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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.16 MB, 1160x1390, kroniipartyslut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77512888 No.77512888 [Reply] [Original]

Kronii you promised....

>> No.77512938

what happen to niji this time

>> No.77512994

the holoen concert might not be canceled like the sisters said it was after all

>> No.77513009
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>you have nice hands
do women really

>> No.77513147

No way this is real, she's supposedly a dike, right?

>> No.77513251

Did anyone besides Kronies ever actually believe that?
She's lusted after dudes on stream several times

>> No.77513296
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>my oshi cucked me

>> No.77513741

It's not real. She got drunk, flirted and partied with her irl lesbian friends.
She didn't promise anything. Fuck off. Holobronnies are insufferable

>> No.77513769

>"Hey, would you - would you date me?"
Closer analysis suggests this situation is not so clear-cut. Look at the way it's worded: it's not "Why don't we go out sometime?"
Instead, it's said from the standpoint of disbelief, a purely hypothetical statement, as if being asked from an assumption that such a thing would be impossible.
Like "Would you ever date someone like me? Please say yes."
Obviously, if it resulted in any actual outcome, she'd be keeping it under wraps. Even Kronii isn't that inept at PR. The most likely interpretation is that she was talking to a heterosexual woman or a homosexual man (ie. the types most likely to be in her friends group) and, knowing that they wouldn't take her seriously, was fishing for compliments.
Or, a less likely alternative, asserting social dominance by intentionally fucking with someone by putting them on the spot in public. That seems slightly more bitchy than usual, though.

>> No.77513835

We know who are her fiends. They are all lesbians.

>> No.77513839

I thought she was lesbian, what happened Krocucks?

>> No.77513863

>phasekek gets laughed out of numbers
>to the catalogue she goes

>> No.77513876

rent free

>> No.77513901

Kronii strikes me as bi but leaning towards women

>> No.77513906

Yeah actually.

It's really weird, not all women are like this but I'm had a few women tell me this despite being an average height, not handsome/pretty, average guy.

>> No.77513960

It's because they want to get fingered by you, retard.

>> No.77514001

It all went wrong. Time to forget about it and dream sweet dreams

>> No.77514004

Good thing I'm gay except for my oshi.

>> No.77514020

What did she promise?

>> No.77514035

Yes. Women get excited just from looking at a man's hands. Don't ask me why, I'm not a woman but this is indeed a thing.

>> No.77514071

Man, the Sally rejection hit her hard, didn't it

>> No.77514086

I'm confused as to how you got a gender out of all that?
Or is it just the usual unicuck brainrot?

>> No.77514101

bi but fem leaning

>> No.77514130

Did she meet Vesper IRL?

>> No.77514161

no, she met you irl

>> No.77514196

Apparently they can tell if you have not trimmed your nails or if you have calluses or generally rough hands

>> No.77514208

Kronie unicorns are currently developing weapons grade copium

>> No.77514250

She's changed quite a bit since Vesper and Magni got booted out of Holostar. Suddenly she started becoming feminine and flirty with chat. If only it was like this from the start she would have been as big as Gura right now but she fucked up too many times before becoming her current self. Same thing with Mori.

>> No.77514251 [DELETED] 

im a cuck and i like kronii, will you leave me alone now faggots? Fucking obsessing over something youre trying to twist and take out of context

>> No.77514418

>you're so tall
>complementing hands not nails
Pretty weak cope, kronie

>> No.77514535

why are phasefags like this

>> No.77514545

Of course. Same with you, you can tell if the broad gives a good head by looking at her lips and eyes.

>> No.77514556


>> No.77514559

lets think about what kronii has said in the past about men. Shes said - she doesnt want to be shipped with men, but its fine to joke about shipping with women. In this instance shes basically shipping herself with a woman and in a completely joking manner. If you dont understand that I'd guess youre most likely ESL and not worth the time anyways.

>> No.77514888

So she's not allowed to like tall women or their hands?
You know people have different preferences right?

Either way she was just fishing for compliments or she wouldn't have even told the story.
Why do you keep imagining other guys getting laid?

>> No.77515036

I don't think it was confirmed if the friend she was flirting with was a dude or a chick. She was very embarrassed about it though, never mind the gender

>> No.77515037

that's so pure bros

>> No.77515149

is this literally a bot?

>> No.77515161

She said this to me btw

>> No.77515167
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krocuck. your "clock wife" is flirting with another man...

>> No.77515245
File: 59 KB, 1068x112, 1728644786435753343117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her reasoning. Then she tweeted that she's in hololive to make friends and will collab with anybody

>> No.77515293

Anon, if she asked again and again
>can i SAY THIS?
and ten used THEY as to hide the gender, people wouldn't have a problem if it was a woman, but a guy? hell would break loose, it's clearly a dude.

>> No.77515349

Who was that vtuber who cucked Kronii?

>> No.77515429

There's no such thing as a lesbian; they're just regular women in denial. The big reason lots of lesbians are short fat ugly and awful is because LARPing as a lesbian is how they cope with no men wanting them.

>> No.77515497

Nah she wants to be a lesbian but is obviously straight but copes by pretending to be bi.

>> No.77515548

Magni. he stole Vesper from her

>> No.77515590

If it would be such an issue why talk about it in the first place?

>> No.77515602

Ha. Naïve. If anything, all women are actually secret lesbians who only pretend to be straight for money. In reality, they hate dicks, hate men, and would prefer to live in an all-female world where they aren't forced to endure ugly, evil men. That's why they spend their whole lives doing everything they can to make men miserable.

>> No.77515647

Obvious tranny spotted.

>> No.77515794

She right though, look at this place daily.

>> No.77515806

Kronii's not known for being smart anon

>> No.77515807

Kronii poisoned my crops, burned my village and set a plague onto our houses!

Do I fit in yet, or do I need to throw in more nyfco buzzwords like “cuck” over and over again?

>> No.77515815

simple anon
Want a picture or something? i think it's pretty clear

>> No.77515824

Explain femkronies, then. You think they aren't horny for Kronii?

>> No.77515872

I see she's aiming to be Hololive Enna. Explains a whole hell of a lot.

>> No.77515906

Vtuber women get debuffed by being even more prone than normal women to having woman moments
I think Biboo is the only EN girl that hasn't had a woman moment yet

>> No.77515962

Don't know whats in the water in Canada that specifically turns asian-canadian girls into whores but it sure is effective

>> No.77515983

>they hate dicks
The only ones that do is because they have not tasted it because even dykes admit they need dick sometimes because fake ones like strap-ons don't cut it. Men and women were made to connect like that and resisting is to go against nature.

>> No.77516115

She was right, yes, but she took the homobeggar side of the argument by trying to make homo collabs normal instead of just ignoring them

>> No.77516185

I like how these sorts of threads have popped up with increasing frequency when it became obvious she wants absolutely nothing to do with the fags anymore even people continue to twist themselves into pretzels over a tweet from almost 2 years ago now.

>> No.77516255

Being a genuine dyke is harder than being a faggot, atleast fags can feel and enjoy fucking eachother, dykes's have use toys or scissor eachother which doesn't cut it..

All in all, men win once again

>> No.77516266

>she was right that we're all shit
>unfortunately, she chose the side of the shit that doesn't agree with me

>> No.77516306

leave my enna, selen and kronii out of your mouth.

>> No.77516351

Kronii tells stories like this often, its fucking weird

>> No.77516376

Kronies are easily the most cucked fanbase in HoloEN. And that's saying something considering IRyS exists.

>> No.77516407

Bitch really out here trying to be the Enna Alouette of HoloEN

>> No.77516423

>Considering IRyS exists

>> No.77516485

>Aloupeeps trying to equate Kronii to their dumpster-tier oshi
>Kronies don't even know who Enna is in the first place
Really says a lot, kek

>> No.77516513

he's brown and from pakistan

>> No.77516525

we’ll get banned for saying it

>> No.77516579

I love how not only it's fucking obvious when OP shows up to samefag his threads back to the front page, but how blatant it is that he's typing his posts with one hand while writing cuck fantasy after cuck fantasy. What even breaks a man's brain this hard?

>> No.77516599

If it was a chick then she wouldnt have complimented the hands retard

>> No.77516620

Where would I look if hypothetically I wanted to find it in the archives

>> No.77516631

might as well be

>> No.77516635

Here I'll throw out the usual comments from the sub-human losers who will respond to this in earnest

>he doesn't know
>he lacks the knowledge
>we'll get banned for bringing it up
>if you know where to go, you'll find it

>> No.77516647

There is no QRD
>he doesn't know

>> No.77516680

Lately like 80% of Irys' streams have been about what 2D guys she wants to fuck because she totally doesn't like 3D men. Maybe that's what he mean?

>> No.77516698

there is nothing to look up because it doesn't exist

>> No.77516711

>cuck fantasy
Bro, she literally said "they" and mentioned complimenting the mans hands. Women love male hands.
Just accept that Kronii was flirting with a man and move on already

>> No.77516712

TF did Irys do? She's the sweetest of them all

>> No.77516724

I dream of the day when HIroshimoot brings back the IP counter and we can just see how threads like this are largely the works of schizoid samefags (not that it hasn't changed, but at least it would make it just that blatantly more obvious).

>> No.77516740

Lesbians have mouths, you idiot. They actually have higher rates of bacterial vaginosis because of how much they lick each other

>> No.77516755

That sounds awfully evasive. And it sounds like you're trying to sweep this under the rug. I don't trust you.

>> No.77516808


>> No.77516812

I cant find that clip anywhere. Link it tranny.

>> No.77516832

don't need IP
but we do need flags

>> No.77516843

Knowing her, she would fuck a lesbian

>> No.77516870

/NijiEN/ either doxxed Twisty or they had an autistic 14 year old in their VRchat ERP server (the latter was their defence by the way).

>> No.77516918

She was right that idol culture is part of the reason why shipping her with Vesper was met with negativity, but instead of taking the side of idol culture she went against it and I think that was a dumb idea as a hololive member

>> No.77516928

unrelated but does anyone remember when OG dragoons doxxed some artist in /NijiEN/ because he kept drawing hetero ship art with selen

>> No.77516942

>Lesbians have mouths
Men do to, men are better at sex be it homosexual or any other way

>> No.77516946

Men are even better at being gay lol
Women quite literally can't do anything right compared to a man

>> No.77516985

Roughly when was this?

>> No.77516992

Found it. It really is a nothing burger. Don't think anyone would really care that she has an Asian significant other.

>> No.77517028

like 3 years ago at least

>> No.77517058

The girl in the picture isn't even her.

>> No.77517069

You know what fuck it, just do a general IP ban of the SEA region in particular. Can almost guarantee the site in general would see a general user experience improvement, these fuckers can go back to be menaces in Facebook groups.

>> No.77517186

Oh yes she would.
Are you fuckers this oblivious?

>> No.77517221

What did Fuwamoco do?

>> No.77517243

Biboo had her woman moment before she even debuted. But it seems she quickly learned from it and has been squeaky clean since then.

>> No.77517252
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unicorns come home

>> No.77517289
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She's so feminized...

>> No.77517310

They're arguably the most menhera girls in Advent who've had plenty of "woman" moments

>> No.77517335

don’t start cuck

>> No.77517338

Why are kronies trying to deflect to Fuwamoco? They were seething at /baubau/ yesterday in infinity. And now they're trying to throw them under the bus in this thread. Did kronies migrate over to Fuwamoco or something and make other kronies resentful?

>> No.77517349

They're into NTR / cuck shit

>> No.77517398

Learn to spell before responding

>> No.77517461

So around debut? Just it helps to be able to find it in the archives. I'm willing to go on a trek but not for days.

>> No.77517487

Unironically yes Gabe is a ruffian now and a thread celeb in /baubau/

>> No.77517525
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>> No.77517565

It's even funnier when watch the types who make these kinds of threads squirm hard when you point out how Kronii made the most SC revenue-wise from her new outfit out of everyone in Promise this year.

>> No.77517568

>being surprised that the tumblr whore is a whore

>> No.77517646

I think it was around the time Niji males were starting to get popular. I know it happened before /HAHA/ was created

>> No.77517699

Are you unironically trying to numberfag with kronii

>> No.77517794

she's a gigawhore that will take anything she can get

>> No.77517823

After seeing thread after thread like this claiming that "she doesn't make money anymore and is the run" especially when they bring up birthday merch from over a year ago that actually got fucked over by Cover screwing around with their shipping, little reminders like this are absolutely fair play.

>> No.77517882
File: 11 KB, 762x822, 1717380659703500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kroniifags on an hero watch

>> No.77517974

Hand size is proportional to penis size.

>> No.77517986

Mococo cried in a member stream after a ruffian said he unsubbed from IRyS for speaking too much japanese in her streams

>> No.77517997

She probably isn't the biggest earner, but she is definitely ahead of Fauna, Nerissa, Shiori, Biboo and the like. Though Numberfagging either way is fucking retarded, it's literally just consolewars only even more cringe

>> No.77518019

that's why I oshi a girl that doesn't leave her house

>> No.77518026

Man I wish that was true

>> No.77518046
File: 336 KB, 1530x1490, 1710745224777151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even posting the clip
>so retards don't even know that
1. She was drunk
2. She said to multiple people, all of whom knew her and didn't take her seriously
3. She regretted it deeply afterward
Good bait

>> No.77518113

>Ahead of Fauna
Least delusional Kronie. Fauna and Mumei sell almost twice the amount of merch as Kronii.

>> No.77518122

Nijisis are very thirsty for any Holo yabs, pls understand

>> No.77518149

You got that backwards retard. She's a lesbian but is trying to convince herself she's straight, after she realized Sally is preggo and she doesn't have a slightest chance with her anymore.

>> No.77518161

Is this supposed to make it sound better

>> No.77518182

she's talking about me btw
i'm tall and i have nice hands

>> No.77518186

it's true
my hands are miniscule

>> No.77518206

>man with tiny hands desperately shops for pants that fit
I'll be nice for once.

>> No.77518217
File: 66 KB, 261x1089, 1717698947578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psst numberfagging is still cringe even if you're doing it to pump up Kronii
You're both retarded honestly. Fauna and Mumei do better with merch but Kronii does do well in SC which was what the other guy was talking about.

>> No.77518236

This makes it so much worse wtf. So when she goes out and gets drunk? If we're only hearing one story about this, imagine all the other times it's happened and she hasn't brought it up.

>> No.77518300

Kronies think this makes it better lmao

>> No.77518316

ok now post a sample size that’s longer than a month lol

>> No.77518319

Your graph just showed that Kronii literally makes half the SCs that Fauna does. Also
>SC per stream cope

>> No.77518341 [DELETED] 

But enough about blacked connect and Nijiniggers...

>> No.77518414

I'm so sorry you've never had a big enough friend group to go out drinking with and felt comfortable enough to lower your guard knowing they won't maliciously hold anything you do in a drunken state over you

>> No.77518422


>> No.77518427

i'm not sure superchat per stream is a good metric for anyone
lot more context goes into it than that

>> No.77518456

It does though?
Just consider which of these scenarios is less slutty and/or cuckifying:
>I was flirting with a dude because I wanted to. It was great, and we totally fucked afterward.
>I was flirting with a dude when I was drunk. It was awful and I never want to remember it again.

>> No.77518469

The content of this website is not for minors.

>> No.77518474

What do you think women are trying to do when going to bars and getting drunk? Why do you think men go to bars?

>> No.77518482

No straight woman would ever want to be lesbian. There's a lot of lesbians who want to be straight however because their lives are miserable. Especially when they get assaulted by "fellow lesbians" (mtf).

>> No.77518488

I’m not an Asian female so I can drink without making a fool of myself

>> No.77518506

Did you fail out of middle school math? Genuinely asking

>> No.77518513

No it doesn't, it just shows that Fauna gets more individual low value SCs, if you watched Fauna you would realize that's because of Snail spam.

>> No.77518552

Obviously one is better than the other but I wouldn’t want to hear my oshi talk about either of them

>> No.77518557

More like
>I drink when I go out and have guys flirt on me constantly. I'll share just this one story, but I'll let you imagine who's spreading my legs every time I take a break from streaming

>> No.77518564

Councilkeks were a fucking mistake

>> No.77518566

Why would you even talk about any of that stuff on stream. What a retard.

>> No.77518605

Golden gen btw

>> No.77518625

>fellow lesbians (mtf).
They despise them funnily enough, alot of them being just Terfs anyways

>> No.77518660

Because it's a funny anecdote and people trying to make it anything more than that are unironically dying from brainworms trying to force their NTR kink into every scenario?

>> No.77518665

Yeah. LGB hate T but can't speak up about it. I pity them.

>> No.77518672

george constanza became a sex symbol when he had his good hands.

>> No.77518692

>He oshis a girl that goes to parties and drinks
Lol, lmao even

>> No.77518702

Look at manga drawn by women. You will see comparatively larger focus and details on hands of male characters scenes.

>> No.77518711

So question, does thatvmean she took pictures with people? Also were any other holos at Offkai?

>> No.77518767

So this was offkai right?

>> No.77518802

>he is so socially-inept that he calls any instance of hanging out with friends "a party"
Bro just stop, this is sad even for you

>> No.77518827

>you are so tall

this literally confirms that he was a man, why does Kronii hide it?

>> No.77518849

Stop seething cuckold.

>> No.77518872

>least delulu unikek

>> No.77518993

>Gabe is a ruffian now
My condolences to other ruffians

>> No.77519110

That would explain that when I poke my head into /baubau/ from time to time, I usually see one person just going full menhara over Kronii unprompted at any given point.

>> No.77519120

What was Kroniis average viewers before and after male collabs?

>> No.77519216

a lot of schizos seemed to latch onto the twins. had to drop them for biboo once i realized what was happening

>> No.77519403

It has not fluctuated in any great amount, and she's still generally has one of the higher viewer counts in multiple PoV instances.

>> No.77519428

>he doesn't know

>> No.77519523

the other 5 are still safe for now

>> No.77519579

I know her SCs are higher, but while big number is technically good, supas are the least good of all the numbers because of YTs and Cover's cut. If we're talking about her actual personal earnings supas aren't a good metric. She ran away gachis that spend hundreds (twice, because of shipping) and she only has virtual signalers that might send a super chat or two but never buy a daki.

>> No.77519624

>le american mutt central in california.
I doubt there were guys that fit her description there.

>> No.77519717

Stained by association. If they allow one that's already rotten don't be surprised when all of them start rotting too.

>> No.77519764

>per stream
Fauna streams more so she actually made more money froms SCs in may

>> No.77520053


>> No.77520361

Shit like this makes me hate women. She has no game but still gets laid, if a gu spoke like that he would get negative attention.

>> No.77520456

Go back

>> No.77520505
File: 4 KB, 238x211, 619da8ed4ac7d1c854d5af9ce420e0aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hand fetish in women is the equivalent of the foot fetish in men

>> No.77520536

Shouldn't it make you hate men instead, for being sluts with zero standards?

>> No.77520607

it's literally gay women way of saying "NICE COCK"

>> No.77520629

Kaela beat her to submission

>> No.77520700

Nagzz is woman?

>> No.77520838

>Here is a metric to show how a vtuber is doing well
>N-No, not that one, it's actually bogus despite it being the most accessible way of determining as such

>> No.77520998

And yet that does nothing to change from the fact Kronii still has a higher concentration of people who still SC in higher amounts compared to saplings where you would have maybe 80% of the revenue come from 20-30% of the SCers because the snail spam is effectively worthless from a monetary perspective.

>> No.77521182

Cool I guess, but Fauna makes more money

>> No.77521193

How are SC's relevant when 60% of them goes to Cover and Youtube?

>> No.77521199

try that one again without the frog, newfag

>> No.77521828

>heh I have 100 pennies and you have 10 dollars! 100 is bigger than 10 so that means I'm richer than you!

>> No.77521844

fuck that's hot, imagine cleaning her up with your tongue after she comes home all sweaty after a night out while you stayed in posting on /vt/

>> No.77522047 [DELETED] 

Kronii cucked you in the past
Kronii cucking you in the present
Kronii will cuck you in the future

>> No.77522105

Kiara, Kronii, Mori.

>> No.77522329

All I'm seeing is a bunch of sisters still upset that Kronii has been doing well so they put more effort into making a nothingburger than they do on either their job applications or their personal appearance which is why they can't find their own Milord IRL.

>> No.77522697

Kiara doesn't drink any alcohol tho.

>> No.77522780

It's like Rushia never left...

>> No.77522839

Their answer was no by the way

>> No.77522902

Are all Asian girls autistic

>> No.77522965

I would never oshi a vtuber that refuses to get drunk on stream

>> No.77522972

No, she met Rando in real life

>> No.77523134

>I think Biboo is the only EN girl that hasn't had a woman moment yet
The Gura of Advent, I fucking kneel pebbles

>> No.77523321

Kronii isn't slutting around, she's just fucked in the head and has zero self-esteem. That's why she does shit like this and finds the whole "haha I'm kronii I'm so perfect" thing so funny.

>> No.77523388

>she left idol for this

>> No.77523401

No it's what >>77523321 said.
She has low self-esteem, or can be put into that mindset very easily.

>> No.77523454

There is also this thing with her family where they constantly criticize her apperance and shit (well, classic koreans). It's easy to see where all this coming from.

>> No.77523486

she met a rando in real life?
that rando? me

>> No.77523517


>> No.77523567

Hispanic? There are plenty

>> No.77523603

>he's just fucked in the head and has zero self-esteem
>zero self-esteem
the biggest sluts have zero self-esteem

>> No.77523626


>> No.77523635

my aunt told me I had nice hands

>> No.77523652

I thought bragging about your hookups was a twitch vtuber thing, disgusting.

>> No.77523661

like calling her fat with %23 BMI

>> No.77523664

I had no respect for ruffians before and now I feel sorry for them.

>> No.77523692

Putting on makeup and using filters means you have no self esteem, Kronii is normal

>> No.77523711

Yeah and they also don't act like autistic anti-social retards the way Kronii does. The woman can barely ever go two sentences without cringing at herself.

>> No.77523725

Did Vesper do a handcam?

>> No.77523753

She got a big ego/confidence boost from IRyS wanting to bang her. IRyS wants to bang everyone though.

>> No.77523757

Oh? When was that?
Like, it'd be a pleasant surprise if they're friends, but don't think her roommate is even following him

>> No.77523762

Sure but at least he has a good oshi now, not someone that should have never been hired

>> No.77523764

Putting on makeup and using filters means you're self-aware. Having no self esteem means you don't bother because it's not like it'll matter anyway.

>> No.77523770

Do you guys not have sex friends?

>> No.77523980
File: 86 KB, 249x249, 1642135895401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a whore
>having low self-esteem
lol these are not mutually exclusive in the slightest, what is this cope, if anything they go hand in hand lmao, just hide the thread, buddy.

>> No.77524093

goddammit, where do I find these drunk low self-esteem women???

>> No.77524140

Congratulations cuckeronii, you are now the gay friend

>> No.77524173

with Fagni once during an off collab but he was wearing gloves

>> No.77524179 [DELETED] 

We're allowed to shit on your whores, cuckold

>> No.77524192

It's over.

>> No.77524203

Bars, altho they may be switching to drinking at home now

>> No.77524222


>> No.77524313

anime conventions or clubs. other than that women stay at home and drink

>> No.77524320

Yeah scratch the bars suggestion, its ffxiv

>> No.77524380

holoKEKS lmoa

>> No.77524387

>flies from bumfuck, Canada to California to meet a guy at an anime convention

>> No.77524500

Just remember, "low self-esteem" doesn't necessarily imply "wrong."
But maybe I'm preaching to the choir here eh, /vt/?

>> No.77524590

It's pain. He and his kind are large contributors to awful quality of the threads.

>> No.77524919

>Attention whoring groomer mods
>Goes to cons in secret
>Openly talks about hitting on other people
>Schizo fanbase with trust issues
Wait this is just Lumi and her Gumis

>> No.77525463

I'm also wondering what happened. Did someone find out the dark and terrible secret that the vtubers specifically chosen to be sluts were, in fact, sluts?

>> No.77526147

>Goes to cons in secret
How is it secret if she talks about it?
Or did you want her to announce it when she's there in person?

>> No.77526290

Even lesbians love men. You look at the majority of fujoshi online and they're all lesbians. I'm not kidding.

>> No.77526430

There's a big difference between a fictional person (including the public persona presented by celebrities) and an actual, real-life person sitting there, talking to you.

>> No.77526582

You people seem to have a rather warped perception of women

>> No.77526682

>two weeks ago Kronii was guilty of saying she didn't care for Subway jokes and that boob jokes were okay when appropriate
>this week Kronii is guilty of hanging out with friends

You know who hate women the most?
Other women.

>> No.77526741

>that boob jokes were okay when appropriate
Yes, people seethed because she said that.

>> No.77526821

>okay when appropriate
You do realize that when "appropriate" is left undefined, that means "never."

>> No.77526848

She has so many friends of the opposite sex, she thinks everybody does. Doesn't sound that anti-social to me. And didn't she meet like two to three different friend groups there? She really gets around

>> No.77526909

I don't see any clips of her talking down to Kronies when she had the glitch with her 3D model a few months ago where it suddenly lurched forward causing them to jiggle quite a bit.

>> No.77526995

She's the most socially inclined HoloEN, even more than Kiara. The least introverted yet the most depressed.

>> No.77527057

Women are attracted to hands and forearms unironically. They like being held.

>> No.77527129

I get that but at some point you have to question it when they obsess over anime men, some 3D celebrity men, consume porn with only men in it, and even give money to male streamers. They at least have to be bi.

>> No.77527166

Considering the dox site is still down, I have no issue believing most of these threads and posts come from bitter cunts who are so used to feeding on drama other corpos that they have to obfuscate and fabricate a fuckton to get remotely anything similar when it comes to HoloEN. Just look at the state of the board whenever Mint or Dokibird get brought up and how trying to have a civil discussion about either them is outside of their own generals is like trying to find a NijiEN who has their own physical YT award.

>> No.77527454


>> No.77527536

Kronii is not autistic or anti-social, or more correctly asocial.
She's just chronically depressed and somewhat socially awkward.

>> No.77527669

It's the opposite of autism, retard.
When someone says "Only discuss this topic when I say it's okay," but then from that point on, they never actually explicitly say it's okay, everyone who isn't autistic understands that it's not a safe topic to discuss.

>> No.77527774

>doesn't know when it's okay to talk about something unless given explicit instructions
Like I said, autism

>> No.77527785

Not a bad generalization for someone on the spectrum to follow

>> No.77527803

>Can't read between the lines in a social context
Like I said, retarded.

>> No.77527930

>Can't read between the lines in a social context
That would be the person who doesn't know when a time is appropriate or not.
Are you confused. I think you may have autism anon, unironically.

>> No.77528013

this when i was /fit/ i had a girl tell me she wanted to lick my forearm veins it was weird she was also fat

>> No.77528048

yes, its a old thing where if you meet someone you could tell if they were rich or not by how used up their hands were.
>rough and full of callus
Field worker
>Soft Hands
Rich dude who had people under them to do their hard labor.

>> No.77528383
File: 1007 KB, 1155x1749, ac6ea9841da38194090e027b6f9b204f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will not stop talking about Kronii's gigantic tits and nothing she says or does will change that.

>> No.77528458

Hypothetical situation -
A gray name in chat types "Holy Boobers."
Kronii says "This is an appropriate comment to make."
Consider what situation this might be.
Because unless Kronii is explicitly talking specifically about her boobers at that moment, there is always an inherent risk she's going to get pissed off (and even then, the risk isn't 0%). She and she alone determines when it's appropriate. She's not telling anyone when that is and, as a man, I am incapable of reading a woman's mind. Therefore, the only safe move is not to play. So, that's it, no more boob jokes in chat.

>> No.77528460

Her mods will just ban you.

>> No.77528501
File: 1.40 MB, 1417x1812, 1710213882382197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will not stop.

>> No.77528590

God I wish we got someone who would put that model to the max.

>> No.77528696

God this is so fucking true man
I used to try and join FF14 communities back in like 2019 and the women are just so mentally diseased
And that was BEFORE the pandemic, god only know what its like now

>> No.77528700


>> No.77528754

Anyone still watching Kronii at this point deserves what they get.

>> No.77530127

stop getting mad chuds just let her have this she really needs it

>> No.77530552

All the time you wasted seething about Kronii you could have spend making a bilbili account so you could go follow your Milord over there because he sure as fuck ain't coming back home for you stupid bitches anytime soon.

>> No.77531257

Mental illness, anyone okay with this is either a cuck or a sister. Bring the doxxsite back to contain these faggots

>> No.77531910

Isn't she a hard L for lesbian? I'm going to assume she was swooning over a tall cosplay girl.

>> No.77532195
File: 303 KB, 773x793, 1717590107456782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77532319

Maybe Kronii is kinda ugly IRL

>> No.77532655

Nooooo, I'm sure she's one of those super hot Korean women who refuse to show their face on the internet.

>> No.77533676

that's what all those surgeries were for

>> No.77534337

A friend (female) of mine in grade school was obsessed with guys who had visible veins on their arms. Talked about them with a level of fascination equal to the way guys talk about boobs.

>> No.77534458

Actual medical needs?

>> No.77536183

You might be truely retarded if you are incapable of understanding the implication. Seek help.

>> No.77536622


>> No.77536705


>> No.77536718

All me

>> No.77537440

Lying cunt

>> No.77537905

She's always cared about her image man.
Even in one of the most recent streams she talked about getting her hair and nails done.
Ain't no way people really believe those rrats about her self-image /here/ lmao.

>> No.77539353

>only people self-confident in their image get hair and nails done
are you an idiot?

>> No.77539974

man /vt/ users have never had any woman in their life whatsoever. getting hair and nails done is some basic hygiene shit.

>> No.77540235
File: 339 KB, 1920x1080, GOQnmVxbAAAzzNd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Promise love!

>> No.77542973

Gay here. Absolutely true. Those freaks keep trying to take over our spaces that no one wants them in. Some FTM psycho comes up to you and you have to explain to them you don't want their gross pseudo dick in a socially acceptable way (very difficult).

>> No.77545794

Hair done?
Or hurr did?

>> No.77546218
File: 87 KB, 1024x958, ceo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was me btw

>> No.77547565

Buddy... What do you think foids with low-self esteem who go out clubbing do when they consciously choose to get drunk? It's called liquid courage for a reason.

>> No.77547803

OP you made a thread about this exact issue yesterday

>> No.77548157


>> No.77548285

hello the early 2000s want their joke back

>> No.77551125


>> No.77554426


>> No.77557245

yeah me

>> No.77557494

shit is a fucking gamble though, how do you vet out real women vs "women" and fags?

>> No.77559550

And they'll continue to do so until the next nontroversy happens, because if there's anything these "women" like to do in their spare time, it's bitch about other women.

>> No.77559936
File: 20 KB, 720x698, 1695008000487477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine kronii overhearing you saying she's a pretty neat streamer

>> No.77563041


>> No.77563318
File: 1.77 MB, 400x379, lky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys been bumping this thread for 2 days?

>> No.77563484

who gives a shit
I wouldn't want to date, watch, or be aware of Kronii's existence anyways
Any of her fans still around love this

>> No.77565306

What am I looking at here? She told a story about something that happened in the past? What happened

>> No.77565964

Can you not read?

>> No.77566538

She likes them big hands that can really grip a foot long subway sandwich.

>> No.77567399

Anon was talking about Kronii going to a salon and getting herself dolled up, actual real feminine stuff. Not just your average hygiene maintenance session that most people do by themselves.

>> No.77567440

Pretty sure she would gwak in silence, feel like throwing up a bit and then leave the area out of self-induced fear of being discovered (Anon isn't even fully aware of his surroundings).

>> No.77570137

If your oshi is asian this is an inevitability. When they run into a BWC it's over.

>> No.77570638

I remember back at school a girl came up to me and literally measured my hand with a ruler

>> No.77570827

It was me btw. I spent one night with her just to leave my mark in her womb and dump as soon as she introduced me to the other EN girls.

>> No.77570937

>t. cuck

>> No.77574066

Kronii would be stressful to have as a gf. She befriends males way too easily.

For parasocials who are in love with kronii. This has to be the most stressful relationship.

Let it go brothers. She belongs to the streets or the women

>> No.77574652

This is absolutely not true and neither are the feet an indication of penis size. Not even height has anything to with penis. You could be a fucking midget and have a giant penis.

But between fat and skinny people the latter are on average bigger because skinny people tend to have better blood circulation than fat people. Doing cardio quite literally makes your pipi bigger and stronger.

>> No.77575088

No. I don't want more Kronies in /baubau/.

>> No.77575276


You want us to stop using the meme? then stop making posts that can be taken as:

>Holo vs Holo (its only acceptable if you are shitting on the homos / EN STARS)

Its that simple.

>> No.77575310


>> No.77575567

I know you don't like to admit it but she really is a Holo, anon.
