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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 7 KB, 254x198, amelia watson sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77549744 No.77549744 [Reply] [Original]

I miss this detective bitch

>> No.77549815

I lowkey think she's on the verge of graduating. I don't believe her heart is in this anymore.

>> No.77549937

seriously I don't get why people keep making these anti threads, just leave Ame alone

>> No.77550186

What's up nijiniggers, who did something bad in your corpo today?

>> No.77550311

making sisters like you seethe

>> No.77550315

Why would she graduate. She only exists now to shill merch and to make occasional appearances and streams like gura. She has an easy paycheck she can work a real life a job and also stream if she wanted. She's not going to graduate. Or be fired for that matter because that would end up pissing of gura and If gura leaves then yagoo is kinda fucked. She's their biggest money pot in en and she's also a money pot in jp.

>> No.77550429

Oh no, still seething over Milord's ccv sister?

>> No.77550494

I would only complain if I watched all her VODs multiple times, get tired of it, and cannot find alternatives.

>> No.77550627

Sorta hard to believe given that she is the sole money maker in her family now.

>> No.77550669
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>> No.77550765
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It's time for you to come home

>> No.77550819
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Anon you know how prevalent human tracking is in America right? We can just turn a blind eye

>> No.77550847

The fuck this has to do with that burning dumpster of a company you fucking npc. Holy shit talk about fucking rent free.

>> No.77550973

Gura said today that Ame is doing well. She's probably still setting stuff up at her new place.

>> No.77551087

Ay you got sauce for this though

>> No.77551151
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>> No.77551231

What are her parents doing?

>> No.77551293

Sisters can't help themselves but bring up their trash to Hololive since their company is overfilled with it

>> No.77551359

sage in all fields

>> No.77551425

it wont let me past the captcha

>> No.77551450

She's still getting her whole new home situation sorted out

>> No.77551501

afaik her only family is her aunt, older bother, and little brother.
I dunno where that other anon got the idea she's the only earner in the family.
Ame did say she's basically the head of the family now.

>> No.77551506

Whatever they do it's penny's compared to her apparently, since she basically buys everything for her family.

>> No.77551514

Nah, she genuinely can't graduate because her entire family depends on her Hololive income.

>> No.77552520

she's also taken in her leech mother

>> No.77552866

No you don't

>> No.77553005

she owns the house and has said she can kick them out anytime

>> No.77553419

she might be involved with the setting up of the US office
she'd been the one trying to put together 3D stuff stateside

>> No.77554435

>I lowkey think she's on the verge of graduating.
Ame did tell her fans in December the next several months would be tough but it's obvious something big is going to happen with Myth in the summer/fall. I doubt that it's random chance that Ina will soon be visiting Japan for 6 months.

>> No.77554585

Nope, she's just disilussioned with the fact that now she can't quit without risking her own and her family's wellbeing.
She's been in autopilot for a while.

>> No.77554645

Some faggot teammate insulted me yesterday so now your whole clan must suffer.

>> No.77554789

She can go full indie if she wanted. And rejuvenate herself and make even more money with the hololive myth buff behind her. She'd be right up there why Shylily and Mint and Doki.

>> No.77554879

Typo with

>> No.77555113

>She can quit and make more money outside of Hololive
HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA look at this dumbass

>> No.77555323

Graduating from Holo talent? Perhaps
Getting a job behind the scenes of the company? I can see it

>> No.77555563

Sister this is exactly what you said about doki and mint. Shut the fuck up and go wash your vag.

>> No.77555690

>Doki and Mint make more money after leaving 2%sanji
No shit sherlock

>> No.77555771

Gura tagged in.

>> No.77555809

shouldn't you be worried about ticket sales , sister ?

>> No.77555845
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Anon, dipping doesn't mean she's going to have a better family.
No amount of money can make your fellow family member be any easier to deal with.
And family therapy only works if everyone is on-board with the idea.
One of the most notable examples of "not even the money makes it easier" is the son of the current American President being a walking PR disaster.
IF the issue is intra-familiar, she can't run from it.
Also, if she runs from it, she is effectively leaving the kid to the mercy of destiny.
Even if she goes indie, that means cutting very valuable ties in the industry, the ones that COVER has and the Holo-associated ties that will avoid her because of the risk of getting blacklisted.
And it could or not accidentally cause myth to finally implode, the first one to get out will be remembered as the beginning of the end.
Guilt will eat her from the inside if she does a move be it in her VTuber position or her family position. She's stuck. And the only way to get out of the hole without causing an uproar be it public or in private is to wait it out, wait for people to make the move first, wait for people to either die out or get out by their own volition.
The question here is if she still has enough mental fortitude and patience to wait things out, and is not the first time this has happened to her from what I can remember.
Trial by fire, again. Just like in 2020 but with a much deeper scale.
It's really all up to her and management doing their darn best to negotiate if she asks to graduate, pretty sure they have already managed to avoid a few escape attempts by being willing to severely renegotiate contracts and with the higher ups giving the thumbs up for most of it as long as it isn't unreasonable. Otherwise a few of Myth members would have been out since a while ago, most likely Gura and maybe Kiara once but i never understood why that time.
Let's just wait it out. See what happens. There's nothing we can do from /here/

>> No.77555930

I wouldn't be passionate about it anymore if I had a fat leech family who only sees me as a bank.

>> No.77556250

Nowhere has she insinuated wanting to quit

>> No.77556269


She's made it pretty clear that her parents aren't in the picture, be they deadbeats or actually dead. She's basically only ever mentioned her aunt and two brothers.

She's been extremely absentee this year though, which is worrisome. She mentioned Fes prep, which was in Feb - Mar. She made it clear she was going to take a little break after that to rest up, In April, she made the comments that she was basically having to move back with her family, for them. She was vague on it, but basically implied that her aunt and brothers couldn't afford to live without her. Be that sickness, drugs, or something else, no one is really sure. Her last stream was about 3 weeks ago when she did a karaoke, and she made it clear that she's moved back in with her family, but still not set up at the new place.

In short, hopefully she's not going the Gura route of "Eh, fuck streaming, just forget you were subbed to me and let that monthly paycheck roll in." but we'll see.

>> No.77556302

Go wash your vag. And please put your tardwrangler on retard. If you don't think one of the founding members of holoen going indie wouldn't be a huge deal on the indie scene then you're either retarded or someone who still hunged about being told to improve yourself by her which is it.

>> No.77556443

Oh fuck I forgot, she still talks with Gura a bit.
Hopefully she didn't get influenced by Shark into going "idle" like her.

>> No.77556657

I doubt she’s leaving Holo anytime soon.

>> No.77556865

>going indie wouldn't be a huge deal
it is, but your argument is that she would make more money outside of holo, which she won't lol

>> No.77556868

She’s not “copying Gura”
She’s dealing with the family stuff you mentioned.
Also she has mentioned her mom who she seems to have reconciled with.

>> No.77556909

Shylily is the lighting in the bottle for indies and she really only blew up because of the one time Veibae called her basically budget Veibae and then Shylily leaned heavily into the lewdtuber side of things.

Mint and Doki haven't hit near their numbers of old and basically still coast of their former lives in a fairly heavy way because of the drama. If it weren't for all their connections and the drama, they'd slowly be dwindling away in indie obscurity or hired by vshojo, you know, the former corpo dumpster.

>> No.77556966

You are supposed to just use that in the options field anon... Otherwise it is vacation worthy (outside of /b/) unless I forgot how the rules work.

>> No.77557280

Mucho texto but ya I hope she gets her family shit sorted out sooner than later.
And I highly doubt she’s leaving Hololive anytime soon.

>> No.77557296


>> No.77557425


>> No.77557451

>Forgot about Myth for a while
>Teamates managed to get her Oshi to buy a house for real
Proud of you all (and her).

>> No.77557603

holy derangement

>> No.77557707

look up restrepo

>> No.77557805

>Mint [...] haven't hit near their numbers of old and basically still coast of their former lives in a fairly heavy way because of the drama.
What drama?

>> No.77558309

At my house

>> No.77558475

>I dunno where that other anon got the idea she's the only earner in the family.
>Ame did say she's basically the head of the family now.

Gee golly I wonder where she got that first idea, what if you said the reason in the following sentence, if only we had some sort of detective to figure out how you're this fucking bad at basic problem solving

>> No.77559198

>Gura streaming
>sisters have to move to Ame for deflection
>tickets are not selling

>> No.77559297

Are you stupid?

Other people can still work while someone is head of the household.

>> No.77559865

She's the only one with money, so she was finally shamed into moving in with and supporting her crackhead family after years of getting away from them for her own good.

>> No.77562444

CAN, yes, but DO is another thing completely.

From her family history that we do know, she basically comes from lower to lower-middle class Southern whites. Parental abandonment for some reason and she was basically raised by her aunt. From the stories she told about the Watson brothers, they don't exactly sound like the most mentally stable people around. Older brother Watson screams MAGA and all the negative that comes with that. Younger brother Watson sounds like he's in his teens and probably equally troublesome as anyone else with essentially no parents is.

>> No.77562585

You're literally constructing a reality in your head schizo.
You don't know shit.

>> No.77562647

How the trinity has fallen…
At least gura is back for a few more streams before fucking off again

>> No.77562895

uhm you're not supposed to talk about missing holos or we'll call you an anti

>> No.77562982

>There's nothing we can do from /here/
Nah see we can do something from /here/. Someone who streams, simple as. Day 1 gator here and I recently cancelled my membership and I don't really feel much about it anymore. I feel like a chud for letting Ame potato so much money away from me when there's a ton of really entertaining "la creatividad" chuubas that actually want to stream. I'm doing something and you can too

>> No.77563133

Oh nice you couldn't afford your autism to seethe at shark. Now I can discard this into the trash, sister.

>> No.77563288

>everyone who doesn't kiss the reddit shark ass is a sister.
Nice strawman argument retard.

>> No.77563568

Hahahahaha. Kson's existence pretty much guarantees that most holos will think twice about leaving hololive.
Kson doesn't even get 1/30 of what she used to get in terms of ccv and income.
The person who used to be the most popular vtuber in the world became irrelevant after leaving hololive. Ame would be fucked if she left. No way she can feed her family if she loses 95% of her viewers.

>> No.77563840

>Day 1 gator
>I recently cancelled my membership
You mean you were still giving her money for years after she made it clear she hates you and everyone else that were fans of hers

>> No.77563969

> make even more money outside hololive
not sure if sister or just retard, most likely both

>> No.77564301 [DELETED] 

>ccv and income.
I literally quintupled the sponsorships and all the money from the merchandise she produces goes to her, all of it goes to her pocket money, part of what she earns from vshojo.
last year alone she traveled to america, taiwan, malaysia, england and the philippines.

>> No.77564397

she literally quintupled the sponsorships and all the money from the merchandise she produces goes to her, all of it goes to her pocket money, part of what she earns from vshojo.
last year alone she traveled to america, taiwan, malaysia, england and the philippines.

>> No.77564689

Cope, she has the lowest views in vshojo and her SC income went to shit. You want me to believe her merch sakes are the same as what she got in hololive? The one metric that isn't public? Get real.
Also whoop dee doo. She can afford plane tickets and a hotel. So can I and most other people on this board.

>> No.77564776

least fragile cumbud

>> No.77565168

Is she not keen on Hololive now or is her family just turning her passion into a chore? cuz that wouldn't change even if she leaves.

>> No.77565212

go to /#/ and say that holo income is based on views and SC and then tell me what they told you.

>> No.77565213

No you can't. If you did you'd be in Japan getting laid since according to you Japanese farmers gifts all the gaijins their virgin daughters. You are just like a sister. You think the same way they do that the talent cannot survive with out the company. Is there anything else you unicorns faggots would like to add?

>> No.77565293

>She can afford plane tickets and a hotel. So can I and most other people on this board

>> No.77565356
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>believe her merch sakes are the same

>> No.77565369

Kson is one hammer, and Mikeneko is the other one. Her old channel is still the most superchatted vtuber channel, and she hasn't come anywhere close to her glory days. It isn't hard to come to the conclusion that all the holo tard wrangling was key to success.

Nobody in HoloEN was a particularly successful streamer or entertainer before joining. Unless they quit vtubing altogether like Sana, they'll stay until they get fired.

>> No.77565411
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>Holos would make more if they left
>Kson is making more money!
>Source? My ass
>Why isn't anyone leaving willingly?
>Why would mikeneko kill to rejoin?

>> No.77565644

35p survived their oshi's hiatus.
Haatons survived their oshi's hiatus.
Takos survived their oshi's hiatus.
Chumbuds survived their oshi's hiatus.
Teamates will also survive their oshi's hiatus.

>> No.77566111

qrd? did something happen to shitbeard?

>> No.77566265

When you put it that way, I'm kinda feel bad for the ENs compared to most of the Ex-Nijis who seem so free and happy nowadays.
Imagining "I'm nowhere as good without the company" ingrained to their minds not unlike another corpo seems harrowing.

>> No.77566283

>Day 1 gator here
Sure you were buddy
>still mindbroken by the homos 2 years later

>> No.77566406

Unicorns not beating the allegations of being the male counter parts of nijisisters. Aka male k-pop stans

>> No.77566474

can you talk without spitting yagoo semen?

>> No.77566505

If unicorns are bad why isn't anyone else leaving willingly?
Keep coping, they need hololive money.

>> No.77566523
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>> No.77566741

Shilling merch bro, one the merch is out she is gone again
Well if you can say that becoming a zombie is survive KEK

>> No.77566917

Based taste

>> No.77567041

Improving herself

>> No.77567101

DESU, a big issue is that the """"walled garden"""" (it has holes) of the Holos ensures that people are there because they want to know about the girls so when collabs and interactions happen they know what's up.
When KSon came back, it was guaranteed such interactions were never going to happen again, so people leaved her. And then a lot of things happened before VShojo kinda rose up to somehow look better than Nijisanji.
Anyways, it's true, more than Holo will likely fall into irrelevance without Hololive.

>> No.77567179

Unicorns aren't called "The final boss of VTubing" for nothing. They are everything and nothing. Such an interesting topic too.

>> No.77567230

Finally enjoying some time with her family.
I would stop for a bit too.

>> No.77567658

they're not called that, they're shunned by 90% of vtubers and exploited by the other 10%, nobody respects them

>> No.77568569

I'm not scared to admit that my love for HoloEn died with Ame. I just have no interest in the English branch if she's not going to be part of it.

>> No.77568818

Can't stream, Stuck with her family

>> No.77568918


>> No.77568995

>Unicorns aren't called "The final boss of VTubing"
Because nobody calls them that you chuunibyou faggot
>le final boss of vtubing XD
listen to yourself

>> No.77569635

On the plus side, the environment seems better than Niji. All the ex-JP holos are positive about their time.

>> No.77569821

holy esl

>> No.77570313

She tried everything that came into her la creatividad head and worked really hard for very long time, but she still was bleeding views anyway, so it probably got into her head, despite it probably being 80% algorithm's fault
Basically reverse Gura

>> No.77570365

bro she just streamed at twitch with facecam on

>> No.77570410

learn english nigger

>> No.77570487

She isn't gonna leave, she's the earner of her family.
But she also isn't motivated to put effort in anymore, she hasn't been for a while. So she'll coast along appearing here or there doing about the minimum that is expected, living off of merch and memberships from loyal fans who don't want to drop out.

It's unfortunate cause I don't really see her ever truly getting back into it with energy and zest. There will be spells of activity here and there but nothing permanent and lasting.

>> No.77570534

>it probably got into her head
you never watched her if you think she cares about numbers
there would be a bunch of catalog threads if that was true

>> No.77570761
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>> No.77570915

She won't leave because she really can't do anything else and she needs the money. But her heart hasn't been in it for a long time now, way before everything started going to shit in September.

>> No.77572031

She is improving herself kek

>> No.77573387

Shylily is more like piss in a bottle

>> No.77573432

this, she's going to be a hololive EN manager.

>> No.77574854

Shouldn't have told her that you HATED it when she mingled happily with da boiz, anon.

>> No.77576040

That needs a "Nintendo Seal of Quality" version.

>> No.77576459

>Indie money vs Concert money+ merch money + monthly paycheck + benefits + youtube money

get a fucking clue retard

>> No.77576792

Nice Blogpost nigger

>> No.77576843

need sauce

>> No.77576911


she doesn't miss you though lol

>> No.77576952

Do it faggot off yourself

>> No.77577272

Nobody calls you beta chud retards final bosses of /vt/ stop it.

>> No.77578231

Artist is teriibol.

>> No.77579488

>If unicorns are bad why isn't anyone else leaving willingly?
Since they earn a lot of money in Hololive even if they don't pander to unicorns? A lot of the JP talents have started doing collabs with guys even with the 3D events. They might not take it to the level of Laplus with her recent birthday live but Hololive culture is changing.

>> No.77579899

She's always had issues with getting paid for streaming in the amounts she is. She never asked for supas/memberships on stream and would often turn off supas.
Now her family is depending on her income and she is even more conflicted.

>> No.77580180

All you brownies are hilarious. Your mudhut mentality really prevents you from understanding that people who don't live in homes made of straw and whatever debris that washed up after the last monsoon season leave high paying jobs for jobs and careers that not only pay less, but are less stressful. I guess your crab bucket mentality really does limit your brain function.

>> No.77580445

lol is this shopped from a stream
if not how tf did they find fauna's model

>> No.77580453

Think of it from their perspective, they think you're hemming and hawing over having to do normal work because they've never experienced bullshit work where you get responses like "I dunno" from virtually everyone on projects that get you fired if they come out even a tiny bit wrong. Because the company that put you up to it is a piece of shit trying to get something for nothing through basically torture. That's an alien concept to them, they think you're actually bitching about the stuff we all got over at like age 19.

>> No.77580704

Counter point ame is only at her best with projects. Otherwise her streams are mediocre at best. So let her be gone till the next project

>> No.77580805


>> No.77580818

>her streams are mediocre at best
According to who?
Her projects may get wide range appeal but her regular streams still have a regular audience

>> No.77581062

She drove off most of her fans before tempiss ever existed, but thanks for revealing yourself mr homobeggar.

>> No.77581241

Nice bucket crab mentality retard.
Ame would be even more sponsored out the ass than doki. Because of the huge following of fans she'll have behind her. Company wants those with numbers to shill their shit. Leave your fucking house and learn how the real world and capitalism works you corpo bootlickers. Bootlickers like you are the millie parfait of the hololive fanbase.

>> No.77581337


>> No.77581995

>mom returns into her life when she starts making mom
>oh BTW you have a younger brother you never knew existed
>please raise him for me instead
That's ame's life right now

>> No.77582126

The irony.

>> No.77582305

Not beating being a corpo jock strap allegations are you?

>> No.77582607
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I miss ame

>> No.77582741

Why are mexican families like this?

>> No.77585257


>> No.77586325

>Southern whites
Her absentee dad was Hispanic her mom is probably white

>> No.77586392

Wherever she is, I hope she knows she is loved.
Even if it's once a month, I'll happily cheer on Ame when she's around.
Come back and play New Vegas please Ame.

>> No.77586663

Her mom is white trash, yeah

>> No.77587515

gonna do a peter north cumshot on her tits when she comes back

>> No.77588273

It's undeniable the "Gamer of EN" has been declining since 2021/2022. It doesn't matter what reason there is for lack of streams: family, motivation, moving, whatever--it's been years now, not months, and Ame hasn't had anything consistent going for her careerwise.

It'd be cool if Ame comes back and streams regularly again but I'm done waiting; I'll watch other chuubas that actually care about streaming.

>> No.77588405

Weak, there are people with Shigure Ui memberships and she streams once a week.

>> No.77588595

>she streams once a week
at this point i'd love that consistency from ame

>> No.77588956

Shigure was never a streamer / vtuber anyways. Her main job is still illustrator.

>> No.77589954

>It's undeniable the "Gamer of EN" has been declining since 2021/2022.
I blame management and Cover didn't replace the EN project manager in 2022 because Ame, Gura, and Ina were getting along with him. The NDA stops them from saying anything direct but most of Myth stopped doing optional events in 2022. The mood only got more grim after Sana's graduation and while things got slightly better in 2023 the EN branch had many plans that were either delayed or canceled.

>> No.77589959

>Company wants those with numbers to shill their shit.
They also want rigid accountability to ensure their sponsorship doesn't bite them in the ass, hence why they prefer working with other corpos.

>> No.77590205

I'm indifferent that the awful manager person is gone but it really did sound like they were trying to force a social agenda into EN. What I don't understand is your comment of "optional events". If anything HoloEN is doing less work and getting enriched more with better licensing and promotional things. What kind of optional events are you referring to?

>> No.77590544

If Gura can come back and stream, so can Ame.

>> No.77590800

Nice blogpost retard

>> No.77591038

that's right, be a good little holotroon drone
i bet you jizzed to the announcement of advent omocat merch last night

>> No.77591144

Her downfall started back in 2021 when Council debuted and she was on vacation, she was never the same person once she came back

>> No.77591617

It’s really only the last 8 months or so that have been really bad
Late 2021 to mid 2023 she still streamed quite a bit even if she was inconsistent at times
I take that over current Ame in an instant

>> No.77591821

>I'm kinda feel bad for the ENs compared to most of the Ex-Nijis who seem so free and happy nowadays.
First of all: Typical ESL Nijicuck lmao
Second: Mint has spent her indie months twerking and begging Kiara to use her nepotism to get her in the next gen

>> No.77592283


We have enough substitutes for her already.

>> No.77592318

buy an ad

>> No.77592424

NijiEN concert tickets are almost sold out. That's why Holosisters don't post that seat map threads here anymore.

>> No.77592986

Man, Ame letting her deadbeat leeching family live with her was a mistake... She could just have sent them support money and that's it, considered how her mother abandoned her all this time and only came back for money.

>> No.77593210
File: 258 KB, 825x419, unsold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just checked. Green is unsold, retard.

>> No.77593628

>Ame Dirt
>Amelia Nunamaker (nunamaker... nunamaker...)
Never escaping the trailer allegations.

>> No.77594546

>What kind of optional events are you referring to?
HoloEN hasn't done a full gen collab since 2021, the smol collabs have completely disappeared, and many of the projects from Ame and Gura have been indefinitely delayed.

>> No.77594714

Its interesting to see how many non-americans use /vt/

>> No.77594921

SEAbros are the foundation of /vt/ honestly

>> No.77597719

i am japanese

>> No.77598982

>many of the projects from Ame and Gura

>> No.77600225

There was that quiz show she delayed twice and we never heard from again after the first time.

>> No.77602948

Gura keeps delaying all the plans for Atlantis over and over again. Considering the 3rd year membership badge will be delayed at least 10 months there is a noticeable theme of something having numerous delays.

>> No.77603391

i suspect that the talents who only stream very rarely have been moved to some kind of staff position, but unannounced so they can keep selling merch. or stealth graduation with them being commissioned for per stream.

>> No.77604010

My rrat is that ame Is managing advent and Dimitri jap is one of gura alter egos

>> No.77604130

>Mint is stroking Kiara's ego to get into holo en.
Source your ass.

>> No.77604207

that be a smart move. have the rookies learn from the vets.

>> No.77604685

Easy for her mum to do after she learned her daughter earns a ton of money

>> No.77605804

I know Cover makes stupid decisions sometimes but they are not that retarded.

>> No.77607127

>It’s really only the last 8 months or so that have been really bad
You guys really have no memory, huh? She only streamed kind of consistently in 2023 for like 2-3 months when she was playing totk
It has been bad since mid-late 2021 when she stopped following her schedules, it's just that it keeps getting worse, so the previous year always looks good in comparison.

>> No.77611561


>> No.77614083

Even when she had schedules there was always at least 1 day on it you could point to and go "Yeah I think this will be the day she cancels". Then it became Watson Wednesday which eventually fell apart. Then Watson Weekend where she was going to put up frames early in the week but that stopped after the 1st week. It's just that once the 3rd Anniversary hit she started disappearing for weeks at a time or only streaming once or twice a week. But now she barely streams a few times a month.

>> No.77614494

>Even when she had schedules there was always at least 1 day on it you could point to and go "Yeah I think this will be the day she cancels"
Not for the first like 8 months after debut, she had packed schedules and did all the streams on them. That's why I said mid to late 2021, because that's when she started cancelling streams every week, until she ended up dropping schedules completely in 2022.

>> No.77614938

That was when she got hit with her gluten allergy and tried to maintain that schedule for a some time before understanding she needed to cut it down

>> No.77616623


>> No.77617148

You missed the last part of my post
Obviously the no schedule (late 2022 -mid 2023) period was not ideal but It was better than now, she was still streaming 3-5 times a week when she's been constantly dealing with one thing or another with her dumbass family after coming back from her break.

>> No.77620612

>bee ame

>> No.77622445

Ame moved back home because I got her pregnant. Sorry bros but she couldn't handle my upper middle class white dick. She's on the verge of graduating because the burden of childcare is too much.

>> No.77622687

Then why aren't you raising the kid you fucking deadbeat?
I'm going to find you and kill you for not respecting Ame's time.

>> No.77625321

>No lottery
WTF, why. Scalpers are going to buy that shit up instantly.

>> No.77629706

yeah me

>> No.77630967

Latinx holos...

>> No.77636351

pedophile ass niggas, lick my cock and balls

>> No.77639232

That's is to be expected.

>> No.77639648

She's doin shit. just give her a bit.
