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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77502691 No.77502691 [Reply] [Original]

Can some small vtuber please tell me did attending any of these cons really "make or break" your career and helped you make connections that made you incline drastically?
I was told that "private parties at cons and meeting the right people can literally make or break your career".
I know plenty of vtubers that went to cons and they are still 2view shitters. I diddn't hear ONE story of "Wow I really inclined after that con".

>> No.77502730

Going there is mainly a way to get your foot in the door regarding collabs or corpo hiring.

>> No.77502801

the Five Guys incident last year definitely helped Marimari underscore EN to make it

>> No.77502870

But that was made up and she just went along with the memes.

>> No.77503026

Yes, and? The point is that she attended one of these cons last year and they helped "make or break" her career because she inclined from this.

>> No.77503100

Cons are largely useless, sometimes even detrimental. It might be good for networking once you reach a certain size and want to grift into the normalfag sphere, but if you're just a small streamer just stay home and stream. Use the dead hours.

>> No.77503938

Going to twitchcon and befriending xqc could make your career
Going to offkai and meeting pippa isn't gonna do shit

>> No.77505031

cons are where (failed) normalfags get shitfaced and have sex
pls andastand

>> No.77505245

I dunno but some stupid faggot said I liked kirsche and was completely against the point and all the retards that jumped on the bandwagon are just as dumb as he is

>> No.77505290

Yeah I can see meeting xQc and being mentioned in his circles bringing someone more ccv, but hooking up with a random shitter from X small corpo does pretty much nothing for your career.

>> No.77507822

Attending offkai in person is on the list of red flags that would make me drop a vtuber. I have to imagine although it might not be as drastic for others, there's probably a substantial portion of fans in the hobby who feel similarly. Not even talking about offpako shit, it's more like it just feels grifty to me to be a vtuber and then flesh yourself willingly, even if you go anonymously. It's against the spirit of the hobby IMO.

>> No.77509137

I gather you aren't a fan of Sayu then.

>> No.77509221

>I was told that "private parties at cons and meeting the right people can literally make or break your career".
This feels like you took something that people actually say, then exaggerated it so much it's become a strawman

>> No.77509385

On the other hand, one could reasonably argue that anyone successful enough to get recognized as a viable professional wouldn't need any sort of boost offered by some shitty con in the first place.

>> No.77509454

Yeah same. Attending this in person means you're 90% likely to be there in hopes of getting laid, either with other vtuber guys or ecelebs or super fans.

>> No.77509792

Leaving the house means you are doing it for the chance of getting laid.
Do you see how insane you sound?

>> No.77509857

I mean that's why I leave the house. The chance must be really low, cuz it never works.

>> No.77510028

>private parties at cons and meeting the right people
This means having sex cor favors, anon. That's actually it. Are you doing that?

>> No.77510056

Saiu got what she wanted

>> No.77510570

Quem saiu de onde?

>> No.77511085

Nah going to that specific place as a vtuber is definitely not just for "networking".

>> No.77511729

Source: I made it up

>> No.77512919

Going to a con is a great way to meme yourself to "stardom".
But it is costly. If you don't take advantage of it properly, you may as well have just set fire to some money.

>> No.77513140

>be a media producer
>fuck some 5/10 whore who wants to be a vtuber
>make her famous
>she decides everything was nonconsensual and you're sent to prison
Doesn't seem worth it. Not even slightly.

>> No.77513244

Yes, if by "private parties" you mean orgies and by "meeting the right people" you mean sucking off wealthy men.

>> No.77513343

They may go to prison, but in the end they got to have sex while we're here arging on Taiwanese underwater basket-weaving forums.

>> No.77513796

Theres really no point for networking at cons. That is old fashioned. Its like arguing to read ebooks or pdfs vs real books. We have big data and platforms to advertise directly to potential consumers on their personal devices. In this day and age, its just to party and celebrate the shit you like. If you are the producer, you use it as an opportunity to shill new shit for ppl to buy.

>> No.77514287
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Kirsche did try to create drama out of thin air to boost herself, but all she did was get her fellow /pol/tards involved and piss off Pippa because Kirsche's fans tried to scapegoat her for this.

>> No.77514385

Or you're forced to go there by out-of-touch old geezers who refuse to listen to reason.

>> No.77514440

death to all politispergs

>> No.77514512

>did attending any of these cons really "make or break" your career
Was anyone claiming this?

People go to cons because it's fun. Maybe to network too if they're there in person, but mostly the hang out with their friends who are also going.

>> No.77514630

typical cumbrained zoomer

>> No.77514631

It really depends, like, if you aren't going with the mindset of networking, you'll obviously not incline dramatically.

>> No.77514738

>it just feels grifty to me to be a vtuber and then flesh yourself willingly, even if you go anonymously
It's a grift to attend a con in-person even when nobody recognizes you or knows you're there?

The fuck is wrong with you? Who is being grifted?

>It's against the spirit of the hobby
Which is... what, exactly? To stay locked up in your room and never let anyone see you, ever?
Cons--especially vtuber cons or cons with large vtuber presence--are one of the best ways for long-distance friends to get together.

99% of vtubers who do go to a con in-person are doing so to spend time with their friends, and also have fun at the con.
What's wrong with that?

>> No.77515444
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you don't understand.
If chuuba goes offkai they are 100% having sex with mods and groomers, OK? The sisters say so

>> No.77516447
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Jesus Christ, the atavistic stupidity. Such statements are why I like western whores.

>> No.77516729

By now you should know to ignore the post of anyone who uses the word "grift".

>> No.77517209


>> No.77518174

Please be joking. Going to prison over mediocre pussy will never be worth it

>> No.77519197

Who told you such a thing? It will probably break your sense of smell.

>> No.77519467


I met my favorite Kiki :3

>> No.77519539
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Forgot pic :3

>> No.77520040

Female friend of a fairly new vtuber.

>> No.77520722

They probably believe it, but it's bullshit. All anime-adjacent cons are just excuses to hang out, drink and maybe shoot your shot. Actual networking events and conferences are very different in feel and in what people do at them

>> No.77524475

that's with any industry. if you're not networking with anyone you're doing it wrong

>> No.77525331

It made my dick get weird red spots.

>> No.77525753

The only point of going to cons is to fuck cosplay whores.

>> No.77525805

what kind of networking events though?

>> No.77525894

reveal yourself
You must not like sayu, matara, or mint huh?

>> No.77525951

or just treat it as a vacay and write it off as a business expense

>> No.77526052

It's essentially a big party.Wouldn't be everyone, but it is a motivation for some. Like >>77519539

>> No.77526615

>make or break your career
It can only break your career now if you yab

>> No.77527066

that's because girls go to these parties, and then refuse the sex. you're not gonna grow unless you gape you festering cun cun to smegma infested mandick and gawk gawk it all down. you want the views, you gotta put out. small price to pay for winning the gender coin toss. being born a girl is easy mode, everyone is kind to you and you get everything for free, all you have to do is provide sex and sex feels good anyway. be born male and you will never ever have sex ever, not once in your 80 year lifespan, not even one single hug. But girls get cuddles everynight, that's why their lives are so easy.

>> No.77527542

and yet after 3 years I still cant get out of 1view hell. Yeah...easier...sure.

>> No.77527676

you want out of the hell, you know what to do. this dick won't deepthroat and vomit on itself. contort and convulse in an arousing way and i'll make you a 3 view.

>> No.77528680

uuuuuggghhhhh fine anon daddy....fine.

>> No.77528764

How is dick sucking magically going to make someone gain hundreds of views? Someone can bot you for a while but thats it. And no HUGE streamers that can shipl you go to those shitty anime/vtuber cons.

>> No.77529404

Good girl. I dunno, i think the key is consistency, slow but consistent growth, social network as much as you can, make as many connections as you can, but don't forget to connect and engage with your fans. Each fan, each viewer that has a good time may go off and bring back 10 more viewers.
The last vtuber that made me cum the hardest i've cum in the last year, I've told fucking hundreds of people about her and encouraged them to come see her. She went from 20 views to 200 due to this and really good viewer engagement. Men do not forget big cums, and for me at least, when someone does me a favor, i return it.

>> No.77532177


>> No.77535089


>> No.77535403


>> No.77538558


>> No.77544187


>> No.77544519

You do know there's a fleshy human skeleton behind the vtuber right? To keep your delusion alive you ignore the creation process?

>> No.77544757

What an incel point of view. Fascinating.

>> No.77545184

Chuubas go to cons to meet fans and add a footprint for themselves, legitimacy. All this numbermonkey seeking behavior doesn't apply to everyone.

>> No.77548622

You type like a 15 year old third worlder larper faggot. But in your own mind, I'm sure that you are "trolling" everyone in this thread. Rope asap.

>> No.77548912

If you like to network (grift) then it probably is worth you while to go to these type of events. If you’re actually talented and know how to market yourself online then you probably don’t need to bother.
