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77576052 No.77576052 [Reply] [Original]

explain this holokek

>> No.77576109

>explain this

>> No.77576171 [DELETED] 

Not all cultures are zogged like yours, amerishart. Buddhism was and is using that since before hitler was some cells in his dad's balls.

>> No.77576181
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>> No.77576214


>> No.77576246


>> No.77576319
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Here anon, hope it helps!

>> No.77576367

>nazi = bad

>> No.77576403

Friendly reminder that /NijiEN/ doxxed a random 14 year old kid.

>> No.77576413

How to say that you're a retarded americanoid without actually saying it

>> No.77576499

The worst part about this is mouthbreathing Dunning-Krugerites who make artificial distinctions between Swastikas and Manjis like all swastikas are Hakenkreuz and that the two are easily distinguished non-existent design specifications.

>> No.77576507
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You see, it's a subtle Tokyo Revengers reference because they're women and women really love that show for some reason

>> No.77576605

>The Swastika is a cross with its arms bent at right angles, in either left-facing or right-facing forms.[1] It is a widely-used religious symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.[2] The symbol was also used in pre-Christian Europe. The word "Swastika" became part of the English language in the nineteenth century with the British conquest of India. In the 1920s, the Nazi party chose the swastika as its symbol and it is for this association that it is best known in the Western world.[3]

>The Swastika is a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.[4] It is also a sign of spiritual purity. The swastika was a letter in the ancient Sanskrit language. It meant luck or well being.[4] It is also found on Byzantine buildings, Ancient Greek coinage and in Native American burial sites.[4]

>The swastika was a symbol used by the Nazi Party in Germany, and later by the Third Reich. Adolf Hitler chose it as the symbol of the German Workers Party after he joined. Before Hitler, members had already worn swastika armbands. (They believed they were adopting an ancient European symbol; they were seemingly unaware of its continued use in the East.) Hitler was responsible for its red, white and black coloring.[5] From 1935 – 1945 it was used on the German flag.[5] The symbol became stigmatized because of its association with Nazi war crimes.[5]

>Since shortly after World War II, it has been illegal in Germany and Austria to display the swastika and other Nazi symbols. The swastikas on Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain temples are exempt from this law, because religious symbols cannot be banned in Germany.[6]

- arms point left: good swastika
- arms point right, with dots: good swastika
- arms point right, no dots: Nazi "original character, do not steal" swastika

>> No.77576643


>> No.77576879

This post brings me back to the times of Manjigumi collabs.

>> No.77576944

>tell me you are a filthy zoomer without telling me you are a filthy zoomer

>> No.77577005
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>> No.77577155

Hololive is a company that panders to the english speaking world, they should know how the symbol is seen outside of Japan. Especially with Austrian employees.
It's just an funny/unforunate situation.

>> No.77577223

Aaaand here is one of them now.

>> No.77577258

Hypothetically speaking, if someone were to make a big fuss about this, do you think Hololive would be forced to remove the design? Just asking for curiosity's sake.

>> No.77577290

Tokyo Revengers won!

>> No.77577311

The average weeb isn't a normie who thinks every Swastika is praising Nazis. On the contrary, they make an artificial dichotomy between Manjis and Swastikas as diametrically opposed to the point that they incorrectly claim it is a symbol of peace. It is a symbol of good fortune, but that is too neutral of a concept to counter the influence of the Hakenkreuz in their eyes.

>> No.77577314
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>> No.77577315

Based Banchou

>> No.77577357

It all make sense Japanese are wanna be nazi. They hate everything and everyone that isn't Japanese

>> No.77577358

get a job

>> No.77577414

should've gone to kiara

>> No.77577454

But the average American weeb is indeed a nazi and a /pol/ brainrot faggot. The nazi swastikas is fan service for them.

>> No.77577505
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How does this disprove my point at all?
Your tl;dr proves you don't know what you are talking about and just regurgitate other people's claims without having an inkling to the reality. Both Nazis and Eastern Religions have employed swastikas facing both directions.

>> No.77577836

kill yourself

>> No.77577940

your lack of self-awareness is amusing

>> No.77578043
File: 69 KB, 546x700, 1717764503930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, really.

>> No.77578090

It's something a fan submitted, dumbass. Cover doesn't have to do shit.

>> No.77579094

it's a buddhist symbol you low-IQ nijinigger.

>> No.77579188

>afraid of wimps

>> No.77580506

so what's the problem?

>> No.77580587

>Buddhist symbol
The cope kensama come up with to defend Japan racism towards foreign countries lmao.

>> No.77580588

You’re forgetting the part where Hitler tilted the swastika 45 degrees to convey a sense of dynamism and motion to the symbol and the movement he wanted it to represent.

>> No.77580796
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>> No.77581509

>taps the sign


>> No.77581702

You do realize where you are right? Even if it is a swastika, most of us would find that funny

>> No.77581711

Jimmy is part of the Tokyo Manji gang
Also she probably hates minorities

>> No.77581837

Gee, it's almost like there was an extremely popular delinquent series recently that uses this symbol or something.

>> No.77582037

>thinks you need to change a religious symbol that's been around for millenia just because some autistic German decided to steal the design
How about you Americans stop being cucks and stop eviscerating your culture just because someone gets offended

>> No.77582271

/pol/fags are wimps irl but they always put up that annoying tough guy persona online as they shit up every community they visit

>> No.77582432

No not really

>> No.77582592

>Oy vey doncha know they are all wimps
>Not like us big STRONG men
>Who wear panties and love BBC

>> No.77582643

case in point

>> No.77582889

Mutt's law in action ladies and gentlemen

>> No.77585310

First thing, I'm not American.
Second thing, She's not wearing it for religious reasons, she's wearing it because she's a tokyo revengers fangirl, not because she's a pious Buddhist.
I think it's funny how hololive let that design choice pass when they've not just got western employees but Austrian employees.

>> No.77588828

man G

>> No.77589468

>tokyo revengers fangirl

Yeah, so it isnt about funny duck-stompers. you admitted it yourself.
No one should give a fuck. Not everything has to be about you westerners and your insecurities

>> No.77589809

mutt's law

>> No.77589822

Hauptsturmbanchou Todoroki

>> No.77589847

When the fuck did I say she has a swatsika because she's a nazi larper???
Obviously she isn't a nazi, she's just a Jap woman who doesn't know anything about WW2 because that's a complete taboo in their school system.
Hololive should've known about what a large market they're involved in, thinks when they see that symbol though, and it's funny that they never stopped to think about that, considering their past histories with other markets. It's just funny anon, stop acting out on your south easthern insecurities.

>> No.77590144
File: 73 KB, 602x479, main-qimg-436bee69d347b5861fb325b21b3b91a8-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swastikas are also an ancient Germanic symbol that represented the Sun Wheel you nigger
Based Banchou btw

>> No.77590275

>she's not a nazi larper
>but the symbol is bad and hololive should tell her to stop doing it anyway
>said symbol isnt indicative of being a nazi larper but she should stop anyway

Once again, not everything has to revolve around your retarded insecurities and self-created issues. Esp not with a non-english speaking branch that isnt targeted at you faggots anyway

>> No.77590281

Japs know plenty about WW2, they just know americans are retarded spergs who fail most of Asia to ng commie was their fault

>> No.77590389

Explains with how Nazis stole shit from all cultures and claimed it as their now.
The salute was taken from the Romans.
The swastika is from buddhism.
Wewelsburg was meant to imitate Arturian legends.
They even tried to claim the Spear of Longinus as theirs.

So overall, no. Stop seeing stupid shit. Its all stolen from other cultures and misappropriated.

End this thread Jannies.

>> No.77590626

I know it has nothing to do with the topic of the thread, but I hate his pants.

>> No.77590755

Type "Do Japanese people know about WW2" into youtube and you'll see video after video of people in the street interviewing random Japanese people, many are clueless about when WW2 ended or even why Japan was in WW2.
The average Japanese knows "WW2 was a bad war, we got nuked" and nothing more, it's skimmed over in their school systems. They know fuck all.

>hololive should tell her to stop doing it
I never said or implied this, I think it's funny how it went by hololive with no issue. It's just silly how it did.

>> No.77591018

>never implied hololive should've stopped her
>but it's 'funny' that hololive allowed it

It sounds like you think the normal, non-funny course of action is for the *japanese corpo* to stop such things anon.

Which, once again, it isn't. People outside your sphere generally don't give a fuck and see things differently from your lens.

>> No.77591147

>Muh youtube interviewing random people in the streets who want game jin to fuck off because they don't think murdering those chinks was a good thing
Thanks for confirming you are a retard who literally learns things from youtubeslop

>> No.77591569

Yeach, I think the normal sensible course of action is to not use imagery an entire market, one that you're heavily involved in, deems evil.
For example, if you're a japanese company heavily doing buisness in the chinese market, it's only sensible to not bring up things like taiwan or tiananmen square. You must agree that is the normal sensible course of action, even if it's not objectively true or moral, it's sensible as a company heavily involved in the chinese market.
The West thinks Nazis are the most evil thing imaginable, it's just funny that a company so involved with the Western market would make such a foolish thing again after having issues with the chinese market.

I have nothing against Japs who gloat about killing Gooks, Chinks and Pajeets, but many Japanese people don't even know they did that, many think they only fought the USA in the pacific, and no other theatre.

>> No.77591897

>I'm not implying that they should stop it
>but it's *foolish* because the market yada yada

retard anon can't even be intellectually honest. Yeah we get it, you find the imagery offensive. Once again, no one else thinks it's a big deal. Doesn't have to be about you all the time

It's a japanese pop culture thing,
the product is for a japanese target market,
said product doesnt even speak english
nor any european language,
thus has nothing to do with said markets

but it has to accommodate your sensibilities?
Who's being silly here

>> No.77592046

That explains why they love guns so much faggots can't use fist fights to fight like men

>> No.77592071
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>> No.77592376

>retard anon can't even be intellectually honest. Yeah we get it, you find the imagery offensive.
No, I don't, I hate jews.

>but it has to accommodate your sensibilities?
you seem to really be taking to heart that because Hololive English and Hololive ReGloss are seperate branches that somehow, the average consumer doesn't connect the dots that it's the same company.
Just because they're for different audiences, it doesn't mean one audience won't shit and piss themselves over how they pander to the other audience. They will. That's just a fact.
What is silly, is not aknowledging that as a fact, and planning your buisness taking it into account, so you don't risk alienating one audience for the other.
I'm not offended and want them to change the outfit, I think it's funny they made that outfit because it's such an obviously retarded mistake to make.

>> No.77592481

and your take is as retarded as saying mcdonalds shouldnt be serving beef burgers because they operate in india, or pork products because of all the mudslime countries they operate in because of the risk of alienation

bitch they just simply do not serve those products in those countries. They serve a different menu

>> No.77592501

Incorrect, having gone to Japanese middle school we were taught that the Soviet invasions of China in 1929 and 1934 without the League of Nations intervening prompted Japan to likewise expand its control within China to counter the Russians. This escalated with the Marco Polo incident where the Chinese instigated the war and Nanking was just capturing the Chinese capital and razing it to attempt to force the Chinese to surrender like the atomic bombs.
Of course they don't talk to foreigners about it, hell Japs don't talk about anything potentially confrontational to people they don't know

>> No.77592856

>Marco Polo incident where the Chinese instigated the war
lol, who was it that brought a military force to Wanping and demanded entry?
I know you're just taking the piss, and agree that Japs don't know shit about the war.

>> No.77593250

Anon you gotta think like an Asian. Jap went missing, they ask inferior country permission to look for it because inferior country tried starting shit a couple years ago in Shanghai (yes the Japs started that one too, but in Asian logic instigation is disobeying your betters), the change nese refused and opened fire

>> No.77593336

Yeah, and before the first shot was fired, the lost Jap already regrouped with the Japanese force outside Wanping.

>> No.77593427
File: 60 KB, 500x396, main-qimg-3821ccb90c1e88592da28eb56ff61521-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a Vinca script. A collection of symbols that their civilization used from 7000 BC to around 5000 BC.
Notice something?

>> No.77594121

Kiara will be Hololive's Hitler

>> No.77596710

>hilter was le bad man!
he doesn't know...

>> No.77596952

Really hope they don't change this like they did to Mumei's and Mel's necklace.

>> No.77597101


>> No.77597317
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Counter point

>> No.77597346

well put

>> No.77601571


>> No.77604108


>> No.77604158
File: 103 KB, 640x703, 1687477239995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here

>> No.77604880

Westerners STILL have problems with nazis in todays political climate, and for you to act like Americans having a problem with nazi imagery is somehow over reactive is just as retarded on your part.

>> No.77605298

>Americans are stupid for not knowing the symbol's history.
>Sure the Japanese don't know who nazis are or what happened in WW2 but please understand.
Every time

>> No.77605545

Yes the Japs are aware that they freed the seaniggers from the swamp germans and that they had one of the less problematic collaborater governments

>> No.77605890

Nazism is the correct way

>> No.77606069

nobody gives a shit about that buddism trash
Nazis made the swastika based. You use it because of that

>> No.77608340

kill yourself
