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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77428962 No.77428962[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This will undoubtedly affect Japanese vtubing going forward.

>> No.77429009


>> No.77429013


>> No.77429080

Japan is already filled with indians man
>t. tokyofag

>> No.77429096

what does a jp indian mix look like?

>> No.77429141
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Mix any East Asian with Indian and you get something like looks kinda Thai, which makes sense.

>> No.77429155 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.77429256

>throwing trash on the streets
Oh the horror. LITTERING!

>> No.77429276

American spotted.

>> No.77429284
File: 214 KB, 512x512, 1692035987165699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are pajeets doing in Japan? Beyond cheering for israel and scamming old people in the US, these cunts have little appreciation for anything beyond their borders.

>> No.77429301

Are they a problem, or are they mostly integrating fine

>> No.77429310
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saars dont be racist

>> No.77429329

actual subhuman behavior

>> No.77429337
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This may come as a surprise to you, prakash, but in a civilized society, littering is very much frowned upon. Now go back to cold calling people and asking for apple gift cards, you've got a quota to fill.

>> No.77429345

>Are they a problem
have you fucking seen canada and the uk

>> No.77429346

aren't there a ton of nepalese in Tokyo already? are they any different

>> No.77429406

Just once I wish these channels would have at least a token video saying "worst liberal TikToker" but then you can't ride the culture war grift being bipartisan.

>> No.77429455

>Are they a problem

>> No.77429465

Silence street shitter

>> No.77429507

The guy he's calling out on the bottom is kind of based
I hate saars, why can't Japan hire skilled white people instead?

>> No.77429516

Imagine having to ask this. lmao Holy fuck how sheltered are you?

>> No.77429520

so just like any other gypsy. ew.

>> No.77429525

All third worlders are vermins so yes

>> No.77429547
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Because, back then, "skilled" US marines kept raping Okinawan girls. Quite a stigma there.

>> No.77429564

Are Thai also subhumans like other third wolders?

>> No.77429565

Nigger shut the fuck up, I live in the US and I've never had a problem with a pajeet. I was just asking a question

>> No.77429576

I wish japanese knew pajeets do all the raping all the time and way worse

>> No.77429584

good bait

>> No.77429596

I live half a planet away and even I know how bad they're shitting up Canada. Maybe try looking further than your nose is long for once, asshole.

>> No.77429603

Deserved tho after WW2

>> No.77429613

>Nigger shut the fuck up, I live in the US and I've never had a problem with a pajeet. I was just asking a question
dumb retard your neighbor canada is being raped by them and theyre coming soon to you, theyre already crossing the borders

>> No.77429622

Was it ever mentioned the race of who was trying to kidnap biboo or talk to shiori and nerissa?

Anyway if japan didnt have a problem with sekuharalmaoit definitely will now

>> No.77429659

if I said what was truly deserved around WW2 I'd go to prison.

>> No.77429669

they are trannies and hippies

>> No.77429682

All she said is that he talked to her in japanese.

>> No.77429687
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IDK about anywhere else but where I live there's a bunch of Sikhs. They have a temple and everything. They kind of keep to themselves but they seem nice enough and have nice houses generally. I like to go out to parks and exercise and I see them there a lot, 2nd only to white people.

>> No.77429718

Lmao I have to deal with Tyrone and Jose shooting each other and dealing drugs, I'm not really worried about Rajeesh bringing over his special curry recipe from Canada.

>> No.77429721

Pretty sure those were nigs. The USMC just love to recruit them, for some reason.

>> No.77429724

>They built temples in foreign land

>> No.77429728

Imagine the train situation

>> No.77429754

>I live half a planet away and even I know how bad they're shitting up Canada
Keep. Sure you do, Europoor.

>> No.77429780


>> No.77429786
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you are retarded or good at baiting

>> No.77429788

the numberbros went on a pilgrimage to see the place where the graphs are created

>> No.77429810

Oh boi those pajeets are going to make those chikan javs look like childs play.

>> No.77429822

Just neck yourself retard, stop replying to me

>> No.77429831

This is just a thinly veiled /pol/ thread

>> No.77429837

shut up pajeet ambassador

>> No.77429843

I think it really depends on which ones are making their way in. I've known some great Indian people who have good manners and would never litter. But then I've seen a lot of the bad ones that give India its street shitting identity.

>> No.77429876

Something tells me the average doctor or whatever other urban professional getting approved to come here isn't a literal shitflinging villager.

>> No.77429884

So what happened there? Did the jap authorities actually arrested those curry niggas or did they, in true jp cuck fashion, chickened out and let them go

>> No.77429895

>all people that do no research on the country, it's customs and norms before visiting are garbage people
i fixed it for you.
let's not forget the picture with white people doing bullshit in the train.
any faggot that goes to a foreign country and do zero research are faggots.

>> No.77429910
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do you really believe

>> No.77429922

I guess there's no jannies at this time huh

>> No.77429924

>I share a board with pajeets
I would've thought /vt/ would at least be safe from them...

>> No.77429942

Vtubers don't leave their houses, so it'll have no effect on them specifically.

>> No.77429960

>thinly veiled

>> No.77429981

JP cops are living life on ez mode and have no experience dealing with actual thugs except maybe those patrolling around the african-rich wards of Tokyo.

>> No.77430012

Disagree because some cultures are just inherently superior

>> No.77430017

One day we'll just wake up, turn on the tv, and see on news some indian that got arrested after Raping a japanese schoolgirl or something. Its literally only a matter of time now..

>> No.77430038

reminds me of how powerless jap authorities are with apprehending Johnny Somali and it actually took a passing of a bill at the Parliament just so they can deport him.

>> No.77430041

Shut the fuck up with these disinformation "let me tell you about indians despite me being a white fucker who never set foot 1 mile outside his city" /pol/shit. You are all so brainrotted you believe the webms and memes you see here on 4chan like it was real life. Let me tell you, 1 SEA bastard is worst than 10 the poorest of poor Indian man.

>> No.77430049

So they let them go then??

>> No.77430054

>Maniac has responded with a scornful remark

>> No.77430060

Unfortunate ESL moment

>> No.77430068


>> No.77430076

Retard, both are subhumans

>> No.77430077

Speaking as a Canadian,
Also it’s near impossible to guarantee that an Indian immigrant will actually be highly skilled or capable of integration cause those fuckers will lie and cheat out their ass to pretend they’re capable people. You’re gonna get a bunch of slimy uneducated rural fucks that not even other Indians like instead.

>> No.77430083

Post hand

>> No.77430110

idk but if you search wmaf porn 9/10 it's a Thai girl

>> No.77430115

Literally Hitler take but I'm not surprised

>> No.77430124

Bet they are gonna vote for the people that let them in though

>> No.77430131

america did this

>> No.77430142
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OP here, im latino you retarded pajeet

>> No.77430169
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So parasite infected street shitter rich white womanwho lfvoes everyone that she never has to actually interact with or paid globalist proaganda shill? Just wanna know what to put on the ledger

>> No.77430174

not that guy but they literally eat cow shit and piss and shit on the streets and rape women

>> No.77430175

You are also a subhuman btw, just like those pajeets and SEAniggers

>> No.77430183

You need to say bad things about the tiny hat people to make them move faster.

>> No.77430191

t. American

>> No.77430202

whatever you say pajeet

>> No.77430240

Ask IRyS

>> No.77430248

SEAnigger are literally taking worst trait of chinese and mutt history of mixbreeding. They dont speak english, are uneducated, and have no money. Yet because of /pol/ propaganda you consume you think they are on the same level as ghetto Indian in cherrypicked webm you think speaks for all of India. It is like if I post webm of detroit and say "this is america and all americans"

>> No.77430261
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Bringing an actual /vt/ related post.
What the fuck was nijisanji thinking when they made this?

>> No.77430267

Well you can't convince me streetshitting Indians and tranny retarded SEA people are equal to average Europeans or Americans can you?

>> No.77430295

??? im not saying that's not the case?
im saying if you go to fucking japan and you act like you're going to bongland or canada then don't get mad when more places straight up say no to letting foreigners in.
the west have similar cultures so it's easier but when it comes to japan, china etc act differently and the locals will watch you like a shit stain.
are you a fucking dumbass?
kill yourself.

>> No.77430357

For someone who hates streetshitters you sure are less proficient in English than them.

>> No.77430361

I wonder if there would be massive outrage if some pajeet actually raped a japanese woman and the word got out? They seemed to have been upset about US Servicemen doing that before

>> No.77430383

ah indians, the worst kind of race when they are uneducated

>> No.77430391

Whatever happened to US Constitution?

>> No.77430393

They're Asian. Of course they're going to integrate.

>> No.77430428

Any politician who lets them in won’t get a second term because the presence of Indians will make even the most liberal citizen turn racist, at least against Indians, even if they don’t say it aloud.
I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. They’ll take away job opportunities, drive up housing, ruin local traffic, perv on local women, and bring their own brand of racist and prejudice with them. They’re the gypsies of any country they emigrate to. They just are exactly as bad as the racist people say they are, it’s not even actual discrimination, it’s the truth.
Not even earlier Indian immigrant like them. They’re actually furious that they’ve ruined the reputation of other Indian immigrants in the west cause they used to fairly well liked. Indian immigrants can be fine in small doses but you can’t let in a lot, you can’t purposely target them, and you have to investigate them extremely hard for lies on their application.

>> No.77430455

1 billion audience Saar
Vtubing superpower by 2025

>> No.77430470

Poor white cope because you are NEET losers who can only dream of going to Japan meanwhile we intelligent and skilled in the technology of the future are recognized by Japanese as innovators and valued members of society.

>> No.77430471

a little bit of an open secret, usually the ones trowing trash all over the place are japanese teenagers and drunk salaryman (the latter also love to pee on the street.), but because of their xenophobia they always blame foreigners.

>> No.77430485

Well you also can't convince me that the worst British person are somehow still superior than an educated person from Indian or SEA just because they are white so fuck off with your white superiority

>> No.77430489

Noor is more westoid degenerate than most of california commies tho

>> No.77430514

the pajeets they're bringing in are high up in the cast system so they wont be flinging shit everywhere but soon the japanese will know what its like to be around people that constantly see them as subhuman
i swear to fucking god pajeets are some most arrogant entitled people i have ever met in my life

>> No.77430517

japanese curry was a mistake

>> No.77430541

Littering isn’t an exclusively American thing retard

>> No.77430543

go back to your slum retard, tomorrow you have work to do in your chinese-built factory

>> No.77430548

Sikhs are generally the nicer of the browns

>> No.77430579

>tiny hat people
NTA but i literally have no clue who you could mean by this

>> No.77430598

>Fuck off with your white supremacy
Sir, this is 4chan

>> No.77430620

waste of a model the right one

>> No.77430632

I believe he's referring to Jews, anon.

>> No.77430644


>> No.77430654

Browns are still browns regardless

>> No.77430674

I guess they’re rather slim hats but still many better descriptors he could have used. Lots of hats that fit that description

>> No.77430676

That one branch probably got pushed by their indian workers and Riku took the bait.

>> No.77430708

What the fuck is this thread this is not /vt/

>> No.77430746

Take the schizoest white hobo in NYC, they are not aggressive and will not rape. Literally 9/10 of brownoids will rape regardless of education or economic status.

>> No.77430763

>What the fuck was nijisanji thinking when they made this?
Money. Cash. Big bucks.

>> No.77430788

Great thread guys. I like the vtubers you guys talk about here.

>> No.77430800

There's literally nothing wrong with being Indian.

>> No.77430831

>unironic white supremacy thread
Uhhh.... vtubers?

>> No.77430850

No, it's not. It's simple fact. A culture that does not perform FGM is inherently better than one that does, for example. There's nothing racist about this, and portraying it as such is a failure of morality.

>> No.77430853

>skilled in tech
only thing they are good at is phone scamming

>> No.77430866

You could post porn on the catalog right now and it would not get deleted, there's not a single janny awake

>> No.77430877
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>> No.77430923

op is latino... just another thread of a pol/brown retard pretending to be white, wouldn't be surprised if is a phasefag as well

>> No.77430939

Cope retard. 90% of global IT and emerging tech are Indians. We are literally shaping the future.

>> No.77430971

Most vtubers use white models. Vtubing is inherently white supremacist.

>> No.77430975
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>> No.77431012

How about to stop shitting at streets poojeet

>> No.77431015

Not you though, that's for sure.

>> No.77431018

Sure, but don't bring your superior culture with you when you go to a country that has a different culture to yours.

>> No.77431020

the brown models only exist for us with the conquistador gene that want to BLEACH brown women
>what about men
only women can be vtubers

>> No.77431025

only Thailanders living within the radius of capital matter and they don't look like this. they look Chinese

>> No.77431024

This board changes into fucking /v/ I swear to God. Fucking /pol/ colony
If janny won't delete this shit he is a faggot

>> No.77431039

Rent free holokek

>> No.77431058

Indians are basically what Agent Smith described humans to be

>> No.77431067

Is this why the youtube chat is using up 100% cpu nowadays?

>> No.77431093

You just can't accept such a simple fact

>> No.77431128

This is not gonna go well. Indians are already fucking insufferable online, I can't even fathom what it would be like to live amongst them. The only thing Indians are good for is industrial accident gore videos, mocking their hygiene and taking their women.

>> No.77431155

thats probably one of your ad blocker

>> No.77431177
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The classic

>> No.77431187
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>instinctually defaults to tech support

>> No.77431188

No, if its superior then everyone should adapt it. Indians for example should stop shitting on the streets and SEAniggers should stop living in slums and eating pagpag

>> No.77431201

>board filled with lonely white men who simp for virtual anime e-girls
>not /pol/ incarnate

>> No.77431227

Saying the same opinions I've been spouting on other boards will definitely get me banned here so I will remain silent.

>> No.77431248

What a retarded thread.

>> No.77431264

Because skilled white people usually ask for more money

>> No.77431275

Why won't they include people from Eastern Europe, specifically Poland and specifically me?
I'd love to work over there, date gyarus, eat chigyu, go to karaoke and get fired for refusing to do free overtime

>> No.77431294
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>> No.77431341

Maybe you should just stay out of their country and let them shit on their streets and eat pagpag in peace. Faggots like you should know your place.

>> No.77431350

>Agent Smith described humans to be
chinks and russians

>> No.77431379
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I do like the food but I hate how the Japanese are somewhat forcing themselves to accept jeets just because they also like the food

>> No.77431418

Do any of you all actually watch vtubers or have oshis?
Just asking

>> No.77431436

Why are you like this Rajesh?

>> No.77431483

you are late anon, paki chan already work for nijisanji

>> No.77431488

Maybe because a skilled tech from Poland can get into Japan without needing a visa reform.

>> No.77431498


>> No.77431512

And then they will immigrate to Europe or the US, bringing their retarded culture with them? Why not just eradicate their cultures and replace them with superior ones that are objectively better?

>> No.77431539

You can, nothings preventing from getting a job over there if you have a degree

>> No.77431623

No, they should be expected to not bring their culture with them.

>> No.77431625

Holy shit this kind of opinion probably warrants an arrest

>> No.77431639

Not everybody lives in a third world country like India or the USA, pajeet bro.

>> No.77431692

So imperialism is good now?

>> No.77431768

objectively better like circumcising infants, drag queens teaching kids, and worshipping black people?

>> No.77431798

Cheap work force that breeds like rats for even more cheap workforce

>> No.77431860
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>> No.77431863

>/vt/-Cultural Imperialism
Really dogfighting /pol/ for worst board, fellas.

>> No.77431899

I am not sure I would qualify what some of SEA has as a "culture"

>> No.77431928

It was never wrong. Imperialism is only bad if you're on the losing side.

>> No.77431973
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the fuck is this thread nanora?!

>> No.77432014

It's always good of West and White.

>> No.77432015

Well it isn't a thing in my country subhuman

>> No.77432083

The real reason bears win the men vs bear argument is that there’s a 1 in 6 chance of the man the woman is trapped with being an Indian.

>> No.77432095

>mindbroken by /pol/ and mentioning it out of nowhere
tell me you arent a sister newfag without even telling me

>> No.77432110
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>aims to

>> No.77432153

Its always been good to bring civilization to the uncivilized

>> No.77432210

Then we have actually skilled people to fix your pajeet coding. Thank god AI will probably replace you and your shit tech support.

>> No.77432233

>invite shit flinging monkeys to their home
>complains of all the shit flung in their home
fucking idiots

>> No.77432243

The most american post ITT
Im glad your country is losing the culture war

>> No.77432247

So you are convinced he isn't a sister newfag?
Learn English subhuman

>> No.77432249

post hands and/or nose

>> No.77432251

>"Get me out of latinamerica reeeeeeeeee"
A self hating faggot, that explain this /pol/ thread
Now tell me you're from Argentina to make this even funnier

>> No.77432282

The oldest empires of Asia are from China and India, and while your "western civilization" has fallen numerous times and your cultured bastardized and coopted by intermixing rituals and traditions from the next culture that won, our dynasties and culture have persisted for thousands of years.

>> No.77432294

learn irony you fucking esl

>> No.77432338

Holy fucking shit Juan, is that you? Now you just straight up post /pol/shit instead of tormenting pebbles? Well keep doing that. I don't want you there anyway.

>> No.77432342

>or are they mostly integrating fine
You dumb or something?

>> No.77432377

Thousands of years of having big empires, yet it took only a few hundred years for Europe to pick up leftovers from Ancient Rome during Scientific Revolution to invent a fucking computer.

>> No.77432379

People who litter wherever they please being invited to a country where there's barely any public trashcans around, what could go wrong

>> No.77432397

Explain the irony of that post retard.
Just saying something wrong doesn't make it sarcasm or ironic you stupid brown fuck.

>> No.77432452
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Indians are lower than Blacks, not like that means much it's just that Indians know they're garbage people who look down on others. Id go so far as to argue Indians are separate from humans much in the same way Abos are. Sub continental people who are natural scammers, not even once.

>> No.77432495

>Yet most of Asia still got colonized by whites with superior technologies
Lol, lmao even

>> No.77432556

No, but you're a faggot that should rope

>> No.77432557

I don't think Japan should adapt white monkeys' wild behavior of swinging on the train poles, no.

>> No.77432561

Nobody likes pajeets bro. White, black, asian, spanish, etc all hate them.

>> No.77432573

because the only thing you whites are objectively superior at is barbarism and violence, you have the longest unbroken chain of savagery toward your fellow humans and the uncanny ability to say "yeah but they deserve it thou" while proclaiming yourself savior of the world
I cannot wait until your culture collapses and China can unify Asia under an era of global peace

>> No.77432580
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It's not even a discussion, it's just simple fact.
