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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77492040 No.77492040 [Reply] [Original]

Dance Practice Edition
Previous Thread >>77477825

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template

>> No.77492072
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>> No.77492087
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Pon-de-wedding-rings next june

>> No.77492098


>> No.77492143


>> No.77492152


>> No.77492161
File: 631 KB, 1966x2070, FUWAMOCOWATAME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really need to have more sex with wataoji-san

>> No.77492197
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No, disgusting. They are for each other only and me

>> No.77492206
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>> No.77492220


>> No.77492251

HoloJP is split between gaming idols and twitch-tier whores, but FWMC definitely fall into the former JP camp, more than they do what happens in EN

>> No.77492295

Do I sleep 4 hours or just do an all-nighter? I'm supposed to ship a milestone build tomorrow, but Moom...

>> No.77492366

How do you usually preform on low sleep vs no sleep? I feel like 3-4 hours in bed is a lot better than nothing for me

>> No.77492374
File: 347 KB, 1490x1778, 1710041143799939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never liked generalizing all of EN or JP. People who hate HoloEN do it all the time to EN despite not actually watching it, and vice/versa.
Just judge the talents on the individual level. Both sides have "whores", Idols, and whatever lays between.

>> No.77492375

You've been letting /vt/ rot your brain too much. Laplus is the only one who might fit that.

>> No.77492441

I can counter you with only three letters:

>> No.77492472
File: 26 KB, 406x441, watamechip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheep would stay up
but you should sleep at least 3 hours if you have the chance. Just set 10 alarms.

>> No.77492523

Laplus is also cute and gaki so she can get away with it

>> No.77492536

EN had both a higher percentage of whores/lazy girls and a higher number which sucks cause there are so few of them. EN you have Mori, Ame, Gura, Bae, Kronii, Sana, with maybe arguments for Fauna and Ina being lazy. JP has La+, Shion, Ayame, and Matsuri.

>> No.77492550

Sometimes I feel like a little sleep makes my body remember that sleep is a thing it should be getting. If I just don't sleep at all I can squeeze an extra like 8 hours, but then I just straight pass out standing up

>> No.77492555

Sorry Shogun but I want to watch DBZ…

>> No.77492606

Kek no. So the actual list is "Ame, Gura, Kronii, Sana, with maybe arguments for Fauna" Which is equal to the 4 JPs

>> No.77492621

Look man I know where we are and I ain't trying to start a fight but Gura's last stream was probably best stream HoloEN has had all year. Quality over quantity.

>> No.77492658

I said lazy/whores. Mori and Bae are huge fucking whores.

>> No.77492681

Well EN would still have a higher percentage especially with <1/2 the mems. You're bound to have runts in any organization

>> No.77492712

Tough call... I've pulled all nighters if I know I can be dead for a day the next time I actually sleep, but if you've got shit to do I'd recommend taking the 4 hours

>> No.77492755

>Better than FWMC
>Better than MM, Soundhounds collab, Hitman, DKC2
Just leave chumcuck

>> No.77492766

Mori is getting better. Still letting Ironlung leech off her unfortunately

>> No.77492791

Well if all you're referring to is "lazy" girls than yeah a couple of the ones you mentioned fit the bill. The whore thing applies to way more than just those 4 JP girls. Like for instance if fucking AZKi were exactly the same, but in EN she would have nonstop cuck/ntr threads and would be the poster child for a "whore" vtuber. Plus it seems like your marker for "whore" is just that they feel like whores to you. Using your qualifier, okayu and marine are also whores. I'll also include homocollabers like fubuki and korone as well.
Most of you fucks who "totally watch JP" don't actually understand Japanese at all, so you aren't on JP forums which talk about this sort of thing.

>> No.77492800

Gura hasn't had a single stream that matches Cookie and Cream in terms of entertainment

>> No.77492821

>Mori and Bae are huge fucking whores.
Based on their streams, I don't see it. Unless you're referring to Stars collabs and stuff, in which case you better add a LOT of JP girls to your list

>> No.77492820
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>> No.77492839
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i'll leave this here incase "ruffians" forgot what time it is

>> No.77492845

Fubuki is a model of professionalism. Just because she does Homo collabs doesn't mean she's doing an EN style attempt to "own da haters"

>> No.77492849


>> No.77492866

might be wrong on quality over quantity but i do agree that the shark had me impressed

>> No.77492894

I don't really care, anon. I'm simply using your definitions, which would mean she would have to be included on your whore list. You could also add Lui too for calling her fans ATM machines

>> No.77492899
File: 64 KB, 548x882, 1691691748749721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your chuba curses. Checkmate.

>> No.77492915

I'm not that anon
>You could also add Lui too for calling her fans ATM machines
She never did this, literally regurgitating anti rrats

>> No.77492918

I guess non-burger hours aren't actually all that good

>> No.77492950


>> No.77492955

I watched all of those streams you mentioned. Did you watch Gura's?

>> No.77492975
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>> No.77493002

Mori is a million times more talented than Mouse but you do realize that Mori was leeching off of her to promo her album, right? Not vice versa.

>> No.77493011

stop shitposting with my shark, please

>> No.77493012

no, it's endless baits or dead. fwmc are streaming again so it's back to shit

>> No.77493059
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>> No.77493151
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>> No.77493217

not shitposting to defend a quality stream against "hurr durr Gura overrated" for the thousandth time

>> No.77493230

wuv ya

>> No.77493271
File: 208 KB, 713x546, mocobutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77493297


>> No.77493301

Every time I see someone post this I want to send the "wuv ya" soundpost but despite saving it 3 different times, I can't for the life of me find it

>> No.77493355
File: 982 KB, 540x540, MococoWuv[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5rydk8.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77493452

Gura anti posting annoys me too, but how is responding to that by shitting on FuwaMoco any better?
It IS shitposting to trash FuwaMoco's streams using Gura, while using catalog bait phrases like "quality over quantity"

>> No.77493477

>click download
>file already exist
Then where the FUCK is it?!

Thanks Anon. I'm gonna put this in it's own folder

>> No.77493539

I just organized my folders recently, it helps (though it's a pain and a time sink)

>> No.77493633

It's not trashing a stream to say another stream was better than it. FuwaMoco's streams are very good. Gura's most recent stream was of exceptional quality. These things are not contradictory. And FuwaMoco definitely could not be accused of "quantity" at this point.

>> No.77493663

I'm still working on mine, I'll finish sorting it all eventually probably

>> No.77493668

>Gura's most recent stream was of exceptional quality
Please stop trolling

>> No.77493779

Either you are just baiting or this is how abused chumbies perceive the trickle of streams they get

>> No.77493817

i hide the file deep in your folder ehehe you'll never find it

>> No.77493910

Name five things that happened in the stream and I'll concede. But I doubt you watched it.

>> No.77493912

I have never watched a single Gura stream because I can't stand her voice.

>> No.77493956

Playing a rhythm game in 3D really isn't that impressive.

>> No.77493994

You are in fucking /baubau/! I know this is bait but I'm still mad, fuck me

>> No.77494024

That's 1/5 my guy

>> No.77494035


>> No.77494070
File: 183 KB, 640x480, 1708611433437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel warm and happy anytime I think about mococo's cute butthole

>> No.77494074

It's great that you enjoyed your monthly stream but this isn't the place to shill the lazy shark. Her attitude is the exact opposite of fwmcs

>> No.77494184

She doesn't need my, or anyone's, shilling. But why won't you watch her stream? Afraid you might like it?

>> No.77494205
File: 1.69 MB, 996x1005, MOCOTEMPTRESS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77494222

I've watched Gura before. She's nothing special, kind of boring. You can compare her WWE stream to Mikos if you want an apples to apples comparison of quality.

>> No.77494253

Flaunting her sexy body
Playing the game
It was a good stream but let's not get ahead of ourselves here

>> No.77494260
File: 382 KB, 587x609, mildconcernmogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd let her take off her headphones if the game she's playing got too scary, right?

>> No.77494312

of course. I'll even take the controller and beat the game for her while praising her for doing a good job.

>> No.77494314

yes then make mococo use the speakers

>> No.77494355

Yeah, of course
I'd also hug her and make sure she feels as safe as possible

>> No.77494375

Hmmm... that does sound pretty good. Maybe I'll put on a Biboo stream in the background and mute hers so I can avoid hearing her voice.

>> No.77494409

well yeah, it defeats the purpose of the game a bit but what may seem cowardly to you might still be a very brave act for another person

>> No.77494510

Heh, you probably won't believe me but I worked on that game and both of those streams are my most watched cause I was clipping them for bugs and feedback as I was watching them

>> No.77494535

I don't understand how your final sentence can possibly follow the rest

>> No.77494582

i love mococo

>> No.77494608
File: 111 KB, 341x329, deviousfuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ehehe that's cheating Mocochan

>> No.77494673
File: 195 KB, 1000x1000, 1691378512056840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to watch last night's vod before work and relax. Hope you're all having a good day.

>> No.77494755
File: 1.20 MB, 1317x1080, 1674825040043019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really really?

>> No.77494909
File: 1.19 MB, 1588x1440, GLddWELakAA2feC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting to see them always makes my day a lot better. Hope work goes well, advent collab soon!

>> No.77494925

What Fuwawa should have done during the stream was excuse herself and leave Mococo for a moment just as the game was ending, putting on a monster mask she bought in secret and then surprised Mococo from under the table.

>> No.77494955

I too would love to hear Mococo piss herself on stream, but that'd be too cruel.

>> No.77494962

Mogogo would piss herself and start crying because she'd also have to replay the game

>> No.77495017

That's just mean, even in terms of sibling relationships

>> No.77495023

Actually the worst case scenario I imagined is that there'd be news on Japanese TV later that night about how a female foreigner almost bludgeoned her twin sister to death with a mouse.

>> No.77495042

too cruel, I'd rather she just purposely be loud so she'd have to start over

>> No.77495134

I was gonna put something that's been eating away at me here, but nobody cares so I'll spare you and just BAU BAU.

>> No.77495154
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>Inferior genes can overpower the Fluffy

>> No.77495182

Thanks but it will just keep eating away at you unless you're one of the types that feel better typing it out and never sending it

>> No.77495204

You might as well do it at dead hours so you have an excuse if no one replies.

>> No.77495231

You're right. I'll just go type in notepad then. Take care.

>> No.77495263

type it, my own menhera dies down when I see others menhera

>> No.77495322


>> No.77495350

Fine. Here goes.
I used to be hyped for their ASMR. But ever since that Nodoka stream anytime it's mentioned I just feel really sad. I even wrote in my fan letter that I was looking forward to their first ASMR. Now I don't even want to mention it anymore since it hurts too much. Then I think about the meltdown that's gonna happen when they eventually do their first real JP ASMR (which will be a collab) and it just feels worse. I've been learning JP for months before I even met them, but after GW I almost stopped studying due to all the shitposting. That's all.

>> No.77495391

I suggest getting your test levels checked, and try eating more grass fed beef.

>> No.77495412

well, at least you got it off your chest

>> No.77495431

I haven't been to the doctor in a while.

>> No.77495478

don't feel too bad. I feel miffed that the real thing was locked behind the membership. I also looked forward to it but now I don't care about it as much, even more so because who knows when we will get it

>> No.77495515

Have you ever sat down and thought about why exactly it hurts you so much? Is it because the idea of a "first" is tainted now, or is it something deeper?

>> No.77495516

Yeah, I feel you. It's a little sad, no? Regardless, I'm sure they're going to do it eventually and pure a lot of effort and feeling into it. I just won't be suggesting it or talking about it.

>> No.77495530

ASMR schizos...
Honestly I think half the problem is you started thinking your dream scenario was sure to happen. I said I was looking forward to them collabing with Noel and got jumped on because the ASMR schizos said they needed the first ASMR to be Fuwamoco shyly trying to learn by themselves and that was never a guarantee. Reality hits you hard when things don't go according to your imagination

>> No.77495537

Damn, I can't say you're alone in that. It kinda put a damper on my feelings too
But at least it should help with it not rotting in your head anymore

>> No.77495584

Their vocal hymen... shamlessly stolen by Nodoka...

>> No.77495599

Its been many moons, I just don't want to think about it anymore kek

>> No.77495633

speaking of, you think they are ever going to post the scans when they go to the dogtor again? I honestly don't think so

>> No.77495639

Feels more like Nodoka did them a favor and acted as the bad guy so all the ruffians that kept hounding them for ASMR thread after thread would stop, and it worked.

>> No.77495644

i love this face she makes its both cute and sexy

>> No.77495683

I mean not really kek. They want to do ASMR, and it's still the most requested thing by a long shot. If anything, the whole situation probably makes them sad so I doubt they're thinking about it at all

>> No.77495689

>hounding them
you speak as if people were hating on them instead of just wanting something

>> No.77495693

I'm gonna go watch Kanade play Platform 8

>> No.77495717

I guess you could say that, but it's mainly the fact that I want it to be in english.
Is it schizo to want them to follow up on one of their debut goals?

>> No.77495718

I never really cared about ASMR itself, I just want more quiet and close intimacy. So I really liked the lullaby stream, and desperately want more twitter spaces

>> No.77495740

the pressure from the ASMR ruffians just kept building up and building up when there was no sign at all that FuwaMoco would actually do an ASMR stream anytime soon.

>> No.77495767

uh huh, sure

>> No.77495805

I don't particularly want to debate on the topic but you really think the better outcome is that now people don't care about something instead of looking forward to it?

>> No.77495816

it's literally night and day the way almost no one clamors for an ASMR stream these days

>> No.77495826

I wonder why

>> No.77495858

it's a better outcome that now people aren't expecting their very first ASMR stream every week, so they can focus on doing it in the future when they want, how they want, when they're actually ready to do it.

>> No.77495939

>Is it schizo to want them to follow up on one of their debut goals?
No but if it makes you go menhera if they do it in a way you didn't want then you put too much stock in your dream scenario. It's like if you said their first collab with Marine absolutely HAS to be a karaoke then get upset because it was Touhou

>> No.77495945

>almost no one clamors for an ASMR stream these days
You're being a dishonest retard.
Its because they haven't really streamed all that much, and they haven't asked us "what are you looking forward to in the future ruffians?"
Just today, chat exploded and mentioned "asmr" when they both started whispering at the start of the stream.

>> No.77495950

you're exaggerating, as you say, the clamor for it. the only time people really thought we might have an ASMR stream is right after the lullaby stream since maybe they were testing for it and all the way back for Valentine's. and yes now when they do it people aren't going to be as excited about it, the 200 or so serious fans not included

>> No.77495952

So something that we've been craving, that intimacy and cozy ASMR stream, is never being brought up. And now a few of their long-term fans, including myself, either don't care about it or are saddened at the thought. I don't see how it's a net positive. The most important audience for those streams is the one hurt the most.

>> No.77495965

>now people aren't expecting their very first ASMR stream every week
That was never something that happened. Yeah, the ruffians requested it every time, but even FuwaMoco knew that it was equal parts both true, and a joke.
Stop trying to rewrite history, resident shitposter. I know it's you

>> No.77495989

Speaking of the Nodoka asmr, does anyone have the VOD?

>> No.77495993

Guys shut up, Kanade has started playing

>> No.77496022

An english ASMR stream is going to happen eventually, just like everything else they've said they'll do. If you have faith in them it'll be fine, but it sounds like that ASMR happening in the way that it did made you lose faith that what you wanted to happen was coming

>> No.77496027

unironically a worst shitpost because it's completely off topic and you're just letting other people know it's okay to just post whatever holo they want here, go to global if you're gonna be a fag like this

>> No.77496056

This is a post expect out of global
Go to her thread if you want to talk about her

>> No.77496080

really really most truly!

>> No.77496099

nta, but I unironically don't know why they're still waiting? They did a great job of it in the Nodoka stream, and they clearly had enough confidence to take off-the-cuff requests.

>> No.77496124

they don't even have schedule yet mah bro

>> No.77496130

not anymore... why did you do it mococo? why did you whisper in the ears of the japanese...

>> No.77496135

ah yes the classic

>> No.77496155

I guess the scars I got from that day are still haunting me. I know how it sounds, but I'll admit that the situation and shitstorm got to me. I know they'll do it eventually and I'll enjoy it too. I shouldn't have brought it up.

>> No.77496158
File: 377 KB, 2100x1340, 1690947706290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain this

>> No.77496167

My wives are so cute and autistic

>> No.77496171

>sister is using the wrong dog to shitpost
Yeah, I thought so

>> No.77496223

I can still feel it...the ASMR that I lost....It won't stop hurting

>> No.77496235

shut the fuck up we're listening to baustep

>> No.77496244
File: 145 KB, 353x392, fuwawawawawawaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay to be weak sometimes, it happens to everyone. Try and remember that they do care about you, and want to make sure that eventual stream is a good one. Don't let all the shitposting get to you too much

>> No.77496251
File: 1.39 MB, 1200x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77496291


>> No.77496296


>> No.77496331
File: 24 KB, 500x500, giwtwm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77496367
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>> No.77496372


>> No.77496420

Eh, it's fine. Everyone needs a place to vent, and some "people" will shitstir anything, that's just how it is. I don't think you've done or felt anything wrong

>> No.77496422

Mococo is trying to get me hard again and she succeeded.

>> No.77496497
File: 726 KB, 1919x2730, 1715907268112315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This puppy…

>> No.77496507

It might have worked with a weak bug but squeezing me between your royal thighs ain't gonna stop me and will probably just make me harder as I have my way with the royal pussy. Bau bau!

>> No.77496539


>> No.77496549

Don’t post my reply here.

>> No.77496578

>Panda Boy
literally who

>> No.77496581

All these rape posters think they are so bold but they wouldnt even tweet this on main

>> No.77496645

Pretty crap remix, this one's my favorite:

>> No.77496698
File: 247 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_3408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh… At least FBK will be there!

>> No.77496733

Pretty good, reminds me of Patapon on psp

>> No.77496903

I don't know but they literally love him. Follow and reply to every fwmc thing he makes plus QRT. They really want him. He is one of the people I'm most worried they're going to run away with behind the scenes.

>> No.77496940

I think that's the worst poster here.

>> No.77497060

He has done some official hololive work, but I remember him best for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvIgQeK8-6A

>> No.77497066

She knows what she is doing posting this. She wants to squeeze every drop out of me. I'm going to have one hell of a dream about this tonight.

>> No.77497122

People are really into getting crushed? I thought it was just a meme.

>> No.77497152

I want my dick and head crushed by a pair of nice Fuwamoco thighs, yes.

>> No.77497244

I really, really miss Fuwamoco Morning, man.

>> No.77497268

Are we sure those are the guests or are they just ESL and used the generic holo meet artwork? Imagine if fuwamoco go there and all the schizo ruffians are there. Already got my tickets.

>> No.77497286

Me too. I need to get my sleep fixed. What do you think they are going to do with all of our favorite moments they asked for?

>> No.77497320

Does anyone think ep100 should be an hour long special?

>> No.77497321

A grand montage for the final FWMC Morning, Episode 100.

>> No.77497475

Promise they looked at them and they really really tried but aren't able to show it on stream

>> No.77497504

Spicbros we’re watching Pekora in 2 hours

>> No.77497522
File: 172 KB, 500x374, unhappy door opens [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0nuew6.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no but they should name every ruffian who chats ESR so I can finally be free of this curse

>> No.77497617

>People are really into getting crushed?
Do you like hugs? How about hugs from your beloved? But now imagine they're hugging your head with their legs instead because their hands are full
I don't really view it as getting crushed, but more gently/lightly squeezed by thighs

>> No.77497626

I'm never going to get ESR and I've made peace with that No I haven't, I really want it still

>> No.77497629

I'm going to impregnate the fuzzy one

>> No.77497671

I want her to squeeze my head so hard between her thighs it shakes the clot free and I die in ecstacy

>> No.77497725

I'm gonna be posting on at least 6 automated alts maybe more if I can get the setup working for the ESR segment. I need all the tickets for the husband lottery I can get.

>> No.77497785
File: 375 KB, 447x577, 1701956149973552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear ruffians
I'm sorry that those dogs are your oshi let me be honest
it takes idols to be idols your dogs are not responsive
I look at them dawgs and wish YAGOO woulda wore earplugs
I'm sorry that you gotta grow up and stand behind them
Life is hard I know and you have to find someone worthy of following they dreams
Sometimes our oshis make mistakes that affect your consumption of the streams
you're all good kids that need good leadership
let me be your mentor since those baubaus don't teach you shit

>> No.77497819

It doesn't count unless its your main

>> No.77497823

Have you been featured on FWMC Morning before though? I'd say that's more special.

>> No.77497877

>That time fwmc had to ask ruffians to care more about submissions than getting ESR

>> No.77497896

I don't remember that

>> No.77497902

I mean yeah, I'd love to be squeezed by their thighs. But the tweet was about squishing a bug, presumely to death, with Mococo's thighs.

>> No.77497907

who the fuck are you nigger

>> No.77497943
File: 344 KB, 995x844, 065126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish... I almost never submit anything but plan to be better about it when they're back in full capacity

>> No.77497996

Go for it. I got in once somehow and I'm content. I'm still waiting on ESR though...

>> No.77498031

I think the take away most ruffians took from it was "The bug got squished (enough to kill a bug) by her thighs, I want to be squished (with the same force, so not enough to hurt) too... IT SHOULD'VE BEEN MEEEEEE"

>> No.77498070
File: 1.56 MB, 2078x3002, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be crushed to death by Mococo's thighs.

>> No.77498104
File: 663 KB, 4096x2213, ahmjya 1798673552096546910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77498126

oh good god, I get it now

>> No.77498149
File: 185 KB, 1200x1200, Kukie_nyan 1798671275310948426-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77498178
File: 182 KB, 1200x1200, Kukie_nyan 1798671275310948426-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77498225
File: 3.93 MB, 2500x4045, GOqF2LNWAAAVhd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77498399
File: 402 KB, 2048x2048, aosan3103 1798677593996304832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77498410

I'll definitely take once for both

>> No.77498439

Suggestion for ruffians who draw: prepare some PNG assets for the Minecraft stream, it would be fun. Either RL mining related like a safety helmet or any other protection equipment or Minecraft-inspired equipment. I think they would like it.

>> No.77498498


>> No.77498504

I can't believe they've never gotten assets after saying they wanted them, not even from the person who sent in the FWMC Morning question asking if they wanted some

>> No.77498546

It's made me want to draw assets even though I'm complete ass at drawing. It would hopefully at least make someone who can actually draw motivated to do it

>> No.77498579

Some have been drawn for them. They just didn't take them for some reason.

>> No.77498584

There was a drawffian yesterday feeling crestfallen over his art and comparing himself to others. Seems like a great opportunity to make a difference. In case you're reading, marshmallow chama, do it.

>> No.77498628
File: 93 KB, 338x266, 1717466677470186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone should draw them cute catsuits like the Novelites

>> No.77498821

>Peko moved her time
ogey I will now watch your sheep

>> No.77498891

For Fuwawa an arm holding a map and a safety helmet with a lantern on top, referencing the buried treasure, and for Mococo a pickaxe and helmet, maybe?

>> No.77498895

Tempted to just bite the bullet for the JP Expo. Even if it is only Friend, Bae, and Kobo they should still have other Holo stuff there. Also I'm a big weeb so should be fun.

>> No.77498984

Is this a motherfucking 20th Century Boys reference!?

>> No.77499339
File: 301 KB, 1447x1020, 1690383767131860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come watch watame 3D!

>> No.77499435

I will watch the sheep

>> No.77499446
File: 149 KB, 1024x768, GM0FrAAbMAAII_M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77499488

forgot link

>> No.77499577
File: 122 KB, 449x401, 1717428699414945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77499621
File: 327 KB, 1920x1080, watame-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77499671
File: 131 KB, 356x458, 1716767085327382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fluffy

>> No.77499787
File: 268 KB, 1920x1080, watame-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77499885

soon FWMC will be able to do things like this too

>> No.77499927

Pretty much what I think about anytime I watch a 3Dlive

>> No.77499934

>fwmc 3D is probably less than 2 months away
doesn't feel real yet

>> No.77499942

8 year old sheep uoooooh

>> No.77500024


>> No.77500070
File: 200 KB, 1920x1080, loli ui-watame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77500151
File: 649 KB, 2549x4096, F-k8t0Ma4AADAwy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77500204

>Biboo's mama drew one of this in response to her almost kidnap story

>> No.77500393
File: 362 KB, 1920x1080, watame-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice camera work

>> No.77500423

holy fucking kino

>> No.77500453

Why the fuck is Choco moving like that

>> No.77500495

>channel emotes of Watame dancing
That’s so cute

>> No.77500522

I kneel Sheep...

>> No.77500617
File: 132 KB, 1060x877, F54RdW1XIAA2ZUj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god... not Mumei's song...

>> No.77500677
File: 142 KB, 377x391, crunchymogogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, this songs always hits me really hard

>> No.77500720
File: 52 KB, 1024x617, 1716831099355618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Fes all over again

>> No.77500758

you don't even understand the lyrics

>> No.77500799
File: 60 KB, 601x440, 1714869669787940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77500864

Oh, they liked the mengen encore live tweet. Guess they'll be doing those too, nice!

>> No.77500889

A good song's emotions can reach you without lyric comprehension, that's what good music is all about

>> No.77501170


>> No.77501204
File: 298 KB, 1920x1080, watame mio -1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77501239


>> No.77501689
File: 209 KB, 442x371, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77501729

fucking kek

>> No.77501796

Lmao wtf Biboo

>> No.77501846
File: 2.06 MB, 1920x1080, 【3DLIVE】Revival _ 重大告知あり!【#角巻わため生誕祭2024】 46-42 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kino...

>> No.77501854

the contrast from shiori thumbnail is funny

>> No.77502045

I just came to their genmates I am a really silly ruffian

>> No.77502103
File: 187 KB, 900x1200, @_hinatahirune_GPY_xhAbAAA30fg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77502128


>> No.77502189

Old piece, but still very cute.

>> No.77502212


>> No.77502285

Perfect, it was the thought of shiori profusely apologizing for canceling her last stream by giving a shy handjob before letting me play with and finish on her cans

>> No.77502339

Ive blown a load to Newissa and Shiori before. I felt guilty about it after but the dick wants what it wants.

>> No.77502348


>> No.77502373

It is but I just saw it today, so the hashtag did its job

>> No.77502478

What would Wafuwawa and Wococo be like (aka their versions of Wario and Waluigi)

>> No.77502600

flat Fuwawa and busty Mococo with inverted colors on the clothes

>> No.77502681

That tweet was on your feed too

>> No.77502719

They want to trend but don't even like the voice pack tweets. Sorry girls you're going to have to give a little back after constantly begging and taking from us

>> No.77502755
File: 572 KB, 804x959, 1709739948464225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77502768

Based sheep. That was great.

>> No.77502770

Bau yourself now

>> No.77502774

not now we're watching Broly

>> No.77502837

Unlimited signed sets…

>> No.77502851

which broly movies is peko watching?

>> No.77502856

Oh yeah, that's starting. I am there.

>> No.77502913

Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan and Second Coming.

>> No.77502945


>> No.77503000


>> No.77503005

I keep dreaming of Shiori even though the only times are see her are in collabs. My last FuwaMoco dream was a few months ago. What is happening to me.

>> No.77503081

I know my thoughts reached them and they were happy to know I enjoyed it.

>> No.77503118

She has the autism and sweetness of Mococo and the questionable thoughts and gorgeous body with huge tits of Fuwawa

>> No.77503128

No actually, what tweet?

>> No.77503174

How do you know that? There's 0 proof. If they actually read through it, it's 0 seconds more to click the heart. Stop falling for their lies

>> No.77503197

KYS tranny.

>> No.77503339

>gorgeous body
Careful how you describe their genmates they might get jealous.

>> No.77503363
File: 5 KB, 110x49, 1693729110619061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77503410

Give me one good reason they wouldn't like the VP tweets if they scrolled through them

>> No.77503453

You're shitposting but there is undeniable proof they read more than they publically like. They have brought up unmarked tweets all the time. They see it all.

>> No.77503467

Watch streams, tranny.

>> No.77503485

stop replying to her

>> No.77503489

I know that and they still are egosa daily as evidenced by the random likes and mentions like you said. I'm asking why they aren't giving likes for this VP. They did it for all others to encourage engagement and thank the purchase

>> No.77503508
File: 164 KB, 1280x720, Comicdud_theone 1798704784423419989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77503564

Because I feel it in my heart.

>> No.77503650

Fuwawa definitely saw all the abuse posts here lol

>> No.77503675

she was the one writing them

>> No.77503683

I watch every stream. It is weird they haven't liked even a few tweets about it especially since they pinned the ad. Maybe they're waiting until later to do a huge run in the tag? I know they read more than they give likes to, but for merch posts they have almost always given likes out as a way of saying thank you, noticed. There's people that genuinely only buy it for likes do not taking the 0.3 seconds to click a heart if they are reading it all anyways to keep those people buying seems like a stupid idea.

>> No.77503715

what happened to that one anon who went schizo about Moco-chan being subtly abused? He'd be eating his heart out at this joke.

>> No.77503747


>> No.77503755

Has 5siblings been here in a while?

>> No.77503796


>> No.77503929

what do you mean ``hairless'' shes a freaking dog

>> No.77503946
File: 3.25 MB, 1920x1080, DRAGON~2.MKV_20240606_082629.274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77503958

I looked last night and the last Advent game collab was in April…hopefully these become regular parts of the week again.

>> No.77503972

We're going to get killed...

>> No.77503980

>side fodder waiting to die

>> No.77503986
File: 311 KB, 1920x1080, 20240605_201811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77504003

too late

>> No.77504091

>started liking June bride tweets
stop giving in to menheras

>> No.77504142

what the fuck, they unliked my tweet. what gives

>> No.77504308

Is there a bigger possible "thank you" than making that voice pack a joint one? They're literally giving up on free money to do that, and you want them to give likes so people can spend more money? I think they'll eventually like a few posts too, but not for this reason.
They also probably had to ask and have a back and forth to even get this approved in the first place. It's not like it's common to have talents teaming up during the regular voice packs, usually you need to buy the full set if you want to hear multiple talents interacting.

>> No.77504469

I've still kept the notification of my last like on my phone so I feel fine whenever I unlock it

>> No.77504512

I wanted a solo Mococo wedding though

>> No.77504572

Tough luck, Raul. Maybe that will be the scenario next year.

>> No.77504578

A honeymoon at work is just ridiculous, Fuwawa. I can’t consummate our marriage and make you both pregnant at work…

>> No.77504588

just edit the VP yourself then

>> No.77504634

Skill issue

>> No.77504676

I think they avoid liking gachikoi posts or something similar. They also didn't like the White Day posts, even from the Ruffians who made pon de ring or bought flowers.

>> No.77504737

>I think they avoid liking gachikoi posts or something similar.
They liked the Valentine's Day confessions.

>> No.77504767

They did like Andy's flower spread and handwritten letters though. If you have twitter premium and send them lots of SC they'll like your gachikoi walls no issue.

>> No.77504801

they like gachikoi posts all the time

>> No.77504836

They really seemed to have enjoyed valentine's day a lot, especially since they separated the members sc's from non-members to read more "privately" with us.

>> No.77504891

Breaking Dimensions
They wouldn’t have CtW2 at AnimeExpo since kurokara is already having a concert tbere, right?

>> No.77504909

No it'll be at anime nyc , buy your tickets now

>> No.77504930

oh god don't remind me how we got blamed for how The Notebook watchalong turned out

>> No.77505016

Why is everyone expecting it to be at a con? Was there any hinting towards that? Didn't CTW use the YouTube theater thing?

>> No.77505043

she likes manga where the vtuber is having sex while streaming

>> No.77505099

CTW1 was at Anime Expo

>> No.77505126

Oh, my bad

>> No.77505157

Mococo is sexier than Fuwawa.

>> No.77505286

No she doesn't, fucking cuck. She loves the ruffians and she would sick at the idea of cucking them on stream.

>> No.77505292

It's ok, it really was not a part of the con just happened to occur in the same city at the same time.

>> No.77505352

Duh? But Fuwawa wants to be sexy, Mococo is a prude. It's a dilemma. You can get full consent from fluffy, none from fuzzy.

>> No.77505398

She is willing to go along with anything. If Nodoka-san would have gestured in 10 ojisans to fuck her by the asmr mic she would have went along with it unless Mococo stopped her

>> No.77505408
File: 226 KB, 512x512, 1707271542762474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry we'll make ammends for it one day..

>> No.77505410
File: 686 KB, 1131x1600, nezunayu 1798714363718861268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77505553

Kill yourself, cuck. She would never do something like that.

>> No.77505562
File: 420 KB, 1400x1615, 1715204256123873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77505626

Literally not our fault, Mococo got it from an online article of top 10 romance movies.

>> No.77505643

Just like she would save the ear blowing for ruffians like she promised?

>> No.77505853

I know, I know. But women logic says we're to blame unfortunately.

>> No.77505979
File: 60 KB, 708x628, IMG_9103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77506066

She didn't promise that, retarded cuck. And she was going to do it because her fluffy brain wasn't thinking about it that much, it's not her fault.

>> No.77506119

Stop giving him attention. He's obviously retarded.

>> No.77506230

>Fuwamoco's POV is the only one mentioning an announcement
It's not an Advent cover, it's just a Fuwamoco cover

>> No.77506259

Biboo and Shiori's frames mentions it though

>> No.77506302

When does S3 of FWMC start? S2 has been shit.

>> No.77506342

>>77506259 (Me)
nevermind Shiori's doesn't mention it, Biboo's does though

>> No.77506345


>> No.77506378

I don't believe that at all

>> No.77506400

I assume this was said Marine's member stream.

>> No.77506402

I do

>> No.77506406

Shiori's doesn't, only Biboo's does
Inb4 it's a Diamond Dogs cover

>> No.77506419

You can believe whatever you want, just going off what they've said themselves

>> No.77506436

>sucks off an ojisan
>ehehehe it doesn't count wuffian
>silly fluffy brain...
Actions matter even if it's a mistske

>> No.77506462


>> No.77506558

Not thinking isn't an excuse to do horrible shit. I thought she cared about us more than that.

>> No.77506574

Gura overlapping another announcement stream is hilarious

>> No.77506705

This really does happen a lot, doesn't it?

>> No.77506801

Jesus anyc is all sold out, hope you don't need a con badge for the concert.

>> No.77506838

It doesn't really matter, FWMC and Advent in general aren't pulling in the big numbers anymore.

>> No.77506840

It's just the shark being the shark

>> No.77506899

KYS cuck. Do you want to be cucked that badly thet you make your own cucked schizo fantasies in your head?

Fuck you, anti. She was being pressured to do it and she wasn't thinking about it too much. It's not her fault.

>> No.77506927

I recognize this one
But which manipulated image is this one based on?

>> No.77506976

I guess I just thought she would be more careful. If she can make mistakes like that so easily what else could happen? It takes one fuck up to spoil everything so I hope she's more thoughtful and careful from now on. Or always has Mococo or someone she trusts to stop her from being a retard.

>> No.77506999
File: 376 KB, 774x423, 1696208864771386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's replying to herself

>> No.77507006
File: 84 KB, 296x167, ÆÆÆÆÆ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one

>> No.77507024

The one where mogogo is orgasming with the tiny pupils rolling back into her head. I can't post images but I'm sure you've seen.

>> No.77507046

So who's looking forward to Mococo ruining another horror/collab stream again? Can't wait for her to drag everyone down.

>> No.77507062

Fuwawa won't fuck you bro

>> No.77507104

Hopefully Fuwawa is playing. She was great.

>> No.77507150

I miss mocopan...

>> No.77507170

Fuwawa won't cuck you bro

>> No.77507192

Samefagging retard.

>> No.77507201

Why is the brownie trying this again

>> No.77507217
File: 529 KB, 1440x1440, IMG_0921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he could afford it, this would be Raul’s car (only features Mococo)

>> No.77507215

I'd be happy if Fuwawa was the main horror game player if they insist on horrorslop so much. Maybe being an annoying retard like Mococo still gets more views but it drives me crazy. Let Fuwawa play the game and actually make progress.

>> No.77507222 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.14 MB, 500x500, 1717607131271956.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77507238


>> No.77507237

Holy shit look at her go

>> No.77507243


>> No.77507275

What did she mean by this?

>> No.77507279

FYI Nijisisters got caught doxxing a teenager that joined their VRchat room and some of their livers joined the 2-view crew…

>> No.77507306

My bad, I brought up the topic hours ago.

>> No.77507341

I want fuwamoco to appear at Anime expo and get more attendees at their panel than nijisisters get at their ctw wannabe at the con

>> No.77507348
File: 24 KB, 800x516, gorillas_spotted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77507380
File: 866 KB, 1566x1080, My Mocopan[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fakke39.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77507387

Like my vp review fuwawa please. It was very sweet but I'm going menhera worrying you didn't see my post I put a lot into it

>> No.77507452

Is mocopan safe on block? It seems kind of slow

>> No.77507470

Review post are ctinge, just post receipt along with a paw emoji

>> No.77507477

BTW fuwamoco are only joining this game collab because they have an announcement to shill. If they didn't they would continue to give advent the cold shoulder. They only care now when they stand to benefit from it like the takoradi off collab bringing in subs to their channel alone

>> No.77507488

she's gluten free yes

>> No.77507501

Except one thing. Fuwawa DOESN'T DARE TO PLAY. She always say no when Mococo asked her to take over the controller.

>> No.77507526

It should do more damage

>> No.77507566

Are you a brown tranny?

>> No.77507593

This seems like it would affect her matchups

>> No.77507600

Wth is that?

>> No.77507625

Because she knows she would completely embarrass her sister if she did and no one would ever want to see her play again. Which is a problem when being the gamer is mococo's only charm point. She couldn't fill the chat interacting role like fuwawa either

>> No.77507645 [DELETED] 

Same tranny.

>> No.77507647

NTA, but I know you're a doxxer.

>> No.77507666

Use less words, sister.

>> No.77507688

the broly movies kinda suck

>> No.77507707

When is it time to pick up the trash again? It's been piling up for over a month

>> No.77507733

All DBZ movies are shit. Broly however is a meme in Japan thanks to MADs.

>> No.77507749

In the case of yesterday it was more for getting Mococo to be more confident and also to entertain us with some classic big sister bullying

>> No.77507765

Nice try. You're the only one that overly uses 'tranny' here, and last week you were posting dox and bragging about it.

>> No.77507782

Pink and blue forever!
Thanks girls for inspiring me to be proud of who I am. BAU BAU

>> No.77507795

who is this from

>> No.77507837 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 648x1152, 1701050111187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies mad.

>> No.77507836

The superchat I'm sending tomorrow

>> No.77507853
File: 1.03 MB, 1377x1741, 11b3649f8b04ab7c8445c13d7fe564e756b8b493bdd56e6c7cb3a64d7e42e3b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

die monster, you dont belong in this world

>> No.77507866

I think he's just shitposting but we have some actual tranny in the chat everystream that gets ignored thankfully

>> No.77507878

See, like clockwork.

>> No.77507882

The guy with the unicorn emoji?

>> No.77507905 [DELETED] 
File: 212 KB, 960x1280, 1709012867135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77507953

>kid trunks shows his bare bottom and pisses himself in the same movie
what the fuck toriyama

>> No.77507954

I think so they post the trans and pride flag every stream for some reason.

>> No.77507995

I block everyone who does that on sight

>> No.77508046

I'm not that faggot. I'm going to superchat to let them know about the good news like they've asked us to

>> No.77508108

I mean, feel free. Just don't cry when it gets skipped.

>> No.77508187

>but they asked us t-
No, fuck off.

>> No.77508193

They don't seem like the type to skip it but if they do, they do. At least they'll receive the message

>> No.77508212

I don't bother with blocking, it doesn't bother me seeing dumb shit posted in chat all the time.
Well go for it I suppose. I honestly do believe you're shitposting though.

>> No.77508261

You're shitposting but in the 10% chance you aren't don't send a train superchat during their fucking song after party. Your kind are always attention whores but please show restraint just this once

>> No.77508373

Why get menhera over not getting liked for voice pack tweets? You can literally spend that money on a super chat and get a guaranteed and better outcome.

>> No.77508380

>your kind

>> No.77508469

Mogogo rabu rabu

>> No.77508515

I'm pretty sure they'll skip any type of openly political shit. Same with religion and homos.

>> No.77508628

Yes they do. They'll skip anything that could be considered controversial in any way.

>> No.77508700

They even skipped saying they word "autism" and that's not even nearly as controversial.

>> No.77508722

Still surprised they read that weird Muslim holiday SC.

>> No.77508769

Why are you retards still discussing this, that fag has been posting the same shit for like 2 months. He only does it when his shitpost doesn't work and everyone calls him a tranny

>> No.77508778

>desperately gather the dragon balls
>summon shenron
>it gets ignored
>they beat broly anyways

>> No.77508784

They're good Muslim women they're obligated to.

>> No.77508801

Don't think.

>> No.77508818


>> No.77508832

They didn't read the name.

>> No.77508835

I've been doing it for 9 months thank yoi very much. It's fun. But I was waiting for pride month to let them know. Time and place, yknow.
