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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7745715 [Reply] [Original]

Welp, Virtuality Project is dead

>> No.7745745

Literally who

>> No.7745763


>> No.7745767


>> No.7745774

Literally who?

>> No.7745792
File: 12 KB, 546x117, Email.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intern kun...

>> No.7745831

Literally what?

>> No.7745905

So the vtubers keep their models at least and will keep streaming if they want? That is good at least.

>> No.7745984

Don't worry. I'm sure there will be 10 more startup companies to pick-up the slack of lack of new vtubers and close down in a few months.

>> No.7745988

wasn't there a similar news such as this some time ago where another startup indie company had to close down because the CEO literally went MIA?

>> No.7746057

Never knew them but RIP.
There was a very small company/group that shut down for financial reasons a couple weeks ago I forget the name but they only had around 3 members

>> No.7746104

>bunch of literal nobody twitch streamers
Dont give a fuck

>> No.7746416
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Good riddance.

>> No.7746695

Virpro was one of the worst of the ENStartups.

Many will fall in the coming months.

>> No.7746719

Get rich or die trying

>> No.7746751


>> No.7746797


>> No.7746819


>> No.7746865


>> No.7747037

Shitty "startup" group that was just a few friends/artists that wanted to throw some cash and try their hand at vtubing. Nothing lost.

>> No.7747075

one of them is streaming right now

>> No.7747084

These chicks need to just be indies together

>> No.7747163

truth. You need serious money and good talents to stay competitive in the corposphere. Proper advertisement, connections (editors, artists, musicians, other chuubas/groups) and decent capital to mitigate the losses you'll inevitably take in your first 6 months.

>> No.7747171

Yuria seems pretty good, good talker, great diction and accent, good rp and use of model.
She's already carrying 2 jobs, hope she gets in a better startup, or Niji wave 4.

>> No.7747223

To the surprise of nobody

>> No.7747227

Damn, there's a whole lotta owls in this thread.

>> No.7747272
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The seal graduated on the first. Is she a possible Niji Wave 3 and or HoloEN2 candidate

>> No.7747276

Gross. Vaginas are fucking gross and gay

>> No.7747309

I don't know what your tumblrina speak means

>> No.7747329

More gross than that 10/10 burp she just did?

>> No.7747355

If I want to hear a vtuber burp I'd sooner watch the autistic catholic deer

>> No.7747364

Who are you even talking to? Take your meds.

>> No.7747372

>open stream
>hear a forced hiccup
>close stream

>> No.7747472

Yet when Amelia watson does it it's hilarious...

>> No.7747506

Nobody is laughing at a disease
Even less people are laughing when you are making fun of them or faking a disability

>> No.7747516

Do your reps, faggot.

>> No.7747562


>> No.7747770

It's not an agency

>> No.7747802
File: 174 KB, 735x703, date revealed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why this arbitrary date. These startups don't understand hype. There has to be someone worth sharing and building hype for.

>> No.7747850
File: 187 KB, 511x496, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fucking LARP.

>> No.7747869
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>> No.7748620

Go back

>> No.7749519

Pearl Orient Productions, a SEA group from the Philippines

>> No.7749533

>one of them has pronouns in bio
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.7750051

what do words mean, or are they trying to capture the vshojo magic

>> No.7750244

Watching Yuria right now.

>> No.7750347

If you are less recognized than CyberLive here your company is literally NGMI

>> No.7750407

Not half bad, she should ask Slugma if she is up for a cheap hire.

>> No.7750554

>listens to advice
>stop supporting her and her company
>they end up shutting down

>> No.7750564

Wave 4 is males, wave 3 is females.

>> No.7750600

I haven't heard of them before today, but I wish for them all the best. Nobody deserves to stumble or falter when trying to do what they love. Hopefully they all persevere and can find greater success in the future.

>> No.7750658

Basically they want an excuse to take a portion of their earnings without having any responsibility of being an agency.

>> No.7750823

Is Vshoujo actually the best model? Get a group of people that have had some level of success to come together. They keep their models. They don't have managers unless they want to hire their own. They don't get fucked on a % of their earnings. They only pay into the group with a cut of merch sales, to fund the minimum administrative overhead.

This seems infinitely better than shelling out a bunch of cash for models than hiring whatever 5 randos show up to your audition and hoping you catch lightning in a bottle and one of them gets big.

>> No.7750883

I'm glad it's going under then. That sort of insanity needs to be kept away from vtubers.

>> No.7751260


>> No.7751296

that gayest of vaginas

>> No.7751365

if she uncontrollably farted it would be funnier
the streamer with tourette is pretty funny and she's okay with laughing about it

>> No.7751475

It is, the problem is not just anyone can pull it off. Gunrun is ex-Twitch staff and has been a part of streaming for a decade, before it was even relevant. He's got worldwide industry connections that are near infinite, as well as the know-how to keep these girls relevant for years to come.

That's the only reason any of these girls decided to join instead of just staying indie and that's the type of manager/CEO it would take to form anything close to VShojo successfully.

>> No.7751556

are you saying vshojo is literally being carried by someone and not their talent? imagine my shock

>> No.7751777

Everyone is being carried by someone and not their talent alone, no one makes it on just that. No one does it on their own. They've got clippers, editors, and sometimes even managers that work to push their content to a wide market.

Gunrun provides exposure, worldwide exposure. It's still up to viewers if they want to stay based on the streamer's talent, he just casts a much wider net.

To break it down, imagine you're a mediocre streamer with no connections. You struggle to find viewers because while you're not boring, but there's nothing extraordinary about you and only a few thousand people will ever see your content in order to give it a chance and out of those thousands only 5% will stick around for long.

Now imagine you've the same streamer except hundreds of thousands of people see your content because of the massive exposure you're getting. Even if only 5% is still staying, that's 5% of hundreds of thousands.

>> No.7751914

Audition period is over and she said she quit before the company announced shut down. But isn't sure about going indie? Wonder if she is waiting on interviews.

>> No.7752471

It sounds like they weren't involved in what the streamers were doing and just tossed money at them, not surprised

>> No.7752517

ok but who?

>> No.7752549


looks like that one is still gonna keep streaming

>> No.7752679

Its probably an excuse to be extremely barebones

>> No.7752812

>But isn't sure about going indie? Wonder if she is waiting on interviews.
Tsunderia, Kawaii annd Niji Wave3 had audition openings

>> No.7753955

I watched Yuria a few times, their are other agencies they can apply to if they want to. Prism project will likely have a 4th generation this year, kawaii and phase connect are doing auditions for their gen 2.

>> No.7758648

It's pretty much them all blowing up to the point where they need help with admin shit, and naturally an opportunity arising to get some good talent on the management and branding side. Easily the shrewdest model over all these startups, which like all venture capital funded crap will 90% fail and shit over talent as they do so.

This is definitely revisionist from the point of view of a Mousey/Nyanners/Melody at least. All three were pulling insane numbers and growing before they had a cohesive brand - I'm sure gunrun opened doors but part of why the VShojo model works is that it isn't that VC style "spend a fuckton on acquiring an audience" - it's more about providing services to the talent to improve what's already working.

>> No.7761195

Sure, I have nothing to lose. AMA

>> No.7761646

Not to say they weren't already big, but they wouldn't have been afforded any of the opportunities and significant growth post-announcement they they've had without Gunrun's formation of the group. They'd still be a bunch of indies who keep in mind could barely even get sponsorships due to their content and lack of management skills outside of content creation itself. Zentreya was pushing some weird not-agency Twitch group that she wasn't even sure how to curate or manage at all prior to VShojo's formation. While they weren't doing bad by any means, their influx overall is directly related to Vshojo's formation.

>> No.7762347


>> No.7762995

anything spicy in the contracts

>> No.7765231

They probably have the funds to create a startup agency but are starting off as a 'non-agency' first to build the brand. That could explain why they seem so tryhard, like having applications for a group.

>> No.7765337

>Open stream
>Close stream

>> No.7765783

Nope if you google licensing contract template you’ll probably find the exact one they used

>> No.7766165

Amber glow is next

>> No.7766942

touch some grass

>> No.7769580
File: 34 KB, 806x444, 871646348964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice logo

>> No.7772290

>not refunding the merch

>> No.7772474

I hope seru kisen gets into niji or something. fuck

>> No.7772534

go back to twitter, tranny

>> No.7772940

Didn't they just have auditions themselves?
What is happening with their gen 2

>> No.7773766

She's ESL for christ's sake. Come on, man.

>> No.7773813

No no no no no Hokorichads don't look

>> No.7774248

Bro she just fat. They aren't hiccups they are burps and it's usually due to poor health and obesity.

>> No.7774346

This exact post made the company lose all their money

>> No.7774393

Apparently they'd already been decided but aren't debuting any more.

>> No.7774416

They either want to be the next vshojo or they're appealing to retarded millenials that hate capitalism and corporations so they call their corporation a "not-corporation"

>> No.7774832

Vshojo would be a nobody company if they didnt bring on talent that already had millions of followers. They basically just scammed a bunch of retarded weeb girls into giving them part of their profits

>> No.7774872

What the fuck thats literally Tsunderia's logo

>> No.7774887

Tsunderia didn't invent crowns

>> No.7776633

no one appreciates copycats

>> No.7781588

The don't even know (who?) they are.

>> No.7781785
File: 204 KB, 1600x1700, depositphotos_299108572-stock-illustration-set-black-crown-logo-design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

out of al the crown designs they couldve gone with they chose the one that looks like Tsunderias

>> No.7782046

Best and worst experiences? If you could rewind to a few days before your debut, what would you try differently?

>> No.7782571

Good. The only good western virtual youtuber agency is a dead one.

>> No.7784391

It was the easiest to draw

>> No.7786309

Not a vtuber just close to one of the staff

>> No.7786513

based, english whores can't sound cute.

>> No.7787551

What was management like?

>> No.7788716

optimistic to a fault the entire time ive known them

I only know some of the earlier things that happened when the first two left because we stopped talking about virpro after awhile but they had a soft spot for them and gave them a deal when ending their contracts so they got to keep some of their assets the company paid for for less than the company paid

they also would ignore enforcing the hour requirement for the talent because they didn't want to upset them

>> No.7788823

I hadn't heard about them but rip I guess. The problem is I doubt anything is being lost; if the talent was good they would have succeeded.

>> No.7788893

VShojo did the smartest thing possible: Taking existing indie talent, most of whom were already successful, and bringing them a wider audience. They should scoop up Haruka and Snuffy too.

>> No.7789237

Just like that anon said, they only pay into the group with a cut of merch sales in the VShojo store and even then they can keep their own store on the side where they keep all earnings.

>> No.7789379

A few people besides the main girls they started with were contacted when the project first started, but they turned it down because they didn't want to be locked into anything and probably didn't really get the reach Gunrun has.

>> No.7789419

>millions of followers
First, this isn't even true

Second, I know you're new to streaming since you probably only started watching when VTubers got popular, but even the biggest Twitch streamers on the platform (and some smaller than some of the girls even) have managers to take care of shit like this. Most people are not skilled enough to manage themselves, VShojo was an amazing deal for them especially if you look at the guy who created the group. The girls would likely be large but stagnant without his intervention.

>> No.7789707

Anything spicy at all?

kek seems like they were just too nice which made them lose money

>> No.7789954

Most of them were just friends of Melody to be honest. Some were flat out not vtubers, like Hime and Froot. I think while Mel might be the gatekeeper, Gunrun makes the final decision based on popularity - or at least potential popularity.

I mean, Silver's no major draw but she's well-liked. That definitely applies to Haruka and Snuffy, and I bet he's scouted Momo too.

>> No.7791173

This is basically exactly what happened
