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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 73 KB, 204x205, 1717658985986960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77503408 No.77503408 [Reply] [Original]

>/here/ as fuck
>her oshi is noted racist and pedophile kiki
>loli eroguro fetishist
>comes /here/ and to r/kurosanji and reads her own anti threads
>probably antis herself
>probably reading this right now
>debuted less than two weeks ago and has already had two streams privated
I'm convinced this bitch is falseflagging irl. She joined as a prank and she's getting herself terminated as quickly as possible so she can ride the wave of support for being Niji's latest victim.

>> No.77503490

This thread is made by Twisty

>> No.77503565

Stop playing and ride my dick already!

>> No.77503595

You are probably one of her faggy discord cucks astroturfing this untalented whore so she could maybe get +10 ccv from /vt/
Kill yourself

>> No.77503628

Hi Twisty, please come to Mexico, I have a Nintendo Switch and ramen

>> No.77503719

>she's getting herself terminated as quickly as possible so she can ride the wave of support for being Niji's latest victim
Well she's already fucked herself on that front by implicitly mocking the ex-NijiENs

>> No.77503746

Don't let all that distract you from the fact that /NijiEN/ doxxed a random kid.

>> No.77503804
File: 1 KB, 84x53, 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could make a thousand more threads astroturfing your "based" oshi and I will still never watch her. Hope she enjoys the pocket change from her last stream.

>> No.77503836

Well it won't work, because by joining Niji post-Zaion I not only will never watch her, I will never watch any reincarnation of her either.

>> No.77503850

It doesn't matter what persona Grifty tries to falseflag as or how she tries to shill herself, she'll still be an irrelevant Nijishitter and probably the first 2view in the corp.

>> No.77503992

She's a double agent working for Yagoo to bring down Nijisanji in exchange for a guaranteed spot in the next EN gen.

>> No.77504012

This is you isn't it Twisty

>> No.77504019
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>first 2view in the corp.
First 2view NijiEN certainly but definitely not the first in the corp. This guy is live literally right as I'm typing this

>> No.77504071

why do sisters hate her so much? I haven't seen lying and vitriol like this since selen

>> No.77504108

>her oshi is noted racist and pedophile kiki
>loli eroguro fetishist
>comes /here/ and to r/kurosanji and reads her own anti threads
>/here/ as fuck

>> No.77504157


>> No.77504209

Vivi oshi'd Selen and Pomu
She was a casualty as much as those two

>> No.77504296


>> No.77504300

I still don't really believe her about that, but I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt post-Niji.

>> No.77504321



Is this a bot? Kek

>> No.77504369

If she was actually anti-Niji she would just leave.
inb4 queue cope

>> No.77504393

yeah honestly it feels like it's a bunch of bots attacking her, no other way

>> No.77504534

>n-no u *sniffles*
One day you'll fool someone sister, one day

>> No.77504612

aside from your sister discord I don't think anyone else is convinced

>> No.77504710

>"muh discord" again
Kek it really is the same seethebitch spamming his 1-2 scripted responses everywhere.

>> No.77504827
File: 157 KB, 287x292, degen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she talk about Nie no Hakoniwa ?
Picrel is the only good character by the way

>> No.77504998

Man sisters are retarded as fuck, they're so determined to turn her into zaion 2 and completely end niji's reputation lmao

>> No.77505347

>Retweets black screen slander video
What a shit way to treat your oshi.

>> No.77505576

Reminder that /NijiEN/
>allowed a 14 year old into their VRChat ERP server
>They thought it was Twisty so they doxxed her
>Posted her accounts all over the general, celebrating
>When people notice this, they cry about it being "private"
Njipedos deserve to be shot.

>> No.77505604

This girls is so weird, hardcore Sister but also this?

>> No.77505605

Yes, because contracts are just a suggestion and "I just plain don't feel like fulfilling my end of the deal" is a perfectly valid reason to break the contract without penalty.

>> No.77505711

She's just a grifter, trying to play all sides.

>> No.77505732

The anti-lolicon stuff from sisters is employed only when useful. It's why they went after Sayu for a half finished rape joke while they enjoyed rape RP ASMR from Vox.

>> No.77505817

You can't enslave someone with a contract or enforce onerous penalties in it that make it impossible to quit. It's been nearly four months now, she could be out if she wanted to.

>> No.77505836

I'm still not convinced I buy that it wasn't her. I think they were just trying to deflect and picked a young age for this supposed third person to make anons feel bad (lol) and didn't realise how bad it made them look.

>> No.77505880

>hardcore sister
this is a nijisister lie to turn people against her

>> No.77505902

>their VRChat ERP server
their what

>> No.77505913

Either way they just end up looking like doxxing retards and/or pedos, so I'm happy with both outcomes.

>> No.77505925

And every time they were called out on the blatant double standards you'd get to see a display of Olympic level mental gymnastics to justify themselves.

>> No.77505946

/NijiEN/sisters have their own VRChat server where they have virtual sex with each other.

>> No.77505952

As a sinchroknight its especially fulfilling

>> No.77506000
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what THE FUCK is going on there

>> No.77506123

Weird cus Hajimes one of the OG Niji members. I wonder what happened

>> No.77506220

They sure were defending her well enough in the last thread (until it hit bump limit and 75 more afterwards) to fool me then.

>> No.77506282

Buy an ad

>> No.77506305

>niji is known for having female fans
>they're in an erp vr server
Does that mean I can ERP with girls if I pretend to like Nijisanji?

>> No.77506316


>> No.77506469

KEK I saw them talking about this while going through catalog, coordinating mass reports if it got leaked out of their general because it's doxxing despite them being the ones that put this rando on /vt/'s radar.

>> No.77506522

What's sad about these threads is that the other two members of her gen are so unremarkable that I don't think I've seen any threads about them at all.

>> No.77506609

Just go to /NijiEN/ now, you can see it's mostly light ERPing and most of those are femanons. But just think carefully about whether you want to enter that kind of swamp.

>> No.77506675

It's all on this thread
Enjoy sisters defending their doxxing and their pedophilia.

>> No.77506695

>her oshi is noted racist and pedophile kiki
If she wasn't a Nijikek I'd watcher since she seem to have very cultured taste. What a shame.

>> No.77506699
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>somehow they can coordinate to do mass reports
>going as far as creating a VRChat ERP server
>still posting doxxing info here

>> No.77506812

Anon there are hundreds of erp communities that are better than that cesspit. Hell, even ff14 has a huge erp community

>> No.77506875

even if she was pandering to the sisters, she made fun of doki. that's not a lie

>> No.77506951

Do you really want to ERP with the kind of women who stan NijiEN?

>> No.77507008

By the way this game is not worth your time, it's a cute romance that suddenly devolves into rape-murder gorefest and every single character is fucked up in the head

>> No.77507043
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Kiki? As in the fucking /vt/ rabbit Kiki?

>> No.77507060

picked up

>> No.77507291

>debuted less than two weeks ago and has already had two streams privated
Trying to beat Sayu's record.

>> No.77507363

>copying Fuwamoco's eroguro schtick

>> No.77507397

Guro is ero by default anon.

>> No.77507636

Nowadays guro is short for eroguro
Guro as intended originally never had any connections with ero.

>> No.77507732

Guro is gore + ero.
It's been that way in 2008 already when I read Uziga Waita works.

>> No.77507870

Fucking idiot could be making mad cash if she joined VAllure to farm coomer bucks or Idol to farm the gachis of the ghost girl instead of niji

>> No.77507990

>racist and pedophile kiki
which one of the 15 racist pedophile kikis are you talking about here, the brown one or the brown one?

>> No.77508036

Only 2008?
You're pretty new to the internet then
How much Shintaro Kago have you read?

>> No.77508087

>antis herself
Is this the new meta?

>> No.77508129

You clearly have no idea how the real world works from your parents basement. Try paying a bill on your own for once in your life

>> No.77508167

I respect joining Niji just to make all of the Nijisisters and organs extremely uncomfortable with a loli act

>> No.77508210

First 2view is officially covid vulgar or w/e his name is

>> No.77508215

Maybe I really am, especially compared to someone like FWMC, this board twists perspective with 90% of people being here for less than a decade.
>Shintaro Kago
Several of his volumes. I know he's the goat of the genre but I'm not a fan of his style. I'm too much of a sucker for moe I guess. Death Panda is legit my favorite love comedy.

>> No.77508242

>being an adult means signing illegal employment contracts where you forfeit your right to quit
So what do you do for a living, sex slave or sweatshop garment worker?

>> No.77508262

Two reasons
>black company joke insulted their oshi nijisanji

>> No.77508311

Got a link to a thread that explains what actually happened?

>> No.77508336

This is how i know youve never had a job in your life that wasnt funded by your own parents

>> No.77508367

From this post on >>77494299
I still think it was actually Twisty but the defence of "actually no, we just ERP'd with a 14 year old is fucking awful damage control.

>> No.77508421

>Not even $5 after cuts
Have the shitposters invented a new word below "grim" yet

>> No.77508536

Anon, maybe in SEA where you live it's normal to sign exploitative contracts like that, but I assure it's illegal in non-shithole countries.

>> No.77508573

>sea drama monkey talking like he knows how the real world works

>> No.77508611

>>her oshi is noted racist and pedophile kiki
kiki pyon? really?
if so based, shame she joined NijiEN though

>> No.77508618

>no u
I accept your concession SEAchaama. Now get back to work, not like you can quit KEK.

>> No.77508625

>I still think it was actually Twisty but the defence of "actually no, we just ERP'd with a 14 year old is fucking awful damage control.
They are the same people who accused Sayu of being a pedophile and Raziel of grooming Luca.

>> No.77508632

Give her a CHANCE ALREADY, she's one of the good Niji livers

>> No.77508721

This is why i wish we had flags on this board. Fucking absolute ape over here thinks he wins an arguement by trying to guess someone's country (guessing it wrong as always) and then tries to run away with his dumb ass SEA monkey tail between his legs

>> No.77508891
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>One of the good ones
>ignores her chat to flirt with Aster
We're not obligated to watch her or do anything for her, sister.
If you like her so much then maybe you should contribute to her earnings instead of wasting your time on a Japanese sushi rolling website

>> No.77508919

You sound really mad, but hey, I can't blame you. You're stuck working some scam job where you're not allowed to quit, I would probably kill myself if I was in such a hopeless situation.

>> No.77508952

nothing posted here was presented with proof

>> No.77509007

You mean her flirting when she called out nijisanji for being full of harassers?
You do know when that clip you've been spamming so much is from right kek

>> No.77509075

>probably antis herself
>probably reading this right now
Probably made this thread

>> No.77509134

>p-please ignore the flirting because uhhh... MUH CLIP
Poor nijidrone only has one talking point

>> No.77509162
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>> No.77509179

>insulting a black company is somehow making fun of doki in this sisters mind

>> No.77509185

even if the clip is not relevant, I still don't have to give her a chance

>> No.77509226

The sisters have never defended her. They attack her with deflection posts, much like your post here
Its the rosebuds who defend her

>> No.77509257

So Doki regularly earns more than her? I'm struggling to understand what you're trying to point out with this pic?

>> No.77509270

She didnt call out Nijisanji for harassment, that was a joke, retard

>> No.77509275

>Doki out of nowhere
Also where in your pic is Doki making $14, $15?

>> No.77509323

why cant you faggots just watch and enjoy streams

>> No.77509351

I have standards and that involves not watching nijien

>> No.77509354

We do. Just not Nijisociopath streams.

>> No.77509456

>interacting with gender i dont want to see is always flirting
Must suck being a unicorn huh. Having these thoughts in your head all the time.
Hey, how do you unicorns put up with knowing all your girls have talked to their fathers, grandfathers and uncles for years before you knew them? How about classmates at school?

>> No.77509467

Are you Twisty? Is everyone in this thread Twisty? Am I Twisty? Twisty, send nudes

>> No.77509518
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Uh oh sister, your mask is slipping... You're supposed to call us discord raid sisters falseflagging as unichads, please stick to the script.

>> No.77509585
File: 433 KB, 500x560, worse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters be like
>we didn't dox a Niji EN talent, we just doxxed a minor who was on our adults-only VRC server where we do sexually explicit roleplay
And the rest of us be like

>> No.77509606
File: 162 KB, 703x704, 1613855166205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont watch kurosanji, im just honestly trying to understand your mentality. PLease, enlighten me

>> No.77509677

Whoops, did you mean to use another image?

>> No.77509766
File: 5 KB, 325x40, purebredtako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please unicorn man-san, help me understand your kind a bit

>> No.77509825

No one I watch is on now, so I'm shitting on Nijishitters.

>> No.77509849

Jesus Grifty I guess being /here/ finally broke (you) if you're making this many threads. Not gonna watch your channel regardless

>> No.77509855

The best part was
>you guys are the ones spreading the info, we agreed on keeping it a secret when we posted it on the general

>> No.77509864

There are no good Nijis, because any support of an individual Niji is support of the company as a whole.

>> No.77509885

The Japanese absolutely hate him. It's a long story but he probably has or had more hate watchers than fans

>> No.77509939

She was always making this many shill threads about herself since debut, the only thing that changes are her tactics

>> No.77509942
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Unicorn man-san!!! Im sorry for scaring you away!!! Please come explain to me your thought process!!!

>> No.77509973

We arent talking about Twisty you braindead fucktard

>> No.77509986

>seething this hard

>> No.77510088
File: 3.27 MB, 1264x1788, 1624475028848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno how my inquiries into the unicorn mind in this post here >>77509456 can be miscontributed to seething but okay i guess?

>> No.77510125

Ok le cool calm and collected zen-master sister, keep spamming on cooldown

>> No.77510196
File: 113 KB, 872x1242, Eh06dKzXcAMUAZo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spamming on cooldown
Anon, the cooldown is a minute and theres more than a minute between most of my posts... Are you okay? Mentally i mean. Do you need a hug?

>> No.77510224

More "she's the good one!" slop. Just fuck off and get back to us if/when she graduates.

>> No.77510263

This is some top shelf seething
Always love to see it

>> No.77510311

Are you feeling insulted or something? Genuinely worried for your mental health right now anon.

>> No.77510327

Don't use my oshi for your braindead falseflags sis

>> No.77510339

>already devolving into cutesy posting
KEK, emojis are coming next.

>> No.77510368

see >>77509766
Aint false flagging my friend. Im just curious of the indepth workings of the unicorn mind

>> No.77510395

Is he the same retard doing the uwuposting and posting the most retarded shit of all time?

>> No.77510409

You don't have to reply to every post sis
You can always just take the L and try again

>> No.77510414

>you take offense to flirting with a proven sex pest and discord groomer?
>heh... have you considered she also... talked to her dad?
>checkmate unichud!!
Woman moment

>> No.77510484

Again, is talking to a coworker flirting? How come? Where is the line in the sand?

>> No.77510527

Stop making fun of the poor guy
He just has assburgers

>> No.77510557
File: 121 KB, 472x444, 1599958970336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fiiiine. Have a good day then anons, going back into the void

>> No.77510624

Literally who cares, she is cute. Call me when she panders to GFE chads. I will watch her then.

>> No.77510722

She was calling one of them "big brother", it was actual flirting.
She does extremely retarded shit nonstop.

>> No.77510725

Prove it's just "talking"

>> No.77510813

Mockingly saying you're being bullied and you're going to commit suicide knowing what happened to Doki for content is retarded at best, sociopathic if interpreted with any degree of scrutiny.

>> No.77510823

That was a different stream and wasnt on her channel either. Think it was on that dudes open tatsu elden ring stream? Right? That was clearly flirting yes.

>> No.77510868

Did the clip youve reposted 75 times stay she was gonna commit suicide?

>> No.77510933

So what even was the argument about?

>> No.77510935

If you think she was being serious rather than making an insanely tasteless joke you're worse than braindead.

>> No.77510970

She WAS pandering to the GFE chads, in her recent ASMR stream. And then she muted her ASMR stream to go to Aster's stream and flirt with him. And then she returned to her stream and made a "joke" about how she was being bullied to the point of losing her will to live.
And then she nuked the vod when /we/ noticed all of the above.

Between that yab, the upcoming branch merger/closure, and the fact that YT suddenly decided that they don't like vtuber ASMR streams any more, it's unlikely that she'll do another GFE ASMR stream in the foreseeable future.

>> No.77510993

The interrupted asmr portion of the stream where the chat told her aster was giving her gwen in his tier list and she made the poor taste joke. Anon was calling that flirting

>> No.77511057

No? I never said that once. I was trying to remember if she hinted at suicide in her poor taste joke at all

>> No.77511112

"I'm losing my will to live"

>> No.77511154

I see.

Id laugh my ass off if this was a joke Enna and Millie were spamming in the discord and she thought that it was okay to say because shes got brain damage.

>> No.77511162

Aster was doing ASMR?
I'd say thats flirting.
If we're applying the same logic that kindreds use on Miload's ASMR

>> No.77511208

Reading comprehension my friend.

>The interrupted asmr portion of the stream where the chat told her
>aster was giving her gwen in his tier list

>> No.77511338

>Everbody in this company is evil and abusive
>I'm being harassed
>*deep, exaggerated sigh*
>Why do I live? What is there to live for?
>*even deeper, more exaggerated sigh*
here, courtesy of another anon

>> No.77511353

I don't understand. Who was doing ASMR.
It sounds like you were saying Aster was doing ASMR, then interrupted it to give a tier list or something?

>> No.77511531

She was doing ASMR and left to go flirt with him. You don't have to be a deranged unicorn to see the problem here.

>> No.77511579

So literally the same thing Rosemi did?
Nobody shits on Rosemi for doing it

>> No.77511597

>created this very thread herself

>> No.77511671

>implying anyone cares about Rosemi

>> No.77511963

Her chat interrupted her to get her to interact with him though

>> No.77512031

Matara care about her friend Rose from her past work

>> No.77512148

>matara cares about the last non-radioactive relatively-popular soon-to-be-graduated female niji
color me surprised

>> No.77512175

>chat breaking the most basic and important rule of a streamer
>the vtuber went along with it
And that's (one of the reasons) why NijiEN has died.

>> No.77512180

Every day you Dokifags sound more and more like women.

>> No.77512253

Women don't care when fat women are bullied.

>> No.77512486
File: 180 KB, 850x886, Pikatits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It takes a woman to know what i woman would say, huh?

That being said, post tits!

>> No.77512536

Unironically they resent the fact she's a cute loli that panders to ojisans. They think it's "gross" and "fake" and want to destroy her to prove a point. You can tell that one schizo who mass replies to EVERY thread about her just to shit on her is a woman based on typing style and her complete obsession with this girl who has done nothing wrong.

>> No.77512683

Nice try Twisty

>> No.77512758
File: 121 KB, 850x844, 1712299384091626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post tits

>> No.77512773

But do you have an amaca?

>> No.77512790

>has done nothing wrong
it was ok-ish before this, try better

>> No.77512810

Whoops meant to reply to

>> No.77512899

>appealing to /pyon/philes
damn. nijiiterns going mental over this wave.
>"she's definitely /here/ goys!!"

>> No.77512973
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>> No.77513038
File: 259 KB, 1446x2048, 1675922802350553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's with the obviously malicious threads from the Nijifamily™?
did she dare collab with da boys too?

>> No.77513255

I genuinely expect her to get cancelled by niji's own fanbase rather than getting terminated.

She would've been a nice Phase or Idol

>> No.77513400

There's Scarle too, to be fair - who although not having as high a viewership as Rosemi rakes in far more money.

>> No.77513565

Having looked at /NijiEN/ there are some that are angry she said that "big brother" to Sonny (I think it was him) but I think there are quite a lot of non-Niji fans who think she's a sister that they hired out of desperation (me included).

>> No.77513682
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I care
She didn't do that, she abandoned a pizza making stream for a Vshojo collab because she didn't know the dough had to rise

>> No.77513875

She is the Nijifamily though. Why the fuck would she join this late if she wasn't? And no, she's not baiting a Doki career path. That won't work for anyone joining post Doki. The attempted narrative that shitting on her makes one a sister is weak as fuck, though I guess when you're a minimum wage EN Niji intern trying to sell this garbage in this environment, your options are pretty limited. So I sympathise.

>> No.77513889

Who the hell thinks she's a sister? She said she doesn't watch any male vtubers at all and has no interest in men.

>> No.77513940

Yes, I also 100% believe the obvious grifter that visits /here/.

>> No.77513995
File: 697 KB, 800x800, 1707054391910739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep repeating this sis I'm sure someone will fall for your blatant crabbing attempt.

>> No.77514189

I think he's probably referring to the infamous Pringles can episode which people absolutely did give her shit for.

>> No.77514212

>mocked bullying allegations within the company
>was very likely the person who visited the /NijiEN/ VRC server
>has said she sees "mean" things people are saying about Niji online and it upsets her (and this was implied to be before she even joined)

>> No.77514248

>has said she sees "mean" things people are saying about Niji online and it upsets her

>> No.77514259

The analogy doesn't really work here because joining NijiEN is equivalent to being thrown in the crab bucket.

>> No.77514420

Every day I'm glad I steered clear of Nijisanji when I first started getting into vtubers

>> No.77514450

>mocked black company
Jokes are funny
>very likely vrc nijien girl
Didnt sound like her, especially not like her stream setup background noise
>says she sees mean things
We already know shes /here/ anon, doesnt mean shes a sister

>> No.77514508

It was during the minecraft stream yesterday. She was zatsuing her middleschool days while playing and shes taken down the vod because she died and lost everything and will redo it another day

>> No.77514585

Bunch of nothing replies

>> No.77514611

Twisty my beloved...

>> No.77514622

Bunch of nothing critisisms too falseflagging dragoon anon

>> No.77514746

>mocked black company
Didn't seem like she was mocking the company, didn't seem like that to a lot of anons
The fuck do dragoons have to do with anything?

>> No.77514797

Dragoons are making all the Twisty anti posts, they're jealous of her seiso GFE.

>> No.77514800

I watched that entire stream and she didn't say anything about seeing the negative things people say about Niji. She was entirely absorbed in talking about her middle school stories. Maybe she said it when I went to piss idk.

>> No.77514818

The only "people" /here/ complaining about the mocking of bully victims are the fake dragoons

>> No.77514830

Kiki? the bunny from /pyon/? like the Pippa Kiki?

>> No.77514864

Yep, they are taking her saying she used to read mean things in middle school as her reading mean things here. They are schizo anon.

>> No.77514886

>discord raiders still constantly spamming anti twisty threads
what do you even get out of this? Literally the same people in every thread replying to themselves.

>> No.77514973

Im assuming they count up all their (You)s after a thread 404s and posts them in their discord logs to get clout in their shit posting drama monkey discord

>> No.77515067

What will be your new cope once she renews her contract?

>> No.77515111

So, no matter if it's negative or positive ones... Is it fair to asume Twisty threads are /Nijisister/ general? Every single one always devolves into a flavor or retardation that reeks of Miload fans and some insults even sound like twitter shit written by k-pop stans
>Captcha: T0T

>> No.77515172

50/50 nijisisters and sjwdragoons

>> No.77515218

What discord? I keep seeing people claiming this but they never specify who it is.

>> No.77515323

Ever notice how sometimes a dead catelog thread is instantly flooded with people on both sides for like 30 minute intervals and then goes back into the ditch? Yea, its a discord raid

>> No.77515326

So in reality it's you dramafags. Got it.

>> No.77515348

lol, lmao even
Doki told dragoons to not harass anyone. I don't think dragoons even give a shit about NIji anymore and just ignore all NIji related threads

>> No.77515375

But you always say "the" discord implying it's a specific one.

>> No.77515376

You do realize that the dramafags are both of them right?

Thats why i didnt say it was dragoons, just the falseflagging drama monkeys posing as SJWdragoons

>> No.77515428

That wasnt my post, i was just responding for the shit poster because ive noticed things

>> No.77515714

i want to twist her neck, and make her eat my poop.

>> No.77515827

If this is true she seems kinda fucking bsaed

>> No.77515871

I type too fast for my own good sometimes.

>> No.77515876

An adjacent company

From top to bottom and a little to the side, Nijisanji is shit.

>> No.77515948

her oshi is the flip ballsack chair kiki, OP seems to have confused her with the australian racist kiki

>> No.77515992

>you ever notice how everyone in town is doing fine and then all of a sudden they all get the plague and die? thats right, witches.

>> No.77516037
File: 119 KB, 1080x631, Screenshot_20240606_035909_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doing erotic lil sister rp with sonny using a sexy voice
>sHe Is gOOd wAtxh Her

>> No.77516041

actually it looks like she's not even the ballsack chair's fan and OP is just retarded >>77509599

>> No.77516072

Do you hate fun unicorn anon?

>> No.77516304

that's legitimately funny

>> No.77516586

The justification I heard for Twisty being kikifemanon was not just the voice, but that they apparently share a Minecraft account, which was leaked in the now-privated Minecraft stream. I have no way of verifying this but this is what people were claiming.

>> No.77516669

>oh no

>> No.77517094


>> No.77517255

Twisty I also want you to come to Mexico but I have an eight inch uncircumcised cock and a very sturdy bed.

>> No.77517379
File: 14 KB, 305x241, kurosanji-how-do-you-plan-to-compete-against-fuwamoco-v0-hpi0ds9a6m3d1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to play Devils Advocate, Niji aint helping themselves by officially hiring minors.

>> No.77517481

>says fujoshis enjoy self-inserting as the bottom boy and thats the sole reason they like BL
>probably doesn't enjoy BL herself
>dislikes big boobs
>>(she is the antithesis of elira. i want to see her fight elira so badly, may the best blue woman win)
>put vanta (and klara) on the spot, spent a good while talking about hetshipping
>hetshipping is already taboo, she talked about a hetship that doesn't even concern her (thats a step farther than what millie did)
>made transphobic statements (based)
>not afraid to dig into politics
>jokes about defying management
>jokes about basically overthrowing management
>"we should just do whatever we want, they can't stop us"
>sexually harasses sonny for about one hour, harasses him out and then back in the VC
>basically millie but worse
>calls vanta's chat and aster's chat retarded, she wants the sisters to hate her
>hating big boobs and BL 100% mean that she hates elira too
>pushes for drunk collab because she wants they all to leak NDA
>makes wallmart joke, implying she's going to make them all get fired
>literally the judas of niji EN
>welcome back zaion, she will carry your legacy

>> No.77517589
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>> No.77518094

>not afraid to dig into politics
Most of NijiEN aren't. Politics shouldn't be brought up at all. If you mean she's 'transphobic' (your words) then even though I'm considered transphobic by most I still don't want to hear about it at all. I watch vtubers to escape from the constant politicisation of everything - I don't want to hear about politics whether they agree with me or not. I'm well aware that I'd want to scream at most EN corpo chuubas if they discussed politics.

And to be honest, considering the branch she's in I doubt she is anyway.

>> No.77518837

>sexually harasses sonny for about one hour, harasses him out and then back in the VC
>calls vanta's chat and aster's chat retarded, she wants the sisters to hate her


>> No.77519829
File: 128 KB, 250x370, grifty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77520083

>>her oshi is noted racist and pedophile kiki
what? stop making shit up OP

>> No.77520147

That sort of thing is apparently common in SEA countries. It's why Nike and other big companies have sweatshops there. It's super cheap to have a bunch of third-world chimps do hard labour in hellish conditions.

>> No.77520406

The character in picrel doesn't get raped, just cums from being strangled, just in case

>> No.77520517

Yeah that whole feakiut reeks of SEAseethe to me because employees have a legal right to quit in the US. There are a few exceptions where employers will offer "free training" on the condition the trainee works for them for a year or two after the training is completed or pay back the cost of the training, it's common in trucking for example, but even these cases are shady and exploitative.

>> No.77520745
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>> No.77521430

I talked about this one because it's one of the only truly fucked up visual novels that I ever finished

>> No.77521676

>Unironically they resent the fact she's a cute loli that panders to ojisans.
If she actually did this, I would defend her to the ends of the earth.
How come she saves this for a male stream and not her own channel? Just do a few RPs of this and she would farm ojis (me) like no tomorrow.

>> No.77521800

>her oshi is noted racist and pedophile kiki
The rabbit? That's fucking based
Got any source?

>> No.77521893

>le hecking one of the good ones! i swear!

>> No.77522163

he is the original giga yabber
sure you have menhera shit now with husband drama and shit, but imagine if you riled up the whole japanese vtuber community against you with one sentence

>> No.77522183

Can anyone link me to sister seethe about Twisty, I am sick of this he-said-she-said shit on /vt/

>> No.77522595

Nothing wrong with hiring minors to become vtubers.

>> No.77522757

>not afraid to dig into politics
Don't list this as if it were a good thing. It's not.

>> No.77522982

Hololive did the same tho

>> No.77523549

It's fine when Hololive does it

>> No.77525454

...When they started, and they stopped doing it because it was retarded

>> No.77525604

... anyone?

>> No.77527022


>> No.77527869

they still hiring, if they are skilled enough or not that's different
you would be surprised with the amount of schoolgirls doing indie vtuber in japan

>> No.77528922

You literally have to be over 18 years of age to apply to holo

>> No.77529430

>Third conclusion: The one who "doxxed" her is a pedophile groomer holofag posing as a niji just to anti her, while also getting the dox wrong. Not mutually exclusive ya know.
These women are completely crazy

>> No.77529492

I love how no one in this thread can show any receipts, because for that, you have to be watching the girl.

>> No.77529523

EN only

>> No.77529571


>> No.77529674

I dunno either but I'd want to know as that seems too weird/bad to be true.

>> No.77530055

I think the one from Eien.

>> No.77530159

Hi grifty. Buy an ad. You're in nijisanji ffs

>> No.77530259
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>> No.77531008

>nijiniggers are also pedos
better pray the usual dramafags don't notice

>> No.77531638

yes, they love asian minors, i wonder why.

>> No.77531678

>dragoons have 0 yabs in years. Nijisanji time forgotten
>"Yes, this are oviously dragoons!"
You wish for your stink >>77505576 >>77506675 to go away so haaard that now delusions cloud your mind
keep trying, nijikeks

>> No.77531799

is this hsit thread a follow up on this? >>77509599
nijisanji fans are deranged

>> No.77533176

>Pippa and some /lig/gers are /here/
>NijiEN liver is /here/

>> No.77533650

wtf i love twisty now? cant wait to follow her when she reincarnates

>> No.77533933

Being here just being one of us is different from being here to fight us and talk shit. No nijiEN has EVER behaved like the former type. Maybe the closest you got were subtle references from Selen or Pomu but they were ambiguous and just by pure coincidence were the most liked girls here and both left the company.

The clique's attitude about us is very clear from the Secret GC stream, they seethe until their eyes bleed at even take stuff said here and think they are so much better than us and we must be wrong in everything we say and think, yet somehow they cannot turn away from here and our posts live in their head rent free in a 5 star hotel. Twisty has joined in a post Pomu, post Selen era, hell even post Nina and Zaion, it seems most of the non-clique girls have been chased out already or /quit on their own accord. So what option does that leave tittytwisty? Be a clique minion or get Zaion'd. She ain't our fucking friend and won't ever be.

If she thought just being a blue loli would override all our instincts and judgments about the company because obviously us men are primitive flawed creatures who easily can be controlled, she's wrong. The clique is wrong. Management is wrong. We, are right. We always fucking were. She can take her $15 in SCs a stream and choke on it when she realizes that after her cut she can't even eat at McDonald's. There are millions (allegedly, probably not anymore) of Niji fans and 99.999999% of them do not want to give her even a single penny. Get wrecked bitch.

>> No.77535467


>> No.77535635

>>/here/ as fuck
>>her oshi is noted racist and pedophile kiki
>>loli eroguro fetishist

>> No.77536599

so she's the pippa of niji?

>> No.77536754

it will be hilarious when nijisisters finally realize who her oshii actually is lmao

>> No.77536776

Too angry to not be a falseflag. You sound like Twisty personally killed your family.

>> No.77539539


>> No.77541050

Only valid mindset

>> No.77542376

Doesn't seem like hate to me, just a bystander pointing out how unlike-westerner she is yet got into the most westrner-twitter-brained company at the moment

>> No.77542477

You have one post to sell me on Twisty

>> No.77546461


>> No.77546612

I more of see either management or her (or even both) as super cynical and arrogant, thinking / assuming that you could still put in a fairly standard small corpo (maybe even Holo) type lolicon bait design into modern nijiEN and it'd still work. Gachikoi are not gonna give her a dime knowing within weeks she will be slobbering over the dude's dicks in the branch and likely trying to lecture the incel child fans she has about how evil they are for liking her. That's why she makes $14-15 a stream. I'm glad she's failing, it proves the management and sisters wrong that no we do have standards and will not infinitely put up with being put down and being expected to just roll over and accept it like wimps. NijiEN has no clear future. Nothing they do gains traction now. I'm fucking happy to see that, not mad. Could not have happened to a more deserving corpo. Their only date is to ride out the remaining fans too stubborn to leave out of sunk cost fallacy trying to preserve the better times.

>> No.77546861

She's just like any other typical westerner, though? Just another generic league streamer and her anime taste is a very typical westerner taste.

>> No.77547056

Fine, I'll bite: What did he say?

>> No.77547079

Hi grifty. No one is buying it. Try harder.

>> No.77547274

tbf lolis always are shit when it comes to superchats. But they usually come through with the CCV. No one is watching her because as you say, everyone knows she's just going to cuck her fans as soon as she gets them and nijiEN has an anti-loli culture in their fanbase. She should have joined Idol

>> No.77547638


>> No.77548035
File: 376 KB, 1191x1684, 1715596189567908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She mocked my oshi's darkest moment. She deserves to rot in NijiEN. Simple as.

>> No.77548122

fukkin kek

>> No.77548265

>She joined as a prank and she's getting herself terminated as quickly as possible so she can ride the wave of support for being Niji's latest victim.
I will take back every single bad thing I've said about grifty if that's the case.

>> No.77548421

Nothing, anon just believes the one meme people joke about the most on /jp/ is the one definitive moment that ended his career when in reality it was actually a variety of a dozen other gigayabs over his first 2 years including that. My personal favorite being that time he doxxed two viewers names and addresses.

>> No.77548427

Nijiclique you lost. She won.

>> No.77548666

This. If that was a random 14 year old, they're creeps for doxxing her. If it's not, they're weirdos for trying and succeeding in doxxing one of their """"""""oshis"""""""" .

Literally half of the threads on Twisty wouldn't exist if it weren't for /nijien/ ruining things. The other half wouldn't exist if she never outed herself as /here/.

>> No.77548800

How did twisty of all people get so much love people can't stop talking about her here

>> No.77549141

She said bad things about the company as a joke and the sisters have been seething ever since.

>> No.77549228

I hope this girl stays in Nijisanji forever.

>> No.77549278

jesus christ anon she can't be THAT awful-- ah who am I kidding, she's a niji

>> No.77549664

I know a nijifag made this post because I wouldn't even wish this torture upon my mortal enemies

>> No.77549874


I mean, smart.

>> No.77549885

By mocking peoples' actual problems with the company she just looks like the newest clique stooge, coupled with two vods being privated within minutes of anyone pointing out something off in them meaning not only is she a clique shitter but she sees what is said/thought about the clique here clear as day and STILL does it. She is no friend of us, rather a fucking pure enemy. 2view status and sub-minimum-wage income is actually still too good for her, she hasn't even failed enough yet for justice to be done. Her failure hopefully signals the beginning of the end of the branch. I dunno why they would keep limping on unless they want to put out literal 2views with another wave. If Anycolor is staking its company's future on the EN branch, well that was a stupid call to make and they're gonna eat shit for it.

>> No.77551544

reminder that pre-debut sisters were all screaming
>she didn't know about selen! she's innocent!
and look where we are now.

>> No.77552027

>loli eroguro fetishist
I should try watching her

>> No.77552805


>> No.77553567



>> No.77553901

This image unironically does not work without elira in the background watching sadly.

>> No.77554101

>14 mins
>225 viewers
so bad

>> No.77554127
File: 45 KB, 239x217, 1695603603312993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Little brother I'm a REAL 45yo ojisan who had been browsing usenet with my dad's credentials back in the 1980s you haven't seen SHIT
Yeah okay faggot.

>> No.77554146

oh that's why her defense force disappeared from every thread then it really is literally just her LMAO

>> No.77554163

So who is 'Kikifemanon'? I know that's the name we use to refer to her /here/. But I want to know her vtuber name before she nuked everything and joining NijiEN.

>> No.77554182

Oh I'm sorry, is this the part of the thread where we share our garbage opinions

>> No.77554263

>quite literally bullying a 40yo ojisan right now
Unironically she reminds me of yuko yurei before she went crazy with the gfe shit.

>> No.77554433

It will always be crazy to me, a "life comes at you fast" moment, remembering Elira telling Pomu that Elira's mom loved watching Pomu. Or the stories about Elira's dad watching her streams. Like at no point did Elira even think twice about fucking pomu over. I'm sure her parents are on her side, shitty kids always have great parents like that, but on some level they have to know "my daughter is the villain from Mean Girls".

>> No.77554578

oh no. you didn't just do what i think you just did.

>> No.77555328

>t. /k/ommando groomer

>> No.77555428

Bro I'm shitting what do you want from me

>> No.77555449

I don't get it, what does that mean?

>> No.77555621

si= links are trackable iirc

>> No.77555665

Tell me what doxx means and why it includes looking at someone's profile. Answer the question

>> No.77555823

There were 3 stages to her content
>first 3 or so months when she wasn't the pisstuber
>about 11 months where she was
>the last 6 months where she went full /k/umsock
The early content being just kayfabe loli teasing is what I mean.

>> No.77555969

Why is her name zako?

>> No.77556685

I hate when the best designs to come out of Nijisanji are always the lolis. I feel so predictable.

>> No.77556965

i'll wait for a /g/tard to explain to you why anon just did the dumbest thing she ever did

>> No.77557201

does anyone know her PL account?

>> No.77557246

Ask the pedophiles in /nijien/, they're the ones who doxxed her in their sexual ERP server.

>> No.77557570

>already dipping below 300 viewers
>during buff game minecraft
It's fucking over. Hopefully she stays there for the whole 2 years.

>> No.77558119

You're just mad you're not allowed in

>> No.77558631
File: 793 KB, 900x636, rosebarf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I want to be associated with people who by their own admission are doing erotic roleplay with actual 14 year olds? I may be a lolicon but I'm not a fucking pedophile!

>> No.77558825

Gee I dunno Biff, I'm not 4chan is the right kind of place for you. Maybe something like Reddit is more your speed.

>> No.77559037

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pw27HpCDOF8 this you?

>> No.77559425

Weren't you /nijien/tards the ones to say it's not Twisty, it's just some kid? Why would you unironically say people are jealous of your position when you're subhuman pedo scum letting children into a sexual adult setting?

>> No.77559435

Or the more likely explanation is they're watching her.

>> No.77559652

That's a little on the nose innit

>> No.77560626

so you admit its her fans specifically? that narrows it down then

>> No.77561372

Oh no wonder why a lot of you sisters are Kindred, it's because you're kindred spirits with Vox "I LOVE 15 YEAR OLD PUSSY" Akuma.
