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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 135 KB, 1155x931, covids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77652128 No.77652128[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

the covid hoax has been debunked for four years now but all of a sudden vtubers are getting bribed or threatened by the biden crime family to start claiming that they all got corona from offkai? what's this bizarre timing? do we now have enough conservative vtuber fans in the space that they're going to use this 'covid outbreak' as a pretext to assassinate more trump patriots? absolutely disgusting - if i was a vtuber and the new world order tried to get me to cover up their population control program, i'd kill myself rather than spread their lies

>> No.77652167
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>> No.77652263

Take your meds

oh wait, you don't take meds

>> No.77652402

>i'd kill myself rather than spread their lies
Do all of us a favor and follow through on that, then.

>> No.77652645


>> No.77652850

I'm /here/ to talk about cute anime girls and boys. I don't give a fuck about retarded politicians. GTFO, reddit mod.

>> No.77652925

Bringing politics into vtubing is the most retarded thing an anon can do.

>> No.77652926

I will live longer than you.

>> No.77652991

Are you also inevitable?

>> No.77653064
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>and boys

>> No.77653175


>> No.77653235

>i just wanna watch my anime waifus and husbandos while humanity is slaughtered like cattle all around me
figures that a homofag would rather watch his japanimation cartoons for the remaining two or three years of human civilization rather than get off his ass and do even the slightest thing about it

>> No.77653328


>> No.77653333

Listen ralph we get it your worthless pedo ass got ignored and your content farming amounted to zilch, Go back to jerking it to 13 year olds and grudgeposting on xtter, Or better yet neck yourself you worthless fat troglodyte

>> No.77653378

There are more homos /here/ than they dare to admit, anon.

>> No.77653387


>> No.77653431

Keep posting retarded rants on 4chan, my nigga. That will show them.

>> No.77653464

>They all visit offkai in person
>they all take part in offpako
>surprised they're now sick

>> No.77653495
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>> No.77653507

> Anon posts psychotic rant.
> Get called out for being psychotic.
> Calls others "triggered."

Yeah, that's your typical internet dweller.

>> No.77653517
File: 535 KB, 1036x829, runie2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would suggest to kys but it seems you're already on it

>> No.77653630

man the russians really have fucked over the american right kek

>> No.77653653 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 1297x859, truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77653661

retarded faggot hands typed this post

>> No.77653666

Nah, they know that covid was so heavily pushed as this dangerous super deadly pandemic, that they can take a vacation whenever they want just by claiming they caught it.
All the normie npc sheep, even if deep down they know it's bullshit still have to hang their head and go "Aw, shucks. Get better soon. Don't worry about streaming, your health is important, cause covid is.. bad."
Enjoy your meme cold, max vax cucks.

>> No.77653808

finally, someone with a fucking brain

>> No.77653822

What's with the recent /pol/fag surge?

>> No.77653835

They haven't got the memo that COVID isn't real, or at least COVID is "over." Now they just look silly doing this routine.

>> No.77653918

Just a bunch of normies who think this is the place to talk about their idiotic conspiracy theories.

Coming up next: I caught AIDS while watching a lewd vtuber, by Retard McRetardson.

>> No.77653971

I've always got to remind myself that there is always someone more retarded than I am.

>> No.77654086

They're just retarded normalfags, there is no conspiracy

>> No.77654219
File: 124 KB, 1164x772, tactic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obvious

>> No.77654421

They've been brainwashed into thinking that any illness or cold is covid, there's nothing more to it.

>> No.77654499

This, free vacation, even the dumb teens in my country knew it was fake and shared tips with each other about how to obtain false positive results with (((PCR tests)))

>> No.77654627

>the covid hoax has been debunked

>> No.77654732

Samefagging is sad, anon

>> No.77654757

Based, true and /thread

>> No.77654769
File: 260 KB, 3322x485, OWNED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking owned

>> No.77655276
File: 457 KB, 1080x878, 1694128856562108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real answer: it's because of the strong wifi used all over the con, EMF radiation induces an immune response akin to flu-like symptoms.

>> No.77656000

A schizo to surpass Nijisisters...

>> No.77656366

I’m so mad GOP didn’t let Doki write their platform this year and instead grandfathered in the platform written by actual Russians (in 2016) for the second time in a row.

>> No.77656490
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>> No.77656541

I like bringing in politics because it makes people angry with little effort on my part.

>> No.77656583

>Why are vtubers pushing the covid is real angle?
Vtubers peaked in popularity at the height of Covid. Encouraging that delusion strengthens their income. Don't go outside. Give money to your Oshi instead.

>> No.77656602


>> No.77656609


>> No.77656665

Covid = code word for plan canceled in the vtuber world. I thought you catalogniggers would know this by now.

>> No.77656742

you guys think he's crazy but we're 2 months away from a sitting congress member playing amongus and making tiktoks with Filian

>> No.77656834


>> No.77656933

>rather than get off his ass and do even the slightest thing about it
being fair it's not like any of us peasants can do anything. get /fit/ and chill with virtual chuba waifus until the famines start is about all one can do. even if we COULD change the planet a lot of shit coming in '27 is locked in now anyway. just enjoy the fun streams and stop stressing.

>> No.77657030


>> No.77657153

>Give money to your Oshi instead.
but I don't need scamarona to tell me that kek

>> No.77657188

