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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 287 KB, 498x498, 1655174558624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77401742 No.77401742 [Reply] [Original]

Why the sudden hiatus though?

>> No.77401820

You tell me, "Ralphamale."

>> No.77401922

fat bitches fear the ralphamale energy

>> No.77401939

To execute your whole family.

>> No.77402079
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>> No.77402138 [DELETED] 
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holy motherfucking BASED

>> No.77402154

This is the part where BVTM and Killstream Discord raids the thread to support their cowardly pig man who got beaten up by a British midget

>> No.77402269

and deadbeats are ready to spread their cheeks and give them all the attention they want

>> No.77402719

Knee growing problem.

>> No.77402879

depression from surgery, dont know why she went through with it

>> No.77403223

Anon, no one on the fucking internet likes that guy other than his couple dozen orbiters he managed to keep since gamergate. He was fucking banned from kick somehow and is relegated to streaming on fucking rumble. Literally every post he makes has like 3 replies supporting him and 100 clowning on him. You don't want him on your side no matter what you think of Mori.

>> No.77403363

I don't care about which side he's on, as long as he keeps harassing mori only more power to him

>> No.77403450

ah yes the guy who... can't even get 100 likes on any of his tweets recycling flacid 2020-2021 mori grudge posts is why she is on hiatus, Nothing to do with her dad or her fucked knee surgery, Nope it was the groyper pedophile hiding out in mexico that nobody has given a shit about since 2016, a guy that even other rightoids hate and clown on, The guy who hard-doxxed pippa for making fun of him and she kept making fun of him afterwards anyway, God people are genuinely so retarded /here/

>> No.77403882

>her dad
what did he do

>> No.77404000

NTA but on stream she mentioned him asking her to chill out and relax more, He might also be old and sick so she could be taking care of him for a bit

>> No.77404044

How do you get depressed after a successful surgery?

>> No.77404129

thankfully there were complications

>> No.77404221

She had multiple very painful complications and talked about how she is still in a good deal of pain (Including a story about a catheter which was pretty gnarly), And for a workaholic like her having to sit in a hospital doing nothing but being in pain for however many days was probably hell on its own, Not even taking into account how rough the recovery seems to be

>> No.77404311

But her knee is better, ain't it? It's not like she's gonna be bound to a wheel chair for the rest of her life.

>> No.77404480

She's streaming tomorrow

>> No.77404518

Anon, no one on the fucking internet likes Mori other than her couple dozen orbiters she managed to keep since Excuse me RIP. She was fucking banned from 1 on 1 collabs with Gura somehow and is relegated to collabing with Nijisanji and Vshojo. Literally every solo stream she does has 2000 ccv when it isn't botted. You don't want her collabing with your oshi no matter what.

>> No.77404642

right on cue

>> No.77404669

Which anus did you pull that information from?

>> No.77404703

lmao, based

>> No.77404855

>She had multiple very painful complications

>> No.77405022

Please stop projecting your unloved life onto Mori, anon. Your mom regrets that she pushed you out of her vagina every day of her life

>> No.77405126

unlike hololive girls, people outside of hololive aren't forced to pretend they like mori

>> No.77405194
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Man, you Mori antis really are incapable of both reading and thinking

>> No.77405300

>points out Pururu, Ci, AmaLee, Zutomayo,et al.
>T-they don't count.
I really feel like this anti really, unironically thinks that Mori stole a slot from her in Holomyth.

>> No.77405310

is this one person?

>> No.77405428

Oh yeah, the autistic retard who spends his entire day insulting a pink anime girl who doesn't even know he exists from his mudhut is DEFINITELY the best judge of if people are friends are not

>> No.77405481

oh they didn't like that one

>> No.77405568
File: 250 KB, 2048x1164, GL-7ObOasAA44tM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of replying to bait, you could just stream Tide. (Or Overkill)

>> No.77405634

One can only hope that it's only one person that pathetic. If it is two of them, they may have found their retarded soulmate in each other

>> No.77405671

>cowardly pig man who got beaten up by a British midget
Is that the one where he got beat up in portugal, i think i remember watching a video of that

>> No.77405785

the descent is amazing:
>normal antis
>siding with black twitter
>siding with a literal horsefetishist
>siding with a /pol/tard
How low can they go?

>> No.77405795

It is simply karma, just desserts for her for shitting on Hololive culture in her 1st year.

>> No.77405811

Nah I'll stream chimera even though I don't watch Kiara. Telling deadbeats it has more views than tide and overkill is hilarious. They start frothing at the mouth.
She's washed up.

>> No.77405825

when did Connor beat up Mori?

>> No.77405894 [DELETED] 

I'd side with literally Satan if it meant no mire Mori. So glad she's gone and in pain.

>> No.77405925

Lmao, maybe I'll watch his stream to see him seethe about how little engagement again compared to mori that was pretty funny. Maybe maybe check one of his teats where a majority of his replies are people posting that picture of hom when got his ass kicked by a midget.

>> No.77405956 [DELETED] 

Why are Chumchuds like this?

>> No.77405984

She needs to focus on rehabbing her knee so she can do that live One Piece concert in August.

>> No.77406027
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>holo vs holo out of nowhere
ah that explains it

>> No.77406032

Behold: Why no one likes Chumchuds

>> No.77406059

You will have to spend your whole life miserably seeing this woman continue to fail upwards, and I think that's hilarious.

>> No.77406112

>fail upwards
>on a slow decline for months

>> No.77406140

Do you realize how pathetic your life has gotten. You spend your life seething over an anime girl on the internet that doesn't know you exist. At this point I think you might just be playing a caricature on an anti just to make the rest of them look bad.

>> No.77406146
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>nobody noticing this is literally the same post twice

>> No.77406170

>continue to fail upwards
put quotation marks on it so that it's funnier. Anyone who uses that phrase is literally coping in some form.

>> No.77406203

Even your precious Pippa? kek

>> No.77406216
File: 874 KB, 1272x718, moritraitor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori isn't a Hololive member. She's nijiEN.

>> No.77406256

Health issues. And maybe she's banking on being able to do the Gura meta and just coast for 90% of the year.

>> No.77406307

BVTM has no real agency, they just hate Hololive and take the opposing side by default

>> No.77406318

>Fall upwards
>Her big lethal Company collab lost to IDs playing Minecraft when botbeats ran out of money for bots
>No end in sight to her losing ccv

>> No.77406376

You forgot your Panko avatar

>> No.77406432

Anon, being a vtuber isn't just streaming alone.

>> No.77406450

>hololive side

>> No.77406538

>Holo vs Holo
Be more subtle next time Phasecuck

>> No.77406573


>> No.77406612

>OP becomes "the boy who cried wolf"
>literally isn't self-aware.

>> No.77406616
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>> No.77406909

>even though I don't watch Kiara
For someone who claims they don't watch her you sure do spend a lot of time here defending her whenever she gets called a runt

>> No.77406996

nobody calls her the runt lmao, that's mori

>> No.77407467
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>> No.77407668

Go kys faggot

>> No.77408354
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>> No.77408433


>> No.77408515

Blud, this is from 6 months ago

>> No.77408614

>anti cucks ally with lolcows now and lick fat blob white man anus to "win" against Mori

>> No.77408657

What do you retards think "fail upwards" means? Mori is constantly failing, yes. She is one of the least popular EN holos by all standard metrics. Her modern songs and streams get mogged by fucking Kiara, a notorious runt. And yet, big Japanese IPs keep contracting her. That's the Upwards part. Suicide Squad, Metal Gear, fucking One Piece. She's weirdly successful when it comes to real life accomplishments while being a failure by regular vTuber metrics.

>> No.77408678
File: 3.11 MB, 1482x4435, a006fd7ffec1fad95e5d158fd794dd21a1c83575 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep replying so I can reply with every single one of these.

>> No.77408780

I don't know what these pixels are supposed to say

>> No.77408839

AKA, cope. This is like shitting on a player who gets to the NBA finals and having a big influence on the outcome of the games but no hard numbers, just hustle.

>> No.77408842
File: 1.26 MB, 3246x4643, may.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from last month, the most recent chart. Now I think arguing about ccv is pointless since more than half of EN gets botted these days, but if you still insist on doing so then by your own logic Kiara is the "runt".

>> No.77408869
File: 187 KB, 499x245, 2bd22102afb791371927cb844f8908d52fe939ab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that deadbeats called the mgs thing "the biggest sponsorship in hololive history". And the it lost to Kiara shilling fucking chocolate bars.
Also the sing was unanimously shat on. NEAKY NEAKY NEAKY NEAKY NEAKY.

>> No.77408910

If myth loses its first member because mori wouldn't sit and recover and loses a leg because of it, it will sure be something.

>> No.77408958

Is anyone supposed to be able to read these?

>> No.77408971

>Nov 2023
so you are just cherrypicking months?

>> No.77409056
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>Look how high her views are when she gets botted for an entire month!

>> No.77409077

I think her knee surgery fucked up in recovery and she's having to have emergency work done on it that prevents her from being home.
I think she won't be able to perform in stage anymore or dance because if this, hence the serious tone in her tweet. It gave off the vibe of someone who's life is about to change negatively. She'll still be able to stream of course, just no 3d lives or concerts.
Just my rrat anyways

>> No.77409086

>Anti is now larping as an "obsessed KFP"
For what end?

>> No.77409147

The cock transplant didn’t take. It happens, unfortunately.

>> No.77409168

damn son you really like making this post

>> No.77409195


>> No.77409222

doesn't even make the effort of changing up the filename and CRC.

>> No.77409236

Yeah and it’s probably the bald fat fuck that got his ass beat by a midget himself trying to get imaginary wins by going see people are rallying for me on 4chan

>> No.77409277
File: 208 KB, 1032x1119, botted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara got botted several times in May and still ended at the bottom. Like I said, it's pointless to argue about it but if that's the hill you want to die on

>> No.77409299
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>> No.77409462 [DELETED] 

>Deadbeats making shit up to anti Kiara
Funny how deadbeats have to relentlessly shit on other holos to make their shit oshi look good. They're the biggest hololive antis. No wonder she collabs with vshojo and nijisanji so often. Her fans like those companies more than hololive.

>> No.77409500

You don't even need to do a lookup. He has a very specific file name system and you can see him and his esl posts in dozens of threads, many that have literally nothing to do about mori. He is the definition of mind broken.

>> No.77409518
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holy kek this faggot is pathetic

>> No.77409586

It's hilarious that it claims that "NO IT ISN'T ONE PERSON" everytime someone confronts it.

>> No.77409671

What exactly am I making up? Both Kiara and Mori and several other ENs get botted and yet you still insist on using this meme metric to shitpost

>> No.77409722


>> No.77409787

Seething Ralphpedo

>> No.77409812

everyone knows who you are you brown faggot

>> No.77409814

>no u

>> No.77409864

>Spend entire month botting Mori
Fucking lmao. Let's see her numbers next month now that you tan out of money for bots. Her real ccv couldn't even beat ID despite having a cross branch lethal company collab.

>> No.77409902
File: 1.41 MB, 1371x1198, MoriroM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, this dude is really mad. Across multiple threads. "KWAB", as they say.

>> No.77409947 [DELETED] 

oh its Ennacuck

>> No.77410031

hilarious that you have to latch onto a promo song she admits to having barely any creative control over. almost like anything else Mori dropped in 2023 would contradict your braindead agenda

>> No.77410089

Same modus operandi
>samefag posts
>same images down to the filename
>same posting pattern
Gets called out

>> No.77410156

Recovery from surgeries are always a coin flip. I had a cousin who had a knee replacement due to juvenile arthritis and he had a smooth post operation recovery.
The second knee replacement, not so much. It was pure hell for him.

>> No.77410190

ralphs trying to get people to check out his boring ass show so he's shilling himself by getting negative attention so people watch the pill stream. it's better to not watch this fat boring faggot and let him rot in obscurity

>> No.77410240 [DELETED] 

>Say Mori's CCV shouldn't count because she got botted a few times
>Guy points out that several other ENs also got botted
>"Errm we-well uhhhuuuh, deadbeats are shitting on EN reeeeeee!"
??? Retard lol
Can't even defend your own retarded logic when it's turns against you

>> No.77410250

CCV was a meme metric even before the botting started but I'm glad that the botschizo is ruining your shitposting angle

>> No.77410304

Your oshi's a cripple.

>> No.77410305

>my oshi isn’t on the list

>> No.77410373

Shiori's made me lol

>> No.77410442

My oshi isn't Fatgur Covid

>> No.77410452

So glad Gura cut Mori out of her life and hasn't 1 on 1 collabed with her in 2 years.

>> No.77410531

her knees gave out when we were fuckin

>> No.77410902

You could have started with that instead of seething the whole thread

>> No.77411445

Growing up is realizing that numbers are fake.

>> No.77413727

Imagine a world where deadbeats could identify bait, maybe guny wouldn't have forced her into hiding if we lived in that world

>> No.77414639

It was a stealth suspension

>> No.77417643

>who got beaten up by a British midget
If by British midget you mean "Cog", he is indeed a british midget. But he did not beat the gunt, he just provoked him, the one doing the beating is a "professional" fighter who goes by "Dan" who was waiting for the opportunity to beat the Gunt as an excuse once he turned to fight Cog. Ralph was unaware of Dan existence until that moment, he was who beat the shit out of him, it was a well planned assault for sure. Cog and Dan live together in the UK, Cog shares his Indian wife with Dan as token of appreciation.

>> No.77417771
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Fine, I'll bite. What was she suspended for?

>> No.77418043 [DELETED] 

