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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77498863 No.77498863 [Reply] [Original]

Hey remember that time Goldman Sachs tried to convince everyone that Niji wasn't failing?

>> No.77499087

What happened to the people that made this analysis?

>> No.77499137

They made bank from the retards who invested

>> No.77499219

Fun fact: short positions exceeding 0.5% of outstanding shares are required to be published by the Tokyo stock exchange. By the end of February, Goldman Sachs had shorted over 1.5% of Anycolor stocks
Based on the stock price at that time they went on to make a USD $20 million bet against the company after issuing this statement.

>> No.77499252

there has been institutionalized shorting of niji and cover ever since, basically farming the believers.

>> No.77499288


>> No.77499336

Like taking candy from a retard.

>> No.77499820

Damn I forgot it's their job to trick people

>> No.77499923

... i-is that legal? To give people financial advice that a stock is worth buying while you yourself are shorting it?

>> No.77499941
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>Goldman Sachs and NijiJP
Hmmm really makes you think

>> No.77499993

See >>77499941

>> No.77500068

To this day I wish I could have found a broker which would let me short Anycolor stocks.
It would have been free money.

>> No.77500093

Probably not, but they are jews so nothing will happen to them

>> No.77500141


>> No.77500273

What, are you implying that japan kicked out goldman sachs for pulling that stunt on anycilor stock?

>> No.77500351

I think that's good news, always focusing on stocks at the expense of the lives of employees and company's future should be frowned upon.

>> No.77500442
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Still amazes me how Selen's termination ended up being such a huge moment in vtubing that it rivals Coco's Taiwan yab in how much it affected the industry, arguebly more since Cover hasnt taken much of a hit from Coco in retrospect.
Was Selen really that big at the time, or was it the moment where all the collective hate about nijisanji finally broke containment on /vt/?

>> No.77500447

Maybe they also made bad calls on other companies only to be exposed once the yen value fell. Still idiotic to focus on stocks than the company itself

>> No.77500513

Reminder this board tried to convince everyone holoearth was the next big thing

>> No.77500649

Major dramafags like Khyo and False have had a chip on their shoulders against Niji for awhile, so they got the ammunition they needed. Furthermore for the last few years there's been talk about various small corpos mistreating their talents and Nijisanji made themselves the mother of all assholes in this aspect.

>> No.77500694

Eh really? I have no hopes for it getting big unless they make it like an anime minecraft in vr but that's probably not happening considering the base experience shown.

>> No.77500808

It had less to do with Selen and more to do with how Niji handled the termination and their backlog bullshittery and scapegoating finally catching up to them all at once.

>> No.77500859

Are dramatubers a big fan of nijisanji in the past before niji screwed them over? based on how dramatubers rely on morality that appeals to alot of people I feel they probably sided with what nijisanji represented against hololive.

>> No.77501021

All dramatubers covering vtubers initially sided with Niji against Holo because of the idol culture issue. Then Niji showed what pos they were and dramatubers realized Niji produces better and more drama so they shifted focus.

>> No.77501069

The most I've seen holoearth pushed as is a concert venue

>> No.77501285

It was just the straw that broke the camel's back. People had a sliver of hope, even with all the amount of drama before that they could change their ways. The way they poorly handled Selen's termination pretty much showed that such expectations were a lost cost and just abandon such notions.

>> No.77501508

It was also a 1-2 punch as well. For awhile people were of the opinion that Pomu and Selen were mistreated, then Pomu graduated, then you had the Pomu membership stream reveal, then everything around Selen happened and it just solidified Niji's reputation as an abusive place.
This pretty much filtered everyone not heavily invested in any of the talents (and even some who were heavily invested).

>> No.77501518

> beliving jews

>> No.77501644

Nijisanji has always had hate /here/, but it was more of a light hearted "corpo vs. corpo" thing at first, just jabs at how it felt like they were trying to one up Hololive with each gen. Dramafags weren't /here/ at all back in the early days so they just saw them as a normal corpo like anyone else, until the terminations started happening months after /vt/ started sniffing them out.

>> No.77501663

>Was Selen really that big at the time
That's part of it. She was also well liked even outside of Nijisanji, for example she won both best FPS vtuber and Gamer of the year in Filian's vtuber awards which were fan voted. Artists loved her, and Pomu expressed sadness over being separated from her while she was graduating. Had Nijisanji just given her the Yugo graduation treatment, their reputation would have only been bad instead of nuclear. Doki's success post graduation would have also been lower.

>> No.77501687

I guess the implosions of other corpos that shit on hololive's culture ultimately benefited them in the end. Kinda ironic it's like those people that often rage about lolis only to be found out as actual pdfiles.

>> No.77502438
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I mean if you think about it if you are a nijisanji investor
You would want to squeeze every penny from all your employees.
Niji is already doing that and which made their ceo rich and buy a yacht and a mclaren as well.

>> No.77502541

If you think that's bad wait until you see what they and the usual suspects do in the US.
Pretty much.

>> No.77503012

The USA, easily the biggest stock trading country in the world, was able to have investors get away with this for an entire century before recent events finally got the law to intervene.

Yes it's illegal, but almost no country will bother to investigate until it becomes a viral controversy.

>> No.77503235

>The final week before the Q4 report is upon us
Any bets or predictions?

>> No.77503497
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nijisanYID amirite

>> No.77503509

as other anons said it was a pile up of many things and Selen having good reputation in the actual vtuber community outside of Niji's toxic swamp. And then the reveal of her being pushed into suicide attempt was the final straw for the western market where this is seen as the gravest sin of company culture and is treated very seriously.

>> No.77503548

Vtubers are always a bad ivetsjmnet, the merhb i tje pnbty probitbubabl pat

>> No.77503630

Financial analysts are incorrect 99.99% of the time, which is why they have to earn a living by writing these poor-quality reports.

>> No.77503672

kek that sounds fucking illegal

>> No.77503738

Did you have a stroke while typing this?

>> No.77503917

They were trying to convince investors to buy the dip.

>> No.77504334


>> No.77505249

>Shareholding makes bank of doing the opposite of what everyone is doing at the right moment.
>Releases a report that is THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY DID.
RUMAO, Japanese are cucks, they actually trust the house during a game? Always do the opposite of what someone who is there to gain money says.

>> No.77505461

Because it is however they will get away with it because they are got connections and nearly 3/4ths of the population doesn't know how stocks work.

>> No.77505863
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>> No.77506267

The best part is that is not. It's a personal, non-binding opinion, it's like me and you discussing the result of a soccer match and convincing people to bet on it. Unless you prove we had full information on who was gonna win, it's your fault for believing us, two people not giving an expert opinion.
TL;DR: If someone has a trick to gain 1 million a day, he's not gonna post it on the internet, unless that trick is for you to buy his book.

>> No.77507207

When switch Cover switch to prime market so everyone can buy them?

>> No.77507993

The Coco saga was about a talent retiring willingly because of outside factors while keeping the company on good terms.
Selen's termination exposed in public all the long-suspected rot within the company both financially and culturally and in management. Completely different situations.

>> No.77508107

Buy side is separated from sell side.

>> No.77508188

Well no, their job is to make money. If that involves tricking people then they'll trick people. If it's more profitable for them to tell the truth they'll do that instead. It's how they keep investors coming back.

>> No.77510143

Isn't that the whole reason the stock market was created? Trick dumb poor people and make the rich more richier?

>> No.77513086

>Still amazes me how Selen's termination ended up being such a huge moment in vtubing that it rivals Coco's Taiwan yab in how much it affected the industry
Good one.
No wait you're actually serious.
Look at this faggot

>> No.77513535

>Cover's biggest competitor fires their female leader in EN?
>Surprise Pikachu face when money goes poof
Its so obvious it would be a massive explosion of shit when this happened.

>> No.77513962

Anon, it took a lot less for activ8 to die, Selen graduation will be a huge landmark in the future, as the day where anycolor decided than rather being the eternal second of the industry they would rather just die as a whole.
It's so big that nowoday the exiting part of the Vtubing market is who will gona be the next hololive competitor, as the current only one who could come close will soon disapear.

>> No.77514103
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Absolutely Devilish

>> No.77514492

Have you heard of the Rothschilds and Waterloo ?

>> No.77514949

You're going to be traumatized next week when JP makes it their biggest quarter ever. I suggest you start preparing some good copes now.

>> No.77514986

Zaion was the first major example of black-corponess on the EN sphere and kicked off the snowball of distrust in Anycolor. Before that it was mostly minor petty drama.

>> No.77515904

>Still believes all the sharebros says.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, next time you ask yourself why you are too poor for something, remember this.

>> No.77515932 [DELETED] 

ever heard the phrase: with jews you lose?

>> No.77516239

In my completely unsubstantiated opinion, they saw anycolor as the competitor to hololive, anycolor was more business first, fun and idol shit later at least compared to hololive. So from an investors pov it was probably seen as a solid investment opportunity. As a more growth/profit oriented business should be a better investment, than a jolly ceo who is trying to give the fans the best they can get, and cut profits in favour of better merch.
Now what goldman sachs didn't expect is that Niji would pour gasoline all over the place and light themselves on fucking fire. And once the dust settled, they dropped a few more fucking bombs on themselves. I mean look at their fucking stock. Even after the blunders and a PR disaster after PR disaster, its still worth something. So as long as they could have shut the fuck up and let their talents fuck off silently, they would be honestly, not that bad of an investment.

>> No.77516486

Basically shit like this is legal as long as big enough actors are the ones doing it. The whole game stop disaster is the best example. It was nothing illegal, nothing shady, someone huge shorted the stock while the rest of people called the short, they would not sell, so big players lost a lot of money. Squeezing a market like that happens all the goddamn time. But nope, this time it was plebs doing it and you better believe multiple stock markets would shut down over it if needed.
Same thing with this. This would be the same type of brigading that happened in game stop, aka get people involved to influence a market. But goldman is doing it so lets just pretend we didn't see it.

>> No.77517466

>Niji wasn't failing?
They aren't tho, like they really aren't. I get that people like to look at the dumpster fire that is NijiEN, but, I hope people do realize just how little does EN matter to the wider Niji scene, like, please, for the love of god, just take 5 minutes to look at NijiJP twitter, and realize that these mf have the entirely of Japan dancing in the palm of their hand, NijiJP is currently the biggest entertainment company in Japan and the hold like 70% of something of the Japanese vtuber market. Like I GET thinking that NijiEN is the end of all things, but they were like, getting an extra nugget with your order, not getting it doesn't change that you got exactly what you asked for.
NijiEn was a bonus to al already exorbitant salary. losing it sucks, but doesn't change the fact that you're winning at life

>> No.77517513

easy on the anti-Semitism

>> No.77517577

I remember them doing this all the way back to the Facebook and Twitter IPOs, holding positions completely contrary to their own analysis.

>> No.77517647

Normally Selen's firing would've been comparable to the Taiwan yab in impact. It would've been very fucked and pissed people off but would blow over after a few months.
But then Anycolor decided to do the most evil thing you can do in vtubing and forced their EN talents to make a statement in defense of The Company at the expense of the person they spent years working with and developing relationships with. It completely destroyed any semblance of trust people had for the company.

>> No.77517891
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>NijiEn was a bonus to al already exorbitant salary. losing it sucks, but doesn't change the fact that you're winning at life

>> No.77517950

Anon, the stock doesn't matter, it never did. Even if it did, still doing better than all the other vtuber companies that are public

>> No.77518070
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>Anon, the stock doesn't matter, it never did.
Of course it matters, it's everything for them.
>Even if it did, still doing better than all the other vtuber companies that are public
>what about X
The point is that Anycolor has lost 42.55% of its stock value in just a 4 months.

>> No.77518191
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>> No.77518270

>Of course it matters, it's everything for them.
No it's not, a part of their business, and little more, not important when they have a bordeline monopoly in Japanese vtubing

>> No.77518324

>Anon, the stock doesn't matter, it never did
It actually does for Riku and if it gets bad enough he might start trimming the fat

>> No.77518425

>No it's not
If its not why is he very focused on keeping the stock up to the point that he did a buyback and throw a liver under the bus to appease shareholders?

>> No.77518473

>when they have a bordeline monopoly in Japanese vtubing
Anon, Hololive exists and Nijisanji can't touch them.

>> No.77518937

If it didn't matter why has the following happenned in short succession
>a stock split
>Share buyback
>margin lending
>CEO public IR response to nijien fiasco
These are not things a company that is confident about its share values. Not even the biggest companies in the world like google apple etc would do all that in the space of 4 years. Let alone doing a stock split, share buyback and allowing margin lending in the space of something like 18months. Also the majority of riku's wealth is based on his Anycolor shareholding. He used to be a billionaire - he's not even close to it anymore.

>> No.77519063

>Anon, Hololive exists and Nijisanji can't touch them.
very well know fact that Niji is way more popular than Holo in japan, just like how it's the opposite in the west

>> No.77519391
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>very well know fact that Niji is way more popular than Holo in japan
Anon, lying is bad.

>> No.77519484

The issue isn't really losing NijiEN. It's that Anycolor seems to be incapable of growth outside of Japan. KR was a failure and got merged into JP. ID was a failure and also got merged. Now it looks like it's EN time for merging. How do you explain a large drop in views and revenue to investors expecting growth and to break into the english markets? Yes, they do fine in Japan, but they're showing signs of stagnation, and their opportunities for growth are shrinking.

>> No.77519631
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Remember, always do the opposite of what merchants say

>> No.77519849

HoloJP has those numbers because their audience is international, meanwhile NijiJp audience is actually JP. Take the western viewers away from Holo and it would fall to half of what they have. You can't go 10 seconds in a big city in Japan without seeing something Nijisanji

>> No.77520062

>Take away Hololive's viewers and they would have fewer viewers
Brilliant analysis

>> No.77520134
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>HoloJP has those numbers because their audience is international
Proof? Because I'm pretty sure that most of the western viewers only watch clips.
>You can't go 10 seconds in a big city in Japan without seeing something Nijisanji
Sure, I can believe that. They are spending way more money on marketing. That doesn't mean that they are more popular, just that, again, they are spending more money on marketing.

The numbers are very clear:

>No. of streams: 659
>Total stream hours: 1762.8
>Total watched hours 26,188,864

>No. of streams: 2123
>Total stream hours: 6298.8
>Total watched hours 20,619,071

>> No.77520209

The average CCV is also insane:



>> No.77520241

You do know international growth is what Riku promised to the investors, right ?

>> No.77520293

So you are saying that Hololive is doing everything right and that Anycolor is way less popular everywhere. Got it.

>> No.77520461

>You can't go 10 seconds in a big city in Japan without seeing something Nijisanji
Oh my fucking god, you are that one sister from the other day who doesn't understand how marketing works

>> No.77522188

It matters if they consider being a part of "prime market" segment of the stock a relevant metric of their company. Don't remember from who i grabbed this or where but here.

>Anycolor is considered to be a part of "Prime Market" on the Tokyo Stock Exchange:

>TSX requires "Prime Market" stocks to add up to 10B in total stock value:

>At 1590 yen per share they will fall below that 10B yen total, which automatically triggers Tokyo Stock Exchange's "Improvement Period" which basically means "you have a year to unfuck yourself or we delist you".

On a what about tism, cover is preparing to ENTER the "prime market" segment:

>> No.77522478

holy kek

>> No.77522546


>> No.77523144

Khyo still defends the talents after grifting with the Selen drama
IIRC he is or was an unironic ennafan

>> No.77523442
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Take a look at who are 19th and 30th on this recent Nikkei survey of brand awareness in Japan anon

>> No.77523612

Dyrbi? That stream fucked up the CEO himself. There's no way it was mandated by anykuro, it was 100% the talent's own doing

>> No.77523823

>There's no way it was mandated by anykuro, it was 100% the talent's own doing
Sure, and that's why no one involved was punished in any way, and they are still featured in every single collab, promo and merch.

>> No.77523919

Oy vey, shut your gab

>> No.77524370

Coping hard when most of the livers also retweeted the stream, using same wordings. the management just sucks at PR

>> No.77524426
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>using same wordings.
Yup, it's obvious as fuck that management told them what to do and they just went along with it

>> No.77525280

Reminder that the next yab is already priced in

>> No.77525531

just fucking stop sister
NEVER ever talk anything about JP scene ever again until you have better sources than nyfco and your 2 days trip in japan jesus christ

>> No.77526929

I never believed

>> No.77527626

You're either a member of the tribe or you aren't
