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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7741529 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7741562

So damage control has begun

>> No.7741565

absolutely grass

>> No.7741571

ok, and?
if you're gonna make a thread at least have something to fucking say about it

>> No.7741578

We did it, 4chincels!

>> No.7741589

Can someone give me a brief breakdown? Is this real or just rrats?

>> No.7741617

so what lol, all she is filtering is dramafag tourists

>> No.7741628

I summon the Nipponcel and Zhang hordes to our side so that this punishment for the disrespect may be severe.

Yes, let the slaughter begin.

>> No.7741656

Kind of feel sorry for her. The yab wasn't in the Holo channel. Dropping her and unsubscribing makes sense, even disliking, but giving her shit on chat seems like too much. Give her shit on her roommate account if you want.
Well, it's not anybody else's fault, I guess.

>> No.7741678

Aqua and haachama too

>> No.7741680


>> No.7741707

Someone opened the door of her room while her roommate was streaming, didn't even react to it. Roommate said it was a stalker but then she streamed the next day, matsuricucks are the stalker bullshit as copium. It was her boyfriend.

>> No.7741723

Subscriber count incline from drama

>> No.7741734

>dramafag tourists

>> No.7741779

>Thinks there's more than 2 retards from /vredditt/ among the schizos spamming
Sasuga newfag

>> No.7741801

Oof thats rough.

>> No.7741802

do jp ppl really think they have a chance? also, is it just jp or are there overseas who actually think they do as well?

>> No.7741833


>> No.7741836


>> No.7741851

at this point I doubt Matsuri cares so much. She's been bleeding viewers to do what she wants on stream and she keeps her roommate alive like Coco.

>> No.7741876

She's not an idol and need to leave. She's tarnishing the Hololive name.

>> No.7741893

When you say "I want a bf/gf and I wouldn't mind if it was a fan haha", you're clearly giving the illusion of a chance

>> No.7741904

Hololive is tarnishing the Hololive name not just her lol

>> No.7741913

This not about "having a chance". This is about respect.

>> No.7741921

What if it was .... Her Dad?

>> No.7741934

This happening right near vsaikyo3 is gonna result in a disaster.

>> No.7741952

If I was her fan I'd be more mad that she's so retarded that she lets her bf inside her room while streaming than her actually having a bf.

>> No.7741961

You guys need to take this more serious her life could have been in danger. Can you image what would happened if the camera was not there matsuri could have been kidnap or worst. This is serious business she would not lie about this.

>> No.7741969

Stay strong, Matsurisu! Ganbare ganbare!

>> No.7741972

She lives alone, plus why the fuck would you lie about having a family member in your house?

>> No.7741980

so going out with someone means you aren't deserving of any respect?

>> No.7741983

>This is serious business she would not lie about this
She would and did, and that's why people are mad.

>> No.7741990

The funniest part about it was when she tried to play dumb and tried to make it seem like she thought her chat meant her closet. If her chat says her door opened and they saw a hand anyone who's not playing dumb and trying to damage control would think they meant the door to her room, not her fucking closet. Matsuri is a fucking idiot.

Talk about taking your fans for complete idiots. I mean, some of them are actually stupid enough to buy that bullshit, so they're even dumber than she is.

>> No.7742048

Bro, what if, what if her dad IS the stalker? Or worse, what if...her dad is actually her boyfriend?

>> No.7742080

>R*ddit faggots dont understand chuuba "culture" and ask dumb question only from their retarded perspective
>Matsuri's cucks pretend it was a stalker to not get their delusion destroyed
>The rest is here because of the drama

>> No.7742105

Lying means that you don't respect other people and people shouldn't respect you either

>> No.7742117


>> No.7742132

culture's basically retarded to begin with. if it's a stalker, be scared af. if it's a bf, just don't give a fuck. is that really hard?

>> No.7742138

What if the bf is a fan?

>> No.7742150

I'd agree with this if I wasn't sure you were conflating idol vtuber culture with general vtuber culture as a whole, which makes you a queer.

>> No.7742169

i think it's a dilemma at that point to be honest. people are gonna say something regardless. if she lies, might work or not, people would get mad. if she says it was her boyfriend, you know jp's idol culture

>> No.7742204
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I don't even watch her I just stayed and enjoyed the drama after what happened between her and my oshi kek

>> No.7742214

Couldnt she have just said it was another hololive member/staff. Her job is pretty much an open secret on that channel rght?

>> No.7742239

exactly, I always assume all holos have or at least had a bf on the past. Nothing wrong with that if you keep it private, but when this stuff happens makes me think she doesn't care about their fans to be more careful

>> No.7742241

She could have said it's her brother but she 100% panicked

>> No.7742248

I'm waiting for another menhera meltdown

>> No.7742251


>> No.7742289

oh yeah i totally forgot she had one. are you even sure she actually has a brother at this point though

>> No.7742322

Check out Matsuri's roommates' Twitter header lmao, she's doubling down

>> No.7742370
File: 200 KB, 957x458, IMG_20210810_205136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this fucktard banned a matsurifag while trying to damage control

>> No.7742411

What's her previous header I don't follow her up until the yab

>> No.7742417

She couldve let the drama die off quietly by feigning ignorance but she doubles down lmao

>> No.7742419

which one? lmao

>> No.7742474

Why does Matsuri have 4 Twitter accounts? Isn't that a bit much?

>> No.7742478

Everything being artificially inflated to ridiculous shitpost proportions as per usual.

>> No.7742492


>> No.7742514
File: 243 KB, 348x440, 1627350811467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretend to be virgin no bf femcel so Goslings can relate to
>your retarded bf opens the door
>you even more retarded actual brainlet is calling it burglary to damage control
>'what do you mean you are dissapointed? Fuck unicorns'

>> No.7742523

based, wish more chuubas did this

>> No.7742548

Can someone link the vid?

>> No.7742550

How do you know she lied thought. There no telling who that hand belong too. I'm willing to place my trust in matsuri cause there was a real possibility that her life was in danger. If that was not the case she would came up with any other excuse rather then someone broke in. It makes no sense to lie about that.

>> No.7742557
File: 126 KB, 850x664, __shirakami_fubuki_natsuiro_matsuri_yukoku_roberu_and_rikka_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_kukie_nyan__sample-782fa28b2d745cef80e303aa73e29051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allow me to explain. It was me who got Matsuri in trouble and I'd like to apologize. I'm not her boyfriend, but she pays me a frankly disgusting amount of money to dress up as Roberu and serve her drinks. She was late for her regularly scheduled daydrinking, so I decided to check in. If I refer to her as anything but "Onee-sama" or drop the Kansai dialect she attacks me with a pair of scissors she hides under her clothes. Please help. I lost one of my colored contact lenses yesterday and if the replacement from Amazon doesn't come in on time for today's session she's going to try to castrate me.

>> No.7742569

Lost its meaning. It never had ... day ruined

>> No.7742593

This is such a nothingburger but you retards are so fucking bored.
Matsuri is the exact opposite of GFE, basically on par with a regular streamer who does nothing but Apex.

>> No.7742598

which roommate account is she using now?

>> No.7742602

this thread is in the gray zone of been erased

>> No.7742614
File: 60 KB, 860x852, 1624244490892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>matsuri portrays herself as a disgusting STD ridden bisexual insane whore
>actually a normal person and probably straight
>unironic incels lose their minds

I don't get it. Why is this worse than when she was crazily stalking other holos to the point where some of them don't really talk to her anymore, or asking her fans if they've busted a nut to her so she can fantasize about getting a train run on her?

>> No.7742615

Now this is a large dose of copium here

>> No.7742634

I've already seen a Vtuber get chased off the internet 3 times (Mel Nekomata.) Some people really get invested in a streamer. Probably a magnitude more for a Japanese one.

Hopefully Hololive put measures in place for something like this unlike an independent streamer.

>> No.7742655
File: 102 KB, 948x1024, so true trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone should have at least two accounts to ensure they can back themselves up in an argument.

>> No.7742661

I can tell she lied because she said that the police helped her, literally impossible in japan since she didn't even get hurt

>> No.7742672

mb I thought it was a matuli stream

>> No.7742673

how many of you are jerking off to this? you're getting your precious "rrats" and "yab"

>> No.7742701

This. Didn't Lulu quit due to unironic death threats to the point the very same Japanese police that looks the other way when lolis get groped IRL told her the only way to stop the madness was to quit being a vtuber?

>> No.7742702

What's her usual?

>> No.7742709

That's honestly cute. Don't worry about it and keep being yourself, she called the police yesterday and after a 10 minute search they assured her she was safe, so she was calm enough today to go back to streaming, everything is good.

>> No.7742710

One thing we all learned in the past month or so is that Matsuri is absolute shit at damage control.

>> No.7742711

>"Damn I'm really lonely and I really want a bf, it could be a fan I don't know haha"
You know you can hang out with males while still being GFE right? It's not a fucking checkbox

>> No.7742714

Indeed. Doors have locks. Matuli could've told the guy to piss off and go to pachinko or a hostess club for the day until she was done with streaming. Could've even given him a yakiniku allowance for when she's facecamming. Instead, she had him bum around her house while she streamed.

Or she didn't let him know beforehand that it was a facecam day, and that lack of communication led to him opening the door. He couldn't have possibly known what she didn't tell him. Women don't seem to understand that men aren't omniscent. Boyfriend-kun objectively did nothing wrong.

The moment he saw she was streaming, that's when he knew shit was fucked. But even he couldn't have known at a glance if she was doing facecam or hololive, and she arguably shouldn't be facecamming at all when her entire side hustle depends on milking gachis. This is ultimately why everyone is buttmad at matuli. She got lazy and careless. If this ends her hololive career, it's only because she took it for granted in the first place.

>> No.7742749

> Exact opposite of GFE
> "I'll probably marry a Matsurisu after I graduate since you guys already love me".
