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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77646470 No.77646470 [Reply] [Original]

Back to leeching, I see

>> No.77646568
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>> No.77646601

I’d kiss Mint’s cunt, if you know what I am alluding to.

>> No.77646614

That's weird, I don't think I've ever seen them interact before?

>> No.77646674

newfaggot sister

>> No.77646699

Mint-dachis? I thought you said she's happy now with what she has?

>> No.77646731

It's honestly pathetic to see sisters act like this towards Pomu of all people

Like she is the base of Lazulight and NijiEN and there wouldn't be Golden 20 without this fairy. But yeah, let's just dump her and slander her because she interacted with Doki and Sayu

>> No.77646753

She looks happy to me, wdym?

>> No.77646841


>> No.77646889

She is NijiEN’s daisenpai, no matter what they say now. To cast her aside so easily is a clear indicator that they only care about the clique and its connections.

>> No.77646891

How is any of this related, doxxer-kun??? She's talking to Pomu, not Mint.

>> No.77646941

what a newfag sister, lmao..
she loves holo girls, and not a single remaining niji.

>> No.77646988

Oh sorry, I forgot that nobody knows

>> No.77646992

Oh they'll see each other alright...

>> No.77647008
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I only like to see this cuz sisters gets mad over it

>> No.77647012

Yeah, with me

>> No.77647035

Mint has good taste
newfag, fauna and pomu interacted plenty on twitter and fauna watched some of pomu's streams

>> No.77647053

Hi Mint

>> No.77647138

No, I’m the bed

>> No.77647146

She's likely not getting a normal ticket unless Cover pulls some strings.

>> No.77647181

All Out War?

>> No.77647212
File: 40 KB, 939x1410, sisterslovemint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How quickly they turn

>> No.77647243

Why do you pretend there is sanctity in corporate numbers, or numbers in general?

>> No.77647296

Fuck off
She's not niji anymore

>> No.77647327

Says the faggot from nyfco. kill yourself

>> No.77647390
File: 1.59 MB, 1343x1900, 1709130333586035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bother. They're the same idiot who screeches any time anyone mentions that Doki and Shachimu are friends.

>> No.77647483

Oh no, she's promoting the concert to her fanbase and is encouraging them to see it, I'm literally shaking

>> No.77647567

How can you endlessly seethe at nyfco for "doxxxxx" while posting the exact same shit that's written on nyfco and claiming that you're not posting doxxxxxxxx?

>> No.77647639

If you seriously can't tell the difference, you're not old enough to be on this board.

>> No.77647675

>Golden 20
How many of them are left anyway? I haven't been keeping count

>> No.77647695


>> No.77647754

The ones who are left are all turds

>> No.77647784

She's honorary holo so it's alright

>> No.77647840

15, of which Alban's on hiatus, Vox never streams, Rosemi's on hiatus, and Millie's suspended.

>> No.77647884

>Happily comments about Holo concert
>Streams over AR Live and doesn't even acknowledge AX concert
No wonder sisters have their panties in a bundle.

>> No.77647885

theyre left at a tin foil 15 i think

>> No.77647931

I remember hearing that Millie tried to give her free ticket to Mint, but she declined and gave it to I think Mika instead.

>> No.77647980

rosemi streamed yesterday.

>> No.77648034

There was never golden 20. There was golden 2 or 3 at most and the rest were all dregs

>> No.77648080

ah, I didn't notice she was back. I almost said petra was on hiatus too but remembered someone corrected me on that the other day. So It's just alban and millie on hiatus, and vox who streams once in a blue moon?

>> No.77648206 [DELETED] 

You're litrally doxxing Mumei right now. Shachimu is not a "PL".

>> No.77648209

Why is nijiEN alumni not allowed to enjoy hololive stuff? Kiara already cleared their name of any wrongdoing and sisters love Kiara so much.

>> No.77648257

Sayu would like a word with you.

>> No.77648301

What are you talking about? Why are you mentioning Mumei? Is she related somehow?

>> No.77648317

Okay, now I hate Minto. Leech off the shittiest holoen, she's supposed to have taste.

>> No.77648386

You're the only who mentioned Mumei retard

>> No.77648397

What is this deflection? Mumei's nyfco page was literally just "Mumei is Shachimu" and you're here saying the exact same thing.

Why are you talking about this Shacimu person for no reason in a discussion about PLs and doxxing? You know what you're doing so don't play dumb, doxxer.

>> No.77648410

>No tweet about niji 3ds
>Tweet about holoen concert
yeah pomu fucking hates nijisanji

>> No.77648458

Eat your own dick, faggot.

>> No.77648493

Sister, your meds...

>> No.77648516

How might you know about her page in that hellhole, anon?

>> No.77648530

Seethe harder Nijinigger

>> No.77648532

I don't think she watches any of the EN boys.
She doesn't seem to hate them, but she heavily, heavily prefers girls in general, and the few holoboys she ever cared about were jp anyways.

>> No.77648574

Shut up sister tourist

>> No.77648586

She's gonna be like IRyS once her non-compete expires and there's nothing sisters can do about it

>> No.77648614

It's called an aducated guess. How do YOU know that nyfco is a doxxxxxxxx site? Clearly you're a regular visitor mmhmm.

>> No.77648619
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Rosemi streamed 6 hours yesterday and streamed twice today

>> No.77648722

Where does Mumei come into the equation though? Anon is stating Doki is friends with Shachimu which is true and something that'd you see from their various interactions on twitter over the past like 5 years.

>> No.77648723

>an educated guess
You spoke definitively, though.

>> No.77648740

yeah that's why she didn't tweet anything about the upcoming ethyria event amirite?
Nah, she absolutely hates nijisanji and wants nothing to do with them now

>> No.77648780

I partially wish the site was still around so I could see their reaction to Mint being on WrestleTuber and meeting Sayu IRL.

>> No.77648785

>aducated guess
>a d u c a t e d

>> No.77648806

>Where does Mumei come into the equation though?
There here, retard.
Stop pretending.

>> No.77648807

>Mumei's nyfco page was literally just "Mumei is Shachimu"
a literal guess

>> No.77648852

I'm talking about stars, anon.
iirc she liked one of the JP ones.
Though after looking back I'm fucking stupid and realized you were talking about niji 3Ds and not the stars 3D tomorrow.

>> No.77648858

>newfags do not understand that literally does not actually mean literally

>> No.77648883

YWNBAJ. Kill yourself, immediately.

>> No.77648901

And this proves what, exactly? You can literally see them interacting on twitter since 2020, they've been friends prior to Mumei even existing. We know the egg came before the chicken here.

>> No.77648908

>posting faces
>posting IRL locations in the case of one HoloJP talent
>mentioning that two online accounts are the same person
There's a bit of a difference I think.

>> No.77648939

Even barring the use of “literally”, you still spoke with assurance.

>> No.77648977
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>It's called an aducated guess.
I think your edumacation failed you sister.

>> No.77648979

It's also a flat out lie.
I remember seeing all kinds of nasty shit there about past relationships, her family, her facebook, etc. and a bunch of horrific comments going for pages calling her a whore for having a picture of a boy on her facebook like 13 years ago and how they were going to harass her forever for it until she killed herself.

>> No.77648980

The thing is that Fauna has said she watched the green elf girl, maybe mint heard or something and is tryin her luck. Too bad for her that Fauna is Gura's greatest disciple and wont collab with anything outside Hololive.

>> No.77649044

What does this even mean, moron?
you will never be a jew?

It proves that you constantly post about Mumei being Shachimu.
>they've been friends prior to Mumei even existing
And you did it again.

You're naming people who post their faces, retard. You're posting doxxxx. Stop doxxing hypocrite.

>> No.77649051
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>It's called an aducated guess.
i have no words

>> No.77649071

You're just proving my point. Kiara and Pomu are close friends. Kiara still talks to Enna and Millie all the time.
It's you who is the tourist that made up things to attack the livers who are completely innocent. Did you know that Baelz from Hololive English is also friends with Elira? She even directed her fans to go to her first 3D debut you know. There was even an anon who kept track of all of their interactions in a pastebin.
Even though everyone knows that by any form of association, Bae who is also friends with Mumei who is friends with Doki should clear her. Yet the broader "vtuber community" casted her as an evil tyrant or some shadow management figure.
You are the tourist. You are the evil one who made up excuses and fake premises to attack the livers to divide the community even further.

>> No.77649135

Pomu was so much more confident and strong than Mint that they honestly feel like different people.

>> No.77649137

Even if that were true, ever heard of the path of least resistance? It”d be like ninety times easier for Mint to go through Kiara or Nerissa if that were the case.

>> No.77649141
File: 207 KB, 2222x2222, EtWj7j2UUAA3KF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing being proven here is you believe saying "Doki knows Shachimu" somehow involves someone who literally did not exist until 2021.

>> No.77649163

>being this much of a newfag
Holy shit go back to twitter or reddit, whichever faggot site you're from.

>> No.77649212

>What does this even mean, moron?
You should try upping your "aducation" and hittang the bouks.

>> No.77649223

>Kiara still talks to Enna and Millie all the time.
Proof? No, grabbing lunch together 1 time so she can hear their side of the story is not "talking all the time".

>> No.77649245

Why are you posting about shachimu, who is not a vtuberm on the vtuber board? How is she relevant to anything that happens here?
Again, you know exactly what you're doing and you're dancing like a monkey to try and avoid admitting that you're actually talking about Mumei.
Stop doxxing.

>> No.77649272
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>> No.77649285
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>> No.77649288


>> No.77649297

>loool you don't have the FORBIDDEN INFORMATION
Yeah you are totally not a nyfco doxxfaggot.

>> No.77649334


>> No.77649372

hehe i pointed out le typo XD

>> No.77649374

I'm not saying she is or isn't anyone, I'm saying that Doki knows Shachimu and whoever else you're talking about isn't relevant to their relationship. You should probably take your meds.

>> No.77649396
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> He didn't membered
Rosemi knows

>> No.77649399

Nijisanji giving Ex-Livers PTSD isn't a meme

>> No.77649432

How is Shacimu relevant to /vt/ - Virtual YouTubers? Why are you bringing her up here? Why would anyone care about her?

>> No.77649438

It's nothing to do with "forbidden information" it's the fact you don't know what YWNBAJ means and type like a faggot. You're clearly a tourist.

Again, go back.

>> No.77649440

What is this high school crap? All of this is ancient history from before February. For fuck's sake, I don't even think Pomu knew about the shit Elira and the twin idiots were doing to Selen.

>> No.77649452

No a typo is tpyo, or rypo, or t ypo. The keyboard is QWERTY then ASDFGH, not QWERTY and SDAFGH. or QWAERT and SDFGHY.

>> No.77649491

>Why are you posting about shachimu, who is not a vtuberm on the vtuber board?
Retard she literally was look it up

>> No.77649503

So you both admit to falsifying narratives under speculation to justify attacking livers. Very sad.

>> No.77649513

>How is Shacimu relevant to /vt/ - Virtual YouTubers?
She's a friend of Dokibird, a vtuber...? You're the one insisting she's some vtuber. Unless you're implying Mumei introduced them to eachother which would be weird, as Mumei didn't exist during their interactions.

>> No.77649539

sisters mad

>> No.77649557

Ok I figured it out. Why would I want to be a janitor? It's much better beating your face in by calling you out for being a doxxer.

>> No.77649565

Another thread filled with the same doxxvermin from the same doxxcord and kurosanji trying to shit on hololive

>> No.77649568

Sorry I meant >>77649071

>> No.77649571

>Why are you posting about shachimu, who is not a vtuberm on the vtuber board?
shachimu was a vtuber... she graduated though, i miss her ;_;

>> No.77649610

>thread is about Mint replying to Fauna tweet
>somehow, this is about Mumei and Doki

>> No.77649630

It’s all so tiresome

>> No.77649641
File: 105 KB, 1080x1080, @shachimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you posting about shachimu, who is not a vtuberm on the vtuber board?
...What? She's literally a vtuber. She has nearly a million subscribers on youtube and has been on hiatus from content creation and streaming for years, barring the occasional art upload. She's been friends with Dokibird for years, even helping her through her recent troubles IRL. Why are you talking about unrelated people? Are you okay?

>> No.77649642


>> No.77649651

Why are you posting about a "vtuber" who has not been active for over 3 years? What does she have to do with the discussions in this thread?

How is she relevant to this board? Why would anyone care about her?

>> No.77649656

They just want to doxx the holo's, its what this always leads to

>> No.77649688

the weirdest part is the sister bring up mumei out of nowhere and then screaming
women, i swear. she really should get a higher aducation.

>> No.77649694

Be less obvious nijinigger

>> No.77649718

You know exactly why you're bringing her up, doxxer.

>> No.77649735

You're the one who brought her up in >>77648206 with some schizophrenic lie, you tell me.

>> No.77649802

Again, you know why you're talking about "Shachimu". She is not relevant to this thread in any way, but you brought her up anyways and you cannot explain why.

>> No.77649861

She got brought up here >>77647390 you fucking inbred retard

>> No.77649864 [DELETED] 
File: 534 KB, 1080x1659, shachimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes definitely a cutie. Doki is lucky to have such a good friend

>> No.77649893

I told you it was the same one, anon.
Mention how doki and shachi were buddies who watched twilight together and she comes out of the woodwork every single time with her schizophrenic nonsense.

>> No.77649900

I wasn't the one to bring her up? I'm just agreeing with anon that Doki and Shachimu are friends, because they are and have been since... middle school, I think it was? You're the one bringing up irrelevant people.

>> No.77649918

>the NDF finally take the mask off

>> No.77649925

And why was she brought up? How is she relevant to the discussion at hand?

>> No.77649951

Why she targets Fauna? Isn't orange woman her friend? What happened to their Romeo Juliet thingy?

>> No.77649964

Again, you know why you're talking about "Mumei". She is not relevant to this thread in any way, but you brought her up anyways and you cannot explain why.

>> No.77649969

based cerave chad

>> No.77649987

Do society a favor and kill yourself

>> No.77649997
File: 133 KB, 1080x455, Screenshot_20240605-164223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really do

>> No.77650022

>some anon brings up two known vtuber friends
>huh? what the hell are you talking about--
Nobodies fault but your own that you're so retarded. Go back to school and get "aducated."

>> No.77650026

Stop playing dumb and answer the question.

You first, doxxer.

>> No.77650036

what deer pussy does to a mf

>> No.77650048

I dont understand can you show me?

>> No.77650050
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>> No.77650053
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>> No.77650070

Years of serving Niji but stay loyal to holo till the end. She's pretty good

>> No.77650072

Oh anon's talking about his good friend Mike. Y'know, Mike Hunt.

>> No.77650091

We were just talking about Shachimu and Doki. Why are you talking about random people like Mumei? What does Mumei have to do with the topic at hand? Are you okay?

>> No.77650093

>What happened to their Romeo Juliet thingy?
That was with Pomu, and Pomu is dead

>> No.77650098 [DELETED] 

You're right but they're obviously bad-faith trolling. Just report them and move on.

>> No.77650133

I'm not even the one who posted it to begin with you're just a fucking schizo retard who started shrieking about doxxing for no reason

>> No.77650144 [DELETED] 

This, you should start reporting doxxniggers like >>77648206.

>> No.77650177

>no, I’M the retard
>>nuh uh, I’M the REAL retard!!

>> No.77650183

What do you mean? Kiara and Mint apparently like each other. They've mentioned each other several times in streams.

>> No.77650201
File: 157 KB, 390x381, 1712568498210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was in Kiara's chat yesterday
>they've been constantly chatting during and after off-kai

>> No.77650220

I don't see any mention of a "Romeo Juliet thingy"

>> No.77650224
File: 57 KB, 1440x274, so true sister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post got deleted when the sister who originally brought up mumei got banned
>she was actually telling herself "you're so right!"
God I hate doxxsisters.

>> No.77650244

Why were you talking about them? They have nothing to do with this thread.

You were the ones shrieking about doxxing first. I simply pointed out the hypocrisy.

>> No.77650260

You can only be friendly towards one person at a time, duh

>> No.77650263

I know the concept of having multiple friends might be a foreign concept to you but it's a thing

>> No.77650266
File: 467 KB, 2048x2048, 1672520772111934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They apparently can't grasp the concept of liking cute girls and knowing more than one person in a company.
I'm not even a pomudachi but I fucking love this image

>> No.77650273

Meant >>77650098 whoops
Hope she keeps posting on her phone though, 2 bans should suit her.

>> No.77650325

Why are you posting dox?

>> No.77650366

I dunno, sister. I just noticed the similarity between someone talking about mint and fauna, and an anon who freaks the fuck out any time you mention shachimu and doki.
So tell me. Why are you so upset? Why do you keep bringing up nyfco and mumei? What do they have to do with this?

>> No.77650444
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>> No.77650449

As the sisters are having a meltdown itt I thought I'd just remind anons that /NijiEN/ groomed an autistic 14 year old girl in their VRchat ERP server.

>> No.77650505

And guess what? They did. They just didn't make a big deal about it on a stream or anything.

>> No.77650533

What's similar about them? Shachimu has never been relevant ro this board.

>> No.77650538

Oh yeah, you mean that time they doxxed Twisty and then claimed it wasn't actually her but was a 14 year old? So now they've either actually doxxed Twisty just for fun, or they're outright actual pedophile groomers, and they have no way of escaping either of those two allegations?

>> No.77650542

Pomu is not a big deal anyways

>> No.77650566

Big enough for you to shitpost over for years

>> No.77650628
File: 81 KB, 952x1012, 1717787964808595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based nijipedos

>> No.77650632

Oh yeah, that depressed, underaged girl that they posted all over /nijien/ and were happily showing off how they totally knew it was Twisty and how Twisty was making VRC references to them because of it.

>> No.77650674

>3 days ago
>the /news/ article was a week ago
Fucking christ.

>> No.77651039
File: 119 KB, 227x222, 1709950072737508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>either actually doxxed Twisty just for fun
>or they're outright actual pedophile groomers

>> No.77651129

In this specific case it literally can't be both: either they doxxed Twisty or they as a group had sexual relations with a child. Unless Twisty is also a child which... would certainly be a can of worms I'd like to imagine not even Niji would stoop too, if only because international labor laws would hopefully mean that they couldn't even if they would, but you never really know with these things huh?

>> No.77651223

Twisty drank with everyone in Japan which means she's 20 at the very least

>> No.77651255

All of their auditions say that minors can apply with parental consent.
...Didn't AkioAir try to make the minor into a sexual character, calling her Nophilia and making her debut line about sex?

>> No.77651284

Rabu Fauna
Rabu Mint
Death to OP and number niggers

>> No.77651602

So then we're just back to /nijien/ either literally being pedophiles, shameless at that given they said >>77650628 not even days later, ooooooor it's actually Twisty and their biggest fans have now doxxed her.
Personally I'm hoping it's the latter if only for the fact that it'd cause the most mental anguish to Twisty, being the vile human being she is, but that's my own take and I don't truly expect others to agree.

>> No.77651638

How's feeling of your Daisenpai don't give a fuck about her old workplace but do care about the rival corpo.

It shows how bad her old workplace is.

>> No.77651768

Kys nijinegro

>> No.77651829
File: 128 KB, 250x370, grifty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no way Grifty is /here/, what a preposterous claim.

>> No.77651835

Anon... Nijisanji was literally outed for having an entire branch dedicated to being escorts to their investors (Yumenographia) and their newest job application asks for minors.

>> No.77652576

Hololive fans act much, much worse than this towards Kson and Mikeneko. And if you think they wouldn't dump and slander Holos for interacting with someone they don't like (any male) then you're living in another world, my friend, because that's already happened to Kronii and Ame.

>> No.77652705
File: 127 KB, 1125x1165, jpgwjmu4pbhc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Nijisanji, right? The one who bans her from events? The Nijisanji who bans her from events? THAT Nijisanji, right? Not the Hololive of whom she still actively supports of her own will?

>> No.77654297

Holobeggar seethe.

>> No.77654590

Maria tried too, but Mint "already had one" (she obviously didn't want it).

>> No.77655047

Nijisisters are kinda sad at this point I feel bad for them kinda

>> No.77655317

dont lie to yourself, pomu was great but it WAS luca, mysta and vox who brought in the money for niji en.

>> No.77655356

It was, but they couldn't work half as well without t he backbone that selen and pomu provided for the branch. They can't even handle a mario kart tournament without selen.

>> No.77655586

She's sucking up to her future senpai.

>> No.77655656

eh, they still did a half decent job with the last mario kart stream. also despite selen and pomu's importance for niji en, they never reached a million in subs. selen had 100m total views to her credits, but pomu was lagging behind in subs badly, and once luxiem passed her, you know she was never going to claw back the deficit.

>> No.77655866
File: 655 KB, 1794x1346, old habits die hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somethings never truly change

>> No.77655933

The fact that you're even comparing them in that way is an issue tbdesu.
The point of the corpo is to bring up the stragglers and help promote everybody, and you're making it sound more like a competition. It's why instead of cutting off people like Regloss or Aki, they focused on reviving them.
The lack of support in NijiEN is just disgusting.

>> No.77655985

She always replies to a lot of people on twitter including, indie vtubers, artists, and even random fans, you guys are absolute retards.

>> No.77656077

Sub counts don't mean shit, any random indian or bot can sub to you, what matters is the CCV and how much donations your watchers are giving you.

>> No.77656103

Can someone (not the retard I'm replying to) explain why it seems to be almost universal for people who cry about doxing to be the biggest spreaders of said knowledge?
As someone who doesn't follow Niji or Holo this shit seems like the least organic posting on the board, is it falseflags or what's the go?

>> No.77656446

you want to hear the honest truth sisters. You can't have a male only vtubing company because they will get seen as creeps unless female co workers exist to balance out their reputation.
When you lost Pomu & Selen you lost the corner stones of positive female validation in Nijisanji EN. It was a shield to deflect the more yabai shenanigans. Yabs no one cared about come back to bite you and now your crazier content is at risk of getting them banned as well.
they wouldn't have made that much money if the girls weren't there in the first place to show how cool they can behave, like as a self insert

>> No.77656572

>You can't have a male only vtubing company because they will get seen as creeps unless female co workers exist to balance out their reputation.
Eh, I disagree. A boys only club would work fine. The girls are just accessories at this point anyways and receive no support.

>> No.77656671
File: 705 KB, 1177x975, SistersHarassKotokaandblamesayu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Falseflags. Sisters love pretending to be random fanbases to stir shit between the actual fanbases to start attacking each other. The problem is they glow like crazy and can't fool anyone who's spent more than 5 minutes /here/. They regularly raid the generals and harass the actual streamers while pretending to be other fanbases, even spending money in some cases.
This is just another common tactic. If anyone mentions that shachimu and doki are friends, or that mint and pomu are related, they start screeching about doxxing despite nobody going any further than that.

>> No.77656831

Yeah sisters harassed Kotoka over mel termination sisters also doxx pomu tits over an all war discord You faggots are the most disingenuous false flagging base of them all.all you do is tribal fag on this shithole all day long.

>> No.77656887
File: 339 KB, 773x793, 1717436977997254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77656905

How's /NijiEN/'s VRchat ERP server today? Groom any more autistic 14 year olds?

>> No.77657399

subs dont count, ok but remind me again who is the highest earner in niji en and overall third placed on the company with all of the amazing jp old guard livers ? is it pomu ? no ? selen ? hell no.

>> No.77658021


>> No.77658120

Remember when nijinogs almost destroyed Mio's channel or when they went on a doxxing campaign against Fauna?

>> No.77658127

>(fauna addressing her fans) I'll see you all in New York
>(mint) ME ME ME ME ME ME

>> No.77658736

My oshi love Mint, and Mint loves my oshi

>> No.77660703

leech gonna leech bro respect the bitch hustle

>> No.77660827

Sisters are pathetic

>> No.77661202
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, 1714410544333027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a can of worms I'd like to imagine not even Niji would stoop too

>> No.77661343

Notice how all the replies this get don't even try to refute the claims. Nijinig or no, it's the truth.

>> No.77661378

Pomu is a literal whore how could anyone respect her

>> No.77662151

>dude an all out war lmao xD
I like how mintfags conveniently try to forget that their oshi happily shat on Hololive when it suited her
Hypocritical grifting leech

>> No.77662257

Sisters and drama catalogue can't milk Saya anymore for their Ex-Niji hate train so it's back to Mint.

>> No.77662447

>mint loves idols
>hololive = idols
>mint loves hololive
Simple as

>> No.77662898

Oh no... Mint that is liked by everyone in the vtuber industry send a friendly message... how dare she?

>> No.77663868

