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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 78 KB, 567x900, shummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77366357 No.77366357 [Reply] [Original]

tummy tuesday

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon™

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>77315109

>> No.77366422

>her signature
kek irl

>> No.77366558
File: 457 KB, 658x748, promised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shummy chewsday

>> No.77366573

Miss me wife, simple as.

>> No.77366631

>inis announcing she just came in her discord
Shes /here/ isn't she

>> No.77366656

twitch is raising the tier 1 sub prices in a lot of places

>> No.77366713

>tier 1

>> No.77366740

New tier-4 when?

>> No.77366764

im a tier 3 sub
i hope this causes her to get a bit more money from gifted subs

>> No.77366815

it isn't really playing hard to get when you never leave the house

>> No.77366968
File: 13 KB, 677x412, 1708443923387585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had a good shitpost but then the thread died and i forgot what it was just so imagine a really good shitpost here and then respond to it accordingly and we can go from there

>> No.77367038

Holy shit wow. I love you.

>> No.77367052
File: 265 KB, 838x702, 1696756941950911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect time for Shondo to come back next month. More money.

I'm just fucking around. I miss her dearly and hope she returns sooner than that.

>> No.77367115
File: 152 KB, 1433x1079, 1704032112183874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo i am no longer asking. stream the aminal video watchalong on chama NOW

>> No.77367155


>> No.77367185

I had a vision. She will return when the 7 planets line up

>> No.77367314
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I want to blow raspberries, tickle and kiss the shummy

>> No.77367493
File: 20 KB, 608x174, seven planets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's several months away


>> No.77367688
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>> No.77367722

I'm gonna party time to her friends every day she ignores me

>> No.77367863

she'll come back when the offline chat and discord are no longer infested with newfags
so never

>> No.77367961

p2w chat in a shellnut

>> No.77368336

Don't say shellnut. That time is over

>> No.77368425

p2w chat in deeznuts

>> No.77369329

Why is there a thread for a retired vtuber?

>> No.77369378


>> No.77369459
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I wish that was true...

>> No.77369725
File: 1.24 MB, 2000x2000, __fallenshadow_indie_virtual_youtuber_and_1_more_drawn_by_kiirokuma__be459fd3c59585d118948cdee01915a7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please tweet today shondo

>> No.77369803

naur... i wanted to take you to the beach shondo...

>> No.77370070

best post in the thread anon topkek
also that picture looks like someone I have have a lot of sex with, both gentle lovemaking and violent bedbreaking.

>> No.77370238

chat, can he say that?

i was having the same exact thought for the past 2 hours

>> No.77370598

Why is she so erotic why do I throb for her it feels so wrong

>> No.77370832

why hasnt she said anything :<

>> No.77370973

She finds herself in a quandary, caught between a desire to act and a reluctance to do so.

>> No.77371116

a quagmire, even…giggity

>> No.77371152

that's a child

>> No.77371186


>> No.77371215


>> No.77371367

and also my wife, and we have an insane amount of sex (my balls can’t make the baby batter fast enough)

>> No.77371808

I’m glad she is finally addressing this.

>> No.77371958

That's a misconception that comes from reversing cause and effect. Being gay makes you more likely to be raped, not the other way around.

>> No.77372154

Is that why she's so rapeable?

>> No.77372178

If you see a funny or particularly unhinged worm farmer post, that's Inis

>> No.77372264

boomer alert

>> No.77372682

where mogus

>> No.77372945

I love her and everything about her! I hope she is having a great day! I will await her return as long as it takes! She has an amazing voice (all of them)!!!

>> No.77373026

Couldn't agree more

>> No.77373061 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.77373220

Childpilled cunnymaxxer

>> No.77373449

she read about the lack of posting in nina chat and now shes posting in nina chat
btw make sure you go there and spam emotes

>> No.77373528
File: 276 KB, 596x470, squish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, but thanks for telling me where wife is.

>> No.77373585

What date did she announce the break, how long are we at now

>> No.77373602

todays wordle is a sign
it begins

>> No.77373682

It will be two months on the 6th

>> No.77373692 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.77373744

based and lovepilled
just thinking about her makes my kokoro go into dokidoki overdrive. it's scary how much my happiness feels linked to her wellbeing but also so energizing

I feel like I've gotta do my best everyday so that I can prove to her that she's a positive influence on others

>> No.77373772

Why can't she just at least wish me well or something

>> No.77373822 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 382x456, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgive me i get it now

>> No.77373831

Why should she have to care about you?

>> No.77373845

It was rapidly overShadowed by more pressing events, but hearing Pinis moan excessively in a masculine voice was the awkwardest I've ever felt while watching a vtuber.

>> No.77373868

I like the new breed of shoggas that show up to streams shes chatting in only after she does, and then spam the chat.
They're still too new to know she hates that more than anything, but maybe theyll learn like we all had to

>> No.77373897

I don't, poor shibes

>> No.77373907
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>> No.77373936

Some should know better by now since they're oldfags running around on alts.

>> No.77373948

Because any streamer should express care for their fans, I just want a tweet saying something that indicates she's thinking of us in some way

>> No.77373991

I guess I didnt mean I like it, I just find it interesting that it keeps going in cycles like this

>> No.77374009

Well she isn't clearly.

>> No.77374038
File: 136 KB, 388x408, 1717366699384964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuu shon please tweet today. I know you're drawing while listening to Nina.

>> No.77374062

Describe sex with shondo

>> No.77374064

you can stay as a slave but don't get too uppity

>> No.77374118

Speak for yourself I was never retarded enough to do that shit. The real play is to genuinely engage with the streamer but back off if they start replying directly to you too much. Then she'll realize she won't have to apologize to her friends for you and will be more likely to acknowledge your presence.

desu I am a scared little baby and don't know how to get to or if there even is a level past this point, when she says hi or joins in a dialogue I started with the streamer, it feels like anything besides quietly acknowledging her back will be a game ending mistake :<

>> No.77374333

I never understand why people need to feel they need to spam other streamer's chats when shon shows up. she's said before she wants to be treated like any other chatter in someone else's chat and i bet it makes the streamer and her chat uncomfortable.

>> No.77374342

A slave for what exactly?

>> No.77374345

I never did either because I dont care about any other streamer other than her, it was more a general statement about different eras of shoggas

>> No.77374371

God shes hot

>> No.77374456

I will give $20 dollars to the first anon who types in all caps that they caught the scent of cunny in Nina's chat and demand she shows herself
Sobbing emojis included naturally

>> No.77374494

>$20 to get forcibly divorced from your wife

>> No.77374497

kill yourself

>> No.77374542

Yes, $20

>> No.77374597

No thanks shogga! I'll let someone else get the pizza money

>> No.77374647
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Tummy Tuesday

>> No.77374701

4channel rotted your brain, see a therapist.

>> No.77374814

clipwatcher hands typed this post

>> No.77374820

Therapy is too expensive, why do you think I'm here

>> No.77374830
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>> No.77374917

the ropes i would splatter on the *’s tummy could fill a bathtub

>> No.77374924


>> No.77374965

hottest shit ive ever seen

>> No.77374966
File: 120 KB, 800x1283, 1705619898975400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77375007

Can you post the non piss version?

>> No.77375019

no shondo! you do that in the nose powdering room!

>> No.77375046

Need to kiss this tummy

>> No.77375105


>> No.77375137

if you can afford $20 for a low effort coomer shit post you can afford therapy

>> No.77375338

i appreciate that tummy tuesday is in the op
but did wednesday get a definitive answer? there was
water sports (not doable desu)
weakling (ryonachad day)

>> No.77375359

Watersports Wednesday is tomorrow, also you forgot to include me receiving.

>> No.77375404

I can't tell if you're just going with the bit or if you actually think I was going to send $20

>> No.77375455

I dreamt about shondo. I miss miss miss miss miss her

>> No.77375470
File: 27 KB, 112x112, syadouWiggly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wiggly Wednesday

>> No.77375564

NTA but I'm pretty sure you're just retarded and unfunny. I love Saali but he brought so much cancer to the community
It is what it is

>> No.77375596

thanks shogga

>> No.77375631

aside from the worm farming im glad that we're actually trying to make themed days work. I appreciate you shoggas that are actually trying. SyadouLove.
Wifey Wednesday rolls off the tongue better. Extra points in my book because Wednesdays are the first days of the week where she streams.

>> No.77375665

I found shondo before he was a thing but good try ig
Look less deep into shitposting and maybe threads won't get derailed as much

>> No.77375719

even as a joke its still not funny

>> No.77375723

blaming the audience isn't gonna make you a better comedian

>> No.77375870
File: 236 KB, 800x1440, 1685368985447154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>singular threadshit
>everyone replies in angst
No fucking wonder this general goes to shit every time. Post tummies or something

>> No.77375905

yes yes its the newfags who are the problem
totally not white ribbons who do that everywhere

>> No.77375991

The oldfags who think they still have a chance at grooming have been the problem for a long time

>> No.77376068
File: 244 KB, 1599x1392, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullying works and is necessary when you can't make a person self-reflect otherwise c:

>> No.77376066

awkward and unfulfilling for all involved

>> No.77376086

OK groomer. You cant hide your true nature ;)

>> No.77376207

You can bully with good intentions and nudge them to self reflect in response to the bullying and hopefully change and grow in a good direction, it's a tad risky though

>> No.77376209

No YOU are the grwoomer >:(

>> No.77376231

shondo groomed me actually

>> No.77376250


>> No.77376343
File: 263 KB, 1557x2508, 1713141651316931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take every post as is and don't look for deeper meanings, makes it hard to keep up or take sides when arguments happen and leave me feel syadouBrainless

>> No.77376384

shondo groomed me into loving flat chested ***cm tall brown-haired pale as a ghost princesses with adorable accents
I'll never forgive her

>> No.77376513

It's a 5 digit IQ move to not get involved with arguments here. 1 digit IQ move to not be suspicious about ulterior motives though. I'll syadouPray that you don't fall victim to a worm farmer

>> No.77376578

yeah except you fags go straight to it instead of talking first or on the off chance you do talk you won't accept that you might be wrong too so it always goes to bullying

>> No.77376751

I may be a lurker who's spoken like 5 times total but I'll be fucking her by 2025.

>> No.77376835


>> No.77376922

I dont get where the context is in this thread but no bullying has happened here, its just retards replying to retards but both sides think theyre being smart

>> No.77376973

it's just one guy

>> No.77377024

go to the gym you fat fucking ball of shit
you look like you should be chasing indiana jones out of an ancient temple

>> No.77377034
File: 303 KB, 500x438, 1711602424971867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream about her recently where she was doing a virtual meet and greet at some con somewhere. She was so cute and nervous but she was really happy to see people come by. Some people were telling her their twitch names and she was saying how its cute to match a face to a name and name color.

>> No.77377041
File: 108 KB, 960x747, 1708972397717621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been falling for farmers since i first started reading shon threads(8 months+), i get past them through the power of logic, evidence and love for my wife(shondo), and after doing reps they've been easier to deal with or avoid

>> No.77377045

I can't even see which guy that is desu

>> No.77377118


>> No.77377122

u mad

>> No.77377182

You've clearly suppressed your memories of being the bullied outcast

>> No.77377202


>> No.77377316

well that was awkward. poor shibes

>> No.77377374

Shondo has been less active than fucking gura
How long of a break is necessary

>> No.77377385

I wish. The only person who ever bullied me to my face was my first gf.

>> No.77377439

the break is already over, she is just getting some things done before she resumes streams.

>> No.77377450

Sounds hot, give me her number

>> No.77377458


>> No.77377519

I wouldn't really say it's over.

>> No.77377528

The break is over when I get a live notification desu

>> No.77377580

alt stream is live

>> No.77377589

alt stream just ended

>> No.77377644

the breaks ends when her and i are standing at the altar, professing our vows.

>> No.77377658

She is streaming live piss into my mouth

>> No.77377672

No, aren't you married?

>> No.77377700

I actually agree with this. I remember bullying a couple people in school. No idea how they turned out but it was fun.

>> No.77377731

Yes but my wife won't satisfy my needs right now

>> No.77377759

thread theme

>> No.77377811

>Lusting over RTX Layna in her chat
>Still cannot give us a second's thought and will likely be more silence today
It just get's so tiresome.

>> No.77377851

shondo i miss you please come back and be my wife again

>> No.77377853

I can't relate, sorry.

>> No.77377883

it is what it is :/

>> No.77377908

What do you want us to do? Who knows what she is feeling or thinking

>> No.77377971

man i gotta do more reps i didnt know that layna was wifey approved

>> No.77377979

>Who knows what she is feeling
About Layna IRL.

>> No.77378030


>> No.77378056

hate this bitch (shonders) like you wouldn’t believe
cheating double-standards whore cunt

>> No.77378077

"vtuber" that does mostly rtx streams

>> No.77378132

And just like that I miss Tanya. At least I have my 2views

>> No.77378134

>last update to us was being cock hungry for the hound
>sexpesting her friends since then
I love married life!

>> No.77378188

I am going to choose to believe that people aren't actually stalking her while she tries to objectify women in peace. This is just an elaborate worm farmer ploy.

>> No.77378254

Shigger we just see pings from what she's saying and all she has done is sexpest. There's literally nothing else.

>> No.77378260

And confirmed. Phew, you guys had me for a second.

>> No.77378294

> https://x.com/fallenshadow_yt/status/1441926325044908036
naur..farmers are lying..s-she said she hates to see other chuubas rtx!! SHE ISN’T A LIPSTICK LESBIAN!!!!!

>> No.77378305 [DELETED] 

I dont think she ever said we weren't allowed to call others cute

>> No.77378306

please stop cuckposting this is a thread for a monogamous relationship

>> No.77378403

I don't think she ever said we weren't allowed to call others cute

>> No.77378420

How is it cuckposting? We're going another day of being ignored and this is simply how she's choosing to spend it.
I was mocked for saying she may be doing this deliberately but at this point she has only triple downed.

>> No.77378510

Shigger she has done so many bits about not watching other girls. fuck off if you dont want to do reps

>> No.77378520

>We're going another day of being ignored
speak for yourself
and you don't have to veil your cuck fetish /here/ anon, you can be yourself

>> No.77378577

Sharing a romantic scene in a book you like is not being "cock hungry". Thats a ridiculous thing to say.

>> No.77378581

idk what this cope is but its pretty sad

>> No.77378652

You cannot call others sad while you bitch to us in the thread every day.

>> No.77378678

That anon is partially right. If she's ignoring you, you're doing something wrong.
Fuck off with the cuck shit though

>> No.77378677

>no contact for 4 days
Hey look at this hot guy im wet over
>no contact for another 4 days

>> No.77378745

What's pretty sad is all most of us need is a simple acknowledgement and we can't even get that. ~5 minutes of her time is all that is needed and yet we're the bad guys for missing our wife?

>> No.77378761

why are you hiding your writing style

>> No.77378777

After a certain point there's no difference between ironically shitposting about being a cuck who is bitter at Shondo and actually being one. Be careful shogga.

>> No.77378786

who am i?

>> No.77378818


>> No.77378844

you're me, but gayer

>> No.77378846

>missing my wife makes me a cuck
that's a new one

>> No.77378873

no he's the famous derek

>> No.77378897

I said it before but it would be better if she just stayed quiet until she was ready to come back

>> No.77378920

Nobody said that. People complain about the way you talk and how it sounds extremely aggressive and unlikeable. It's not how you get sympathy from anybody.

>> No.77378941

no one said you're the bad guy for missing her, but that's a good goalpost shift, subtle. you get simple acknowledgment all the time, you are a needy baby, worse than a woman

>> No.77378952

it was always about just being the best option for her to pick
if you arent rich dont even bother trying

>> No.77378985

So incredible disingenuous sigh

>> No.77379022

We are currently living through Shondomination. She's breaking the weakest and worst husbands, the sexpests, the groomers, the youtube commenters, the linux users
A shglorious age awaits us on the other shide

>> No.77379029

it is how i genuinely feel

>> No.77379056

>you get simple acknowledgment all the time
A month ago as now "All the time" apparently. Amazing how you shiggers manage to downplay stuff.

>> No.77379064

The thing is she isnt filtering anyone. Shes just making them bitter. A ticking time bomb

>> No.77379076

close the thread if you're still here

>> No.77379089

>endless worm farmers convincing everyone she's dead
yeah no. Just be patient you autists she's working on an animation. That takes time.

>> No.77379095

there is absolutely nothing wrong with sharing what makes you wet while your audience eagerly waits for you.

>> No.77379142

exactly, they will go out in a blaze of glory like King CF

>> No.77379162

Remember when she would give us daily updates and chat with us last year when she took a break?

>> No.77379177

So is it a normal thing for your wife to ghost you for over a month sorry this is my first marriage

>> No.77379190

She never said it was going to be a quick process. Eventually they'll all self destruct and take themselves down embarrassingly like Fleece did.

>> No.77379203

Except we aren't in a normal situation and she is still on break for a reason. If your goal is to make her talk to you even less you are doing a good job

>> No.77379260

Yes because she still does in the patreon server

>> No.77379271

Shes said before that twitter stresses her out. I dont blame her for not updating us every single day

>> No.77379303

are you using a pass or are you talking with your boyfriend you're hiding from your "wife"

>> No.77379305

Except That break was for a completely different reason. Are you doing this on purpose?

>> No.77379325

Twitter is a bad site and I like that she's been moving towards using Discord more for fan interaction. She just needs to get the mods to do their job...

>> No.77379327

she’s filtering people which is why some literal who (me btw) joined two days ago and asked “what happened”

>> No.77379346

>just wait, she's working
Anonchama... How many years need to pass before you can see the writing on the walls. How many "shoon" posts are needed.

>> No.77379353

And it seems your goals have been were to provide her excuses for the bare-minimum she should be providing her unironic husbands.

>> No.77379410

There's just more than one of us who doesn't think her behaviour is normal

>> No.77379415

reincarnating in an anonymous thread is gay

>> No.77379421

You are dangerously stupid. My god....

>> No.77379440

Shogga only 1 of those is me and im arguing for both sides at the same time

>> No.77379490

>he's using the same exact argument that got btfo yesterday

>> No.77379501

Ha jokes on you I wasnt here yesterday

>> No.77379514

i knew there was only 1 or 2 of him, i had forgot about you, my bad shogga carry on

>> No.77379523

Ok guys I'm closing the thread but I didnt get called a slur at all today and I usually do. It feels wrong
Can you throw me one on my way out?

>> No.77379572

not everything is about you, god you're self centered. no wonder shondo doesn't talk to you

incel failson

>> No.77379587

Youre a cutie patootie [/spoiler

>> No.77379590
File: 173 KB, 823x1401, 1709861715325992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many husbands ITT NGMI

>> No.77379604

How? I've made my concessions and they are extremely generous especially when compared to how others treat their fans. We are supposed to be more than just her fans are we not? It has been a month and she has cared to talk to anyone but her husbands.
I'll even leave the RTX Layna lusting out of this for now. Those feelings aside, she is still ignoring us.
How much time passes before you realize that you are the one being stupid?

>> No.77379620

considering the “soon” meme and by extension “shoon” was meant to mock promises that were either never kept or got pushed back far longer than previously said, I’d say it’s more than appropriate

>> No.77379668


>> No.77379675

Im only here because im not going to let 2 years of my life dedicated to her go to waste

>> No.77379676

Famously if you want a woman to be loving and show you affection you trap her with epic aggressive arguments, antagonize her and talk about what you think she has to do.

>> No.77379681

you won't make it to the end of the month

>> No.77379759

I wish Inis were shitposting here again, this generation of farmers suck

>> No.77379780

shondo rtx stream but instead of tending to plants she is bathing otis

>> No.77379850

That would be good asmr and the focus on Otis would prevent anyone from sexualizing it

>> No.77379867

i made this post but only spiritually, physically she would never do this and i wouldnt want it and it would sour the relationship forever if we did it

>> No.77379871

why does it sound like when i plap her cunny?

>> No.77379873

Who am I trapping? She isn't /here/ reading this. I am providing a perspective for shoggers for her pretty deliberate behavior.
I've yet to see anything but excuses and promotion of her behavior because apparently thinking we deserve better makes me wrong.

>> No.77379892

what makes you think that would stop everyone?

>> No.77379922

you won't make it to july 23rd

>> No.77379958

shondo bodycam soon if she keeps being friends with fleshcam sluts pretending to be vtubers

>> No.77379964
File: 279 KB, 1527x1458, This baby is a whole 7 mins old &amp; already fed up with life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically good asmr idea but she won't do it.

>> No.77380017


>> No.77380032

uuuuuuuuuuuuu why won't my oshi care about MY feelings while she's easing herself back into a work routine after a mental breakdown uuuuuuuuuuuuu its so unfair uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.77380048

Any evidence it's deliberate and malicious? You can't actually know any of that. How do you know she isn't just terrified to interact with us because of people like you? Thats my perspective btw

>> No.77380075

she is a lipstick lesbian though
"Some authors have commented that lipstick lesbian is commonly used broadly to refer to feminine bisexual women or to heterosexual women who temporarily show romantic or sexual interest in other women to impress men."

>> No.77380079

This skrunckly little fella needs a bath though, audio with a cute drawing of her and otis in the bath as the visuals as an asmr video, please shondo

>> No.77380103 [SPOILER] 
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youve activated my trap card!
if you read this shondo you have to put your oily feet on the mic the next time you do asmr

>> No.77380143

whats the point arguing with these antis? genuinely why do you even bother lol

>> No.77380200

I'm waiting for my food to arrive and occasionally a cute picture of Shondo that I can add to my folder will pop up

>> No.77380222

this lil dude needs some kisses from daddy :)

>> No.77380232

no anon a REAL wife would just take the mental breakdown because (one of) her emotionally and mentally stunted husband(s) might not feel provided for by not getting a tweet for them to reply with a forced response or question to

>> No.77380248
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>> No.77380331

I don't even know anymore. It's getting tiring so I will leave now

>> No.77380372
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>> No.77380428


>> No.77380459
File: 888 KB, 1636x1042, 1713220168285371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a reward for your troubles

>> No.77380467

Thank you! Somehow the low res makes her smile even cuter

>> No.77380499

I was doing something else until now, but i think I'll listen to you and check back in later instead of being up to date with the thread
Bye bye have a good one hopefully
It can't be normal to be throwing up so much

>> No.77380513
File: 152 KB, 1920x1910, s8lugw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss her
i want her to sing hajimete no chu again

>> No.77380524
File: 2.64 MB, 498x284, nadenade.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

headpats for the sicky wife

>> No.77380557

I will save this one too and use it as inspiration for having a similar shoffice someday

>> No.77380669
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>> No.77380718
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>> No.77380738

Never said it was.
There is evidence for it being deliberate when you consider the history she's had with us and the numerous arcs she's had about how she can do better for us.
Even suggesting that she is possibly afraid is still a deliberate attempt to avoid us.
It means my hunch is correct but maybe wrong?
But what is she afraid of then, when again, she shouldn't be /here/ reading what I'm saying anyways?
All I want is for her to promote healing with this marriage.

>> No.77380850

>All I want is for her to promote healing with this marriage.
your posts say otherwise, you want a lot more than that don't rewrite history

>> No.77380951
File: 1.17 MB, 884x1440, 1696470480870826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think im running out of shummy pics

>> No.77380956

No you don't understand! By watching vtubers, playing gacha, reading books and eating 200 calories a day she's actually working and prepping to come back! She's easing herself into a schedule!

>> No.77381032
File: 24 KB, 813x250, image0-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get hyped for the loads of blue achieve streams!

>> No.77381037

i can feel our marriage healing with every post

>> No.77381051


>> No.77381126

She pandered for years and made enough money off us. Expect her to change and focus and what she actually wants to do now.

>> No.77381171

if she did this would be what breaks me

>> No.77381256

shondo, you know what you must do

>> No.77381309
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>> No.77381318
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>> No.77381356

everything will be fine in august, be patient

>> No.77381430

good shit

>> No.77381470

I think I've made it quite clear that she needs to acknowledge us a teeny tiny bit as opposed to the current circumstance, which is not at all.
Currently she is adapting to try and get herself into a positive routine.
Why on Earth would you not want to be apart of that as her unironic and literal husband?

>> No.77381522

>unironic and literal husband
LOL irl

>> No.77381585
File: 247 KB, 556x526, 1696845489513030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just dropping in to say i love my wife

>> No.77381647
File: 231 KB, 535x531, 1716666443857074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why August? I'm hoping she can start streaming again before her birthday so she doesn't immediately try to do a ton of long streams in august like she proposed before the break and immediately burn herself out.

>> No.77381671


>> No.77381691

your other posts were much less reasonable and respectful
and stop twisting words, i would want to be apart of it but it's not a problem if i'm not, and this isn't a standard marriage
you're such a worm about this it's grossing me out

>> No.77381747

I never said I didn't want her to talk to us. There might be emotional reasons for why she doesn't want to right now and there is no way for us to fully know. Seething in the thread and antagonizing her won't achieve the things you claim you want.

>> No.77381782

I'm not sure if you were here for it but she already stopped our watchalong date to play BA for 40 minutes before. But she did say she was super sorry I think.

>> No.77381805

Some anons /here/ express the same thoughts but aren't as nise about it. Maybe don't confuse me with others.

>> No.77381852

She'll debut the outfit on her birthday but won't be very active until august, where she'll have the room for herself and will be able to stream for longer and when she wants.

>> No.77381880

I was there when she said it would only be 5 minutes and was almost an hour. Luckily the rest of that stream was one of the best watch alongs we had so she got away with it
I never showed up for any of the chama ba streams

>> No.77381882

she just needs me to plap her until she cant think straight anymore

>> No.77381904

>ignoring the rest of the post

>> No.77381992

>romantic scene in a book you like
yeah sansa thinking she was about to be assaulted by sandor is super romantic

>> No.77382035

Romance is subjective. There is also dark romance

>> No.77382042

nice then i will have time to finish my anime backlog

>> No.77382056

She interacted with me during the segment so I enjoyed it a lot, wonder if she still remembers what I told her... Probably not, but if she does then I'd be really happy about it

>> No.77382083
File: 1.73 MB, 2000x1647, 1676914928053082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(CTRL+ F KEYWORDS FOR SHONDO) Shondo fallenshadow shonshon Shondo Otis Wife
Watch Girls Band Cry it's made for yuri chads like you and me

>> No.77382091
File: 111 KB, 693x850, 1716694817695754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Shondo yes.

>> No.77382113

nice wrists you fucking harlet

>> No.77382179

Skinwalker in post, shondo ignore them

>> No.77382181

it's an early commission from olivia so shondo let it slide

>> No.77382192

I think this is a good moment to mention that Oli stopped the stream for a moment today to ask us if there was anything we wanted from her and actually listened when people asked for more voice messages among other things. She still said she feels like she doesn't do enough for us.
I personally can't wait for shondo to come back changed and better with a similar attitude to streaming like Oli. :)

>> No.77382213

I hate yuri I’m home of phobic

>> No.77382254

be better next time and pick an art with her in it

>> No.77382306

Oh, you want me to actually engage with your post? I figured you were too focused on finding a way to paint my intentions poorly.
>i would want to be apart of it but it's not a problem if i'm not
That has been my sole criticism and that we should be apart of it. You are just wrong if you think otherwise, because it is good for this relationship if she stops hiding from us.
You realize we're on a break because she was overwhelmed with what duties she put on herself as our wife, right?
You realize why it is important to be apart of that healing process and not locked away as a second thought to her... right?

>> No.77382315

Shondo would just think "that's really cute and wholesome" and then keep doing what she does normally(nothing of the sort)

>> No.77382316

>I never showed up for any of the chama ba streams
Neither me, gacha shit is by far the worst of her special interests. I'd rather she played Bloons for 10 hours

>> No.77382442

no i don't see why it's necessary, explain, and i won't accept "because she's our wife"

>> No.77382480


>> No.77382492

Why are you not in Oli's thread?

>> No.77382548

>she's been moving towards using Discord more for fan interaction
lol? link the private discord where this is happening please

>> No.77382564


>> No.77382619

Why would she like this?

>> No.77382698
File: 1.76 MB, 2000x1647, 1716032157459710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77382701

who’s bottom-left?

>> No.77382754

The post was her.
The Spanish twink was her boyfriend over the hiatus.
The other post was also her(sorry ray)
It was actually flour not sugar.

>> No.77382777

Because she is working, with some moderate success taking better care of herself and getting back into her routines.
>why dis matter doe
We were apart of her routines before this and currently she has shown that we are not apart of that.
That should be concerning for anyone remotely taking this relationship seriously.

>> No.77382801

old tanya

>> No.77382837

>shes still following him

>> No.77382839


>> No.77382874

She is still on break so she doesn't actually have a new long-term routine.

>> No.77382883
File: 722 KB, 1080x3116, GPQKezpbsAAU2Fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>77382480 (me)

>> No.77382937


>> No.77382955
File: 901 KB, 828x844, 1713024165990569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77382964
File: 569 KB, 2048x1536, Ec0RYIaXoAMQ-Ou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please shondo... i want to taste your baking...

>> No.77382971

No shit. I literally just said she is getting back into her routines.

>> No.77383005

nice digits but none of this is an actual argument for why it's necessary or as important as you seem to think it is
what if getting better involves talking to us less?
you don't know anon, be patient

>> No.77383068


>> No.77383078

Yes so why do you act like it's already over and she won't include us after some time?

>> No.77383124

You stupid cunt. Don't ever be mean to Tanya.

>> No.77383144

i like when kitanya says ''shonders'

>> No.77383155
File: 269 KB, 220x234, cat-kitty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homophobia? Im afraid of the housing market too

>> No.77383241

I hope tanya gets her internet fixed. Her singing was really cute the other day as well.

>> No.77383315

THATS TANYA? I thought she was a tiger before she was a hero..but this also has innis as bird innis and not sheep innis.when was this..

>> No.77383348

inis was a sheep????

>> No.77383393

I shit myself???

>> No.77383423


>> No.77383509

Monkey was on the fan????

>> No.77383540


>> No.77383592

why are you obsessed with this

>> No.77383676

she got sparkly fake nails for the second trip

>> No.77383694
File: 174 KB, 1100x1000, IMG_20240306_011225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm shondo's sigma male

>> No.77383717

oh its this part of the thread
bye cucks bye bye!

>> No.77383745

I can't see how developing a routine that has us thought of even less will be good for this relationship but if that's your perspective on things then I guess I'm beating a dead horse.
Obviously this isn't a normal relationship, but even before there was still communication, which is what is being neglected.
Same goes for you as well. She could, hypothetically, include us after some time but I really fail to see why promoting the neglect has positives and only enforces "little communication = good"
You don't build a dam by removing sticks from the pile.

>> No.77383758

shondo really can't help but be passive-aggressive against every other girl she comments on, it's either about their age, their looks, their make-up, or simply their sexual experience

>> No.77383815

I wish the worst on myself to get the best from her.

>> No.77383839

I hope she never comes back and this is just a graduation. I genuinely cannot imagine why people would give money to her after this.

>> No.77383843

there are good reasons for why she might not do this, and why it's for the best, i won't spoonfeed them /here/

>> No.77383861

cause my wife is a slut who puts out for mods


>> No.77383940

should I go through with wifey wednesday for the next thread even though it's still technically tuesday or just make another tummy tuesday thread?

>> No.77383964

oh it's just you posting your fantasies again, go hang out with the other jannies, or better yet, do your volunteer work properly

>> No.77384061

It's 2am for me and almost midnight for shondo so I say count it as Wednesday

>> No.77384060

DM me the reasons then, shogga

>> No.77384081

>mental breakdown
she is just experiencing the same type of stress every other human alive experiences but due to her being a weak shut in with no life experience thinks it is the end of the world when regular people would just move the fuck on because they have responsibilities

>> No.77384098

it will be Wednesday for her

>> No.77384142

clueless, i hope you get to experience what it's like for once

>> No.77384150

true honestly. imagine how different things would be if her monetary safety binkie was ripped away.

>> No.77384169

kys for real shondo

>> No.77384207
File: 2.78 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok then, thanks

>> No.77384259

I actually cared at the start of this hiatus. Insane to think. Seems like such a waste now.

>> No.77384298

Reread the announcement

>> No.77384996
File: 144 KB, 850x1200, __fallenshadow_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_kanase_mcbrwn18__sample-f809795ab60ef9b59b8dec808bd0ad7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a problem with how long she needs to come back you are more than welcome to leave. She said so in her announcement. Just because she's being active that doesnt mean shes ready.

>> No.77385104

actually she is ready, she just doesn’t want to talk to any of you cheating fags

>> No.77385130

This. A very difficult thing to understand for those parasocial freaks. Maybe go outside and stop being an incel.

>> No.77385188

>>77385130 (me)
Also get therapy.

>> No.77385270

my pov on wedding night

>> No.77385329

Don't speak to my wife like that.

>> No.77385399
File: 609 KB, 960x746, 1709507055179665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty late desu, goodnight shoggas, have a good thread following this one hopefully

>> No.77385457

Why did Inis post a drawing of herself on the toilet?

and how do we get Shondo to do the same?

>> No.77385738
File: 408 KB, 1536x2048, eepyotis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77385773

>Why did Inis post a drawing of herself on the toilet?
German humor. I also don't understand why they're obsessed with poop jokes.

>> No.77385817

It's also a reference to when she drew on panties with a Sharpie for a handcam stream. So in the picture she's meant to not be actually wearing anything.

>> No.77385832

Ni ni shiggie

>> No.77385945

I feel I didn't explain that well. Inis herself, drew panties on herself for a handcam stream. She the showed everyone.

>> No.77386028

>She isn't /here/ reading this.

>> No.77386135

I'm aware I'm potentially even communicating with her larping as a husband and wondering why I have such cruel and unusual demands but if it gives her something to think about then I will be the badguy for today.

>> No.77386168

i'm shondo

>> No.77386249

hi shondo!
please enjoy your stay here as long as you want!

>> No.77386257
File: 38 KB, 542x566, GPK8oXqXsAAKYcT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inis has a very chaotic mind.

>> No.77386438

this but unironically

>> No.77386518

shondo im missing u today
please dm me

>> No.77386880

dm sent
