No.77680908

>pretty boys
Lost her already

>> No.77680958

Someone in Feesh chat yesterday said stellar blade was getting a ton of porn and they're not wrong

>> No.77681058

NTA but she's not into that kind of pretty boy and the LoGH setting will only draw her in if she judges their "antics" as "silly".
It might as well be, after S4 (arguably after S3) it gets real bad.

>> No.77682155 [SPOILER] 
File: 124 KB, 1046x1280, GPW0DquXoAEcfws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77682441 [SPOILER] 
File: 29 KB, 682x960, 1717879214281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77682913

I know mint would cry at the death of yangbut I also think she wouldn't watch until that part, probably the first 7 episodes at most

>> No.77683204

I watched LoGH so fast and like a decade ago or something and now I don't even fucking remember it anymore. I never remember shit from anything if I binge watch it in the shortest time possible.

>> No.77683622

Elira's starting the membership stream.

>> No.77683859

>nonstop yapping
Good, I wasn't going to put the movie on anyway.

>> No.77683938

I'm watching it, I haven't seen these films since they released. Should be interesting to rewatch after so long.

>> No.77684104

I downloaded it and then forgot to upload it....

>> No.77684402

I want to go on the Misato ride but Elira is my Misato

>> No.77684658

"they're bonding over daddy issues" kek

>> No.77684839

>this man is awful holy shit
Elira's reactions are cracking me up

>> No.77684968

Daddy issues are all over Elira's watchalongs...

>> No.77685268

elira barking is silly

>> No.77685625

The second Tsurumaki directed thing Elira has watched...

>> No.77685632

i'm sleepy but the twitter space paranoia is keeping me awake

>> No.77685651

Honestly speaking I think she's got a few. Ive got some a hunch about how he she grew up

>> No.77686366

Would have been interesting to put the chat between the seat and the popcorns.

>> No.77687417

>Brace for 90s fanservice

>> No.77687453
File: 316 KB, 439x457, 1673658892403433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing 90s fanservice with wiwa...

>> No.77688392

Finally found the name of that VN I was looking for!

>> No.77688497

Elira seems really impressed with the visuals and direction in the movies. Its probably kind of hard not to be of you go from standard seasonal anime to Eva I guess. I remember her being quite impressed with that aspect of FLCL too.

>> No.77689502

Its kind of strange to me to see a western commentary on EVA be so compassionate to Shinji after decades of people hating on him as a whiny bitch.

>> No.77689693
File: 283 KB, 538x494, 1698115498226499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still hate him, Shinji sucks and I don't care that he's only 14

>> No.77689860

I think I'll back out of the watchalong now to watch the original series from episode 07 onwards.

>> No.77689892

>15 minute break
Time to overlap Ethyria!

>> No.77690494

I fucking hate Shinji, which is the reason why I only watched EVA once instead of Cowboy Bebop or Ghost in the Shell SAC+Gig which I both watched like 4 times+. Kaji is pretty much the only male character I like.

>> No.77691073

You're supposed to dislike him, feel ashamed of him and yell at him at your TV for doing dumb shit. Only when you separate yourself from him you'll stop hating him (and 3.0+1.0 ending). That's how it's supposed to work.

>> No.77691625

You expect adults to actually understand what the character was feeling, the people who have been shitting on Shinji for years are now on their late 30s early 40s and we know how they are

>> No.77692918

>Angel bath water
Now chat is making me think weird thoughts

>> No.77693963


>> No.77694572

>Elira loves Tsunderes
They fell off for me. It was ok with Tohsaka Rin, but once you get to Asuka's level and above it gets way too abusive for my taste. Never gave Toradora a proper chance because of it.

>> No.77695671

>If the Autopilot is this good you don't need Shiji at all
Shinjibros, how do we recover?

>> No.77696612

>Shinjibros, how do we recover?
We force him into the robot regardless. Can't have 100% orange juice without him

>> No.77697589

>15 min to Ethyria
We'll make it bros!

>> No.77697705

Matara is live, Mint is occasionally audible

>> No.77697739

As much as I wanna have sex with Reimu I wanna stay with Wiwa longer....

>> No.77698280

The yaoi killed her....

>> No.77698790

>Eat hot food
>Burn my mouth
I hate this.

>> No.77700698

Anything interesting?

>> No.77702892

mint is barely audible from what i can tell

>> No.77704555
File: 170 KB, 1148x1226, GPUvVt5WUAAOp43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happened to mint once which is why she's scared of Australia

>> No.77704633
File: 104 KB, 384x364, 1693791276725459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77706796


Sheesh and Feesh here

>> No.77707155

Poor mint....

>> No.77707404

Mint updates from what I watched of Matara's stream:
- recording day today (so no stream for now since she's sleeping, maybe later if at all)
- she was originally supposed to leave some time before the 14th
- IF Matara gets better soon (very soon) she might reschedule her flight and stay till the 14th
- IF NOT they'll have to come back to Japan together (probably at the end of June) since they have some time-critical stuff they got permission to film (and it's not related to Warhammer)

>> No.77707959

I thought Matara dropped the whole pretending to be interested in Warhammer thing a long time ago

>> No.77708428

>Valo all afternoon only to be followed up by fucking League.
Yeah... Screw watching that

>> No.77709644

>recording day
wao! wonder if it's cover or mocap

>> No.77710675


>> No.77713384
File: 101 KB, 424x479, 1692422773346341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh right

>> No.77715090

I thought matara was the type of person to not overlap with Ethyria’s special events given how little opportunities they had.

>> No.77715242
File: 47 KB, 523x521, GKHZEDtXkAIfIiP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>given how little opportunities they had.

>> No.77715252

It fucking sucks the most we’ve had in terms of Lazulight collabs has been Valorant and LoL (with other people).

>> No.77717305

Honestly speaking? Ethyria are in dead last for merch out of any one from lazu-lux. They rarely are featured on voice packs and despite having the 3 most talented singers in the entire branch, get absolutely nothing for it.

Millie last year was desperately trying to convince people to buy the summer merch because they really don't get much merch that's exclusive to them. Like don't get me wrong, obsydia is also in a pretty bad state but I think they inch out ethyria because selen was at least semi regularly featured on artwork for voice packs

>> No.77718145

I can't recall any other girl waves having merch since that Ethyria swimsuit and cooking one. Don't forget they were chosen for that code geass promotion, them being part of a subunit but choosing to do nothing with it and the amount of external events Enna gets selected for you're so full of shit.

>> No.77718218

No, Obsydia is the one in dead last. Ethyria at the very least got 2 rounds of wave-exclusive merch (Ethyria's Summer Holiday & Ethyria Cooking), while Obsydia has had 0. And Ethyria was featured on most of the voicepack artwork in 2023. There were a total of 11 voicepacks in 2023, with a member of Ethyria being in the artwork for 8 of them (and of the 3 remaining, 1 was fully Xsoleil as it was their first voicepack, so obviously no Ethyria would be on there).

>> No.77718388

It's only been in late 2023 and 2024 that we've seen in a rise in events that they've been picked for.
Lazulight had candles, the Sanrio stuff, the Palverse stuff (which now I think both obsydia and ethyria are getting?) and a few other things I can't remember.
Obsydia got some pretty damn good merch for anniversaries too iirc

>> No.77718409

Lazulight stream: Homos and League/Valorant
I kinda only watch Elira's Persona streams now, after she finishes that game I guess it's time.

>> No.77718604

Obsydia isn't getting Palverse figures, it's Ethyria & Krisis.

>> No.77718679

Oh alright sorry then I stand corrected.

>> No.77720995
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>> No.77721043
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>> No.77721089
File: 1.13 MB, 1612x2276, 1699025749341169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77721128
File: 1.89 MB, 1260x1599, 1714251215778553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77721167
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>> No.77721211
File: 113 KB, 850x1492, 1690640452777457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77721232
File: 1.17 MB, 1443x2048, Fk2JsKgaYAAU12T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Famelira bump but never bake?

>> No.77721264
File: 159 KB, 850x1570, 1688783145918312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77721295

might not be a famelira, it happens to a lot of generals

>> No.77721308
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>> No.77721363
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>> No.77722153
File: 226 KB, 1422x1809, gnhm9u-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77722274

Anyone else wanna bake btw?

>> No.77722311
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>> No.77722440
File: 582 KB, 1448x2048, F6DfhEaW0AAYLzO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77722565
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>> No.77722652
File: 264 KB, 1266x2048, GNGF2XAbgAAVJII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77722677

Kinda slow tonight

>> No.77722798
File: 1.62 MB, 2480x3508, emofeesh_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys wanna use this one as the next OP?

>> No.77722874


>> No.77722932
File: 353 KB, 1489x2047, GPJUAhTaMAA8OQP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I'll use that one then I don't think the other baker is awake

>> No.77723024
File: 514 KB, 1448x2048, GMlFR9NbkAAT_NF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77723162
File: 51 KB, 680x493, GNU2j72WUAAXRbB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will mint play fnv? I wanna hear her sing about her spurs that jingle jangle jingle?

>> No.77723220 [SPOILER] 
File: 338 KB, 1279x1511, GNNewkpXQAAguG3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was rich so I could gift this to Finana or mint

>> No.77723253
File: 445 KB, 2048x1536, GMjbXYhXUAAy0Mh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77723278
File: 470 KB, 1490x1864, GMJpmrEbsAAMN8k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77723333
File: 143 KB, 1061x1323, elira_toeless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77723442
File: 230 KB, 548x300, 1670193011004757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77723466
File: 1.87 MB, 1882x1342, 1685892201001359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77723485
File: 2.85 MB, 1112x1572, darkfeesh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77723521
File: 328 KB, 861x522, 1702864770796037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imma wait a few minutes once we hit page 10. It's fairly calm for once tonight. I wanna take in the calmness before we bake

>> No.77723560
File: 1.32 MB, 2896x4096, 1669162664671756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77723621
File: 1.34 MB, 1514x2297, F62Ba0ObIAAUCV7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77723652
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>> No.77723786
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>> No.77723876
File: 320 KB, 1040x584, 1689211322972232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I told you page 10 was a lie?

>> No.77724052
File: 166 KB, 580x829, 1677166891600852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be Pomu in the middle

>> No.77724088
File: 2.57 MB, 1476x2185, 1693521764314952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77724212

Oh feesh is here

>> No.77724366

