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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77525168 No.77525168 [Reply] [Original]

Well Rested edition

/999/ - Henya the Genius, from Vshojo

/voms/ - VOMS Project, and former members
- Hikasa Tomoshika (TMSK): https://www.youtube.com/@tomoshikahikasa
- Haneuzu Miuneru: https://www.youtube.com/@Miuneru
- Daimonji Ryugon (DMJ): https://www.youtube.com/@ryugondaimonji
- Zengaku Sanparo: https://www.youtube.com/@Sanparo_Z
- Uemine Noruju: https://www.youtube.com/@UemineNoruju
- Michimata Batoya: https://www.youtube.com/@Batoya_

- Ebosi (Formerly Jitomi Monoe): https://www.youtube.com/@ebosi
- Amano Pikamee Archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCajhBT4nMrg3DLS-bLL2RCg

>> No.77525305

>stinky slept for 20 hours
How fucking tired was she?

>> No.77525880


>> No.77526353

Collab with... somebody

>> No.77526474


>> No.77526488

wtf is wrong with people

>> No.77526650

why is she numberfagging

>> No.77526779

Oilers undeterred by inflation

>> No.77527067

>Norge and DMJ are still streaming Apex

>> No.77527118
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Rip bozo

>> No.77527153


>> No.77527530

>stinky getting skyrim as a kid and they didn't check her ID

>> No.77527794

henya calling the 3ds old

>> No.77527991

it is old, grandpa

>> No.77528226


kids these days

>> No.77528330
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>> No.77528397

>stinky remembering her yellow days and GTA san andreas

>> No.77528444

henya did not know what a joystick is

>> No.77528463

lesbian confirmed

>> No.77528634

getting perma banned for such a lame joke.

>> No.77528797

bit harsh

>> No.77528952
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there isn't a stream now where she doesn't rape my ears she can't help herself. She was always like this but I feel she got worse. she screams every stream

>> No.77529052

>>77528952 (me)
nvm my audio compressor was off but still point stands

>> No.77529100

I think it's just you, sounds the same as ever to me

>> No.77529211

>Henya has to apologize once again for Vshojo merch fuckups.
How the fuck did they not think people want to actually see what the merch will look like, instead of a 3D version.

>> No.77529228

Finally getting merch pics from mane-san

>> No.77529329
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Henya hand reveal

>> No.77529369

That's manager-san you retard

>> No.77529371
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This is her to me nowadays

>> No.77529451

turn down the volume?

>> No.77529537

Okay the book is actually pretty neat.

>> No.77529555
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>> No.77529587

Jacket looks better than I thought it would

>> No.77529600
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>> No.77529774
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Actually custom made. Hentais with money, please buy it to show support, I'm broke.

>> No.77529853

>Henya met Vshojo staff in person.
She's doing better.

>> No.77529912

Kson is off limits though. House is too haunted

>> No.77529941

has not seen them like that in a long time

>> No.77530059
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i do like that Henya went out of her way to get real life versions of the merch to show

>> No.77530109

Kson should get a job as manager

>> No.77530178

low yen is good.. FOR YOU

>> No.77530280

Henya actually going to visit US dad after he moves despite weak yen... TO VISIT DISNEY WORLD

>> No.77530412

Based dayo

>> No.77530476

What do you think she's doing when she goes "Eisho!"?

>> No.77530499

She will exhaust herself with all the walking. Even the individual parks are spread out like crazy

>> No.77530767

Next Florida Man!

I miss those

>> No.77530877

kson and henya meme review

>> No.77531103

no IRL henya stream.
hand cam at most

>> No.77531134

She has said she doesn't want to do IRL stuff like 20000 times. Why do people keep bringing it up?

>> No.77531192

pick one or both

>> No.77531287

forget IRL.
they are fresh meat streamers

>> No.77531904

Hen sending Henya old spice commercials

>> No.77532338

Zen you mean

>> No.77532808

collab time

>> No.77533190

Heavenly wasn't full time?

>> No.77533260

No he was a wagie until like three days ago

>> No.77533855

>vshojo + 2 people who are basically vshojo in all but name

>> No.77534046

The question is, who gets the invite first?

>> No.77534475

wouldn't surprise me if Ari is already in

>> No.77534483

The non-shoujo kek

>> No.77535938

these types of games are all the same

>> No.77536969
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>> No.77538791

ping issue dayo

>> No.77539613
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>1 year sub
>high bit donator
>sitll this retarded
Well at least that's one TTSfag less to care about

>> No.77540291

Moisey finally join

>> No.77540677

Not familiar with twitch, whats the best way to support her financially? Bits or gifting subs?

>> No.77541068

I believe bits is better in terms of revenue split, but some of those gifted subs might convert to paid subs

>> No.77541163

From subs she gets 70%. From bits she gets 100% but you pay a "twitch tax" of like 15-20% upfront for them. So bits are better for her cut but in the end pick whichever you prefer.

>> No.77541275
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>I've got a gun dazo

>> No.77541408

She gets $1 for every 100 bits, and 70% of whatever you pay for subs, so whichever of these are better value in whatever your regional pricing is (I'm in Norway and bits are almost $2 per 100, so for me it's more efficient to gift subs)

>> No.77541511

I believe bits is a slightly better ratio of money going to the streamer vs twitch, but gift subs are much better for the rest of her audience.
Bits also activates her TTS and we love complaining about obnoxious TTSfags here. Actually put something good in there, or do the gigachad bits with no message.

>> No.77543480
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>> No.77544754

If you're going to TTSfag, at least try to make her laugh or feel good about herself

>> No.77545211

Is the bits tax regional then? I was kind of shocked to see they were $2 per 100

>> No.77547214

I don't get it, why doesn't she fill up her fridge with simple microwave meals?

>> No.77547233
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>> No.77547317

She lives on the moment, mainly because she is too retarded to plan even a day ahead

>> No.77547350

Yes. For me, it costs $2.75 NZD for 100 bits, which is about $1.70 USD.
I think people in the US pay $1.40 USD?

>> No.77547482

>henya smells dayo
I read "smells" as a verb at first. What does dayo smell like?

>> No.77547562

Water left too long inside a kettle

>> No.77548628

The aftermath of a furious Comic LO reading session

>> No.77549768

classic, hitting the top of the hour before ending

>> No.77549923

Epic Lunch Time is dead, buried and forgotten. o7

>> No.77550430

not even socks finds henya's acting believable

>> No.77551460
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Melon is vegetable

>> No.77551467

Kson's house is haunted by lesbians. Or more specifically, a lesbian.

>> No.77551731
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You have gone too far

>> No.77552931

See you tomorrow hentais

>> No.77553677

bye bye

>> No.77555265

good night

>> No.77559437
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>> No.77563254
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>> No.77564714
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SIX with TMSK and NotPika

>> No.77567485


>> No.77569681
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Lord of the Board 3 sign ups are ongoing. You guys won the last time, are you going to sign up again to defend the belt?

>> No.77571749
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>> No.77572745

is this nuVOMS? did gyari sell the rights?

>> No.77573025
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The Vei faces are spreading. Even VOMS members aren't safe.

>> No.77574988

their train date is starting in 4 minutes

>> No.77576113

nice morning entertainment

>> No.77577949
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>> No.77580059
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>> No.77583886


>> No.77585332

It is war

>> No.77586311

Well, now we know what she's gonna be talking about next stream. I expect Minecraft crimes too.

>> No.77587948
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the flat genius will have her revenge

>> No.77590479
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>> No.77590775
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>> No.77592115
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>> No.77593221

I also expect watermelon shenanigans

>> No.77595020

she's such a cute little shit

>> No.77597319

1 hour!

>> No.77597641
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Any good archive channels? Official one is dead, 9IQ one is dead too.

>> No.77598664

Doesn't she have a tip page for stream elements or something, what's the cut for that?

>> No.77600392

I think there's a guy on the community discord that archives everything, but I don't have a link

>> No.77601525


>> No.77601657
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Short, dark hair today.

>> No.77601694

why never short light hair? it's the best!

>> No.77601733

I share your suffering, brother

>> No.77601876

henya could have waited an hour or two before starting her stream, so i can watch the summer fest in peace. dual streaming is not my thing

>> No.77602056

Why would you watch the summerfest
It's just going to be the same as all the other announcement showcases these days, out-of-touch corporations trying to be hip with the kids for hours occasionally broken up with trailers that don't indicate the playable product

>> No.77602121

don't forget the shameless amount of ads

>> No.77602410

This. Better to watch trailers when they're in Youtube, assuming there's something that isn't the usual ultra realistic copy paste slop.

>> No.77602424

she's so tired that I'm getting drunk pika vibes

>> No.77602469

>You guys told me about memory cards
Wasn't that convo in the past? Or did she forget again by Henya-times and talk about it again?

>> No.77602740
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>people gifting t3 subs

>> No.77603032

henya learning game history. like :

NES is in fact older than the PS1
Gamecube is so sturdy. it can be used as a weapon

>> No.77603319

Now that T1 soon will cost 1 dollar, or more for some regions, extra this might be the next play for oilers. T2 and T3 remain unchanged.

>> No.77604195

oh good, I couldn't handle much more of henya making me feel old

>> No.77604354

Wii was her first console and she played most zelda on the Wiiu

>> No.77604598

Did not expect this when I heard "Silent Hill creator". Also the gameplay looked kinda... idk lacking?

>> No.77604658

>it's the dies of cringe guy!

>> No.77605912

Why is Elijah Wood in this

>> No.77606666


>> No.77606691

roomie feeling threatened

>> No.77607359


>> No.77607376


>> No.77608781
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>> No.77609295

Please Wrap It Up

>> No.77610251

I love how she is so much more comfortable with that slip up with the "Old habits..." comment.

>> No.77611304

His name is Jooooooohn Ceeeeena!

>> No.77611435

Why else would they put a handle on it?
The original brass knuckles console.

>> No.77612287

can't wait for her to stop giving a fuck entirely

>> No.77612684

>TTS about Emulation, a topic from yesterday
Autists and their inability to move on...

>> No.77612861

Gremlins assemble

>> No.77613013

the model on the right is what Pika really wanted to look like. same mama.

>> No.77613248

lmao, yeah, I think Isekai Pikamee was the first sign of Henya possibly wanting /out/, where she got some level of creative design over her image.

>> No.77614638

What the GYARI doing

>> No.77615092

Dark & Darker in chat right now giving Henya tech support.

>> No.77615264

he'll be vending at comiket 104

>> No.77617422


>> No.77617626

skill issue dayo

>> No.77617924

No idea why she picked rogue. You have to either be stealthy or actually be good with the combat. Something like fighter would have been more her speed.

>> No.77618147

She probably thought the facemask looked cool

>> No.77619656

yeah it wasn't the smartest pick for a 200ms gamer either

>> No.77619985

Henya the mamanya thief

>> No.77620291

Did she legit just use her moms card because she is to lazy to go and find her own?

>> No.77621072

100% on brand

>> No.77621095

I think it's more of a family card, she has talked about it before

>> No.77621687
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>socks is a little shit with henya
>henya is a little shit mamanya
Pet mirrors owner

>> No.77621774

Henya is best not trusted with a credit card of her own

>> No.77621957

no wonder she got dev help. henya stream is the biggest stream playing it

>> No.77622623

Animate merch is starting to sell out. Button Badges, Kson Plush, Henya Plush, and Henya Acrylic Stand are already gone. Of course I was on my way to get the acrylic stand to add to the collection...

>> No.77622821

Do you think any of the online shops might still have it?

>> No.77623769

i heard the henya merch was quickly selling out.
somewhat surprising considering it's a jp collab maybe?

>> No.77623970

I'm sure I'll have to get one on eBay or something later. I got a few of the blind box items, fingers crossed for Henya ones, that I can trade extras and maybe get one of the stands.

>> No.77626213
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>> No.77626935

Looks like maybe more tomorrow, hope they can get a 3rd. They need someone to carry them.

>> No.77627475

zen is a given

>> No.77627905

henya just finding out about Kuro cancelling

>> No.77629288

she made it with her fancy cloak!

>> No.77629418

Also I don't understand this game, is there some type of load out hing? If she made it out once with the cloak and decided to go in again and dies, does she lose everything she equipped such as the cloak or does she keep whatever is part of her load out?

>> No.77629760

Everything is lost on death but you can get a basic grey loadout from the Squire that you get for free everytime you die. Stuff in the stash stays, either to take in or sell whenever.

>> No.77630597

You can save your stuff in the lobby or sell it. But yeah, anything you take into the cave and you die, you lose it.

>> No.77630767

so is 3 the max number of players in a team? that should be small enough for some good collabs

>> No.77631389

Does ranking up the squire give better default stuff later on?

>> No.77631885
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She completely forgot she didn't sleep

>> No.77632333

She's going to her meet and greet completely eepy

>> No.77632613

Her meet and greet is in 6h so still more then enough time for a nap.

>> No.77632784

Is this a new TTS autist? The name doesn't seem familiar.

>> No.77633197

LG time. I'd guess the raid is gonna be a birthday raid to Kson.

>> No.77633679

We at LG No.3 now.

>> No.77633717

This time for sure

>> No.77634928

henya raiding birthday girl Kson as expected

>> No.77638001
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>> No.77643227
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Piercings are seiso.

>> No.77646565
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>> No.77650107
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>> No.77651995
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>> No.77655075
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>> No.77655090
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>> No.77657089
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>> No.77658962

prepare for a lot of dark and darker

>> No.77659183

Kek what a faggot

>> No.77661024
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>> No.77661700

she doesn't have any payment methods set up so you can't use it. just as a comparison:
>you must log in with a platform to continue
>has paypal and card option on the right side

>> No.77663208

Silent hill today

>> No.77664319

dead thread today
