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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 176 KB, 1412x301, tempiss lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77388594 No.77388594 [Reply] [Original]

>2 years later
So, this... is the power... of homos...
It was really worth taking a massive pile of shit over the brand of Hololive for this.
Truly one of the business decisions of all time.

>> No.77388691

What did Niji do this time?

>> No.77388983

This still looks decent, should have posted the newer ones.

>> No.77388992

2 years later and they still live rent free in your head.

>> No.77389250

they did their job and attracted a new audience

>> No.77389422

I don't know what's taking you so long when Phase Connect, VAllure, Production Kawaii, PixelLink, and Idol exist

>> No.77389454

Complain to Yagoo, he's the one that supports them.

>> No.77389645
File: 419 KB, 2400x1440, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attracted a new audience
roru. rumao even.

>> No.77389665

so many stars threads today , something amiss

>> No.77389914

just returning to the stats quo of shitting on the homos. it's the natural state of the board from before you started newfagging here.

>> No.77390108

what? a few hundred people that might buy their shit is good enough. they don't need to pull in numbers like the girls.

>> No.77390227
File: 39 KB, 1280x351, 1690686398414610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds about right, yeah

>> No.77390361

>they don't need to pull in numbers like the girls
Yeah, you just need to ignore how their existence delayed EN3.

>> No.77390684

Maybe council shouldn't have flopped

>> No.77390885


>> No.77390905

only thing i could think of is that en management saw how successful nijien was with their guys and decided to accelerate with the stars to get in on that action. they failed to realize that hololive audience doesn't care for that shit and that failure was the reason why omega got fired and management underwent changes.

>> No.77391047

Fuck off, Fulgur

>> No.77391165

Until we have a direct confirmation that's the most acceptable theory for what happened, and Cover severely misunderstood Luxiem's "success" and ignored how 90% of their fans came from China.

>> No.77391389

Vesper on his own was considered a threat to Vox by Vox's fans and harassed (besides the typical unicorn retarded Kronies) and would have justified the existence of starsen if cover knew how to govern them properly.

>> No.77392315

My dude nobody gives a shit about this retarded war other than you beggars and NijiEN was going to destroy itself with or without the homos. Cover insistence on those failures only served to fuck HoloEN for almost 2 years so no, nothing justify their existence outside of some chump change from fujos that already dried up in record time because those subhumans are some of the least loyal fans in the scene. Also the vampfag was never going to survive longer than a year on the company so stop coping.

>> No.77394853


>> No.77396734

Why do people that have never worked in their life, are so obsessed about numbers that don't affect them at all?

It is not like you are an investor and have Cover stocks.

Yagoo support them, if you don't, you are a hololive anti

>> No.77397262

I doubt that Tempus was related to the delay of EN3 and they were having other issues behind the scenes. Cover wouldn't replace the manager of the entire branch unless employee morale was in the sewers.

>> No.77397977

They're mogging most of the latest NijiGens and no one is saying that was a business disaster

>> No.77398159

Hex got kicked off youtube, Grifty failed to get relevent but exposed that she's /here, Elira lost more subscribers and had to have a recall on merch. Also Millie is sad about whoever the next graduation is. That's just the last 24 hours. Sisters are going through it right now.

>> No.77398190

It most certainly was related.

>> No.77398364

Merch recall? What's that about?

>> No.77398417

Hex got a community strike and can't stream, and even if he could he apparently got banned.
Millle got either stealth suspended or is taking a break.
Speaking of Millle, she mentioned she got some terrible news so someone might be graduating or got terminated.
Also their 2view loli had a meltdown over no one liking Niji.

>> No.77398497

source: my uncle is OmegaAlpha

>> No.77398849

armis exists

>> No.77398982

Get a working brain. There's no other explanation for lack of EN3 earlier.

>> No.77399076

>It came to me in a cocaine trip

>> No.77399084

what does this post mean

>> No.77399786

the basketball collab wasn't really with the NBA, it's through rakuten

>> No.77399883

Hololive is collabing with one piece

>> No.77400014

Three years and only one member had reached 1m subs. Plus losing the Aussie with big badongas that nobody remembers.

>> No.77400422

>There's no other explanation for lack of ID4

>> No.77400521

Denauth didn't do as well as expected

>> No.77400684

Homosisters trying to capitalize on nijisisters eating their own is pretty funny

>> No.77400704

Holostars JP survived for 5 years but this is the part where you tell me they're good despite also being 3views.
You hate them because they speak English cuck boy let's be real

>> No.77400909

>Anycolor exec
Sorry Hex can't stream for a week

>> No.77404264

The English homos have only been damaging for the Hololive brand. They've caused fan friction for little benefit. They can barely outperform their JP counterparts yet bring in schizo Nijisisters.

>> No.77404509

Yagoo himself said they didn't want to release EN3 unless they could ensure support. Unless all the effort they put into a new branch couldn't be effort directed at EN3 or EN4 then it was wasted opportunity cost just to invite in people that want Nijisanji 2.0 and shit on Hololive.

>> No.77404634

You're trying too hard, sister

>> No.77405076

they're doing better than most of their JP senpai at their 2 year mark.
where's those crazy AI generated monkey with numbers pictures?

>> No.77405422
File: 1.06 MB, 833x607, firefox_7R6trq3lxB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

counterpoint: Bettel's actually funny.

>> No.77405918
File: 56 KB, 714x709, 1717464875186587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77406574

I wonder what sparked this post... https://files.catbox.moe/pxocjv.mp4

>> No.77406984

It's not good enough for them to be taking away studio time from the girls

>> No.77407106

it's funny how EN3 needed support but twitter like and reddit updoots were everything that were needed to release 3 batches of homo failures

>> No.77407160

If it makes you seethe harder, they booked the studio to do regular asmr.

>> No.77407192

The girls outperform by at minimum 3x on everything they do. They got baited into chasing Luxiem for an outcome that got Omega fired.

>> No.77407329

How are there FIVE separate yabs of varying size in the past couple days? What the fuck is going on over there?

>> No.77408136

and tempus outperforms luxiem nowadays, sister

>> No.77408349

yeah, outperforms them in being a plague on vtubing

>> No.77408417
File: 272 KB, 714x709, 1709104463917812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing, sis.

>> No.77408670

oh damn Leader's close to 300k

>> No.77409037
File: 49 KB, 224x178, image_2024-06-05_114300976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up
you're a fucking cunt
shut the fuck up
nobody even wants you here
I just want to let you know, you're a stupid fucking cunt
Go ahead and run your mouth, pussy, I don't give a fuck
You're a stupid piece of shit, you're a stupid fucking bitch
Get the fuck up off my dick, get the fuck up off my dick, like
Please end your fucking life, please end your fucking life
I really gotta emphasize, no one cares if you're alive
You're a fucking penis-hole, grab a dick and eat it whole

>> No.77409105

The loli outed herself as terminally /here/ and singlehandedly killed her groups benefit of doubt that they knew nothing prior to joining.

>> No.77409148

nijisister thread

>> No.77409163
File: 131 KB, 1367x355, nijirefugee2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Tempusanjisisters pretend to hate their Milord? Aren't they literally nijisis refugees who moved onto attacking the girls just to "own the unichuds" and to turn hololive into niji 2.0???

>> No.77409213

Nice bait thread, retard.

>> No.77409229
File: 10 KB, 877x260, nijirefugee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters, I don't know why you're committing friendly fire.

>> No.77409452
File: 1.34 MB, 2102x3991, 1684366091379430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes, sister. Your use of ableism is alarming, to say the least.

>> No.77409646

Still trying too hard. Maybe you should go play some basketball

>> No.77409824

Aside from Magni, Goldfaggot, flayon, and Ruze being a huge faggot with absolute dog shit opinions on fantasy world building, the rest of the guys are breddy gud, even if altare is a retarded zoomer that fell for the tranny meme. Axel and Bettel stand out. Vesper was too based for this world and is better off on his own, any faggot that tries to call him a sexpest can choke on the cocks they claim to be so afraid of but can't stop thinking about.

>> No.77410196

I need to know if you were dropped when you were just a fetus though
You're so fucking ugly and your face is fucking foul
You're so fucking loud, can you shut your fucking mouth

>> No.77410348
File: 224 KB, 844x468, image_2024-06-05_120231171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're so obvious it's embarrassing

>> No.77410427
File: 162 KB, 857x200, image_2024-06-05_120326267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you too nijitard

>> No.77410843

I like Jurard. The guy managed to get a fucking Animal Crossing vod taken down because he segregated the villagers.
That is all. I'm fine with the branch if he stays.

>> No.77411035
File: 11 KB, 584x104, Screenshot_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't want to play that game, sister.

>> No.77411105

>That post
Wait what?

>> No.77411107

wow, this is truly ancient bait that never went anywhere, how hard did you dig to find it?

>> No.77411173
File: 983 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-06-05-12-14-57-793_com.twitter.android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes I do.

>> No.77411321

>pulls out a year-old screengrab of someone talking to themselves on twitter
nta but if this is your best material then yes, you're losing this game

>> No.77411510
File: 37 KB, 618x552, 1708859581537836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you positive?

>> No.77411708
File: 19 KB, 593x128, Screenshot_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, nijisisters. Fight harder.

>> No.77411758

He segregated them based on races of animals. It's great

>> No.77411774
File: 164 KB, 1506x480, kiaraanti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Kiara...

>> No.77411866

Killed themselves and had their fanbase move to the homostarst8wa

>> No.77411979
File: 86 KB, 739x415, images (44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The account no longer exists
nice 2023 screen cap, must break her heart to know that this exists

>> No.77412071

Your mask is slipping sister >>77410348 >>77410427

>> No.77412129
File: 45 KB, 592x371, Screenshot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77412243

Nijisister do live in the past....

>> No.77412304
File: 49 KB, 600x326, nijirefugee3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77412305
File: 130 KB, 1024x1024, 1714962534683758m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nijitroons vs homoshittroons thread
Oh sweet

>> No.77412392

Why is this thread just schizos calling each other sisters and pulling up retarded screenshots?

>> No.77412497

We want to own the unichuds. Those incels hold Holopro back from prosperity. Holopro will never progress without kino male collabs.

>> No.77412579

stop crying, chud

>> No.77412715
File: 165 KB, 742x457, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, people sure were excited about that collab huh.

>> No.77412754

>taking away
the studio is for holopro. It belongs to the holoboys just as much as the girls.

>> No.77412788

Those flops have no impact on hololive. Advent is all at 500k+. The audience does not care about the homos.

>> No.77412822

Hex got banned, Sayu made up with Doki/Mint/Matara, the NBA collab isn't actually with the NBA, and Twisty outed herself a a bitch

>> No.77412845

All Niji organs should be anti'd

>> No.77412866

Novelites love flayon though

>> No.77412870

Holostars existed since before you even discovered Hololive, anon.

>> No.77412908

Phasegirls love him more. But they still won't watch his unarchived birthday karaoke.

>> No.77413060

Wrestletuber was held in May sister. You're about one month behind

>> No.77413070

Nijiniggers are out in full force trying to use Holostars as a distraction from their several yabs today

>> No.77413143
File: 556 KB, 597x732, 4578052191c5271957e464a39e1b76b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homosisters vs nijisisters
>it's the same picture

>> No.77413250
File: 61 KB, 790x609, nijirefugee5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true, nijisis!

>> No.77413339

that's literally a Towa profile picture you blind fuck

>> No.77413389

It's evidence that Tempiss fans are Nijisis refugees. Did you even undergo your weekly HRT session yet, sister?

>> No.77413424

>Bettelfan talks about his friends on Niji merch but is bummed he can't find Tempus merch
>Other post is deleted
Any more posts? Retardicus?

>> No.77413426

>proves Holosanji real
Smartest Chinese high school student

>> No.77413491

If that's true then they got the normal ones because I haven't seen anyone on Vox, Luca or Hex's level of crazy

>> No.77413578

Homobeggars trying to push narrative that only Nijiniggers are against Nijification of Hololive

>> No.77413605
File: 56 KB, 581x639, tempusanji8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did your dilation procedure go wrong, sister? Don't cry.
I posted many screenshots of evidence throughout the thread and I still have hundreds more to go through. You can continue to stick your head into the sand and schlick your axe wound though, tempusanjisis.

>> No.77413692

Again, it's a Towa profile picture. Do you now want to argue Nijisisters flee to Hololive? At least post something that supports your argument, christ.

>> No.77413860

>I posted many screenshots of evidence throughout the thread and I still have hundreds more to go through.
All you've posted are outdated posts and fans of Niji who either deleted their posts or accounts. But please provide your outdated bullshit
>You can continue to stick your head into the sand and schlick your axe wound wound though, tempusanjis
Nijisisters don't watch Dokibird supporters.

>> No.77413869

>against Nijification of Hololive

>> No.77413917

You mean that they don't want Cover to be a black company and work their talents to the bone for minimum wage?Goddamn I apologize.

>> No.77413941

It's a tough competition on /vt/, but this is surely one of the most schizo threads I've seen

>> No.77414018

>Post outdated bait
>Claim others are seething
>Get (You)s

It's foolproof

>> No.77414079
File: 34 KB, 573x181, nijisisdokifan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does that contradict my argument? It's like when Californians move to midwest states to vote for the same policies that turned their shithole into a shithole in the first place
You sure?

Anyway gn I got work in 6 hours tomorrow

>> No.77414134

>Anyway gn I got work in 6 hours tomorrow
>>Running away
I accept your concession lmao

>> No.77414146

Vox betrayed us and we now have starslords

>> No.77414190

>The screencap is in support of Dokibird
Woah. Sisters can do that? I'm surprised she said it out in the open without getting stoned to death

>> No.77414226
File: 119 KB, 1941x1064, 1715504965721624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i posted the screenshot again lol

>> No.77414248


>> No.77414279


>> No.77414426


>> No.77414498

It's not Twisty's fault sis

>> No.77414504


>> No.77414597

>How does that contradict my argument?
Are you playing dumb or is your IQ actually one digit? You've spent all this time trying to "prove" there's overlap between Holostars fans and Niji refugees. No shit, idiot. There's overlap between Niji refugees and Hololive fans too. Doesn't mean they're accepted or welcomed by the majority of either.

>> No.77414601

They always run after getting caught.

>> No.77414606


>> No.77414658


>> No.77414679


>> No.77414688

Hey now, shes averaging a solid 1 finana

>> No.77414709

Both of you should kill yourselves.

>> No.77414766

The sister is samefagging to bump her thread on the log

>> No.77414891
File: 29 KB, 877x260, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why Amris stole nijisisters from niji?

>> No.77414973


>> No.77415082
File: 466 KB, 680x671, 1713230374389048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77415140

Trojan horses are supposed to fool people lmao

>> No.77415196

retard gods

>> No.77415224

Funny thing is, they have and just like the Trojan Horse, this thread is already going on a downward spiral from an ambush

>> No.77415280

ew reddit, not opening it.. screencap or show tits

>> No.77415308

>the instant seethe this generated

>> No.77415315

How come you think that only nijisisters want to see the homos suffer? They’ve been a plague on holoLIVE and only serve to leech off the girls’ efforts while their fans are schizo lesbian misandrist trannies who want to shove LGBBQ slop up everybody’s mouth

>> No.77415329

literally picrel

>> No.77415425
File: 58 KB, 272x1024, 1717309733949443m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh huh

>> No.77415472

Can I ask why a lesbian misandrist tranny would want to watch men instead of the "cute girls doing cute things"

>> No.77415511

Okay. So what? Is this supposed to be an own?

>> No.77415557
File: 28 KB, 1009x633, 1711492446918405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, but I see way too many profiles with trans flags/lesbian icons/other pronoun bs in their bios for it to just be coincidental

>> No.77415598

Definetly miles ahead own than "unicorns are nijisisters" psyop

>> No.77415638

wow, the place specifically made to shit on niji, by niji refugees, takes any opportunity to shit on niji? I'm shocked,

>> No.77415651

Homosisters have convinced themselves that holostars are a threat to Nijisanji. They know that they’re all converts, so to them it’s obvious that Tempus stole NijiEN’s audience. This lets them believe that they’re participating in the fanbase war that has taken over their old favorite community, which means that anyone who complains about having to pay for the homostars to take up the studio and resource pipelines can be safely disregarded as a member of their old fandom who’s upset about everyone leaving for holostars.
The fact that their CCV has only declined since Luxiem’s collapse and continues to degrade is meaningless to them. These are the same people who unironically believe homoEN pays for their own budget. It’s better not to reply to them because their beliefs are not based in reality and, since they don’t watch streams or spend money. their opinions are inconsequential.
Have a great night anon.

>> No.77415695

Kiara, I'll become a girl and then go lesbian for you <3

>> No.77415735
File: 39 KB, 470x530, 1717389294360489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No we just hate them because they shat on Doki. I don't know what you're on about.

>> No.77415799


>> No.77415857
File: 394 KB, 1008x3037, 1706517063699897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women like homostars right?
>if I pretend to like homostars they'll think I'm a real girl
>I'm gonna fanbase war about them as hard as possible and then I will be rewarded with a qt lesbian gf

>> No.77415859

Wait, wtf it looks funny as hell, i didn't even read where it was posted in the first place. AHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.77415979

EN4 soon to make the wall even higher. Homos and their beggars/sisters are literal brand poison, they provide nothing and continue to waste resource. Hopefully more graduate in the future or they stick to grooming small corpos/indies.

>> No.77416017

Hey retard. It's the other way around. You don't understand what a Trojan horse is?

>> No.77416028

That's a whole lot of mental gymnastics when there's a "girls only and we're totally lesbians and single" branch in the stripper district. Also doesn't explain the "misandrist" part

>> No.77416108
File: 589 KB, 580x923, 1713227506460421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop shitting your panties Ernoul

>> No.77416140

>/vt/ is having a twitter and reddit screenshot war
Wow....its like...degradation. Its like looking at bunch of chimpanzee throwing their shit at each other. Fuck i cant even describe it. Its like two homeless retard fighting over the dead dog they found in a ditch to be use as a sex toy. I cant fucking describe it. Its beyond low.

>> No.77416190

>A Kurosanji link
>>Retard gods
Look in the mirror while you're at it. These are the same people shitting on Anycolor

>> No.77416252

No that's just this thread. Then again this isn't the first time there's bait with twitter and plebbit screencaps

>> No.77416305

you seem confused, sister. Do you think normal straight men dislike cute girls? Do you think normal straight men prefer watching talentless males larping as anime twinks while they play games badly?

>> No.77416330

>unable to read

>> No.77416344

You gotta have that one homo hating faggot with an obsession fetish. Really gets the thread going

>> No.77416350

Mmm, rent-free.

Your oshi WILL collab with a MALE and you WILL watch, lil cuck boy.

>> No.77416390

Im gonna go back to drawthread and finish anon request...was just curious to see what the heck is up with catalog..

>> No.77416396


>> No.77416437

two more weeks, right sis?

>> No.77416438

>you seem confused, sister
>doesn't know what misandry means

>> No.77416567

Because trannies hate women cause they will never become one

>> No.77416580
File: 70 KB, 739x415, images (45).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but bold of you to assume they larp as twink when they act more like Delirious and Cartoonz

>> No.77416771

>It was really worth taking a massive pile of shit over the brand of Hololive for this.
Adding a pile of shit to a already massive pile of shit doesn't make it better or worse, just more shit

>> No.77416795

But you’re the only person who thinks “misandrist trannies” are involved. You just had evidence shoved in your face that trannies are the ones watching and promoting holostars. The people who dislike your sharts are just average holofans, cis straight men, probably over 30 and overweight. Hell, even some of the women who watch hololive don’t like the homos.
You’ve convinced yourself that not wanting to see capering sodomites competing for attention when you’re watching cute girls makes you a misandrist, and then you’ve rationalized that any male who is a misandrist must be a tranny out of self-hatred. I’m sure it sounded clever on your discord, but surely when it’s all laid out in front of you you can see that you’re behaving like a weird little freak.

>> No.77416925

>you’re the only person who thinks “misandrist trannies” are involved
Your sister disagrees >>77415315

>> No.77416972

I wonder how much damage they did. Like what does the counterfactual world look like where they just kept debuting girls instead

>> No.77417143


>> No.77417167

Misandry in the male vtuber context is looking at Nijisanji and assume every single male vtuber is like that.

>> No.77417207
File: 110 KB, 800x450, future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already know

>> No.77417237

>assume every single male vtuber is like that.
They'd be right, if you were a normal man, you wouldn't become a vtuber in the first place.

>> No.77417407

>if you were a normal man, you wouldn't like anime in the first place.

>> No.77417416

Oh, he’s talking about this phenomenon.
Autogynephiles will adopt any behavior they identify as female-coded. He’s calling them misandrists because they join in on attacking typical male interests in hobby communities. I think that’s dumb and won’t defend it, but it’s clearly a different than thinking
Misandrists are out to get the holostars for being male instead of for being disgusting SJW coomers who try pathetically to impose themselves on hololive at every opportunity instead of relying on their own talents, which is just outright retarded. If there is one thing homoEN has earned on their own, it’s their bad reputation.

>> No.77417449

Think about it, Has there been a single week this year without a niji yab?

>> No.77417457

And that's exactly what a misandrist thinks. It's kind of like misogyny, where one thinks a female vtubers is a whore for collabing with men

>> No.77417564

Well going off of history, non-stop complaining about where EN7 is because somehow the girls in EN4-6 aren't streaming or something.

>> No.77417697

>Misandrists are out to get the holostars for being male
>being male is literally the cause of it

>> No.77417763

>Misandrists are out to get the holostars for being male instead of for being disgusting SJW coomers who try pathetically to impose themselves on hololive at every opportunity instead of relying on their own talents
The definition of Misandry is and I quote:
>dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against men (i.e. the male sex)
And this hatred comes from a myriad of different reasons. It's not because they're "men" it's because they believe men are like a certain stereotype and thus are undeserving of love and praise. In the vtuber context this is what most of the board has been doing because all they can do is compare Niji to everyone else, giving the sort of notion that they're "SJW cookers"
>B-but blue homo, red faggot and groomer bullet do it!!!
So? In that case maybe I should say everyone in Holo male collabs on a daily basis because a small number of HoloJP Collab with men. Before the two homos left Mori and Kronii have been doing monthly Collabs then maybe I should assume everyone else in EN does it too, right? So you push back and tell everyone else it isn't true and that only applies to the small portion.

So why aren't male vtubers given the same perspective? Most of this board is blatantly misandrist by technicality and any twittard that says vtuber fans are misogynistic can never be more wrong

>> No.77417788

Today, Mumei mentioned both vore and inflation.

>> No.77417887

The Twisty one

>> No.77418206

Damn I remember when Ohm was in this crew but his dramafag nature caught up and now he's in the bottom.

>> No.77418251

No, not all males act like the holostars. Disliking the holostars is not misandry. They way they behave invites contempt from normal men, which is why they have to dress up as anime twinks and appeal to women (and Filipinos).
Not loving and praising the holostars is not misandry. You immediately acknowledged that three of them are exactly what I described. Not watching holostars and wanting them kept far away from hololive is the most reasonable thing in the world.

>> No.77418303

This thread is ruined by the biggest sister fister and the biggest homo hating faggot. Just fucking kiss and delete this thread please jannie

>> No.77418428

If them being male has nothing to do with your "contempt" than you would feel the same way for females.
>dress up
Ma'am it's a cartoon, not cosplay.

>> No.77418494

I don't understand how anyone can seethe over homos this much to this day over couple of collabs with expected suspects and some rare twitter interactions. It's crazy even for more mentally ill 4chan posters.

>> No.77418593

>Not loving and praising the holostars is not misandry
You just said every male vtuber acts like a fuck boy coomer. Don't nitpick.
>You immediately acknowledged that three of them are exactly what I described
You just generalized that the entirety of Holostars are like this because of three retards that pander to the pride demographic. Does that mean the others share the same views? Only Axel was the first to confirm not to give a shit about any of it.
>Not watching holostars and wanting them kept far away from hololive is the most reasonable thing in the world.
Okay cool. So why are you pissed when indies want to interact with them?

>> No.77418625

Just like Vesper...

>> No.77418853

>And the mask slips...

>> No.77418947

I'm not even him but three out of ten is much and if you count two who left it would be 5/12 and that's god damn HALF of them

>> No.77419095

Where's that screencap of the KFP spamming "HAPPY PRIDE MONTH" in Kiara's chat.

>> No.77419180

You’re right, Axel’s personality and behavior is repulsive to straight men for entirely different reasons. Who is “the good one”? Do you think Jurard makes content hololive fans want intruding on what they signed up for?
>why are you pissed when indies want to interact with them?
who is pissed? Only the people who have to put up with holostars, and that group doesnt include hololive fans since the middle of last year. Anons might be laughing at the people who get stuck with them, though, because the holostars are incredibly unpleasant.

>> No.77419223
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Always the correct first to ask first on a Tempus/stars catalog bait thread.

Oh, hey, I found you again, faggot.

>> No.77419275

>Ramping up of homo bait threads on pride month

>> No.77419411

nice attempt to move goal post

>> No.77419502

>You’re right, Axel’s personality and behavior is repulsive to straight men for entirely different reasons.
He's got more men than women watching the guy what the fuck are you on about?
>Who is “the good one”? Do you think Jurard makes content hololive fans want intruding on what they signed up for?
What the fuck is a "good one"? I watch for entertainment not for political bullshit. That's the only thing you keep spewing. Jutard namedrops Holos sure but that's not the same as collabing you retarded dimwit.
>who is pissed? Only the people who have to put up with holostars, and that group doesnt include hololive fans since the middle of last year.
So you and the retards that keep posting 2022-2023 bait are the ones who are pissed bevause you can't help pissing the bed. Also I hate to prove you wrong but this guy's >>77415735 picrel is the latest after Wrestletuber.
>Anons might be laughing at the people who get stuck with them, though, because the holostars are incredibly unpleasant.
I don't care. The only ones with unpleasant personalities are you idiots and it shows even outside of /here/ no chuuba complained about Holostars interactions after their Collab and vice versa, unlike Luxiem who complain when things don't go their way with their own collabs

>> No.77419507

That's fucking hilarious.
I really gotta watch him more. He's got a fun energy.

>> No.77419530

>Axel’s personality and behavior is repulsive to straight men for entirely different reasons
Let me guess: the joke Vesper made?
>Do you think Jurard makes content hololive fans want intruding on what they signed up for
>by doing his own thing
Went from seething about having to see Holostars to seething about knowing they exist. Totally not an anti btw

>> No.77419696
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>Axel’s personality and behavior is repulsive to straight men for entirely different reasons
Damn now I know why

>> No.77419733

Would you like them more if they were as successful as the girls?

>> No.77419757

thankfully, even in spite of the homosisters accelerated threadshitting, they will never get close to the girls ever again

>> No.77419760

No, they trigger my insecurities and thus prefer them to be extinct.
I'm OP btw

>> No.77419846

I tell you this. I will kidnap both of them. Cage them in a zoo full of chimpanzee. Spray then with a fucking tank of aphrodisiac and force them to have shit load of hate sex. I will hire Dudu the smartest chimpanzee with buckets of banana to stop those idiot from killing each other. They will have hate sex or else the chimpanzee will rape them.

>> No.77419904

lmao rent free

>> No.77419946


>> No.77419949
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Yeah we all wanna kick his ass

>> No.77420004

Repulsive? No. Boring? Yeah. He's just not a good solo streamer with some games but I only stuck around since he was the only one one of Doki's friends in Holo to throw shade at Niggersanji

>> No.77420311

>He's got more men than women watching the guy what the fuck are you on about?
He averages like 300 CCV so even if that’s the majority it’s 200 people. Men aren’t watching Axel. While you’re right that Jurard’s namedropping isn’t the same as collabs, he does go out of his way to collab with any female vtuber who will answer him on discord so I’m not sure what your point is. The way he uses hololive to promote his own (unappealing, unpopular) brand is shameless and distasteful. He is the worst kind of clout chaser and he makes the whole branch look bad with his leeching.
Vesper made that “joke” because it’s his whole personality. Do you think normal straight men like to fantasize about eating strawberries and cream with him? He desperately slipped down the rungs of relevance with his hetships, starting with ID then moving on to staff, then his own manager tried to convince everyone that he really was a sexy ladies’ man, then he tried indies… none of it stuck because he sucks, but he was clearly trying to sell himself as a lothario. That means hololive fans aren’t going to want him around, and straight men aren’t going to watch his content.
These guys are disliked because of their shitty behavior and personality, not their sex.

>> No.77420324

That would make things even worse.
Look what happened to NijiEN when Luxiem were successful

>> No.77420768

The board was already unusable when that happened. Imagine if the same happened to Holostars and they debuted some actual attractive models and bothered catering to a female audience. This board would go twice as fast as it already does now.

>> No.77420789

All this thread and others like it have convinced me that sisters falseflagging as homo fans to shit up the board is real.
Sisters have abandoned the homos ever since dokibird collab.

>> No.77420791

>Axel’s personality and behavior is repulsive to straight men for entirely different reasons
As someone who watches Axel, what in the everloving fuck are you talking about? He has a lot of straight male fans.
>Do you think Jurard makes content hololive fans want intruding on what they signed up for?
Point to me one piece of content Jurard has made that 'intrudes on what [Hololive fans] signed up for' that is an actual piece of content on his channel.
>who is pissed? Only the people who have to put up with holostars
Name this group then.
>and that group doesnt include hololive fans since the middle of last year
Hate to tell you this but something like 50-75% of the StarsEN fandom watch the EN girls and/or have a Hololive oshi. Also what (>>77419502) said, that all that's regurgitated by people like you is stuff from late 2022-August 2023, stuff that hasn't been relevant in ALMOST A YEAR, says that you're reaching. Really says a lot that when the two quitters (the ones with ACTUAL yabs) left, most, if not all, of the main problems in the StarsEN branch went away.
>because the holostars are incredibly unpleasant
Outside of the two shit stains that are gone and the mistake that was Daph (which was Magni's fault anyways), I've never heard a single collab partner speak badly about the guys.

>> No.77420903

>Vesper made that “joke” because it’s his whole personality.
>something Axel never mentioned until Vesper made the joke
At least pretend like you've watched a single stream.
>These guys are disliked because of their shitty behavior and personality, not their sex.
Doesn't Hololive have several members who try to be shipped with everything that moves...?

>> No.77420906

>ITT: a dozen or two 30+ year old men calling each other "sister" over and over again

>> No.77421027

Hijacking this thread to ask the stars watchers (Mainly Shinri, Bettel or Axel)
Your unbiased thoughts on the existence of Flayon and all of Armis?
As an outsider, I can understand the former 3, but not Flayon or any of Armis.
Explain your thought processes.

>> No.77421102

EN management didn't bother to find out what made Luxiem successful and popular in the first place (inb4 chinese fujo cope despite still being more popular than holostars even after the chinese fans left long ago)

>> No.77421177

Even better
>something Axel never mentioned prior to that joke and hasn't mentioned since (at minimum) his birthday in 2022
God I wish I could go back in time and punch Vesper in his God damn mouth before he made that "joke".

>> No.77421361

Flayon? I dont watch him that much so i cant really give any opinion on him other than he have a really good taste in games. Same with armis. I think they are fine addition for those fan that like loud as fuck vtuber. Though i thoroughly enjoy their full HolostarEN TTT collab. That shit was pure unfiltered kino. Cant wait for them to do prophunt collab or TF2 collab.

>> No.77421500

>The only decent ones were Vesper, Magni, and Bettel
>Vesper goes off the deep end while Magni starts acting like a bitch
>SOMEHOW (heavily implied he was convinced by Vesper) Magni got the idea that graduating would bet better for his streaming career and follows through with it with Vesper following suit
>Post-graduation, Vesper is just relaxing and advises anybody interested in Corpo vtubing to hire a lawyer no matter what
>Meanwhile Magni has been openly loathing his decision to graduate, calling it unfair and how he couldn't believe how things turned out
>The only good Homo left is Bettel who takes week-long breaks at least once a month
The entire branch could be canned right now except for Bettel and nobody would even notice.

>> No.77421627

Mostly just kind of annoying. The Lies of P race he did with Bettel was pretty tight. I'd like him more if he was like that more often. He also has some pretty shit game choices.
Pretty kino overall. I can see his screaming not being for everyone. He does some slight BFE, but it's easy to ignore.
He'd be the perfect bro if he learned how to shut the fuck up. Immaculate taste in games, very funny banter, great tangents, some creative streams, but insists on preaching in most streams.
Mostly just boring. Great singer but that's about it. He also streams at SEA hours.
A mistake. Sometimes he has glimpses of being tolerable or even slightly amusing but even if he learned to stop talking about the alphabet soup group you're left with, at best, a Walmart Vesper. Something that both Shinri and Ruze do and much more.

>> No.77421896

I watch Axel and Bettel a lot (need to watch more Shinri, I swear...), so here you go:
He sure does exist. He does clearly love the other guys and when he's funny he's funny. His main problems are that he needs to be tard wrangled hard in collabs, especially with any kind of free roaming aspect (see the Tempus vs. Armis Content Warning collab for Flayon at his literal worst in a collab, especially the second half). Flayon also numberfags himself but then wraps it around to "well I'm a niche", and it's weird as fuck and he really needs to figure out where he wants to go in the future. When corralled, he's a 6/10 (I don't watch him solo.)
Genuinely funny dude. Get past him being loud and it's very obvious he's a nice guy. (The other Armis guys said that he has a lot of respect for his seniors, so during their Japan arc, Jurard was very nice to the VG boys and super shy around Altare and Axel until he got more comfortable). 8/10 why this bitch stream so late for me.
Eh...my main thought is he's gotta shake off the indie mindset he still has a bit more. But I don't watch him enough to tell you more than that.
Similar flavor to Axel and Hakka. Very sweet and clearly looks up to all the other boys as a member of Holostars (he's said stuff that implies he watched the EN boys prior to applying, and some stuff that makes me think, like Hakka, Axel is one of his oshis). I can't defend him being a Swiftie though, that's fucked up. 7/10.
Dude's extremely entertaining and quick witted. I straight up eagerly await when he can do more D&D with the boys, since he clearly knows his shit as a permanent DM. Very similar vibes to Axel and Bettel (which makes sense since he seemed to get close to them during his Japan trip) as well. Also the type of guy who'll sit with any of the boys in VC during a long stream to keep them company (see Axel's last Elden Ring stream when he basically acted as a tutorial and just shot the shit with Axel for like 4/5 hours). 9/10 solid dude.

>> No.77422036

I don’t know what any of these fags sounds like. And I never will. The only thing they’ve accomplished is making me stop watching Kronii and Ame which isn’t much these days

>> No.77422253

A dude who could be really watchable if he could tone down the coomer shit. Best example of this is the Lies of P race he did with Bettel a while back; Ruze called in, and at some point Flayon and him ended up chatting 1 on 1. Each time Ruze tried to keep the interesting conversation going, Flayon kept derailing with some bullshit like "what's your type" or something. Genuinely got annoying.
Actual homosexual, i'm bummed because his game taste is great (Conker, TF2, AC Black Flag) but his solo streams make me uncomfortable. Unlike Flayon, though, he can actually tone it down and is watchable in collabs.
I honestly don't really care. Great singer and has funny quips every once in a while.
Out of every 10 takes he has, 9 are based and 1 makes you think he's an actual moron. I like how seriously he takes the keyfabe, he's well-versed in oldfag interests, and his voice doesn't filter me so he's nice background noise. Tends to play the straight man trope for his gen which i always appreciate. Fairly easy to avoid yume-wrangling content And i really like how he has repeatedly taken the opportunity to slay beggars
Somehow ended up among my favorites. Like another anon said, he does shit like segregate Animal Crossing villagers and is not afraid to jokingly tell Ironmouse to go fuck herself only to get inmediately BTFO. Closest thing you can get to a heel without being a dramatuber or actual piece of shit in vtubing, but also knows when to be "real", like how he praised the effort Nana Asteria put in their Wrestletuber match.

>> No.77422253,1 [INTERNAL] 

Used to watch Flayon up until his eroge arc. Wished he kept his high voice. I could ignore everything else if he stuck to his cute, bratty shota kayfabe but dropped once his voice got much lower. Armis made StarsEN much livelier and Jurard is very entertaining but I would say Goldbullet is extremely forgettable. I wonder what went on in the hiring team's head because his voice does not match his model and this himbo malewife persona he's trying to create does not work when he's a gay artist who likes to stay home playing Nintendo games and eat fried chicken all day.

>> No.77422377

>Men aren't watching Axel
On what basis? Yours? I'm pretty damn sure they do, it's like you said even if it's the majority that's 200 guys over 100 girls that doesn't mean men don't watch Axel. Just because you're one guy, you're not the mouthpiece of every single guy on the planet and believe it or not I'm a dude too.
>While you’re right that Jurard’s namedropping isn’t the same as collabs, he does go out of his way to collab with any female vtuber who will answer him on discord so I’m not sure what your point is
Holy schizophrenia. He did not do any of this, why lie my guy? Your hate boner is diluting your sense of reality, the collabs he's ever had with girls are Ironmouse and Ollie because they're amicable and Iofi because she wanted someone to play MonHuj with her and he's the one who stepped up when everyone else is busy.
>The way he uses hololive to promote his own (unappealing, unpopular) brand is shameless and distasteful. He is the worst kind of clout chaser and he makes the whole branch look bad with his leeching.
Where are you getting this kind of nonsense? Clout chasing? Leeching? Really? He hasn't done any of what you claimed he's doing. Stop smoking whatever it is you're smoking and actually discern fiction from reality numbnuts. Who did you mistake that red retard for? Luca? Vox? Uki? Those guys are clout chasers.

>> No.77422449

Flayon is an annoying shitstain in collabs. Don't watch him in any Collabs.
Goldbullet is a lazy fuck who barely streams
Ruze is a cool dude who just wants to need out on lore.
Jutard is funny.

>> No.77422492

>>77422449 (me)
Octavia is kinda mid but his karaokes are banger

>> No.77422641

Ryona material
Ryona material
Ryona material
Ryona material
Ryona material.

Hi its me, Ryona-chan and youre watching snuffney channel.

>> No.77422707

Sisters, we can hate both you and the Niji sisters too. If you don't agree then you can go back.

>> No.77422892

Is Bettel on the top of your list?

>> No.77422992

Nope. He is 2nd because hes just way too easy of a ryona target. Shinri is in fact, first on my list. I just want to break his soul and tear every single bit of kindness he have. Shinri will definitely try his best to smile everyday to not bring everyone mood down but behind that smile....hehe...

>> No.77423023

Jesus Christ lady

>> No.77423118
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>> No.77423440
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They're jealous that Flayon is having his birthday and will invite girls from every small corpo except Niji.

>> No.77423993

>unicorns btfo itt
amazing. outside their echo chamber generals, nobody sympathizes with their simpery

>> No.77424052
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>landwhale thread
holy shit

>> No.77424151

>Two retard faggot fighting each other
A sequel to two idiot gay from fighting each other.

>> No.77424188

Frog* fucksake. Im retarded. Anyway, heres a free bump because i wanna see more retard battle.

>> No.77424224

Yet all important numbers says otherwise

>> No.77424343

>my dude
