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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7741122 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell was she trying to tell us here?

>> No.7741324

She thought we are degenerates and would love to see her being abused. Just show her masochist mentality

>> No.7741345

Abusing women is wrong, it was a form of reverse psychology or what the fuck it's called.
She shows a scene of abuse, makes people recoil and think "damn, this is bad"

>> No.7742049

that mel should have liked the manager

>> No.7742423

that she's an M who didn't realize her fans treasure her too much to be S towards her.
the problem with being rough with your toys is that eventually you break them.

>> No.7743038

That her obscene amount of pandering is the only thing that's gotten her to where she is. Coomer pandering, EOP pandering, ryona pandering.

Without these things she wouldn't be nearly as relevant as she is. That's what she's trying to say. I wonder what kind of pandering she'll do next.

>> No.7743705
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Breaking in your favorite toy isn't bad, so long as you don't smash it to pieces or tear it apart. Especially if you repair it yourself. Alternating between hard and soft is best. It's just that gachis are soft-hearted simps looking for a chuba who could a a mother to them.

On the other hand, Marine wants a fanbase of confident, manly, self actualized heroes who'd hit a woman any day of the week just for being annoying. She wants to be scolded, told what to do to improve herself, and have a chat that could unironically be a father to her. This is why she's so disappointed in her cherry boys. Society demand you bro down and bend the knee, but what women want is the exact opposite. If you're not strict and don't have standards for your oshi, then you've failed her as a gachi and will never be a father to both her and her children.

Hopefully Marine's buttpirates will take a hint and become more assertive. After all, a chat is a reflection of the streamer. A weak chat implies a weak streamer, while a strong, resolute, yet untameable crew is the mark of a true captain.

>> No.7743874

She's either really like that and having fun with her viewers or she has been playing up that image for a long time. Pick your poison. It's not surprising and there's no good reason to be shocked or appalled by it unless the person is brainwashed by media, or an inexperienced child.

>> No.7744089

She is insecure and thinks that her audience find her very annoying with the horny thing, so she thought making a video of her getting slapped would make her audience happy.

>> No.7744101

Idk I just jerked off to it

>> No.7744168

Feels like your post is trying to paint it in a bad light but I have trouble seeing how it could be
they are entertainers and they give content that the fans like, what's the problem here

>> No.7744216

She probably wants people to draw her in more interesting situations. This was her way to send a "I'm ok with any scenario, don't be shy!". Her new outfit is also easier for drawing. I guess there's not enough fucked up art of herself that she can get off to.

>> No.7744427


Women are fucking weird, anon. You'd be shocked to find out just exactly how much of women's subservience and abuse has been instilled, persisted and propagated by women themselves. The very moment a relatively small group of women rose up to demand the right to vote (without having to "earn" it by signing up for the draft) just goes to show you quickly and drastically shit changes the very moment women are no longer content in their modernity. They are literally their own worst enemies. And dipshit, faux virtuous white knight cucks think it will work out just fine if they fight their battles for them. Spoiler alert: it fucking won't. (That last sentence ain't aimed at this particular situation, but rather an observation made in general.)

tl;dr, senchou is too fucking degen for her own good sometimes. But it kinda adds to her charm, so I guess it's okay.

>> No.7744497

She was trying to filter the betafags but they ended up making up more of her viewers than expected so she had to backtrack.

>> No.7744612

She needs to be saved from the domestic abuse she receives daily from management and her "fellow" members from the Holo house

>> No.7744648

I asked her to make this because I'm a ryonaking.

>> No.7744706

>What the hell was she trying to tell us here?
Light violence makes girls horny. Severe beatings not so much but some playful abuse gets them wetter than Niagara Falls.

>> No.7744745

>"Please make me understand"

>> No.7744762
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Ask me how I know you don't have sex

>> No.7744766

she wanted her fans to stop being bitches and just dominate her, but they refused

>> No.7744787

Man, you sound like Char! But we all know he died in the one year war.

>> No.7744788

Ask me how I know you don't have sex

>> No.7744795

if she wants to be abused then the only true way of abusing her is denying the abuse

>> No.7744801

Lmao, the absolute state of this board

>> No.7744812

how do you know he doesn't have sex?

>> No.7744818

I think a lot of them have low expectations of their fans based off of their previous interactions with men.
Lots of women genuinely think men are literal doujin protagonists who have cocks which want to fuck everything and can't win against their dicks will. I'll never forget some of the sad things I've heard some women say to me, like that they expect men to try to fuck other girls if they can.

You'd think it's just an innocent act but women are really unaware of how men work. They do an amazing job pretending they understand men but they actually really struggle with a lot of it.

>> No.7744827

Since she was surprised by the reaction, she clearly misunderstood the viewers as an homogeneous mass. With all that horny and sexuality thing, she thought viewers would enjoy the chance to slap her. She clearly didn't realize how many viewers like and feel affection to her and are not fondly of violence play. Even worse considering the first video didn't have any erotic or playful connotation, just a crude gratuitous slap.

>> No.7744837

Ask me how I know you've never even talked to a woman.

>> No.7744872
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That she stans Governor Cuomo.

>> No.7744875

Women don't understand men as much as they are told they do. A lot of issues can arise from this.

>> No.7744900

>They do an amazing job pretending they understand men
no, they really fucking don't

>> No.7744905

She didn't realize how much of her fans were loser virgins

>> No.7744906

The slap isn't what bothered people, it's how she reacted afterwards, She was ran off crying. If she jumped the camera or got into horni mode or suddenly offered her butt then it's going to be a different story. The whole maso thing is only good in bed.

>> No.7744912

he doesn't know women like to get roughed up

>> No.7744917

That Japan is weird because they have an actual term for abuse fetish.

>> No.7744927
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Ask me how I know you don't know anything about women outside of the porn you watch

>> No.7744986

I got incredibly erect from looking at this image. What the hell, this is a first for me. And there it goes. What a weird thing to happen. Smug sharks might be a hidden fetish of mine.

>> No.7745019
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>> No.7745063
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what did he mean by this?

>> No.7745074

Crying is submission, only femboy fags don't think crying girls are hot

>> No.7745086

Shes a fujoshi, she assumed you faggots cant possibly all be bottoms. whats not to get?

>> No.7745104

>t. abusive coomer

>> No.7745106
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To punish her fat, shapely ass essentially.

>> No.7745135

she realized her followers were low test faggots unironically. you can see her disappointment when she realized she was getting dislike bombed for being more kinky than her fanbase. it was a huge whiplash for her and a good reminder she was going through a midlife crisis who realized her eggs were about to dry up.

notice she also toned down the "lewd"-ness after that clip and reactions from it. she realized she has top tier simps where she doesnt have to put in effort to get money from them but she was also sad that she couldnt get any more creative since she now knows the fanbase is too low test to appreciate her kinks.

weird situation but interesting nonetheless.

>> No.7745138

I would argue that makes them more mentally mature.

>> No.7745177

Yeah it's kind of sad if you think about it. All of those people complaining, it's like they don't even fucking listen to anything she's saying. It's like, what are they even following her for?

>> No.7745193
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Why are there so many coomer fans in hololive? There's almost no reason to be a fan of Marine other than "sexy anime girl being slutty". Smh

>> No.7745202

What the fuck am I looking at?

>> No.7745223

he meant quit bumping these dusty threads

>> No.7745235
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>A weak chat implies a weak streamer, while a strong, resolute, yet untameable crew is the mark of a true captain.
by this metric pekora and nousagi and watamates are top tier fanbase then?

>> No.7745240

She's into some real kinky shit and her fans aren't on that level

>> No.7745241
File: 60 KB, 1023x682, 830123213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this much of a virgin
Anon just because you talk to your mom when she asks if you want tendies or nuggets for dinner it doesn't make you an expert on women

>> No.7745252

Nothing too complicated. She's a views whore. Saw how low effort it was to get million views on the shorts and made follow-up after follow-up to capitalize on it.

>> No.7745277

Yea most vtuber fans are literal walking doormats that constantly donate money so they don't feel alone. most vtubers know they don't have to put in anyone effort because these fans will watch anything like the mindless drones they are

>> No.7745306

Coomers are everywhere, stop generalizing.

>> No.7745331

I like pain in the ass girls.

>> No.7745349

I think her life experiences made it so she expects punishment even when she's not doing something particularly bad? Given the track record of being an office slave and being cheated on

>> No.7745437

That's why I say it was a gratuitous since it didn't have any playful connotation unlike subsequent video with the heart pupils. And considering the video from some days with the 'fake' slap, she still doesn't get it...

>> No.7745493
File: 234 KB, 491x471, 1628237278756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually girls who tend to show they like light abuse indicate they want to be controlled which implies they want to be tied down to some job/priority, In this case since she already has a job, she wants someone to make her a wife or mother and tell her to take care of the kids.
its a good indicator that women are not meant to be in control, she's self-aware and smart to know this. hence why many "redpilled" women enjoy being told what to do, not because it gets them wet (it does) but in the long run, they're happier following instructions than thinking for themselves.

>> No.7745538
File: 152 KB, 626x659, 1540744538834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the hell was she trying to tell us here

>> No.7745539

>playful connotation
>it didnt have a playful connotation
do you also need a light show on where the vaginer is when you're about to fuck a girl?
women dont like to make stuff obvious, if she makes it obvious then you dont really get her, do you?

>> No.7745540

This is why I will continue to bully Nene about her vegetables. Whether she ends up vomiting on stream or not.

>> No.7745621

I see, you win.

>> No.7745641

Gosh, this board sure is dusty.

>> No.7745769

god she's fucking perfect, wish I'd find out about her sooner, like 10 years sooner

>> No.7745804

Nousagi are the best fanbase a vtuber can ask for. They're a complete cancer to the rest of the community, but separate from the community aspect they are both devoted and demanding to Pekora herself and will reward her with numbers as appropriate.

>> No.7746158

Marine does absolutely nothig to atrack the kind of men you are describing as audience tho. She would need to tease and push chat a hell of a lot more and only reward them when she is pushed back, the chat she has now is the one she built.

>> No.7746417

Why'd you switch from talking about a type of woman to generalizing that across women in general?
Fuck you could apply that second paragraph to humanity in general, just swap women with humanity and men with talking heads.

>> No.7746704

>Why'd you switch from talking about a type of woman to generalizing that across women in general?
why wouldnt I? I used a norm to show marine falls under that pattern of aching to be taken control of and be a mother as she ages.
I notice patterns and I'm good at it. are you one of those dilating freaks that think patterns are racist?

>> No.7747497

Women literally get scared if someone raises their voice at them and cry when they get frustrated, get your equality bullshit out of here

>> No.7747752

this, doing anything around women requires walking on eggshells all the time because they're so easy to break both physically and mentally

>> No.7748392

That she's a fucking whore, but it's ok when Japan does it.

>> No.7748440

pervert and whore aren't the same thing dipshit

>> No.7748531


Pervert: Marine
Whore: Matsuri

>> No.7748535

Ah yes, I forgot that she's merely pretending and actually a virgin.

>> No.7748629

nobody said that
take your daily dose please

>> No.7751748

>gurl i know how to control my man
>sweetie i know that guy lookin me up
Culturally women are expected to be manipulative social creatures able to control kings, emperors, anyone, with their witching manipulative social ways.

>> No.7751911

Yes, but Marines fans are one of the biggest groups of coomers I've ever seen

>> No.7752133

and they actually think they do it themselves, rather than the system around them that ensures they are treated better than they deserve or you risk getting fucked by the (((law)))

>> No.7752160

incel detected

>> No.7752166

>post on VT
>having sex

>> No.7752259

I don't need her pandering, I just like her voice.
