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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77677399 No.77677399 [Reply] [Original]

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as rival nations fighting bitter battles or beginning wholesome friendships for the glory of their oshis.

You die when I allow you to die edition

Previously: >>77453150

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:




>> No.77677471
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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day after the thread has been archived. You may also ask for your own archive posts to be updated or organized according to your standards.
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If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP.

>> No.77677648

What is that image from?

>> No.77677745

illegal saturday threads

>> No.77677903

You uncultured swine

>> No.77678037
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shes the maiden of light from sekiro!

>> No.77678142

ohh right rennala of the dark moon right I love that one

>> No.77678903
File: 268 KB, 900x570, happy fubushu friendshu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last bread status? alls well that ends with the power of friendship!

>> No.77678961

I always wondered why there was the player called "stealth /meat/ thread" and now its all coming together

>> No.77679349

I was thinking of what kind of mask the one zombie nun would wear but I could only visualize those creepy manikin like faces. This serves as good inspiration
in any case time to think of the inner workings of Watson industries

>> No.77681028


>> No.77682370

There's a lot more than that. Back before /freak/ this place was run by Meatheads and since triggered jannies kept banning /meat/, it actually used to be the one place they could go to.

>> No.77682401

what happened to them?

>> No.77682490

they were eaten!

>> No.77682989

One was mindbroken into submission by schizos, pushing him out of the thread
The other decided he wanted to be groomed over in /asp/
The third was a falseflag by the /asp/ one
And climateanon is gone to the winds, hopefuly living his best life

>> No.77683083

Climateanon was pro meat? I thought he was a sanalite?

>> No.77683169

I don't think we ever had a sanallite this mentally stable.

>> No.77683224

He was the only stable meathead

>> No.77683477

Speaking of people who are gone, where are the risuners. I know one went to vnug but wasn't there 2 more?

>> No.77683641

One was the falseflag of the /asp/ meathead
The other was a falseflag of the /nijiEN/ schizo

>> No.77683846

While the info is interesting and appreciated you should stray away from talking about schizos. Don't wanna knock on wood you know

>> No.77684023

I think we learned from the past. No discord making this time.

>> No.77684061


>> No.77684891

>they made a discord
Remember this is an anonymous image board first

>> No.77684936
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>> No.77685436

watching a movie I will return to not fret

>> No.77686328

Breadog is here to be a warm delicious pillow. Tonight's menu is a classic: French onion soup with roast beef sandwiches. Salad is an option for low carb and we can serve bread rolls meatless for vegan option.

So I got kneaded by the boss and was told to correct the behavior. Sorry. So I'll be here on support stuff. How's everybody's projects going today? I'd like to know more about /awat/'s climate so we can figure out other crops and dishes. Is it dry, wet, or both on different mountain sides?

>> No.77687131

did you see the sea bear last thread https://rentry.org/sea-bear

>> No.77687324

When I was thinking of zomrades being avatars for Ollie I was also thinking of how Ollie was sliced to pieces when she died. So I thought what if the nuns died via horrific violent death but were given a second chance with their broken bodies? I mean there are other zomrades who'd die in much cleaner ways and feel bad about themselves. Having the nuns be more broken than them would give them hope in their second life. I just think making these characters like this are interesting.

>> No.77687688

Do not feed the sea bears! Also a bit surprized on how many cubs they have. I suppose without hibernation and an amphibious life style sea bears can afford longer reproduction cycles. Though I wonder if they prefer breeding in cool season (solstice) or hot season (equinox). Also having that many offspring is calling for a high mortality rate. Especially if there's more males than females.

>> No.77689514

Alright here's the proposal since you jumped the gun. If this thread fails before bump limit then no more Saturday threads. Deal?

>> No.77689554

Magic in /VReX/

Magic in the lands of /vrex/ is established on two fundamental principles
1: Magic flows into our world through a "soul"
2: By manipulating said "soul" one can transform raw magical energy into natural and supernatural phenomena

Underneath the gentle fabric of our realm exists another, seemingly endless real of magical energy. While under normal circumstances these two realms are separated by a thin barrier (known to the scholars as the "Normalcy veil") the birth of life[1*] creates a tear in this barrier through which the turbulent magical energy can flow freely. This flow is almost immediatelly curtailed by a so far poorly understood concept commonly referred to as a "Soul"[2*]. This concept is malleable through the force of "Instinct" and "Mind"[3*] and can be used as a sort of sieve which imprints "Form" to the formless flow, creating various magical effects which then manifest in our realm.
Here it should be noted that every living thing naturally expels raw magical energy in small quantities safe for their physical body, and a complete stoppage of said flow will eventually lead to either a gradual degradation[4*] of the "Soul" until the flow returns to normal or a violent destruction of the "Soul" resulting in unpredictable, uncontrolled and often violent outcomes.
While many individuals use some form of simple "Soul" manipulation in their daily life, learning and application of more complex "Weaves" is mainly learned in the ancient weaver city of La'zerael on the shores of lake Feo, under which lies the immortal body of Rael the Weavemother.

[1*]Life here refers to every single component of natural realm, from what many may think as lifeless like stone and dirt to the highest animal lifeforms like Britards and Novakin
[2*]Soul has been noted in every sexually reproducing animal species. It is currently unknown through what means the flow of magical energy is managed in plant species and minerals, though 13 isolated instances of Soul have been confirmed in individual plants.
[3*]Mind has only been noted in humanoid species of vrexies, whereas other animal species weave Soul on the principle of Instinct and cannot consciously create new effects.
[4*]Degradation manifests as various types of illnesses affecting both mind and body. While the degradation of the soul can be treated, such illnesses often persist even after the fact.

>> No.77689641


>> No.77692459

yeah makes sense. I only expected the 1 thread a week
>magic is manipulated using a "soul"
This reads like shonen power ups. Like ki energy from dragon ball. Interesting

>> No.77692725

Yea, I guess that's a tldr kek

>> No.77692800
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>> No.77692933

Yeah not everyone dies the same so its good to have them be distinctly different.

>> No.77693739
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>> No.77696033


>> No.77696636
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bunny girls?

>> No.77696788
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>> No.77696862
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>> No.77696924


>> No.77697027

nta but I'm writing something dumb down as we speak

>> No.77697157

Looking forward to the dumb thing, nta

>> No.77698309

There was lore about seabears earlier. I wonder if there's any cute species.

>> No.77698836

I'm trying to think of a reason for a nun to have her brother stitched to her. Spoiler is subject to change.

>> No.77701794
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dumb lore coming though for /fig/ https://rentry.org/86c9r2z2
could be that they were reanimated using each others bodies since they were killed together?

>> No.77702017

pfft I bet the soul edge and ogey calibur weren't even real anyway
nice lore!

>> No.77702978

I should probably expand the lore of the swords some more when the next Ogey Calibur event drops in the near future of 20XX. Some of its stuck in a 6 hour vod and I should probably right it down somewhere

>> No.77703420

Another idea I had was brother wanted to feel useful. So he volunteered to have half his body stitched into the sister's torso so she could breathe and eat. Could be interesting if one of them is second life (undead) and the other is alive.

>> No.77703595

wouldn't his body start rejecting the decayed flesh?

>> No.77703715

zoombie magic can do wondrous feats of biology

>> No.77704407

Second living is done via zoombie magic. Possibly a virus, spirit, or demon. Haven't decided. As the body revives its metabolism and immune system kick off to stop most of the rotting decay. It can even reverse the decay sometimes. I'd like a zomrad's opinion on how the resurrection process exactly works.

>> No.77706252
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I'd guess I'm the most qualified for this even though I dont refer to myself as a zomrade despite my lust for ollie
I think straight dark magic is probably the way to go because if you introduce a virus then how would it survive in a dead body? It would make sense if the body was alive when it got infected . Spirit or Demon would be similar and harder to explain because then the body is possessed right? Or alternatively they were brought back by one of those 2 things and not 'Ollie' with ollie not having anything to do with it.

>> No.77707783

What's with this aversion to every other social media

>> No.77708057

brb starting the vtwbg skype group

>> No.77708082

what about teamspeak?

>> No.77708177

when are we opening our Digg page

>> No.77708201

Someone enlighten this cute newfag

>> No.77708267

setting up the anime dub site chat room

>> No.77709415
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>> No.77711224


>> No.77713565


>> No.77713608
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>> No.77714589

It's a bit complicated. But soul remaining in the dead body is possible with untimely murders or accidents. At least for a short while. A soul can leave the body without the body dying. You can see it with dying pets and old people. Sorry for late response. I got busy after dinner. Just some ideas.

>> No.77715725

So a few thoughts. How would dark magic reanimate the corpse? Is it done through a spellcaster or invoker? Or is it a natural phenomena? I can see it be used to raise the dead of those that didn't want to die or those who know they will die if they fail. Unforseen deaths like blind murders, accidents, and sudden deadly diseases would be ideal to raise as the souls are innocent of their deaths. Foolish risk taking adventurers, warriors that die in combat, the elderly who forseen their deaths, or those who do not take care of themselves that die of comorbidities are not worthy of second life. Thoughts?

>> No.77716077

Didn't Ollie mention she had lost some memories after her resurrection? I think that'd be a nice touch, to show that some part of the soul is eroded in the process. I think since soul manipulation is involved you definitely need to have some magic occur, though maybe in some specific circumstances the magic can occur naturally.
As for the worthiness of a resurrection, I imagine that would depend on the morals of the society where the ritual is conducted. Some may be very accepting, while others consider it taboo.

>> No.77716854

who would be conducting the ritual though? I can't imagine many of the other nations just making zombies out of the blue

>> No.77716973

Maybe the first ones rose thanks to the fandead necromancers? Nowadays, the art of undeath is quite spread, they've got some in vshojo too.

>> No.77717039

I'm testing some ideas with the nunnery. They are made up of mostly maidens who have died from unforseen circumstances or cold-blooded murder. The exception would be the head nun who paid for her sins by having her face blasted off.

And I do agree memories should be lost upon soul transfer or resurrection. In tabletop games and some MMORPGs resurrection and dying costs experience points and levels. Which is memories and knowledge of your character. So naturally if you revive or reincarnate there's a loss of the soul because those pieces are burned in the resurrection.

>> No.77717174

well the anon who started introducing these zombies mentioned some praise ollie for their 2nd life
so are there some zombies that just exist outside of that?

>> No.77717411

If it's magic, I imagine you'd need to channel some goddess or another to do it. You could channel Rushia to do it, or you could channel Ollie, or Michi. The rituals and outcomes could have some differences, the rushia necromancy leads to more servile zombies, while Ollie zombies might retain more free judgement? Just spitballing.
Faceless nun sounds pretty metal, does she wear a cool mask? nun+cool mask is a pretty sick aesthetic.

>> No.77718425
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Magic talk. Feels good man.

>> No.77718472

It's a porcelain mask. Also despite not having any eyeballs she can see. She can even see straight into your soul. Despite not having a jaw she can speak words. She can even speak words to your soul. Only those with the gift to see souls and spirits may lift the mask to see her true face. She was the most beautiful woman in the world. And her vanity of her first life has costed her that beauty. Now she adopts girls who died innocently to raise them into nuns in hopes to preserve their innocense, purity, and beauty. All the things she threw away for vanity.

>> No.77718942

After rereading this I think I just described an Elden Ring boss.

>> No.77719024

I don't know if you did, but she'd make a good one

>> No.77719498

>The nunnery on the surface is a silly anime with cute zombie girls doing silly zombie things.
>Meanwhile it's run by a literal souls-like boss with undead powers who can literally solo an army.

Gotta practice those i-frames and positioning now. Still would the faceless nun.

>> No.77720600

Baker-chan, the half-tree Maytre sapling, Captain Charolette, the faceless nun and her church of cute zombies, half-shrimp cute and funny mermaids chumbuddies, the /uoh/ spice twins. I'm addicted to making anime girls. Please stop me.

>> No.77720680

No, make more. Make many more.
Also write them down and anchor them. Maybe we can add a "Miscellaneous characters" section to the archive.

>> No.77720845

Nah, we wont.
Why not add some boys tho? VTRP may need em, mainly to man the test facilities.

>> No.77720987

He doesn't jerk off to boys

>> No.77721100

he's just like me fr fr

>> No.77721101

I almost forgor Laia Page the cute immortal Asian looking librarian who can't die, has hime cut bangs with braided pig tails, round glasses, and bad hygeine.

To be honest I'm pretty shit at coming up with male characters. Mac, Charlie, and Alex from the old world were pretty generic dudes in the end.

>> No.77721175

Doesnt need to, stop thinking with your dick. And that retort sounds like a member of the church of unicorn's retort.

>> No.77721223

>Mac, Charlie, and Alex
Lmao even you absolute nigger

>> No.77721349

You should try it sometime, boys can be pretty cute

>> No.77721414

I do recall somebody suggesting the wisp maids to also be males as well when I dropped their designs the other day

>> No.77721452

There is always good reason to put a guy into a maid skirt, good suggestion

>> No.77721476

You mean like otokonoko?

>> No.77721530

Yep, guys like babylite and the like

>> No.77721566

otokonoko, traps etc
in the end its all ghost blowjob

>> No.77721597

yeah I guess I can work with that

>> No.77721599

>He'd stop at a blowjob

>> No.77721680

I heard the noise. Anyway time for bed before I get too excited and stay up later than I already am.

>> No.77721872
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guess I'll drop a quick maid wisp design (male) tomorrow. In the meantime check this out

>> No.77721937

naisu desu ne

>> No.77723222

If I plap her enough, would she become alive again?

>> No.77725070


>> No.77726453

survive the night

>> No.77729659
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Where are the communists?

>> No.77730713
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>The other decided he wanted to be groomed over in /asp/
>The third was a falseflag by the /asp/ one

>> No.77730880
File: 267 KB, 2048x2048, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nooo!! dont be a big meanie!!! >~<
