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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77587952 No.77587952 [Reply] [Original]

I actually support this. Now even the EOPs will get to learn what a horrid bitch she is. She'll collab with the EN oshis and they'll hate her too because of how fake she is (just like everyone else in hololive)

>> No.77588027
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Ok marineschizo being a faggot aside what's up with
>I'm going to learn English
>[No delivery]
Like 3 fucking billion people speak English to stupid Japs, go practice already

>> No.77588066

nice nijinigger seethe, it won't stop Q4 nijikek.

>> No.77588097

unfortunately for all of us, this isn't niji deflection. It's Marineschizo, and we seem to be stuck with him no matter what Niji does or doesn't do

>> No.77588168

>3 years ago

>> No.77588261 [DELETED] 

Ichimin are always in denial that everyone hates their oshi. They'll call me a nijinigger (even though they're the ones that are brown) and run defense for her vile, fake behavior. I'm just showing the world who she really is.

>> No.77588332

God i want ririka to give me a paizuri

>> No.77588342 [DELETED] 

keep seething nijinigger pagpag eater.

>> No.77588406
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Too based for this shit thread

>> No.77588453

calling me names won't change the fact that everyone in holoJP hates your oshi, Ichimin

>> No.77588610

Marineschizo you need to learn to change your posting habits

>> No.77588782

dont care hag sex

>> No.77589154

there is no such thing as Marineschizo. Everyone just hates her and Ichimin always flood these threads to try to convince people she's not

>> No.77589356

Take your meds or buy an ad

>> No.77589564

Surely if everyone hates her you have mountains of evidence for it? Could you post some of it to prove these claims? And I mean genuine declarations of hate.

>> No.77589586

Holy shit I left the board for like 3 years. I can't believe marineschizo is still here.

>> No.77589610

Ok Mongolian

>> No.77589788

the best example is her playing monster hunter world with Pekora. First she ropes her into it because, lazy always, she doesn't want to do any work. Then she and Pekora go and fight Xeno and she hardly plays well, so much so the Pekora calls her dead weight. Like the whole time Peko was angry and it only supports my theory that management forces collabs between Marine and others because nobody likes her. Pekora hates her.

>> No.77589850
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marineschizo, I missed you

>> No.77589945

Still not seeing an open declaration of hate. Surely you can provide a single instance of that instead of assumptions and conjecture?

>> No.77589986
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Why do Japanese people have this bizarre belief that you need to learn English to speak it?

>> No.77589991

>3 years ago
Has her english improved since then?

>> No.77590086

She is unironically busy with idol stuff, streaming and producing her stupidly overdone MVs. I doubt she has time and energy to regurarily learn English.
Also average people from richer countries tend to not learn English, because there is no point in that. They have their own movies, music and jobs

>> No.77590159


>> No.77590220

So which is it? Everyone hates her or she has fans who apparently flood threads?

>> No.77590266

>3 years ago
OP are you using internet explorer?

>> No.77590267

I feel like hiring translators to live caption shit would be a better investment than expecting any of the girls to actually learn English. There's already people who do that and have done it for decades on TV, so I'm sure it'd be feasible. Hell, Fuwamoco did a scuffed one with PeroTL

>> No.77590361

Her fans still love her of course because they're as rotten as she is. Every time someone tries to expose Marine for the fake otaku she is, they swoop in to run defense for her. I'm just trying to raise awareness.

>> No.77590410

The sad thing with Marine was that her English journey fucked up her confidence in speaking it.
>First EN teacher kept making fun of her accent and was extremely impatient
>Second EN teacher was very nice and went slow, but when Marine learned enough conversational English, she realized that she not only speaks extremely slowly (in English) but also that her accent was as bad as her first EN teacher was saying
This is why UMISEA was made according to Marine, because originally she was doing the EN classes to collab with Ina due to not wanting Ina to have to rely on Japanese. Since she stopped her classes, she instead made the group as an alternative way for them to hang out together.

>> No.77590422

So then everyone doesn't hate her. Good to know.

>> No.77590498

If Pekora hated her you would be able to tell very easily

>> No.77590629

Oh I'm so sure that's true. C'mon, that's obviously her bruised ego talking and she's trying to make up excuses. Knowing Marine, she probably brushed it off and didn't take it seriously then got upset with her teachers because she wasn't learning. It's just like how she collabs with the other holos, she's lazy and everyone hates her.

Only Ichimin like her. Everyone else either hates her or doesn't know enough about her to hate her (and they always hate her once they learn the truth)

exactly. It was easy to tell. But she obviously can't just trash her own coworker live on stream. You could hear it in her voice though.

>> No.77590690
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>> No.77590719

Wow that sure went from everyone hates her to only some people hate her fast.

>> No.77590783

>But she obviously can't just trash her own coworker live on stream.
No, she doesnt joke around with people she's uncomfortable with or doesnt like, she just talks to them in a distant manner and interacts the absolute minimum required.

>> No.77590815

typical ichimin. Just can't take the truth so you move the goalposts or pretend like you don't understand what I'm talking about. So pathetic.

So literally what Pekora does with Marine then.

>> No.77590828

Often people think that if they pay for the course, all they need to do is turn up and they will easily learn the language. Without actual immersion, going from Japanese to English is incredibly difficult and it takes years to just learn how to have a simple conversation about an everyday topic beyond the basics of greetings and buying something from a shop. Most get to pre-int and then give up.

>> No.77590877
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>how fake she is (just like everyone else in hololive)
Niji enjoyer here. I like Marine, she might be one of my favorite Holos and I am fluent in JP. What now?

>> No.77590913
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>went from everybody hates her
>to she has fans but everyone else hates her
>to everybody hates her except her fans and people who don't know about her

>> No.77591003

Not at all, I don't wanna say names but there's very clear examples

>> No.77591007

You should hate every JP that said they will learn English and then didn't.

>> No.77591070
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Marineschizo pls...

>> No.77591756

Learn English, that's stupid. Just do English only streams without learning the language.

>> No.77591867

>"Knowing Marine"

>> No.77592065

Lots of angry women in this thread.

>> No.77592344
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>> No.77592742


>> No.77592860
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Pretty sure some of those are German.

>> No.77592934


>> No.77593107
File: 604 KB, 957x541, korone jump king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhhhh Germany? Uhhhhh..... Sauerkraut? Uhhh....... National Socialism? Yes? Uh...... Sauerkraut? And uhhhhhh..... Sauerkraut?

>> No.77593323

Tell me about Marineschizo. Why does he wear the stripey socks?

>> No.77593446

Sexy overseas bros….why did Marine give up on us….

>> No.77593706

because we got EN, JPs think that we will always abandon them for ENs. Island mentality.

>> No.77593787

They're completely right though. You WILL abandon anyone that doesn't actively seek to stream during the hours that you want them to stream at.

>> No.77593861

True that is why I abandoned EN because they stream at shit times, Marine always streams when I have time.

>> No.77594099

not true I never miss one of my oshi's streams and the timing can be very inconvenient at times

>> No.77594310

Why does marineschizo hate marine so much? She's one of the least hateable people in the whole corpo. What did marine do to him?

>> No.77594468

I don't need to understand Marine. I can direct her like a dog.

>> No.77594562

At this point, I'm willing to believe they don't really hate Marine but just make these posts just so they can get attention.

>> No.77594729

schizophrenia doesn't make sense. it just is. Probably got spited once somehow, maybe she responded poorly to a supa or maybe marineschizo read into something she did too deeply and now he's had a hateboner for her ever since.

>> No.77594765

Time to get you to bed, Marineschizo.

>> No.77595062

The crucial question is:
Is Marineschizo a woman or just gay?

>> No.77595221

My oshi also has a deranged schizo, honestly I believe most do

>> No.77595238

Back off buddy. Marine-schizo's womb belongs to me.

>> No.77595289

And unless you live on west coast, most EN times suck unless you are a NEET.

>> No.77595559
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Anon besides the fact you're a massive schizophrenic retard, if everyone hated her I don't think Hololive would be so functional and (relatively) drama free after what, 5, 6 years, of her being around? This kind of shit you suggest would have broken them a long time ago and we'd have seen a Selen/Niji event years ago regarding Marine

Stop shitting up the board

>> No.77595725

isn't this like her third time doing Eigo classes and each time gets worse than prior to taking the classes?

>> No.77595922
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Q4 on the horizon = bait threads on the rise

>> No.77596856

>There is no such thing as Marineschizo
Says Marineschizo as if we can't immediately tell it's them
>Verification not required

>> No.77598056

Everytime/ahoy/ is on cooldown you can count on Marine-schizo making these types of threads. Maybe he is just tsundere to marine at this point and doesn't want to bake a new /ahoy/ by himself.

>> No.77601853

I've never watched her streams but I love everything I've seen of her, I think that's more or less the common EOP sentiment

>> No.77602054

only sane reply

>> No.77602229

*actually* the greatest vtuber of all time

>> No.77605981


>> No.77606226

Why do zoom-zooms keep using this word?

>> No.77606486 [SPOILER] 
File: 69 KB, 1024x576, IMG_2748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, I guess I could see it. Suisei is definitely a bitch, Miko is a rapist, Pekora is an antisocial schizophrenic who thinks everyone is out to get her, and Okayu is fat. Why can’t Marine be a narcissistic psychopath?

I don’t think it’s true, but I don’t speak jp.

>> No.77607037

>miko is a rapist

>> No.77607407

Part of the problem is that the way that English is taught in Japan is comically bad, specifically because of how it gets taught via transliteration into katakana and romanji (think “nice” to ナイス/“naisu”), especially with the fact that there’s a good number of sounds in English that just don’t exist in Japanese, which throws a wrench into the whole transliteration thing, and combine that with the fact that English word construction is completely unlike Japanese word construction, which means transliteration is even less accurate.
This all means that even if they do take these courses, without immersion, they’re just going to end up with the same mistakes that they were already making. Basically, Japan has figured out the worst possible way to teach a foreign language while still allowing the people who use it to sort of be understood in that foreign language. Unironically, they would have more luck collaborating with their EN counterparts, especially the ones that don’t speak very good Japanese.

>> No.77608774

According to the us foreign service language school, Japanese is in the most difficult category for a native english speaker to learn for foreign service work purposes and it is the most difficult in the difficult category that includes chinese and arabic. Requires 6000hrs. I think french and german and that shit in the easiest category need only a couple hundred hours for working fluency.
Apparently the converse also applies: english is the most difficult language for a native jap speaker to learn. It's as hard as japanese is for en speakers, even them learning german and french is slightly easier.
Also although it's taught in schools they get maybe 600hrs max in their schooling lives which is useless.

>> No.77612297

What >>77607407 said, but I want to also add a different point. Entertainment and cultural osmosis are a huge way to get people to learn another language. English is extremely important for expanding your horizons to way, way, WAY more resources than any other language bar none, especially on the internet. It's also a lingua franca in many places.

And those reasons are all great, BUT English is also a language that has had huge impacts on culture and entertainment. Even ignoring the expansive British Empire and other such things that spread English far and wide, media in English for over a century has been top tier compared to the rest of what the world offers. Yes, Hollywood and such can be a joke now, but brushing off their impact would be insanely stupid. Most foreign cinema, video games, and general entertainment are low quality compared to what the US has pumped out (and the UK as well).

What Japan has that 99% of countries outside of the English speaking world doesn't have is FANTASTIC entertainment that doesn't need subs or a dub. The Japs have great games, anime, manga, and a decent-ish movie scene to where they do not need to get English entertainment for much of what they watch.

tl;dr This combined with what the other anon said are why Japs don't know English well. It's badly taught, and Japs, unlike most non-English speaking countries, has world class entertainment to rely on.

>> No.77615393


>> No.77616770


>> No.77616782
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Marineschizo is great, because it gives a chance to once again remind folks that Marine loves her overseas sexy guys.

>> No.77618685

I would like to explain a few things from Japan.
>Part of the problem is that the way that English is taught in Japan is comically bad, specifically because of how it gets taught via transliteration into katakana and romanji (think “nice” to ナイス/“naisu”),
As far as I know, there are no problems with the pronunciation of English teachers in schools (although I know one terrible exception)
Here's the main issue.
Awareness of English in Japan includes a few 'normal' types, such as Sora and Korone, and others who are 'psychologically forced to speak in katakana Eigo', like most of the rest.
In particular, women who speak English with a native-like pronunciation tend to be bullied in junior high school and so on, and this is psychologically imprinted on them, so they are reluctant to speak with a native pronunciation even as adults.
The situation is probably much different for students today, but this perception should be generally correct for those now aged 25 and over.
Another major reason is that English education in Japanese schools is only for solving exam questions and does not lead to any communicative competence. Exceptions are people like Beatani and Peo, who have trained voluntarily and become quite able to speak.

>> No.77619039

>3 years ago
ok marineschizo nice bait

>> No.77619499

Marine is a respectable hag

>> No.77619543

We know what Pekora hating someone looks like and it's not this.

>> No.77621437

Who Pekora hates beside Miko?

>> No.77626999

I still believe that rrat about Towa and Suisei having a meltdown over the hentai MV

>> No.77628370

I thought you died marineschizo. STAY DEAD YOU TRANNY.

>> No.77628518

it's been 4years nigga damn

>> No.77635296

She's talented. You're washed up. Oh, 4 provinces over Millle. I'll make you the single mother you were meant to be

>> No.77640388

>how fake she is
you mean like every vtuber you see?

anon you need to realize that streamers and stream is a cheap ver of an tv host and a tv show and every single one of them are acting their character

>> No.77640516

do people know when they start teaching english to the kids? im guessing around 6th grade

>> No.77641817

These girls are jsut girls. None of them are actually like what they display.

>> No.77641980

>the truth
>doesn't post anything

Shes a fucking woman what do you expect? Why do you think her fans tease the shit out of her?

>> No.77642209
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I only know she is super horny. I should like her because of that (and her huge milkers) but it just makes me want to watch her less.

>>because of how fake she is

she's suppose to be fake though? Just like idols are suppose to be "pure". If anything it'll just show how 'fake' some clippers are and take away their monetization.

>> No.77642381

Figure out who she tries to snipe view from when she goes on.

I think Kson and her were not cool. I have seen Kson drop in count when Pekora goes live.

Miko and Pekora used to be close friends. Its how Pekora got into HL. After Miko pushed some rather rapey content Pekora got skitish and they stopped doing any more Peko/Miko

These girls have rather fierce rivalry for time slots so you can see girls ninja stream to steal views. Girls communicate through non verbal things a lot. You can tell when one is getting socially shunned and usually see when vibes change.

>> No.77642518

EN Ririka my love

>> No.77642911

Newfag here, pls elaborate.

>> No.77643768

your headcanon is not reality

>> No.77644107

>3 years ago
What did Marineschizo mean by this?

>> No.77644375

that sounds like something Marineschizo would say

>> No.77644636

Anything more recent than that and he has to cope with the fact that Marine has become the most popular vtuber in the world in that time while his oshi has faded into irrelevance.

>> No.77644888

Germany is a US occupied puppet state tho

>> No.77645501

You underestimate schizos like OP. They can go for years, if not decades.

>> No.77645754


As an actual schizophrenic, this is pretty bang on. Before I got medicated properly, my dad went out to eat after telling me to come over because I took 5 hours to leave to go over there. I didn't speak to him for 5 months because I was convinced of how much he hated me and how terrible of a person he was. As soon as I got help I realized how fucking insane that is. The person probably had one singular bad reaction to her or one of her fans and a switch flipped.

>> No.77645863

Who is his oshi?

>> No.77648254

whore panda Sasaki who bullied Luna out of niggersanji
