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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77535368 No.77535368 [Reply] [Original]

Smallcorpo graduation you might have missed, Abi Kadabura is graduating. https://x.com/V4Mirai/status/1798849735010467998

>> No.77535454

Nijien wave 11

>> No.77535499

damn it
abi, please dont go to kurosanji

>> No.77535550

>supposed golden opportunity in comedy
Yeah, she's coming back.

>> No.77535568

>aba kadabra
damnit voldemort got to her

>> No.77535603

>tfw no /news/ bake
And it was effective immediately too.
Seems a job offer came up and she had to take it.

>> No.77535669

>moves to china
>does basically flesh streaming

>> No.77535716
File: 305 KB, 1208x1314, abi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77535844

The rest of the corpo is totally detached from gen 1 at this point because they're coomer focused.

>> No.77535846

What the FUCK?
How? Why? I did enjoy her shit with her nigger friend.

>> No.77535962

After leaving like that I would never trust her again if she comes back

>> No.77536011

Seri has formed some bonds with some of them but yeah Abi was isolated for the most part outside of Seri.

>> No.77536051

Sad to see V4Mirai losing talents cause they really do seem to be a very supportive corpo and the girls are good, but they're just not generating enough revenue to incentivize staying against better opportunities.

>> No.77536101

This means Brave group should wake up and realize how unprofitable V4 Mirai is.

They have Vspo EN for fuck sale yet they still haven't put out anything on that project for over a year since announcement.

I swear man if Brave group still put funding on these useless girls they will just end up like Idol corp oh wait lol

>> No.77536259
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Shame, well there's a corpo that's just a humble lil coffee distributor that would love them

>> No.77536406

Fuck off back to your general, phasevulture.

>> No.77536426

Brave Group also have their hands in Globie. The only two people I've seen in that company that really knows the grind and is earning subscribers like no tomorrow is Kiri Kilovolt (damn good on her YT Shorts push) and Bonnie Barkswell. Globie seem to be more focused on EU

>> No.77536501

VAllure have made them redundant in the coomer department.

>> No.77536633

They just can't find western female fps gamers who are also willing to put on an anime girl avatar. If they want VSPO EN I think they're gonna have to change their qualifiers a bit. Maybe drop the fps requirement to expertise in a wider genre of games? Most western fps girls are whores anyway.

>> No.77536660

No really. She collabed with Pippa last year, and Phase is hiring. This looks like a reincarnation, anon.

>> No.77536709

How was she?

>> No.77536771

Don't know. Don't care. Buy an ad.

>> No.77536849

She doesn't need ads anymore ;(

>> No.77536995

Brave has capital, and V4 does generate money, but it's probably not profits, it's maybe a bit above breaking even or losing money but it's not as if they don't have runway. The main issue that for a relatively young agency, this is kinda not great. The only thing I will say is that the corpo did hire drama free people so the only source of drama for them are the sudden graduations.

>> No.77537152

wait, where does she live? an opportunity where?

>> No.77537401

Maybe a dream job. Maybe an ability to move to country she wants to live in. There's a lot of options. Hopefully one of her fans is here to share the light.

>> No.77537520

It's good that both their graduations so far have just been "hey I need to leave to take on this bigger job" deal, and everyone is on good terms. The sudden cancelation is VERY shitty compared to biscos, but I assume whatever the deal was needed an instant loss of contract to be put on as some kind of comedy talent.
That said it does suck to know your small corpo talents still need to get bigger jobs to support vtubing. Haven't heard anything bad about management, hell they're friends with management, so at this point it just comes down to a popularity struggle.

>> No.77537650

She was forced to graduate or be terminated.

>> No.77537801

A grand opportunity indeed

>> No.77537833

Pretty sure the opportunity involves her moving to China and with how YT is banned in China she doesn't want to lose any social credit which is why she can't have a graduation stream or any kind of sendoff.

>> No.77538399
File: 47 KB, 1080x121, Screenshot_20240606-171933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.77538429

>blackest company
>very supportive corpo

>> No.77538580

Yeah Brave Group's done some shit but V4Mirai has been nice so far.

>> No.77538662


>> No.77538784

isn't she brazilian?

>> No.77538871

I mean having exactly 1 black talent would probably make you the blackest company

>> No.77538877

Abi and her had a sister dynamic so she was kinda hard carrying her, of course she feels sick to her stomach that bitch just left her and the company like that out of the blue. She's now floating up in the air and she doesn't know where she's going to land.

>> No.77539154

She got bullied out of her corpo, didnt she

>> No.77539238

are you dumb she's brazilian no one of those seagirls have enough courage to bully her

>> No.77539368


>> No.77539476

She was literally about to do a stream today. If she was bullied then something would've really had to break the camels back to warrant instant leave.
Unless the company just really didnt like the idea of her making a tierlist about other vtubers IRL feet

>> No.77539566

There's a mexican girl, latinos can smoke a brazilian no questions asked

>> No.77539576

Brave keeps bleeding talents.
another reminder of great of a thing Phase Connect has going and that the pendulum will swing their way they can't avoid it forever

>> No.77539686

I dunno, yae's stuff is still pretty hot

>> No.77539721

2 important brazilians vtubers already graduated because of job offert this year
her and the other one was Mei Ling

>> No.77539863

I did it, it was me

>> No.77539872

She's going to be part of either Hololive China [v2], that's the new announcement that COVER is preparing for.
V4Mirai noticed what's up and decided to can her immediately under the disguise of graduation to not fuck with their reputation even further considering a few termination announcements severely fucked with several other not-so-big corpos recently and a single termination derailed Nijisanji, a corpo they compete against often as Brave Group (because Anycolor, ahem, (and I hope God pardons me for uttering these words one one day) fell off, after not knowing how to handle the Selen situation by just shutting their damn mouth.

>> No.77539913

Another corpo's loss is an opportunity for my favourite agency to fill the vacuum.

>> No.77539977

Interesting info

>> No.77540004
File: 2.33 MB, 403x350, Yae Jorkin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very true

>> No.77540053

Imagine if someone from Globie transfers to v4mirai
Is that even allowed?

>> No.77540185

did brazil just have flrooding or something?

>> No.77540222

Does Brazil or Portugal have enough possible chuuba audience for someone to even attempt a Portuguese language only agency?, not even Spain-based agencies have been able to hold up, heck, even the latino agencies have all imploded horribly because of stupidity

>> No.77540351

I have applied for multiple corpos, many have viewed my applications. Even got to interview stages. Globie / Brave have not viewed a single attempt of mine. Whatever is ongoing at Globie it is frankly bizarre

>> No.77540474

lmao if she was bullied they wouldn't have fired her. Sounds like she was doing the bullying

>> No.77540662

I don't see what kind of job offer comes up that you literally canceled your stream today and will never stream again.
Like what comes up that they need you today?

>> No.77540763

Poached by Yagoo?

Same parent company (Brave), so there's no reason why they couldn't do it.
And there's precedent for it too, when Suisei was transferred from Innk Music to Hololive Production proper. So someone moving from Globie to V4M would not be the first time a vtuber moves from one agency to a different agency with the same parent company, without closing the first agency.
Azki moving from Innk to Holo, and the Niji ID and Niji KR talents transferring to Niji JP, are also examples of inter-agency/intra-company moves, although those moves involved branch closures.

I will not speculate whether or not Brave WOULD move anyone from one of their agencies to another. It is immaterial to my point, which is that they COULD make such a move.

>> No.77540773

brazil has a bunch of vtuber agency and even vtuber conventions the biggest one is neobaka

>> No.77540789

Mei Ling actually revived as an even more popular chuuba based after her own RL identity, she's pretty great.. It's the total opposite of what that Quinn something dude tried to pull. Would be great if Abi did something similar, at this point.

There are many indies and at least a 'big' one (Neobaka).

I'm happy for Abi but I'm so sad.. Can't fathom not seeing anything from her from now on, really hope she is easy to find in whenever she does..

>> No.77540840

If she needs to be in Beijing tomorrow

>> No.77541526

She lives in NY though

>> No.77541817

Phase wouldn't require or want an instant graduation that hurt their future employees reputation and their reputation. No vtuber company would. Not even Niji.

>> No.77542078

She's not chinese

>> No.77542177

No reason it couldn't be done. 774 does that sort of thing.

>> No.77542208


>> No.77542374

Everyone here know her pl right? It looks like she’s just doing comedy. I assume some problem with the company so she chose her comedy work. Doesn’t seem crazy just black company stuff

>> No.77542602

No, whats her pl (pls)

>> No.77542639

She definitely was. Apparently the v4 girls bullied her at OffKai

>> No.77542821

Definitely not. The v4 girl are notorious for bullying but the only person I didn’t hear about bullying was abi

>> No.77542853

why leave for phase?

>> No.77542907

we know she wasn't at offkai...Abi go to bed

>> No.77542932

I don't know her PL at all
She wasn't even at offkai in person, kill yourself

>> No.77542985

She's not going to Phase lmao

>> No.77543031

I have no idea who she is. The only one I know from V4Mirai is Pomu's sister.

>> No.77543193

source: trust me bro
stfu abi

>> No.77543196

Abi is super fucking freaky. Not sure she's a star talent or even a good talent but at this point, big agencies usually pick whoever, so it doesn't really matter who she is or what she's done.

>> No.77543254


>> No.77543265

according to her msg right after the announcement, it seems she got some opportunity outside vtubing related to comedy

>> No.77543298

the only people we know were at offkai is alias, mariya and seri. I think it was seri lmao

>> No.77543458

If she does show up again I hope we'll find out soon. Hate it when vtubers just disappear forever without a trace but I'm also not a doxxfag.

>> No.77543516

>blue hearts
She's going to Holo. It's already been a about a year since advent debuted and she'll probably need a few months to get to know her genmates and get things ready before debuting.

>> No.77543699

Holo literally just said they not taking on new talents for the foreseeable future and also even if they were, they wouldn't poach so suddenly from Brave group like this and even if they did, they could do much better than Abi.

>> No.77543889

abi isnt holo material, at best niji

>> No.77544289

She was the bully bet

>> No.77544424

VAllure gen 2 with Beryl

>> No.77545313

will Mariya leave next

>> No.77545447

Holo wouldn't force a girl to graduate without good bye after recruiting her

>> No.77545550

Look for her goofy ass on SNL next season

>> No.77545900
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>> No.77546031

lmao even

>> No.77546087

the concept of a new small corpo
>Mint starts her own group
>recruits Lia of Phase Connect
>recruits Mariya of v4m

>> No.77546166

Not gonna lie, I would love that. Establish a Vtuber to legitimate entertainment industry pipeline.

>> No.77546417

>Tranny tuber
So no loss
I was sad to see Bisco go. I gotta start making dosh and support my oshi, I don't want to see v4m disband

>> No.77546478

I can't say anything from them. But maybe they look for something you can't provide for them.

>> No.77546803

Globo got her...

>> No.77546944

Not going to happen unless it's someone huge who does it and they keep the IP on the way out the door and use it as their stage name going forward

>> No.77547042

it would work it's a solid base

>> No.77547172

is the china stuff shitposting or is she the descendant of a group of kaifeng jews unknown to academia who emigrated to brazil during the boxer rebellion

>> No.77547415

Do you think it's normal for someone to travel to China for 2 weeks without having some amount of chink blood in them?

>> No.77547717

Pixel link gen 2 trust the pla- oh right uuuuh pixel link gen 3!

>> No.77547988

that would be disappointing, she seems well positioned in a smallcorp to be able to marshal concert events that pull in most other smallcorps. indies don't have the pull for that and largecorps aren't allowed to.

>> No.77548080

uniroincally I could see mari leaving for something off the wall like this and only this.
same for lia she would leave phase for mint

>> No.77548478

It might a shock your terminally online brain, Anon, but plenty of people appreciate China's sights and wonders in spite of its hideous government and society.

>> No.77548630

what is she gonna do

>> No.77548718

be honest, we all saw this coming

>> No.77549050

Perfectly normal if you have another Chinese liquid inside of you...

>> No.77549220

They've already dropped their fps requirement. The newest hires for the main branch all suck at fps and the ui-mama one, most recent hire, mains at LoL. Brave is just shit and they're going for the accelerate route by gobbling up small corpos.

>> No.77550261

fuck off kuromu is great, and kokage is a very skilled fps gamer

>> No.77551017

>No man is an island,
>Entire of itself.
>Each is a piece of the continent,
>A part of the main.
>If a stream be deleted by the Susie,
>Vtubing is the less.
>As well as if a promontory were.
>As well as if a manor of thine own
>Or of thine friend's were.
>Each chuuba's graduation diminishes me,
>For I am involved in vtubing.
>Therefore, send not to know
>Whom it is graduating,
>It's someone's oshi.
with apologies to John Donne.

>> No.77551405

Your precious hag's fps skills are in decline while kuromu hasn't even peaked yet. Just you wait.

>> No.77551855

literally who

>> No.77552189

her numbers were grim

>> No.77552409

Vallure is a great concept but terrible execution
The designs are very bad. Hiring a western artist that draws bad hentai for all 6 was a mistake. V4mirai is going no where

>> No.77552940

Oh that's why they look bad.

>> No.77553388

Naki is in !!!!!

>> No.77553528

Kek the fuck is happening over there? Their fans kept bragging how good their corpo is and how management listens to them but there's been 2 graduations in like 3-4 months.

>> No.77553780

Sorry pal Naki is gone forever

>> No.77553998

it is Brave Group propaganda. Their little "we're gonna take over the vtubing world" alliance have had 3 graduations in 1 month

>> No.77554878

fuck this came outta nowhere.
strange too, i had just looked into her channel over another thread posting about her, and as far as i could tell she was continuing on as usual.
guess >>77535716
must've really been one for certain now or never, damn.

>> No.77555013

To borrow another anon's words, it's a case of hiring a college student into a fast food job. Even if it's a chill job with no issues, they clearly have the talent to get better jobs.
The fact that BOTH graduations have been strictly to get better non-vtubing jobs just points out that the pay isn't sustainable for the talents to live off of, which is just the harsh reality of a small corpo. The management side of things is perfectly fine, but clearly if given a shot to get a real sustainable job, I'm pretty sure most people would jump ship from vtubing.

>> No.77555023

Really weird graduation considering she's basically the branch leader and very funny and creative. I can only assume she actually got poached and the reason they immediately graduated her is because Cover or VShojo or Niji paid her contract fee to buy her out immediately.

>> No.77556275

I know you are shitposting but her content was too controversial for Hololive.
The only possibility was if Cover had any interest in the Brazilian market, but I don't think it's the case.

>> No.77557220

Perdemos, anões.

>> No.77557565
File: 85 KB, 996x199, 171819381120037766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some chuubas at NEOBAKA currently have more ccv than NijiEN, desu
Pic related

>> No.77557986

Globie IS their EU branch.

>> No.77558464

Sad, it was cool having someone from this shithole in an EN corpo

>> No.77559656

>horse had life things happen, and graduated so hard that even her PL graduated
>BR got a huge chance somewhere and chose to graduate instantly
I don't know, none of their graduations seem to be their fault so far.

>> No.77559975

I didn't even know we had vtubers here in Brazil, I know there are some very successful flesh streamers here so there is that

>> No.77559990


Yae Yugiri Birthday Merch 2024
Yae Yugiri Birthday 2024 Complete Set 27 $100.00 $2,700.00
Big Rubber Desk Mat 9 $45.00 $405.00
B2 Tapestry 2 $35.00 $70.00
Ema Keychain 7 $10.00 $70.00
Microfiber Cloth 10 $10.00 $100.00

Mono Monet Birthday Merch 2024
Complete Set 134 $100.00 $13,400.00
Beer Glass 117 $40.00 $4,680.00
B2 Tapestry 112 $35.00 $3,920.00
Acrylic Keychain 99 $15.00 $1,485.00
Four Coaster Pack 134 $10.00 $1,340.00

V4MaidCafe Special Merch
Complete Set 35 $165.00 $5,775.00
Acrylic Diorama - Yae & REM Set 26 $40.00 $1,040.00
B2 Tapestry - REM & Yae 20 $35.00 $700.00
Acrylic Diorama - Yae Yugiri 19 $20.00 $380.00
Acrylic Diorama - REM Kanashibari 26 $20.00 $520.00
Acrylic Keychain - Yumi the Witch 17 $10.00 $170.00
Acrylic Keychain - REM Kanashibari 24 $10.00 $240.00
Acrylic Keychain - Dr.NOVA(e) 28 $10.00 $280.00
Acrylic Keychain - Alias Anono 35 $10.00 $350.00
Acrylic Keychain - Yae Yugiri 21 $10.00 $210.00
Acrylic Keychain - Mono Monet 30 $10.00 $300.00
Acrylic Keychain - Kou Mariya 34 $10.00 $340.00
Acrylic Keychain - Serina Maiko 17 $10.00 $170.00
Acrylic Keychain - Abï Kadabura 13 $10.00 $130.00

>> No.77560043

> 2,152 brazilian ccv
holy fuck

>> No.77560108

How do I read this

>> No.77560308

product_name num_purchases per_item_cost total_revenue

>> No.77560343

Looks like
[Item] [Number Sold] [Price] [Total]

>> No.77560347

That is what people said about Idol HE branch. It's a cope. Idol have been a graduation machine since.

>> No.77560713

the problem with SA viewers is that they aren't monetizable. I've seen HUGE Latin streamers on Twitch with like 10-30k viewers and they only have mid 4 digit subs. Not to mention the terrible conversion rate of their currency.

>> No.77560812

IdolHE was basically the CEO walking around the streets of Tel-Aviv asking random inexperienced girls if they wanted to be vtubers, the fact that 2 of them remain is a miracle actually. And if you exclude them:
>the first graduation was a menhera timebomb that went off
>the second graduation was a lazy menhera who tried to run away with donothon money
>the third graduation was a retarded menhera who got groomed too hard
Not saying they're saints either because it's a known fact that they have management issues (they're probably speedrunning them trying to find someone good and having no luck), but all EN issues happened because they didn't do enough research on who they were hiring.

>> No.77560965

2 of Coni, Poko and Momo are not finishing 2024 in Idol.

>> No.77561646

Literally not what they said you retard

>> No.77561801

i know Momo had health issues, but havent heard anything about the other two.

>> No.77562152

coni is back on her pl and is sisters with mozu from vdere
poko is tweeting on her pl and followed her idol account with it so her current fans could discover it
both of these are things yuko and pochi did.

>> No.77562216


>> No.77562436

fair enough, though i know Juna and Fuyo started being active on their PLs too awhile ago.
not saying its a good sign, only it seems like its just starting to be something idol talents just do.

>> No.77562810

>IdolHE was basically the CEO walking around the streets of Tel-Aviv asking random inexperienced girls if they wanted to be vtubers, the fact that 2 of them remain is a miracle actually
Now, if you take into account the rrat that the fired manager also had his grubby hands on the HE talents (Neo)...
That guy's really their undoing, isn't he?

>> No.77563937

What's sad is I realized this when Charlotte Suzu said she had 3 jobs and I was just like fuck, well thanks for taking the time out of working to survive to entertain your fans. I will never not appreciate that fact when it comes to the girls in small corpos as I'm sure more are like charzu than not

>> No.77564458

>Brazilian Tranny beating Enna's CCV

What a time to be alive.

>> No.77564985

holy shit mono is bringing home the bread

>> No.77565272

Lmao keep coping, holo isn't gonna be launching a new gen for a while. Maybe your autistic ass can't read between the lines though.

>> No.77565509

Suffering from success. Their hires are simply too good.
No wonder Phase goes for menheras instead kek

>> No.77565728

Mono is just too loveable, the perfect mix of sexy and cute.
I think Yae may be too much horny and not enough personality. You need that extra factor to garner real fans of you as a vtuber and not just thirst content. Those people will buy your physical goods.

>> No.77565977
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real mystery on our hands.

>> No.77566062

The first word I actually paused on in that announcement is donathon. Seems like every time that happens someone is graduating or quitting. Maybe people shouldn't have these.

>> No.77566071


>> No.77566118


>> No.77566173

She's a comedian that means she's joining niji like every clown would.

>> No.77566539

I thought Sakana wouldn't dare after the whole "Confederados" revelation but I remember now.

>> No.77566582

Rin streaming on her PL is ok. All the time of being Rin btw.
Juna streaming on her PL is ok. All the time of being Juna btw.
Other girls doin it - not ok.
Whelp, sounds funny u know.

>> No.77567081

they really are cursed.
it either gives a talent that might be lazy and/or retarded a giant sum of money they cant be trusted with, and/or can show how profitable a certain talent could be putting a spotlight on them for the poachers.
